Anda di halaman 1dari 11

A,11, ;-

'l'OP 91911'!
P Oilf Wl IPI OCI NO,l 0oP)'NO~
Bit Pal 1/1,000 SbH\ 12 1M' ( ~ )
'nlla 00 ld.U not H Ulc:u. fwd 14 Bn ~ and in \ be OOH
ot 9P aru twd ot unit ~

3 5 C4n ltd' M. wilh

(&) DHtr~, the .no-, 1D the l!liroa H:>CHSTR49U - DIN HIUlSL
{'o) ~:0:1':0r: ~ ~ ~ w R>CH9T&..5ZI and lh rd troa
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1 000 CocploW bCrrego 11,art.s
1 030 H br and st rat l if t
( 11) 'h'U or Corps and Dh rtro plans will ~ 11ftl!d n ~J
Hpar&tolJ to bns.
(111) Tran t4 OOno o.a oe.ll - 100 taee z a tt ,

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15 ttollmJnnry Mon

(a) ,M1Jua tl:lllftt ot po1n1 1n Dot ot 9ector

~:J~: ::wif!o!:4~b..~t!.~;:1t': :'~P1!1r'ra: ~=t~ll
Ou.tpo1ta be W1 tbdrawn and tbe min poans ad Junod at.,

tb&t a ll tp1 n behind the ,oo cmtre U.tto botweon 08000U

Al'ld 080400-. an. 111 report oomplation to 5 Cdo Int 84e.
16 Mon to zuP!
-11 r Job 'f'8ba beinc uHd in the attaok Will bo twd ot tho Bde
ree.r bd.1 a, shown on traoo X au by oeoeoo.....
17 m_ - Wllea opened tho rou to NI.TW3G1!:H to rd Juno 787578
will NOT be \l.a~d b1 5 Clln lat 841
18 Oon10Udat1on
(a) on ooopletion or ta1lc1 bna will oooaolidate w.ltb1

~ b - tro'I incl 1ntor Div bdy to excl _ tk ditob

Cale Ria;hra - trCD. incl tk di toh 784574- to inol 1111,1:D
(bl I,_!!
( 1) L!!....Jm1.!. - :;;,;;~ tk pl to bo 111 tod ll'O& bldga

(11) ~ - one 1110 I. tk pl 11t11d !!I.Nil .. tk ditch

t:u1d rd oroaatna 78'574.
(111) 18 Qdn * t}c Btt - ~::a'~s~" br~:1:~! :: ~;t
19 In11tr1 will be hwod 1oparo.tol7.

20 HS p 941 rnr Mt - ,4.8589

21 Ccmd Poat 5 Cdo Int 849 - 757580

ea ~ - ' " trao. Y a tt

83 l!!.!!2.tY. - (a) will be WU.tor throughout 30 corpa.
(b) lb\ ot puaword.1 1e gtYOD. in e;,p:z 11..,.

2' wt.role.a - lfOl'm&l bu\ Uno. or will be UIGd \o 'tho Jl4%1-.ia.
15 JJJK.
'1'1.ot ot Slpa.tura o 2Ji0 hn.

Dol 40ere)ll& Jor
D U 5 Cdn lilt Bd

Nn 18 - aonao114at1o.o
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add .. r::::1 ~~= f:~.;b!n~e; ::d~,J'c1t~: ~ ;~r
will 101' \Ue plaoe uoUl o ordered b7 H~ 5 Cda. Int Mt.
0P "lERlT.I.Btr
com IWIJS, oancnns
I Hued Witb 5 C4a Int

~ ' W BLOJ +:"'""'Bd O O Ho I d/ 6 : .

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~~ I l l <JIT 79808D OID.R (JJiST

(l\lQO pt With 15(9)0:1.Y)

!ilt28T Wl:!B

. Wi:
IIULIRSCHI ~ 7&656'5-781578 PLYM001H

A. '1"k 41toh 77657J-78!!1575 N.s,I
Rd 780587-788:S?l POHTI.10
79156:.,_79:J567 l'a!D ORUM
Rd 7'i16&61- 7'il8588 .JJBURN 0'!'I
'1795'18-778586 P..oLRI> CJJICIST.IP
Rd 77 t 5M787572- 7985M CHRYBtaR <iWRIL
[Notifi;e~ i1i Army Orders .f?r Aug11st, 1930
rcrow,i Copyright reserved

- 189

face 1930

:om -


To be ~ased directly_ from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the foll?wing a d ~
astr~House, Kingsway, Lo11don, W.C.2; 120, George Street, i!.dinbUigh;
ork Street, 1'Ia11chester; I, St. Andrew's Cresceut, Cardi.If;
15, Donegall Square West, Bel1ast
or through any Bookseller.

