Anda di halaman 1dari 53


L'affabbetu Sicilianu avi vintunu littri:

A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v,
Z z.

Li Vucali


Li vucali nta la lingua Siciliana sunnu cincu: a, e, i, o, u .

Sti vucali hannu un sonu curtu o un sonu longu, a secunnu la pusizioni di unni si trovanu nni la
parola. Esempi di vucali longa e vucali brevi. La vucali accintata e` la vucali longa, li vucali
senza accentu sunnu li vucali brevi:

Li Vucali
a is pronounced as in the word palm prma
e is pronounced as in the word echo lccu
i is pronounced as in the word ring anddu
o is pronounced as in the word lost prsu
u is pronounced as in the word foot pdi


La b vi un sonu labiali:

bgnu bath
bddu beautiful
bincu white

La c vi un sonu gutturali di frunti a li vucali a, o, u,:

cni dog
caf coffee
ccu cook

La c vi puru un sonu gutturali di frunti a li vucali e ed i si sti vucali sunnu priciduti di la h:

chivi key
chiru clair
chccu stutterer

La c vi un sonu palatali (o soffici) quannu appressu vi li vucali e o i :

ciri flower
cra wax
cimi river

Nni la lingua parrata assai voti la c vi lu sonu di la sc:

scimi river
scirari to smell
sciri flower

La d vi un sonu dentali:

diriu diary
dinri money
dnti teeth

La f si pronunzia comu nni li paroli:

fmu smoke
fri to do
fnu fine

La g , comu la c, vi lu sonu gutturali quannu si trova prima di a, o, b:

gttu cat
gudri to enjoy
gla throat
La g puru gutturali o dura, cu la e, e cu la i si prima di la vucali c' la h:

ghicciu ice
ghrciu cross-eyed
ghimmaru ball of tread

La g palatali davanti la e e la i:

givini young man
gmitu moan
gignu June

Si la g davanti la n, allura vi un sonu nasali:

gnurnti ignorant
gnissri to plaster
gnumnia ignominy

La h un vi nuddu sonu, e` usata doppu la c e la g pi fari lu sonu duru (Vidi la c e la g cu l'h).

La l liquida:

lnu linen
lna moon
lna wool

La m labiali:

mastru teacher
mu mine
mgghiu better
La n palatali:

nsu nose
ndu nest
nnu dwarf

La p labiali:

pittu plate
pnti bridge
pmu apple

La q sempri siguita di la u:

quli what, which, that, who, whom
qunnu when
cqua water

La r semiliquida:

rma tree-branch
rggia outrage
rccu rich

La s sibilanti:

satta arrow, thunderbolt
sccu thin, dry
sli sun

La t semidentali:

tli such
tmpu time, weather
timni rudder

La v si pronunzia comu nta li paroli:

vnu wine
vulunt will
vlu flight

La z si pronunzia duci comu nta li paroli:

zna zone
zelu zeal
zeru zero

e si pronunzia dura comu nta li paroli:

zziu uncle
zzazzara long hair
zzicca tick


Un libru di reguli di ortografia di la lingua Siciliana nun esisti. A causa di la forti nfluenza di
avutri lingui, la lingua Siciliana s' truvatu nta lu prucessu di evoluzioni, forsi, cchi di qualunqui
avutra lingua. Doppu quasi un seculu di l'urtima mpusizioni linguistica, chi fu chidda Taliana,
finalmenti avemu un tentativu di un trattatu seriu, ma assai curtu e incumpletu, pi stabiliri li
reguli di l'ortorafia di la lingua Siciliana. Stu tentativu fu fattu di Giorgiu Piccittu e lu pubbric
nni lu 1947. Comu iu dissi, mpurtanti ma troppu ristrittu. Stu cursu segui, pi quantu pussibili
li reguli di ortografia di G. Piccittu.

Consunanti Duppi

Giniralmenti certi cunsunanti quasi sempri hannu un sonu forti, spissu anchi si si trovanu a
principiu di parola. Per si sti cunsunanti sonanu duppi nni la parrata nun si usanu duppi nni la
lingua scritta. Tali cunsunanti sunnu b, c, d, g, m, n, r, and z. Sti esempi chi vennu appressu
sunnu sulu pi la prununzia.
Consunanti Duppi
Bbbbu stupid
Bbddu beautiful
Bbrttu ugly
Ddppiu double
Ddppu after
Dduttri doctor
Gggghiu eye-lash
Ggia` already
Ggirnu pale
Mmrmuru murmur
Mmrda escrement
Nnimcu enemy
Nnmu name
Rrzza sea urchin
Rrta wheel
Zzappni mattock
Zzappagghini gnat


Consunanti Duppi
Cc here
Cci to you, to them
Cchi more
Ddcu there, next to you
Dd there, next to him, away from us

Si scrivinu pi comu si pronunzianu, cu la duppia cunsunanti.

La duppia cunsunanti si ncontra spissu nna lu Sicilianu scrittu, comu si vidi nni li paroli appressu:

Consunanti Duppi
abbecceddriu first grade book
abbannunri to abandon
famgghia family
strzziu torment
allammictu hungry, empty-stomach
cunnttu water channel
nmmaru number
lbbru book

Pi digramma si soli diri l'unioni di dui littri chi si iuncinu pi fari un sonu sulu. Chisti chi ci sunnu
appressu sunnu digrammi: gn, ch, gh, dr, tr:

gn has a nasal sound as in canyon gni every
lgnu wood
ch has a guttural sound as in kill chnu full
chivu nail
gh has a guttural sound as in ghetto ghicciu ice
ghicri to arrive
dr has a palatal sound as in drift drga drug
drgu dragon
tr has a palatal sound as tree trnu train trnu train
trccu trick

Certi digrammi hannu un sonu cacuminali, significa ca lu sonu veni fattu cu la lingua chi sbatti
nta lu palatu. Certi tipi di sti digrammi sunnu:

dd addumri to light
dd ddu he, him
dr drttu strait
ddr as a strong dr addrizzri to make strait
tr trnu train
ttr as a strong tr attrci actress

Para Cuntrastanti

Certi paroli n Sicilianu cancianu significatu agghiuncennu na cunsunanti chi hannu n cumuni.
Chistu significa ca si hannu na certa cunsunanti hannu un significatu e radduppiannu la stissa
cunsunanti, pigghianu un significatu diffirenti:

Para Cuntrastanti
Simplici Radduppiata
nnu dwarf >>> nnnu grandfather
lna wool >>> lnna tin, can
scanri to knead >>> scannri to slaughter
ppa doll >>> pppa stern
mna mine >>> mnna breast
pla shovel >>> plla ball
ndu naked >>> nddu nobody
casta houseful >>> cassta Sicilian cake
cpia copy >>> cppia couple
mda fashion >>> mdda spring, soft
grdu yell >>> grddu cricket
na one >>> nna wave
stuftu stew >>> stufftu bored, disgusted
abbilri to frustrate >>> abbillri to embellish


N Sicilianu avemu dui tipi di articuli, lu diterminativu: lu, la, li, e l'inditerminativi un, nu, na.
St'articuli, pigghianu lu geniri e numaru di la parola a cui appartennu. Ponnu essiri masculini lu
(singulari) e li (plurali), o fimminini la (singulari) e li (plurali). Lu nditerminativu un, nu,
masculinu, na, fimmininu, sunnu sempri singulari:

Articuli diterminativi
Lu cavddu the horse
Li cavddi the horses
Un cavddu a horse
La csa the house
Li csi the houses
Na fmmina a woman

Cu li paroli chi accumincianu cu la s siguita di n'avutra cunsunanti o cu li paroli c'accumincianu

cu la z, s'vi a usari sempri lu ndeterminativu nu:

Articuli nditerminativi
vi nu zu bnu. He has a good uncle.
C'era nu scalni utu. There was a tall step.
Ava nu stpu vsciu. He had a low cabinet.
Si nni purt nu zinu chnu. He took a full knapsack with him.

L'articuli ditirminativi nt lingua parrata si usanu senza la l, a pi la, i pi li, e u pi lu,

Articuli cuntratti
u cavddu the horse
i cavddi the horses
a csa the house
i csi the houses


Li pripusizzioni ponnu essiri simprici e cumposti. Chiddi simprici sunnu: a (to, at), di (of), cu
(with), nni (to, by, in), nn (to, by, in), nn (to, by, in), pi (for), nt, nt (into), nt (in the,
plural), fra, ntra (in between), ecc.

Sti pripusizzioni si ponnu usari puru cu l'articulu diterminativu: a la (to the), di lu (of the), cu la
(with the), nni la (by, in the), ecc.:

Pripusizzioni articulati
Viu a la csa. I go to the house.
La csa di lu frti. The house is of the brother.
Sgnu cu lu zu. I am with the uncle.
ranu nta la crsia. They were in the church.

