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closed Fracture Right Neck Humerus


The proximal humerus consists of the articular surface of the shoulder

jointand the attachments of the rotator cuff to the greater and lesser tuberosities. Mosto f
the blood supply to the humeral head comes from the anterior
h u m e r a l circumflex branch of the axillary artery. More than 90% of
proximal humeralfractures result from a low-energy fall directly onto the
shoulder. Patients withosteoporotic bone are at the highest ris . !n
nonosteoporotic patients" fracturesr e s u l t f r o m h i g h - e n e rg y t r a u m a .
# e e r $ s c l a s s i f i c a t i o n d i i d e s t h e p r o x i m a l humerus into & parts


*i . + r t i c u l a r s u r f a c e i i . , r e a t e r t u b e r o s i t y i i i . e s s e r
t u b e r o s i t y i . urgical nec 'the border between the round proximal
metaphysisand the diaphyseal portion of the bone) ./ractures are classified as
ha ing ( 12& parts" based on the number of fragments" with a fragment defined
as a part if it is displaced 3(cm and4or angulated 3&567.


Proximal humerus fractures comprise &% to 5% of all fractures and representthe most
common humerus fracture '&5%). The increased incidence in the older
population is thought to be related to osteoporosis. 8is for a proximal humeralfracture
increases with age" pea ing in the 9th decade. The *( female-to-male ratio
is liely related to issues of bone density


C . A N AT O #

The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any articulation in the body:this is due
to the shallow glenoid fossa that is only 5% the si;e of the humeralhead and
the fact that the major contributor to stability is not bone" but a soft t i s s u e
enelope composed of muscle" capsule" and ligaments.The
p r o x i m a l humerus is retroerted <5 to &0 degrees relatie to the epicondylar axis.
The four

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