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Automatica, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 753-757, 1987 0005-1098187 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Journals Ltd.
1987 International Federation of Automatic Control

Brief Paper

Sliding Mode Control in Indefinite-dimensional

YU. V. O R L O V t and V. I. UTKINt

Key Words--Sliding states; disturbance rejection; distributed parameter system; decoupling; stability.

Abstract--A mathematical description of motion in a sliding equation which may be obtained with the use of the
mode is considered for systems with discontinuous controls equivalent control method (Utkin, 1978). According to this
described by differential equations in Banach space. method, the continuous solution of the equation
Applying the regularization principle to such systems the
sliding mode equations are obtained. For a set of S=Gf+GBueq=O, Ueq=-(GB)-lGf, G=(dS/dx}
interconnected heat processes the control system with the is substituted into (1) for u:
prescribed dynamics is designed through deliberate introduc-
tion of sliding modes. Yc=f-B(GB)-IGf, S(x(0)) = 0. (3)
1. Introduction Since S = 0, s e R m for the sliding mode, the order of system
USING MATHEMATICALTOOLSdeveloped for the investigation (3) equals n - m.
of discontinuous dynamic systems, efficient algorithms for The design of sliding mode control consists of two steps:
control in sliding modes were designed for essentially first, a sliding mode is designed to have the prescribed
nonlinear time-varying high-dimension plants. The basic properties by a proper choice of a function S (or G)--an
philosophy of sliding mode control will he shown for (n-m)-dimensional design problem; second, the discon-
nonlinear finite-dimensional systems which are linear with tinuous control (2) is designed to guarantee existence of the
respect to control sliding mode in manifold S = 0 (which is equivalent to the
Yc=f(x, t) + B(x, t)u(x, t), stability problem of the origin in m-dimensional space S).
Since the sliding mode equation (3) is control-independent,
xeRn, u~Rm, B e R ''n, (1) the above approach leads to decoupling the original design
where problem into two independent problems of lower dimen-
sions. If f(x, t) =f0(x, t) + Af(x, t), where Af is a vector-
., _ fur(x, t), ifsi(x, t) > 0
ui(x, l) i=l,...,m. function of parameters and disturbances which are not
- ~ ui-(x, t), if si(x, t)< O' accessible for measurement and Af e ~ ( ~ being a span of
(2) B), then the sliding mode does not depend on Af(x, t). In
this case, an invariance control system can be designed
In system (1), (2) with the control undergoing discontinuities (Drazenovic, 1969). These advantages and the simplicity of
on manifold S = ($1 . . . . . Sin)T = 0 in certain cases the state hardware for discontinuous controls are widely used in
would inevitably return to this manifold should any small various applications (Sabanovic and Izosimov, 1981; Utkin,
deviation occur. 1981).
Since the control is a discontinuous function of the state, Although the researchers proposed a lot of sliding mode
conventional theorems of the existence and uniqueness of the algorithm modifications that can be successfully applied to a
solution are inapplicable and description of the behaviour of wide variety of controlled plants, they confined themselves
system (1) at discontinuity boundaries requires the design of only to the finite-dimensional cases. Theoretical generaliza-
ad hoc techniques based on the regularization principle. tions to infinite-dimensional plants were hindered by major
According to this principle, the original system is replaced by difficulties, since the assumption on Lipschitzian right-hand
a resembling system whose solution does exist in the sides of plant equations which is quite natural for
conventional sense. Sliding mode equations are obtained by finite-dimensional systems generally is not valid for
making the characteristics of the new system approach those infinite-dimensional plants. For example, in a heat equation
of the original one. the double differentiation operator with respect to the spatial
Regularization for discontinuous dynamic system usually variable is not Lipshitzian and, moreover, it is unbounded.
implies that the state trajectories do not lie in the Without touching the entire range of problems associated
intersection of discontinuity surfaces but in their boundary with infinite-dimensional systems with discontinuous controls
layer and the solution exists in the conventional sense. Then we shall note that such fundamental topics as the
by letting the boundary layer tend to zero we obtain the introduction of the "sliding mode" concept, the conditions
solution of the original system. Under a natural assumption for the sliding mode to exist and its mathematical description
that the right-hand side of equation (1) satisfies the Lipschitz are still open. At the same time, a set of examples proved
condition outside the discontinuity manifolds and if the sliding mode properties obtained for finite-dimensional
det GB ~ 0 , G = {dS/dx}, all types of regularizations for plants to be applicable to distributed plants as well (Utkin,
finite-dimension systems (1) lead to the same sliding mode 1981).
Distributed plants are particular cases of infinite-
dimensional systems whose general mathematical description
* Received 22 May 1985; revised 3 April 1986; revised 24 is given by differential equations in Banach space. In the
March 1987. The original version of this paper was not authors' opinion, the development of mathematical tools for
presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recom- such equations with a discontinuous right-hand part, the
mended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor design of control algorithms which employ sliding modes and
E. Kreindler under the direction of Editor H. Kwakernaak. their practical implementation is a promising field of
t Institute of Control Sciences, 65 Profsoyuznaya, research. This paper treats the initial problem of this field,
GSP-312, Moscow, U.S.S.R. that of mathematical description of motion in sliding modes

