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Irrigation Canals, O&M Roads, Drainage Channels

and Appurtenant Structures


1.01 General

Basically, the designer should first have a good knowledge of the cropping calendar to be
adopted for each Compact Farm and the sequence of farming operations during the land
preparation stage. For designing purposes, the land preparation stage during the dry season
cropping should be the one to be primarily considered in determining the design discharge for
the Turnout and Farmditches. As could be deduced in the Rice Production Manual (1972
Edition) prepared by the International Rice Research Institute and from results of studies made
by NIA in the Pilot Areas of the Special Projects and in the 3rd Report on NIA-ADB Water
Management Projects, the following considerations should be observed in the design of irrigation
facilities for rice production:

1. In order to soften the soil, a certain rice farm should first be land soaked and flooded for at
least five (5) days before plowing. Considering a root zone depth of 30 cm. and depending on
the residual moisture in the soil, it was estimated that the depth of water which would be
needed to pre-saturate a clay loam soil would range from 80 mm. To 150 mm.

2. After plowing, the soil must be flooded with about one (1) cm. of water for a period of seven
(7) days. This provides time to soften the soil clods further and allows the weeds to sprout,
while plowed fresh organic materials undergo decomposition. After the said period, the first
harrowing can be undertaken.

3. After the first harrowing, keep enough water in the field to prevent the soil from drying and
hardening. Wait again for at least seven (7) days before doing the second harrowing to give
further time for the weed seeds to germinate and for the plowed fresh organic matter to
decompose before they are harrowed and turned again. This is very necessary because if
organic matter is not well decomposed by the time of transplanting, the seedlings are likely to
suffer from toxic substances given off during decomposition.

4. Three (3) days before transplanting, the puddle paddy should be covered only with a thin
sheet of water and leveled with a grader made of herd anahaw trunk and thereafter the initial
fertilizer requirement should be applied.

5. After transplanting, only about 1 cm. depth of water is being maintained until the plants
recover and this is usually a period of 3 to 4 days.

6. The most critical period during the reproductive stage of the riceplant wherein more water is
needed in during its panicle initiation stage which is usually 60 days before harvest for any
high yielding variety rice.
7. Smaller amount of water is needed by the rice plants during its tillering period. Maximum
tillering is usually reached (for 120-day MFD rice) approximately 35 days after transplanting.

8. Maximum evaporation rate in the Philippines was observed to be about 5 mm/day during the
dry season.

9. Observed evapotranspiration requirement during the rainy season is approximately 4 to 5

mm/day while during the dry season it ranges from 5 to 7 mm/day.

10. Observed percolation rate is usually 1 mm/day in heavy, puddle soil condition. Percolation
rates as high as 3 mm/day have been reported in rice growing areas with deeper water tables,
and occasional values of as high as 10 mm/day have been reported for higher textured soils
with relatively deep water tables.

11. Combined farm and distribution losses can be taken as twenty percent (20%).

12. Conveyance losses in the Laterals can be taken as twenty five percent (25%) while in the
Main Canal the value can be taken as ten percent (10%).

13. By the Wetbed Method of Raising Seedlings, it would take from 20 to 25 days after sowing
before the seedlings would be ready for transplanting.

Seeing from the foregoing that the daily water requirements during land soaking and land
preparation stage is greater than during crop maintenance stage. Turnouts and Farmditches,
therefore, for Turnout Service Farm along any Lateral of an Irrigation System should be
primarily designed to accommodate the peak water requirement during land preparation stage.

Depending on topographical constraints and limitations, the service area of Turnout or Turnout
Service Farm may consist of three 10-hectare, four 10-hectare or five 10-hectare Sub-farms,
giving total areas of 30 hectares, 40 hectares and 50 hectares, respectively. A sub-farm (service
area of an SFD) may vary in size but in no case shall its area fall beyond the lower limit of 8
hectares and upper limit of 12 hectares. Under this scheme, the maximum service area of the
Turnout should not exceed 50 hectares to be served by 5 SFDs.

As far as practicable, the Main Farmditch (starting from a Turnout with discharge measuring
device) should be made perpendicular to the Lateral and be able to serve one Service Farm on
the right side and another Service Farm on the left side. Under this scheme, however, the two
Service Areas will be served simultaneously and therefore both the Turnout and Main Farmditch
(MFD) should be designed to be able to accommodate the flow for the peak water requirement of
the combined areas. The turnout shall consist of two (2) rows of pipes so that the standard size
of steel gates can be used. Under this scheme, the maximum service area of a Turnout should
not exceed 100 hectares to be served by 10 SFDs.

Where two (2) Turnout Service Farms are not possible to be served by the same Turnout and
Main Farmditch, the installation of an independent Turnout and corresponding Main Farmditch
is also tolerable. Depending on what the topographical conditions dictate, a Main Farmditch
running perpendicular to or parallel and side by side with the Lateral as adopted in the Upper
Pampanga River Project are also acceptable schemes.

Whatever scheme is adopted, all Supplementary Farmditches (SFD) should discharge into a
drainage which will in turn extend to existing drainage channels. All drainage ditches shall
generally be designed using a run-off discharge ditches shall generally be designed using a run-
off discharge of 5 lit/sec/ha for flat areas and 9 lit/sec/ha for moderately sloping areas. However,
it can be treated on a case to case basis as will be seen in the discussion on the design of drainage
ditches and channels.

The sizing of Turnouts, Main Farmditch and Supplementary Farmditch is greatly dependent on
the method of Water delivery to be used. We have two (2) methods under consideration: the
Rotational and Simultaneous methods.

In the Rotational Method, delivery of water to the farm from the Turnout shall be done in the
following manner:

a. During Land Soaking anf Submergence Stage

Using 18dia. R. C. Pipe as maximum size of Turnout and with water surface inside the
Lateral raised above normal water level,, water requirement for land soaking and
submergence shall be delivered simultaneously to all supplementary farmditches for a total
period of not exceeding 9 days. After this period, inasmuch as the soil has already been
softened and saturated, the total discharge through the Turnout can be greatly decreased to an
amount just enough for the farmers to undertake the necessary land preparation work.

b. During Crop Maintenance Stage (Vegetative and Reproductive Phase)

With the water inside the Lateral at normal level, water supply to meet the
Evapotranspiration and Percolation requirements shall be delivered on a rotational basis for
each 10-hectare unit of the Turnout Service Area. The rotational interval (in days) will
correspond to the number of Supplementary Farmditches or Rotation Units which a certain
Turnout is serving. The method of water delivery will be as follows: If, for example, the
Turnout Service Area consists of four (4) Rotation Units, the first rotation unit should be
given water on the first day (24 hours) at an amount, that will sufficiently last for 4 days and
then on the following day up to the 4th day no water will be delivered to said rotation unit..
Similarly, on the second day, the second rotation unit will take its turn, then the third rotation
unit on the fourth day. This cycle or process is repeated during the entire vegetative and
reproductive period of the riceplants. In cases where rains have occurred, the amount just
enough to augment the effective rainfall.

In the Simultaneous Method, water delivery shall be done in the following manner:

a. During Land Soaking and Submergence Stage

Water delivery shall be done in the same manner as in the Rotational Method.

b. During Crop Maintenance Stage

With the water inside the Lateral at normal level, water supply to meet the
Evapotranspiration and Percolation requirements shall be delivered simultaneously through
all the entire vegetative and reproductive period of the riceplants. As in the Rotational
Method, in cases where rains have occurred, the amount of water to be delivered shall be
reduced to an amount just enough to augment the effective rainfall.

1.02 Water Duty Derivation at Turnout Level

In designing terminal facilities, the required land soaking depth should be calculated on a case-
to-case or project-to-project basis using the following formula:

Dls= Drz (P-Rmc)Bd


where: Dls = land soaking depth in mm.

Drz = Depth of Root Zone or 300 mm. In the case of riceplants.
P = Porosity of the soil in percent
Rmc = Residual Moisture Content of the soil before land soaking operation
during dry season cropping
Bd = Bulk Density or 1.1

If the project site is located in a Region where there is distinct dry season use % moisture
corresponding to Wilting Point; if it is in a Region where rainfall is evenly distributed, use 70%
of the moisture content at Field Capacity of the soil.