Ma nt sisicilianu di oggi si cuntrainu a: (a la), (di lu), c (cu lu), nn o nt (nni lu), nt (nni

Pripusizzioni Contratti
Viu csa. I go to the house.
La csa d frti. The house is (belongs) of the brother.
Sgnu c zu. I am with the uncle.
ranu nt crsia. They were in the church.

Lu plurali di sti pripusizzioni articulati cancia assai nni lu modu cuntrattu.

Pripusizzioni articulati Plurali

Regulari Contrattu
Imu a li csi. We go to the houses. Imu csi. We go to the houses.
Li csi snnu di li The houses belong to the Li csi snnu d The houses are (belong) of the
frti. brothers. frti. brothers.
ramu cu li zii. They were with the uncles. ramu ch zii. We were with the uncles.
Iru nni li crsii. They went in the churches. Iru nt crsii. They went in the churches.

La stissa cosa succedi cu l'articulu nditerminativu:

Pripusizzioni Articulati ndeterminativi
Regulari Contrattu
Ci lu dgnu a un cni. I give it to a dog. Ci lu dgnu n cni. I give it to a dog.
La crpa ra di un The fault was of one La crpa ra dn The fault was of one
frti. brother. frti. brother.
Lu puliza c'un He cleans it with a tooth- Lu puliza cn He cleans it with a tooth-
palcu. pick. palcu. pick.
Va smpri nni un He goes always to one Va smpri nnn He goes always to one
cucnu. cousin. cucnu. cousin.

Si na pripusizzioni siguita di n'articulu nditerminativu e si rifirisci a na parola di geniri

fimmininu la pripusizzioni e l'articulu nun fannu cuntrazzioni:

Ancora Pripusizzioni
Appartinva tttu a na sru. Everything belonged to a sister.
Tutti li vsti ranu di na fgghia. All the dresses belonged to one daughter.
Si sciarrivanu slu cu na za. They argued only with an aunt.
Chi si po` fri pi na mtri? What can one do for a mother?


N Sicilianu avemu avverbi di lcu:

stta (under), spra (above,on), cc (here), dd (there), nni (where), davanti (ahead, in front),
doppu (after), etc..

Avverbi Di Lcu
Mi msiru stta lu pnti. They put me under the bridge.
Iu dda` nun ci iva. I was not going to go there.
Mi mannru nni c'ra pirculu. They sent me where it was dangerous.

Di tempu:

dppu, ora, ari, oi o ggi, dumni, qunnu, mai, etc...:

Avverbi Di Tempu
Iu cci vi dppu d'ddu. I went after to him.
M sru arrva dumni. My sister will arrive tomorrow.
ddu vnni ra di la csa. He came now from the house.
La csa e` gia` pulta. The house is already clean.
Di quantit:

abbastnza (enough, plenty), pcca (little, few), assi (a lot, many), mnu (less) cchi (more),
tntu (so much), etc...:

Avverbi Di Quantit
iu pcca srdi, nun mi ncuitri. I have little money, don't bother me.
Nn'i abbastnza manciri? Do you have enough food?
Hai tnti cavddi e nun li fi crriri. You have so many horses and you don't race them.

Di marera:

comu (like, as), beni (well), accuss (so, this way), nutili (uselessly), ammuccini (secretly),

Avverbi Di Manera
Tu travgghiavi ammuccini, picch? You were working in secret, why?
Fa cmu fzzu iu. Do as I do.
Vgghiu chi lu fi accuss. I want you to do it this way.

Avutri avverbi sunnu:

ntnnu (around), siccmu (since), dntra (in), dnca (then, so), macri (even), avnti (ahead,
in front),mntri (while), vicnu (near), prmisi (first of all), mmnzu (by means of), vrsu
(toward), nvci (instead) alltu (near, beside), nznu (until, up to), etc...

Avutri Avverbi
Ci firriva ntnnu ma nu lu truvva. He was going around it but could not find it.
ra alltu l'rbulu. He was besides the tree.
T'accumpgnu nznu a la csa. I will accompany you up to your house.
Mntri sgnu cca` cci vgnu pru. While I am here I'll come too.

Li pripusizzioni cumposti sunnu furmati di n'avverbiu e na pripusizzioni:

Pripusizzioni Cumposti
Ntnnu a around the
Stta di under the
Ammuccini di in the secret of (without the knowledge)
Vicnu a near the
Dppu di after the
Spra di over, above the
nznu a until, up to
Diversamnti di differently from
Pi mmnzu di by means of
Alltu a near, beside the
Cchi pcca di more than
Mnu di less than
A favri di in favor of
Ava cchi pcca srdi di s ptri. He had less money than his father.
ra vicnu a s nnnu. He was near his grandfather.
ddu lu fci a favri di s mtri. He did it in favor of his mother.
Diversamnti di chstu nu si putva fri. It could not be done differently from this.
Pi mancnza di tmpu mncu mancii. For lack of time I did not even eat.


Li congiunzioni sunnu parti di la parrata chi attaccanu nzemi dui proposizzioni, dui suggetti o dui
parti di na proposizzioni:

e (and), o (or), ma (but), n (neither), puru (even), sparti (besides), mancu (not even), ancora
(still), anchi (even), si (is), sippuru (even if), nveci o mmeci (otherwise), picch (because):

Iu e tu. You and I.
O cci vi tu o cci viu iu. Either you go or I go.
Iddu vnni ma dda no. He came but she did not.
Nun cci iamu n tu n iu. Neither you nor I will go.
Cci iamu iu e ddu. You and I went there.


L'apostrofu un signu graficu chi si usa quannu s'incontranu dui vucali:

L'anddu the ring
L'azzru the steel
L'ebbru the Jew
L'ida the idea
L'cchiu the eye
L'gnu the fingernail
Chstu l'agnddu di Psqua. This is the Easter lamb.
L'cchiu d patrni ngrssa lu cavddu. The owner's eye fattens the horse.
Cci tagghiva l'gna a s fgghiu. He was trimming his son's nails.

Nna lu casu di eliminazzioni naturali di na vucali chi si trova a principiu di parola, nun
nicissariu usari l'apostrofu, picch, secunnu G. Piccittu anchi senza l'apostrofu la parola si capisci
lu stissu, e, livannu l'apostrofu, quannu si p, si eliminanu tutti sti signali nni la lingua scritta. Pi
la stissa raggiuni, sempri secunnu G. Piccittu, l'apostrofu nun s'vi mai a usari mancu nni la
cuntrazzioni di l'articulu nditerminativu:

L'apostrufu e l'articulu nditerminativu

un a, an
na a, an
n a, an
Dna na mnu a t frti. Give a hand to your brother.
M mtri ra cu nu zu mu. My mother was with an uncle of min.

Fa eccezzioni a prepusizzioni in pi distinguilla di l'articulu di supra n:

'n in, to
Iddu sinn'iu 'n Sicilia. He went to Sicily.
Ccciu iiu 'n Siclia. Frank went to Sicily.

Nna li paroli ca accumincianu cu i, unni la parola perdi la i, comu dissimu prima, l'apostrofu nun
si usa pi mustrari la perdita di la vucali:

Senza apostrufu
Mpurtnti important
Nnuccnti innocent
Nzignnti teacher
Nchinri to bow
Ncignsu ingenious
Nzivtu greased
Ntttu whole
Ntuppri to stop, to close
Ntisu heard, obeyed
Mparri to learn
Mpiccictu glued, slow
Nun ncurpri a mia. Do not give the fault to me.
Sta canzna mancu l'iu ntisu. I never heard this song.
Era ncatintu all'rbulu. He was chained to the tree.
Archimdi fu n'omu ncignsu. Archimedes was a genius.

Allura putemu diri chi l'articuli la, lu, li (the) e li pronomi la, lu, li (it, them) pigghianu
l'apostrofu e puru l'aggittivi dimostrativi ddu, dda (that one), ddi (those ones), stu, sta (this one),
sti (these ones), ssa, ssu (that one), ssi (those ones). I pronomi pirsunali ti (to you), nni (to us),
(to you plural), e lu riflissivu (self action) e cci (to, by him, to, by them) ponnu puru pigghiari

Articuli, pronomi, aggittivi dimustrativi si ponnu apustrufari

Iu vitti la vitti. I saw it.
Iddu nun l'abbruci. He did not burn it.
Chima a dd'abbti. Call that abbot.
Pgghiati ss'bbitu. Take that suit.
St'abbsu laidu. This notice is bad.
T'iu a dari na manu. I have to give you a hand.
V'iu a pulizziri la casa. I want to clean your house.
Nn'ati a dari li sordi. You have to give the money to us.
S'innamur di idda. He fell in love with her.
Cc'era s matri. His, her mother was there (with him, her, them).
Iddu l'ava ma nun dissi nenti. He had it but did not say anything.