754 Brief Paper

in systems with discontinuous controls which may be applied Theorem. Let the following conditions be satisfied:
to infinite-dimensional dynamic plants described by (1) operators - A and - A are strongly positive;*
differential equations in Banach space. (2) A -1 and A -1 are compact operators;
It is important to note that such equations may be used in (3) operators A and p are commutable:
describing a wide class of real life control problems. Well
known examples of differential equations in Banach space pAx=Apx for all x D ( A ) ;
are partial differential equations, integrodifferential equa- (4) a Lipschitz constant with respect to x exists for the
tions and equations with delays. Regardless of the abstract nonlinear operator f(x, t) and this operator is measur-
nature of the equations considered, this explains the applied able with respect to t; and
character of the study undertaken. The results obtained will (5) the control ~(x, t) is bounded in any bounded region,
be exemplified with the equations of mathematical physics equation (4) has a unique solution ~?(t) under
often met in the problems of control design for the modern u(x, t) = (t(x, t) and this solution is bounded.
technological plants.
Then for the class (4) of systems considered, lim I]~(t)-
x*(t)]] = 0 uniformly for all t [t0, q], where x*(t) is the
solution to equation (5) under S(x*(to) ) = O, x*(to) D(,4),
2. Problem statement IIx*(to) -~(to)ll ~<6, ~(to) D(A).
Consider an infinite-dimensional dynamic system described The proof of the theorem is given in the Appendix.
as Condition 1 of the theorem can be easily generalized:
instead of strong positiveness of - A and - A it suffices that
Jc=Ax+bu(x,t)+f(x,t), O<~t<~T, x(0)=Xo, (4) operators A and A be abstract elliptic. Indeed, there exists
where x(t) is an abstract function with the values in the such a scalar ~-o for any elliptic operator that the operator
reflexive Banach space B; f(x, t), u(x, t) are operator ().oi- A) is strongly positive (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976).
functions with the values in B and B1, respectively; and A is Therefore equation (4) with elliptic operator A can be
an unbounded linear operator whose domain D ( A ) c B is rewritten in the form Yc=Aox+bu(x,t)+fo(x,t ) with
tight [or D(A) = B], b .~(B 1, B) [Sf(Bl, B) is a space of strongly positive operator -A0 = ; t o l - A and Lipschitzian
continuous linear operators which transform B~ into B]. In operator fo(X, t ) = f ( x , t)+,~ol [equation (5) can be pre-
particular, the B space in the heat equation is the sented in a similar form].
corresponding Sobolev (reflexive) space, A is the operator of It should be noted that operator -fi, in (5) does not satisfy
double differentiation with respect to the spatial variable, condition (1) in the theorem. Indeed, in the sliding mode
b = / , the identity operator, and u(x, t) is the power of the = 0 which means the existence of zero eigenvalues of
distributed control. operator fi; therefore it is not strongly positive. Neverthe-
In infinite-dimensional feedback systems one meets the less, according to the above generalization, the sliding mode
same problems--stability, reference input tracking, in- equation (5) is valid if A is an abstract elliptic operator,
variancy to disturbances--that are common to the finite- which is typical for many physical processes.
dimensional systems. The design procedure for finite-
dimensional systems usually implies that each control 3. Control of a multi-dimensional heat process
component undergoes discontinuities on its "own" surface in Consider the problem of controlling thermal fields of a set
a finite-dimensional state space. Such a design approach is of plants using the discontinuous control vector if the initial
not applicable to infinite-dimensional systems since in many equations and the sliding mode equations contain elliptic
