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Learning keywords used in business English lesson

What will I learn from this the lesson learn about the keywords that are
used in business?
During this English lesson you learn about the keywords that are used in business. The word is followed by the meaning then an example

Try making some sentences of your own using the examples.

absent adj. - not present

Example: The manager is absent due to being away on other business.
accomplish verb - succeed in reaching a required stage
Example: We have a lot to accomplish this week to meet the targets.
address verb - deal with a problem or a task
Example: We better not have to address this problem again this is you last chance.
adjourn verb - bring a close to a meeting
Example: If there are no further things on the agenda, we will adjourn the meeting for this month.
agenda noun - list of objectives to be covered at the meeting
Example: Pass a copy of the agenda to anyone who is attending meeting in advance please.
AGM noun (abbr.) - Annual (once a year) General Meeting
Example: At the next AGM we will need to vote for a new chairperson.
allocate verb - assign roles/tasks to certain people
Example: The new manger will allocate someone to order the new company cars.
AOB noun (abbr.) - Any Other Business (unspecified item on agenda)
Example: The last item on the agenda as anyone got AOB (Any Other Business).
apologies noun - telling who is absent and have left there apologies for their absence
Example: Only one person is absent and they send their apologies.
ballot noun - a way of voting, usually in writing and should be secret
Example: Please put your ballot slip in the box.
board of directors noun - group of elected members of an organization/company who meet to make decisions
Example: The board of directors met last night to discuss the latest budget.
boardroom noun - a large meeting room, with one long table and chairs
Example: The boardroom is busy tomorrow, but Friday will be fine to have a meeting then.
brainstorm verb - thinking to gather ideas
Example: Let's get together and have a brainstorming session on ways that to increase profit.
casting vote noun - deciding vote normally made by the chairman when the votes have ended equal
Example: The ruling on overtime pay was decided on the chairman's casting vote.
chairperson and chair noun - a person who leads the meeting
Example: As chair/chairperson, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, our new sales manager Mr Bean
clarification and verification noun - explanation or proof that something is true and understood
Example: We will need some clarification as to what's involved with the planning permission for the new offices.
closing remarks noun - last spoken words in a meeting examples reminders, thank you ext
Example: In is closing remarks he thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
collaborate verb - work together as a pair/group
Example: The workers had difficulty collaborating with the managers as a result the deadline was not met.
commence verb - begin, start the meeting
Example: We will commence the meeting as soon as the everyone as arrived and signed the register.
comment verb or noun - express one's opinions or thoughts
Example: If you have a comment, please raise your hand rather than speak out.
conference noun - formal meeting for discussion, esp. a regular one held by an organisation
Example: Before the conference there will be a private meeting for board members only.
conference call noun - telephone/video conference (Skype) meeting between three or more people in different locations
Example: Today the chairman from all the overseas branches had a conference meeting using video call.
confidential adjective - private; must not be shared only with those with permission.
Example: The company stated that all financial information must be confidential.
consensus noun - general agreement
Example: We must reach a consensus by the end of the meeting which will then be put to vote to decided.
deadline noun - the date when something is due for completion
Example: The deadline for the order is June 10th.
designate verb - assign to someone or a team
Example: If no one volunteers to work at weekend I will designate someone.
formality noun - a procedure (often unnecessary) that has to be followed due to a rule
Example: Everyone knows who is going to be the next vice president, so this vote is really just a formality.
grievance noun - complaint made by a worker or customer
Example: A grievance has been reported by one of the managers about one of is staff.
guest speaker noun - person who joins the group in order to share information or deliver a speech
Example: today am delighted to introduce our guest speaker Mr Bean who is giving us some tips on social networking
implement verb - it must happen and be followed through
Example: We must implement the new guide lines set out by the board of directors.
mandatory adjective - required
Example: It is mandatory that all workers start at 8am and finish at 5pm.
minutes noun - a written record of everything said at a meeting
Example: Let's review the minutes from last month and see what as been resolved since then.
motion noun - a suggestion put to a vote
Example: The motion to extend weekend hours for the staff has been passed.
objectives noun - goals that need to be accomplish
Example: I'm pleased that we were able to cover all of the objectives today within the designated time.
opening remarks noun - chairperson or leader's first words at a meeting (i.e. welcome, introductions)
Example: As Mentioned in my opening remarks, we I thank you all for attending.
overhead projector noun - machine with a special light that projects a document onto a screen or wall so that all can see
Example: Using the overhead projector I was able to show the sales team what targets we need to achieve.
participant noun - person who attends and joins in at an event
Example: Thank you to all the participants in the firms charity event
proxy vote noun - a vote cast by one person for or in place of another
Example: There must have been one proxy vote I have counted twelve ballots but there are only eleven attendees present.
punctual adjective - on time and must not be late
Example: Anyone that is not punctual will be asked to explain to the manager why they are not on time.
recommend verb - suggest
Example: I recommend that you lower the price of the old stock.
show of hands noun - raised hands to show an opinion in a vote
Example: From the show of hands it appears that everyone is in favour of taking a short break.
strategy noun - plan to make something work
Example: We need to come up with a strategy that will allow us to increase work output.
unanimous adj. - everyone is in complete agreement or united in opinion
Example: The vote was unanimous to cut working hours from 46 to 39 hours.
vote verb or noun - to express an opinion by group or voice down by a show of hands or by ballot box.
Example: We need to vote for all those in favour of the new changes.
wrap up verb - finish
Example: Let's wrap up it up so that we can start on the next project.

