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Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp.

447453, 1997
Copyright q 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0031-9384/97 $17.00 / .00

PII S0031-9384(96)00459-3

The Effects of Voluntary Exercise and

Immobilization on Humoral Immunity and
Endocrine Responses in Rats

Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA

Received 25 August 1995; accepted 28 August 1996

BALDWIN, D. R., Z. C. WILCOX AND G. ZHENG. The effects of voluntary exercise and immobilization on humoral immunity
and endocrine responses in rats. PHYSIOL BEHAV 61(3) 447453, 1997.This research examined the effect of type of stressor
(physical vs. psychological) on humoral immunity and neuroendocrine responses in male and female rats. Eighty adult Sprague
Dawley rats were assigned to one of the four stress conditions (n 20 animals/group): 1. Voluntary running (high physical/low
psychological stress); 2. immobilization (low physical/high psychological stress); 3. mixed stress (running and immobilization);
and 4. cage control group. The experimental manipulations were conducted over a 6-week period for 4 h/day. Five weeks after
the start of the study, all animals were immunized with 1 ml of a 10% suspension of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) in saline and
sacrificed 1 week later. Data analyses revealed no main effect of stress on any of the immune or endocrine parameters. However,
strong gender differences emerged within the stress conditions on these physiological parameters. The stressed female rats displayed
an enhanced antibody response to SRBC and a higher percentage of peripheral blood lymphocytes than their male counterparts.
However, there were no significant differences between the male and female control animals with respect to these variables. Female
rats consistently displayed elevated levels of plasma corticosterone and adrenal norepinephrine across all conditions. In addition,
female rats displayed heavier relative organ weights (adrenal and spleen). Taken together, the notion of differential immunity
with respect to physical or psychological stress is not supported by the present study. q 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.

Stress Exercise Corticosterone Catecholamine Humoral immunity

A CONSIDERABLE amount of data has already been gathered the degree of immunological modulation with respect to either
showing the influence of laboratory and naturalistic stressors on stressor? In other words, does exposure to a stressor that is more
immunocompetence in man and animals (1). In addition, there psychological in nature generate a greater immunological deficit
is evidence showing that the specific characteristics of the stress- than a stressor that is primarily physical in nature?
ful event (e.g., type of stressor, duration of stressor, predictability It is interesting to note that aerobic exercise has been docu-
of the stressor) can produce immunosuppression and immu- mented to enhance physical fitness and reduce stress levels in
noenhancement (25). For example, Rinner and colleagues (42) humans (41,43). Furthermore, there is a widely held belief that
found that a single immobilization session (150 min) produced an increase in physical activity will result in greater resistance to
a marked loss in peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferative re- infectious diseases (14). Recent evidence is mounting showing
sponses to mitogens. However, repeated exposure to the same that moderate exercise tends to enhance, and intense exercise
stressor for 6 consecutive days yielded no significant difference tends to suppress, immune responses in man and animals
in lymphocyte function compared to that in the control animals. (31,39). For example, McCarthy and Dale (37) reported that a
Given the specificity of the immunological response to stress, 30-min exercise bout (jogging, swimming, or playing squash)
conflicting results tend to create ambiguity with regard to this produced a significant increase in peripheral blood leukocytes 2.5
phenomenon. h postexercise in healthy men. Tharps and Barnes (50) reported
The ambiguity that permeates the stress literature is due, in salivary IgA concentration to be significantly reduced in com-
part, to the lack of parametric studies (24). For example, one petitive swimmers after a strenuous workout. However, similar
aspect of the stress experience that has not been adequately in- to emotional stress, the clinical significance of these immunolog-
vestigated is stressor type. More specifically, research is scant ical changes with exercise have yet to be determined.
concerning the comparative aspects of physical and psychologi- It is well documented that the immune system does not work
cal stress on immunocompetence. Both have been found to alter autonomously. Numerous studies have shown the interaction be-
the immune system (1,23,46). However, is there a difference in tween the neuroendocrine and immune systems (8,25). For ex-

To whom requests for reprints should be addressed.