Si cci si ncontra cu a, o, u l'apostrofu nun lu pigghia:

Idda cci ava itu a scola. She had gone to school.
Cci unci l'occhiu. His eye got swollen.

Per sunnu pronunziati accussi vicinu, chi pari c'avissiru l'apostrofu.

Esprissioni apustrufati

Esprissioni apustrufati
C'avm'a fari= chi avemu a fari? What can we do?
C'avm'a diri = chi avemu a diri? What can we say?
C'avm'a fari si nun voli vniri. What can we do if he does not want to come.
C'avm'a diri si la matri nun voli? What can we say if the mother does not want?

Nta certi casi unni la parola accumincia cu la i, l'apostrofu nun si usa:

Ancora eccezzioni
Ddu icu nun mi piaci. I do not like that game.
Sta ina laida. This hyena is ugly (or bad).
Ssu iardnu beddu ciurtu. That garden is really in blossom.
Ddu iacintu veru beddu. That hyacinth is really beautiful.
Ddu incu grossu. That bull is big.

Ma sti frasi pigghianu l'apostrofu:

Ancora l'apostrufu
Si nn'iiu = si nni iu He, she went away.
Cc'iiu = cci iu He, she went there.
S frati si nn'iiu n cit. His brother went to the city.
A casa cc'iiu cu s patri. He went home with his father.

Lu Geniri

Unu (masculinu) and una (femininu), certi voti sunnu usati comu nummmari cardinali e no comu

Lu Geniri e lu Nummari
Quntu cani c'ranu? Unu. How many dogs were there? One (only one).
Quntu fmmini arristru? Sulu una. How many women were arrested? Only one.

'N Sicilianu li paroli hannu lu geniri, veni a diri chi li paroli si rifiriscinu a li suggetti comu si iddi
fussiru masculi o fimmini. Comu regula ginirali li paroli di geniri masculinu finiscinu cu la u:

Paroli Masculini
Trenu train
Muru wall
Ferru iron
Santu saint

Mentri li paroli di geniri fimmininu finiscinu cu la a:

Paroli Feminini
Lana wool
acctta hatchet
dttula date (fruit)
orcchia ear
La cuprta di m matri. The blanket to my mother.
La petra dura. The rock is hard.

Certi paroli masculini finiscinu puru cu la a e arrestanu li stissi a lu plurali:

Paroli Masculini
Boia executioner
Parcqua umbrella
Capubbnna ring-leader
Lu boia ammazza genti. The excutioner kills people.
Lu paracqua mi teni asciuttu. The umbrella keeps me dry.

Certi paroli chi finiscinu cu ista ponnu essiri usati comu fimminini o masculini e puru comu
singulari o plurali:

Comunsta communist
Archivsta archivist
Machinsta machinist
Giurnalsta journalist
Prutagunsta protagonist
L'archivsta sunnu msculi e fmmini. The archivists are men and women.
Dda(fem) giurnalsta scrissi l'rticulu. That journalist wrote the article.
Li prutagunsta ranu tri. The protagonists were three.
C'ranu tri comunsta e nu sucialsta. There were three communists and one socialist.

Lu plurali, 'n Sicilianu, giniralmenti si fa cu la i, sia pi lu masculinu chi pi lu fimmininu:

Paroli Masculini e fimminini

Masculinu Masculinu Femininu Femininu
Singulari Plurali Singulari Plurali
Telfunu telfuni telephone(s) Nanna nanni grand-mother(s)
Piccittu piccitti young-man(s) Rgula rguli rule(s)
Casu casi case(s) Serra serri saw(s)
Disidriu disidri wish(s) Palmma palmmi
Nannu nanni Farflla farflli butterfly(ies)
La rgula ca tutti li rguli sunnu mpurtnti. The rule is that all the rules are important.
Un piccittu chiam a tutti li piccitti. One young man called all the young men.
La farflla fa vutri farflli. The butterfly makes other butterflies.

Certi paroli finiscinu cu la u a lu singulari e cu la a a lu plurali:

Paroli / Masculini
Singulari Plurali
Cutddu cutdda knife(ves)
Chivu chiva nail(s)
Picurru picurra sheperd
Biscttu bisctta biscuit(s)
Pumu puma happle(s)
Firrru firrra blacksmith(s)
Anddu andda ring(s)
Pignu pigna pine-tree(s)
Pilu pila hair(s)
Catsu catsa large pipe(s)
Ugnu ugna finger-nail(s)
Martddu martdda hammer(s)
Ovu ova egg(s)
Prunu pruna plum(s)

Fici ammulri li cutdda. I had the knives sharpened.
Iu iu un chivu e iddu vi tri chiva. I have one nail and has three nails.
Cu la pardda si ccinu l'ova. One cooks eggs with the skillet.

Certi paroli finiscinu cu la i a lu singulari e cu la a a lu plurali:

Paroli / Masculini
Singulari Plurali
Limni limna lemon(s)
Marni marna tile(s)
Attri attra actor(s)
Ballni ballna balloon(s)
Vastni vastna stick(s)
Buffni buffna buffoon(s)
Muccatri muccatra handkerchief(s)
Buttni buttna button(s)
Cacciatri cacciatra hunter(s)
Cafni cafna uncouth(s)
Campini campina champion(s)
Muratri muratra mason(s)
Cannni cannna cannon(s)
Duttri duttra physician(s)
Capni capna capon(s)
Barni barna baron(s)
Cirnitri cirnitra sifter(s)
Passiatri passiatra pathway(s)
Piccatri piccatra sinner(s)
Scanatri scanatra kneading-board(s)
Cascini cascina drawer(s)
Lapni lapna hornet(s)
Zappni zappna mattock(s)
Nzitni nzitna pimple(s)
Cartni cartna carton(s)

Iu ava un buttni. I had one button.
M soru avia deci buttna. My sister had ten buttons.
La partta di li campina. The game is of the champions.
La cursa la vincu lu campini. The race was won by the champion.
Si mi duni un limni ti dugnu tri buttna. If you give me a lemon I will give you three buttons.

Assai paroli chi finiscinu cu la i, arrestanu accuss puru a lu plurali e ponnu essiri masculini o

Paroli cu la "i"
Singulari Masculinu Plurali Masculinu
Sali Sali salt(s)
Ciriali ciriali cereal(s)
Diamanti diamanti diamond(s)
Ucchiali ucchiali eye-glasses
Onuri onuri honor(s)
Limiti limiti limit(s)
Missali missali missal(s)
Ponti ponti bridge(s)
Singulari Femininu Plurali Femininu
Chiavi chiavi key(s)
Vutti vutti barrel(s), cask(s)
Vurpi vurpi fox(es)
Sorti sorti luck
Riazzioni riazzioni reaction(s)
Liti liti argument(s)

S'arriparru sutta lu ponti. They repaired under the bridge.
Nta li stratna ci sunnu assi ponti. On the highways there many bridges.
Dammi la chivi di la casa. Give me the key for the house.
Pgghiati li chivi di li porti. Take the keys for all the doors.
Misi lu vinu nta la utti. He put the wine in the barrel.
Inchu li utti di vinu. He filled the barrels with wine.

Certi paroli fannu lu plurali agghiuncennu ra a lu singulari:

Paroli Plurali chi usanu "ra"

Singulari Plurali
Bordu brdura fringe(s)
Corpu crpura body(s)
Cozzu czzura nape(s)
Cuntu cntura tale(s)
Focu fcura fire(s)
Iocu lcura play(s)
Marmu mrmura marble(s)
Mercu mrcura mark(s), slash(s)
Munnu mnnura world(s)
Nnomu nnmura name(s)
Sangu sngura blood(s)
Sonnu snnura dream(s)

Lu m nomu Sicilinu. My name is Sicilian.
Li s nnmura sunnu. FrancisiTheir names are French.
Mi sunni un sonnu lidu. I had a bad dream.
Si sunnru snnura boni. They had good dreams.

Certi nomura masculini formanu lu fimmininu agghiuncennu issa or trici a lu masculinu:

Paroli cu "issa" e "trici"
Masculinu Femininu
Duttri dutturssa doctor
Abti abbatssa abbot, abbess
Barni barunssa baron, baroness
Puta puitssa poet
Attri attrci actor, actress
Cunti cuntssa count, countess
Campini campiunssa champion
Piccatri piccatrci sinner
Traditri traditrci traitor

Lu barni chiam la barunssa. The baron called the baroness.
Lu duttri travagghi cu la dutturssa. The doctor worked with the (she) doctor.
L'attri e l'attrci ranu nzmmula. The actor and the actress were together.
Tu si piccatri e idda piccatrci. You are sinner and she is sinner.

