Anda di halaman 1dari 132










In the of rhe we ot lhe Fou KinsdoB, GdltelMa i5

a land elb6bn8 a new tu1e,. For lhe inhabildls ot rhe
Enote vilage oI Kmstein, howver ir i, a place oI sout{endihg
tean Five si@tly figara have stepped our ;i a. ancitrt lesen;
od into. the lighr of day. The Shadow Wnios de n;in&
hDting doM hll!fu bingr &d ptftinA rhm to rhe sword dt

YOU {e a kteEn ol th was, wddeling rhe 1a.d i. serch of

adventure. wher you de hiied ro solle the hysrery oI ihe shadow
Waio6. whnt you discovd will atu rhe tfe oJ everyone b rh Old
World, not lastyour oM

Two d,cc. p.ncil drd ar erasef de a you need to embet o-

lhrs hearliopprt adventqe. wdch is .omptele wrth rh owr
eldborale ombai srstm and a sorc sheer lo r@,d y@r

Many ddge6 lie ahad oI you, a.d yol, succs is by no

meos. ceriain. Adveluis from yoq darkesr niEhthms &e
an6d dAairel yd, and il's up to tOU to d& which @le lo
tollow, wtuchdeg.c to rGkandwfich foesro fishrl
r,\,r i \ Fr . . . ar , I i\

Steve Jackson and Ie Livingstone



sterej,rk$n i aoRCarty

rhf rnhlductoDr RrFrhyn,! ( rinn.

fou, Lhr linga!'en(,re'
A l' g h b g F .n h n \.\ a
Tre ad, r,ghri!l3 r rnhsl 5).skn
orr r o! lHf, fr r frghtn! F{nrbt \'r.nneE IllrsturtetibL,MttnL M,Kona
lllN:Thc FrShhn! Fi.r[i], W)rld
DUNCEO\EER - An lit!(ltrdnrtr b ure world oi ltoL!-l'l.,yingcanes PUFIIN BOOKS
rr llf tsrrr!r{{, roido^ w3 Jr7, Fix n


l\iO RLD

r - eli!r !^ od ho LY !r .r ,r r eor
rqL, rr s i ia sr$ri$Fri, ,,,, ADVENTURE SIIELT
rrusr, r. tor r t ahL
e M { bv ! ( . m r , . ! r



r.0 r r,h or I fd,) s c,
rro r!o $ !i 27

ln lasel flawel whosr,qrtatkndness Before embarkingon your perilous adventure,you

shawed ne IhatrlEt areat leasl must work out your own strengthsand weaknessesj
tDDsrl.J ta eDetuhiqslorg ose the Adpetlfrc Sreelon pagesr8-r9 fo recordall
the delails of yor.rradvenLure. It will be sensrblelo
makecopiesof t\e Adtuture Slcsl for iurther sorties
into this advenhre As well as a copy of the Adaenture
S/reei,you r-r'ilialso need two dice, a penot and all

Skill, Stamina and Luck

Roll one dre.Add 5 to lhe numbcrrolledand enterlhe
fofal in the sxrrt box on theAduenture
Roll two dice Add r.z to the numberrolled and enter
the totalin the srAMrNAbox.
Roll onedie,add6 andenterthe fotal in fhe LUCKbox
Forreasonsthatwill be explainedbelowall your scores
will changeduing the adventureYou must keep an
accuraterecordof thesescores,and for this reasonyou
are advisedLo \^'ntesmallin fhe boxesor to keepan
eraserhandy But neverrub out your 1rilr./ scores.As
i^ other FighlingFantusy
Gnncbools, althoughyou may
be awardedadditionalsKrLr, sravrNe aad rucr
ponts, theirtotalsmay neverexceedtheirkifrnl scores,
excepf on those very rare occasionswhen the text ponent's,you havewoundedit: proceedlo step4.
teilsyou so
specifically If your opponenl'sAltack Strengthis higher than
yours, it has woundedyou: proceedto step 5 If
Your sKrLLscorereflctsyour expertisein combal,
boih Attack SkenglhLoLalsare Lhesame,you have
your dexterityandagrlity Your srawINr. scorereflects
avoidedor paried eacholher'sblows: start a nw
how healthy and physicallyfit you are Your t-ucr
ALtackRound{rom step1, above
scoreindicaleshow luckyyou arc.In all thesecases,
higheryour score,the betterl 4. You havewoundedyour opponent:subtract2 points
from its srevwe scoreYou may use LUCKhereLo
Battles do additionaldamageto it (seebelow) Now proceed
to step6.
Durrngyour adventureyou wrlloften encounterhostile
creatureswhichwill atfackyou, and on otheroccasions 5. Your opponenthaswoundedyou, subtract.zpoints
[rom your srevrre scoreYou may use LUCKhere
you yourselfmay chooseto draw your sword against
Lo minimize ihe amounLof sraMrNA lost (see
an efemy you chanceacross,ln somesifuationsyou
may be grven a spciaioption, aJlowingyou to deal
wrth lhe encounterin an unusualmannetbut in most 6. Begin the next Altack Round, startjng aga'n at
casesyou will have to resolve battles as descnbed sLep1
This sequencecontinuesunLil the sraun,rl scoreof
You w l be told your opponent'sSKILLand srAMtNA eitheryou or your opponentreaches zero,whichmans
scoresin the paragraphwhereyou lirst meeLil, enter death lf your opponentdies,you arefree to conlinue
lhem in the first vacan!EncounterBox on your,4/oel with your adventure.If you die, your questendsand
LureSheeL lot shouldalsomakea noLeo[ any sPecial you must sta* the adventureall over againby rolling
abilitiesor rnstruchonswhich are unique to that par- the diceto crealea new character
ticularopponenLThenfollow this sequence'
Special Equipment
r. Roll both dice for your opponent.Add its srlrr
scoreto the totalrolled,to fmd ils AttackStrength. During the courseof your adven[rre you may be
forlunateenoughto get your handson specialweapons
-z Roll bolh dice for yoursell then add your current andprotectivearmour.If you wield a specialweaponin
sKlrLscorcfo find your Altack Strength
combal,any blowsyou landon your opponentw l do
3 If your Attack Shength is higher than your op greaterdamage your foe will lose more suvrr,q

than normalr if you enter baltle wearirrSarnout you onceyou dfata creature,lhe ncxt stepsforward to
will be more or lcss protected from any blows which fight you! When you hnd yoursclfunder atta& from
your opponent lands on you you will lose fewer more thanonc opponentaLthe sametime,eachadver
point: of sravrre lhan normal ln\lru(tionscoverjng sarywill male a separate atLackon you rn the courseof
all fhese casesare tiven in fhe paragraphswhere the eachAtfack Round,but you can choosewhich one to
spe.:d'Fqi p-re-r . lo be fou d Arr rules. once-ning 6ght Attack your chosentargetas in a normalbattle
spcialweapons thal you rad there always take prece ASdrr)rdry ddd,t,onal opponent5 you rlrov! ro. your
denceover the rules grven in lhe Battlcssecfion,above. Atta& Skentjth in Lhe normal way; if your Attack
Strengthls grcaterthanyour opponent's, however,you
will not inflicf a woundin this instance; canregard
it as if you have panied an incomin8blow If your
Attack Sfrengthis lower lhan your enemys, nowever,
you will be woundedin the normal way Of course,
you rr'ill havc to settlelhe oulcomcagainsteachaddi