502 Positive Action Verbs That can be used to on your


What will I learn from the list on 502 Positive Action Verbs?
This lesson is a list of all the positive verbs that can be used when writing a CV or letter for a job application.

Why use the 502 positive verbs?

By using positive action verbs your CV and letter will look and sound more impressive then the rest.

502 positive verb list

Accelerated Enlisted Proposed
Accomplished Ensured Protected
Accounted for Entertained Proved
Accumulated Established Provided
Achieved Estimated Publicized
Acquired Evaluated Published
Acted Examined Purchased
Activated Exceeded Pursued
Active in Executed Qualified
Adapted Expanded Queried
Addressed Expedited Questioned
Adjusted Experienced Raised
Administered Experimented Ran
Advanced Explained Ranked
Advertised Explored Rated
Advised Expressed Reached
Advocated Extended Realigned
Affected Extracted Realized
Aided Fabricated Reasoned
Alerted Facilitated Received
Allocated Familiarized Recognized
Amplified Fashioned Recommended
Analyzed Filed Reconciled
Answered Filled Recorded
Anticipated Finalized Recruited
Applied Financed Redesigned
Appointed Fine-tuned Reduced
Appraised Fixed Referred
Approved Focused Registered
Arbitrated Forecast Regulated
Arranged Forecasted Rehabilitated
Arraigned Formed Reinforced
Arrested Formulated Related
Articulated Fostered Remodeled
Ascertained Found Rendered
Aspired Founded Reorganized
Assembled Fulfilled Repaired
Assessed Functioned as Replaced
Assigned Furnished Replied
Assisted Gained Reported
Assumed responsibility Gathered Represented
Assured Generated Reputed
Attained Graded Researched
Attracted Graduated Resolved
Audited Granted Responded
Authored Grew Restored
Automated Guided Restructured
Awarded Halved Retrieved
Balanced Handled Revamped
Billed Harmonized Reversed
Blazed Harnessed Reviewed
Boosted Headed Revised
Bought Helped Revitalized
Briefed Hired Routed
Broadened Hypothesized Saved
Budgeted Identified Scheduled
Built Illustrated Screened
Calculated Imagined Searched
Campaigned Implemented Secured
Captured Impressed Selected
Carried out Improved Separated
Cataloged Improvised Served
Caused Incorporated Serviced
Centralized Increased Set or set up
Chaired Indexed Shaped
Championed Indoctrinated Shared
Changed Influenced Showed
Channeled Informed Simplified
Charted Initiated Simulated
Checked Innovated Sketched
Clarified Inspected Slashed
Classified Inspired Sold
Closed Installed Solidified
Coached Instigated Solved
Co-directed Instituted Sorted
Collaborated Instructed Sought
Collected Insured Sparked
Co-managed Integrated Spearheaded
Combined Interpreted Specialized
Commanded Interviewed Specified
Commended Introduced Spoke
Commented Invented Sponsored
Communicated Inventoried Staffed
Compared Invested Standardized
Compiled Investigated Started
Completed Involved Steered
Composed Issued Stimulated
Computed Joined Stored
Conceived Judged Streamlined
Conceptualized Justified Strengthened
Condensed Kept Stressed
Conducted Launched Stretched
Conferred Lead Structured
Conserved Learned Studied
Considered Leased Submitted
Consolidated Lectured Substituted
Constructed Led Succeeded
Consulted Liaised Suggested
Contacted Licensed Summarized
Contained Listed Superseded
Contracted Located Supervised
Contributed Logged Supplemented
Controlled Machined Supplied
Converted Made Supported
Convicted Magnified Surpassed
Coordinated Maintained Surveyed
Corrected Managed Synchronized
Correlated Marketed Synergized
Corresponded Mastered Systematized
Corroborated Matched Tabulated
Costed Maximized Tackled
Counseled Measured Targeted
Counted Mediated Taught
Created Merged Terminated
Critiqued Met Tested
Crowned Met with Tightened
Cultivated Minimized Took or took over
Cured Mobilized Totaled
Customized Moderated Toured
Cut Modernized Traced
Dealt with Modified Tracked
Decided Monitored Traded
Decreased Motivated Trained
Defined Moved Transcribed
Delegated Named Transferred
Delivered Navigated Transformed
Demonstrated Negated Translated
Described Negotiated Transmitted
Designated Netted Transported
Designed Observed Traveled
Detected Obtained Treated
Determined Opened Triggered
Developed Operated Trimmed
Devised Optimized Tripled
Diagnosed Orchestrated Triumphed
Directed Ordered
Discovered Organized
Dispatched Originated
Dispensed Outlined
Displayed Overhauled
Dissected Oversaw
Distinguished Participated
Distributed Perceived
Documented Performed
Doubled Persuaded
Drafted Photographed
Drove Piloted
Earned Pinpointed
Economized Pioneered
Edited Placed
Educated Played
Effected Planned
Eliminated Predicted
Emphasized Prepared
Employed Presented
Empowered Presided
Enabled Prevented
Enacted Printed
Encouraged Prioritized
Ended Processed
Endorsed Procured
Energized Produced
Enforced Programmed
Engaged Prohibited
Engineered Projected
Enhanced Promoted
Enlarged Proofread
CV - curriculum vitae resume English lesson