Li paroli chi finiscinu cu la cu, formanu lu plurali masculinu cu la ci e lu plurali fimmininu cu la


Paroli chi usanu "ci" e "chi" a lu plurali

Masculinu Singulari Masculinu Plurali Femininu Singulari Femininu Plurali
Amcu amci amca amchi friend(s)
Antipticu antiptici antiptica antiptichi unpleasant
Sarcsticu sarcastici sarcstica sarcstichi sarcastic
Bisbticu bisbtici bisbtica bisbtichi extravagant
Catlicu Catlici Catlica Catlichi Catholic
Mnacu mnaci mnaca mnachi monc(s), nun(s)
Lricu lrici lrica lrichi lyric
Prufticu pruftici pruftica pruftichi prophetic

Lu mnacu sta cu li mnaci. The monk lives with the monks.
La mnaca sta cu li mnachi. He nun lives with the nuns.
Dda fmmina antiptica. That lady is unpleasant.
Ddi fmmini sunnu antptichi. Those ladies are unpleasant.
Lu m amcu avi li s amci. My friend has his friends.
La s amca avi li s amchi. Her friend has her friends.
Arcuni eccezzioni sunnu:

Nicu nichi small, young
Riccu ricchi rich
Biancu bianchi white
Friscu frischi fresh

M fgghiu nicu. My son is young.
Li cungghia sunnu tutti nichi. The rabbits were all little.
T ziu era riccu. Your uncle was rich.
Li re sunnu tutti ricchi. The kings are all rich.
Lu cavddu biancu. The horse is white.
Li casi sunnu binchi. The hoses are white.

Certi paroli chi finiscinu cu la cu sunnu sulu masculini:

Paroli ca usanu la "chi" a lu plurali

Beccu becchi he-goat(s)
Sucu suchi juce(s)
stracu strachi terrace(s)
Saccu sacchi sac(s)
Sbarcu sbarchi landing(s)
Scaccu scacchi chess
Zuccu zucchi trunk(s)

Attcca lu sceccu a lu zuccu. Tie the donkey to the tree.
Metti li sacchi nta l'stracu. Put the sacs on the terrace.
Metti lu sucu nta la buttgghia. Put the juice in the bottle.

Arcuni paroli chi finiscinu cu gu o ga fannu lu plurali cu ghi:

Paroli Plurali ca usanu "ghi"

Largu larghi wide
Longu longhi long
Rangu ranghi rank(s)
Lagu lagghi lake(s)
Anga anghi molar(s)
Sirnga sirnghi siringe(s)
Albrgu albrghi hotel(s)

Lu cimi era longu. The river was long.
Li strati ranu larghi. He streets were wide.
Mi fici scippri na anga. I had un molar pulled.
Ava dui anghi malti. I had two bad molars.
Lu duttri usa li sirnghi. The doctor uses siringes.
Dda` c'ranu tanti laghi. Over there were many lakes.
L'albrghi ranu chini. The hotels were full.

Poi avemu paroli chi finiscinu cu la vucali accintata.

Sti paroli chi nta la maggiuranza sunnu fimminini nun cancianu a lu plurali:

Paroli accintati
Carit charity
Trib tribe
Ginirusit generosity
Cit city
Pruprit property
Stirilit sterility
Umanit humanity
Puvirt poverty

Nta li cit nun ci sunnu li trib. In the cities there are any tribes.
La ginirusit di lu ppulu Sicilinu. The generosity is of the Sicilian people.
La trib na cumunit di genti. The tribe is a community of people.


L'aggittivu un mudificaturi, veni a diri iddu mudifica lu nomu a cui si rifirisci e va d'accordu cu
lu nummaru e lu geniri di lu nomu a cui si rifirisci. Giniralmenti n Sicilianu l'aggittivu segui lu

La casa bedda. The beautiful house.
Lu muru utu. The tall wall.
La vucca china. The full mouth.
L'rvulu nicu. The small tree.
Avmu un cavddu beddu. We have a beautiful horse.
Acchian la scala uta. He climbed a tall ladder.
M frati ava un cani nicu. My brother had a small dog.
A iddu ci dttiru na palla russa. They gave him a red ball.

Quarchi vota l'aggittivu veni misu prima di lu nomu chi mudifica pi daricci na enfasi cchi forti a
lu suggettu. L'aggittivi cchiu` comuni chi pigghianu sta regula sunnu:

Beddu beautiful
Bravu good
Caru dear
Gran big, great
Bruttu bad
Bon good

Chidda na bedda piccitta That one is (really) a beautiful young lady.
Iddu avi nu gran cavddu. He (really) has a great horse.
Lu patri avi bn'vutru cani. The father has another (different) dog.
La iena un bruttu armlu. The hyena is (truly) an ugly (bad) animal.
Iddu un caru piccittu. He is a dear young man.

Arcuni aggittivi fannu eccezzioni a li reguli, veni a diri finiscinu cu la i, e stannu li stissi reuli sia
chi sunnu masculini, fimminini, plurali o singulari:

Diagunli diagonal
Lucnti shining
Cumni common
Gnurnti ignorant
Dbbuli weak
Masculinu Femininu
Lu bordu diagunli La linia diagunli The diagonal edge, line
Lu suli lucnti La stidda lucnti The shining sun, star
Lu vilu cumni La strata cumni The common easement, pathway
Assra vitti na stidda lucnti. Last night I saw a brilliant star.
Iu nni vitti quttru stiddi lucnti. I saw four brilliant stars.
Mi truvva nta la trazzra cumni. I was in the common pathway.
Ddu omu gnurnti. That man is ignorant.

Certi aggittivi formanu avverbi agghiuncennu lu suffissu menti a la parola:

Aggittivi chi fannu l'avverbi

Aggittivi Avverbi
Umnu umanamnti humanly
Veru veramnti truly
Sicru sicuramnti certainly
Stranu stranamnti strangely

Un ssiri umnu l'hai a trattri cchi You have to treat a human being as humanly as
umanamnti pussbili. possible.
Qunnu parrva cu mia sicuramnti dicva When he was talking to me he was lying (saying
fissar. nonsense).
Anchi si lu fattu era veru un signfica ca era Even if what happened was true it does not mean
veramnti bonu. that it was truly good.

Diminutivu, Maggiurativu e Piggiurativu

N Sicilianu ci sunnu certi modi di altirari la qualit o la quantit di un nomu o di n'aggittivu. Lu

diminutvu pi spicificari quantit o qualit, fari quarcunu o quarchi cosa cchi nichi o pi mustrari
affizzioni (vizziggiativu). Pi fari lu diminutivu si agghiuncinu li suffissi iddu, eddu, uddu,
teddu, ceddu, uzzu, a lu nomu o all'aggittivu:

Nomi Cu Suffissi
Sggia siggitdda chair, little chair or cute chair
Msculu masculddu lad, little lad or cute lad
Soru surzza sister, little sister or cute sister
Mischinu mischinddu poor thing, poorest thing (someone)
Porta purticdda door, little door or cute door
Piru pirddu pear, little pear or cute pear
Surdtu surdatddu soldier, small or cute soldier
Matri matrzza mother, dear or good mother

C'era un beddu vinticddu. There was a nice breeze.
Chistu un bon picciuttddu. This is a good little boy.
Ava un msculu e ci fici na surzza. I had a boy and I made him a little sister.
M ziu avi un masculddu. My uncle has a little boy.
Dda casa avi na bedda purticdda. That house has a pretty door.
Ddu surdatddu, mischnu, firtu. That dear soldier, poor thing, is wounded.

Lu maggiuratvu pi spicificari puru quantit o qualit, nta stu casu aumentu di lu suggettu. Pi fari
lu maggiurativu s'agghiunci lu suffissu uni a lu singulari e una a lu plurali di lu nomu o di

Singulari Maggiurativu Plurali
(la) Casa (lu) casni casuna house, big house
Vcchiu vicchini vecchiuna old man, very old man
(la) Manu (lu) manni manuna hand, big hand
Fossu fussni fussuna ditch, big ditch
(la) pardda (lu) pariddni paridduna skillet, big skillet
(la) gaddna (lu) gaddinni gaddinuna chicken, big chicken

E lu piggiuratvu, pi significari bruttizza. Pi fari lu piggiurativu s'agghgiunci lu suffissu azzu

(mascul.) o azza (fimmin.) a lu nomu o all'aggittivu, e tutti dui geniri finiscinu cu la i a lu plurali:

Cu Suffissi
Casa caszza house, ugly, ugly big house
Vcchiu vicchizzu old, ugly old, bad old man
Manu manzza hand, ugly, ugly big hand
Fossu fusszzu ditch, ugly, ugly big ditch
Pardda pariddzza skillet, ugly, ugly big skillet
Gaddna gaddinzza chicken, ugly, ugly big chicken

Esempi di piggiurativu e maggiurativu

Iddu stava nta na caszza. He lived in an ugly house.
Chista nun casa, chista casna. This is not a house, it is a big house.
Lu piccirddu avia dui manna. The baby had two big hands.
Friva l'ovu nta nu pariddni. She was frying the egg in a big skillet.
Era un fusszzu chinu di fangu. It was an ugly ditch full of mud.
Avia tri pariddazzi vecchi. He had three old ugly pans.