At various[imesduringyour adventu]-e,eitherinbattles
or whenyou comeacrossother situationsjn whichyou
could be eithcr Lucky or Uniu&y (detailsof theseare
glven in thc paragraphslhemsclves),you may use
Fighting More Than One Opponent LUCKlo make the outcomemorr'favourableto you
Bul bewarelUsing rucr is a risky businessand,rf yoLr
ln somesiluationsyou may Iind yotrrselffacingmore areUnlucky,the resultscouldbe disastrous.
than one enemy Sometimes you will trat them as a
singleopponent;sometjmesyou will be able to fight The procedure, cdled Tesfitg yorr lrrrt, works in the
eachin turn; and sometimes wrll have to 6ght following way: roll two d;ce If ihe numberrolled js
-vou ."quallo or lcssthanyour cunent r ucr score,you havc
themall at the sameiimel Ii they aretreatedasa single
opponent,lhe combatis resolvednormally When you beenLuckl and the ouLcomewill be in your favour.If
are instructedto fight your opponentson al a time, the number rolled is higher than your cxrrent LUCK
the combatis a1;ainresolvednormally- exceptthat score,you havebeenUnluckyand will be penallzed.
Eachtrmeyou lest yorr Lrf, you mustsubtracir poinl
from your cunent Luc( score Thus you wrU soon
realizeihat, the moreyou rcly on your LUCKthe more
risky w l thisprocedurebecome.

UsingLuckin B1tlles
In certainparagraphs yo:uwtllbe told to TestVoulLuck,
and you will then find out the consequences of being
Lucky or Unlucky. Hou'ever,in baftles,you always
have the option o[ us[rg your LUCK,either to inilict More About YourAttributes
more seriousdamageon an opponentyou havc just
wounded,or to minimizethe effecisoi a wound you skill
havejustrcerved. Your sKrLLscore rrill not changemuch during the
courseof your adventur Occasionaily,a paragraph
If you havejust woundedan opponent,you may lesf
may Sive instructionsto inaease or decreascyour
VourI xtk as descrrbedabove.lf you are Lucky, you S(ILL score,but it may not exceedits lhttial vaiue
have inlicted a severcwound; deduct2 afla points
Lrnlessyou arespecifically
instructedto the contrary.If
from your opponent'ssrAMlNAscore I[ you are Un
you ever have to fight a battlewith your bare hands
lucky.however,your biow only scrat.hesyour oppo (thal is to say, you do not have a weapon to fight
nentjandyou deductonly I pointfrom youropponenl's
wrth),you must temporarilysubtractr from your cur-
srAMI\A(i e, insteadof scoringthenormal-: pointsof
rent sKILLscorcfor the durationof the combat
dama5;e,you now scoreonly r)-
Al vaious limes during your adventure,you will be
Wheneveryou yourselfarc woundedin combat,you
told to Tesfyour Skill.'lhc procedurefor Lhisrs cxactly
may ltsl tj/otlrl.uckto try to minimizethe wound. lf
fhe sameas that t'or TeslingyaurLuckrroll two dice.If
you areLucky,your opponcnt'sblow only grazesyou;
lhe numberroLledis equalto or lessthanyour current
deductonly 1 foint fuom your srAMrNA If you are
sKILr-score,you have succeeded in your test and Lhe
Unlucky,your wound is a senousone and you must
:esult will Bo in your favour.If thc numberrolled is
deductr r*ra s fAMTNA pornt(i e, deducfa totalof :
hlgher than your cureni sKrLLscore,you wrll have
pointsfrom your own sraMrNA)
iailedthe testandwill haveto sufferthe cr::nsequences
Remember; you mustsubtract1 pornt from your LUCK However unlike Testingyour Lrck, do not subtractr
scoreeachLimeyou TeslVourbck. eoint from your sxrll eachtime you TesL VourSkill
Slafiifia your LUCKscoremay neverexceedits &itial value
Your STAMIN^scorewill changea Lot during your unlessyou arespecrfically
told that it can.
advenLureIt will drop as a result of wounds gained
throughcombat,or by fallingfoul of trapsand pitfalls,
Equipment and Gold
and it will alsodrop afteryou performany particularJy
arduoustask If your sraurre scorecver falls to zero, Al lhe beg:1n'18o[ vour adver', e 1ou hauevery
you havebeenkilledand shouldstopreadingthe book Ltlle equipmentthat is suitabLefor a joumey of any
immediately Brave adventurerswho wish to pursue krnd;but you will be given a chanccto visif the markei
Lheirquestmust roll up a new characterand start all at Royal Lendiebeforeembarkingon your dallgerous
overagam. quest.During your travelsyou nray also find other
You can resLorclosf srAMrNA by eating meals or usefulitemswhichyou cantake.For now, though,you
ProvisronsYou starfthe gamewith no Provisions,but haveonly a sword,a backpackand a pouchholding a
you willbe giventhe opporfunityto obiainfood during few Gold Pleccs.To find out how many Gold Pieces
your adventure-You must keep track of how many you have,roll two diceand add r: to ihe total rolled
meals'worLho[ Provisionsyou havc by filling in lhe Thennote the foLlowingttemson your Adoenture Shee!:
detailsin the Provisronsbox of your AtloenLureSheet your sword (in the Weaponbox) and your money (in
Eachtime you eat a meal you may restoreup to 4 the Gold Pieccsbox). If later on you should come
pointsof srevrre, andyou mustdeductonemealfrom acrossany itcms which you want to take with you
your Provislonsbox You may stop and eal Provrsions makea note of them in the E+ripmentbox (they are
at any time exceptwhenyou areengagedin a batfle keptrn your pack)unlessthe paragraphtellsyou other

