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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a suffering from hypertension will also Age

chronic condition in which blood pressure increase. The following are the trigger In addition to hereditary factors, general
in artery walls (blood vessels clean) factors that are thought to affect the factors also affect. According to the results
increases. This condition is known as a increased risk of hypertension. of enelitian, with increasing age, then
"silent killer" because it rarely has any Being over 65 years old. someone will be at risk of hypertension
obvious symptoms. Eat lots of salt. Smoke
Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) Overweight. Smoking habits can increase blood
in 2013 showed that hypertensive patients Have a family with hypertension. pressure while making the artery wall
aged over 18 years reached 25.8 percent of Less to eat fruits and vegetables. narrow. If you want to avoid high blood
the total population of Indonesia. Of these, Rarely exercise. pressure then stay away from these
women with hypertension were 6 percent Drinking too much coffee (or other drinks unhealthy habits.
more likely than men. While diagnosed by containing caffeine). Obesity or overweight
health personnel only reached about 9.4 Too much alcohol. Excessive weight will require more oxygen
percent. This means that many and nutrients than normal weight. So the
hypertensive patients are not reached and Hereditary factors volume of blood needed is also more.
diagnosed by health personnel and not People who have families with high blood Increased blood volume will increase high
undergoing treatment as directed by health then have a high risk to experience the blood pressure.
personnel. It causes hypertension as one of same thing. Like if you have a parent that
the leading causes of death in Indonesia. either or both have high blood pressure,
The cause of hypertension has not been then your great chances will also be
ascertained in more than 90 percent of experienced.
cases. As you get older, your chances of

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