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Building Healthy Workplaces: What We Know

So Far

Article in Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science October 2005

DOI: 10.1037/h0087259


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2 authors, including:

Arla Day
Saint Mary's University


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Special Issue

Building Healthy Workplaces:

What We Know So Far


Saint Marys University

When asked to define the capabilities of a healthy Special Issue is to highlight the contributions that
person, Sigmund Freud responded To work and to psychological research has made, and will continue
love. Although many of his theses have not held up to make, to strategies surrounding healthy work-
to empirical enquiry, Freuds identification of an inti- places.
mate connection between work and mental health is By way of introduction to this Special Issue of the
consistent with a vast body of scientific literature. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, we hope to
Certainly, the historical record identifies paid achieve three interrelated goals. First, we define what
employment as a central aspect of human experience we mean by a healthy workplace, and we delineate
throughout the development of civilization (see for the ways in which work is associated with mental
example, Applebaum, 1984, 1992; Pahl, 1989). health. We argue that work is both a causal factor in
Moreover, the absence of paid employment has been mental and physical ill-health as well as a potential
linked to deleterious consequences for individuals health resource that both may protect us and assist in
and society since at least the beginning of the our recovery from psychological ill-health.
Industrial Revolution (Burnett, 1994; Feather, 1990; Second, we review the individual, organizational,
Jahoda, 1980). and societal costs of unhealthy work and workplaces,
In the latter half of this century, Kornhauser s and, consequently, of poor mental and physical
(1965) inquiries into the mental health of factory health. Our argument is simply that we are incurring
workers, and the seminal report Work in America horrific economic and social costs when we have
(1973) focused attention on issues related to work unhealthy workplaces. Finally, we provide a frame-
stress and their implications for individual and orga- work in terms of a healthy workplace model to help
nizational health. In 1990, the National Institute for summarize this literature, and to present the articles
Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH ) in the in this Special Issue. Throughout this introduction,
United States declared occupational stress to be one we emphasize that these goals are highly compatible
of the 10 leading causes of workplace death (Sauter, with organizations traditional focus on enhancing
Murphy, & Hurrell, 1990), and it is now common to productivity and profitability. Put simply, what is
speak of occupational stress as an epidemic (Quick, good for Canadian workers is good for Canadian
Quick, Nelson, & Hurrell, 1997). Developing healthy industry.
work and workplaces has become an important topic
for organizations and researchers alike. Several initia- Defining Health Workplaces
tives toward developing healthy workplaces have According to the American Psychological
been undertaken by the American Psychological Associations definition of a psychologically healthy
Association (e.g., which offers state, provincial, and workplace, organizations can become healthy by
international Psychologically Healthy Workplace incorporating health promotion activities, offering
Awards) and the National Quality Institute (NQI; e.g., employee assistance programs, having flexible bene-
which offers a national award program, and which fits and working conditions, treating employees fair-
organizes the Nationally Healthy Workplace Week). ly, and offering programs for employee development,
Similarly, the Canadian Institute of Health Research health and safety, and the prevention of work stress
currently is preparing a research strategy on work- (American Psychological Association, 1999).
place mental health. Therefore, the intent of this Similarly, the NQI in Canada defines a healthy