Remembelyour STAMINA scoremay neverexceedits

Inilial value,so there'sno poinf in eatingmealsif your Weapons
sTAMINAis alradyat its ma-yimum- Ihough you startihe adventurewrth a swordof gleam-
ing steel,you may gel the chanceto acquireanother
weapon.If you takeanotherweapon,you musf discard
Lurk your old one,.rsyou can onJyevercarry one weapoJr
Addilions to your LUCKscoremay be awardedin the af a time To discarda weapon,just erasert from the
.ourseof the ,dvenr.,rer'hen yo" h.rvebeer pa= Weaponbox ol yow AdoenlureSrref,and then enter
ticularlylucky or havecreatedyour own luck by some the nameoi the newly acquiredwaponin Lhesame
action.Delailsar given in Lherelevanfparagraphsof box, wlth a note as to any speciaLrnstructions that go
the book.Rememberthal,as wrth srrlr and srevrrr, wrth iL.Oncea weaponis discarded, it is lost for ever.
r4 rt
Remember, if you everhavelo fi8ht wilhout a weaPo& The vanoustypesof armourall work rn the sameway:
subtractr point from your curenL srrlr scorefor Lhe ihey give you someform of protecLionrn baLtles
duralionof the entirebaLtle but only for a cerlainlength of time - even lhe finest
Dwarven plate can lake ofly a certain amount ot
hammeringbeforeit slartsto buckle Due to its bulk,
armouralsohindersyoul movemcnts, unfortunatcly
In the paragraphwhereyou frnd the armouryou will
also be told both the total nrimberof hiLs lhat lhe
armourcanlakebeforeit is ruinedand exactlyhow lhe
armourwillprolect you Wheneveryou losean Aftack
Round while you are wearing arrnour, fhe amour w 1
aulomaticallyprotectyou whetheryou walrl it to or
notl As a result,you will losc fewer srAMrNApoints
lhannomal, and you may evennot have to lose any
sTAMINAat allrHowever,because the armourwrll have
Armour protecledyou, you must add r to Lhenumberof hrts
You start the adventurewearingno armour,but you that the armourhas taken As soon as Lhenumberof
may be lucky enoughto obtainsomelateron If you do hils takenby lhe armourreachesthe total ntrmberof
get your handson somearmout note it in the Armour hits that il can Lake,il becomesuselessshaightaway.
box of your Arloenture Sleef the paragraphwhereyou You may no longerreceivethe armour'sprotectionand
find the armourwrll lell you the type of armor it is. Of must eraseif from the Armour 6ox ol your A.rlomlure
courseyou can wear only one LyPeof armourat any SheeL.
parliculartime; if you find more and wish to keepit,
you will have to discardthe armouryou are currently The paragraphin whrchyou find Lhearmourwill also
wearing Just eraseLheold armourftom LheArmour tell you to add aLleast1 lo your dicerolls whencver
box of your A.rluentureSreetand thenenterthe nameof vou have to TesL your SkiLl,thusreducingyour chance
the new armour,along wrth any inslructionsthat go of success in the tesi. This penalfy is becauseof the
wlth rt Onceannourhasbeendiscarded, it is gonefor armour'sbulk, and il affectsyou for as long as the
ever You may alsodiscardarmourrf you quite simPly armow is includedon yotr AdxenLure Shut. tNearing
no longerwrshLowariL.In suchcases, just emsethe armourhasno other effecton your srrir score.
armourftom your Adoenlure Sheet You may carry out
Lhisactionat any lime,exceplduringa battle.






Clallantaria was once the nost civrlizedland on thc

tuce o[ Titan. Its history began when Orian thc
Br.rilder halledthegreairoamingof histribe,lo build
a village whlch hc called Lendlc From therc, hrs
Uptootinr hee lr d hrcaking p.ople .pread.''r'lding eve m,-e vill.rqe<anJ
Serrchins lv then lrlnste! L . n o le -l. c ' e ro r. d 1 t o J \ " le , r. t ! O " n " o n
Itegulus,led the peoplernto a ncw age of wealth.
anJforgcdthe elsht largcstlowns rnto lhc nationof
Gallanlaria, with Royal Lendlc as ils caPital.
Gallantaria continuedto cxpandandcouldwellhavc
coveredthe entirc Old World, wcre rt not [or thc
jr. .har iL borucreoull-rr na .cn rho* peopl'
,lso had thoughtsof expansion.
Direcllysouthla) the nationof Femphrcv' and kr
lhe east the country of Brice Though initiallv
'?latiorr vlefe ','rdial. tlre peopleot Bri.e gr"tr
, -rlo rs . e a lL h. n J P - c n r r e dr n
Ca l' a r-1 , : r:r.
rnvasion Next, GallanLariancolonies in thc
\orlhlands rebelLedand senLan army down into
theirparcntcountr)lo vJrntheirrndependence and
rt did not take long before the nearby nations()1
Femphreyand l-cndlelancl got crughl up in thcsc
tcritle cr,enlr 'lhus besanlhc lvar of the lour
exkactsfrom L4coa T,,r,
bY I:rnsiKandermann
The treacherousBaron Tag led his own monarch greatarlefactto the rulersoI lhe other countdes,on
into an ambush,he himself plunging a poisoned condltion that they loin his now mighty Alliance.
dagger inLo King Conslain'sback. War-tom and Indeed,Chalanna's wiseand generousleadership has
leaderless, Gallantarafell into despair.Fortunately proved to be the soleguidingLBht,leadrngus into
rh- A -- ^F u,,-.-i r.,
helpwas at handin the form of Tantalon,the court ---r
magician,who seizedthe throne'in the nameof the LheReforner,Vol.III:
extact kom ChdLannl
people'.Using a mixture of cl:nning,wjzardry and Thehuitful rears
brilliant strategy,Tanialonbroughf the war to an by Maha Sanscreer
end single-handed. Yet, lhough he exercisedthe
authority of kingship, he did not keep the crown for
himself;he wassavingit for another.
excerptkom Courfksays and Obseraations:
hoodemdes oJroyaldecorum
by Hugo MontPeilier

Aged and weary,Tantalonkilled two birdswlth one

stone,at one and lhe samehmehe foundConstarn's Sword For Hire
successor and righted twelve wrongs by declaring
You are a veteranadventurer, lendingyour sword arm
lhe latter to be fasks which the former had to :o (almost)anybodywho makesyou the right offer -
completeto win the crown Thus a new bloodline :houghit mustbe saidyou haveno greatlove for gold,
began to rule Gallanfaria,Orjan's lineagehaving -equiringonly enoughto gel by. You seekadventure
endedwith LhebetrayedConstain.Law and order and excitementfor ther own sakeand look lo correct
were resLoredand an unlikely hero becameking :he world'smany injustices. Over Lheyearsyou have
Shangelyenough, Lhe coronationcoincidedwilh :oughtfor marryamies and havejoinedmany expedi-
TanLalon's passngaway;but the wizard'sdeathard iions into unknownlands Dunng the War of tl'e Four
the starl o{ a heshroyal dynastysignalleda new era (ingdoms you fought on the sldeof Callantada,your
for the nation
:omeland Yow courage,skill and leadershipearncd
However,GallanLarja was no longer the centreof 1ou many decorationsand, though you never felt
the Old World That position had passed to .omforlablewith it, the rankof captain\rr'henthe war
lemphrey, the realm of King Chalanna,who ruled ended,you spurnedthe fameyou had gainedand took
wilh his magical'crownof kingJ. Chalannaleni thrs ro lhe roadin searchof heshadvcntures.
Five yearson, you are now backin Royal Lendle;but While his wordshavehardlybeena glowing tributeto
the peoplewho oncesangyour praiseshaveforgoLten your skills,you canseethat the manis terrifiedand in
you. It's takenonly [ou. daysfor you to becomebored dire need of help. You're very doubfful about lhrs
with lhe city so, hopeful of bumping into someone ShadowWalrior business,though It is much more
inLeresting, you decideto take yourselJLo a tavem likely thaf the peopJeof Kamsteinarebeing tenorized
namedthc First Step to slakeyour thrrst It is highly by a gang of brigandsgot up in frighteningcostumes
likely that someonein herewill be lookingfor a person Still, you haveheardof Kamstein;itt a merespeckof
with your parliculartaients Indeed,you are on the duston the maps,there'svirfuallynothing there What
point of drainingyour secondtankardof Lendalewhen couldraiderspossiblywant from sucha place?Perhaps
you feel a ftanhc tappingon your shoulderand you they just enjoy picking on scared,helplesspeasants?
tum fo facea worned loolcngman Whateverthe reason,rt enragesyou to hear of such
rr/antonviciousnessYou makeup your mind to go to
Judgingby his appearance, you would say that he is a Karnsteinon rhe spot. you'Lldefend the vtllage and
famer living on fhe country'sborderlandHis words teachthese'ShadowWarriors'a lessonthey'll never
fumble out in hurried anxiety 'l'lease,Captain,you forget
musthelpusin KamsternOur homesarebeingravaged
by an unstoppablefoe and our pcopleare being cut Tum to r.
down like deadwheat Threeof rrs thai'sme, Men-
dokan,and fwo of my fellow vrllagers- havecometo
ihe city scekinghelp,but the authoritieslvon't Iistento
us They thrnk we'rc making it all up Thcy don't
believe thai we're being atlackedby the Shadow
It cannotbel The ShadowlVarriorsare merelybogey
men,usedby mothersto maketheir naughtychildren
behave;every Gallantarianchild knows the short
nurseryrhymethar tellsof them
Beforeyou havelime to respond,Mendokanconiinues
No one will help us Evenmercenaries we approached
havelaughedin our facesThen,when we hcardyou
werehere . . You'reour lasthope.Will you hclp us?'

