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No Procedure Observation result Hypothesys/reaction Conclussion

1 Sample prepararation Before : Added Ba(OH)2 is to The oxalated

1 mL blood sample 1 ml blood : red give base condition blood can be
solution and precipitate the make by
Poured into test tube
Ba(OH)2 : colorles albumin. precipitated of
solution Added ZnSO4 is to protein and
added with 1 mL Ba(OH)2 0,3 N
Mixed with mL ZnSO4.7H2O 5% ZnSO4 : Colorless helps produce centrifuged
solution precipitation of The test of biuret
Added2 mL (NH4)2SO4 0,5 N (NH4)2SO4 : protein in blood did to know the
Colorless solution Added (NH4)2SO4 is protein content in
Stayed for 15 minutes
Biuret reagent : blue to support the blood and in this
Centrifuged 15 minutes in 3500
rpm solution function of ZnSO4 case showed that
Decantace the sample was
After : clean from
Blood +aquades : protein.
Filtrate residue
taken 1 mL diluted red
added 5 drops Added Ba(OH)2 :
drops burette dark red become
changing color coagulated
sample zero protein Added ZnSO4 Dark
brown the
precipitate formed
After centrifuged :
become 2 layers,
upper colorless and
bottom red
After adding biuret :
turbid blue solution

2 Determining glucose content Before : 2Cu2+ + C6H12O6 + The blood

1 mL blood sample zero Blood sample free 5OH- Cu2O (s) + sample
protein protein : colorless H2O (l) adsorbance is
Poured into test tube solution Cu+ + [AsMo12O40]3- 0,928
Added 3 mL Cu alkalis Cu2+ +
Inserted in boiling water for 15
Cu-alkalis reagent : The glucose
light blue [AsMo12O40]4- content is 192
Inserted in cooled water 10 minutes Arsenomolibdat : The blood glucose in mg/ml
Added 2 drops arseno molybdat pale yellow normal person is 70-110
Mixed Aquades : colorless mg/100 ml based from
Read adsorbance with spectrotonic After : WHO (World Health
20 in wave 660 nm Organization)
Bloood sample +
cy Cu-alkalis : light
blue solution
Bloood sample +
Cu-alkalis + boiled
in water :blue
solution (+) + surrel
precipitate (Cu2O)
After cooled in
water : blue solution
(+) + surrel
precipitate (Cu2O)
Added 2 drops
arsenomolibdat :
Blue solution (+)
Adsorbance sample :
Adsorbance solution
0,3 mg/ml : 0,578
Adsorbance solution
0,5 mg/ml : 0,645
Adsorbance solution
0,7 mg/ml : 0,682
Adsorbance solution
0,9 mg/ml : 0,712

3 Making standart curve Before : As long the biggr As long the biggr
Glucose standart : concentration the concentration the
1 mL glucose 1 mL 1 mL glucose 1 mL glucose colorless soluion adsorbance will rising adsorbance will
[0,3 mg/ml] glucose [0,5 [0,7 mg/ml] [0,9 mg/ml] Aquades : colorless too and the graphic rising too and the
mg/ml] Cu-alkalis : light showed linier rising up graphic showed
poured into test tube blue solution linier rising up
Added 3 mL Cu alkalis Arsenomolibdat : 2Cu2+ + C6H12O6 + Y = 0,2057X +
Inserted into boiling water 15 minutes pale yellow solution 5OH- Cu2O (s) + 0,5332
Inserted into cooled water for 10 After : H2O (l) R2 = 0,9752
Glucose after diluted Cu+ + [AsMo12O40]3-
Added 2 drops arseno mollibdat Cu2+ +
Read adsorbance with
25 ml from 11,25 ml
get diluted solution [AsMo12O40]4-
spektrotonic 20 in wave 660 nm
0,3 mg/ml, 0,5
mg/ml, o,7 mg/ml,
0,9 mg/ml
Glucose + Cu-
alkalis : light blue
Glucose + cu-alkalis
+ heat
1. Solution 0,9 mg/ml
: Blue solution (+)
+ surrel precipitate
2. Solution 0,7 mg/ml
: Blue solution
(++) + surrel
precipitate (+)
3. Solution 0,5 mg/ml
: Blue solution
(+++) + surrel
precipitate (+)
4. Solution 0,9 mg/ml
: Blue solution
(++++) + surrel
precipitate (+)
After cooled +
arseno molibdat :
1. Solution 0,9 mg/ml
: Blue solution (+)
2. Solution 0,7 mg/ml
: Blue solution
3. Solution 0,5 mg/ml
: Blue solution
4. Solution 0,3 mg/ml
: Blue solution

4 Making blanco Before : Adsorbance of blanko 0 Adsorbance of

Aquades : colorless blanco make in
1 mL aquades Cu-alkalis : light zero to be quarel
Poured into test tube blue solution analyze from
Added 3 mL Cu alkalis Arsenomolibdat : addition
Inserted into boiling water 15 minutes pale yellow solution subtance.
Inserted into cooled water for 10 minutes After :
Added 2 drops arsenmollibdat
1 ml aquuades + 3
Read adsorbance with spektrotonic 20 in
ml cu-alkalis : blue
wave 660 nm solution (+)
After cooling water :
Adsorbancy Blue solution (+)
Aquades + Cu-
alkalis + heat +
Arseno molidat :
Blue solution
Adsorbance blancco

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