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 2005, 37:4, 223-235

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224 Kelloway and Day

workplace in terms of holistic workplace health, work may be a resource that individuals can draw
which includes physical, social, personal, and devel- upon to buffer the effects of nonwork stressors. In
opmental organizational support to improve overall this sense, work may be a health resource for individ-
employee quality of life both within and outside the uals.
workplace (Health Canada, 2004). The NQI defines
healthy outcomes in terms of achieving both healthy Work as a Cause of Ill Health
organizational outcomes (such as improved customer Models of how individual well-being is affected
service and improved employee performance) and by workplace conditions have focused on establish-
healthy individual outcomes (such as satisfaction and ing relationships between job characteristics/stres-
healthy lifestyles), and in terms of a safe work envi- sors and either mental (e.g., Kelloway & Barling,
ronment (Health Canada, 2004). 1991) or physiological (e.g., Barling & Kelloway,
A lot of the focus of unhealthy workplaces has 1996) health. Theorists and researchers have pro-
been on the impact of job stress on workers. posed a variety of mechanisms as to how these asso-
According to most stress models, potential stressors ciations occur. Models vary in their breadth (i.e.,
are the objective elements in the environment that the number of organizational conditions considered)
may create stress (Hurrell, Nelson, & Simmons, as well as in the functional relationships specified
1998). These stressors may be defined as long term between stressors and outcomes. Unfortunately,
and occurring daily (i.e., chronic stressors; these competing theories rarely are compared direct-
Carayon, 1995), or they may be more extreme, and of ly and often are evaluated based on data that do not
short duration with specific onset (i.e., acute stres- allow an appropriate test of the theoretical assump-
sors; Barling, 1990). Perceived stress is defined as an tions.
individuals own perception and experience of these In outlining a national prevention strategy for
job stressors. That is, individuals may perceive the stress-related disorders, Sauter et al. (1990) reviewed
stressors as being positive, benign, or negative (i.e., the work-stress literature and identified the most
stressful). Finally, strain is defined as the potential common sources of work stress. They propose that
psychological, physical, and behavioural outcomes of six categories of stressors need to be considered: 1)
negative perceived stress (Barling, 1990; Lazarus & workload and work pace; 2) role stressors (such as
Folkman, 1984). According to these definitions, not conflict, ambiguity, and inter-role conflict); 3) career
all stressors affect all individuals in a similar man- concerns; 4) work scheduling; 5) interpersonal rela-
ner, and strain is not inevitable. Individual resources tionships; and 6) job content and control.
and coping styles may moderate the relationship
between stressors and stress, and between stress and 1) Workload and work pace. The experience of being
strain, either alleviating or exacerbating the negative overworked is not new, but, some employees and
outcomes. researchers would suggest that it is increasing within
In this introduction of the Special Issue, we will particular sectors (Cartwright & Cooper, 1997). The
take the perspective that healthy workplaces are a strains associated with being overworked have been
result not only of the absence of job stressors, but found to be uniformly negative across behavioural,
are also a result of a presence of organizational psychological, and physiological outcome domains
resources to help employees handle job and life stres- (e.g., Jex & Beehr, 1991). Measures of role overload
sors. Moreover, we first focus on two different are empirically linked to assessments of both general,
processes through which work may affect both psy- context-free mental health (e.g., Day & Jreige, 2002;
chological and physical health. Day & Livingstone, 2001; Kelloway & Barling, 1991)
and work-specific attitudes and mental health (e.g.,
Work and Health: Exploring the Links Day & Jreige, 2002; Posig & Kickul, 2003). Related to
There are at least two ways in which work may be issues of work load and pace, there has been concern
linked to mental health. First, based on the job stress expressed about the absolute number of hours
model, there is a vast body of scientific literature required of some employees particularly trainees
linking work features (i.e., potential stressors) to psy- and interns who may be required to work excessively
chological, physical, and behavioural consequences, long hours during the course of their training (e.g.,
as well as to organizational consequences. Bartle & Rodolfa, 1999).
Generically, known as the study of psycho-social Issues of workload and work pace become increas-
stressors (e.g., Kelloway, Francis, & Montgomery, ingly important in an environment in which hours of
2005) in the workplace, this research documents the work are increasing. The average work year for
deleterious consequences of work stress. Second, working couples has increased by nearly 700 hours in
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Building Healthy Workplaces: What We Know So Far 225

