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This Review of related literature focuses on the effect of cinnamon, black

pepper and orange peelings as a natural insecticide. This study contains information

about cinnamon, where can it be obtained, its description, and the effect and what is

does to insect. The study and test of chili pepper if it has a potential to be used as an

extract to pesticide production, what is does to insects. And the uses of orange


Chili Pepper

Chili peppers, Capsicum annuum, perennial plants in the Family Solanaceae

are grown for their edible fruits.

Chili peppers originated in the Americas. After the Columbian Exchange, many

cultivars of chili pepper spread across the world, used in both food and medicine.

Chilies were brought to Asia by Portuguese navigators during the 16th century. (Lea,


Capsaicin is the main chemical that makes chili peppers hot (Lea, n.d.).

Capsaicin is also used as an animal repellent against insects and mites, by damaging

their membrane (Lea, n.d.). Capsaicin was first registered for use in the United States

in 1962. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) considers it to be a

biochemical pesticide because it is a naturally occurring substance.Extracts from the

pepper discourages the pest from laying eggs (Scott, 2003).The pepper works better

as an insecticide when insects are soft-bodied during the larval stage because the

chemical is able to penetrate and pierce through their body (Scott, 2003).
Chili pepper is safe to use as an insecticide, animals are not harmed by

Capsaicin (Lea, n.d.). Pepper is unlikely to cause many of the problems associated

with synthetic pesticides, such as groundwater contamination, insect resistance and

human illness (Scott, 2003).


Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the branches of wild trees that belong to

the genus "Cinnamomum" (Nordqvist, 2015). Cinnamon is also called as

Cinnamonmum zeylanicum. Cinnamon is a spice that can be obtained in the inner

bark of a small, tropical evergreen cinnamon tree (Park, 2011). Cinnamon is the

second most popular spice, next to black pepper in the United States and Europe

(Nordqvist, 2015). Cinnamon trees are native to Southeast Asia. Cinnamon has a long

history both as a spice and as a medicine. Cinnamon is a great source of manganese,

fiber, iron and calcium. Cinnamon's essential oils also qualify it as an "anti-microbial"

food, and the cinnamon has been studied for it can stop the growth of bacteria as well

as fungi (Zoladz, 2004). It is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels and lowering

cholesterol. Cinnamon can be used as an insecticide to get rid of the undesirable

insects that can be found in your house. Dengue fever is a viral disease spread by

mosquitoes. Particularly, pure cinnamon is effective in killing mosquito larvae, can act

as an all-purpose insect repellent (American Chemical Society, 2004) Insects dislike

cinnamon for two reasons: (a) insects do not like the feeling of the powder in their

mandibles, and, (b) insects hate the spice odor. The advantages of using cinnamon

as a natural insecticide are the house will be free from unwelcomed insects, and the

cinnamon will give a wonderful aroma. Natural insecticide will reduce the amount of

poisoned children and pets from ingesting insect repellents, which contain chemicals,

as well as repel the insects in the house without the potential for unpleasant health
effects. Cinnamaldehyde is the main component in the cinnamon leaf oil and is used

worldwide as a flavoring agent (American Chemical Society, 2004). Bark oil from the

Cinnamomum cassia tree is the most common source of cinnamaldehyde. The

disadvantage of cinnamon is that, if cinnamon is used too much in the insect repellent,

it can burn your skin since its highly concentrated (Park, 2011).

Orange Peelings

Orange peelings are the rind of the orange. The Florida orange juice industry

generates 5 million tons of citrus peel waste annually (Bloch, 2007). The oil on the

orange peelings can also be used to remove water stains in your metal fixtures (Bloch,

2007). And orange peelings can also be used to remove bad odors. Most insects hate

limonene, which comprises 95% of the oil in an oranges peel, and is being used in all

sorts of applications, including the manufacturing of plastics (Bloch, 2007). A pure

blend of orange peel and water can be applied to an area to discourage ants from

crossing. Citrus sinensis (sweet orange) and Citrus aurantifolia (lime) had insecticidal

activity against mosquitos (Ezeonu, 2001). Small piles of zest can be placed around

an area to keep it free from flies and mosquitoes (Bloch, 2007). The oil in orange peels

shows promise of being a powerful all-purpose insecticide (Bass, 1984) Orange oil

can wipe out a colony of fire ants and could kill wasps and flies without harming any

human, animals and the environment (Bass, 1984). Orange oil is being used in many

cleaning products these days for its pleasant aroma and powerful solvent properties

(Bloch, 2007). Some studies claim rubbing orange peel on your skin will repel




135grams Capsicum annuum (chili pepper)

474milliliters water

30grams Sodium chloride (salt)

15grams Piper nigrum (black pepper)

262grams Citrus sinensis (orange peel)

47.4milliliters Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon essential oil)

graduated cylinder


empty container


chocolate chip cookies


Preparation of the Spray with Orange Peel Extract

The researchers diced 265grams orange peels and boiled them in 474 milliliters

of water for 30 minutes. While the mixture is boiling, they added 30 grams of

salt and 15 grams of pepper. And let the mixture cool.

Preparation of the Spray with Chili Extract

The researchers diced 135 grams of chili pepper. Boiled the ground chili pepper

in 474 milliliters of water for 30 minutes. While the mixture is boiling, they added

30 grams of salt and 15 grams of pepper. And let the mixture cool.

Preparation of the Spray with Orange Peel Extract, Chili Extract and Cinnamon

Essential Oil

The researchers boiled 265grams orange peels, grounded 135 grams of chili

pepper and added 47.3176 milliliters of cinnamon essential oil in 474 milliliters

of water for 30 minutes. While the mixture is boiling, they added 30 grams of

salt and 15 grams of pepper. And let the mixture cool.

Enticing the ants

The researchers placed a chocolate chip cookie in a tray, waited a little while

to see if the ants would come along, if not find another spot. Eventually an ant

would come and check out the chocolate chip cookie. Wait for an hour or two

to have an ample amount of ants, the ants would likely eat it due to its sugar

Computation of the Effectiveness of the Spray

First they subtracted the percentage of dead in the heck plat from the

corresponding figure for the treated plat and called the remainder the

effectiveness of the treatment.

Let X = the percent living in the check.

Let Y = the percent living in the treated plat.

Then X Y = the percent killed by the treatment

And the percent killed by the treatment (X Y) divided by the percent

of living in the check (X) gives the control or expressed by an equation.

100 =

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