Price ls. 6d. net.
d 174.J of
173 an the p 11rpose5
sVJil' Sec. imarily for I tters
Ch8P , . not used p r . figur es or e
Tt ,s ty ssed in
igiila/. of br ev1_ ; ne expre . g is done
or , bu" 1
, ere 1s d ipherm al
secrcc; her ,ness, o eanin!!. . " and ec f t h e Gener
A_ cira secret 'it 'enciphenno direction o
ha,JJlQThe work 1 under the - - .L f ~
" 2.
cipher p ersonne ~- --r - -- .-
e IS ha .nd-ed HI o 1
. - hen
,.,, bY_,, ,, --, s t h e- n1essag .gi1. a:tor, ""
S~- -_"l'-~ces-urrle_s here<l-by the ort ':nuiriea:tio11
j,:r;Jie71~"" Jready-enc:ip b the inter=mi:
ua.nSJ.rl-iss1en-& - dec:ipliei-ecl y
-it-w-ill-~o:;;::;;.e delivery:- . an~ the senvers0,,
.personne . .. and encipheHHg . at:i-Ons 4, a
. ti~ne. \Vh.i!e
take .GOmm.wu9
;=1,,.,Ped I '" I"i, tleie-
Of: OftCef,eu.

in ..J.>-a.-..... . e~
t1i.0w iaH,ng ~
..pracesse.~ ~~]-a. . l,e- -en_e,pz'.c lli'lQHtberiiled Qa,Rds,..
,w~~-:hwd Cl fitms-(}[ -secreey-a1
1.d nr,..eney
" mttS'I: be
68llsi4are4- h a portion of
, ! 1'"
4. Itt is forbidden to enc~de or e~:~-::'-' - - ,_ --1.ear,
th"' fpysue,...hf as a ddsd,,l A~
:::i m , ACC".lfYa and I ack I wh1ch
,: TlTI("Y' ,+ha
, rptd,
the text of ma_ny mes~ages o~;
iJ appear in the same position in
should, however, be sent in clear as their continual ,
translation into cipher would weaken its security.
Code names indicating the recipients to whom a message

s1'addre35ect' or 'repeated' should similarly not be

~b~;~ ~xcept to make replies of a routine character such as
Care Illac~nolwledged," " approved," " agree " and " No "
us a so be taken \Vhen It . , . .
a clear messa"e in . 1 is necessary ro l'erer 1:0
the latter doe~ not ~o~~~~e:1::ssage
that t he Wording of
i -- ly that of the forzner ,,
l A '
\Var diary Will be kept .
n duplicate . fr
[Chap. XVIII Sa sec. 174] message=>
,,c. 174. 1'\TJJI, . ctions, repoi:ts, d and
-nd day of mobilization .or creation of the pa .
or appointn1enl "'t,y : -
I. Each branch of tlie stnff in the hcadqu t
ortan t or
ders mstru_ d and issue ,
i. I.atP c.1espa tcbes
. the past
or . . s taken. ts during . .
formation, a sul.>ordinate conllnanda: ers Of a dccJSJOII . i\{overnen t dispo51t1on~.
or sub-area on the L. of C. nd area 1ocat1on. d presen f
ii. Unit con1n1anders. ii, paily tv-four hours an f large units or o
tweo . bl in the case o
JI! rcb tit e 5 tn.nce
iii. Comniarlders of detachrnents of a un t
iv. Officer i .'c 2nd echelon, officers holdin1 tee . fo~ations are of ass1s.,
tters rel:1t1ng
to the duties of
appointrnents (Sec. 36), and er!
h1J.Jc.'\t iii. Important ma f the staff. r
v. Base, auxiliary and advanced deooi co'o~ :afi. each br:u1cli o . Extr.t hour o
vi. Heads of services and their rcpr tan. ers. f O era.t 1ons. ,, '.
t 1 1 f J l'!len atives Dctai!tcl account o ~. factors affc.:t1ng opcra-
con ro er o sa \age and bis represe tat iv. important occurr~r:11.:el, anc.1 climatic. Cl1;1r
. . n ives, - toporrrapu1ca
2. A "ar c.hary JS secret. I ts object is to fu n t1ons. 1 ". po-i~ians of troops at in1por-
historical record of operations and to provide <lat: 1501 a sketches s 1ovnng " c
which to base fut urc in1provcmcnt;; in :irmy tra'inu_pon tant phasi:s. .

