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Distinguishing Focal from Macroreentrant Atrial Tachycardias:

Has This Job Just Become Easier?
From the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, Calgary Health Region, and University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Editorial Comment an ablation strategy. Demonstration of a clear centrifugal ac-

tivation pattern and demonstration that atrial conduction time
As they are currently understood, the mechanism of all does not account for the entire AT cycle length is helpful in
tachyarrhythmias can be attributed to enhanced normal auto- identifying focal ATs, but scars, including those created by
maticity, abnormal automaticity, triggered activity, or reentry. prior linear ablation, may force wavefronts traveling away
In the clinical arena, making this distinction has proven to be from focal sources into noncentrifugal patterns with intra-
difficult, if not impossible. Furthermore, prior to the era of atrial conduction times that approximate the AT cycle length.
catheter ablation, making this distinction provided little clini- Furthermore, the noncentrifugal patterns of macroreentrant
cal benefit. To a team faced with the challenge of successfully circuits, particularly those that are not common and well rec-
ablating an atrial tachycardia (AT), a more relevant distinc- ognized, can be difficult to interpret. Clearly, it would be
tion is between a focal and a macroreentrant AT. Indeed, in desirable to determine if an AT was focal or macroreentrant
2001, a Joint Expert Group from the Working Group of the prior to investing the time and effort required to create a global
European Society of Cardiology and the North American So- activation map.
ciety of Pacing and Electrophysiology made for classification During an AT, the presence of electrocardiographic P wave
of ATs recommended classifying ATs as focal ATs (due to au- fusion or evidence of fusion among atrial electrograms dur-
tomaticity, triggered, or microreentrant mechanisms) versus ing transient entrainment establishes reentry as the AT mech-
macroreentrant ATs (due to macroreentrant mechanisms that anism. Local postentrainment pacing intervals (PPIs) within
can be characterized with current clinical mapping systems) 20 ms of the AT cycle length indicate pacing sites that are
in recognition that this distinction has clinical utility as it will within the reentrant circuit. When two or more such sites can
direct an ablation strategy.1 Focal ATs demonstrate centrifu- be found that are separated by more than 2 cm, the mech-
gal activation of the atria away from a small area (usually anism of the AT can be assumed to be macroreentrant. Un-
<2 cm), while macroreentrant ATs demonstrate a larger cir- fortunately, entrainment pacing may terminate or transform
cuit that often involves conduction barriers such as valve an- the AT, and the identification of PPIs within 20 ms of the
nuli or scars and areas of slow conduction. A focal AT is AT cycle length at two sites separated by more than 2 cm
mapped to its origin by finding progressively earlier activa- can also be time consuming. Furthermore, the identification
tion sites, the earliest of which is targeted for ablation. In the of entrainment with fusion is often difficult because P waves
case of a macroreentrant AT, earliest activation has no mean- may be obscured by QRS complexes and/or T waves. Of-
ing, for a site with an earlier activation time in comparison ten, fusion cannot be demonstrated and transient entrainment
with the current site can always be found and the ablation is implied (rather than proven) when the AT resumes after
target is a critical isthmus bounded by nonconducting tissue pacing. In this situation, one cannot differentiate between
rather than the earliest site. Accordingly, a crucial first step macroreentry, microreentry, and overdrive suppression fol-
in the design of an ablation procedure for a patient with an lowed by resumption of an automatic AT.
AT is to determine if the AT is focal or macroreentrant. Recently, variation in the AT cycle length of greater than
The presence of an isoelectric segment between P waves 15% has been suggested as a reliable marker of a focal AT.4
on an electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded during AT favors However, in that study, a regular AT could be either focal or
a focal AT, but false positive and false negative exceptions macroreentrant. Furthermore, although probably quite rare,
are well appreciated, particularly in atria that are scarred. macroreentrant ATs can display considerable variation in the
Adenosine responsive ATs are more likely to be focal, but cycle length.5 Thus, the rapid electrophysiologic differentia-
microreentry, an increasingly recognized mechanism of fo- tion of a focal from a macroreentrant AT remains a challenge.
cal ATs,2 represents important exceptions.3 The induction In this edition of the Journal, Colombowala et al.6 ex-
and termination of AT by programmed stimulation is pos- amined 14 focal and 17 macroreentrant ATs (using global
sible in both macroreentrant and focal ATs, when the latter electroanatomical mapping as the gold-standard for AT
are due to microreentry or triggered activity. As a result of mechanism) in 29 patients. Atrial overdrive pacing from the
these limitations, global mapping, using a three dimensional proximal coronary sinus was performed, and the absolute dif-
electroanatomic mapping system, is often required to direct ference between the PPI after pacing at a cycle length that
was 10 ms shorter than the AT cycle length and the PPI af-
ter pacing at a cycle length that was 30 ms shorter than the
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 19, pp. 148-149, February 2008. AT cycle length was calculated as the PPI variability (PPIV).
Address for correspondence: L. Brent Mitchell, M.D., Foothills Medical
Using this derivation set, the observation was made that the
Centre, 1403 29th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 2T9. Fax: 403- PPIV was significantly shorter for macroreentrant ATs (6.0
944-2906; E-mail: 2.5 ms) than for focal ATs (56.5 20.6 ms) and a clinical
prediction rule was derived, wherein a low PPIV (<10 ms)
doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8167.2007.01027.x identified macroreentrant ATs with a sensitivity of 94% and
Veenhuyzen and Mitchell Editorial Comment 149