cases the control cannot be decoupled into a set of unbounded operators. Let the equations of the plant be of
components. Hereinafter we shall deal with discontinuous the form:
controls defined as follows: a linear operator S = c x ,
c ~q(B, B2) (Bz is the Banach space) and it is assumed that OQ-O2Q+DQ+Fu, O<y<l. t>O,
Ot ay 2
no continuous operator u*(x, t) exists for which
Q'(O,t)=Q'(1, t)=O, t>~O,
lim Ilu(x, t ) - u * ( x , t)ll =0, Q(y,O)=Qo(y ), 0~<y~<l, (6)
where Q(y, t) R", u(y, t) R " under fixed t, y R 1, D and
i.e. the operator u(x, t) undergoes discontinuities on the
F are constant matrices.
surface S = 0.
Such systems obviously require certain natural assumptions From the physical viewpoint the problem consists of
to be made about the operators A , f ( x , t) and u(x, t). By heating n similar objects using m distributed sources; matrix
virtue of these assumptions, the solution is uniquely D characterizes heat exchange with the environment and
determined outside of the surface S = 0 [for instance, A is an between the plants, and, in the special case of no interaction
abstract elliptic operator and Lipschitz's constant exists for between the plants, D is the diagonal matrix.
the function f(x, t)+bu(x, t) in the regions outside the Let the control be discontinuous on the manifold
discontinuity surface]. s ( a , y, t) = c a ( y , t) = q Q l ( y , t) + czQz(y, t) = o,
The trajectory of such a system may stay in any small
vicinity of the surface S = 0 for the time interval [to, tl]. Q l ( y , t ) R n % Q2(y,t) e R m, detc24:0, (7)
Examples of such situations were given in Breger et al. and consider equation (6) with respect to the variables Q1
(1980) Orlov and Utkin (1982) and Orlov (1983). The and S:
motions along the control-discontinuity surface are also
referred to sliding modes for infinite-dimensional systems. In (21 = Q7 + D1,Q1 + DI2S + FlU,
essence, the aim of this paper is to find the differential (8)
equation of motion in the sliding mode. = S"+ De1QI + D22S + cFu,
Let, in a &vicinity of the surface S = 0, the function where Dq (i, j = 1, 2) are constant matrices. Then taking into
u(x, t) in system (4) be replaced by the control a(x, t) such account that Ueq = - ( c F ) - D12 I Q t , write down the sliding
that the solution of system (4) corresponding to this control
does exist for the time interval [to, q] and belongs to the
boundary layer [ISII~< 6. Formally, the equivalent control
method equation is written as
*Strong positiveness of operator ( - A ) means that
Yc=fix+f(x,t), to~<t~<tl, (5) J[(A - M ) - l l J ~<M/(1 + I~,0 for some M and for any ~. with a
non-negative real part (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976).
where A = gA, f(x, t) = gf(x, t), g = I - p , p = b (cb )- tc (the t A compact operator transforms any bounded domain
operator cb is supposed to be continuously invertible). into a compact one.
Brief Paper 755

mode equation (5) for system (8): may be chosen in a form*

(21 = Q~ + RQ1, R = Dll - F1(cF) -1 (9) u(Q, y, t) = - M ( Q ) sign SI(Q, y, t),
(matrix cF is supposed to be invertable). The validity of M(Q) = Mo IIQII, SI(Q, y, t) = (cF)-tS(Q, y, t)
equation (9) may be verified with the help of the theorem. (Mo is a scalar). Indeed, computing the time derivative of the
Let us check whether the conditions of the theorem are Lyapunov functional V(t) = 12SloS~(Q, y, t)SI(Q, y, t) dy
satisfied for the initial system (6) and the slidin~ mode with due regard for the boundary conditions (6)
equation (9). The inverse operator for A = l ~ y 2 with
O(t) = ~XS~S1 dy
D(A) = {Q e Hi(O, 1); Q'(0) = 0, Q'(1) = 0}* is integral and
hence compact (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976). Taking into
account that the spectrum of the operator l~-~v2 is the
= SlT [$1fl + ( c F ) - D Q + u] dy = -
f0[si]Tsl dy

