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Created By :

1. Anisah Suroya B. (160341606079)

2. Dinda Tiara Sukma (160341606013)
3. Fadilah Melati (160341606042)
4. Naimmatus S. (160341606003)

August, 2016

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas
limpahan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan karya tulis
ilmiah yang berjudul Inovasi Pengolahan Jagung Sebagai Bahan Produksi Snack
Makalah ini berisi tentang inovasi pengolahan jagung sebagai snack
CORNEET. Snack CORNEET merupakan snack jagung manis. Rasa manis yang
terdapat pada jagung berasal dari gula merah atau gula aren yang kadar gulanya
lebih rendah dari gula putih. Snack CORNEET dibuat untuk menginovasikan
jenis makanan olahan dari jagung yang enak dan sehat.

Dalam penyusunan KTI ini peneliti telah mendapatkan bimbingan,

pengarahan, dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak secara langsung maupun tidak
langsung, oleh karena itu peneliti menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih sebesar
besarnya kepada pihak yang bersangkutan.

Karena berkat kesempatan, bantuan dan dorongan dari semua pihak, kami
dapat menyelesaikan KTI ini, dan kami menyadari bahwa dalam penulisan karya
tulis ilmiah ini masih kurang sempurna, oleh karena itu kami mengharapkan saran
dan kritik yang membangun dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan karya tulis ini.
Semoga karya tulis ini berguna dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya.

Bondowoso, 10 Januari 2015


FOREWORD ......................................................................................... iii

LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................ iv

PREFACE .............................................................................................. 1

I. BACKGROUND ............................................................................. 1

II. PROBLEM FORMULATION ......................................................... 2

III. THE PURPOSE AND THE BENEFIT ........................................... 2

CONTENT ............................................................................................. 3

I. BIOLOGY AS A SCIENCE ............................................................ 1

II. HOW TO LEARN BIOLOGY ........................................................ 2

III. BIOLOGY AS FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE ................................ 2

IV. LIFE ORGANIZATION .................................................................. 2

CLOSING .............................................................................................. 10

I. THE CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 1

II. THE SUGGESTION ........................................................................ 2


1. What the meaning of biology is a science?
2. How to learn biology?
3. What the meaning of biology is fundamental science?
4. What is the level of life organization?


1. We can learn about biology as a science.
2. We can know how to learn biology easily.
3. We can learn about biology as fundamental science.
4. We can learn about life organization.
5. We can know what biology is.


Biology as a science is natural science that studies life and living

organisms , including the structure , function , growth , evolution , distribution ,
and the takson.

Word of biology taken from a bios: life, logos: science.

While the trait of biology as the science as follows:

1. Having object

Study a the science must have object study.Example the science of

mathematics having object study of figures, science of chemistry having object
study of substances and in nature. While biology is the science of living things.

2. Having methods

Having methods it means that knowledge obtained by the use of certain

ways direction and controlled. Science development cannot be perfunctorily, but
uses manner or a particular method. Methods used it is raw and can be done by

3. Systematic

Systematic means that knowledge are arranged in a system, not stand

alone, one another pertaining, each other explain, so each other in regard to each
other. For example in biology , if we will learn about cells , so material which is
to be we learn need to be support other material , for example about organs , the
system of organs , and individuals .

4. Universal

Generally obtain it means scientific knowledge is not only in force or can

be observed by a or by some people , but all the by means of experimentation that
the same will lead to results same or consistent.

5. Objective

It means knowledge according to its object , conformity that evidenced by

sensing on the basis of empirical ( experiences ) .

6. Verificative.

A science lead to the achievement of the truth.


Biology is an important science that we have to learn. Its because biology

teaches us about human living and its environment. So, we can say if we learn
about biology, we learn about life.

These are some ways you can do to learn biology easily :

a. Love biology.


If we want to undertand about something, we have to learn about it. And if we

want to learn about it, we need to love it so we can learn happily.

b. Make a mind map.

Mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is

visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better
analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall, and generate new ideas. Just as in every
great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.

Mind map surely can help us understand everything we learn because

it make us learn something in sequence.

