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V15N I (03
Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters for the Cathodic - 7 1

Deposition of Copper from Dilute Aqueous Acid Sulfate


Depament of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, UnivetSity of Toronto, Toronto, On&ario,Canada MSS lA4
The use of linear-sweep voltammetry and chronopotentiometry for the determination of kinetic parameters for the
electrolytic recovery of copper from a simulated acid-copper electroplating waste solution was demonstrated. For the
electrodeposition of copper from solutions of 0.007-0.008 mol/L CuSO, + 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 at 25"C, the recom-
mended values of the transfer coefficient (a)and exchange current density (io)are Q = 0.46 f 0.06 (95%confidence
interval) and io = 11 f 4 A/m2. The close agreement between these values and the available literature values indi-
cates the reliabilaity of the voltammetric and chronopotentiometric methods.

On utilise la voltamttrie et la chronopotentiomttrie B balayage linhire pour dkterminer les paramhtres cinktiques
de rkcup6ration tlectrolytique du cuivre B partir d'une solution simulk d'blectroplacage au cuivre en milieu acide.
Les valeurs du coefficient de transfert (a)et de la densitk de courant d'6change (io)recommandks pour I'klectrodkpo-
sition du cuivre h partir de solutions t~0,007 0,008molell de CuS04 + 0,smold1 de H2S04B 25 deg. C, sont a =
0.46 + 0.06 (intervalle de confiance 95%)et io = 11 f 4 Aim'. Le bon accord entre ces valeurs et les valeurs pub-
liks dtmontre la fiabilitt des mtthodes voltamttriques et chronopotentiomktriques.

Keywords: copper electrodeposition kinetics, CuS0,-H2S04solutions, voltammetry. chronopotentiometry.

in CuS04. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and
A cid-copper electroplating has a number of advantages
over other types of copper electroplating: it is relatively
fast, inexpensive, easy to maintain and control, less toxic
chronopotentiometry are frequently-used and reliable
methods, and the theory for their application to irreversible
(cyanide-free), and produces deposits of good uniformity, reactions is well understood (Bard and Faulkner, 1980; Mac-
strength and ductility (Reid and David, 1987). For these Donald, 1977). However, exact kinetic parameters for the
reasons, the use of acid-copper electroplating for the electrodeposition of copper from acid-copper solutions have
manufacture of printed circuit boards is increasing in the elec- not been previously determined by these methods. Thus, in
tronics industry. However, the treatment of copper- the present study, we demonstrate the use and reliability of
containing wastes is becoming more of a problem as regula- LSV and chronopotentiometry as methods of determining the
tions and guidelines regarding effluents are tightened (Fleet, kinetic parameters for the cathodic deposition of copper from
1988). One method of removing the remaining copper from a simulated waste solution. We also compare our results with
depleted electroplating solutions is by electrodeposition. Con- those available in the literature, and give recommended
sequently, there has been renewed interest recently in the values of the kinetic parameters.
electrodeposition of copper from CuS04-H2S04solutions The simulated waste solution was 0.00789 mol/L in
dilute in CuS04 (Scott, 1987). CuS04 (- 0.5 g/L Cu) and 0.51 mol/L in H2S04 ( - 50
The two-step reaction mechanism for the electrodeposi- glL). These concentrations are similar to those which may
tion of copper from CuS04-H2S04solutions (Mattsson and be found in waste solutions from acid-copper electropIating
Bockris, 1962), (Scott, 1987). The relatively low CuSO4 concentration ren-
dered the effects of migration negligible (the transport
Cu++ + e- - CU+ (slow) . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . (1) number for CU++ in this solution being 4.7 x 1 0 - ~
(Hinatsu and Foukes, 1989). Ohmic (iR) drops also were
Cu+ + e- - Cu (fast) . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . (2) negligible because of the high conductivity of the solution
(21.3 Slm), and the low current densities employed.