ThoLrghhe is relievedLhatyou haveagreedLohelphis
village,Mendokannow beginsto look embarrassed He
says,'We areorily a poor and simplepeople All we can
pay you is two hundredGold Piecesand,whal is more,
lhe village eldershave decreedthat you are lo be paid
afterthejob rsdone' Heigh-ho,sucharethe times!Still,
you won't go backon your word, so you aSreelo his
lermsand Mendokansmilesoncemore in relief.Now
hemustgo andfind his friendsso Lhatthey canprepare
to leavefor Kamstein,you yourselfwill have to buy
Provisionsand other equipmentnecessary for the jour
ney and your adventure.You shakehandswith Men
dokanand arrangeto meet his party on the Main Trade
Route,southof the city, in two hours'time.The farmer
thenhurriesout of the tavern- jusLasa gaudilydressed
fellowstrollsin andelbowshis way towardsyou.
lhis is Bartolph,aninfamousgamble4he shutsthrough
even the most dangerousparts of the city wearing
expensivesrlks,as a sign of his successat countless
gaming tables 'l haven't seenyou in here for some
time,'hesayswith a sly gnn 'Careto try your luck?'
Although you shouldn'tbe wastingany Limehere,a
wrn would enableyou to buy moreequipmentand Lhus
prepareyor.rfor the roadahead.If you acceptBartolph's
challenge,tum to 86 If you would raLherleave, tum
ro ro

Theleapis not going to be an easyone TestyourSkill
1fyou succeed,Lumlo z4; but if you fail,tum to r3r.

Thoughyour eviJfoe has{allen,he hasstruckyou wifh
a cnrel-blade,a magicaidaggcrthal inflictscuts which
continueto deepeneven aflcr the weaponitself has
beenwithdrawn.The woundsgrow andworsen,resurr
ing in a slow and parnfuldeaLhFor[rnatelyyou know
the proper heatmentfor such tll: you must seal thc
cruelwounds with heaL;only then wrU they heal
normally.Ifyou havea lantern(andoil),you mustlight
it and pressits hot glassagainstyour injured flesh
(deductone skin of oil hom your AduentureSlaet).

To say that an uneasysilencedescendson the bar 5
would be an undersLatement, but you do your best Lo Successive bursLsof sheetlightningenableyou io see
ignorethe group If you wanl to buy a tankardof ale,rt fhat, all across the marsh, creaturesresembling
will cost you a Cold Piece(crossr Cold Pieceoff your punplin-headed\carecfowsdre .trnrng fhey a-.etl-e
AdoenturcSheef) and as it goes down you can feel it Haggwort, formed of ihe earth and roused by the
doingyou good (restore2 STAMINA pornls)You stand growing corruptionin the land.Groaning,the mindless
b! t\c bar lisleninS in or themollcl group\ conver\d- hulksrise and maketheir sluggishway towardsHust
tion The veteransbelievefhat the Orc rs a monk from ings,their pawsgrippinSa variety of murderouswea
FemphreyrEltherlhey havebeendruggedor clse the pons They are great fighters,but they suf{er onc
Orc is usinga magicaldisguiseJustthen,lhe Man-Orc weakness: Lheyare animatedby mysticfireswhich arc
walks up to the bar, ordersa pint of ale - and Lhen held underpressurewithin therrheads;any cut to the
throwsjt in your facelAnger sendsthe blood rushing head,no matterhow tiny, will freethe energy,and fhe
to your cheeksand you tum to face ihe Orc, who suddcnreleasewill causethe HaggworL'sheadto ex
shouh,'Did you jusl spillmy prnt?'Will you attackth plodclHuslingsmustbe wamedof theimminentattack,
Orc (turn to rl2), or try to prove to lhe olhersthal he but a Haggwortsfandson thc road,in your way Will
is an Orc and not a Femphreyan monk (Lurnto 3ro)?
6-1 8-9

Attackit? Turnto 36
Headout on to the moorsin a bid k) sneakroundrt?
Tum fo ro8
Pui on a Chameleon Cloak if you haveone?
Tum to 260

Themysticbolt shootspastyour hcadand crashes into
the woman,turningher inlo a warly, croakingfrogl It
seemsthat one of the very sorccrersshe had been
objectingto was watchingover lhe proceedingsand
decidedto end them To your dismay,the onlookers
fall aboul with laughter,while thc frog hops away lo 8
begina new life Will you now go and listenlo the old The ShadowWarrioryou facecarriesno weapon;rt is a
beggar(tr.rrnto 2r9) or to the man in black (turn lo masterof the martialarts,and ih deadly,rotted hands
rt7)1 move with blurring speed Each Attack Round, the
Warriorhastwo ittacks.Treatthis combafasif you are
fighling two opponeniswith rdenticalratings at the
You open a smalLvial of MetaLRot and empty its
9 srAMrNAg
contentsall over the squareiron panelwhich houses
the lock to your cage(coss the vial off your,Aloanflre If you defeatthc Warior, tum lo ,l j.
The thickgurglingfluid doesits work in seconds,
and the lock dissolvesinto thin air Not havinghearda
thing, the jaileris caughtunawareswhenyou sneakup 9
behindhim and knockhim unconscrous. You stepover You watchas thc convoy of wagonsdisappears in the
his mountarnous body andslipout of thejail.Now you distance,beforc you follow in its wake Progressis
wiLlhaveto leaveRoyal Lendlebcforeyou arecaught slow and you spenda restlessnight, knowing that if
agarnWill you Leavethe city by thc SoufhGate,v'hich you had gonewith the circusyou would be in Shattuck
opensstrarghtoul on to lhe Main TradeRoute(lum lo by now ln the morningyou wake(resloreJ srAMrNA
272),or by the nearerEaslGale(tLrmto 60)? points)and conLinueon your journey
Another day passesbefore you reacha large stone
bridgeon thenorthernoutskirtsoi ShattuckThe Circus
of l)reams sLandsnear by, ih evening show in full
swing The clownin chargeof Lhecircusstepsoul from
behind a wagon; shc bows to you - rs four more
performcrsslep out from lhe shadowsbehind her
They are all Mandrakcsand lhey are conringfor youl
To standand 6ght would be sheerfolly, and they will
probablycatchyou if you stay on the road Neverlhe'
Less,wilLyou run along the road to Shattuck(tum lo
9r) or takea most desperaiegambleand dive off the
bridge into the deep river, many fcet bclow (turn to