The example of mind map

c. Learn general thing to specific thing.

As we learn the mind map, it make us know that we have to learn

something from the general parts to the specific parts. Learn something in
sequence can help us understand it easily. We will difficult to understand
something if we learn it randomly because sometimes we hard to find the relation
of every part and the other part.

d. Use picture media.

Picture can help us imagine whats our teacher tell to us. It make us
can difine parts of the picture easily.

e. Learn terminology.

Terminology is a discipline that systematically studies the labelling

or designating of concepts particular to one or more subject fields or domains of
human activity. If we know terminology as much as possible, it will help us
understand biology easily.

The example of terminology :

f. Learn to understand every chapter.

We have to understand every chapter we learn before we study the

next chapter. It is important because if we dont understand the basic lesson, we
will be difficult to understand the harder one.

g. Use laboratory to observe something.

As a scientist, we should have curiousity to everything. It make us an

open minded person. For example of the curiousness is love to observe. When we
observe something, we will be easier to remember about it because we do it by
our self.



To easier the learning curve , the topic of the object of study of biology is
divided according to the level of organization of life . Levels of organization of
life in a sequence starting from the smallest to the biggest objects studied biology
at all levels of organization of life . Different levels of organization of life called
the hierarchy of life. Levels of organization of life from the lowest to highest :

1. Molecule
Molecule is the base chemical authors life. We learn that lowest
levels matter is protons, neutrons, and electrons. Particles protons,
neutrons, and electrons combine to form an atom (for example hydrogen
atoms, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen). Atoms and bind form molecules, for
example water molecules, glucose, protein, and DNA. The molecules was
totally bind and establish a bond more complex authors organel on cells.

2. Cell
Various types of molecules bind each other and forming organel
.Organel is subunit cells with specific function , for example ribosome as a
protein synthesis .Protein synthesis is the process of drafting the protein
.Various compounds and organel interact with each other form a unified
called cells.So Cells called as a unit of the smallest unit life. Cell size so
small that to see it needed a microscope.

3. Tissue
Tissue found in multicellular organisms ( multi-cellular ) .Tissue is
actually a collection of cell having forms as well as the same function
.Group of cells it has a function that specific .The example is Tissue in
animals and plants .

4. Organ
Organ is structure formed of several a kind of network that work
together to perform certain functions .For example , nervous tissue and
connective tissue composing organs the brain and work together to
exercise functions coordination .The epidermal tissue , tissue pole , and
tissues sponge composing organs leaves and work together to exercise
functions photosynthesis , transpiration , and gas exchange .

5. Organ System
Organ system is a combination of organs that work together to
form a system of life.For example , the respiratory system formed of
cooperation organ the nose , the pharynx , the larynx , the trachea , the
bronchi , and lungs to run function respiration. Digestive system formed of
cooperation of the mouth organs , the esophagus , gastric ,the intestines ,
hearts , and pancreatic .Digestive system serves run digestion and
absorption of sari-sari food .

6. Organism ( Individual )
Organisms is combination of organ systems that work together to
form life. One organism can also be called an individual. The individual is
a single living creature. Example: a human, a dog, a cat,and etc.

7. Population
Similar individuals who gathered in a particular place at the same
time form the organization life those who are called population.For
examples: tiger population,cat population,monkey population,etc.

8. Community
Community is a group of population who live in a certain area.
Examples: community fields, consisting of rice, rats, snakes, hawks;
community consists of a lotus pond, fish, frogs, etc.

9. Ecosystem
Ecosystem is a group of organisms with inanimate place in a whole
life had links reciprocal. Example : the forest ecosystem, inanimate
consisting of land, rocks, rain, the wind.

10. Bioma
Bioma as the areas to secure land quite widely distributed in the
earth characterized by one kind of a plant which is dominant .For example
bioma wilderness , bioma pasture , bioma of the tropical rain forest ,
bioma tundra , and bioma taiga .
11. Biosphere
Biosphere ( layers of life ) is the planet earth and living in it.
Objects or creature occupy or live on earth.


Peter H. Raven. 1988. Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing. Understanding

Biology. US.

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