How to write a CV and resume

During this lesson you will learn how to write your own CV and resume. The last part of the lesson is an example CV resume to help you
create your own.

What does CV mean?

CV is shortened from curriculum vitae.

What is the difference from a CV and a resume?

Nothing, resume is American English (AmE)

Writing a CV (curriculum vitae) step by step


When you apply for a job give a brief description of the job you are applying for or the sort of jobs you are going to be applying for.

In this part list all the experience that you have since leaving school to present. I if you have just left school list part time jobs or any experience
that is relevant to the job you are applying for


List your schools, colleges and universities that you have attended.


If you have any interest or hobbies list them. Don't list things such as going out with friends or going to parties. Going to the gym, cycling
running ext. Show that you are keen on keeping fit.

Sample Resume / CV
Steven Gerard

Seeking an International School position in English where my extensive teaching experience can be used to the

Experience 1999-present Ribblesdale High School Manchester, UK

English Teacher

Increased grades to an average of 76%.

Introduced online learning to help students learn at home as well.

Increased the grade results from 59% to 64%.

Teaching assistant
Helped prepare lessons plans with the teacher.
Helped students prepare for the end of year exams.

Developed 'E-learning website' training course.

Education 1992-96 Lancaster University Lancaster, UK

Postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE)

Captain of University football Club

1988-92 St Peter's high School Blackburn, UK

3 GCE 'A' Levels

President of English club

Interests Football, rugby, drama, computers

27 Richmond Terrace, Blackburn, Lancashire, UK

Tel: +44 121 333 456

Example of a CV
The example also shows selected experience and awards, both these are optional and can be added if you feel they will help you with the job you
are applying for.
Please be aware CV and resumes can be very different, but try to keep to one page and don't add anything that doesn't need to be added.

