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Submitted by:
Graciele Joie P. Reganit

Submitted to:
Ms. Kristine Hernandez
The collage is a showcase of the
many emotions of children. There
are a variety of feelings children
express through facial emotions.
They are notorious for having little
control of their emotions. They are
not yet capable of concealing how
they feel inside, and they let it show
using their bodies. That is why for
me, they are an open book. Their
genuineness is what I admire best
about them.

Scanning through the pages of the The collage is a showcase of
magazine, I saw how adults differ from the many emotions of
children in pictures. You can see if a children. There are a variety
child is really happy or sad even if he
of feelings children express
or she tries to cover it; but with adults,
through facial emotions.
it's monotonous. They are a pro in
concealing their emotions. Children
They are notorious for
are the most genuine people in the having little control of their
world. They don't hide. They show emotions. They are not yet
because they haven't gotten a hold of capable of concealing how
their emotions as it is still developing. they feel inside, and they let
In our childhood years, we must it show using their bodies.
experience all kinds of emotions and
That is why for me, they are
not be afraid to show it so that we are
an open book. Their
aware of it. Being able to label these
emotions allows us to determine if it is genuineness is what I
positive or negative. As time goes by, admire best about them.
we teach children how to manage how
they feel in a way that they would not
hurt themselves or other people.
For the talk of Ms. Doreen, we were tasked to
do a reflection paper regarding the topic.
This essay talks about how children in
poverty develop differently from children
who are not exposed to poverty. This
connects to building resiliency in children
and in addressing their different learning
needs. Resiliency is a vital attribute to live a
happy life despite the many mishaps along
the way. Being resilient is having a Come
what may attitude and making opportunities
out of obstacles. Everyone should develop a
sense of resiliency because, as they say, life
is not a bed of roses. We need children to
know that because sooner or later they will
experience problems. Our goal is to guide
them to see themselves as persons who are
bigger than their problems.


I saw how children develop differently I enjoyed listening to the talk of Ms.
because they have different experiences and Doreen because I want to give a helping
live in different environments. Children who hand to children in poverty that will give
are exposed to a harsh environment are at them long term effects. I believe that
risk in developing emotional stability and through education, we can achieve
achieving school success. Growing up, they anything and resolve problems
didnt have their primary caregiver. They countrywide and worldwide. The speaker
were entitled to take care of themselves, or said that these children learn differently
worse, to take care of their siblings. Their from other children. They are also at risk
needs werent met completely and of developing disabilities because of the
consistently. They did not have a role model environment that they grew up in and
to look up to. The environment that they the lack of attention and necessities they
grew up in was not fit for them, or anyone have acquired. But despite that
for that matter. As a result, teachers should condition, there is still hope. And that's
be able to give them more attention and fit what they need to know. We must give
teaching styles according to the needs of them hope in order for them to become
these children who are at risk. Because I resilient in facing their problems and
want to give back to the poor, I would also pursuing education. They may have had a
teach children in poverty and use the more difficult experience, but these
information Ive acquired from the talk in experiences will make them stronger. As
order to alter my strategies to accommodate teachers, we should give them something
what they need, and one of our main goals is they don't often receive, which is love,
to develop their resiliency as said by the care, and attention.
The speaker in the TED Talk that we
watched relayed the story of him
getting a chance to work in abroad,
but he didnt take the job as he will be
able to miss the milestones of his
child. He knew the importance of how
his presence will greatly affect the
development of his child and their
relationship. This activity is connected
to how the child builds attachment
with himself and with other people
based on the external environment,
such as the decisions and actions of
others indirectly affecting the child.

The talk is mostly about how humans are While watching the video, I kept nodding
social beings, and that others greatly affect at what the speaker was trying to
how we develop. Being attached to someone explain, solely because I agree and I have
means that you were able to spend much experienced having an absent parent.
time with them, you were able to get to know The effects will take a toll on the ability
them. Since a father or a parent is entitled of the child to trust and may have
to be their childs main caregiver, as the commitment issues as they are used to
child is already biologically connected to people coming and going. Having trust
them, they should always be present in issues affects how we treat other people
addressing all kinds of needs of their child. A and how we respond to them. Childhood
child who has an absent parent will develop experiences will forever stay with us. If
differently from the child who has present we are used to people leaving us, that is
parents. As a teacher, I will consider these the kind of relationship we will look for.
differences because it is out of my control. I Thus, we will not be able to achieve
will be the one to adjust to fit their learning happiness, but we will go for familiarity
needs. Getting to know them and working even if it gives us pain. There are so
with their family is a must for catering to many effects of the way we respond to
their needs. children, not only short term, but also
long term effects.
This activity revolving around art
was geared for us to express
ourselves and our feelings by
drawing, painting, writing, and
reading. We made art about we see
ourself, how others see us, how we
project ourselves, and how we feel
about ourselves. This activity is
connected to self-concept (our
idea of ourself, how we know
ourself) and self-esteem (how
confident we are in our
capabilities, how we trust
ourselves to accomplish our goals).