equipment, .
and adn11n1stration. H1'1,
" Nature .an<l description of ficlcl cnginecru1g
lt ,vill be cn~c:-ed up rlailJ, each entry initialled by v. works constructed. or quarters occupied.
the officer detailed to keep ll, on ,\. F C. 21 Ill. It is v1, Cban"CS in establish1nent 0r strength. A;;
to be noted that the exlrac.ur,n nnd retention of app,:n. regards casualtit:s the names and ranks of
dices, maps, &c . frorn a "ar diary is an offence under ofliccrs and the 11u111bcr oI otbr.:r ranks or
the Official Secrets Acts. followers and of an1n1als should be noteu.
3. The cover ',\ill t!it fol lo\ving inscription:- In addition in the case of units on the L. of
C. changes in stores. transport, &c.
SECI{ET vii. l'IIetcorolog1ca) notes.
\V.\li J)I,\RY viii. SUIJunary of important information received,
O.F whether military or political.
.. ... . .... ....... .. ..... ............. S. Appe;r1~~:, ~:p~~frea;~l~!e ctf;ta?~d to the
10 . ...... .
~-- i. A copy of each field retu ry .
(\'o!un1c....... .. ) JI in
l . ble the fo o,, ,,
A.F._\V. 3009) and it
(A.F. W. 3008 and
rou~mc order or inst.rue . operation or
SO far as they are app ic.'. 0 ,, a dian' :- Per10~ covered by th tion issued during the
., n prep,Lr1 ,.
lei be recorcleu \V1It.: t ;.,i ,\rntY, war diary. e current Volume of the
. f the Icrrt o1
of formations and _unr~s.oof embodiment.
kept from fir~t tl y

[~ap }..-VIII s VJII' sec . 175 . J

. , ec. 1 7 Clllll' ,c
(;q>J~ of orders, or instnicti 4.
5 Ret,trns
17 - prorno t 10n
Jugber commands if no 1ons, received the indiviJua l, 111s pay, d b
reference. onger requu: ftoiu e records of ous r eturns re n derc Y
A copy of each narrative O cd for J. rb . d d on the var1 . : b
and pension cren therefore in con1p1l1ng t en1 15
~r.;.,'l"D. up by a subordin r report on o e .
inc.:Ju<ltng any sketcheatc formatiori o3:'ho_ns units-. A.ccT~~ yuses of all returns r ender ed to ?r b y
thereto, to suppleme s or maps . un,t, cs;.e!lti~l. d ch Ion anJ the act ion ta.ken by l11m on
t:ions furnished in nt.ii the account 0 ;elati11g ufficer i/c 2n c e , . II
tWIII described in AppendLX I . th
_(para. _4. iv, above) e t ext of I.he opera. 1 Each return rendered by a fonnatioo or unit 1n e
ApJ?8Dd1ces ,viii be numbe. d diary 2 wiU be numbered consecutively, dated, signed l>y
a brief descripti ..c headin~c ' an?- each ,vi!I an officer, and inscribed legib ly ,,itb the name of tl1e
)references to appendices ."" nam ing the have
~Jumn of A. . F. . C . 2118. ,v1ll be inado in. theauthor. unit, and the formation (if a ny) of ~b icb the u11it fonus
6. _All d1ar1es ,vill conform t
drafting orders, reports &c
' (Ste
,o Vthe r egulations ior
o lun1c II
7. Disposal
lollows - will be mu de nionthly of ,var d" l
1anes as
Unless other,visc ordered th . .
.', ~ o r1g 1nal copy of a
war diary for the
for,\ardcd on the fi fs~ecftlu1gf mlontb will _be
th d .. ' ay O t 1e succeed mg
mo11 :- n:ect to the oiftccr i/c 2nd echelon for
transmission ~o the \ Var Office, care being
taken ~hat all its append ices are attached.
ii. The duplicate cop3. clea.1lv n1arke<l as such, of a
ca ~alry _@r utlantry brigade or higher form
at1on ,v1ll be ionvarded ,vithin a period of
t\\o n1onths to the officer i/c 2nd echelon for
transmission to the Under-Secretary of State,
The War Office. The duplicate copies of ~h~ 10
ies of units ,\ill be sent
ffi ,\itbin
"/ 2ndaeche
per1 ~
months to the o cer c t boJJle for
itted to record offices a

Notified i1i A.C.Is. for week ending 13th December, 1939

The information given in this docun,ent
is not to be communicated, either directly

or inctirectly, to the Press or tc any person

not holding an official position in His
Majesty's S e rvice.

G.S. Pubns.