CV's with many pages can be over looked try and keep your CV - resume to one page two if needed

Asking for help and offering help - business English


What will I learn from the English lesson asking for help and offering help
During this English lesson you will learn how to offer another co-worker help with there work and also how to ask someone for help with your
own work.

Reasons you would you want to offer someone help with there work

Sometimes if you have finished your work you may want to offer to help another co-worker. Below is a few examples of how to talk to another
worker if you can help them with there work.

Examples of asking to help someone with there work

Hi John, I have managed to finish my work already so I have some extra time. Do you need help with anything.

Sarah, are you're doing the accounts for on Easy Pace Learning? I did that last month. If you need some help, just give me a call and I come to
your office.
I have a lot of experience with your project if you have any questions, please just ask me.

Sometimes in a work environment asking for help can be a lot more difficult. You will have to judge what type of relationship you have with
your co-workers.

Hi John, I'm having trouble getting the totals correct for the accounts for easy pace learning. Do you mind having a look at my figures to see if I
am missing something simply?

Hi Sarah, can you help me and proof read this letter? This is a very important client and I want to make sure there are no mistakes.

Can you spare me ten minutes to help me set up the new machine? I can't get it to start.

English lesson learning the key words used in Banking

What will I learn from the lesson learning the key words that are used when
Banking in the UK and America?
During this lesson you will learn some of the key words that are used in banking in the UK, below is a list of words and a brief description of
each for you to start learning.
N = noun V = verb a = adjective

Click here for the lesson on English book of words noun verb adjective adverb

Balance n. What the amount of money is in your account after all the debits and credits.

Bank charges n. money that has to be paid to a bank for the bank's services, cheques, going overdrawn etc.

Branch n. Where the local office or bank is, London has many local branches.

Chequebook UK or Checkbook US n. A book that contains removable checks that are used for paying for goods.

Cheque UK check US n. are a written order to a bank to pay the person or company the stated sum from your account;

Credit n. the money you have in your bank account; the sum of money added to your bank account; money lent by a bank, loan, overdraft.

Credit card n. (Visa) card from a bank or a company that authorises the purchase of goods on credit you require.

Current account n. bank account were money can be drawn at any time.

Debit n. The sum of money that is deducted from a bank account.

Deposit account n. A bank account were interest is paid on the money in the acccount.

Fill in UK v. Forms or documents sometimes require you to add written information to make it complete.

Interest n. When some has a load, credit card money has to be paid for the use of money lent - interest rate n.
Loan n. money that is lent by a bank or loan company that must be repaid with an agreed interest rate.

Overdraft n. deficit in a bank account that is agreed with your bank or can be caused by withdrawing more money than is in credit.

Pay in v. Put money in to your bank account.

Payee n. person who pays the money into an account.

Paying-in slip n. a small document that as all the details needed to pay money into a bank account.

Standing order n. an instruction to a bank to make regular payments.

Statement n. Every month most banks will send you a record of all transactions (debits/credits) made from your bank account.

Withdraw v. - withdrawal n taking money out of a bank account using an ATM or visiting your local branch.

Business - Greeting visitors and offering help

English lesson

What will I learn from the lesson business greeting visitors and offering
During this lesson you will learn how to greet your visitors that come to your company. How to explain if there is a problem and offering
refreshment to visitors when they arrive.

How to greet your visitors:

Good morning / afternoon / good evening. How may we help you ?

Do you have an appointment?
Thanks Mr Jones I'll let (Mr Bean) know you're here. please take a seat while you wait?

How to to explain to someone there's a problem:

I'm afraid (Mr Jones is in a meeting all afternoon can I take a message?
I'm sorry, but he/she's out of the office at the moment.
Do you want to make an appointment?

Offering help and refreshments:

Please take a seat while you are waiting?

Is there anyway that I can help you?
Would you like a drink of tea or coffee while you are waiting?
Do you take Milk and sugar?
We have some brochures for you to read through about our company while you are waiting?

General conversation that you can have:

How was your journey?

Did you have a good journey?
What was the weather like Manchester I believe it rains a lot?
Business Letters English lesson

What will I learn from the English lesson business English lesson?
During this lesson you will learn on business letters and what other kinds of business correspondence you can use.

What are business letters?