This activity did not just deepened my On the process of creating this project, I
understanding of how self concept and self appreciated how art is an expression of
esteem are vital for every human being, but the soul and how we can get to know
it also taught me a lot about myself. To be other people or ourselves through
able to accomplish something, one must be interpreting and making art. This is one
able to trust in himself and his capabilities. of the few medium of expression
And in order to do that we must first know children can do because they havent
ourselves, what we can and cannot do. Even learned to speak or write yet. Art is an
if I know in myself that I am not good in excellent way to de-stress and forget
painting or drawing, the activity has been problems for a while because the
therapeutic for me, and I found that process of doing it allows us to
sometimes, the process is more important concretize how we feel. Through art, we
than the outcome. Art is a great way to let out what is inside of us. That is why
express yourself, even if you are not good in integrating art with other subjects is a
the field. Its a way for you to let loose. must for children. One thing we should
remember is that it is not the outcome
which is important, but the process.
One of the most enjoyable activity in
class in the bucket filled classroom.
We first made a bucket and wrote our
name on it. Then we wrote what we
like best about a certain classmate on
the raindrop. Through this act, an act
of kindness, appreciation, and love, we
are able to raise the childrens self
concept and self esteem.


Because I was able to experience how kind The whole process of the activity was
words and compliments from other people, extremely fun. I felt so much love going
regardless of the closeness of our around the classroom and I didn't care if
relationship, positively affected my mood we looked weird for not acting our age.
and my view about myself, I saw how it Kind words and appreciation can take
raised my self esteem right before my eyes you a long way. It doesn't just feel good
and felt it inside my heart. Like they say, you to give out compliments to make people
cannot really understand it until it happens happy, it also boosts a persons self
to you. This learning about raising the esteem, especially in a world where there
confidence of the children will forever stay is much negativity around. Children
with me because it happened to me and I should also be given encouragement and
understand how it feels to be socially reinforcements for the good things that
accepted. I get how it gives people happiness they did. Being confident means trusting
when they are positively viewed, loved, and in yourself, trusting in your capabilities.
appreciated by others. This is not just for When you trust yourself, you are able to
developing the self esteem of children, but seize and accomplish your goals in order
also for people of all ages. I would not be to achieve happiness and satisfaction.
the teacher who criticizes and punishes And isnt that the ultimate goal? To be
students. I will be the teacher who gives happy?
encouragement, inspiration, and
The activity that we made entitled Circle of
Control is centered on, like the title suggests,
what we can and what we cannot control.
Inside the circle, I placed the things or the
situations I can control, like my grades and my
reactions, while outside of the circle are
things or situations that are not in my control,
such as other peoples thoughts and actions
and the problems I experience. This activity is
connected to self-control because in order to
manage or be in control of your life, you have
to know what you can and cannot control first.

On the other side of the page, we were told to

write a line that we can do to help the
children manage their reactions and think
about their actions. Also in connection to self
control, this activity is centered on how
teachers can scaffold children in learning self

Self control is something that people often I found this activity as an awakening.
have trouble developing. Being able to There are times when I couldn't control
control yourself and act in a way that is my outbursts and I become emotionally
acceptable to the society is difficult and unstable; but knowing the things I can
requires time and proper guidance for self and cannot control helped me get a hold
control to be learned. It is usually linked to of myself. In such way, we need to
maturity, so age is not the only indication for remind the children of what is under
this since there are adults who are their control. They need to know that
immature. Therefore, as teachers we must there are things that we cannot do
guide the students in growing up to be something about so that they wouldn't
mature adults who can manage themselves. feel anxious of the events of life.
Its never too early to start. We can say that Accepting this fact teaches us to focus on
they are too young thats why they cannot what we can do rather than stressing
control themselves, but that dismissive about what we cannot do. Knowing this,
approach will not be helpful for the child. As we are able to control how we feel about
young as they are, we must model good certain events, especially the difficult
behavior and correct their bad behavior ones.
through guidance, not punishment. To be
able to control ourselves, we must know if
what we can and cannot control so that we
know where to focus our energy on when we
are given a tough situation.
This activity revolved around how the
different theories, namely the attachment
theories, the ecosystem theory, socio-
cultural theory, and the psychosocial
stages affected how we see ourselves and
how we project ourselves. Basically, the
project was to connect the different
theories on the socio-emotional
development of the child with the way they
develop their self concept and self