Swcatpor,rrsdown your faceand you fall backwards,
tearingyour mrndfreefrom Lhismosthazrrdousdevice,
an Orb of Mind-snaring. While rt may not be lhe safest
thing to carry around,perhapsit will have rts uses If
you wanl to takeit wrth you, add if to your .4r'luanf,re
SJrrelit you havenot alreadydoneso,will you now
study the sarcophagus (tum lo r9l) or H8mar'sdsk
(tu.n to r47), or do you ignore them both and leave p.ove your worth. tt you will accepthis tash tum to
(turn to z16)? 382.If you do not, turn to 39E
Write down how many Gold Piccesyou wish to
gamble,thenroll one die.On a roll of 2 6, tum to t4;
rf you roll a r, turn to r7j.

Becauseof ihc poor conditions,you spendmuch of
your timeconccntrating on nof fallingover.The Crom'
bane,however,haveno suchfears.Theirhowlsriseand
fall on lhe wind,and theirrevoltingfeetdrum the earlh
behindyou. If you have a set of CalLhrops,,nay
lhrow themdown in the Crombanes'pathThe spiked
metalballswill np rnto their[oul fleshand grveyou the
lime you so desperately need If you u'ishto do this,
crosslhe Calthropsoff yow AdaenlurtSheetand elther
There'sno time to rest NiSht turns into day as you
make for the copse(tum to 63), or run back north'
leaveHustints far behlnd and get yor-rr6rst vtew of
westwards,to the road (turn to 16o).If you do not
the Witchtooth l.ine: a sPrawlingm,ss of unscalable
have or do not wish to use - any Calthrops,you
mountan peaks,monster-filledcavesand tleacherous
who cansaylhdt theyve mustfi8ht (turn to 29o)
nrrrow pa;se\.AJventurers
trossedthe Lrnc le rhemostresPeclcd uf thei' kind
you cometo a bridgeand,later,to a fork in
theroad Willyou go to thelft(tumto 391)or to the The old mancalmiylifls a fingerandpointsat a wall In
nghl (Lumto 3r4)? response, thercis a loud click,and a secretpanelslides
open. 'That way lies freedom,but back south Les
knowledge,whrlenorth liesthegreatestrewardarulLhe
greatesldangcr It is ever my dufy lo set Lhetasks'
\4r,hors thismanand why doeshe keepon aboutlasks?
Surelyit can'tbe nol You look backat the old man,
but he hasgone WheretiLl you go now:throughthe
secretdoor ltum to 278),or backout inlo the hall and
then through the south door (turn to 68), the north
door (tum io 174)or the west door (turn to 56)?

ln your handsis a page trom the Ashakkaans Numeris,
as laid down by Parcleasus, the numerologist- Though
born blind, he has a mystic sighl which has Sivenhim

knowledgcrequrredto defeathrm li]led lvith horror,

vou reaJtalesof Voivod'sfirst exislenceon litan, but
you are relievedfo sethat the numrologyrs easylo
understand. Basically,the systeminstructsyou on how
lo tum words into numbersof myslical significance

12j 456789

S T UV wxv z
ior examplc,Royal Lendlc rs converted thus'

96713 155115

.\dd up all the numbers thus obtained,and vou get 51

So 51 is thc mystical mrmbcr of Royal Lendlc As you
will seelater, this knowledge is vital to thc comPletion
of your qrrest.

r7 r8
There'sno lime to waste.You racefor]{,ardand l<rckor ThankingOsmaai.Cod oi Merccnarics, for yow escape,
push or grab and hurl any oF the circuspeoPlewho you scrambleup the ladder,push open the manhole
come within your reachto do whateveryou can to cover wilh your hard head(dcductr point from your
sendlheir bodiesfal|ng on to the campire Roll one srevlNa) and haul yourseLfup rnto the open air. You
die and add :. Tht, total rolled equalsthe numberof roll over and shove the lid back rn place Restorer
Mandrakesyou mrn;6;eto desiroyout of the original r-ucr point for makinga succcssful
nine Next, if you haveany skinsof orl,you may light
for Restingbriefly,you look arounJandseethat you arein
themand throw thcm at lhe remainingMandrakes;
yott a shori alley which leadsinto a brrsysquareAnd you
eachskinof oil you crossofl yotr AdomtureSheet, jestcrhasbeenwatching
arenot aloneAn impoverished
may destroy two MandrakesAny Mandrakesyou
destroycomefrom the bottom of the list, below You ]'our behaviourwilh a perplcxedcxpressionon her
face Her red-and-greenoutfit is in talters,yet she
must 6ght all thc rcmainint ones at the sametime
managesa glib smileard walks towardsvou as you
Though Mandrakcsare not killed by normal combat,
climb io .vourfeel 'Haveyou heardthe one aboutthe
an! ]ou bedt wrll oe <tr.nned:or a ie\^ o_e,ou' .\e begr-. to- pl.rceLhepalr oi
p.g .n d f-.-. I
moments,alLowinS you io ilrow theirbodieson to the
fire. Iour handover her iaceand pushhcr out oi your way
on to the floor You're in no mood for jokesl Tum
ro 2 2 5 ,