For purposes of determining the land soaking depth, the following values of porosity and %
moisture at field capacity and wilting point are hereunder given for different types of soil:



Clay ( C ) 60 45 27
Salty Clay (StC) 60 45 25

Salty Clay Loam (StCL) 52 39 22

Clay Loam (CL) 43 32 19

Sandy Loam (SL) 37 28 13
Sandy Clay Loam (SCL) 33 25 13

As a guide, using a common size of 18-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe for Turnout and
distribution and farm losses of 20% and considering also the evaporation and percolation losses
during land soaking period, the following land soaking duration corresponding to any calculated
required land soaking depth as given below for Turnout Service Area of 30, 40 and 50 hectares



(MM) 30 Has. 40 Has 50 Has

81 - 100 6 7 8
101 - 120 7 8 9
121 - 140 8 9 10

After transplanting and during Crop Maintenance Stage (dry season cropping): The following
values of Evapotranspiration and Percolation rates in mm./day (excluding farm and distribution
losses) should be used in the design.


(StC) ( StCL) ( StCL) ( SL )

Evapotranspiration, Et 7.00 7.0 7.00 7.00 7.0 7.0

Percolation, P 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.75 2.0 4.0

Et + P 8.25 8.5 8.75 8.75 9.0 11.0

To facilitate design work of the terminal facilities of a certain Project, it would therefore be
necessary to study beforehand the prevailing types of soil in the area, whether there is distinct
dry season or the rainfall is evenly distributed, and then calculate the corresponding water duty to
be used for land soaking and for crop maintenance for that particular Project. For example, if a
certain Project located in a Region where there is distinct dry season and has both Clay Loam
and Sandy Loam soils, the corresponding water duties for land soaking and crop maintenance
periods can be calculated as follows:
A. Water Duties for Land Soaking:

1. For Clay Loam Soil:

a. For Turnout Service Area of 30 Has., more or less.
Dls = 300 mm (P Rmc) 1.1
Using Rmc equal to moisture content at Wilting Point.
Required Land Soaking Depth = 300 mm (43 19) (1.1) = 79.20 mm.
100 Use t = 6 days

Evaporation - - 7 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00

Percolation - - 1.75 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10.50

Total Depth required at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 119.70 mm.

Using 20% for farm and distribution losses

Diversion Requirement at Turnout = 119.70 = 150 mm.
Qt = V = 30 has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X o.15 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 86.00 l/s.
T 6 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty for 30 Has. Turnout Area = 86.0 l/s = 2.89 l/s/ha.
30 has.
b. For Turnout Service Area of 40 Has., more or less:
Required Land Soaking Depth - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79.20 mm. (use t = 7 days)
Evaporation - - 7.o mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - 35.00 mm.
Percolation - - 1.75 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - 12.25 mm
Total depth required at farm level - - - - - - - - 126.45 mm.
Using 80% farm Efficiency:
Diversion Reqt at turnout = 126.45 = 158.06 mm
Qt.d. = V = 40 Has. x 10,000 m2/ha x 0.158 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 104.50 l/s
t 7 days x 86,400 sec./ day

Water Duty (40 Has.) = 104.50 l/s = 2.61 l/s/ha

40 has.

c. For Turnout Service Area of 50 Has., more or less::

Required land soaking depth - - - - - - - - - - - 79.20. ( use t = 8 days)

Evaporation - - 7 mm./day x 8 days - - - - - - 40.00 mm.
Percolation - - 1.75 mm./day x 8 days - - - - 14.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - -133.20 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 133.20 = 166.50 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 50 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.1665 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 120.44
t 8 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (50 Has.) = 120.44 l/s = 2.40 l/s/ha.

50 ha.
2. For Sandy Loam Soil:

a. For Turnout Service Area of 30 Has., more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37 13) ( 1.1 ) = 79.20 mm.
Evaporation - - 7 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --133.20 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 133.20 = 166.50 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 30 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.1665 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 96.35
t 6 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (30 Has.) = 96.35 l/s = 3.21 l/s/ha.

30 ha.
b. For Turnout Service Area of 40 Has., more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37 13) ( 1.1 ) = 79.20 mm.
Evaporation - - 7 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --142.20 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 142.20 = 177.75 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 40 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.1665 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 117.56
t 7 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (40 Has.) = 117.56 l/s = 2.94 l/s/ha.

40 ha

c. For Turnout Service Area of 50 Has. more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37 13) ( 1.1 ) = 79.20 mm.
Evaporation - - 7 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --151.20 mm.
Using 80% Farm Efficiency,
Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 151.20 = 136.72 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 50 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.1665 m. x 1,000 l/m3 = 136.72
t 7 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (50 Has.) = 136/72 l/s = 2.73 l/s/ha.

50 ha

B. Water Duties for Crop Maintenance (Continuous Irrigation Basis):

1. For Clay Loam Soil:

Et = 7.00 mm./day
P = 1.75 mm./day
Et + P = 8.75 mm./day

Using 80% Farm Efficiency, 20% for Seepage and Conveyance Loss
Diversion Reqt. at turnout = Et + P = 8.75 = 10.94 mm./day
Considering daily water delivery to a one-hectare farmland,
Qt.o. = 10,000 m2/ha. X 0.01094 m/day x 1,000 l/m3 = 1.27 l/s/ha
1 day x 86,400 sec./day

2. For Sandy Loam Soil:

Et = 7.00 mm./day
P = 4.00 mm./day
Et + P = 11.00 mm./day

Using 80% Farm Efficiency, 20% for Seepage and Conveyance Loss
Diversion Reqt. at turnout = Et + P = 11.00 = 13.75 mm./day
Considering daily water delivery to a one-hectare farmland,
Qt.o. = 10,000 m2/ha. X 0.01375 m/day x 1,000 l/m3 = 1.59 l/s/ha
1 day x 86,400 sec./day

In Projects situated in Regions where rainfall is evenly distributed, the water duties for the
different types of soil during the Land Soaking and Crop Maintenance Stages can be
determined as follows:

Dls = 300 mm. ( P = 70 Rmc ) (1.1) using Rmc equal to 70% of Moisture content at
field Capacity
A. Water Duties for Land Soaking

1. For Clay Loam soil:

a. For turnout Service Area of 30 Has., more or less:
Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (47 0.70 x 32) ( 1.1 ) = 67.98 mm
Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -30.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10.50 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 108.42 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 108.42 = 135.52 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 30 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.13552 m. x 1,000 = 78.42 l/s
t 6 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (30 Has.) = 78.42 l/s = 2.61 l/s/ha.

30 ha.

b. For turnout Service Area of 40 Has., more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (47 0.70 x 32) ( 1.1 ) = 67.98 mm
Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -35.00 mm.
Percolation - - 1.75/day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.25m
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 115.23

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 115.23 = 144.04 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 40 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.14404 m. x 1,000 = 95.26 l/s
t 7 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (40 Has.) = 95.26 l/s = 2.38 l/s/ha.

40 ha.

c. For turnout Service Area of 50 Has., more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (47 0.70 x 32) ( 1.1 ) = 67.98 mm
Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 8 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -40.00 mm.
Percolation - - 1.75/day x 8 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14.00mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 121.48
Using 80% Farm Efficiency,
Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 121.48 = 152.47 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 50 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.15247 m. x 1,000 = 110.29 l/s
t 8 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (50 Has.) = 110.29 l/s = 2.20 l/s/ha.

50 ha.
2. For Sandy Loam soil:
a. For turnout Service Area of 30 Has., more or less:
Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37.70 x 28) ( 1.1 ) = 57.42 mm
Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -30.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 6 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 111.42 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 111.42 = 139.27 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 30 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.13927 m. x 1,000 = 80.596 l/s
t 6 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (30 Has.) = 80.596 l/s = 2.69 l/s/ha.

30 ha.
b. For turnout Service Area of 40 Has., more or less:
Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37.70 x 28) ( 1.1 ) = 57.42 mm
Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -35.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 7 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 120.42 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 120.42 = 150.52 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 40 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.15052 m. x 1,000 = 99.55 l/s
t 7 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (40 Has.) = 99.55 l/s = 2.49 l/s/ha.

40 ha.

c. For turnout Service Area of 50 Has., more or less:

Required land soaking depth = 300 mm (37.70 x 28) ( 1.1 ) = 57.42 mm

Evaporation - - 5 mm./day x 8 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -40.00 mm.
Percolation - - 4 mm./day x 8 days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.00 mm.
Total depth reqt. at farm level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 129.42 mm.

