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Verbs, Modifiers, Qualities & Skills

When writing a resume, you should use action words to describe your experiences. Action words allow potential
employers to better picture your experience, visualize your accomplishments, and see the benefits of what you have
to offer as a potential employee. Avoid using the same word repetitively throughout your rsum. Following are
examples of action verbs, modifiers, qualities and skills which may help you develop your rsum:

Action Verbs
Accelerated Balanced Cooperated Educated Fixed
Accommodated Brainstormed Coordinated Effected Focused
Accomplished Budgeted Correlated Elevated Forecasted
Achieved Built Corresponded Elicited Formed
Acted Calculated Counseled Eliminated Formulated
Adapted Cataloged Created Employed Forwarded
Addressed Categorized Critiqued Empowered Fostered
Adjusted Chaired Customized Enabled Founded
Administered Changed Debugged Encouraged Fulfilled
Admitted Charted Deciphered Endorsed Functioned
Advanced Clarified Deferred Enforced Gathered
Advertised Classified Defined Engineered Generated
Advised Coached Delegated Enhanced Governed
Affected Collaborated Deliberated Enlarged Guided
Aided Collected Delivered Entertained Harmonized
Aligned Coded Demonstrated Envisioned Headed
Alleviated Combined Designated Equipped Held
Allocated Communicated Designed Established Helped
Allowed Compared Detailed Estimated Hired
Altered Compiled Detected Evaluated Identified
Amended Completed Determined Examined Illustrated
Analyzed Composed Developed Exceeded Implemented
Anticipated Computed Devised Executed Improved
Applied Conceived Diagnosed Exhibited Improvised
Appraised Conceptualized Directed Expanded Incorporated
Appointed Concluded Discovered Expedited Increased
Approved Condensed Dispensed Experienced Indexed
Arbitrated Conducted Displayed Explained Indoctrinated
Arranged Confirmed Disproved Explored Influenced
Ascertained Confronted Dissected Expressed Informed
Assembled Consolidated Distributed Extended Initiated
Assessed Constructed Diverted Extracted Innovated
Assigned Conserved Documented Fabricated Inspected
Assisted Consulted Drafted Facilitated Inspired
Attained Contacted Dramatized Familiarized Installed
Attested Contracted Drew Fashioned Instituted
Audited Contributed Drove Filed Instructed
Augmented Controlled Earned Filtered Instrumented
Authored Constructed Eased Figured Integrated
Authorized Convinced Edited Finalized Interceded

2020McCartyHallD InstituteofFoodandAgriculturalSciences
POBox110270 3523921963
Gainesville,FL326110270 AnEqualOpportunityInstitution 3523928988Fax
Action Verbs Continued
Interpreted Organized Published Reviewed Substantiated
Intervened Oriented Purchased Revised Succeeded
Interviewed Originated Queried Revitalized Suggested
Introduced Outsold Quoted Revived Summarized
Invented Overcame Raised Rewrote Supervised
Inventoried Oversaw Rated Sanctioned Supplemented
Investigated Participated Realized Saved Supplied
Judged Partnered Reasoned Scheduled Supported
Justified Patented Recommended Scrutinized Surveyed
Launched Perfected Reconciled Secured Synthesized
Led Performed Recorded Selected Systemized
Lectured Persuaded Recovered Served Tabulated
Lightened Photographed Recruited Settled Tailored
Linked Piloted Rectified Set up Talked
Located Pioneered Reduced Shaped Taught
Maintained Planned Referred Simplified Tested
Managed Played Refined Sketched Timed
Mapped Polished Reformed Sold Trained
Marketed Predicted Regulated Solicited Transcribed
Measured Prepared Rehabilitated Solved Transferred
Mediated Prescribed Reinforced Sorted Transformed
Mentored Presented Rejuvenated Sparked Translated
Merged Preserved Relieved Spearheaded Transmitted
Modeled Presided Remedied Specialized Treated
Moderated Printed Remodeled Specified Triggered
Modified Prioritized Rendered Spoke Tutored
Monitored Processed Renovated Stabilized Uncovered
Motivated Procured Reorganized Staffed Unified
Navigated Produced Repaired Standardized Updated
Negotiated Programmed Replaced Stimulated Upgraded
Observed Projected Reported Studied Utilized
Obtained Promoted Represented Straightened Validated
Officiated Proposed Researched Streamlined Verified
Operated Protected Resolved Strengthened Visited
Optimized Proved Responded Structured Visualized
Orchestrated Provided Restored Studied Won
Ordered Publicized Retrieved Submitted Wrote

Positive Modifiers
Accurately Conscientiously Intellectually Precisely Strongly
Actively Consistently Intelligently Proficiently Substantially
Aggressively Cooperatively Inventively Progressively Successfully
Alertly Creatively Logically Qualified Supportively
Ambitiously Diligently Loyally Rationally Tactfully
Analytically Effectively Maturely Realistically Technically
Artistically Efficiently Methodically Reflectively Tenaciously
Assertively Energetically Meticulously Reliably Thoroughly
Capably Flexibly Patiently Resourcefully Thoughtfully
Competently Imaginatively Perseveringly Responsibly Versatile
Competitively Independently Pleasantly Significantly Vigorously
Confidently Industriously Practically Steadily

Personal Qualities
Ability to make a decision Empathy Persistence
Alertness Enthusiasm Playfulness
Assertiveness Expressiveness Poise
Astuteness Firmness Politeness
Attention to details Flexibility Punctuality
Awareness Generosity Resourcefulness
Authenticity Good judgment Self-confidence
Calmness Hard work capacity Self-control
Candidness High energy level Self-reliance
Commitment to grow Honesty Self-respect
Concentration Initiative Sense of humor
Cooperation Integrity Sincerity
Courage Loyalty Spontaneity
Curiosity Open-mindedness Tactfulness
Diplomacy Optimism Tidiness
Drive Orderliness Tolerance
Easy going Patience Versatility
Emotional stability Perform well under stress Utility

Functional Skills
Administering programs Finding information Promoting events
Advising people Handling complaints Protecting property
Analyzing data Imagining new solutions Questioning others
Appraising services Initiating with strangers Reading volumes of material
Arranging social functions Inspecting physical objects Recording scientific data
Auditing financial records Interviewing people Recruiting people for hire
Budgeting expenses Inventing new ideas Rehabilitating people
Calculating numerical data Investigating problems Remembering information
Checking for accuracy Listening to others Repairing mechanical devices
Classifying records Locating lost information Repeating same procedure
Coaching individuals Managing an organization Researching in library
Collecting money Measuring boundaries Reviewing programs
Compiling statistics Mediating between people Running meetings
Confronting other people Meeting the public Selling products
Constructing buildings Monitoring others progress Serving individuals
Coordinating events Motivating others Setting up demonstrations
Corresponding with others Negotiating contracts Sketching charts or diagrams
Counseling people Operating equipment Speaking in public
Deciding uses of money Organizing people and tasks Supervising others
Delegating responsibility Persuading others Teaching classes
Dispensing information Planning agendas Tolerating interruptions
Displaying artistic ideas Planning groups needs Updating file
Distributing products Predicting futures Visualizing new formats
Dramatizing ideas Preparing materials Working long hours
Editing publications Printing by hand Working with precision
Exhibiting plans Processing human interaction Writing clear reports
Expressing feelings Programming computers Writing for publications

SUCCESS STRATEGY: Use wording in your rsum that is clear, concise, and informative. Short statements are
easier to read and comprehend than longer ones. Respect the time of the individual reading your rsum by creating
an informative document that the reviewer is able to process quickly and easily.

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