C U + ++ 2e- Cu ......................... (3)

has been verified in studies by Bockrk and Enyo (1962),
Turner and Johnson (1962), Bockris and Kita (1962), The pyrex cell was essentially of conventional three-
Karasyk and Linford (1963), Brown and Thirsk (1965), electrode design, and held about 150 cm3 of electrolyte.
Damjanovic et al. (1966), Radovici and Vass (1967), Gor- The teflon lid had several openings for electrodes and gas
bunova and Thachik (1971), Chemenko and Litovchenko purging. The working and counter electrodes were copper-
(1971), Slaiman and Lorenz (1974), Kume (1976), Caban plated platinum foil. All potentials were measured against
and Chapman (1978), and Stankovic (1983). However, wide a saturated calomel reference electrode (sce), and are
ranges of values for the cathodic transfer coefficient reported as volts versus sce. Other equipment consisted of
(0.31-0.57) and the exchange current density (standard a Princeton Applied Research (PAR) model 371 potentiostat,
exchange current densities (io) -
of 2 850 A h 2 ) have been a PAR model 175 universal programmer, a KeithIey model
reported by the above workers. Furthermore, relatively few 614 digital electrometer, a Linear 800 series chart recorder,
such data have been reported for acid-mpper solutions dilute a PAR model RE 0089 X-Yrecorder, and a Tektronix model
5 113 storage oscilloscope, the latter being used to record vol-
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. tammograms at sweep rates greater than 0.3 VIS.

3.0 r -0.6 r


2.0 - n


1I I

-1.0 - -0.3
-a '



-0.2 -

0 4.2 -0.4
Potential (V vs. sce)
Figure 1 - Typical voltammogram for electrodeposition of Cu
from 0.00789 mol/L CuSO, 0.51 mol/L H,SO,. Sweep rate =
0.300 VIS, electrode area = 0.64,cm', 25C. The peak current
(i,) and the peak potential (Ep) are indicated. 0 4 8 12
The simulated waste solution was 0.00789 mol/L in Time (s)
CuSO4 and 0.51 mol/L in H2SO4. All solutions were pre-
pared using de-ionized water from a Millipore "Milli-Q" Figure 2 - Typical chronopotentiogram for electrodepositionof
water system (resistivity - 18 MQ cm), analytical grade
CuS04.5H20 (BDH AnalaR) and H2S04 (Baker Ana-
Cu from 0.00789 mol/L CuSO, + 0.51 moVL H'SO,. Electrode
area = 0.64,cm2, 2 5 T , constant current = 0.5 mA. The deter-
lyzed), and were deaerated with "oxygen-free" nitrogen for mination of the transition time, (r),and the locations of E,,,, E,,
and E,,,, are shown. 7 is given by the line segment AC; the length .
at least 15 min prior to the experiments. The temperature
of AB = 1/4 AC (Delahay and Mamantov, 1955).
was maintained at 25 f 0.2"C during the experiments using
a recirculating water bath.
The working electrode was electrolytically stripped of For two-step irreversible charge transfers where the inter-
copper and replated for each experiment. This preplating was mediate (Cu +) is more easily reduced than the initid reac-
carried out at a nominal current density of 200 A/m2 for 4 tant (Cu"), the characteristics of the voltammetric peak
min from a solution of 0.79 mol/L CuSO4 0.51 mol/L are primarily determined by the first charge transfer in the

thickness of - -
H2SO4 at room temperature (22 23"C), to give a deposit
4 pm. The geometric surface area of the
sequence (Polcyn and Shain, 1966). In the electrodeposition
of copper, the first charge transfer (Equation (1)) is irrever-
working electrode was 0.400cm2. The electrochemicalsur- sible, and thus the voltammetric peak essentially corresponds
face area of the Cu-plated working electrode was previously to that of an irreversibletwo-electron charge transfer. Con-
determined by chronopotentiometryto be 0.643 cm2, which sequently, the theory of LSV for irreversible reactions was
corresponds to a roughness factor of 0.643 cm2/0.40,, cm2 used in the present study. This theory should apply equally
= 1.6* (see Results and Discussion section below, and well for soluble or insoluble products, since the nature and
Hinatsu and Foulkes (1989) for details). fate of the reaction products are not important for irrever-
sible reactions (Bard and Faulkner, 1980). The chronopoten-
tiometric data were treated in a similar manner, using the
ResuIts and discussion theory for irreversible reactions (MacDonald, 1977; Bard
and Faulkner, 1980). These equations for LSV and
A typical voltammogram and chronopotentiogram are chronopotentiomeayhave not been used previously to extract
shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Since the elec- kinetic parameters for the electrodeposition of copper.
trodeposition of copper from CuS04-H2S04 solutions
involves two electron transfers, two voltammetric peaks or
chronopotentiometric waves might be expected, one for each DETERMINATION OF CATHODIC KINETIC PARAMETERS BY
charge transfer. However, since Cu' is much more easily LINEAR SWEEP VOLTAMMETRY
reduced than Cu" in CuS04-H2SOd solutions, only one
peak or wave (corresponding to the overall two-electron The peak potential (Ep, V vs. sce) and peak current tip.
transfer) is observed, as indicated in Figures 1 and 2. The A) in linear-sweep voltammetric investigations of irrevmible
observed Tafel behavior shows that the reaction is irrever- reactions (at 25C) are described by (seeBard and F a h e r ,
sible (Mattsson and Bockris, 1955; Bockris and Enyo, 1%2). 1980; Nicholson and Shain, 1964)


