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WiinUSoft 3.0

WiinUSoft is a program that allows you to use your Nintendo

Bluetooth Controllers as Xbox 360 Controllers for Windows.
With it you can use up to 4 controllers at a time with force
feedback support and you can customize the button mapping.


- The Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller Driver must be installed

These XInput drivers should already be packaged in with Windows 10 & Windows 8.1

- The SCP Service Driver must be installed. Use /SCP_Driver/ScpDriver.exe to

install it.
You only need the "Configure Service" installed, you do not need to install its
Bluetooth Driver.

Supported Controllers

= Official Controllers =
- Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller
- Nintendo Wii Remote
- Nintendo Nunchuk
- Nintendo Classic Controller
- Nintendo Classic Controller Pro

= 3rd Party Controllers =

- HORI Battle Pad
- PDP Fightpad
- Pro Controller U

Change Log

= version 3.0 =
- Using v2.5 of the Nintroller library (not backwards compatible)
- Added ability to sync & pair controllers to the Windows BT Stack
- Support for both Windows & Toshiba Bluetooth Stacks
- Added Wiimote IR Sensor support
- Added auto refresh of device list
- Added "Greedy Mode" option (Dark Souls Fix)
- Added ability to set a default calibration setting
- Added connect to first available XInput device auto connect option
- Updated error reporting
- Fixed crash involving applying controller calibration
- Fixed controller icon detection
- Adjusted Accelerometer calibration values (less tilting needed to reach maximum)
- Minor UI Tweaks
- PDP Fightpad tested and works (shoulders are digital by design)
- Pro Controller U support added (works as Wiimote + Classic Controller)

= version 2.1 =
- Fixed Rumble not working
- Various crash fixes

= version 2.0 =
- Using v2 of the Nintroller library
- Fixed Windows 10 crash (removes blocked access)
- Fixed file access issue when saving prefs.config
- Added controller calibration options
- Added ability to set WiinUSoft to launch on Windows startup
- Added ability to start WiinUSoft minimized
- Added ability to map an input to nothing
- Added Wiimote and Nunchuk accelerometer mapping (primitive)
- Added Error crash reports can now be sent
- Added The controller type can be manually set if needed

= version 1.1 =
- Controller access is now blocked from other programs
- Fixed crash when auto connecting
- Added ability to disable rumble
- Added rumble patterns to account for various rumble intensities
- Added ability to adjust rumble intensity
- HORI Battle Pad tested and works fully

= version 1.0 =
- First Release

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