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ample, cortisol has been found to suppress T-cell function and have been found to induce immune and endocrine changes in
NK cell activity (35,38). Likewise, infusion of epinephrine has animals (17,27,40). All animals were weighed weekly.
been reported to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation to mitogen in
vitro (10). More importantly, plasma cortisol and catechol- Voluntary Running Condition
amines are indices of stress and play a critical role with regard
Animals in this condition were placed in a stainless-steel and
to this response (49). Therefore, it was of interest to further
Plexiglas activity wheel (lafayette Instrument, Lafayette, IN) for
examine the neuroendocrine response to physical and psycholog-
4 h/day. Each wheel was a 35.56 cm in diameter wire mesh drum
ical stress as it relates to immunomodulation.
that rotated on a ball-bearing axle attached to a hub. Each activity
The purpose of the present study was to systematically eval-
wheel contained a mechanical counter that recorded the number
uate the effects of a physical and psychological stressor on hu-
of revolutions in either direction when the rats would run or walk.
moral immunity in particular, and the endocrine correlates as-
Distance was recorded before and after each session. Initially, to
sociated with immunoregulation in general. Voluntary running
enhance running performance, animals were subjected to a slight
served as the purer physical stressor because animals are not
reduction of ad lib food intake (8%) for 1 week. At the end of
forced to run via electrical shock that may precipitate an en-
each session, the activity wheels were cleaned for the next day.
hanced psychological threat.
Furthermore, repeated voluntary wheel running, in conjunc-
Immobilization Condition
tion with an adequate food supply, has been shown to produce
anorexia (15) and decrease antibody titers in rats (21). Likewise, Animals in this stress condition were immobilized in venti-
immobilization served as the purer psychological stressor due to lated polypropylene rodent restraining tubes (Baxter Scientific
the general restriction of large muscle movement. It is worth Products, McGaw Park, IL) for 4 h/day for 6 weeks. The animals
noting that initial exposure to immobilization stress tended to were restrained and then placed in a wire group cage separate
precipitate the behavior of struggling. However, this activity from their home cage. After the stress session, each animal was
quickly diminishes within minutes (preliminary observation). removed from the tube and placed back in their home cage. All
A secondary purpose of this investigation was to examine restraining tubes were cleaned in preparation for the next session.
possible gender differences in immunity as it relates to stress
exposure. Research shows that females tend to display enhanced Mixed Stress and Cage Control Conditions
humoral and cell-mediated immunity compared with their male
Animals in the mixed stress condition were exposed to 2 h of
counterparts (2). However, there is limited information regard-
voluntary running and immobilization stress using a counterbal-
ing stress-induced immunological reactivity as a function of gen-
anced procedure (e.g., day 1, run followed by restraint; day 2,
der. Recently, Matthews and colleagues (36) reported immuno-
restraint followed by run). Animals in the cage control condition
logical alterations in women who displayed the greater
served as age-matched controls. They were handled during rou-
sympathetic reactivity to brief psychological stress. The findings
tine husbandry and data collection periods (e.g., body weight).
of gender differences with regard to sympathetic reactivity to
stress (18) may play a role in determining the immunological
responses to stress. It was hypothesized that psychological stress
alone (immobilization) would produce the greatest compromise One week before the day of sacrifice, all animals were injected
in humoral immunity, and female rats would display the greatest IP with 1 ml of a 10% suspension of SRBC in saline. The SRBC
physiological reactivity to stress. were obtained from Lampire Biological Laboratory (Pipersville,
PA) and washed 3 times with saline prior to injection. The in-
jections were administered in the afternoon.