EP = Eo' - (RTIa n, F ) [ (0.00534 F/RO + In ( T I " ) 6.0

+ In ( D a n, F/ko2R7)"2 + In (v'12)] ) .. .. ... (5) n
where A is the electrode area (cm2), C and D are, respec-

tivel , the concentration (mol/cm3)and diffusion coefficient
(cm /s) of the electroactive species, v is the potential sweep
rate (V/s), a is the cathodic transfer coefficient, n is the
number of electrons transferred in the overall reaction (n =
2 for the electrodeposition of copper from CuS04-H2S04
solutions), n, is the number of electrons transferred in the
rate-determining step (taken as l), Eo' is the formal poten-
tial (V vs. sce), ko is the standard rate constant (cm/s), R
is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), Tis the absolute tem-
(Sweep Rate)l'* ( V / S ) " ~
perature (298 K) and F is Faraday's constant (96487 C/mol).
In the above equations, ko is the value of the rate constant -
Figure 3 Variation of voltammetric peak current versus square
when the cupric ion concentration is 1 mol/L; that is, when root of sweep rate for electrodeposition of Cu from 0.00789 mol/L
E = E". Upon substituting the numerical values of F , R CuS04 + 0.51 mol/L HzSO4. Electrode area = 0.64, cm2,25C.
and T, Equations (4) and (5) become Error bars represent 95 % confidence intervals. The transfer coeffi-
cient was determined from the slope, according to Equation (6).
ip = 2.985 X lo5 n (an,)l12A C D1'2v''2 . . . . . . . (6)

Ep = Eo' - ([0.05915/(2 CY no)] [0.6777

+ log (38.925 D a no/ko2) + logv] ) . . . . . . . . . (7)
The sweep rate was varied from 0.010 to 2.00 V/s in order
to determine the transfer coefficient and the standard rate
constant in the usual manner from plots of ip versus v'" and
E versus lo v (Bard and Faulkner, 1980). The variation
of ip with 3" is shown in Figure 3. Each point is the
average from at least 4 experiments, each using a freshly-
replated Cu electrode. All error bars in this study represent
95%confidence intervals. The least squares slope is 4.61 X
A (s/V)'12. A cathodic transfer Coefficient of 0.432
was calculated using the values of D = 5.38 x cm2/s
' -2 -1 0 1

and A = cm2 (the true electrode surface area), which

were determined previously (Hinatsu and Foulkes, 1989). log (Sweep Rate) (V/r)
The diffusion coefficient for Cu(II) was determined by Figure 4 - Variation of voltammetric peak potential with logarithm
static mercury drop electrode polarography, since polaro- of sweep rate for electrodeposition of Cu from 0.00789 mol/L
graphic determination of D does not require prior knowledge +
CuS04 0.51 mol/L HzS04. Electrode area = 0.M3cm2,25C.
of the true surface area of a solid electrode. Our polaro- Error bars represent 95 96 confidence intervals. The transfer coeffi-
graphic diffusion coefficients are in excellent agreement with cient and the standard rate constant were determined from the slope
those reported by other workers (see Hinatsu and Foulkes and intercept, respectively, according to Equation (7).
(1989)j . The true sufface area of the Cu-plated working elec-
trode was determined by chronopotentiometry,using a solu- The formal potential (E") at 25C can be calculated
tion of 0.00393 mol/L CuS04 0.51 mol/L H2SO4, the from the observed equilibrium potential (Erq = 0.00V vs.
Sand Equation see uation (1 1) below) and a value of D
= 5.67 x 10- cm2/s, which was determined by polarog-
sce for C = 0.00789 mol/L) and the Nemst equation