a specificity of 100% while a high PPIV (>30 ms) identified an AT will undoubtedly utilize the observations of Colom-
focal ATs with a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100%. bowala et al. to determine, for themselves, whether the job
Although there was no overlap of the PPIV values of the two of differentiating a focal AT from a macroreentrant AT has,
groups, 2 patients had PPIV between 10 and 30 ms, and 8 indeed, become a little easier.
patients had PPIV values that were within 5 ms of the cutoff
Because the PPI reflects the time required for the stimu-
lated wavefront to travel to a reentrant circuit, revolve once 1. Saoudi N, Cosio F, Waldo A, Chen S-A, Iesaka Y, Lesh M, Saksena S,
around the circuit, and travel back to the pacing site, it is un- Salerno J, Schoels W: Classification of atrial flutter and regular atrial
tachycardia according to electrophysiologic mechanism and anatomic
derstandable that, in the absence of rate-dependent conduc- basis: A statement from a Joint Expert Group from the Working Group
tion slowing, the PPIV should approach zero (e.g., consistent of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American So-
PPIs should be obtained). It is also understandable that, be- ciety of Pacing and Electrophysiology. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
cause overdrive pacing at faster rates should overdrive sup- 2001;12:852-866.
press a focal automatic AT more than pacing at slower rates 2. Sanders P, Hocini M, Jas P, Hsu L-F, Takahashi Y, Rotter M, Scavee C,
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focus, the PPIV should be some positive value. However, ping. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:2088-2099.
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of Colombowala et al. were due to microreentry, but the dis- 4. Knecht S, Matsuo S, Lim K-T, Lim K-T, Kodali S, Arantes L, ONeill
cussion relates that some were and, nevertheless, displayed a MD, Nicolas D, Hocini M, Jas P, Klein G, Clementy J, Hassaguerre M:
low PPIV. The authors speculate that microreentrant circuits Focal vs. macroreentrant atrial tachycardia after prior ablation: Value
are more likely to display decremental conduction because of of cycle length variability. Heart Rhythm 2007;4 (Suppl S):S238.
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its relative refractory period. Perhaps this also explains why 6. Colombowala IK, Massumi A, Rasekh A, Saeed M, Cheng J, Fakhri
focal microreentrant ATs tend to have more variable AT cycle B, Shuraih M, Razavi M: Variability in post-pacing intervals predicts
global atrial activation pattern during tachycardia. J Cardiovasc Elec-
lengths as well.4 trophysiol 2008;19:142-147.
It is opportune at this juncture to note how powerful a 7. Mohamed U, Skanes AC, Gula L, Leong-Sit P, Krahn AD, Yee R,
tool overdrive pacing is proving to be in the electrophysiol- Subbiah R, Klein GJ: A novel pacing maneuver to localize focal atrial
ogy laboratory. The PPI may prove clinically useful mapping tachycardia. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2007;18:1-6.
8. Knight BP, Zivin A, Souza J, Flemming M, Pelosi F, Goyal R, Ching
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dias,8,9 and ventricular overdrive pacing can also distinguish T, Mizuno K: The VA relationship after differential atrial overdrive
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and ventricular tachycardias is well established.11,12 Virtu- 10. Michaud GF, Tada H, Chough S, Baker R, Wasmer K, Sticherling
ally every catheter ablation procedure stands to benefit from C, Pelosi F Jr, Knight BP, Strickberger SA, Morady F: Differentia-
this versatile and richly informative pacing maneuver. Nev- tion of atypical atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia from ortho-
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ertheless, despite its promise, overdrive pacing still has lim- the response to ventricular pacing. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;38:1163-
itations, as discussed above. For these reasons and because 1167.
of the small number of ATs studied by Colombowala et al., 11. Miyazaki H, Stevenson WG, Stephenson K, Soejima K, Epstein LM:
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with recognition that exceptions can occur. Furthermore, like cardias. Heart Rhythm 2006;3:516-523.
12. Stevenson WG, Friedman PL, Sager PT, Saxon LA, Kocovic D,
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