Animals and Materials Blood and Organ Collection

Twenty-four hours after their last treatment exposure, all an-
Forty male and female adult SpragueDawley rats 55 days
imals were sacrificed by rapid decapitation on day 7 of postim-
old were obtained from a commercial breeder (Harlan Labora-
munization. This procedure was conducted during the morning
tories, Indianapolis, IN). All animals were housed in same sex
hours to avoid possible circadian influences. Truncal blood was
groups (2 per cage) in 48.26 cm 1 25.40 cm polypropylene cages
collected into centrifuge tubes and allowed to clot overnight at
that contained sawdust bedding. A standard 12-h light-dark cycle
47C. The blood samples were subsequently centrifuged at 700 1
was used, and all animals were allowed to acclimate to the AAA-
g for 15 min. The serum was drawn off and stored at 02007C.
LAC-approved facility. Tap water and standard rat chow were
At the time of sacrifice, the total white blood cell count (WBC)
available ad lib, except during the stress sessions.
was determined in 10 ml of whole blood using a Sysmex Micro-
After adjusting to the vivarium conditions (1 week), animals
cell counter y (Baxter). In addition, blood smears were stained
were weighed (initial weight for males 245 { 20 g; initial weight
(Diff Quick Hematological Stainy, Baxter) and used to deter-
for females 185 { 20 g) and randomly assigned to one of the 4
mine percent peripheral blood lymphocytes per 100 leukocytes.
following conditions (n 20 animals per condition): 1. Vol-
The spleen, thymus, and left adrenal gland were harvested,
untary running (high physical-low psychological stressor); 2.
cleaned, and wet weight taken. The adrenals were stored at
immobilization (low physical-high psychological stressor); 3.
07007C for subsequent analysis of catecholamine content.
mixed stress (running and restraint); and 4. cage control group.
An equal number of males and females were assigned to each
Serological Analysis
At 62 days of age, the animals were exposed to the experi- Antibody response to SRBC was measured by an antibody
mental manipulations, which were maintained for 6 consecutive titer as previously described by Baldwin et al. (6). The highest
weeks. All experimental manipulations were performed in the dilution giving hemoagglutination was considered to be the titer.
morning between 0800 and 1200 h to reduce diurnal fluctuation Plasma corticosterone was assayed in duplicate using a commer-
in endocrine levels. In addition, approximately 4-h stress sessions cial radioimmunoassay kit (ICN Biochemical, Irvine, CA). Cor-

/ av1 eh0a 2551 Mp 448 Friday Feb 14 04:44 PM ELPHB (v. 61, no. 3) 2551

FIG. 1. Mean antibody titer (log2 ) for the stress and control groups as a FIG. 2. Mean percentage of peripheral blood lymphocytes for the stress
function of gender. Each bar represents the mean { SEM. The females and control groups as a function of gender. Each bar represents the mean
were significantly different from the males across conditions, * p 0.05. { SEM. The females were significantly different from the males across
the conditions, * p 0.05.

ticosterone levels were determined from a standard curve and

expressed in ng/ml. and mixed) and cage control groups. Post hoc analysis indicated
that stressed female rats displayed a greater antibody response to
Catecholamine Analysis the antigen (SRBC) than their male counterparts in the same
conditions t(29) 03.77, p 0.001. However, there was no
Each adrenal gland was placed in a 150-ml epidorf tube con- significant gender difference in the cage control condition (p
taining 0.5 ml of 0.07 M perchloric acid (PCA) with 3,4-dihy- 0.10) on this immunological measure.
droxybenzylamine hydrobromide (DHBA), which served as an With regard to the percentage of peripheral blood lympho-
internal standard. The adrenal gland was sonicated with a micro- cytes, there was no significant main effect of stress (p 0.10).
probe in an ice-water bath until homogenized. Chloroform/n- However, a main effect of gender was significant F (1,72)
propanol (0.25 ml) and 0.5 ml of PCA/DHBA were added to 26.03, p 0.001. These data are presented in Fig. 2. Although
each sample and then sonicated. The samples were centrifuged the interaction was not significant (p 0.10), 2 separate t-tests
for 20 min at 10,000 rpm. The supernatant was diluted to 10% were performed between the genders for the stressed and cage
by taking 25 ml of the original supernatant into 475 ml of 0.07 control conditions. Similar to the antibody results, stressed fe-
PCA/DHBA. Fifty microliters of the diluted supernatant was in- male rats displayed a higher percentage of peripheral blood lym-
jected onto the reverse-phase high-performance liquid chroma- phocytes than their male counterparts t (29) 04.26, p 0.01.
tography (HPLC) column (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA). There was no significant gender difference on this parameter with
Adrenal catecholamine content was measured using electrochem- the cage control group (p 0.10). The ANOVA revealed no
ical detection with a mobile phase consisting of 40 ml of n-pro- significant stress or gender difference in total WBC counts (p
panol, 5 ml of 10% sodium octane sulfate, 3 ml of 10% Na2 0.05).
EDTA, and 100 ml of 1.0N NH4H2PO4 .
Endocrine Measures
RESULTS Figure 3 illustrates the plasma corticosterone data. Although
no main effect of stress was found for this dependent measure,
Dependent measures were analyzed with a 4 (experimental
and control groups) 1 2 (male and female) between-groups anal-
ysis of variance (ANOVA). Any significant F value was further
analyzed with the Scheffe post hoc test or student t-test. To assess
the relationship between the immune and endocrine variables
with regard to stress, separate correlational analyses were per-
formed for males and females. The significance level was set at
p 0.05, and graphic illustrations were generated by Jandel Sci-
entific (Sausalito, CA).