Comu si vidi tutti sti suffissi segunu li reguli di masculinu o fimmninu, singulari o plurali.

Cumparativu e Assolutu

Lu cumparativu n Sicilianu fattu di dui maneri: paragni di qualit` agghiuncennu n'avverbiu:

comu (as, like), tantu e quntu (as much as):

Ddu libbru comu lu miu. That book is like mine.
Iu iu tantu pani quntu nn'i tu. I have as much bread as you.
La m casa bedda comu la tua. My house is beautiful as yours.

E paragni, pi iniqualit, agghiuncennu l'avverbi cchi (more), o menu, (less):

Cumparativu di iniqualita`
M frati cchi granni d'iddu. My brother is older than he.
S soru cchi bedda di mia. His sister is more beautiful than I.
Iu sordi nn'iu menu d'iddu. I have less money than he.

Certi cumparativi, fatti cu mgghiu (better) o pggiu (worse), nun pigghianu l'avverbiu cchi

Mgghiu di chiddu. Better than that.
Pggiu di l'avutru. Worse than the other.
Lu scciu fari mgghiu d'iddu. I know how to do it better than he does.
Pi travagghiri pggiu di mia. As far as work goes, he is worse than I am.

Lu superlatvu relativu si forma agghiuncennu l'articulu diterminativu lu, la, li, all'avverbiu:

Superlatvu Relativu
Articulu added
Li cchi nichi the youngest
Lu cchi forti the strongest
Li cchi chini the fullest
Lu cchi autu the tallest
M figghia la cchi bedda di tutti. My daughter is the most beautiful of all.
Ddu muru lu cchi ghiavutu di chidd'avutri. That wall is the highest of those others.
Sta corda la cchi forti di l'avutri dui. This rope is the strongest of the others.
Ddi cirasi sunnu li cchi duci di tutti. Those cherries are the sweetest of all.

Lu superlatvu assoltu si forma agghiuncennu lu suffissu issimu, issima, pi lu singulari e issimi

pi lu plurali. Si p puru furmari cu l'avverbi assai, veru o lu suffissu uni:

Superlatvu Assoltu
Suffissi added
Benssimu very well
Carssimu dearest
Veru lidu truly ugly (ugliest)
Assai lentu truly slow (slowest)
Veru duci truly sweet (sweetest)
Riccni very rich (richest)
Veru longu truly long (longest)
Lu conti riccni. The count is very rich.
Dda fmmina veru lida. That woman is truly ugly.
Carssimu amicu, vui siti assi lentu. My dearest friend, you are very slow.
Sta strata veru longa. This road is very long.

Aggittivi Pusissivi

L'aggittivi pusissivi sunnu:

Aggittivi Pusissivi
Masculinu Singulair Femininu Singulari
Miu mia mine
Tou tua yours
Sou sua his, hers
Masculinu Plurali Femininu Plurali
Nosrtu nostra ours
Vostru vostra yours
Soi soi theirs

St'aggittivi, chi a lu singulari si rifiriscinu a un nomu, si cuntrainu a m, t, s, e nni lu plurali a


Aggittivi Singulari / Plurali

M frati my brother
T soru your sister
S patri his, her father
S figghiu their son
M ziu vinni cu s nannu. My uncle came with his grandfather.
T fgghiu iiu a s casa. Your son went to his house.
Ci dttiru sordi s fgghi. They gave money to their children.

St'aggittivi sunnu puru usati cu na pripusizzioni semprici o cumposta:

Adjectives e Preposition
Stu gattu lu truvi vicnu a la m casa. I found this cat near my house.
Iddu ica cu la t palla. He plays with your ball.
Dda casa di s matri. That house belongs to his mother.
Ssu cani nun di m cucinu. That dog is not my cousin's.
L'rbuli sunnu di t patri. The trees belong to your father.
Lu cavddu lu dugnu a s niputi. I will give the horse to his nephew.
Iddu luntnu di la m casa. He is far from my house.
Iu era alltu a m patri. I was besides my father.

Aggettivi Indicativi

Aggittivi indicativi
Masculinu Femininu
Chistu Chista
Chiddu Chidda
Chiddu me patri. That is my father.
Chistu me frati. This is my brother.
Chidda me soru. That is my sister.
Chista mesoru. This is my sister.

Si ponnu cuntrarri a :

Aggettivi cuntratti
Masculinu Femininu
Stu Sta
Ddu Dda
Ddu cani. That dog.
Stu tavulu. This table.
Dda casa. That house.
Sta cammisa. This shirt.

Aggittivi Quantitativi

L'aggittivi quantitativi indicanu quantit:

Quantu, picca, troppu, tantu, abbastanti, assai:

Aggittivi di Quantit
Quntu sunnu? How many are there?
Abbastanti! Enough!
Nn'aiu picca. Only have a littlle.
Quntu acchini tantu scinni. As much you go up so much you will come down.
Quntu surdti c'eranu? How many soldiers were there?

L'aggittivi numirali, certi voti indicanu sulu na quantit apprussimata:

Aggittivi Numirali
Na dicna about ten
Na cinchna about five
Un cintinru about a hundred
Na cinquantna about fifty
Qusi na vintna. About twenty.
Dammi na chilta di pasta. Give me about a kilo of pasta.
C'eranu na cinquantna d'armli. There were about fifty animals.
Dammi d fila di spaghtti. Give me very little spaghetti (a couple of strings).

Aggittivi Esclamativi

Chi (what), comu (how), quntu (how):

Aggittivi Esclamativi
Comu bedda dda piccirdda! How beautiful is that little girl!
Quntu lidu ddu cani! How ugly is that dog!
Chi furtuna! What luck!
Chi beddi rosi! What beautiful roses!

Aggittivi Rilativi
Tantu, Tali:

Aggittivi Rilativi
Tanti frati, tanti soru. So many brothers as many sisters.
Tali gioia, tali duluri. Such joy, such pain.

Aggittivi Dimustrativi

L'aggittivi dimustrativi sunnu chiddi chi indicanu di cui o di chi parramu:

Aggittivi Dimustrativi
Masculinu Femininu
Chistu chista this (near me, us)
Chissu chissa that (near you)
Chiddu chidda that (away from you, us)

Chistu m patri. This is my father.
Chissu e chissa sunnu li m zii. That one and that one (those) are my aunt and uncle.

Pi chiarificazioni certi voti ci sunnu agghiunciuti l'avverbi cc, dd, ddocu:

Aggittivi cu avverbi
Masculinu Femininu
Chistu cc chista cc this one here (near me)
Chissu ddocu chissa ddocu that one there (near you)
Chiddu dd chidda dd that one there (away from us)

Chistu cc mi piaci mgghiu. I like better this one here.
Chissu ddocu cchi sapurtu. That one (near you) is prettier.
Chiddu dd nun miu. That one there is not mine.

St'aggittivi sunnu spissu usati nni la forma cuntratta:

Aggittivi cuntratti
Masculinu Femininu
Stu sta this
Ssu ssa that
Ddu dda that

Stu ballni russu. This balloon is red.
Ssu rvulu ghivutu. That tree is tall.
Ddu gaddu canta ogni matna. That rooster crows every morning.

Pronomi Dimustrativi

Pronomi Dimustrativi
Masculinu Femininu
Chistu chista this (near me)
Chissu chissa that (near you)
Chiddu chidda that (away from us)

Chistu nun mi pici vgghiu chiddu. I do not like this, I want that.
Prefirsciu chistu a chiddu. I prefer this one to that one.
Chissu nun mi pici. I do no like that one.

Pronomi Pirsunali

Li pronomi pirsunal sunnu:

Pronomi Pirsunali
Iu, mi I, me
Tu, ti you
Iddu, idda he, him, she, her
Nui, nuitri, nni we, us
Vui, vuitri, vi you
Iddi, cci they, them

Iu vaiu a Catnia. I go to Catania.
Iddi lvanu li robbi. They are washing the clothes.
Vuitri nun c'ravu a la crsia. You were not at church.
Tu ci isti puru. You went too.
Iddi iru a chiamri a iddu. They went to call him.

Sti pronomi si ponnu usari puru cu na pripusizzioni:

Pronomi cu preposizioni
Di mia of me
A tia to you
Nni iddu, a idda by him, to her
Di nui, cu nuitri of us, with us
nni vui, a vuitri by you, to you
Cu iddi with them

Lu cani si scanta di mia. The dog fears me (is fearful of me).
Stu libbru lu dugnu a tia. I give this book to you.
M soru si nni iu cu iddi. My sister went with them.
Dda gatta vinni nni nuitri. That cat came by us.