Business letters are writton ontandard paper that allows you to communicate between, people or from businesses. To send a business letter you
usually send using the post box, Post Office or sometimes by courier. Business letters are considered to be "snail-mail" which means very slow
compaired to email which is faster almost instant letter.

Types of business letters


Who writes Business Letters?

Almost all people will have at sometime written an a business letter even without knowing it. Some people in business have to write many letters
each day while others only have to write a few letters over the whole if there career. Business people will have to read many letters every
working day. Letters are written by a person or group are known as the sender to a person or group, which in business are known as
the recipient.

Examples of senders and recipients:

Business to business
A business to a consumer
A person sending a job applicant company
Citizen to a government official
employer to another employee
staff member to another staff member

Why write Business Letters?

There are a lot of reasons that you might have to write business letters or for another correspondence.

to persuade someone
to inform someone or a group
to request something from someone or a group
to express thanks to someone or a group
to remind someone or a group
to recommend something
to apologize to someone or a group
to congratulate someone or a group
to reject a proposal or offer from someone or a group
to introduce a new person or new policy to someone or a group
to invite or welcome someone or a group
to follow up from an enquery or request
to formalize decisions to someone or a group

General office basics asking questions and answering

them English lesson
What will I learn from the English lesson general office talk?
During this English lesson you will learn how to ask questions for various item in the office and how to answer some of the them. The lessons
shows several examples for you to practice.

Asking for a file

If you can't find a file, how to ask people around the office.

Do you know where the Johns file is at?

Do you have the file on the Pilkington case?

Do you know where the file with the statements in is?

Is anybody using the travel expense file right now?

How to answer some of these questions

Did you check the file cabinet on room 123? It should be there.
Check the desk. Sometimes people leave it on the desk next to filing cabinet.

Oh... sorry it's on my desk. I forgot to put it back after I had finished with it.
I have it my office wait, I'll get it for you.

How to ask for a file or book on someones desk

Sometimes you might need to use a file or book that is on someone's else's desk.
Examples of how to ask:

Hi Sarah, are you using that book right now?

Can I borrow that file john I really need?

Have you finished with this file Peter?

Craig when you have finished with that report can you let me have it?
Can I use this file or are you using it?

Asking for things around the office

If you need something, it is common to ask around. Here are some examples of what you might need in the office.

Do you have a spare mouse? Mine as broken.

Do you have another network cable? The one I was using is too short now I have moved my computer.
Do you have a blank CD disk I can have?
I ran out of large white labels. Do you have any I can have?

Can I borrow your stapler, mine as jammed?

Do you have a hole puncher for A4 paper?
Do you have a staple remover that I can borrow I have lost mine last week?

Hard drive computer business lesson

What will I learn from the business lesson hard drive computer?
During this English lesson you will learn what a hard drive is and what it is used for. The last part of the lesson you are examples if how to talk
about in a work environment.

What is a hard drive?

A hard drive, which can also be called a hard disk drive or HDD, is one of the main parts of all modern computers. The hard drive is used to
store all your programs and files. If the drive should become damaged for what ever reason, most likely will lose everything you have stored on
your computer if you haven't done some sort of back up.

Hard Drive

We have all the records of all the employees saved on the hard drive.
I have finished the presentation needed to show the client and I saved it on my hard drive.
If you need to see any of my documents they are all saved on my computers hard drive.
I have the information on my computers hard drive. Would you like me to save it on a CD disk for you?

Saved on my computer

When you say the following, 'saved on my computer', it is widely understood that you are talking about the hard drive, don't worry it is fine to
use both as sometimes people might not understand what a hard drive is.

Examples of needing a bigger hard drive

My computer hard drive is running out of room can we get someone to install a bigger one.
I need a bigger hard drive.

What is a hard copy?

A hard copy is a printed version of the data stored on a computer and printed on a piece of paper.
What is a soft copy?

A soft copy is the file stored on the computer.

I have all the information needed for the meeting stored on my computer, I will prepare hard copies for the meeting for everyone.

Machine and equipment problems - learning business


What will I learn from the lesson machine problems in the office?
During this lesson you will learn about the various machines in the office and various problems that you might come across.