Immune Measures
Figure 1 illustrates the antibody response to SRBC for male
and female rats across the stress and cage control conditions.
Although no main effect of stress was found (p 0.05), strong
gender differences emerged with respect to this immune measure
F(1,72) 14.51, p 0.001. The female rats displayed higher
antibody titers than the male rats. There was no significant inter-
action between the stress and gender variables (p 0.05). How- FIG. 3. Mean serum corticosterone (ng/ml) concentration for the stress
ever, to assess whether or not this gender difference was stress- and control groups. Each bar represents the mean { SEM. The females
induced, 2 separate t-tests were performed between the male and were significantly different from the males across the conditions, * p
female rats in the stressed (voluntary running, immobilization, 0.05.

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Sex Run Immobilization Mix Control

Male 11,170 (998) 18,632 (7348) 24,537 (1374) 9779 (1330)

Female 16,835 (1981) 15,849 (1677) 15,732 (1766) 15,568 (1669)

SEM is in parentheses.

there was a significant main effect of gender F(1,72) 21.98, dition gained significantly more weight than the animals in the
p 0.001. Female rats had significantly higher levels of basal other conditions. Furthermore, the male rats gained considerable
plasma corticosterone than the male rats. There was no significant amounts of weight compared with the female rats. However,
interaction with regard to this measure. Similar to the immuno- there was no significant interaction for this dependent variable
logical data, 2 separate t-tests were performed between the sexes (p 0.05).
within the stressed and cage control conditions. The analyses Table 2 displays the average relative organ weight data for
indicated that the stressed female rats had higher levels of plasma each stress group as a function of gender. A main effect of stress
corticosterone than their male counterparts t (29) 04.35, p was significant for relative spleen weight only F(3,72) 4.73,
0.01. However, there was a nonsignificant trend for the female p 0.01. Post hoc analysis indicated that animals in the run
rats in the cage control condition to have higher basal plasma condition displayed smaller spleens compared with animals in
corticosterone levels than their male counterparts (p 0.08). the immobilization conditions. No other significant effect of
The ANOVA revealed no significant main effect of stress or stress emerged. However, significant gender differences were
gender on adrenal epinephrine content (see Table 1). However, found for relative adrenal F(1,72) 95.01, p 0.001, spleen
Fig. 4 illustrates the significant gender effect for adrenal norepi- F(1,72) 114.51, p 0.001, and thymus F (1,72) 14.53, p
nephrine content F (1,72) 9.35, p 0.003 across all condi- 0.001 weights. Female rats tended to display heavier organ
tions. Post hoc analysis, similar to the previous data, indicated weights than the male rats across all conditions.
that female rats in the stressed conditions displayed elevated lev-
els of norepinephrine compared to that in the male rats in the Correlational Measures
same conditions t (29) 02.58, p 0.04. There was a nonsig- To determine the relationships between the immune and en-
nificant trend for the female rats in the cage control condition to docrine measures, correlational analyses were performed for each
display elevated levels of adrenal norepinephrine compared to gender collapsed across the stress conditions. Control animals
that in their male counterparts (p 0.08). The interaction be- were not included in this process. With regard to the female an-
tween the stress and gender variables was not significant for any imals subjected to stress, plasma corticosterone (r 00.36, p
of the catecholamine measures (p 0.05). 0.05), adrenal norepinephrine (r 00.44, p 0.05) and epi-
nephrine (r 00.57, p 0.01) were negatively related to total
Weight and Activity Measures WBC counts. Surprisingly, only one endocrine measure was sig-
nificantly correlated with an immune outcome for male rats.
Figure 5 displays the average body weight changes for each Plasma corticosterone levels were positively correlated with per-
of the stress groups as a function of gender. Body weight change cent peripheral blood lymphocytes (r 0.40, p 0.05).
was determined by subtracting the initial weight from the final
weight. The ANOVA revealed a main effect of stress, F(3,72) DISCUSSION
6.40, p 0.001, and gender, F (1,72) 205.43, p 0.001. There have been few systematic studies that have attempted
The Scheffes analysis indicated that animals in the control con- to clarify differences between potentially beneficial and detri-

