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El rol del discurso en la sociedad, especialmente en las relaciones de poder, dominio, desigualdad y

las formas en las que son reproducidads y recistidas en relaciones sociales de clase, genero, raza,
languaj, religion, nacionalidad.

CDA focuses on the strategies of manipulation, legitimation, the manufacture of consent and others
dircursive ways to influence the mind of people in the interest of the powerful.

CDA is dealing with oppositional study of the structures and strategiesd of the elite discourse and
their cognitive and social conditions an consequences, as well as with the discourses of resistance
against such domination.

How to do CDA?

We need to explore structures and strategies of text and talk to attend to in order to discover
patterns of elite dominance or manipulaition in text. We need to detail how such forms of inequality
are expressed, enacted, legitimated, and reproduced by text and talk.

Examin the social power and power abuse. The way dominance is expressed or enacted in text and

The elites have control over, or more or less preferencial acces to the most influencia and important
genres of discourse un society. Such acces is defined in terms of their powerful social or institutional
position or function. Their control over or acces to specific forms of institutional or public discpourse
sustain and reproduce their power in specific communicative situations.

Since CDA focuses on abuse of power, critical studies specifically focuses on the morally or legally
illegitimateform of control and acces when politicians, prevent others from legitimate forms of text or
talks, or when they engage in talk or text that otherwise limits the freedom or right of other

Mind control

Discourse involces verbal action, meaning, interpretation and understanding

Powerful social actors not only control communicative action, but inderectly also the minds of

Poeple may lack alternative sources of information, or lack of knowladge to detec lies and
Powerful speaker may control at least some part of the mind of recipients. CDA studies the
ways en which such influence and contol of the mind is socially or morally illegitimate.

We must assume that the vast array of different discourse structures not only funcion to strategically
enact, express, signal, disguise, emphasize or legitimate, social position, and hence powerm of
speakersm but also to controlthe minds of recipients in desired ways.

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