Using 80% Farm Efficiency,

Diversion Reqt. at Turnout = 129.42 = 161.77 mm.
Qt.o. = V = 50 Has. x 10,000 m2/Ha. X 0.16177 m. x 1,000 = 117.02 l/s
t 8 days x 86,400 sec./day

Water Duty (50 Has.) = 117.02 l/s = 2.34 l/s/ha.

50 ha.
(For Projects with Distinct Dry Season)


(Continuous Irrig. Basis)
30 HAS. 40 HAS. 50 HAS. (SEC-LIT/HA.)
CLAY ( C ) 2.84 2.54 2.54 1.19
6 7 8
SILTY CLAY (STL) 2.91 2.64 2.44 1.23
6 7 8
CLAY LOAM (CL) 2.61 2.38 2.20 1.27
6 7 8
SILTY CLAY LOAM 2.94 2.66 2.45 1.27
(StCL) 6 7 8
SANDY CLAY 2.25 2.07 1.94 1.30
LOAM (SCL) 6 7 8
SANDY LOAM (SL) 2.68 2.49 2.34 1.59
6 7 8

To be able to undertake a realistic layout and design, the following survey data should be

(1) A topographic map ( done by actual ground survey ) with scale 1:4,000 having a contour
interval of 25 cm. at flat areas and meter contour interval of moderately steep areas.

(2 ) Rectifies aerial photographs of the project area with scale 1: 4,000.

(3) Soil map of the Project area.

(4) Profile of proposed farmditches and drainage ditches.

1.03 Illustrative example in determining the design discharge for the main farmditch and
supplementary farmditches in a certain turnut service area


Turnout Service Area = 50 Has

SFD No. 1 Service Area = 12 Has. (Sandy Loam)
SFD No. 2 Service Area = 11 Has. (Sandy Loam)
SFD No. 3 Service Area = 10 Has. (Clay Loam)
SFD No. 4 Service Area = 9 Has. (Clay Loam)
SFD No. 5 Service Area = 8 Has. (Clay Loam)
Water Duties at Turnout (From Table 1.1):

During Land Soaking During Crop Maintenance

Clay Loam - 2.40 l/s/ha. for 8 days 1.27 l/s/ha.
Sandy Loam- 2.73 l/s/ha. for 8 days 1.59 l/s/ha.


(During Land Soaking Stage - (Always simultaneous water
simultaneous water delivery in delivery in all SFDs during both
all SFDs. During Crop the land soaking and crop
Maintenance Stage-Rotational) maintenance stages)


TURNOUT Qls = 127.5 l/s TURNOUT Qls = 127.59 l/s

Qcm = 95.40 l/s Qcm = 70.86 l/s

FD-1 QLs=12x2.73=36.76L/s FD-1 QLs=12x2.73=32.76L/s

Qcm=12x1.59x5=95.40 Qcm=12x1.59=19.08

MFD QLs=94.83L/s MFD QLs=94.83L/s

FD-2 QLs=11x2.73=30.03 FD-2=QLs=11x2.73=30.03
Qcm=11x1.59x5=87.45 Qcm=11x1.59=17.49


MFD QLs=64.8L/s MFD QLs=64.80L/s

FD-3 QLs=10x2.40=24.00 FD-3 QLs=10x2.40=24.00
Qcm=10x1.27x5=63.50 Qcm=10x1.27=12.70
10 Has.(CLAY LOAM) 10 Has.(CLAY LOAM)

MFD Qls=40.80L/s MFD QLs=40.80L/s

FD-4 QLs=9x2.40=21.60 FD-4 QLs=9x2.40=21.60
Qcm=9x1,27x5=57.12 Qcm=9x1.27=11.45
9 Has.(CLAY LOAM) 9 Has. (CLAY LOAM)
MFD QLs=19.20L/s MFD QLs=19.20
FD-5 QLs=8x2.40=19.20 FD-5 QLs=8x2.40=19.20
Qcm=8x1.27x5=50.80 Qcm=8x1.27=10.15 8
------x-----x------x------x------x------x ------x---------x-------x------x-------
Interpretation of result of analysis:
--- High stage flow in MFD occurring during Land Soaking Stage and in SFDs
during Crop Maintenance Stage by Rotational Method of Water Delivery.
-- Low Stage flow on both MFD and SFDs occurring Crop Maintenance Stage by
Simultaneous Methpd of Water Delivery.

While the objectives of the NIA is to eventually adopt on a nationwide scale the Rotational
Method of water delivery, it is recognized that in each Project there will always be a transition
period of say 5 years because we cannot expect that the farmers would accept the idea
immediately. The design of terminal facilities therefore should therefore be done in such a way
as to make it flexible enough as to accommodate both the Rotational and Simultaneous
methods of water delivery. To attain this, an in-depth analysis of the foregoing example will tend
to show that the following major considerations should be observed in designing the Turnout,
main Farmditch and Supplementary Farmditches.

(1) The Turnout should be designed to accommodate the diversion requirement during the Land
Soaking and Submergence Stage.

(2) After setting the water surface profile, the Main Farmditch and Supplementary
Farmditches should be designed to set the ditch bottom profile using the computed low
stage flow discharges during the Crop Maintenance Stage by Simultaneous Method of
Water Delivery.

(3) To set the top bank profile, the Main Farmditch should be designed using the computed
high stage flow discharges during the Land Soaking Stage (except at portions where the
crop maintenance requirement by Rotational Method is larger). The Supplementary
Farmditches should be designed using the computed by Rotational Method of Water


1.O4.1 On the Turnout:

a) The ideal location of a Turnout is at the inlet of a Check Structure, preferably, a double-
gated Turnout (that is a combination of 0.60 m. x 0.35 m. Orifice and 18 dia. R.C. Pipe
installed with gates) should be used to be able to measure or regulate the discharge. The
0.60 m. x 0.35 orifice may be omitted provided a staff Gage (duly calibrated for different
depths of flow and discharge rating curve established) at the outlet of the Turnout will be
b) Since the discharge requirement through the Turnout is greater during land soaking stage
than during crop maintenance stage, sufficient head (at least 15 cm. reckoned from the water
surface in the lateral during land soaking stage in the case of double-gated Turnout) should
be provided.
c) For Double-gated Turnout, using a maximum opening of 0.60 m. x 0.35 m. for the Orifice
and coefficient of discharge equal to 0.673 for the formula Q = CA(gh) , Table 1.3 (Table
of discharges for Double-Gated Turnout) is recommended for use in design verification and
during actual water delivery activities.
To facilitate ready reference during actual operation of the Irrigation System, it is a must
that each Water Management Technologist and Gatekeeper should be armed with a
laminated facsimile of said Table. To operate the gates, after having calculated the required
discharge for a certain day, the height of orifice opening corresponding to a certain orifice
head should first be selected from the Table and then the upstream or orifice gate is raised to
the desired orifice height opening. Then the downstream gate at the mouth of the R.C. Pipe
is manipulated until such time that the corresponding orifice head or difference in water
levels is obtained.
d) In preparing the plan of the Double-Gated Turnout, the bottom sill of the orifice should be
set such that the upper edge of the opening would be at least 20 centimeters lower than the
water surface level in the Lateral during Crop Maintenance Stage.