FIG. 4. Mean adrenal norepinephrine (ng/gland) for the stress and con- FIG. 5. Mean body weight gain (g) for the stress and control groups.
trol groups. Each bar represents the mean { SEM. The females were Each bar represents the mean { SEM. The male rats consistently gained
significantly different from the males across the conditions, * p 0.05. more weight than the female rats. * p 0.05.

/ av1 eh0a 2551 Mp 450 Friday Feb 14 04:44 PM ELPHB (v. 61, no. 3) 2551

(N 20/GROUP)

Variable Run Immobilization Mix Control

Male 0.184 (0.004) 0.216 (0.005) 0.197 (0.004) 0.199 (0.005)
Female 0.242 (0.008)* 0.268 (0.007) 0.255 (0.012)* 0.243 (0.005)*
Male 0.187 (0.005) 0.098 (0.006) 0.074 (0.002) 0.090 (0.006)
Female 0.102 (0.006) 0.094 (0.006) 0.106 (0.007)* 0.110 (0.004)*
Male 0.004 (0.000) 0.007 (0.000) 0.005 (0.000) 0.004 (0.000)
Female 0.012 (0.000)* 0.013 (0.000)* 0.013 (0.000)* 0.012 (0.000)*

Relative organ weights are expressed g/g of body weight times 100. *Females significantly different
from males at p .05; Immobilization stress increased spleen weight compared to the other groups,
p .001; SEM is in parentheses.