raphy in a solution of the same comysition (Hinatsu and

Foulkes, 1989). The value 0.U3 cm was obtained as the E"' = Eeq - (0.05915/2) log C . . . . .. ... . .. .. . (8)
average of 29 determinations using constant nominal cur-
rent densities in the range 6 - 10 A/m2. where C is in mol/L. -Equation (7) and the values Eo' =
The variation of Ep with logv is shown in Figure 4. The 0.062 V vs. sce, a = o.431 (the average of the values from
linear variation over a large range of sweep rates is indica- the ip and Ep data), and the intercept of Ep versus logv
tive of a kinetically-controlled reaction. The least squares (-0.314 V vs. sce) were used to calculate a standard rate
slope is -0.0688 V, which gives a cathodic transfer coeffi- constant of k, = 3.8 x cm/s.
cient of 0.430, in excellent agreement with the value The exchange current density, io (A/m2), was calculated
obtained from the ip versus v1I2 data. from ko as (B3rd and Faulkner, 1980)

-0.1 0 1 1 1 where 7 is the transition time (s) and t is the electrolysis time
(s) (Bard and Faulkner, 1980). If the values oft in Equation
(10) are replaced with the appropriate sub-multiples of 7,
-0.15 and then the Sand equation
0 - p 2 = (n F A D'" 0 4 2 i) ......... ..... (1 1)
5 -0.20
c is used to eliminate r , the following expressions for the
e -0.25 - quarter-wave, half-wave and three quarter-wave potentials
I result:
&! Er14 = E'' + [(RTla n, F) [In (0.5 n F A k, C)
- In i] .................................
E,,' = Eo' + [(RTla n,, F) [In (0.2929 n F A k, C)

-3.5 -3.3 -3.1 -2.9

log i (amps)
- In i] ................................. (13)
E3r/4 = E'' + [(RTla nu F) [In (0.1400 n F A k, C)
Figure 5 - -
Plots of (E,,, E"'), (E, - E"') and - E"')
versus log i for electrodeposition of Cu from 0.00789 mol/L - In i] ................................. (14)
CuSO, 4- 0.51 mollL H2S0,. Electrode area = 0.64,cm2, 25OC.
Error bars represent 95X confidenceintervals. The transfer coeffi- The transition time was determined by the method of Delahay
cient and the standard rate constant were determined from the slopes
and intercepts, respectively, according to Equations (12) (14). - and Mamantov (1955); the validity of this method is indicated
by the constancy of the values of irv2Over the range of cur-
io = lo4 X nFk,C exp { [ -anF/RT]
rent densities investigated (6
- - 22 Alm'). Values of CY =
0.44 0.47 (average CY = 0.46) and k, = 5.7 x lov5 -8.1
- E " ' ) ) . ............................ x cm/s corresponding to io = 9.0 -lQ3 Nm', average
(Eeq .(9) io = 9.5 A/m$, or based on geometric surface area = 1.6,
x 9.5 A h 2 = 15.' Nm') were obtained from the slopes and
where (E, -
Eo' = -0.062 V, C is in mol/cm3 and the
factor 108 is used to convert A/cm2 to Alm2. Using the intercepts, respectively, of plots of (Er/,, - E"), (Era -
average value of CK = 0.43, yields a value of io = 4.6
E"'), and (&I4 - E") versus log i, shown in Fig. 5. Each
point represents the average of at kast 4 runs. The determina-
A/m2. This value is based on the true electrode area (rough-
tion of the kinetic m e t e r s by chronopotentiometry and LSV
ness factor = 1.61). The value of io based on the geometric
is summarrzed in Table 1, where the various plots, their slopes
surface area is l.61 X 4.6 A/m2 = 7.4 A/m2. and intercepts, and the resulting transfer coeficients and
exchange current densities are listed.
The chronopotentiogram for an irreversible reaction is RECOMMENDED VALUES OF THE KINETIC PARAMETERS
described by:
The transfer coefficients obtained in the present study by
E = E"' + (RTIa nu F)(ln[2kJ(~D)''~] chronopotentiometry (CY = 0.44-0.47, average = 0.46)and
LSV (a = 0.43) are in good agreement with one another,
+ In (71/2 - t'")] ....................... (10) as well as with the value of a = 0.48 obtained by Bockris and

Summary of Experimental Determination of Kinetic Parameters
io ("'1
Based on Based on
true surface geometric
Method* Plot Slope Q Intercept area surface area
LSV ipvs.v I n 4.6, x 1 0 - ~ 0.432 -- -_ I