9 'Troubled times are ahcad,'continuesthe enigmatic
Scond MANDI(AKli 6 figue. 'To help you, the Horned Cod sendsa gesture
ThirdMANDRAKE 8 of goodwill find the man of nunrLers,or his book
lVithout either,you will fail.' I hen the faceis gone.It
FifthMANDRAKE 6 seemsthat Iack-in+he-Creen is a mt'ssenger for power
tul elementalforces,forccswhrch you decideto join
MANDRAKL : You l,ill strive fo be the Ea.thmoiher's champion,
against lheelil oi theShadowWanrors
Squintingthroughthe blindinilrain,you canjust make
out the lightsand rooflopsoi Ilustings.To the right of
It yoLrwin, tum to I97. the town is a slendercolumnoi r';rth which hasbeen

lou do not manage to disarm thcm within this trme,

forced up out oi the ground by magic AtoP fhis
nore guards appear and you arc crptured (turn to
hundred'foothigh Pinnaclers a tower madeof oozing,
livinesludge.\ "u heara slu.hingsound(omingfrom \99).
some*here lurt rlf lheroadandiu<tasyou looka fla'h
of lightningrevcaLs a manrisng uP out of bhebog at 2r
leasiit looks likc a man.If you want to walk the few Thoughyou lurn on your heel wrth lightning speed,
yards over to thc figure, tum to 39o If you would lou slill calch the merest glimpsc ol the Gorgon's
mtherstay on thc road,tum io 5 rrdeousface,the hag'sskin is lrncdwith evil and is
'ramedby a wrilhing massof vipcrs A cry escapes
20 ;our Lipsas you iall backand sprndrzzilyaway She
Two guards facc you, but more are coming You don't
.tepsafteryou, eagerfor your [all,but you stumbleon,
want to kill thc rnen - after all, thev are onlv doing -everlookingback.You go on andon,untilat last
then job - so vou wiLl have to use all I'our skill in a bid ;-eout oi thecavesallogether
lo disarmthem Wrthoui their swords,lhe)'$ill soon i stagnant pondliesjustoutside, you pecrinto it and
surrenderand lcl you go You must 6ght both of ihem :re shockedby the sight oi yoLrrrcllcction your hair
at the sarnetime, but if you win a round against the one ras turnedgrey, and yoLrrskin is strctchedtaul over
you choose fo fight, you do not hjr:re him (becauseof r our boneslAnd il is only now lhaLyou feel a slight
this, the guards arc not glven srAMrNA scores) But if .liffeningin your muscles.Dedr-rct4 porntsfrom your
srevlNe and,if you areslill aLvc,hrrn to 8o

:urther up the slreetyou comca(r.)ssa t.rttooshop.A

i.lstelesssignover Lheentrancereads,'Roggmondo's -
in any Altack Round. \o DesignToo Difficult,No Bit Of Skin Too Small'
l\iill you enterRoggmondo's(turn lo ll) or continue
FirstCITY CU ARI) 7 .Lpthe sfreet,nhich sems to openout inlo sonc sorl
Second CITY C LJARD -.1crorr'ded areaium to rr8j?

if vou disarm both guards in six rolrnds oi combat of zt

lesr, you muy lcaue the alleyway arrd flee into the eavingthe lady, you carry on scarchrngthrough the
temple grounds you saw earlier (tum to 164); but il
,iarkstreetsof Lhetown, starhngwrLha hovel on your

right. You walk in through lhe open doorway and r,'ait

for youl eyes io adjust to lhe darkness.Testyour Luck.
If yoLr are Lucky, Lurn to 226. lf you arc Unlucky, tum
lo il.


Against all the odds, you have made it to the far path. Ii you rr,in,you will haveto leavethe ctty beforethe
Seeing your mraculous leap, fhe W,rrriors howl rn al.rrmis raised.Will you lcave by fhe Sourh Cate,
,hichopensoul on to the Main TradeRoutc (tum to
2r2),or by thenearerEastCaie(turnto 60)?

screechand all race soufhrcardsYou scnsethat time is

aSainst ihem, perhaps they fear the oncoming dawn.
Whrlever th,.reason vou br"rrhe a lonq long righ of The town squareis a cobbledareawith, in its centre,an
te ct I ufil to r02 old cross.It is a hjve of activity as r{ool spinners,
lrrmers,masons,artisans,mcrchants, drunliards,travel
r't lers, peasants and a whole varieLy of other folk
The town o[ Hustings has bcen devastated by the to about,mindingone arother'sbusrnessAJterdraw
Haggwort assault,and though you feel thar you nave
done your best to help, your best may not havc been
good enough Following the downcast Husfings
reiugees,you make your way along the south bound
road If you have a Crccn Leaf Brooch, or tr you nave ForbiddenCaves,home of the dreadcdGorgorl threc
ar iron band and the word'CenrrnoJ mcanssomcfhing ycarsato and,alas,neverreturnedtlc musthavebeen
to you, tum to 397 Ofherwise, tum to 12 turnedlo stone.'Thoughlhis newsis all bad,you thank
lhc priestessandwalk away But you havegoneonly a
26 coLrpleof stepswhcn a beggarLugsaLyour siceveand
After unleashinga strcam of abuser,vhichhas no effect, :sks you for a Gold Ptece.If you arewiiling to pay lhc
you frnally shout,'Your fathcr is fhe son of a lute bcggar,crossoff fhe Gold I'ieceftorn you.rAioentutt
player and your mother has a face Lke a bucket of Slrcctand tum to ror. If yorr can'tor won,t pay Lhe
hogspawn' At this, the jailer leaps to his fecr and, bcgSarturnto rj9

RealuinSthal you areno matchtor themiShtof all five
Warriorscombincd,you n-rnbackto the north. Your
lungs bum as you try to put somedislanct-between
yoursclfand the shriekingphantomsFortunaiely,yoD
comca[ lasfto a narowint of the palh whrchforces
LheWarriorsto ride in srnglefile But one of themhas
spedaheadof LheoLhersin a L)idto delay you. You
mustfitht and destroyrt beforethe rest catchup. Roll
one die to seewhrchof the fivc you must face lf you
roll a 6, ignorelhe resuitand rollagain Whcn you are
told [o conLinueyour adventure,afLerdefcatingLhe
Warrior turn to 72 (noteth$ oi yo:urAdpenlure Sheet)
Now, if you ro)lr If ihe totalrsequalto or lessthanyour currentsrevrNa
:core,lurn lo 62 If thetotalis hrgherthanyour(u.rertr
lurnloS irAMrNAscore, tLlrnto 38j
1 um to 394
3 l um to 2j9
4 ]lnn fo r8l leavingthetavernbchrnd,youwalktowardsthc sprawl-
Tum to 2,15 :q -i.l-k L Jrea r rre \e-l_. ot e :r. o-..J1.' -e
6 Itollagain narkel siandsnext to Royal Len<lles poorest drstrict, a
29 rvarren of dilapidatcd burldings hous;ng beggars and
You ieel lightheaded and are just on thc verge of :hjevps Allin all, i{ is a sad and rlangerousplace
agrecing lo heLp h.ith lhe dig - when you com io :ne sort of thingsyou llanf nould normallycostyou a
your senses,gel a grip on yourself and politcly retuse .nall [ortune; iuckily, you have a good mary merchant
Howcver, raLherthan expressany regrets of concernat riends, who will scll you thcr wares for next to
your clizzy spel1,GLrignolraiseshis prck-axeand rushes, 1olhin8. The eastcrn side of thc market is where you
screaming.towards yolr. There is no reasoning with :r'ill iind all fhe hardware you mav need weapons,
lhis man possesse<1 :asic equipnentand so on. On the dcstem srde,more
G L JIC]N OL s KtL L7 musunl items are to be found. Which side wiLl yoLrvisrt
lirst, lhe easlem (iurn to 82) or ihe western (turn to
If you win, roll four diceandadd thenumberstogether 66)?
,1 -3 2 3t-31