1.04.2 On the Main and Supplementary Farmditches:

a) As will be noted, the discharges in the Main Farmditches is decreasing from the Turnout to
the head of the last Supplementary Farmditch, both during the Land Soaking and Crop
Maintenance Stages. The size of the Main Farmditch, therefore should be designed such that
it is tapering from the Turnout to the head of the last supplementary farmditch but the ditch
bottom should be set using the computed value of d during low stage flow (after setting
the water profile at least 10 cm. above the ground surface) and the top bank should be set by
adding 20 centimeters freeboard above the water surface profile or water depth during high
stage flow.
b) Inasmuch as each Supplementary Farmditch will have different size of service area and
hence different discharge, it should therefore be designed independently. Each will be
uniform in cross-section but like in the Main Farmditch, the ditch bottom should be set using
the value of d during low stage flow and the top bank should be set by adding 15
centimeters freeboard above the water surface profile during high stage flow.
c) Both the Main Farmditch and Supplementary Farmditch should be provided with a sideslope
of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical (1:1) at inner and outer sides with top bank width equal to 40
centimeters for the former and 35 centimeters for the latter.
d) Each head of the Supplementary Farmditches should be provided with a Division Box
consisting of two (2) Pre-Cast Wing-Type Checks (one installed across the MFD and the
other art the head of SFD) similar to the scheme adopted in UPRP.
e) As a general rule, the layout of the Terminal Facilities should be made in such a way that the
density of MFD and SFDs will be about 20 meters and 50 meters, respectively, per hectare
of Turnout Service Area. This means that the length of the Main Farmdittch would be about
60 meters, 800 meters and 1,000 meters for respective Turnout Service Area of 30 hectares,
40 hectares and 50 hectares and the Supplementary Farmditches would be about 200 meters
apart and each would have a length of 500 meters, more or less.
f) As much as possible, all the MFD and SFDs should follow existing property lines of tenant
boundaries in order to minimize right-of-way problems. If the boundary happens to be along
an existing ricefield dike, said dike should be utilized and enlarged to make it as one of the
farmditch embankments.
g) Permissible velocities and minimum Water Depth: The velocity on a farmditch shall be
computed using a value of coefficient of roughness, n, equal to 0.03 to be applied in
Mannings Formula. Minimum velocity of 0.18 m/s in the SFD during Crop Maintenance
Stage by Simultaneous Method and maximum velocity of 0.656 m/s in the MFD during Land
Soaking Stage shall be observed. However, in the case of Sandy Loam or Sandy Soil, the
maximum velocity can be limited to 0.50 m/s. The minimum water depth should be 8 cm
during crop maintenance period by Simultaneous Method or 20 cm. if by Rotational Method
of Water Delivery. The foregoing limitations imply that the minimum slope to be used shall
be 0.0008.
h) To facilitate design work use Table FD-1 as shown in the Appendix to determine the values
of b and d and v corresponding to a given Q whether during Land Soaking Stage or
Crop Maintenance Stage for either the two methods of Water Delivery.
i) To avoid too many checking along the SFDs, the water surface line during the crop
maintenance period under simultaneous method should be set at a minimum of 10 cm. above
the ground surface adjacent to the farmditch.

1.04.3 On Offtakes

a) To avoid stealing of water and ensure equity in the distribution of water from the
supplementary farmditches, no offtakes should be installed along the Main Farmditch.
b) Along each supplementary farmditch, the delivery of water to the farm shall be
simultaneously done thru all Offtakes both during the Land Soaking period and Crop
Maintenance period.
c) The following tabulation will serve as a guide in determining the number and size of
Offtakes to be installed in a certain Supplementary Farmditch depending on the type of soil

Area Served For Clay, Silty Clay, Clay Loam For Sandy ,
Silty Clay Loam and Sandy Clay Loam
8 Has. 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe
9 Has. 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe
10 Has. 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe 10-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe
11 Has. 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe 10-6 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe
12 Has. 8-5 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe 12-6 Plain Conc. Or Plastic Pipe

NOTE: The above tabulation will apply only if concrete or plastic pipes will be used as Offtakes and if
the farmers can afford to procure them. If not, 3 bamboo tubes can be used as substitute and their
spacings should be made closer as the need dictates.
Table 1.3.


Orifice Width = 60 cm.)
35 125 139 153 165 176 187 197 207 216
34 121 135 148 160 171 182 191 201 210
33 118 131 144 156 166 175 186 195 204
32 114 127 140 151 161 171 180 189 197
31 110 124 135 146 156 166 175 183 191
30 107 120 131 141 151 160 169 177 185
29 103 116 127 137 146 155 163 171 179
28 100 112 122 132 141 150 158 165 173
27 96 108 116 127 136 144 152 160 167
26 93 104 114 123 131 139 147 154 161
25 89 100 109 118 126 134 141 148 154
24 86 96 105 113 121 128 135 142 148
23 82 92 100 108 116 123 130 136 142
22 78 88 96 104 111 118 124 130 136
21 75 84 92 99 106 112 118 124 130
20 71 80 87 94 101 107 113 118 123
19 68 76 83 90 96 102 107 112 117
18 64 72 79 85 91 96 101 106 111
17 61 68 74 80 86 91 96 101 105
16 57 64 70 76 81 86 90 95 99
15 53 60 65 71 76 80 85 89 93
14 50 56 61 66 71 75 79 83 86
13 46 52 57 61 66 70 73 77 80
12 43 48 52 57 61 64 68 71 74
11 39 44 48 52 56 59 67 65 68
10 36 40 44 47 50 53 56 59 62
9 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 56
8 29 32 35 38 40 43 45 47 39
7 25 28 31 33 35 38 40 41 43
6 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 37
5 18 20 22 24 25 27 28 30 31
4 14 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NOTE: Column 1 refers to Height of Orifice opening (Ho) in centimeter (35-3).



1. The density of main canal, laterals and sub-laterals shall be about 13 meters for each hectare
of service area or 1 km for each 75 hectares of service area.
2. Capacity of a canal shall be based upon the area to be irrigated, water requirement,
distribution and farm losses, and conveyance losses in the canal.
3. Side Slopes: earth canals are generally constructed trapezoidal in shape with side slope
determined from experience and stability studies of the bank materials. Usually, side slope
of 1 : 1 have been found adequate for most earth materials. This slope may, however be
steepened if soil condition warrants. For rock or hardpan materials, side slope of : 1 may
be used. Initially hard materials but subsequently would become unstable materials (like
shale) because of its physical property of being easily pulverized or disintegrated after
exposure to the elements should be provided with a flatter side slope, say 1: 1 and then
provided with concrete lining if so necessary. If during construction, it has been found out
that the shearing strength of the soil becomes so weak when it is saturated and continuous
sliding down of the side slope can not be checked, then it may be necessary in this case to
construct a closed conduit or cut and cover section.
4. Permissible Velocities: Normally, small canals shall have a minimum velocity of 0.30 m/s
and permissible velocity for big canals ranges from 0.50 m/s to 1.00 m/s. A careful study of
the canal prism materials should be made in order to be sure that the right velocity is being
used. The ideal condition is to design the canal for a velocity which will be neither too fast
as to cause scouring or too slow to cause silting. As a guide, the following Kennedy Formula
for non-scour, non-silt velocity is a useful one

Vs = Cd (for sediment laden water flowing in a bed of similar materials)

Where: Vs = Velocity for non-silt and non-scour in ft./sec
d = Depth of water in feet
C = Coefficient for various soil conditions as follows:

For fine, light, sandy soil - - - - - - - - C = 0.84

For coarse, light, sandy soil - - - - - - C = 0.92
For sandy, loamy soil - - - - - - - - - - C = 1.01
For coarse, silt or hard soil debris - - C = 1.09
Average C = 0.94

For Clear Water Vs = Cd

5. HYDRAULICS: For the sake of simplicity, use the following:

Mannings Formula for open channel flow:

V =R S and Q = AV
Q = Discharge in cu.m./sec.
A = Wetted area in sq.m.
R = Hydraulic Radius in meters
S = Slope of canal
V = Velocity in m./sec.
n = Coefficient of roughness

n = 0.025 for earth-lined irrigation canals

n = 0.015-0.018 for concrete-lined canals
n = 0.03 for farmditches
n = 0.04 for drainage channels and ditches

The base width (b) to depth (d) relationship shall be conformed to the following limitations:

b = 2d for canals with capacities of less than 4.00 cu.m./sec. during Crop Maintenance
b = 2.5d for canals with capacities ranging from 4.01 to 9.00 cu.m./sec. during Crop
Maintenance Stage.
b = 3d for canals with capacities greater than 9.00 cu.m./sec. during Crop Maintenance

Tables C-1, C-2 and C-3 of the Appendix are good design aids in effecting fast
computation for design of earth canals.

6. The water surface profile during crop maintenance should be set at least 30 cm. above the
ground surface from the point where the canal can already irrigate.