LSV Epvs.logv 0.0688 0.430 -0.31, 4.6 7.4

CHRPOT (Ed4.E" '1 -0.129 0.459 -0.577 9.5 15.2
vs. log i
CHRPOT (E,,,-E" '1 -0.125 0.47, -0.598 8.7 13.9
vs. log i
CHRPOT (E3r14-E"'1 -0.134 0.44, -0.66, IO., 16.5
vs. log i
*LSV = linear sweep voltammetry.
CHRPOT - chronopotentiometry.
x Roughness factor = 1.61

Literature Values of Transfer Coefficients for Cu Electrodes in CuS0,-H2S04 Solutions Obtained by Various Methods
[CUSO*1 [ H2SO4 1 Temp.
Reference Method* (mol/L) (mol/L) ("C) a
Reid and David AC 0.24 I .8 ? 0.52
Mattsson and GP 0.01 1- 0.5 30 0.49
BQCkriS 0.5
Bockris and Enyo GP 0.007- 0.5 30 0.47'
Bockris and Kita GP 0.05 1 .o 30 0.51 +

Brown and Thirsk RDE/PS 0.1-0.3 0.2-0.47 25 0.43'

Radovici md Vass GP 0.05-0.5 0.5 2545 0.48
Chernenko and PC 0.01-0.2 0.5 25 0.31,'
Karasyk and GDP 0.75 0.5 25 0.57
Kume GP 1 0.5 25 0.49
Caban and RDElPS 0.010-0.10 0.20-2.o 21 0.39
Milora et al. RDEfLSV 0.10 1.o 25 0.35
Stankovic GP 0.05-0.7 0.5-2.0 30 0.51
Average a = 0.46f0.05**
* -
AC AC impedance.
GDP - galvanostatic double pulse.
GP - galvanostatic pulse.
LSV linear sweep voltammetry.
PC programmed chronopotentiometry.
PS potentiostatic.
RDE rotating disk electrode.
+ Average value.
**95%confidence interval using t-test.

Literature Values of Exchange Current Densities for Cu Electrodes in 0.007-0.008 mol/L CuS04+ -0.5 mol/L H2S04Solutions
[ cuso41 [ H2S041 Temp. i
Reference Method* (mol/L) (mollL) ("C) (A/%)
Bockris and Enyo GP 0.007 0.5 30 24**
I Caban and RDE/PS 0.00789 0.51 21 5.0+
Stankovic GP 0.00789 0.51 30 2.5''
Pearson and Schrader AC 0.00736 0.5 23 15.9
Average ifi = 12
* AC - AC impedance.
GP - galvanostatic pulse.
PS potentiostatic.
RDE rotating disk.
** Average value.
+ Calculated using Caban and Chapman's equation iq = 156 (Cc )0.67 exp(-0.37CA) (A/m2), where CCuis the CuSO, concentration
(0.00789) mol/L), and C, is the H,SO, concentration (0.51 mh/L).
A Calculated using Stankovic's equation io = 36 (a,-,+t)0.67(A/m2).The cupric ion activity of 6.14~10-,mol/L was calculated
from the Nernst equation as follows: the observed rest potential = 0.00 V vs. sce and Eo = 0.095 V vs. sce; therefore, 0.00 V
= 0.095 + (0.05915/2) log a,--+ t.

