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XXXX. Where appointment dictates, a drill instructor, SNCO or Warrant Officer may carry a cane
when parading with troops or in the course of their duty. The length of a drill cane is 70cm 80cm.

General Rule

XXXX. The position of the carry indicates you are in command where the position of the shoulder
indicates you are the subordinate.

XXXX. When marching a distance less than 15 pace, the cane may be left at the shoulder. For
distances of 15 or more paces, the cane is carried at the trail.

XXXX. A distance of 15 paces is equivalent to the distance between markers in close column.

XXXX. When marching a distance less than 7 paces, the cane may be left at the carry. For distances
greater than 7 or more paces, the cane is carried at the trail.

XXXX. The three positions when using a cane are:

a. the carry - cane under the left armpit,

b. the shoulder - cane carried perpendicular in the right shoulder,

c. the trail - cane carried in the right hand at arms length.

XXXX. For the purpose of this chapter all reference is made to the drill cane.

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