7. Freeboard: The canal freeboard generally used by the United States Bureau of Reclamation
is approximately one-fourth (1/4) the water depth during crop maintenance plus 0.30 m. with
a maximum limit of 2.00 m. The established freeboard criteria for the NIA is forty percent
(40%) of the water depth using a minimum of 0.30 m. freeboard. The USBR criteria gives
excessive freeboard for larger depths. It would, therefore, appear reasonable to adopt a
freeboard provision based on the best ranges of both, as follows:

a) When water depth (d) is from 0 to 1.99 m:

Fd = 0.40 d (0.30 m. minimum)
b) When water depth (d) is 2.0 m. or greater:
Fd = 0.25 d + 0.30 m. (2.00 m. maximum)
Where Fd = Freeboard
The freeboard calculated from above should also be counter checked against the required
water depth during land soaking period.
8. Top Berm Width: The top berm width for canals are determined by either requirement of
operating equipment or by the minimum width required to minimize seepage. When needed
as roadway for mechanized equipments, the width shall be 4.00 m. for laterals and sub-
laterals and 6.00 m. for main canals up to the Check Structure where the discharge becomes
more or less equal to 0.30 cu.m./sec. after which point the top berm width shall be 2.50 m. up
to the end of the canal. The general criteria for operation and maintenance roads are
discussed in Section III. When not used as operation roads, the top berm width should be
approximately equal to the depth of the canal prism (water depth plus freeboard) with a
minimum of 0.60 m.

9. Allowable curvature for unlined canals depend on size or capacity, velocity, soil and canal
section. Minimum radius of curvature is from 3 to 7 times the water surface width (larger
ratios for larger capacities) or 15 times the water depth.

10. Canals should divert from the supply source at sufficient elevation to reach, with proper
gradients and by the most economical route, the land to be irrigated. Water section along
canal maybe partially or entirely in either cut or fill.

11. For stretches of small canals where the normal water section is partially or entirely on fill,
compaction of the embankment from the ground level up to the top bank (in case it is the
roadway side) should be imposed in order to prevent excess seepage and percolation thru fill.
For larger canals and where the canal bottom is too much elevated above the ground level, a
sand filter should be provided within the embankments in order to cut off the phreatic line
and thus prevent the embankments to collapse due to unwanted seepage flow through the
outer side slopes

12. Concrete-Lined Canal: Where the soil through the canal traverse is porous or pervious, it
would be advisable to concrete-line the canal (just plain concrete of 7 cm. thick) to prevent
unwanted escape or seepage of water. At mountain side locations and deep cut sections
wherein it is expected that the groundwater table is very much higher than the water level in
the canal, the bottom of the concrete-lined canal should be provided with several one-way
relief valves uniformly spaced and weep holes at the side slopes. A 10 cm. thick gravel
blanket shall be provided under the concrete-lined canal where the relief valves and weep
holes at the side slope would no longer be necessary. Side slopes for large lined canals 1 :
1 and 1 : 1 for small canals. Coefficient of roughness n = 0.015 to 0.018 for Portland cement
concrete lining with hydraulic radius up to 4. Tables C-4 and C-5 are useful aids for fast
design work on concrete-lined canals.


2.02.1 On Vehicle/Equipment Crossing

a) For big canals passing side hills traversing non-residential area, install one-lane reinforced
concrete deck girder bridges 2 kilometers apart up to the first Lateral Headgate. In between
bridges, provide two (2) foot bridges (precast reinforced concrete T-Beam) of 2.00 meters in
b) For big canals passing side hills or non-irrigable area but with villages, install one-lane
reinforced concrete deck girder bridges 1 kilometer apart up to the first Lateral Headgate. In
between bridges, provide one (1) foot bridge as described above.
c) Within the service area, there should be provided at least one vehicle/equipment crossing for
every 1.00 km to 1.50 km. Of canal in non-residential areas. For canal stretches adjacent to
residential areas, additional light vehicle crossing or footbridge in between equipment
crossings should be provided.

2.02.2 On Providing Stoplogs, Steel Slide Gates and/or Radial Gates

To be able to irrigate the farms even during periods of low flows, at strategic points along the
Main Canal (especially a short distance below proposed Headgates of Laterals) various Check
Structures with Steel Slide Gates or Radial Gates should be provided using the following criteria:

a) When the canal discharge is greater than 1.00 cu.m./sec. and the width of checking bay
opening is less than 2.50 m., use steel slide gates.
b) For big canal discharge and the width of checking bay is greater than 2.50 meters, use radial
gates. This is preferable for faster and ease in operation as compared to slide gates as the
latter are being designed and manufactured such that it would require 5 complete turns of the
handwheel to raise the gate one inch.
c) Provide the Headgates with Steel Slide Gates.
Along the laterals and sub-laterals, sufficient number of check structures should also be
provided. As much as possible, canal structures such as road crossings, siphons, headgates,
etc., slide gates when the canal discharge is greater than 1.00 cu.m./sec. and with flashboards
or stoplogs for canals of smaller capacities.

2.02.3 On Operation Bridges

a) Where actual field conditions so warrant and so dictate, a one-lane Operation Bridge running
parallel to a proposed Canal Siphon and offset about 20 meters upstream should be provided
to facilitate access of O & M equipment from one side of the creek or river to the other side.
The type of bridge recommended for use is the one-lane reinforced concrete deck girder
(RCDG) type with 3.50 m. roadway and 0.46 m. sidewalk on both sides. Minimum design
line load should be H-20-44.
b) For creeks with small discharge, a multi-barrel Road Culvert or Overflow Bridge should be
used instead if found more economical.
c) Where there are existing roads and bridge nearby, the provision of an Operation Bridge
parallel to the canal siphon may not be necessary.
2.02.4 On Provision of Parshall Flumes and Staff Gages

To be able to measure the discharge in the Main Canal, Laterals and Sub-Laterals during
operation of the System, Parshall Flumes or Staff Gages should be installed in accordance with
the following criteria:
a) Because of big discharges, an Automatic Staff Gage should be installed some 30 meters
below the outlet of the Main Canal Intake Works which would relay the data on tailwater
depth to the operating platform of the gate lifting mechanism. To insure permanent cross-
section of the canal at which the Tailwater Discharge Rating Curve has been established by
calibration, the canal should be provided with concrete-lining up to at least 100 meters long
from the outlet of the Intake structure.
b) All headgates of Laterals and Sub-Laterals should be coupled with a reinforced concrete
Parshall Flume which shall be installed some 30 meters below each Headgate. To insure
having free flow condition, a drop in water surface of at least 15 centimeters should be

2.02.5 On the Choice Between Overhead Drainage Crossing, Drainage Culverts and Drainage

Drainage Inlets and Overhead Drainage Crossings are usually being provided along the Main
Canal when it traverses along sidehills or foot of mountain in order to provide exit of the surface
runoff coming from the hills or mountains.

In as much as Drainage Inlets admit drainage waters into the Irrigation Canal, their use should be
limited only to cases when the drainage area is small and no appreciable soil erosion from the
watershed is expected to avoid siltation of the irrigation canal.

Overhead Drainage Crosings or Overchutes, being expensive structures, should only be used in
cases where the bottom of the watercourse or waterway is higher than the water surface in the
irrigation canal and that heavy soil erosion from the watershed is expected to occur.

As much as possible, whenever the structure site will permit, the use of Drainage Culverts should
preferably be used rather than Overchutes.

2.02.6 On the Choice Between Canal Siphon, Elevated Flume and Multi-Barrel Drainage Culvert
A canal Siphon is usually being used to transport the irrigation water from one bank of a creek or
river to the other bank when the use of an Elevated Flume is not warranted and the use of a
multi-barrel Drainage Culvert plus filling work would be more expensive and hazardous.

When the canal gradient is high enough to provide adequate freeboard from the expected
maximum flood level in the creek or river and considering that it may be easier to construct a
flume plus the foresight of having lesser problem during operation and maintenance of the
system, an Elevated Flume should preferably be used rather than a Canal Siphon. If there is no
adequate freeboard available, use canal Siphon.
When the maximum discharge of the creek or river is expected to be very much greater than the
discharge in the canal, a canal siphon should preferably be used rather than a Drainage Culvert.
If on the vice versa and the cost would be much cheaper, use a multi-barrel Drainage Culvert.

2.02.7 On the Provision of Overflow Wings Adjacent to Inlet of Some Headgate Structures

When a certain Headgate is so located along Main Canal immediately upstream of a Check
Structure with Radial or Slide Gates (but with no overflow wings), said Headgate Structure
should be incorporated with overflow wings or side channel spillways in order to prevent
overtopping of the canal embankment just in case there is mismatch in flow due to any act of
misdemeanor by irresponsible persons.