The project was made in order for us to The idea of a child being a plant actually
see the connection of developing came to my mind while Ms. Hernandez
childrens self concept and self esteem was asking guide questions about the
with the different socioemotional project. It was a spontaneous
theories, so that, as teachers and happening an Aha! moment. The
possible future parents, we will know reason why we made a plant as a
and be aware of the childs needs and metaphor for a child is because a plant
be able to address these needs for is a living thing that has a lot of needs
them to develop in a way that is that needs to be addressed for it to
appropriate, guiding them to be grow, bloom, and prosper. It may take a
responsible, resilient, and happy adults lot of effort and a lot of time in taking
in the future. care of plants, but time will come and
you will not regret each second you
A good self concept and an unwavering spent with and for it. Likewise, children
self esteem are important for a child to have a lot of needs, maybe more than a
develop, because it is no secret that life plants, but addressing those needs
is challenging. Knowing what you can would mean having a child who will be a
do, and believing that you can do it responsible citizen and prominently
allows us to face these problems positive contributor of the society one
without fearing failure. day.
For the case study paper, I observed
how a child showed and dealt with his
emotions, and how he socialized and
communicated with others. Using
theories and research studies based
on the socio-emotional development of
children, I connected my observation
to the studies in order to widen my
understanding as to why he said what
he said and why he acted the way he
did during the span of 4 hours I spent
with him. Since he is a relative of mine,
I have a background knowledge on how
he is treated by his parents and other
people he spends most of his time
with. This gave me more insights about
his social and emotional development.


The case study helped me bridge theory to The project was exciting and enjoyable for
the child himself. Because I was in the field me to do because playing with my cousin
and not inside the classroom, I was used to be on a daily basis before I went to
observing and interacting with the child, I college. That is how I developed my love for
was able to see how the theories and the children. In a young age, I was exposed to
studies took place and connected into the them and was taught to be a good role
process of his socio emotional model to the young ones. Because he is used
development. Through observation, to playing with me, I saw how he treats
interaction, the knowledge of how the others differently. He chooses who to play
child develops emotionally and socially and with. He is very selective with who to be nice
his family background, I was able to have to. You really have to gain his trust
more insights and realizations. I found that throughout time in order for him to be nice
developmental stages are not the fixed to you. I know this because when I proposed
bases of how every child develops because that we play with the child of their helper, he
each child has different experiences. Each said no. He is also cold towards my sister,
of us are unique in nature, meaning no one and refuses kisses.
has the same exact genes as another, even
identical twins. Each of us experienced a It may be because his mother is not that
different upbringing, a different responsive to his needs. This information is
environment, a different life event. All of not merely an opinion and an observation. It
that connects to how we develop. The is backed up by study that Ive read on
developmental stages are flexible bases of mothers who aren't responsive to their child.
development so that we can look into why Even if I know how important the role of a
the child developed in this kind of way, mother is, this is a new information that Im
giving us knowledge about his learning glad I found out. Now there are more
needs and his needs as a person. reasons for me to work with the parents to
address a childs learning needs.
I made a comic strip about my past
experiences that contributed to my
attachment style. This included my
experiences since I was an infant and
toddler and how I was treated by my
caregivers. The past experiences
contribute to how attachment styles are
formed, thats why it is important to
understand why we are the way we are
when it comes to dealing with ourselves
and with others. This knowledge allows us
to be aware and flexible to change our
negative ways and attitudes.

The artifact was geared to find out how we I had a really great time creating the artifact
ourselves were affected by our past for it was like a flashback, a remememory,
experiences, allowing us to realize the and an awakening all at the same time for
crucial role of childhood experiences and me. Ive always been a reflective and
how it affected the way we are today in sentimental person. I love finding out more
terms of attachment styles. about the concept myself so that I know
where I am coming from, and what I can do
in order to become a better version of
With this knowledge, we now see how
myself. The vital role of the family should not
important responsiveness and proper
be ignored when working with children.
interpretation of childrens actions is to be
Social skills and a high emotional quotient
able to raise a child who trusts other
should be honed in every person, for both
people and is stable with his or her
are necessities in living life. That is why
relationships with others. Because we are
getting to know the family and collaborating
social beings, we should be able to
with them to scaffold the development of the
develop trust and be dependent on others, children is an important way to know and
but in moderation. We cannot do address their needs. I deeply empathized
everything all by ourselves. It is in our with and realised how children who are at
nature to have someone and to be there risk, the ones who are in the streets, the
for someone. Being able to address the ones who have single, divorced, or absent
needs of the child develops how he or she parents, should be given special attention. I
views and gets along with others. want to be able to contribute to this issue
and raise awareness to address the needs of
the ones who are not as fortunate as I am,
because these people also have the right to
be treated humanely and make them feel

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