A numberof incrediblystrong handsgrab you from
behindand pull you down on to the ground Lying flab
on your back,you look up to seeEnnian,thc Burgomers
ter of Coml, standingover you He smilesand says,
'Don't you won't feel a thing. You'll soo^ be
one of us' Thenhe bendsdown and puts out his hand
It tums inLoa slimy,organicsuctionpad;he clampsit
over your faceand sendsyou tnto a sleepfrom which
you nevcrawakcn
a swift glanceover your shoulder,you Lurnrhe
t2 -rrnately carved door-knob of the fafoo prrlour and
Pushingyouiselfto the |mit, you almostmissthe low :rter. A tiry bell cljnks ovcrhead, d,akinS a drab lirrle
wire that is slretchedacrossthe passageway. You will r.rn out ol his daydream lt is Roggnrondo I Ic looks at
haveto jump, to avordtripping over lt lestyour Skill. . ou wrth a bored expressronand asks,'Tatbo, friend?,
II you succeed, lum lo 278.If you fail,turn to 297 lo vou reply ^Yes'(turnto r43,),or'No'(furn to z7o)?

lcaring thc gentle foohtcps and the swishrng of hcr
irlvn, yolt try to avert vour gaze but too latel you
lrk ;nto the face of the Gorgon and must pay ihe
-l|]mate price Now there are seven statuesin the cave

Running this way and that, you Lry to evade ihe
hunlingOrcs,but therearetoo manyof Lhem,and they
soonhaveyou tmppedin a narrowguily Evenby Orc
standards,this is a partjcularlymangy and ferociolrs
ounch-Some train thcir bows and spearson you as
theirlcaderslepsforwad and grunts.'We're the Orcs
of the Black Scorpron,the toughesttribe in all the
'rVitchtecfSunenderor diel'The tribalshaman,a gross
rag, whisperswords o[ counse]in her leadert ear;
jtrdgingby her expression,her adviceis evil in intent II
you agree to srmender,Lurn to 288. If you would
fatherfight,lum to t77.

Cetting in a s[rikeat the Haggwort'sheadwill not be
theeasieslof thingsfo do


]f you win, you may go either to Lhe iown (tum to

167),lo thc tower on the pinnacle(turn to r42), or on
to the heacherousmoorlaids(tum to 69)

Caughtin the open,you cannothope to outrun the

lvarriors' horsesor prevenl yourselfbeing cut down
by the Wariors' viciousattack Youradvenrurers over.

You opt for lhe oldest Lrickin the book. Croaning
aloud,you clutchyour sideand iall to your kneesin an
19 40-4r

acl of epic agony.The jailerglancesover his shoulder

to seewhat all the fussjs about.Iest lorr Lrrck.If you
areLucky,lum fo 74; if you areUnlucky,tum to rz3.

After a day of hardbrt swift kavel,the circusstopson
the north sideof a huge stonebridge,on the outskirts
of Shatluck.The menacingrangeo[ mountainsknown
as the Witchtooth Line is clearly in srght, n:nning
beforeyou like the teethof a loathsomeEarth-dragon.
You stretchyour sLifflegs as the troupe unload fhe
wagonsand start to put up the tenls and stalls;they
intend fo perform lhis very evening.When all is
finished,threeof the performersrrde on into Shattuck 4o
to drum up custom.The remainingnine gather rn a . he Man-Orcfoughtwilh greafferocity,but you have
circlerounda campfireThere,they eat and discussthe ..eieafedhim. Suchcreaturesusuallydwell in isolated
comingperfonnanceForsomereason,you areexcluded ::easso, for him to be hcre in the city, your assaiiant
from boih Lhemealand thc discussionYou walk about ' '.'. havebeendrivenerrh"roy tnp proniscoi grear
the encampmenl in a nervousand restlessmood. You ':"ards or by fearof a tcrriblepunishmentSearching
havea numberof vague suspicions and feel thal you ::e swiftly decayingcarcass,you find a small BLack
musl do somethingabout thesecircusfolk beforethe re1,,which you may takc if you want to (don't forget
peoplefrom Shattuckarrive lf the name'Korin' means :: addit to your,4*,elfrrruSrrri jf you do takert)
any[hin8lo you, turn to Jr If it doesnot, turn to 2tJ.
Soonyou are walking lhroughthe SouthGate,out of
i.oyal Lendleandawayfrom the sceneof lhe assassina
r-rnaitemptTu:n lo r45

\, , .l ..P .-".
.r:iLc was once fought hcre. hence the name, and the
ousandsof bodies of thc fallenstill lie beneathth
:.rih What betler place for Voivod to rarsean army o[
42-44 4t-17

the dead?You race{o the BattlcPlainsand scehim up, you may very well reachKlrnstein too l.)tc to save
the Vorvodhimself- an ircredibleforceof timeless rl Evcntuall] you rejoin the \Neirtown n;ad If vou
decay,rrngedby his 6ve lieuten.rnts,
thc Shador,,War ..r.n ro foliow rt b.r.l.v.esl tum to r60 lf you woLr.d
riors,who dancein darkestecslasyBesidethc Voivod rather clrt acrosscountry and hcad directly southwards
is an Lon Bell of Summoning.ll Voivod strikesthis iremcrlbering lhat roads usually offer greatcr safety for
magicartefacf.the dcadrvillrrscto do his biddingHc the trrveller), furn to 247
mustbc stopped, but howi Justlookjngat Voivodis a
shatleringexpcrienrcIf yoLramvedherearrlu,turn to 45
r89 Otherwise, turnto 364 If you have read cirher Hegmar'sWarning or the Ci.cus
Tounral,fum to r7 If you havc read neither, turn to

Seeinghow well you.handleyourselfin a fi8ht, the

chrefoi the Big BoulderOrcs scndshis meanJooking 4t)
championover to clobt'eryou It docs not fakc long for the eager ioot soltlier to reach
] ou Much as you dislike doing it, 1,ouwill have ro kill
O R C ( 'HA\{P]O\ s rl L L 8 rim bcfore reinforcementsanivc
If you win, you rcalizethal ii the Orcs (,f the Big CI T Y CUA RD s l\lLL 8 STAM IN A 8
BouldcrarevictorioLrs theywill kill you; and rt fheOrcs
of tho Black Scorprontriunph, Uggamonllgowill if you defeaf thc SLrardrn fivc or fewer rounds, you
expeclyou to sla\ r'.rthhis lril.e for years So ilee escapcand ma\ cilher ftLshoul oi the alley and up the
-vou strcL-t(tum to J6o), or do\'!n into the sewrrs qrunr ro
TestltLtutLu*.If yol| areLucky, turn io JJo lt you arc
Unlucky,turnto rr9 j7t) If the guard is still alive rftcr 6vc roLrnds,you are
captured by rejnftrcemenls and takcn to thc jail (turn
11 :D r99)
'Tut tut lutl Not you. da, il?' Bartoll)hsmirks
condesrcndingly as hc reachesolrt for your slake Will
y o u r ,, - i n la l<ellr gold u ,lo r5r'.'r lru b h . li is with a growing senseof ur1;encythat you crosslhe
wristandcallhin a cheat/tlLrnlo r4ol? iclds of heather.rnd the winds*'ept landscape which
ies :,c1.,{een\arl'Lrry anCShattuckdtcf a rhile you
44 :on\' lo a roullh-and-rea.1y shcLtcr, a ramshackle
Your scarchfor thc hemit has Lrsedup a good dealof loo,lcn door bLrrllacrossa ror ky alcovc I1 yor wish to
prcioustime Unl'ss you canfinclsomeway to makeit r\!estigate lhjs sheller, lum to r78 If you wouru