sequence {-(:re)z}, a strong positiveness of operator

-1~v2 is shown (Krasnoseiskii et aL, 1976). This means
- folS~tMo IIQII sign $1 - (cF)-OQ] dy,
- j
that conditions (1), (2) of the theorem are true. Operators we obtain V ( t ) < 0 when V(t)--/;O if scalar Mo is chosen
02 sufficiently large. This fact results in the convergence of the
l~-~v2 and Fa(cF) -1 are commutable which results in con- solutions in L2 to the manifold (7). It should be noted that an
- j
increase of Mo leads to a higher rate of convergence to
dition (3). The existence of the Lipschitz constant for manifold S = 0 and the convergence can be provided for a
f(Q, t) = DQ [condition (4)] is evident since D is a hounded bounded domain of initial conditions using bang-bang control
linear operator. Condition (5) describes the class of [M(Q) = const].
admissible real controls "acting" in the boundary layer. Thus the sliding mode control approach leads to a
Presentation of the solution of heat equation (6) in an decoupling system design and provides the desired rate of
integral form using Green's function directly yields that for
transient decay.
ti(Q(y, t), t) being a measurable function of time and spatial
variable, the solution is unique and bounded. Thus the
4. Conclusions
sliding mode in manifold S = 0 is described by equation (9). The concept of the "sliding mode" is introduced in
I n accordance with i-he design procedure given in the application to infinite-dimensional systems with discon-
Introduction, in the first step the discontinuity manifold S = 0 tinuous controls and cases are isolated for which the
is chosen to provide the prescribed properties of the motion equivalent control technique may be used for describing this
in the sliding mode. It is known that for the finite- sort of motion. A general case with an unbounded operator
dimensional system (2 = DQ + Fu the equation of sliding in the sliding equation is illustrated by control of a set of
along the manifold S = cQ(t)= 0 has the form Q1 = RQ1 by thermal fields. A remark is due in the context of this example
virtue of the equivalent control technique. Matrix c for the that for equations of the type
controllable system may be chosen so that det (cF)~ 0 and
the eigenvalues of matrix R in the slide equation take up the (2 = AQ" + DQ + Fu, A = diag (Ai),
desired values (Utkin, 1981). Using this fact we may show
).i>0, i=1 ..... n (13)
that the required rates of convergence to the state of
equilibrium Q = 0 may be provided in distributed system (9) an equation of sliding mode along the manifold (7)
if the pair (D, F) is controllable. Assuming Re A{R} < 0 we Q1 = PQ'~ + HQI (H and P are constant matrices) may be
may write down the Lyapunov functional as written, and its validity for the Hurwitzian matrix - P may be
verified with the help of the theorem. (It results from the
v(t) =
/o'QT(y, t)WQl(y ' t) dy, (10) decomposition of the sliding mode equation solution into
modes immediately that, similarly to the operator
02 _pO 2
where W is the positive definite solution of Lyapunov's -l~v~v
, _ j2 the operator 0y 2 is strongly positive and its in-
equation RTW + WR = - I . Find the time derivative of this
function along the sliding mode equation trajectories: verse operator is compact.) Nevertheless, we abstain here
from the detailed consideration of this more general case
I;'(t) = - 2 [Q;(y, t)]TWQ;(y, t) dy because the sliding mode existence conditions have not yet
been found for this case; for system (9) this problem was
solved via the use of the Lyapunov functional which does not
- QI(y,t)Q~(y,t)dy. (11) "work" in this case. Along with a mathematical description
of sliding modes, the problem of their existence remains a
Bearing in mind that Q~WQI<~itr~QyQ (max is the crucial one in the theory of systems with discontinuous
maximal eigenvahie of matrix R), we shall obtain from (11) controls. Stating this general problem is what seems an
that appropriate end to this paper.