Aggittivi e Pronomi Pusissivi

Pronomi Pusissivi
Lu miu mine
Lu tou, lu t yours
Lu sou, lu s his, hers
Lu nostru ours
Lu vostru yours
Lu sou, lu s theirs

Li nostri pussidimnti sunnu granni. Our possessions are big.
Sta casa la mia. This is my house.
Li nostri parnti annu a vniri tutti cca`. Our relatives will all come here.
Li s parnti nun ci vanno. Their relatives will not go.
Lu s cavddu bincu. His horse is white.

L'aggittivu pusissivu veni sempri prima di lu nomu a cui si rifirisci, lu pronomi pusissivu p stari

Aggittivi Pusissivi e Pronomi Pusissivi

Viu m (a la mia) casa. I go to my house.
Lu t bicchri e lu miu. Your glass and mine.
Tu parti cu la t mchina, e iu cu la mia. You leave with your car and I with mine.
Iu mnciu lu m pani e tu lu t. I eat my bread and you yours.

Pronomi Relativi

Li pronomi relativi si ponnu rifiriri a na pirsuna, a n'armalu o a na cosa:

Pronomi Relativi
Chi which, that, who, whom
Ca which, that, who, whom
Cui, c which, whom
Quli which, Who

Chi e ca sunnu usati sempri senza la pripusizzioni:

Pronomi Relativi "Chi e Ca"

La manu chi aita. The hand that helps.
L'omu ca travgghia. The man who works.

Cui sempri usatu cu la pripusizzioni:

Pronomi Relativi "Cui"

Chista la casa di cui ti parri. This is the house of which I talked to you.

Nta certi modi di diri Siciliani, cui si usa senza la pripusizioni:

Pronomi Relativu "Cui"

Cui cu cani si curca cu pucci si leva. Who goes to bed with the dog will rise with flees.
Cui duna pani a lu cani perdi lu pani e lu Who gives bread to the dog loses the bread and the
cani. dog.
Quli sempri pricidutu di l'articulu diterminativu:

Pronomi Rilativu "Quali"

Qunnu vitti l'avvuctu di Vicnzu, lu quli addifinnu a Petru, nun lu vosi taliri.
- When I saw Vince's attorney, who defended Peter, I did not even wanted to look at him.
Ncuntri la soru di Rusula cu la quli iu iva a scola.
- I met Rosalie's sister with whom I used to go to school.

Pronomi ndifiniti

Nuddu, certuni, certi, quali, qalunqui, ognunu etc...

Pronomi ndifiniti
Cu' c'e`? Nuddu. Who is there? Nobody.
Quantu cci nn'e`? Quarcunu. How many are there? Some.
Qualunqui u po` fari stu travagghiu. Anybody can do this job.

Pronomi Ntirrugativi

chi? Comu? quantu? quali? cui?

Pronomi Interrogativi
Cu' fu? Who was it?
Quant'eranu? How many were there?


Lu verbu ausiliari unu:

Verbu Ausiliari
Avri To have

E chiamatu verbu ausiliari pirch aiuta lu verbu principali:

Verbu Ausiliari
iu mancitu I have eaten.
N Sicilianu, sti espressioni fatti cu lu passatu prossimu, nun si usanu o si usanu raramenti, mmeci
si usa lu passatu rimotu nta la maggiuranza di li casi. Li verbi sunnu organizzati a Coniugazzini,
e li coniugazzioni sunnu organizzati a Modi e Tempi. N Sicilianu nun nicissariu mettiri lu
pronomi pirsunali prima di lu verbu, picch cu lu significatu di la propusizzioni si capisci a quali
pirsuna si rifirisci e puru si singulari o plurali.

Modu Indicativu di li Verbi Aviri ed Essiri


Tempi (Prisenti)
Aviri Essiri
(Iu) iu I have sugnu I am
(tu) Hai you have s you are
(iddu, idda) vi he, she, it has he, she, it is
(nui) Avmu we have semu we are
(vui) Avti you have siti you are
(iddi) Hannu they have sunnu they are

Iu iu na soru. I have a sister.
Iddu malatu. He is sick.

Tempu Imperfettu
ava I had era I was
avvi you had eri you were
ava he, she, it had era he, she, it was
avamu we had ramu we were
avavu you had ravu you were
avanu they had ranu they were

Tu avvi tanti cucni. You had many cousins.
Iddi ranu assittti. They were siting.

Tempu Passatu Prossimu

iu avtu I have had
iu statu I have been

Vui avti avtu dui cani. You have had two dogs.
Iu iu statu casa. I have been at the house.

Tempu Passatu Rimotu

ppi I had fui I was
Avsti you had fusti you were
ppi he, she, it had fu he, she, it was
ppimu we had fmu we were
Avstivu you had fstivu you were
ppiru they had fru they were

Iddu ppi li sordi. He had the money.
Nui fmu a mmari. We were at the beach.

Tempu Trapassatu Prossimu

Ava avtu. I had had.
Ava statu. I had been.

Iu ava avtu na bicicltta. I had had a bicycle.
Iu ava statu fora. I had been outside.

Modu Congiuntivu


Tempu Prisenti
iu I (may) have sia I (may) be
i you (may) have s you (may) be
vi he, she, it (may) has sia he (may) be
Avmu we (may) have simu we (may) be
Avti you (may) have siti you (may) be
nnu they (may) have sanu they (may) be

N Sicilianu, si usa lu prisenti congiuntivu comu lu prisenti indicativu.

Iddu cridi ca iu iu na gatta. He believes that I have a cat.
Iddi pnsanu ca iu sugnu stpitu. They think that I am (may be) a fool.

Tempu Imperfettu
Avssi I had, might have fussi I was, might be
Avssi you had, might have fussi you were, might be
Avssi he, she, it had, might have fussi he, she, it was, might be
Avssimu we had, might have fssimu we were, might be
Avssivu you had, might have fssivu you were, might be
Avssiru they had, might have fssiru they were, might be

Iu pinsva chi iddu avssi un frati. I thought that he had a brother.
Iddu cridva ca fssimu nsmmula. He believed that we were together.

Tempu Passatu Prossimu

Avssi avutu I had had, might have had
Avssi statu I had been, might have been

Iddi vulvanu chi avssi avtu na casa. The wanted that I might have had a house.
Iu spirva ca iddu avssi statu n Siclia. I hoped that he might have been in Sicily.

Modu Condiziunali

Tempu Prisenti
Avirra I would have sarra (fra) I would be
Avirrssi you sarssi you
Avirrssi he, she, it sarra (fra) he, she, it
Avirramu we sarramu (framu) we
Avirravu you sarravu (fravu) you
Avirranu they sarranu (franu) they

Avirra a travagghiri. I would have to work.
Chisti sarranu boni. These would be good.
Avirra parrtu cu Ccciu, ma ava gia` I would have spoken to Frank, but he had already
parttu. left.
Sarra arrivto doppu ma vinni a crriri. I would have arrived later but a came running.

Tempu Passatu
Avirra avtu. I would have had.
Avirra statu. I would have been.

A st'ura avirra avtu tri cani. By now I would have had three dogs.
Ci avirra statu dumni s casa. Tomorrow I would have been at his house.

Modu Imperativu

Stu Modu nun usa a prima pirsuna singulari, pi tuttu lu restu usa lu prisenti indicativu:

Modu Imperativu (subjunctive)

Hai a manciri. You have to eat. Sta' bonu. Be good.
Havi a manciari. He has to eat. Sia bonu. Be quiet.
Avti a partri. You have to leave. Stati cuti. Be quiet.
Hannu a partiri. They have to leave. Sianu cueti. Be quiet.

L' imperativu negativu di la secunna pirsuna singulari n Sicilianu furmatu di la nigazzione cchi
l'infinitu di lu verbu:

Modu Imperativu negative

[N]Un avri prscia. Do not be in a hurry.
[N]Un ssiri testa dura. Do not be a hard head.
Avri To have
ssiri To be
Avri figghi. To have children.
ssiri poviri. To be poor.
Avri avtu. To have had.
ssri statu. To have been.
Avri avtu furtna. To have had luck.
ssiri statu maltu. To have been sick.

Avtu Had
Statu Been
L'iu avtu sempri. I have had it always.
Iddu ha statu carzartu. He has been in jail.

Avnnu Having
Essnnu Being
Avnnu sordi si campa mgghiu. By having money one can live better.
Essnnu sulu spennu picca. By being alone I spend less.
Avnnu avtu Having had
Essnnu statu Having been
Avnnu avtu sempri la matri ora mi sentu sulu. Having always had a mother, now I felt lonely.
Essnnu statu maltu, sugnu siccu. Having been sick, I am thin.