111 , sec. 174.J 281
(Chap. XVIII, Sec.
1740 ci,-.P 1{V as they are applicable the follo\ving
174. ivar diaries In so b recorded w h en preparing
far a Ull:l.ry
..,,_ : -
-.,..,. will be kept in duplicate fro:rn. th ,4. bould e tru ti t
illts s 0 rtant orders, ms c ons, repor s, messages
-1lization or creation of the particu} e P" i. rm~ despatches received and issued, and
pointment by : - at 0
isions taken.
:'aoch of the sta~ in the headquarters of a ~ec location. iV[ovements during the past
;i;lmation, a subordinate conunand and area ii. Pail! nty-four hours and present dispositions.
or sub-area on the L. of C. ifaercb tables in the. case of large units or of
:Onit commanders. . : rroations of assistance.
Commanders of detachments of a u:1t.
Officer i/c 2nd echelon, officers holding tecb1ucal

... IJJ1 ortant matte:s relating to the duties of
Ul, iach branch of the staff. .
a intments (Sec. 36), and personal staff. . Detailed account of operations. Exact hour of
~~uxiliary and advanced <;lepot commanders. iv. important occurrences, factors afiecting opera-
Head of services and their representatives

:diary ~oller of salvage and his representatives. '

is secret. Its object i~ to furnish a
., record of operations and to rro,1de data_u~n
tions, topographical and climatic. Clear
sketches sho,:ving positions of troops at in1por-
tant phases.
v. Nature and description of field engineering
to base future improvem~n!s 1n _army tra1Illllg, vlorks constructed, or quarters occupied.
mmt, organization and adm1n1strat1on._ ..
;tr,iJl be entered up daily, each entry 1n1tialled by vi. Changes in establishment or strength. A~
detailed to keep it, on A.F. ~ 2118. It 1s regards casualties the names and ranks of
noted that the extraction a11d retention of appen- officers and the number of other ranks or
paaps, &c., from a ,var diary is an offence under follov,ers and of animals should be noted.
Secrets Acts. . . . In addition in the case of units on the L. of
.cover will bear the foHo,ving inscription .- .. , C. cbang~s in stores, transport, &c.
~- hfeteorolog1cal notes.
SECRET vm. Summary of important information received,
5 A "'h~ther military or political.
............................To...... ............ .

..' ..
ppen?i_ces as under will be attached to tbe
original copy of each war diary : -
1. A. Copy f
olume ... ------=
a1 J,.lfll'f
A.F \~ 3 each field return (A.F. \V 3008 and
ord~r ?09) and of each operation or routine
and units of the T~rr~t;~ covere~rb ins:uction issued during the period
Int day of embodilll
Y t e Current volume of the ,var diary.
[Chap. XVIII Sec \!Jil, sec. 175.] 283
' l 74, CJIBP"
of orders, or i~structions, r eceived ft-- ~ 175 . Returns
commands 1f no longer reqUired 11tl cords of the individual, his pay, promotion
rejfeNmce. llr
1. !be_ rne depend on the various returns rendered by
/J. copy of each na~~ivdie_ or trepfort o: operatio1:s eus10 f . iii' h .
a,11_d P ,Accuracy, there ore, 1n comp ng t em 1s essential.
drawn up by a suvor na e ormat1on or Un'
including any sketches or maps relati~t 0ruts. of all returns rendered to or by officer i/c
thereto, t? supplement the accoU?t of opera~ fbe us;~on and the action taken by him on them are
tions furnished 1n the text of the diary (para. 2nd ~cb ~ in Appendix III.
4 deSC11 e
iv, above). Each return rendered by a formation or unit in the
6~ \;ill be numbered consecutively, dated, signed by
Appendices will be numbered, and each will Lave
4 brief descriptive beadin_g naming t!3e author.
Refmences to appendices ,vill be made 1n the last
flOlumn of A.F. C 2118. :t, oDicer and inscribed legibly with the name of the

and.the formation (if any) of which the unit forms
6. All diaries will conform to the regulations for
cbafting orders, r!'ports, & c . (Se~ Volume II)
7. Disposal llill be m ade monthly of war diaries ~8
:foJlows:- .. I
j Unless otherwise ordered, the ong1na copy of a
war diary for t he preceding month ,,ill be
forwarded on the first day of the succeeding
month direct to the officer i/c 2nd echelon _for
transmission to t he \Var Office, care bemg
taken that all its appendices are attached.
Ji. The duplicate copy, clearly marked as such, of 2.
cavalry or infantry bngade or h"1gh er forma
tion will be forwarded ,vithin a penod f~r1
two months to the officer i/c 2nd ecb~l~~ate,
transmission to the U nder-Secretary. 0 f the
The War Office. The duplicate_ c~pics 0 eriod
diaries of units will be sent ~'lth~n daefheJon
three months to the officer 1/c ~ hotlle for
tnn11mitted to record offices a

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