the past two decades, and up to 30% of the workforce maintain an imbalance between effort and rewards
reports being exhausted by the end of the work day over an extended period of time. Siegrist, however,
(NIOSH, 2002). also involves an individual variable (i.e., over-com-
mitment) to explain potential discrepancies. That is,
2) Role stressors (conflict, ambiguity, and inter-role individuals who are overcommitted to their work
conflict). Role stressors emerge from the impact of the may maintain a high effort in a low-reward environ-
environment on an individuals ability to fulfill role ment. Eventually, however, this condition will result
expectations (Beehr & Glazer, 2005). Thus, role con- in ill-health (Siegriest, 1996). Initial results using car-
flict exists whenever individuals face incompatible dio-vascular risk as the outcome generally support
demands from two or more sources. Role ambiguity the model propositions (Peter & Siegrist, 1999).The
reflects the uncertainty employees experience about relative recency of the effort-reward imbalance theo-
what is expected of them in their jobs; the opposite of ry has resulted in a lack of formal evaluation of the
role ambiguity would be role clarity. Inter-role con- theory, although these initial results seem promising.
flict exists when employees face incompatible Another salient career concern is the issue of
demands from two or more roles. The most common worker safety. There is evidence that increased job
form of inter-role conflict is work-family conflict stressors (e.g., work overload) can result in impaired
where the demands of work conflict with the roles of safety (Barlow & Iverson 2005; Barling et al., 2002).
parent or spouse (Bellavia & Frone, 2005). Conversely, there is also evidence that experiencing
A vast amount of research (for a review, see Beehr safety infractions can lead to increased stress.
& Glazer, 2005) documents the impact of role stres- Barling, Kelloway, and Iverson (2003) analyzed data
sors. For example, Kelloway and Barling (1991) found from the Australian Work and Industrial Relations
that the experience of role stressors at work predicted Survey and showed that the experience of safety
mental health in the work place. Similarly, chronic events (i.e., injuries) was associated with a dimin-
work stressors (i.e., ambiguity) were associated with ished sense of control, more negative job attitudes,
increased strain symptoms, even after controlling for and greater intent to leave the organization.
acute job stressors (Day & Livingstone, 2001). Therefore, organizational activities focused on acci-
dent prevention (e.g., Kelloway, Stinson, & MacLean,
3) Career concerns. Career-related factors such as 2004) may play a double role in improving health:
job insecurity, fear of job obsolescence, under and enhancing physical health through reducing acci-
over promotion and, more generally, concerns about dents, and enhancing psychological health through
career development have been identified as stressful improving job attitudes and job experiences.
(Probst, 2005). For example, in their study of South
African miners, Barling and Kelloway (1996) found 4) Work scheduling. Working rotating shifts or per-
that job insecurity was associated with both negative manent night work results in a disruption of physio-
affective reactions and raised blood pressure. The logical circadian rhythms, as well as disrupted social
importance of job insecurity as a stressor in the work- activities, and they have been identified as a work-
place is highlighted by observations that the tempo- related stressor. For example, employees reported
rary or contingent labour force is rapidly increasing that working nights or overtime negatively affects
and that job tenure has declined for many workers their mental- and physical-health outcomes (Ettner &
(NIOSH, 2002). Grzywacz, 2001). Similarly, irregular work schedules
The development of the effort-reward imbalance tend to be associated with increased conflict between
model (Siegrist, 1996) has focused research attention work and parent roles and between work and spouse
on the role of organizational rewards as a psychoso- roles (Day & Chamberlain, in press). There is a great
cial stressor. This model suggests that strain results deal of literature on how to schedule shifts so as to
when rewards are not consistent with efforts in work minimize these effects (e.g., Tucker, MacDonald,
environments. In this view, efforts are described as Folkard, & Smith, 1998). The effects of work sched-
the strivings of the individual to meet the demands ules are sufficiently well established to provide the
and obligations of the job. Rewards are conceptual- basis for labour law in the European Union, which
ized as encompassing financial rewards, esteem regulates the scheduling of shifts and rest days
rewards, and career rewards, including job security (Totterdell, Spelten, Smith, Barton, & Folkard., 1995;
(Siegrist, 1996). Similar to its intellectual forebearer, see also International Labor Office, 1988, 1990). On a
equity theory (Adams, 1965), the effort-reward imbal- more macro scale, researchers have examined the
ance theory is based on the notion that individuals scheduling of vacation time on well-being (Westman
attempt to maintain a state of equilibrium and cannot & Eden, 1997).
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226 Kelloway and Day