(t) ~< - 7 1 V(t). (12) Breger, A. M. et aL (1980). Sliding modes for control of
distributed-parameter entities subjected to a mobile
Matrix W = f~*exp {RTt} exp {Rt} dt (Kwakernaak and multi-cycle signal. Automn Remote Control, 41, 346--355.
Sivan, 1972); therefore by choosing eigenvalues of matrix R Drazenovic, B. (1969). The invariance conditions in variable
with negative real parts sufficiently large in magnitude, the structure systems. Automatica, 5, 287-295.
norm of matrix W and, consequently, ;tmax may be made as Krasnoselsldi, M. A. et al. (1976). Integral Operators in
small as desired. As stated above, the appropriate choice of Spaces of Summable Functions. Monograph, Noordhoff,
matrix c permits arbitrary allocation of eigenvalues of R and, Leyden.
by virtue of (12), convergence of the Lyapunov functional Kwakernaak, H. and R. Sivan, R. (1972). Linear Optimal
(10) or vector Qt in metric L2 to zero at a desired rate. Control Systems. Monograph, Wiley Interscience, New
In the second step a discontinuous control is designed to York.
guarantee the existence of a sliding mode in manifold S = 0. Oflov, Yu. V. and V. I. Utkin (1982). Use of sliding modes
We will show that for this purpose the discontinuous control in distributed system control problems. Autoran Remote
Control, 43, 1127-1135.

* Ht(0, 1) is the Sobolev space. * The equality is implied for each component.

AUTO 2 3 : 6 - E "
756 Brief Paper

Sabanovic, C. and D. B. Izosimov (1981). Application of An ideal equation was obtained under the
sliding modes to induction motor control. IEEE Trans. assumption that S = 0 in its solutions. Any real sliding mode
Ind. Appl., IA-17, 41-49. 2(t) stipulated b_y inadequacies in the system already rejects
Utkin, V. I. (1978). Sliding Modes and their Applications in the equaltiy of S(t) or cx(t) to zero. Therefore a real con-
Variable Structure Systems. Monograph, Mir, Moscow. trol t~(, t) differs from U,q(~, t) by the value (cb) 1~:
Utkin, V. I. (1981). Sliding Modes in Optimization and 5(2, t) = U,q(, t) + (cb) '~(t).
Control. Monograph, Nauka Moscow. Thus, the real sliding mode satisfies the integral equation
Appendix: proof of the sliding mode equation theorem
The proof of this theorem will be preceded by two $(t) = O(t - to)$(to) + f,[oct- v)f(2(V), v) dr
Lemma 1. Under conditions of the theorem, the following + ftlv(t
) -dr ) .px
- _.( v r. (A.5)
inequality is true: I[(-A)*~2(t)ll ~ C ( e l ) , t [0, T], e 1 The term
(0, 1), where C(el) is a constant dependent on ej.
Proof. The solution 2(t) of system (4) satisfies the integral 0(t - r)p.~(~) dr = 0 (t - r)b(cb)-lg(r) dz
Yc(t) = v(t)Xo + V (t - v)[bti(.f(r), v) +f(.~(T), r)] dr, naturally takes into account all types of inadequacies. Let us
(A.1) estimate the difference between the solutions of the ideal
(A.4) and real (A.5) sliding equations:
where v(t) is a strongly continuous semigroup with
generating operator A (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976). As a
112(t) - x*(t)ll <~ II0(t - to)ll 1[2(to) - x*(to)ll
consequence, we have
[l(-A)~'2(t)li ~< II(-A)~v(t)xoll + L I[ , , v ( t - r ) , l 112(r) - x*(v)tl dr

+ J~(-A)~tV(t - r ) . Ca0Z(r), r) dr
+ ftifit O(t - r)p2(r) d~
+ fo(-A)*tv(t- r)f(2(v), r) dr . (A.2) + IIO(t- t0)ll' IIP(2(to)[I + Hp2(t)II, (A.6)

