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D epartment of i\{anagem ent Inforrnation S.

Universif,v* ol Dhaka
NIBA (Evening) Program
Final Eramination (Summe r. 2071)
Course Code: E},{IS- 5{6 Course Title: Enterprise Resource Planning (Section-A)
Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40

Answer any 4 (F.0tlR) of the follo'wing questions.

do )''ou mean by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPI?

)l kfWhat
*{)Describe the benefits of using enterprise resource planning for an organization.

y{ lVf,u, are the 66iltenges of implem:nting ER.P s",'stems in business organization oi'

L$Wat are ihe major phases of ERP implementation lile cycie? 4

'Uf \Nhx are the u'arninq signs of failedERP irr-glementaiion? J

grffi is done'l \\'hat is the dilTerence betrveen
''sml]l i":ni "big R''?

3. @Describe the florvs oi information betr,veen N{arketing and Suppl"r Chain lv{anagement at
s\stems or Pharni-aceutical l
ffieryeitscustomersusirgtheodooER.P?Hor,vdoesarrERP a1

sptem like Odoo simplif;; iooking up customer nlrnb,irs, setilng a deliv-erY date, and chqrying.a
unioue Dnce to a qiven cuslcr,re:: I
(c,E,ssume -vou ari t[e lrar[ilng maneger for a large pet food company. You need to launch a

4.., marketing campaign. V,rhat social m.{M- aign? 3

4. (a) You have been hired by ABC. Inc., a smail manufacturing company that export garments
pi"Au.t. The companlu is interested in rvhat benef;ts an enterprise system would bring. WoulC an
enterprise system be appropdate ior this company? Vr'hat steps would you take in determining
this? : 5
(b) Assume you o\,vn and run a srnall 1oca1 coffee shop. You do r11 your ordering of ingredients
lcr 1,our coii-ee shop by hand-using pencil, paper, maii, and telephone. A11 .vour saies are
1"..oid.d by hand ii a book, and transciibed for fiiing of small-business taxes. How couid a
smallERP s,vstem heip your business becorne more efficient? What r,vould an ERP system allolv
.v-ou to dc,?

,/ .,
;. @Wyrat do you mean by Governance of Enterprise IT (GEITX
-' ?-ry.Yxhv s Go ve rn an c-e E ntgedsg,lT. GEIT) o m rtan^t ?
i ( s i po 3

-k)' Describ" the Jroffin of eorilol Objeclves for Information

and Related Jqqbnology
- -f,
, Ee-?
. vcrr

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