5) Interpersonal relationships. Poor interpersonal (Hoel, Rayner, & Cooper, 1999). This aggression may
relations in the workplace are consistently identified trigger other aggressive episodes. For example,
as a source of stress (Sauter et al., 1990). Recent teenagers experience of abusive supervision tends to
research has focused on interpersonal relationships be related to their own aggression directed toward
as stressors in the workplace, in terms of: 1) a lack of their supervisors (Dupre, Inness, Connelly, Barling, &
coworker and supervisory support; and 2) the pres- Hoption, 2003).
ence of violence and aggression. First, there is a well-
established body of literature that indicates having 6) Job content and control. As phrased by Sauter et
well established sources of social support (i.e., receiv- al. (1990), narrow, fragmented, invariant and short-
ing support from coworkers and supervisors) is asso- cycle tasks that provide little stimulation, allow little
ciated with positive individual outcomes (see for use of skills or expression of creativity and have little
example, Gottlieb, 1981; Wang & Patten, 2001). intrinsic meaning for workers (p. 1153) are consid-
Moreover, social support may reduce the negative ered as stressors in the NIOSH workplace stress
effects of other workplace stressors (House, 1981) by model. There is now substantial evidence that job
acting as a buffer. Meta-analytic evidence offers sup- characteristics such as skill use, skill variety, and
port for both the main effect and buffering effect of autonomy are associated with both increased motiva-
social support (e.g., Viswesvaran, Sanchez, & Fisher, tion and positive mental health (Fried & Ferris, 1987;
1999). Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Kelloway & Barling, 1991;
A number of recent investigations have focused on Parker & Wall, 1998), and a lack of stimulating work
the role of organizational leaders (for a review see may be associated with increased strain symptoms
Kelloway, Sivanathan, Francis, & Barling, 2005). The (Day & Livingstone, 2001).
notion that poor quality leadership has negative There is also substantial evidence that job control
effects is not new (Day & Hamblin, 1964), and the is an important predictor of physical health indices.
research that has been conducted on the link between For example, externally paced tasks (i.e., a lack of job
leadership and mental health has invariably focused control) tend to be associated with increased systolic
on the potentially negative effects of poor quality blood pressure (Steptoe, Evans, & Fieldman, 1997),
leadership. Poor leadership also has been associated whereas personal control tends to be associated with
with increased levels of employee stress (Offerman & decreased diastolic blood pressure and psychological
Hellman, 1996). arousal (Bohlin, Eliasson, Hjemdahl, Klein, &
In addition to the impact of poor leadership and a Frankenhaeuser, 1986). Similarly, after monitoring
lack of support at work, a number of studies have heart rate and blood pressure during periods of low
addressed the impact of aggression, violence, and and high control, Steptoe (2001) concluded that heart
harassment in the workplace (e.g., Barling, Rogers, & rate and diastolic blood pressure were significantly
Kelloway, 2001; Dekker, Barling, Fullagar, & greater when individuals were experiencing low con-
Kelloway, 1997; LeBlanc & Kelloway, 2002; Rogers & trol.
Kelloway, 1997; Schat & Kelloway, 2000, 2003a, b). Research has also indicated that job control is an
Although incidents of physical violence are compara- important predictor of psychosocial health and work-
tively rare, they have dramatic effect on individual related attitudes and behaviours. For example, per-
well-being. Moreover, aggression in the workplace is ceived job control tends to be associated with increased
much more prevalent than violence (LeBlanc & job satisfaction, well-being, life satisfaction (Day &
Kelloway, 2002) and is associated with impaired psy- Jreige, 2002), and worker health (Dwyer & Ganster,
chological and physical well-being. 1991), and with reduced irritability, somatic com-
Ashforth (1997) found that when abusive supervi- plaints (Kushnir & Melamed, 1991), perceived stress
sors used noncontingent punishment, employees felt (Day & Jreige, 2002), and tardiness (Dwyer &
a sense of helplessness and alienation from work. Ganster, 1991).
Richman, Flaherty, Rospenda, and Chistensen (1992) Karaseks (1979; Karasek & Theorell, 1990)
found heightened levels of psychological distress demand-control-support model is perhaps the best
among medical residents who reported to abusive known of all models relating job characteristics to
supervisors. More generally, employees who perceive well-being. In brief, the demand-control-support
their supervisors to be abusive tend to experience model is based on two hypotheses relating to the
low levels of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and main effects and interactions of the constituent vari-
affective commitment, and increased levels of work- ables. That is, the model proposes that: (a) high
family conflict, psychological distress (Tepper, 2000), demands, lack of control, and lack of social support
psychosomatic symptoms, anxiety, and depression predict strain outcomes; and (b) demands, control,
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Building Healthy Workplaces: What We Know So Far 227