Using the inequality I[(-A)*~v(t- ~)11<~cl(el)/(t- r) ~a where L is the Lipschitz's constant of the function ](x, t)
(Krasnoselskii et al., 1976) and recognizing condition (5) of [used here are the formula of integration of abstract
the theorem, we may estimate the second term in (A.2) as functions by parts and the condition that a strongl)(
follows: continuous semigroup. 0(t)_ with the generating operator A
satisfies the equation 0 = A 0, 0(0) = I]. Note that under the
conditions of the theorem lim [[p2(t)[l = 0 for all t e [t0, q].
o ( - A ) ~ l v ( t - r)ba(2(r), r) dr
Consequently, the last two last terms in (A.6) tend to zero as
ft cl(e 0 dr~<c2(el). [1~11---,0. The first term, under these conditions, also tends to
<-IIb[I [lull 3o ( t - r) ~' zero. Using the fact that the strongly continuous semigroup
O(t) permutates with fractional powers of the generating
Similarly, IlJ'~(-A)*~V( t - r)f((r), r) drll ~<c3(el) [c,(e0, operator (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976) we may show that the
i = 1, 2, 3 are some constants dependent on e~]. third term
The first term in (A.2) is constant, therefore the validty of
Lemma 1 resulting from the above estimates is proved.
[A0(t - v)p2(r) dr
Lemma 2. Under the conditions of the theorem, the
following inequality is true: I[(-A)*p2(t)ll <~k(e), t [to, tx],
k(e) is a constant dependent on e. = I[(-A)l-~O(t-v)(-A)~b(cb)-lg(v)dr (A.7)

Proof. Since fit is dominated by operator A [or Ilfitx[I~< also tends to zero.
Ilgl[l[Axll for all x D ( A ) ] , then operator ( - A ) * is Show first that (-fi0~p2(v) weakly tends to zero as
dominated by ( - A ) ~ when el > e (Krasnoselskii et al., IIS(OIIL (s)= (J"t~gq(r) dr)l/q--*0 q > 1 or, which is the
1976), i.e. same, as Ilpx(r)[ILo~B)--*0. For this purpose we must show
that for any q0 L~[B) [Lq(B) is the Lq(B)-adjoint space], if
II(-fit)~xll ~ k~(e) II(-A)'~xll (m.3)
IIP2(V)[ILq(m-'* 0, then the convergence is true:
for all x D((-A)*t), kl(e) =const. According to condition
(3) of the theorem, operators ( - A ) ~ and p are permutable;? ((-A)~#(r), q~)~o. (A.S)
using (A.3) we have
Since the set {(-fit)'p2(v)) is uniforndy bounded (Lemma
II(-fit)~p2(t)l[ <~kl(e) H(-A)*ap2(t)ll 2), then by virtue of the Banach-Steinhouse theorem it is
sufficient to verify the convergence of (A.8) for all q0 from a
<~k~(e) IlPll II(-A)*'2(t)ll ~<k(e).
certain set dense in L~(B). The adjoint operator ((-A)*) *
Lemma 2 is proved.
hasa tight region of definition in the reflexive space L~(B) if
Let us return to the proof of the theorem. Write the ( - A ) ~ is a closed one (Krasnoselskii et al., 1976). Operator
solution of equation (5) in the integral form ( - A ) ~ is closed by virtue of the boundedness of ( - A ) -~, and
the adjoint operator for any closed one has a tight region of
x*(t) = f:(t - to)X*(to) + - r)f(x*(r), r) dr, (A.4) definition in the reflexive space L,~(B) (Krasnoselskii et al.,
1976). So l e t q0 belong to the region of definition of the
operator ((-A)*) *. Then
where l?(t) is a strongly continuous semigroup with the
generating operator A. I((-A)~p2, q0)l = I(p$, ((-A)*)*q0)l
Ilp:ZllLq(m II((-fit)E)*rpll --'0
t As was shown by P. Ye. Sobolevskii at the author's
request, permutability of linear operators ( - A ) * and p with IIP~llLq(~)---,0. Under the above assumptions on
results from permutability of the operator A and the operator A, the operator OUd(t)= Stt0(-fit)l-'0(t-
bounded operator p. z)qJ(z) dr was shown to be compact in C(B) (Krasnoselskii
Brief Paper 757

et al., 1976). The proof of the compactness is valid if y2f~0ll~(~)-x*(~)l I dT, y2 is constant, and tr~s---*0 with
operator OVa(t) transforms Lq(B), q > l / ~ into C(B). I1~11-'0. Using the Beilman-Gronwall inequality we may
Therefore a weak convergence of (-A)ep~(r) to zero is obtain lim IlX(t)-x*(t)ll =0 uniformly for all t[to, tl].
sufficient for a convergence of (A.7) to zero. Consequently, II~ll--m
it follows from (A.6) that II-~(t)- x*(t)lJ ~<~ + The theorem is thus proved.

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