Enyo (1962) using a galvanostatic pulse technique, which dilute solutions of copper in sulfuric acid. As can be seen
is the only literature value for a solution similar to the one from Table 2, this recommended value is essentially iden-
! employed in the present work (0.007 mol/L CuS04 0.5 + tical to the average of the available literature values obtained
mol/L H2S04). The average of our two values and the using a variety of methods. However, this exact agreement
single literature value gives CY = 0.46i0.06(95% confi- likely is fortuitous, since not only different concentrations,
I dence interval using t-test). This value is recommended for but also different temperatures were used for many of the
LIJe in work involving the electrodeposition of Cu from results listed in Table 2. However, the value is close to
the expected theoretical value of 1/2 for the accepted two- = quarter-wave potential (V vs. sce)
step mechanism. This close agreement confirms that the reac- = half-wave potential (V vs. sce)
tion mechanism remains unchanged for a wide range of = threequarter wave potential (V vs. sce)
CuS04 activities, and indicates the reliability of the LSV = Faraday constant
and chronopotentiometric methods. = current (A)
= exchange current density (A/m2)
The nominal exchange current densities (basedon the geu- = standard exchange current density (A/m2);the
metric electrode surface area) obtained in the present study exchange current density when the cupric ion con-
by LSV (io = 7.4 A/m2) and chronopotentiometry (io = centration is 1 moUL
15.2 f 3.2 A/m2) are in reasonably good agreement with = peak current (A)
one another, and with the available literature values for com- = standard rate constant (cmls); the rate constant when
parable solutions (Table 3). The literature values are quite the Cu(II) activity is 1 mol/L
scattered, ranging from io = 2.5 A/m2 to 29 A/m2. = number of electrons transferred in overall reaction
However, the average of the literature values is io = 12 A = number of electrons transferred in ratedetermining
me, which is very close to the average value of io = 11 step
A/m2 obtained by LSV and chronopotentiometry. This = gas constant
= absolute temperature ( K )
close agreement, in spite of variations in the temperature
(21 30C), the CuS04 concentration (0.007 mol/L to
0.0079 mol/L), and the electrode surfaces, as well as the
= cathodic transfer coefficient
= sweep rate (V/s)
= cupric ion activity coefficient
fact that some of the literature values were extrapolatedfrom = copper metal activity coefficient
fitted equations, gives added confidence to the values = transition time (s)
obtained by LSV and chronopotentiometry . Consequently,
the average value of 11 f 4 A/m2 determined in the present
work may well be the best value that can be recommended References
for the electrodeposition of copper from dilute solutions of
CuS04 in H2SO4 at about 25C. Andricacos, P. C. arid H. Y.Cheh, The Application of Linear
Sweep Voltammetry to a Rotating Disk Electrode for the Rever-
The values of a and io obtained in this study by LSV and sible Depositionof an Insoluble Species, J. Electrochem. Soc.
chronopotentiometry were calculated using carefully checked 127, 2153-2157 (1980).
experimental results, as well as accurate values of the diffu- Bard, A. J. and L. R. Faulkner, Electrochemical Methods, John
sion coefficient for Cu(II) and the true surface area of the WileyandSonsInc., NewYork(1980). pp. 51-52. 101.222-225
Cu-plated cathode (Hinatsu and Foulkes, 1989). The close and 251.
agreement between the experimental and literature values Bockris, J. OM. and M. Enyo, Mechanism of Electrodeposition
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Summary Sulfate Solutions, Electrochim. Acta 10, 383-393 (1%5).
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tiometry was demonstrated for the determination of the CuS04-H2S04 Solutions, J. Electrochem. SOC. 124,
1371-1379 (1977).
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0.5 mol/L H SO4 at 25C are a! = 0.46 f 0.06 and io = Crystal Plane on the Mechanism and the Kinetics of Copper Elec-
1 1 f 4 A/m;1 (based on the geometric surface area). trocrystallition, J. Electrochem. Soc. 1 1 3 , 4 2 9 4 (1966).
Delahay, P. and G. Mamantov. Voltammetry at Constant Current-
Acknowledgements Review of Theoretical Principles, Anal. Chem. 27. 478-483
Fleet, B., Electrochemical Reactor Systems for Pollution Con-
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the trol and Metal Recovery, Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun. 58.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 1107-1133 (1988).
Gorbunova. K. M. and Z. A. Thachik, Copper Electrocrystalli-
Nomenclature zation Mechanism According to Morphological Data and
Impedance Measurements, Electrochi. Acta 16, 191-200
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C = concentration of electroactive species (mol/L or Hinatsu, J. T. and F. R. Foulkes, Diffusion Coefficients for
mol/cm3) Copper (rr) in Aqueous Cupric Sulfate-Sulfuric Acid Solutions,
D = diffusion coefficient of electroactive species (cm2/s) J. Electrochem. Soc. 136, 125-132 (1989).
E = electrode potential (V vs. sce) Karasyk, L. and H.B. Linford, Electrode Kinetic Parameters for
Eeq = observed equilibrium potential (V vs. sce) Copper Deposition on Clean and Soiled Copper Cathodes, J.
peak potential (V vs. sce)
3E =
= standard reduction potential (V vs. sce)
= formal potential (V vs. sce) = E + (RT/2F)
Electrochem. SOC. 110, 895-904 (1%3).
Kume, M., Kinetics and Mechanism of Copper Electrodeposi-
tion from an Acidic Cupric Sulfate Solution, Nagoya-Shi Kogyo
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