and support interact to predict strain (such that high be initially unintended, they are necessary for mental
control and high social support buffer the effects of health. Certainly, the extensive literature on social
demands on strain outcomes). Over 100 empirical support (e.g., House, 1981) suggests that work allows
studies (Barnett & Brennan, 1995) have been conduct- individuals to develop a network of contacts that can
ed on the demand-control-support model and serve as a resource during times of increased stress.
research continues to proliferate. Research findings Therefore, definitions of health (and specifically
have tended to support the main effects of demand, mental health) must go beyond the simple absence of
control, and support on well-being and strain out- disorders, and must include features such as compe-
comes. tence, mastery, autonomy, independence, aspiration,
However, there has been limited support for the and self-esteem. Parker, Turner, & Griffin (2003) con-
demand by control and support interactions (Pomaki cluded that elements of job design can be reliably
& Mayes, 2002). The limited support for these inter- associated with such outcomes. For example, increas-
actions is particularly troublesome for the demand- ing job autonomy tends to be associated with an
control-support model because virtually every taxon- increased sense of mastery (Parker & Sprigg, 1999).
omy of work stressors lists high demands, low con- Similarly, in a recent study, Sirovanthan, Barling,
trol, and low support as unhealthy features of the Loughlin, and Kelloway (2003) showed that transfor-
work environment (e.g., Sauter et al., 1990; Kelloway mational leaders enhanced followers sense of self-
& Barling, 1994a; Warr, 1987). efficacy, and this self-efficacy, in turn, resulted in
Moreover, Kushnir and Melamed (1991) criticized improved mental health outcomes for employees.
Karaseks model, stating that the model fails to rec- It is evident from these two perspectives about the
ognize the importance of employees individual dif- link between work and health that they are inextrica-
ferences in the strain process. In other words, bly linked. Therefore, we now will examine the indi-
Karaseks model does not account for subjective mea- vidual and organizational costs associated with
sures (individual perceptions) of the stressor (job unhealthy workplaces, and more specifically, with
control). In response to this criticism, Day and poor organizational and individual health.
Ziemer (2003) examined both actual and perceived
control. They found that actual job control was associ- The Health and Productivity Costs
ated with lower stress responses (self-report and of Getting it Wrong
physiological). Furthermore, after controlling for Estimates of the costs of stress typically focus on
actual levels of control, perceived control still account- the economic costs of medical care, disability provi-
ed for significant variance in perceived stress (Day & sions, absence, and lost productivity. Such estimates
Ziemer, 2003). They concluded that both actual and are seriously biased and dramatically underestimate
perceived control are important variables for future the effects and costs of workplace stress because
study. work stress is pervasive and influences physical,
mental, and organizational health through a myriad
Work as a Health Resource of pathways. Empirical research is just now begin-
Although most empirical research has focused on ning to trace these pathways.
the negative consequences of employment (i.e., stres- The outcomes of job stress and unhealthy work are
sors and stress), some research suggests that work typically organized into four overlapping and inter-
might substantially enhance well-being (Luthans, related categories; psychological, physical, behaviour-
2002). Based on the principals of positive psychology, al, and organizational (e.g. Kelloway et al., 2005).
Luthans (2002) identified characteristics such as Before reviewing each type of outcome, it is impor-
hope, self-efficacy, and optimism as qualities that can tant to note that these categories are not discrete: For
be influenced by the workplace and are essential to example, depression (a psychological outcome) is
well-being. linked to coronary heart disease (a physical outcome;
This notion that work contributes positively to Booth-Kewley & Friedman, 1987), may have implica-
well-being is not a new one. Jahoda (1980) suggested tions for behaviours such as smoking and alcohol
that there were latent consequences of employment consumption (behavioural outcomes; e.g., Repetto,
in addition to the manifest consequence of generating Caldwell, & Zimmerman, 2005), and is experienced in
income. In her view, employment provided individu- the organization as increased absenteeism and loss of
als with a time structure, sense of social position, productivity (organizational outcomes, see for exam-
sense of purpose, and social contact outside of the ple, Jex, 1998). This example illustrates the difficulty
immediate family. Jahoda (1980) concluded that of isolating the costs of stress that may emerge in
although these positive consequences of work may any one, or combination, of these categories.
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228 Kelloway and Day

Psychological Strain matic symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, upper