2.02.8 On the Provision of Wasteway

Normally, a wasteway should be provided on one side of the Main Canal at a suitable after it has
meandered along the foot of a mountain range. This is a must especially if many Drainage Inlets
upstream have been provided.

In the service area side some wasteways should also be provided (preferably at the inlet of
siphons) as a safety measure for any mismatch in flow in the Main Canal.

2.02.9 On the Provision of Sedimentation Basin and Silt Excluder

In cases where sediment inflow into the Main Canal is expected to be excessive, a combined
Sedimentation Basin and Silt Sluicing Channel or Conduit should be provided within the first
kilometer stretch of the Main Canal. A suitable location is where there is a nearby creek and
sufficient head is available so as to have a minimum velocity of 2.5 m/sec. inside the sluicing


In cases where an existing irrigation system is to be rehabilitated and upgraded or where there
are existing irrigation facilities included in the proposed project, the following pointers should be

a. Study ways of using the existing facilities before considering any change in the method or
system layout that will necessitate abandoning or relocating permanent structures.

b. Check capacity of existing Intake Structures and canal sections. Canal sections with capacity
less than design requirement should be enlarged while canal section with bigger capacity
should be maintained.

c. Backfilling of canal bottom and side slopes of oversized canals should not be done. Where
the water surface elevation had considerably dropped due to undue widening of the canal or
over-sizing, raising the water level by ponding between check structures can be allowed by
means of providing concrete flashboards or overflow weirs at each Check Structures.

d. Where additional head is required due to increase in design discharge, water surface at the
upstream of the check and crossing structure may be allowed to build up, provided that the
water surface back-up will not reach closer to 200 meters of the immediate upstream check
structures if it is not a drop structure. If the upstream structure is a drop, the water surface
back-up can be allowed to reach the drop.

e. The base-to-depth relationship for new canals should not be followed in designing existing
canals for rehabilitation. Since the base width is more or less already established and should
be maintained, the relationships b=3d to b=4d (during crop maintenance period) would yield
acceptable value.


All weather gravel road shall be provided along one embankment of the Main Canal, Laterals
and Sub-laterals (including extensions to existing intra-site roads) at a maximum intensity of
about 20 meters of O & M road for each hectare of service area (50 hectares/kilometer)
observing the following criteria:

1) Generally, the canal embankment with road surfacing shall be placed at the service area side
of the canal except in the case of existing canals where a gravel road had been already
provided in contrary to this criteria, the location of the existing road shall be maintained.

2) When the normal water surface width inside the canal is greater than 9.00 meters, Main
Canals or Main Laterals shall be provided on one bank 6.00-meter wide roadway having 4.50
meters wide gravel surfacing of 20 centimeters thickness after rolling and 4.00 meters wide
roadway without gravel surfacing at the other bank.

3) For the remaining portion of the main canal and for all other laterals where the water surface
width is less than 9.00 meters, one bank only shall be provided with 4.00 meter wide O & M
roadway having 3.00 meters wide gravel surfacing of 20 centimeters thickness after having
been compacted with tandem roller.

4) At every 500 meters along the canal embankment with 4.00-meter wide O & M roadway,
provide a gravel-surfaced laybye or temporary parking bay in order that there will be no
vehicle jamming problem in the case of two vehicles running in opposite directions.

5) The 4.00-meter wide O & M roadway shall only be extended up to the point in the canal
where the normal discharge becomes 0.30 cu.m./sec after which point the O & M roadway
shall be reduced to 2.50 meters wide, the center potion of which shall be provided with 1.70
m. wide x 0.20 m. thick gravel surfacing. At the reduction point, a cul de sac should be

6) In cases where the end of a canal happens to be only about 1.00 kilometer (but not exceeding
1.50 km.) away from an existing intra-site road, the 4.00-meter wide O & M roadway should
not be reduced to 2.50 meters anymore but instead the 4.00-meter roadway should be
extended to the existing intra-site road.

7) When a lateral or sub-lateral runs parallel to an existing intra-site toad within a center to
center distance or 200 meters, the 4.00-meter roadway should be reduced to 2.50 meter
roadway. To provide continuity of travel for O & M vehicle or equipment, however,
connecting roads should be provided.

8) As much as possible, maintain operation road along the same side of the canal from headgate
to end to avoid vehicle/equipment switching from left to right embankment or vice versa.
9) In case the canal traverses through side hills and deep cuts, an interceptor ditch at the outer
side of each roadway or top embankment width should be provided.

10) In cases where main farmditches (those running perpendicular to the lateral) are leading to a
village and access to it within 200 meters distance is not available, a non-gravel farm road of
2.50 meters width should be provided along these main farmditches.

75 450 75

Interceptor ditch
incase of sidehill
or deep cuts
20 cm. Road Surfacing
ss: 1.5:1

6.00 Meter ROADWAY

50 300 50

Interceptor ditch
In case of sidehills
Or deepcuts
20 cm. Road surfacing

ss = 1.5 : 1

4.00 Meter ROADWAY

40 170 40

ss = 1.5 : 1

15 cm. Road

2.50 Meter ROADWAY




The criteria given in this Section applies to the improvement of existing waterways and the
construction of additional drainage channels to provide sufficient outlet of the farm drains for the
removal of surface waste and storm run-off. It may also include the deepening and enlarging of
existing waterways. For existing waterways the channel section shall be maintained if found


4.21 Overview

Farm drains adjacent to 30-hectare, 40-hectare or 50-hectare Turnout Farms in irrigated areas in
the Philippines are usually being designed and constructed to accommodate the net surface run-
off being generated by a 10-year storm (on a 24-hour basis) after deducting the depth of rainfall
that is being retained in the ricefields. Ordinarily, a 24-hour rainfall depth of 100 mm is being
considered as being retained in the paddies. However, because of geographical locations and
climatic differences, the magnitudes of 10-year storm in all Regions in the Philippines is not the
same. Hence, the design discharge or drainage module to be used for farm drains will depend on
the location of the project under consideration. After some research work, the following
drainage module for the different Regions has been arrived at:

Drainage Module for 10-yr. Storm

Region Net of Retention in Paddy (lit/sec/ha)

Northern Luzon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.0

Northern Cagayan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.6
Central Luzon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.1
Western Luzon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.8
Southern Luzon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.3
Bicol - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.6
Western Visayas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6.0
Eastern Visayas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.0
Eastern Mindanao - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.7
Southern Mindanao- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.7

It will be deduced from the above that our farm drains could be very costly if such values are
adopted strictly. For reasons of economy, therefore, the present general practice of using a
drainage module of 5 lit/sec/ha to 6.0 lit/sec/ha for ricefields and 7 lit/sec/ha to 8.0 lit/sec/ha for
the hilly parts of the catchment area would still be acceptable. This means, however, that during
storms of higher recurrence period, inundation of the ricefields for 3 days may still be tolerable.
To allow faster evacuation of floodwaters from the ricefields, the receiving existing waterways
should be improved and enlarged and if still found inadequate, additional drainage channels
should be constructed. Drainage crossings under canals and culverts under roads and highways
should be large enough in size so as not to constrict the flow and to attain this such structures
should be designed for a storm with 25-year return period.

4.02.2 Design Considerations for Drainage Ditches

a. Drainage ditches shall be located at the lowest portion of Turnout Service Farms or at the
ends of supplementary farmditches and they should extend to larger man-made drainage
channels or existing waterways.

b. Designed bed level of a farm drain shall be a minimum of 60 centimeters below the ground
surface adjacent to it or about 70 centimeters if the lowest area to be drained is further away-
from the drain. The bed elevations shall be adjusted according to flow quantities, required
water depth and water surface gradient. Water surface gradient in most cases should be
about 15 to 20 centimeters below the adjacent ground surface for short length.

c. Bed Width and Water Depth: The minimum bed width and water depth shall be 30
centimeters. Except depth shall be calculated according to flow quantities.

d. Velocity and Side Slopes: Velocities in drainage ditches shall be computed using Mannings
n = 0.04 with a side slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. Flatter side slope may be used for
soils with weak shearing strength. The minimum velocity shall be 0.40 m/sec.

e. Free Board: To avoid excessive retention of water in the ricefields, top bank should
preferably be set to a minimum of 30 centimeters above the ground surface. It would be
desirable to utilize the suitable excavated materials in the construction of embankment of
farmditches and to spread the excess unsuitable materials over the adjacent ricefields, but
when farmers would not permit this then the bank heights may be raised to accommodate
excess excavation and small drainage inlets should be provided. For flow quantities of 1.00
cu.m./sec., a maximum freeboard of 0.60 meter is desirable.

f. Bank Width: In order to reduce the right-of-way width, the top bank width of drainage
ditches should be kept, as much as possible, to the minimum. The medium width of 30
centimeters increasing it to 50 centimeters for larger flows is recommended. Actual width
may be decided by the field engineer depending on the farmers acceptance as to extent of
spreading the excavated materials.