Sprissioni Siciliani cu lu verbu aviri (to have):

Sprissioni cu "aviri"
iu pitittu. I am hungry.
Hai siti. You are thirsty.
Avti sonnu. You are sleepy.
Hannu prscia. They are in a hurry.
Avmu deci anni l'unu. We are ten years old each.

Iddu vi pitttu e iu iu siti. He is hungry and I am thirsty.
Iddi hannu sonnu e nui avmu prscia. They are sleepy and we are in a hurry.
M frati vi cinc'nni e iu nn'iu novi. My brother is five years old and I am nine.

Li verbi Siciliani hannu dui coniugazzioni, la prima finisci cu ari:

Coniugazzioni di "ari"
Parrri to speak
Manciri to eat
Fumri to smoke

La secunna finisci cu iri:

Coniugazzioni di "iri"
Ricviri to receive
Scrviri to write
Rispnniri to answer
Durmri to sleep


Cuniugazzioni di li verbi Parrri e Durmri:

Modu indicativu
Parru I speak dormu I sleep
parri you speak dormi you sleep
parra he, she, it speaks dormi he, she, it sleeps
parrmu we speak durmmu we sleep
parrti you speak durmti you sleep
prranu they speak drminu they sleep
parrvu I spoke durmvi I slept
parrvi you spoke durmvi you slept
parrva he, she, it spoke durmva he, she, it slept
parrvamu we spoke durmvamu we slept
parrvavu you spoke durmvavu you slept
parrvanu they spoke durmanu they slept

Iu parru Sicilinu. I speak Sicilia.
Iddu dormi ora. He sleeps now.
Nuitri mancimu ancra. We are still eating.
Vuitri parrti cu idda. You talk to her.

Arcuni di sti verbi si ponnu scanciari l'accentu senza canciari lu significatu, ma sulu all'infinitu:
Durmri, drmiri (to sleep); suffrri, sffriri (to suffer); murri, mriri (to die); gudri, gdiri
(to enjoy)

Present Perfect
iu parrtu I have spoken. iu durmtu I have slept
Passatu Rimotu
Parri I spoke durm I slept
parrsti you spoke durmsti you slept
parr he, she, it spoke drumu he, she, it slept
parrmu we spoke durmmu we slept
parrstivu you spoke durmstivu you slept
parrru they spoke durmru they slept
Trapassatu Prossimu
Ava parrtu I had spoken Ava durmtu I had slept

'N Sicilianu lu futuru usatu raramenti, a lu s postu si usa lu prisenti indicativu, o l'infinitu
aiutatu di n'avutru verbu:

Dumani vaiu Mpalermu. Tomorrow I'll go to Palermo.
Si Diu voli e campmu dumni nni If God wants and we will live we will see each other
vidmu. tomorrow.

Lu stissu di lu prisenti indicativu.
Parrssi I spoke, might speak Durmssi I slept, might sleep
parrssi durmssi
parrssimu durmssimu
parrssivu durmssivu
parrssiru durmssiru
Passatu Prossimu
Avssi parrtu I might have spoken Avssi durmtu I might have slept

Parrira I would speak. Durmira I would sleep.
Parrirssi durmirssi
Parriramu durmiramu
Parriravu durmiravu
Parriranu durmiranu
Avirra parrtu I would have spoken Avirra durmtu I would have slept

Parra (tu) speak (sing.) dormi sleep
parrti (vui) speak (plur.) durmti sleep
Avirra parrtu I would have spoken Avirra durmtu I would have slept

Parrri To speak
Durmri To sleep
Avri parrtu To have spoken
Avri durmtu To have slept

Parrtu Spoken
Durmtu Slept

Parrnnu Speaking
Durmnnu Sleeping
Avnnu parrtu Having spoken
Avnnu durmtu Having slept

Chisti sunnu un pocu di verbi chi sunnu coniugati comu lu verbu parrri:

Coniugazzioni comu "parrari"

Manciri to eat
amri to love
truvri to find
sunri to play (an instrument)
ciatiri to breath
fumri to smoke
ammazzri to kill
travagghiri to work

Chisti sunnu un pocu di verbi ca sunnu coniugati comu durmri:

Verbi comu "durmiri"

Rdiri to laugh
finri to finish
gudri to enjoy
murri to die
esstiri to exist
cgghiri to harvest
prmiri to press
sntiri to hear, to feel

N Sicilianu, comu nta qualunqui avutra lingua, ci sunnu verbi irregulari. Sti verbi cancianu la fini
assai voti duranti la cuniugazzioni. L'unicu modu di sapiri quali sunnu di nzignarisilli a
mimoria. Cc nni listamu un pocu e nni cuniugamu na para pi dari l'asempiu di comu si
cumportanu duranti la cuniugazzioni:
Diri (to say), vniri or vinri ( to come), sapri (to know), vulri ( to want), putri (to be able),
didciri (to deduce), iri (to go), fari (to do, make), vidri (to see) etc...

Cuiugazioni di li verbi vniri or vinri (to come) e vulri (to want):

Vegnu I come vgghiu I want
veni you come voi you want
veni he comes voli he, she, it wants
vinmu we come vulmu we want
vinti you come vulti you want
vennu they come vonnu they want
vina I came vula I wanted
vinvi you came vulvi you wanted
vina he, she it came vula he, she, it wanted
vinvamu we came vulvamu we wanted
vinvavu you came vulvavu you wanted
vinvanu they came vulvanu they wanted
Passatu Prossimu
iu vintu I have come iu vultu I have wanted
hai vintu you have come hai voltu you have wanted
ha vintu he, she, it has come ha voltu he has wanted
avmu vintu we have come avmu voltu we have wanted
avti vintu you have come avti voltu you have wanted
nnu vintu they have come nnu vultu they have wanted
Passatu Rimotu
Vinni I came vosi I wanted
vinsti you came vulsti you wanted
vinni he, she, it came vosi he, she, it wanted
vnnimu we came vsimu we wanted
vinstivu you came vulstivu you wanted
vnniru they came vsiru they wanted
Trapassatu Prossimu
Ava vintu I had come Ava voltu I had wanted

Vinssi I might come vulssi I might want
vinssi you vulssi you
vinssi he, she it vulssi he, she, it
vinssimu we vulssimu we
vinssivu you vulssivu you
vinssiru they vulssiru they
Passatu Prossimu
Avssi vintu I might have come Avssi voltu I might have wanted

Vinirra I would come vurra I would want
vinirrssi you vurrssi you
vinirra he, she, it vurra he, she, it
vinirramu we vurramu we
vinirravu you vurravu you
vinirranu they vurranu they
Avirra vintu I would have come Avirra voltu I would have wanted
Veni come (you) voi want (you)
Vegna come (he) vgghia want (he)
Vinmu come (we) vulmu want (we)
Vinti come (you) vulti want (you)
Vgnanu come (they) vgghianu want (they)

Vniri o vinri To come Vulri To want
Avri vintu To have come Avirra voltu I would have wanted
Participle Past
Vintu Come Vultu Wanted

Vinnnu Coming Vulnnu Wanting
Avnnu vintu Having come Avnnu vultu Having wanted
Formi Ntirrugativi

Li formi ntirrugativi, quasi sempri, mettinu lu suggettu a la fini di la proposizioni:

Formi Ntirrugativi
Ci iiu a scola Maria? Did Mary go to school?
Unni sta Rosa? Where does Rose live?
M'ascti fgghiu? Are you listening to me, son?

Formi ntirrugativi di chi (what), cui, cu (who, whom):

Formi Ntirrugativi
Cu vinni a t casa? Who came to your house?
Chi fai ddocu? What are you doing there?
Cu ti lu dissi accuss? Who told you so?
A chi servi chistu? What is the purpose of this?
A cui la dugnu l'cqua? To whom should I give the water?

Ntirrugativu cu c' (there is) e ci sunnu (thre are):

Formi Ntirrugativi
C' la televisini a s casa? Is there a television at his house?
Ci sunnu li lampi nta scala? Are there lights in the stairway?
C' lu telfunu nni t soru? Is there a telephone at you sister's?
Ci sunnu li utti pi lu vinu? Are there barrels for the wine?

La lingua Siciliana usa dui modi di parrari cu la genti, la forma familiari: cu la famigghia e amici
e la forma furmali cu li strani, genti anziana o genti a cui si voli purtari rispettu. Nta lu primu
casu si usa la secunna pirsuna sinulari di lu verbu, mentri nni lu secunnu casu si usa la terza
pirsuna di lu verbu singulari.

(Tu) Pgghiami ssu pani. Get me that bread.
(Tu) Attcca sta corda. Tie this rope.
(Tu) Chima lu cani. Call the dog.
Vossa chima a me frati. Call my brother.
Ci parrssi vossa cu iddu. You talk to him.
Vossa mi fa n favri. Do me a favor.
Nni la forma parrata vossia po fari la cuntrazzioni a ssa, ma nun si usa nni la lingua scritta:

ssa chima a m ziu. Call my uncle (please).
ssa cci duna chistu a s cucinu. Give this to your cousin (please).