mental effects of stress. Previous investigations usually incor- (16) subjected mice to immobilization stress for 2 weeks (16 h/
porated 1 type of stressor and measured its effect on the immune day) after inoculating them with the influenza virus. Immobili-
system via peripheral blood. According to Smith (46), hemato- zation stress had no affect on the magnitude of the antibody re-
logical changes may not accurately reflect changes within the site sponse (IgM, IgG, and IgA), but did delay the seroconversion
of infection, lymphoid tissue. In this study, we compared the in the IgG and IgA antibody isotypes when compared to that in
effects of physical (voluntary running) and psychological (im- the control animals. In the present study, the kinetic aspect of
mobilization) stress on the immune system via hematological and humoral immunity was not measured. However, we found no
organ tissue examination. In this study, we found no significant significant difference in the magnitude of the in vitro antibody
effect of stressor type on the examined immune and endocrine response to SRBC as a function of immobilization. Likewise,
parameters. However, very strong gender differences did emerge Taylor and Ross (49) reported that the antibody response to the
with respect to these physiological systems. More specifically, Streptococcus antigen in adult SD rats was unaffected by re-
female rats displayed a higher level of immune and endocrine peated exposure to immobilization stress. However, the in vitro
activity compared with the male rats. More importantly, we re- antibody titers were suppressed in rats by neonatal immobiliza-
port that the gender differences found within the immune system, tion. Taken together, our findings do not support the premise of
in particular, may be stress-induced. differential effects of stressor type with regard to adult primary
With respect to physical stress, voluntary exercise in the form humoral immunity.
of treadmill running has emerged as an alternative method for The release of catecholamines and glucocorticoids into the
studying aerobic fitness in rats. According to Russell and col- blood stream with stress is well documented (34,47). From an
leagues (44), prolonged running by rats can be achieved without immunological perspective, these hormones have been reported
the application of electrical shock or physical prodding. In an to suppress antibody formation, lymphocyte proliferation to mi-
attempt to reduce the possible negative psychological conse- togens, and lymphocyte migration to the site of tissue damage
quences of forced exercise, rats were subjected to voluntary run- (8,11,22,38). In addition, elevated levels of circulating cate-
ning. On average, the rats ran 1.4 { 0.90 (SD) km per week cholamines have been shown to increase NK cell activity (33).
during the morning hours. Although some researchers report av- However, we report no significant effect of stress on plasma cor-
erage run distance per week to be approximately 35 km, this ticosterone and adrenal catecholamine levels. One could argue
distance is often based upon 24-h access to the wheel (28,44). that the stress manipulation used in the present study was insuf-
With regard to stressor intensity, animals in the running con- ficient to evoke a heightened neuroendocrine response and
dition gained significantly less weight than the control animals. thereby alter humoral immunity.
This finding is consistent with previous exercise studies (19,28). Although repeated measures of these variables were not per-
More importantly, our findings are consistent with those of Cole- formed, we argue that physiological adaptation may have oc-
man and Rager (9), who reported the primary antibody response curred. Within the field of psychoneuroimmunology, a wealth of
to Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) to be unaffected by 8 data exist concerning the acute effects of stress on immunity
weeks of nocturnal voluntary running in rats. Likewise, forced (11,25). However, stressor duration is an important considera-
exercise has been found to have no demonstrated affect on the tion with regard to clarifying the influence of a given hormone
primary antibody response to antigens in animals (7,13). How- on a specific immunological outcome (23). With chronic expo-
ever, Liu and Wang (29) reported 23 days of forced treadmill sure to stress, the neuroendocrine responses tend to decline
running to enhance secondary antibody response to Salmonella (4,12). This decline may dampen immunological reactivity over
typhi in mice. Taken together, our findings suggest that light to time. Our data may reflect such an occurrence.
moderate voluntary exercise may have no demonstrated affect on In the present study, we found gender differences with regard
the primary antibody response. to most of the immune and endocrine measures. The female
Physical restraint or immobilization is a widely used experi- stressed rats displayed a greater antibody response to the SRBC
mental stressor that has been found to enhance tumor prolifera- antigen and a higher percentage of peripheral blood lymphocytes
tion (48), and suppress stimulation of peripheral blood lympho- compared to their male counterparts. Female rats, in general, dis-
cytes to mitogens (42). More specifically, Feng and colleagues played larger relative lymph organ weights (spleen and thymus).

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More specifically, female rodents tend to have the superior cell- However, this is generally not the case with testosterone secretion
mediated and humoral immunity (2,5). Furthermore, castration (30). Our findings tend to support studies showing possible dif-
of male rodents tends to enhance the functional capacity of the ferential activation of the pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic-ad-
immune system and enlarge lymph organs (45). Interestingly, renal pathways with stress as a function of gender (3,26).
we found no apparent gender differences in immunity within the Despite the difficulty in extrapolating results from animal
cage control condition. Taken together, it was concluded that studies to humans, the findings from this present study suggest
immunological reactivity to a stressor may be influenced by the that exposure to physical or psychological stress may yield sim-
gender of the organism investigated. ilar immunological results. Further studies are warranted to de-
Research shows that the gender differences in immunity ap- termine the influence of stressor intensity as a function of stressor
pear to be mediated by the sex hormones (20). For example, type and gender on humoral immunity.
estrogen tends to enhance the antibody response and testosterone
tends to decrease humoral and cell-mediated immunity in female
rodents via binding to specific receptor sites reportedly found in
lymphatic tissue (45). Not surprisingly, there is evidence that The authors thank Kamesha Bowen, Kevin DeFord, Ingrid Edemon,
shows elevation of gonadal hormones with stress. For example, Joseph Feagins, Matt Jorgensen, Ellen Oliver, Howard Rasey, Marketta
MacNiven and colleagues (32) found significant increases in Rhae, and Ruey Wang for their assistanced in the laboratory. This re-
plasma concentration of estrogen, corticosterone, and progester- search was supported by Grant 9306919 from the National Science Foun-
one in female rats subjected to 5 days of immobilization stress. dation.

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