4.03.1 Field Investigations

a. General conditions such as area topography, present draining capacity of the natural drainage
system and conditions of existing drainage channels or waterways and exit channels to rivers
should be investigated.
b. Depth and/or cross-section of existing channels for at least 100 meters apart should be

c. Observations of flood flows should also be taken during the rainy season to find out the
general directions of surface flows in relatively flat areas and to determine how ell the
existing drainage functions.

d. Water-logged areas should be delineated in the General Layout of the Irrigation System and
schemes of draining them by means of additional drainage channels should be carefully

4.03.2 Design Considerations for Drainage Channels

a. All drainage channels shall have a side slope of 1:1 or flatter depending on the soil

b. The discharge shall be determined by computing the velocity using Mannings Formula
and adopting the value of 0.04 for the coefficient of roughness, n.

c. The design discharge to be used for the various stretches of the drainage channel shall be
calculated using the same drainage module as in the drainage ditches increasing in magnitude
due to increase in catchment area as the channel goes downwards.

d. The minimum and maximum velocity shall be 0.40 m/sec. and 1.20 m/sec. respectively.

e. To facilitate operation and maintenance works, one embankment should be made wide
enough utilizing the excavated materials from the channel so that it can be used as a
5.01 Hydraulics

5.01.1 Head Losses

All conveyance structures should be designed and checked against all possible head losses. The
more common head losses are due to friction, transitions, bends, trash-racks and changes in
water section or velocity.

a. Friction Loss: For box or barrel-typed structures, the friction loss can be calculated by the
formula hf = SL
2/3 2
Where S = (vn / R )

For pipes, the friction loss may be calculated by the formula:

hf = (fL / n) x (v / 2g) where Darceys f can be obtained from Figure CS-1 using
n = 0.015 for Reinforced Concrete

b. Transition Loss: Transition loss can be estimated by using the formula:

2 2
Ht = C (v 2 v 1 ) / 2g

The value of the coefficient C can be obtained from the tabulation below:

Type of Open Transition to Close Conduit : Inlet : Outlet :

Streamlined warp to rectangular opening : 0.1 0.2

Straight warp to rectangular opening : 0.2 0.3
Straight warp with bottom corner fillets to
Pipe opening : 0.3 0.4
Broken back to rectangular opening : 0.3 0.5
Broken back to pipe opening : 0.4 o.7
Closed Transition
Square or Rectangular to round (max)
Angle with centerline = 7 : 0.1 0.2

c. Bend Loss: Bend Loss in closed conduit can be calculated from the formula:
Hb = Kb ( v / 2g )
The coefficient Kb, can be obtained from Figures CS-2 or CS-3 for any value of deflection
d. Trashrack Loss: Trashrack losses may be estimated as follows:

Velocity through rack (fps) loss in feet

1.0 0.10
1.5 0.30
2.0 0.50

More accurate values may be obtained from Figure CS-4, Figure CS- 12 shows an
illustrative example of determining head loss for concrete siphons.

Freeboard: In lined and earth-lined canals, the minimum freeboard shall be 20 % of d, but
not less than 6 inches.

5.01.2 Transitions:

a. Transitions are generally used at the inlet and outlet of transitions and where changes occurs
in water section. An accelerating water velocity usually occurs in inlet transitions and
decelerating velocity in outlet transitions. The most common types of open transition to
closed conduits are the streamlined warp, straight warp, and broken-back. Because the
construction of the warped transition will require a very thick consistency of the concrete
during placing and therefore its consolidation cannot be stained, the adoption of the broken-
back transition is more preferred.

b. Inlet transitions for minimum hydraulics loss and smooth operation should have a
submergence or seal of 1.5(hv p hv c) or 8 cms., minimum measured between the upstream
water surface of the inlet transition and the opening in the transition headwall.

hv p = velocity head at barrel inlet

hv c = velocity head at canal just at plans of inlet cut-off wall.

Outlet transition should have no submergence of the opening in the headwall. If

submergence exceeds 1/6 of depth of opening at the outlet, the hydraulic loss should be
computed on the basis of sudden enlargement rather than as an outlet transition.

c. Open transitions to multiple closed conduits will involve some additional hydraulic loss.
Average friction loss should be added for large transitions, but may be neglected for small
transitions. The slope of the floor on a broken-back outlet transition should be 6:1 or flatter.

d. Length of transition:

Inlet = 3.5 times depth of normal water level

Outlet = 5.0 times depth of normal water level
When the velocity inside the barrel exceeds twice the velocity of canal at outlet, provide
scour protection works (riprap on gravel blanket) just after the broken-back transition with a
length equal to 2.5 times depth of water in canal.

e. Cut-Off-Walls:

At inlet C1 = times depth of normal water level (in multiples of 10 but not less
than 60 cm. nor greater than 1.20 cm.)

At outlet C2 = 4/3 times C1 (in multiples of 10 but not less than 80 cm. nor
greater than 1.50 cm.)

Minimum concrete thickness of Cut-off-walls:

15 cm. for 60 and 80 cm. in depth

20 cm. for deeper COW

The inlet and outlet cut-off-walls shall be embodied into canal bank equal to C1 but not
greater than t nor 120 cm, for outlet.

f. Minimum freeboards at transition cut-offs for siphons, tunnels, and similar structures.

Normal water depth at cut-off Minimum freeboard

0 to 40 cm 15 cm
41 to 60 cm 23 cm
61 to 150 cm 30 cm
151 to 210 cm 38 cm
211 to 270 cm 46 cm

For small structures such as transitions connecting to 24 dia pipe and smaller, top of transition
walls maybe level. For larger structures the freeboard at the transition head wall should be
greater than the cut-off. The earth bank freeboard should be increased 50 percent (30 cm max)
adjacent to siphons, wasteways, and checks without overflow. The increased freeboard is to
extend away from the structure at a minimum distance of 15 meters.

g. Maximum allowable velocity inside barrel

Large Siphon: Vs = 3.00 m/sec

Small Siphon: Vs = 3 Vc for small canal (but use minimum velocity of 1.20 m/sec to
prevent silting)
Check structures: Vs = 1.00 m/sec ( with stop planks)
Elevated Flumes: Vs = 2.00 m/sec but should not approach critical velocity at
structure irregularities.
Where velocity at the outlet of barrels exceed 1.80 m/sec, energy dissipator or stilling basin
pool should always be provided.

h. Submerged Barrel Section

Design barrel section for available head by utilizing the actual hydraulic losses due to
transitions, friction, bends and other losses. In case no head is available, 5 cms head may
be used only after examination of the profile.

i. Preliminary Approximation of Barrel Size

All gate openings or barrel size shall be predetermined by using formula:

Q = CA (2gh)

And then check by using actual hydraulic losses:

Where: C = 0.75 or see Figure CS-5 for more values.

Q = discharge thru opening in cu.m./sec.
A = Area of opening in sq. m.
h = available head in meters

j. Determining of Design Discharge for Drainage for Drainage Culverts:

When the watershed or drainage area is less than 10 square kilometers use Fidure CS-
6a and CS-6b in calculating the discharge by using the rational formula:

Q = ciA

Where: Q = flood discharge in cu. Ft. /sec. corresponding to selected frequency

i = intensity of rainfall in inches/hour
A = Drainage area in acres
c = Runoff coefficient

Type of Surface Value of c

For impervious soils (Heavy) .40 to .65
For impervious soils (w/ Turf) .30 to .55
For slightly pervious soils .15 to .40
For slightly pervious soils (w/ Turf) .10 to .30
For moderately pervious soils .05 to .20
For moderately pervious soils (w/ Turf) .00 to .10

When the drainage area is greater than 10 square kilometers, use Figure CS-7a to CS-7e.
5.02 Loading for Structural Analysis:

Owing to the nature of some canal structures, unusual loading conditions exist. The
structures are subjected to changing effects such as foundation reactions, temperature
stresses, exposures conditions and varying earth and hydrostatic loadings.