Na proposizzioni si fa negativa agghiuncennu la nigazzioni nun a lu verbu:

Proposizioni Negativi
[N]Un scciu nenti. I do not know anything.
Nun capsciu chiddu chi dici. I do not understand what you are saying.
[N]Un parru bonu lu Sicilinu. I do not speak Sicilian well.

Alterazzioni di lu Participiu

La lingua Siciliana altera lu participiu passatu nni lu stissu modu chi li paroli si altiranu cu lu
diminutivu, maggiurativu e piggiurativu:

Alterazzioni di lu Participiu Passatu

Dispirtu desperate
dispiratddu a little desperate
dispiratni very desperate
dispiratzzu badly desperate

Com' e` lu tempu? Canciatddu. How is the weather? A little changed.
S nn'iu t soru? S era mprisciatzza. Is your sister gone? Yes, she was in a kind of a hurry.
M cucnu vinni vistutni. My cousin came very dressed up.
Qunnu parro` era mpacciatddu. When he spoke he was a little embarrassed.

Espressioni cu lu Verbu "Fari"

Oggi fa cvuru. Today it is hot.
Dda` fa bon tempu. Over there the weather is nice.
Cca` fa un friddu di mriri. Here it is so cold one can die.
I picciuttddi facvanu vucciria. The little ones were making noise.
Vidri a m patri accuss mi fa pena. To see my father in those conditions it pains me.
Facci na dummnna a t soru. Ask a question to your sister.
Facti finta di durmri. Make believe that you are asleep.

Formi Riflissivi

Nni la forma riflissiva lu verbu discrivi chiddu chi fa lu suggettu:

Formi Riflissivi
Mi divrtu. I enjoy myself.
T'addummsci. You fall asleep (you put yourself to sleep).
Si lava. He is washing himself.
Nni susmu. We get ourselves up.
Vi curcti. You go to bed.
Si talinu. They look at themselves (at each other).

Qunnu viu a mari mi divrtu. When I go to the beach, I enjoy myself.
Arristru a talirisi a lu specchiu. They stayed to watch themselves in the mirror.
ranu stanchi e si curcru. They were tired and went to bed.
Doppu dui uri di stari assittti vi susstivu. After two hours of sitting you got up.

Li Misi Di L'Annu

Li Misi Di L'Annu
Innru January
Frivru February
Mrzu March
Aprli April
Miu May
Gignu June
Lgliu July
Astu August
Sittmmiru September
Ottviru October
Nuvmmiru November
Dicmmiru December

Li Iorna Di La Simana
Li Iorna Di La Simana
Lnniri Monday
Mrtiri Tuesday
Mrcuri Wednesday
Iviri Thurday
Vnniri Friday
Sbatu Saturday
Dumnica Sunday

Li Staciuni di l'Annu

Li Staciuni di l'Annu
primavra spring
stati summer
atnnu autumn
nvernu winter

Primavera e Stati sunnu femminini. Atunnu e Mmernu o Nvernu sunnu masculini.

La primavra e` china di ciri. Springtime is full of flowers.
Nna la stati fa cvuru. In Summer it is hot.
Nna l'atnnu c'e` la vinngna. In the fall the grapes are harvested.
Nna lu nvernu c'e` friddu. In winter it is cold.

Nummari Cardinali

Nummari Cardinali
1 unu one 11 nnici eleven 21 vintnu twenty one
2 dui two 12 ddici twelve 22 vintidi twenty two
3 tri three 13 trdici thirteen 23 vintitr etc. twenty three etc.
4 quttru four 14 quattrdici fourteen 30 trenta thirty
5 cincu five 15 qunnici fifteen 31 trentnu thirty one
6 sei six 16 sdici sixteen 32 trentadi thirty two
7 setti seven 17 dicisstti seventeen 33 trentatr etc. thirty three etc.
8 ottu eight 18 dicittu eighteen 40 quarnta fourty
9 novi nine 19 dicinnvi nineteen 41 qurantnu fourty one
10 deci ten 20 vinti twenty 42 quarantadi etc. fourty two etc.

50 cinqunta fifty 80 ottnta eighty

60 sissnta sixty 90 novnta ninety
70 sittnta seventy 100 centu one hundred

Li nummari vinti, trenta, quarnta, cinqunta, sissnta, sittnta, ottnta e novnta perdinu la
vucali finali prima di l'unu (one) e di l'ottu (eight):

Vintnu, vintttu, trentnu, trentttu, cinquantnu, cinquantttu etc...

A lu centu si agghiuncinu li nummari di supra, e lu stissu si fa doppu 1000. Li numirali supra

centu si scrivinu comu na parola sula:

Nuirali supra centu

101 centunu etc. one hundred and one etc.
111 centunnici etc. one hundred eleven etc.
121 centuvintnu etc. one hundred and twenty one etc.
200 duicntu two hundred
300 triccntu three hundred
400 quattrucntu four hundred
500 cincucntu five hundred
600 seicntu six hundred
700 setticntu seven hundred
800 ottucntu eight hundred
900 novicntu nine hundred
1000 milli one thousand
1001 millienu one thousand and one
2000 duimla two thousand
2500 duimilacincucntu twentyfive hundred
3000 trimla three thousand
100,000 centumla one hundred thousand
1,000,000 un milini one million
1,000,000,000 un milirdu one billion

1300 millietriccntu thirteen hundred

1700 milliesetticntu seventeen hundred
1900 millienovicntu nineteen hundred
2300 duimilatriccntu twenty three hundred

N Sicilianu li dati usanu i nummari cardinali, sulu lu primu iornu di lu misi usa lu nummaru

Lu primu di Gignu. The first of June.
Lu 7 di Miu. The seventh of May.
Quntu nn'avmu oggi? What is today?
Oggi nn'avmu 6. Today is the sixth (of the month).
Iddu partu lu 5 di Astu. He left on the fifth of August.
M matri veni lu 15 di Sittmmiru. My mother will come on the fifteenth of September.

Nummari Ordinali

Nummari Ordinali
primu first dudicsimu
secnnu second tridicsimu thirteenth
terzu third quattordicsimu fourteenth
qurtu fourth vintitrisimu twentythird
quntu fifth vintcinchsimu twentyfifth
sestu sixth trentottsimu thirtyeighth
settmu seventh quarantsimu fortieth
ottvu eighth centsimu one hundredth
nonu nineth cincucentsimu five hundredth
dcimu tenth millsimu one thousandth
unnicsimu eleventh miliunsimu one millionth

Nna li nummari ordinali doppu lu decimu, si fa cadiri la vucali finali e si iunci lu suffissu esimu.
Sulu nna li nummari chi finiscinu cu la i la vucali arresta:

Unnicesimu 11th
Trentadusimu 32nd


Vintitrisimu 23rd
Trentatriesimu 33rd
Cinquantatrisimu etc. 53rd

E nni li nummari chi finiscinu cu la u, perdinu la vucali finali e a lu so postu pigghianu la h:

Vinticinchsimu 25th
Quarantacinchsimu etc. 45th

Li nummari ordinali sunnu aggittivi e pigghianu lu geniri e nummaru di lu nomu chi discrivinu:

Geniri e Nummaru
Lu primu viggiu. The first travel.
Li primi cqui. The first rains.
La prima missa. The first mass.
Li primi casi. The first houses.
La qurta vota. The fourth time.

Si lu nummaru ordinali si rifirisci a un titulu allura va doppu lu nomu:

Fidircu II Frederick the II
Errcu VI Henry the VI
Lugi IX Louis the IX

Li nummari ordinali si discrivinu cu littri spiciali tutti maiusculi:

I primu 1st XIX dicinnovsimu 19th
II secnnu 2nd XX vintsimu 20th
III terzu 3rd XXX trentsimu 31st
IV qurtu 4th XL quarantsimu 40th
V quntu 5th L cinquantsimu 50th
VI sestu 6th LX sissantsimu 60th
VII sttimu 7th XC novantsimu 90th
VII ottvu 8th C centsimu 100th
IX nonu 9th D cincucentsimu 500th
X dcimu 10th M millsimu 1000th
XI unnicsimu 11th
Li Romani nun canuscevanu li nummari cardinali e usavanu li ordinali pi qualunqui bisognu. Pi
chistu scrivevanu li dati sulu cu sti nummari. Chisti sunnu un pocu di esempi di comu si scrivinu
l'anni cu li nummari ordinali:

Anni scritti cu li mummari ordinali

MCCLXXXII 1282 (Sicilian Vespers)
MCDXCII 1492 (The Discovery of America)
MDCCCLXI 1861 (Unification of Italy)
MCMXXIX 1929 (Italian-Vatican Treaty)
MCMXLV 1945 (End of World War II)

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