Psychological strain reactions typically include respiratory infections, and digestive problems (e.g.,
either a disturbance in affect (e.g., mood) or a distur- Schat & Kelloway, 2000, 2003a, b) to life-threatening
bance in cognition (e.g., concentration). The former conditions, such as elevated blood pressure (Barling
have received the most empirical research attention & Kelloway, 1996), hypertension (Schwartz,
in relation to work stress. Paralleling research that Pickering, & Landsbergis, 1996), and coronary heart
has been conducted in other countries (e.g., Parker et disease (Karasek & Theorell, 1990; Krantz, Contrada,
al., 2003; Warr, 1987), Canadian research dealing with Hill, & Friedler, 1988). Fibrinogen levels are higher
work and mental health has mainly focused on affec- among women who reported higher levels of work
tive reactions such as depression, anxiety, burnout, stress and lower levels of social support in the work-
and impaired mood (e.g., Baba, Jamal, & Tourigny, place than for women with low stress and high sup-
1998). The extent of these reactions ranges from the port (Davis, Matthews, Meilahn, & Kiss, 1995).
domain of mental-health problems, (e.g., Harvey, There is consistent evidence associating negative
Kelloway, & Duncan-Leiper, 2003; Kelloway & job conditions with cardiovascular disease. Theorell
Barling, 1991) to more severe mental disorders, such and Karasek (1996) found evidence for the stress
as clinical depression (e.g., Karasek, 1979). In their re- CHD link in 16 of the 22 studies they reviewed.
examination of data from the National Population Importantly, prospective evidence from the Whitehall
Health Survey, Wang and Patten (2001) found sup- studies suggested that individuals in low control
port for the association between work stressors and occupations were 1.5 to 1.8 times as likely to experi-
major depressive disorders in Canadian workers. ence new heart disease at a five-year follow-up
Specifically, individuals with low decision authority, (Bosma, Stansfeld, & Marmot, 1998). There is some
low skill use, high job insecurity, high demands, high evidence that this effect may be exacerbated for indi-
job insecurity, and low social support were more like- viduals who evidence Type A or hostile behaviour
ly to experience major depression (Wang & Patten, patterns (Dwyer & Fox, 2000; Schaubroeck, Ganster,
2001). Consistent with Warr s (1987) distinction & Kemmerer, 1994)
between context-specific mental health (i.e., job-relat- More generally, exposure to job stressors, includ-
ed outcomes) and context-free mental health (i.e., ing environmental stressors, is associated with both
general well-being), Kelloway and Barling (1991) increased risk of infectious disease (e.g., Cohen &
found that job characteristics and role stressors had Williamson, 1991; Schaubroeck, Jones, & Xie, 2001)
their primary impact on measures of job-related well- and suppressed immune functioning (OLeary, 1990).
being (i.e., job satisfaction and burnout), and through Work stressors have been associated with mus-
these context-specific measures were associated with coloskeletal complaints (e.g., trapezius myalgia,
more general measures of mental health (see also Lundberg et al., 1999; see also Carayon, Smith, &
Kelloway & Barling, 1994b). Haims, 1999), asthma, ulcers, and the risk of stroke
Typical cognitive disturbances include difficulty in (Quick et al., 1997). Given these findings, it is not sur-
making decisions (often on trivial matters), difficulty prising to note that the empirical evidence supports
in concentrating and staying with one task, forgetful- an association between job stressors and health-care
ness (e.g., not being able to remember peoples utilization/health-care costs (e.g., Ganster, Fox, &
names even though you know them quite well), and Dwyer, 2001; Manning, Jackson, & Fusilier, 1996).
other small mistakes (Broadbent, Cooper, FitzGerald,
fi- & Parkes, 1982). These small errors are generally not Behavioural Strain
very important, but can be devastating for an indi- Behavioural strain reactions can take a variety of
vidual under considerable strain or in occupations forms. Individuals under increased stress may devel-
e) where the quality of the work or safety of the op nervous habits (e.g., nail-biting) or nervous tics,
in employee hinges on attention to detail. Such errors they may avoid certain situations, or they may
1; have been associated with safety in the workplace reduce personal involvement in activities, either
. (e.g., Duffy & McGoldrick, 1990). Cognitive distur- because of a lack of interest or as a means of reducing
bances have been associated with a variety of work- the demands on their time. There is also some evi-
related stressors, including harassment in the work- dence that suggests that individuals may increase
place (Barling et al., 2001). their smoking (e.g., Conway, Vickers, Ward, & Rahe,
1981; Parrott, 1995) or consumption of alcohol and
Physical Strain other drugs (Jones & Boye, 1992) under periods of
Like psychological outcomes, physical strain mea- increased stress. Job stress tends to be associated with
sures have ranged from relatively minor psychoso- higher levels of alcohol consumption and alcohol-
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Building Healthy Workplaces: What We Know So Far 229