5.02.1 Dead Loads:

The commonly used dead-load weights, in pounds per cubic feet, are as follows:

Water - 62.50
Dry Earth - 100
Compacted Earth - 120
Saturated Earth - 135
Concrete - 150

The horizontal fluid pressure of dry earth is usually about 30 pounds per sq. ft. per foot of
depth and that of saturated earth is about 87.50 pounds square foot of depth calculated from
the Rankine Formula:

Wh = We ( 1-sin / 1 + sin )

Where We is the unit weight of earth in lbs./cu. Ft. and is the angle of repose or angle of
internal friction.
Where the backfill slopes-up from the top of retaining walls, additional pressure and moment
may be computed by using Figure CS-11. Where construction or operating equipment may
come close to a structure or where some slope fill may develop, a surcharge equal to 2 feet of
dry earth is normally added, resulting in an additional pressure of 60 pounds per square foot.
Minimum earth cover for standard reinforced concrete pipes will be 60 cm for thresher
crossings and 90 cms for road crossings.

5.02.2 Live Loads

Operating platforms without stoplogs 100 psf

Operating platforms with stoplogs - 150 psf

Operating platform for radial gates should be designed for the rated capacity of the hoist
acting on either cable, in addition to the weight of the radial gate hoists and equipment.

5.02.3 Vertical Wall Loads

If not provided with weep or relief holes, designs for vertical wall without compacted
backfill must include the maximum expected internal water depth on the walls. The internal
water load is reduced by the active dry earth backfill load. The water load can usually be
neglected when compacted backfill is placed against the wall.
5.02.4 Earthquake Loads on Retaining Walls

Retaining walls shall be checked for stability and structural requirements against horizontal
earthquake. Such earthquake forces shall be included assuming the acceleration to be equal
to 0.10 g. The lateral loads due to the concrete dead weight will be acting at the respective
components center of gravity while the lateral load due to the earth backfill (which is
computed to be 20% of the total normal earth fluid pressure) will be assumed to be acting at
2/3 H from the base. Allowable stresses shall be increased by 33 1/3 percent.

5.02.5 Truck Loadings on Buried Boxes

In the design of buried boxes or barrels, truck loadings on slabs may be obtained by using

It is almost impossible to obtain a true evaluation of live loading effects, particularly impact,
on the bottom slabs of buried boxes. In order to estimate these effects, certain assumptions
regarding (1) top slab live loadings, (2) transfer of loading and impact to bottom slab, and (3)
foundation reactions must be made.

(1) The top slab live loading may be concentrated, partial uniform or full uniform, depending
on the over-all width of the box (single or multiple barrel) and depth of fill on the top
slab. If concentrated, it must be shifted to positions of maximum moment and shear for
top slab design. If partial uniform, it may or may not be practicable to do so depending
upon relation of load width to over-all box width. If full uniform, no load shifting is

(2) It is customary to assume that the live and impact loads are transferred to the foundation
through the side and partition walls of the box structure in accordance with foundation
reaction assumptions.

(3) The more accurate theoretical design would require various assumptions of foundation
reaction for different types of soil and positions of loading. As lengthy computations
involved may not be warranted, it should be sufficient to assume a comparatively simple
and constant foundation reaction diagram for all positions of live load.

5.03 Reinforced Concrete

The current ACI (American Concrete Institute) Building Code requirements with exceptions
as approved by the NIA Design and Specifications Department shall be used as a guide for
canal structures. Design Criteria for bridges shall conform with the AASHO Specifications
for Highway Bridges.
5.03.1 Allowable Stresses

Most Design of canal structures are based on 3,000 psi concrete and reinforcement with a
specified yield strength of 40,000 psi. For uniformity, designs shall be of the working stress
method. The design stresses shall be as follows:

For Canal Structures For Bridges

fs = 18,000 psi fs = 20,000 psi

fs = 3,000 psi fs = 3,000 psi
fc = 1,200 psi fc = 1,200 psi
K = 199 psi K = 197 psi
V2 = 1.1 fc = 60 psi V2 = 60 psi
n = 9.2 n = 10
k = 0.38 k = 0.375
j = 0.873 j = 0.875

Bond for Tension Bars Bond for Tension Bars

a) Deformed Bars a) Deformed Bars

u = 4.8 fc / D = 500 psi Same
( # 3 thru # 11 bars )
b) Plain Bars b) Plain Bars
u = 2.4 fc / D = 160 psi Same
( # 2 bars )

Reduced steel stresses are used to decrease cracks in the concrete, thereby minimizing
leekage. In rectangular boxes the reduced allowable reinforcement stresses for bursting head
only (measured from the center of the box) are as follows:

Reduced Stresses ( psi ) Maximum Head ( feet )

20,000 10
18,000 16
17,000 22
16,000 28
15,000 34

In monolithic pipe the reduced allowable reinforcement stresses for bursting head only are as

Reduced Stress ( psi ) Maximum Head ( feet )

10,000 50
14,000 75
12,500 125
5.03.2 Minimum Wall Thickness

Cantilever walls shall have a minimum thickness at the base equal to 1 inch per foot of height
(5 inches minimum) up to 8 feet. Above 8 feet, the minimum thickness at the base shall be 8
inches plus inch for each foot in height above 8 feet.

5.03.3 Minimum Temperature Reinforcement

The following rules may be used to determine the cross-sectional area of temperature or
nominal reinforcement required. The percentages indicated are based upon the gross section
of the area (excluding fillets) of the concrete to be reinforced. Where the thickness of the
section exceeds 15 inches, a thickness of 15 inches should be used in determining the
temperature reinforcement.

a. Temperature reinforcement shall not be less than 3/8 dia @ 30 cm in exposed faces for
single layer reinforcement nor less than 3/8 dia sp 18 inches in the unexposed face.
b. Single layer reinforcement
1. Reinforcement linings 4 inches and less in thickness with discontinuous wire
fabric reinforcement and weakened planes at 12 feet to 15 feet centers, p=.001
or 0.10%.
2. Slabs and linings not exposed to freezing temperature or direct sun with joints
not exceeding 30 feet, p=.0025 or 0.25%.
3. Slabs and linings exposed to freezing temperature or direct sun with joints not
exceeding 30 feet, p=.003 or 0.30%.
4. Slabs and lining as above with joints exceeding 30 feet:
Category 2 above - - - - - p=.0035 or 0.35%
Category 3 above - - - - - p=0.40%
c. Double layer reincorcement
1. Face adjacent to earth with joints not exceeding 30 feet, p=.001 or 0.10%
2. Face not adjacent to earth not exposed to freezing temperature or direct sun
and with joints exceeding 30 feet, p=.0015 or 0.15%.
3. Face not adjacent to earth but exposed to freezing temperature or direct sun
and with joints not exceeding 30 feet, p=.002 or 0.20%.

Partition walls or mid-piers shall be designed for load carried but shall not be less than 5% height
plus 4% span.
Vertical - - - - - - - - - p=.003
Horizontal - - - - - - - p=.0015
No wall with two layers shall be 17 cm thick.

Temperature reinforcement should be spaced not to be farther apart than three times the
thickness of the member and reinforcement required for stress not greater than twice the
thickness of the member. In either case, the maximum spacing shall be 18 inches but a limit of
12 inches is preferred.
5.03.4 Protective Cover for Steel Reinforcement

Concrete protection of reinforcement shall not be less than the following:

1. From the ground contact surface of concrete footings and other members in which concrete is
deposited against the ground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.5 cm.
2. From concrete surface exposed to water flow, weather or be in contact with the ground after
removal of forms:

a) For bars larger than # 5 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 cm.

b) For # 5 bars or smaller - - - - - - - - - - - 4 cm.

5.03.5 Lapping of Bars

Lapping of bars shall be 24 diameter for deformed bars and 48 bar diameter for plain bars.

5.03.6 Spacing of Steel Reinforcements in Slabs

For fast determination of required spacing of reinforcement, Tables CS-1 and CS-2 are
convenient aids.

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