Office machines you might find in a office

There are various machines and equipment that can be found in an office:

1. Cash registers = Used for totalling goods someone wants to buy.

2. Calculator = Used for making mathematical calculations.
3. Copier's = Used to make exact copies of documents.
4. Printers = A machine used to print images or text.
5. Fax machines = Sends documents over a telephone wire.
6. Shredders = Used to shred documents so not to be seen by unauthorised people.
7. Computers = Used to storing and processing data
8. Disc copying equipment = A machine that enables you to copy large amounts of CD's or DVD's
9. Typewriters = Used to produce letters and documents not popular now due to computers.

Problems with machinery

Below is a list of problems for a computer and a copier. There are many things that can wrong with machinery below is only a few.

Problems with a computer

Do you know what's wrong with my computer?

Who should I call to report a problem with my computer?

When is the computer going to be fixed?

Do you know when the computer will be ready?

My computer will not switch on.

Why won't my computer printer this document.

Problems with a copier

How do I use the copier?

The machine has run out of paper how do I refill the copier?

The copy machine has stopped working again is the paper jammed again?
The copy machine is broken.

Can you get the copy machine fixed today please?

A technician is will be coming out late this morning to fix the copy machine.

What type of paper do I used for the copy machine?

We should order some more paper. We're running very low and only have 2 packets left now.


Using the two examples above for the computer and copier and try ask some questions for the following machines and equipment.

Copy and write on some paper and answer 1 to 9.

1. Cash registers
2. Calculator
3. Copier's
4. Printers
5. Fax machines
6. Shredders
7. Computers
8. Disc copying equipment
9. Typewriters
Learning English for work, jobs, school or hobby 10+
simple steps

What will I learn from the English lesson learning English for work,
jobs,school and hobby?
This not so much a of an English lesson, but more of a guide for helping you learn the English language. The guide shows how yo achieve your
goal of learning the English language.

Learning English
When you are learning the English language it will take a lot of your time, practice and effort. But when you have learnt enough of your new
language it will lead to a brighter future. By learning English it will give you many advantages.
More work prospects, your job grade will hopefully go up and you will make new friends. Below are the 10 things you must have to succeed
when learning English for business.

You must have desire

You must want to learn the English language. Learning English will require that you study many hours.

Do you know what your motive is?

Ask yourself this question why do you want to learn English? Do you need help at school, business or something else? When you know your
reason try and remember when you are struggling and thinking of quitting.
Set yourself goals

Every week or month set yourself a goal for yourself this could be learning fifteen words a week or trying to talk to someone in English online or
your English teacher. Reward yourself when you achieve your goal.

Study everyday

There is no set time limit to studying but Easy Pace Learning recommend between 1560 minutes a day. Choose a time scale that suits your
needs. Every day try and revise what you have learnt so not to forgot its best to keep practicing what you have learnt so far

Make a set study schedule

Try and use the same time every day for studying. By using a set time you will get in a routine and not skip learning.

Speak out loud

Say out words loud to yourself as you study. This will help you remember words more.

Try different learning methods

You can learn English by speaking, reading and writing. Another way that a lot of people learn is linking pictures with words. Try every find a
method or methods that work for you.

Speak to other English speakers

It is best to practice what you have learned by talking in English to a native English speaker. Listen to how they pronounce certain words.

Do not be afraid of mistakes

This quite important some people are afraid to practice as they think others laugh at them or you are shy. REMEMBER most people will be glad
to help you.

Submerge yourself with English

Surround yourself with English. Read English books, English website's, listen to it BBC online, watch it and try to speak English with others.


Try and talk like a native English does or closely as you can. When you sound like a native speaker, you'll have a better chance of being

Resources for learning English

Use our website, our dictionaries, exercises with lessons.

Use what you know

Even though you know might know very little English, you can use what you already know. You are able to have a brief conversation using just
a few words.

Don't get stuck

If you don't know a certain word, use the Easy Pace Learning Dictionary to help you. If you are still unsure try using different words to explain
what you mean. Of you are unsure of anything use the Easy Pace Learning forum to ask a question.

Negotiating with your boss before leaving

What will I learn from the lesson negotiating with your boss before leaving?
During this English lesson you will learn about how to negotiate with your current employer when you decided to leave your job. The lesson
gives examples of how you can negotiate a wage increase and even a promotion.