Figure 1. Antecedents and outcomes of healthy workplaces.

related problems particularly for individuals who comes of stress include increased absenteeism,
endorse escapist reasons for drinking (Grunberg, decreased performance, increased rate of accidents,
Moore, Greenberg, & Anderson-Conolly, 1999). and an increased likelihood of looking for alternative
Increased job stress may also impair other positive employment (Cartwright & Cooper, 1997; Quick et
health-related behaviours, which, in turn, may exac- al., 1997). Attempts to quantify the effects of strain
erbate the negative effects of stress. For example, typically focus on these direct outcomes and other
individuals in high-stress jobs report engaging in less observable costs associated with stress.
exercise than do individuals in low-stress jobs (e.g., Most of the empirical job stress research attention
Payne, Jones, & Harris, 2002). Eating disorders, fami- has been focused on organizational absence.
ly problems, and violence have also all been identi- Psychological distress and depression are directly
fied as examples of behavioural strain, and they are linked to increased absence from work (Hardy,
directly linked to the experience of job stress (Quick Woods, & Wall, 2003). Similarly, workers are twice as
et al., 1997). likely to be absent from work on a day following
alcohol use than when they have not used alcohol
Organizational Strain (McFarlin & Fals-Stewart, 2002). In a study of
Some of the most common organizational out- Canadian employees, both social- and physical-relat-
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230 Kelloway and Day

ed work stressors were related to increased absence stantial effect on these firm level outcomes. The
(Health Canada, 1999). This relationship is consistent Harter et al. (2002) study provides one of the most
with a large literature identifying absence as an compelling pieces of empirical evidence that enhanc-
important organizational outcome of various work ing employee outcomes (e.g., satisfaction, well-being)
stressors (e.g., Barling, MacEwen, Kelloway, & translates into business success.
Higginbottom, 1994; Jex, 1998).
Job stress has also been linked to worker safety. Healthy Workplace Model
Poor leadership and increased role overload are asso- Based on the research we have reviewed, we pre-
ciated with a greater incidence of safety events and sent a basic model of the antecedents and conse-
injuries (Barling, Loughlin, & Kelloway, 2002). quences of healthy workplaces (see Figure 1). It is
Research with transit operators has suggested that important to note that this model is not meant to be
workers under high time pressure may be four times inclusive of all aspects of a healthy workplace; it is
as likely to have an accident (Griener, Krause, Fisher, merely meant to be used as an effective tool to help
& Ragland, 1998). Parker, Axtell, and Turner (2001) us organize and review the literature, and to put the
reported that job characteristics were predictive of following articles in this special issue in context.
safer working in their 18-month longitudinal study. Based on existing definitions of healthy work and
Similarly, Frone (1998) provided evidence for the link workplaces, we define healthy workplaces using a
between job stressors and injuries in his sample of holistic approach. That is, we must include both
young workers. Hemmingway and Smith (1991) psychosocial and physical factors as predictors of a
found that role stressors and, in particular, role ambi- healthy workplace. For example, as shown in Figure
guity, were associated with increased number of acci- 1, the physical work environment, in terms of having
dents. a safe and ergonomically designed workspace, is an
There is also evidence that job stress is associated important contributor of a healthy workplace (i.e.,
with decrements in job performance and increased Safety of Work Environment). The psychosocial
likelihood of turnover (Jex, 1998). Wright and environment, however, is as important as the physi-
Cropanzano (1998) found that burnout was associat- cal work environment. Aspects such as organization-
ed with decreased job performance and increased al culture (i.e., Culture of Support, Respect, and
turnover in a sample of social workers. Cropanzano, Fairness), the extent of employee involvement and
Rupp, and Byrne (2003) reported similar findings in development, and the relationships formed at work
two recent field studies. (i.e., Interpersonal relationships) are all key ele-
Organizational costs of job stress are less observ- ments of a healthy workplace. The actual work being
able, but equally important, and may include performed and the characteristics of that work (e.g.,
increased interpersonal conflict, impaired communi- hours of work, job control; i.e., Work Content &
cation, and flawed decision-making (Quick et al., Characteristics) also are important characteristics of
1997). For example, experiencing harassment in the a healthy environment. Finally, as shown in the
workplace (i.e., a job stressor) is linked to impaired model, the work content itself and environment are
interpersonal job performance (e.g., Barling et al., important, but we also must include how the
2001). Similarly, other studies have reported that the employees are able to balance these work factors in
exposure to organizational stressors is associated the context of their lives outside of work (i.e., Work-
with the neglect of job duties and responsibilities Life Balance). An underlying assumption of this
(Schat & Kelloway, 2000). Employee stress is also model is its relationship with the job stress model.
associated with poor client outcomes, such as patient That is, these antecedents can be viewed both as
dissatisfaction (Garman, Corrigan, & Morris, 2002), potential direct stressors (e.g., poor work relation-
perhaps because of the relationship between stress ships), as well as moderators (e.g., social support
and impaired job performance. may moderate the relationship between other stres-
Finally, a recent meta-analysis (Harter, Schmidt, & sors and strain).
Hayes, 2002) provided convincing evidence that In keeping with the holistic approach, we also
employee attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction) and employ- include consequences of healthy workplaces, not only
ee engagement (as measured by the Gallup 12) were in terms of individual and organizational outcomes,
linked to business unit outcomes such as customer but also in terms of societal outcomes. As we previ-
loyalty, firm profitability, productivity, turnover, and ously mentioned, individual outcomes such as psy-
safety. Moreover, the magnitude of these effects was chological, physiological, and behavioural indicators
sufficient to suggest that enhancing engagement and of individual health, are all important healthy work-
improving employee satisfaction would have a sub- place criteria. Similar to the assumptions about the
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Building Healthy Workplaces: What We Know So Far 231

antecedents of healthy workplaces, these individual healthy workplace model: They test a model of work-
consequences parallel the individual strain reactions family conflict, examining how both work demands
in models of job stress. Organizational outcomes (as a component of work characteristics) and family
include employee-based outcomes (e.g., turnover, demands can create work-to-family conflict and fam-
performance), as well as organizational reputation ily-to-work conflict (i.e., the work-life balance com-
and customer satisfaction, which all impact on the ponent), which may then decrease individual out-
organizational bottom line. Finally, societal out- comes of work, family, and life satisfaction.
comes may have an impact on government programs Finally, Struthers, Dupuis, and Eaton approach
and national health-care costs. health workplaces from a unique perspective. They
In this Special Issue of CJBS , the authors have examine the effectiveness of two training programs
addressed the issue of healthy work and workplaces to promote forgiveness in the workplace. They argue
from a variety of perspectives, addressing many of that forgiveness not only may facilitate prosocial rela-
the components of the healthy workplace model. tionships, but also may lead to increased individual
Francis and Barling examine perceived injustice as well-being. Therfore, in the healthy workplace
a form of workplace stress. They assess three aspects model, forgiveness can be viewed as a direct predic-
of justice: procedural, distributive, and interactional, tor of positive interpersonal relationships at work,
which can map onto both the culture of fairness com- which subsequently can positively impact psycholog-
ponent of the healthy workplace model, as well as ical health.
onto the interpersonal relationship component. They The breadth of these five articles provides an inter-
examine how injustice can predict individual strain esting overview of the Healthy Workplace Model,
outcomes, even after controlling for another work- emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach,
place stressor, job insecurity. including both individual and organizational factors,
Harlos and Axelrod contribute to our knowledge and both physical and psychosocial factors as con-
of healthy work environments in several ways. First, tributors and consequences of healthy workplaces.
they develop a scale of workplace mistreatment, and They also introduce other components of the model
identify three dimensions within this construct: ver- that deserve future research.
bal abuse, work obstruction, and emotional neglect.
These constructs can be viewed as a component of Preparation of this manuscript was supported by
interpersonal relationships in our model of healthy research grants from the Social Science and Humanities
workplaces. Finally, Harlos and Axelrod not only Research Council of Canada and the Nova Scotia Health
demonstrate how mistreatment is related to impor- Research Fund. Correspondence may be addressed to E.
tant individual and organizational outcomes, but Kevin Kelloway, Department of Management, Saint
they show how another contributor of healthy work- Marys University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H
places, organizational (or context) support, can 3C3 (E-mail:
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