Receiving a job offer

When you receive an offer of a job from another company it is a great way to negotiate a salary increase or maybe changing your job position.
This only applies if you are a very good employee because your current employer will do there upmost to make you stay. If you are undecided
about staying or going, it's best to say that you received another offer and you are giving it considerable thought. If your employer tries to make
you stay, you can now state what you want in order for you to stay.

Hello Mr Jones, I am currently at a crossroad of my career. I have being interviewed with another company and they have offered a great deal to
me, but I haven't made a decision yet, as I it was best to talk to you before making my decision.

Your employer asks you to stay

I really like this company and having you as a boss, this makes my decision really hard. I have been asking to become a team leader here. as
well, the new company are offering me a ten percent higher salary than what I receive. Do you think you can match the wage offer and also be
considered for being a team leader?

Hello Mr Jones, I have been trying to get a job nearer to my family home so I don't have to travel so much. I have been offered a job, but am
undecided yet. As I wanted to talk to you before making my final choice.

You see Mr Jones, they have offered me a lot bigger salary. Which is five percent higher then the salary I'm getting here. Do you think it is
possible you can match or better what they are offering?
Office equipment learning English

What will I learn from the English lesson office equipment?

During this lesson you will learn the vocabulary you will see in most offices.

A typical office and its equipment

Examples of office Equipment

Monitor: needed to view computer output.

Computer: Used for many office software and internet.

Keyboard: Used for inputting text to the computer then to the monitor screen.

Telephone: Used for making and receiving phone calls to customers and staff.

Desk: Needed to store all the office equipment on.

Waste basket: For all rubbish that is not needed any more.
Swivel chair: Able to turn all the way round and move easily on wheels.

Draw unit with draw: Stores documents, books or anything that is needed to be stored in the desk.

Files: Used for storing documents that need to be filed in alphabetical order.

Filing cabinet: Used for storing files in order.

Label: Used to let people know what's inside the draw.

Notebook: For making notes for things that need to get done or messages from a telephone call.

In-tray: Work that needs to be done is put in the in-tray.

Out-tray: When work has finished, it is put in the out-tray

Desk top organizer: For holding things like pens, pencils, paper clips so they don't make the desk untidy.

Business Office Supplies Learning English

What will I learn from the lesson office supplies

This lesson you will learn the vocabulary for various items you are likely to find in an office.
Talking to Workers in your office or work environment

What will I learn from the English lesson talking to Workers in your office
or work environment
This English lesson covers the basic English that you need to know when speaking with co-workers.

What ever sort of work you do, you will almost sure to have a boss or a manager unless you are self employed. Should you be a manager, then
you will have people reporting to you. It is almost certain that you will have to work with co-workers.

If you are talking with a co-worker, most of it will be like talking with a friend. You can talk about your were you live, what school you went to,
the weather, and general things about everyday life.We have lessons on a wide range of subjects for you learn and talk about.

Talking with a co-worker

Asking a co-worker what happened during the meeting you have missed

I couldn't make meeting. Can you tell me what happened?

I had to go to the dentists this morning so I missed the meeting. What happened?
I was sick yesterday and missed the meeting. Is there anything I should know about?
We missed the meeting. Was there anything I need to know?

Talking to your co-worker about another co-worker

When talking about a co-worker make sure they are a good friend or they might tell the person.
Mr Jones looks really mad at the moment. Do you know what's made him mad?
What happen to John recently? John looks really angry.
I think John is annoyed about something. Can you tell me what the matter is with him?

How to talk to a co-worker about the boss being angry with you

John speaks to me like he is angry with me all the time. Does he speak to you the same way?
Does John speak to you like he is mad at you? Or am I just being silly?
No it's not you. He speaks to everyone the same way too.

Talking about a co-worker about a co-worker who is being moody

Sarah is very moody this week.

If the manger knew what she was doing, we wouldn't have a back log of work to do.

What is the matter with John lately?

He is just having one of those off days we all have from time to time. His new line manager is gaving him a rough time.

So Sarah, what do you think of your line manager?

He gets very angry very easily and he scares me a little bit oh, and he never helps with the work. What do you think Paul?

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