rathercarry on towards the Main Trade RouLe,tum

ro 199

Your path takesyou higherand higherinto lhe moun-
tains,whereil's not only the ShadowWarriorsyou'll
have lo be wary of but all the other unwholesome
denizens of the region Buf for now, you haveonly the
rlaintive crying of lhc mountainwinds to keep you
:ompany-Afier a nhi1e,your pathdescends to ground
ievel,peteringoul neara largecavemouthwhich reeks
of grim foreboding.Dare you enLerlhe Forbidden
CavesrIf so, turn to J9t If you would rathcr be on
]oLrrway lo Kamstein,turn to 80.

Lookingup, you seethat thedrapeshavebeenlitted,to
reveala vampirelike creaturcrising from her throne.
Her ghastlycounLenance is haggardwith age At her
sideis a living 'fireplace'whichlookslik the headof a
Haggwort,only largo andmoremalevolent.It watches
:oth you and fhe creahrreas she walks towardsyou
:nd says,'lam Urtha.Many yearsago,when I wasbut
a vampre, ihe peasantsoi this region destroyedm
r.ith the samewoodenstakethat now lieson that table.
Thoughdestroyedasan Undead,I was,like the ancienl
Haggwort,expelledftom the grave.Now I am lryord
undeathIam a Wamphyrl
Timesare changing,the old regimesare being swept
away We are eniennga twilight existenceoi which I
shallbe queenlAnd with this . ' shelifis her wrist to
50-t r

displavan rron band' . 1 can commandthe mrndless ).

Haggwort Cuidedby my experience of centuries'thev You take a deep breath and then staft running towards
n'ill makeanunstoppable armYl' Lhe gate Test your Skill. If you succeed, you make lhe
,.rmp and head towards lhe East Gate (lum lo 3or). If
It is lime lo aci. If you havea vial of Metal Rot, you ',ou fail, deduct r point from your sravIN-r for bounc-
mav lhrow it ai her rron band (lum to 83) lf you do ng off the hard gate; rt is too high for you. You will
not, will you atlack her (lurn to 3o5) or ask her lo rora.have to face any guardswho have come afler you
proveher power(furn to 2tr)? rlonS the narro passage(turn to 2o).

3efore you know il, you are enveloped in a cloying
risl which sendsyou inlo a deep sleep;tum to 186.

the wretch
', o,Lrsmileturnsinto a look of mutedisbeliefas lhe die
:.rddenlyflips over: your loll has becomea r.'Too
If you win, tum Lo 7r :;d,' saysBartolph,reachingfor your gold. The drehe
irve you is obvrousiyloaded,and he is a trickstertIi
ou want lo grab his wrisl and accusehim of cheating,
The cluesall add up, Korrn said that 'they', who had rm to rrt However,ii you would raLheravoid any
been the causeof the troublesin Gomt, had lefi the 'rcuble and lel him have Lhemoncy,deductthe Gold
verv dav rou arrived,hrrine bcenir Cont for ll-e iieces you have losl from your Adoature Sheefand,
pr"i ioui ,", day-.A, cordingto Lfe L.rd-o.:L" ou :ave lhe tavcm;lurn to 30-
iound, Lhecircushad been therefor the sameperrod
soonashe seesyou, the guardrarsesthe alarm.You
:d betterget thrsfrghtover and donewifh quickly

' ,,ou win in four rounds or fewer you escape;turn 1rl

:oc If, ho.,,the Mandrake is still alive after the
turn to r7 If you haven't,tum to 25t . ri of the fourth round, turn to Jr.
s6-t'l 58-{o

Thedooropt'nsurtoa smalistorage room Amongthe Cupping your hands, yolr scoop thc water up to your
earthenwarcand hric-abrac, you find two mealsoi lips The magicalliquid makesyour hc.rd spin as it takes
Provisions,whiehyou may take Restore1 LUCKpoint immediaLeeffect Roil one die and follow the inslruc
for thischanccfind Now you wrllhave lo go backinto lions rn the table below.
lhe hall and r hrx,r' anotherroule. Will you go north
(tum !o l7a), south(turn to 6E),or east(tum to 89)?
Roll Effech
1 Nothing happens
The crowd s rcaction io your gamble is good - in fact 2 R estore2 S TA MJN pornts
it is too Bood, .rnLJyoi 6nd 1'ourselfin the middle of a i R estore1 LU C Kand : s rr . r point s
greed crazedcrush Citl' guardsracelorward to breakLro ,t R estorei LU C K andl sraMrN^por nt s
.i.e ..rn-p.6" r ,r.,rrpede .. - rL ( -(cn. : .o .r.r. ! Lesl o.e: rucK and I sravi N^po'nt s
]ou Ii]'ou ljkc,you can call c.uf:o fhe ior helpr a, l i esto:. r sr:rr. : ruc< anJ + sr AM I \ A poinls
and give yorrrsclfLrplturn to r99l Otherlvise,),ou rvill
have to takc your chancesamong a heap oi clawing
and gfasping bodics If you choose thc lalter colrrse. You may drink from the well only oncebeforemoving
rollonc dic anJ dcductfrom your srAMrNAthal many on, ejther norfhx,ards(lurn to 149) or back to the
ponts south(turn to 44).

If yoLr survivc, you may sneakout ihrough one of lhe

square'snor'vungu:udedexits. Will you escapeover the You open the safeand 6nd ro (;oll l'icces,which you
grecn and plcasantgrounds of a small temple, bordered may take(add them to your hrrrJ <n your Adoenture
by a low wall ltum lo 16+),or run dorm a narrow lane Slerl) You are about to go over hr cxarnjnelhe book
(tum to rr8)? when you hear a noiseoutsidc You decideyou had
belter leave the wagon beforc you are dlscovercd
Reiurnto 2tj and choosean ophon 1'ouhavc nof

).,lereslreetsa a'/ ho the hu1lclasl Cate,you come
upon a raiiy on the streetsof Royall-endle,a rubbish
caJl slandin8 unrtfendcd A fe*, citizens are wealtlrv
-. od Kedbolm whose skin is foxic The slopry black
ard ulrur,'le-., rgn r, IloIr ,rr r errlrre:ur t,,f r .rrngcmits r high pitchcd r,vhrneihcn siithersaway. Its
r^.indorv:instead. they save it for the l-cndlc rubbidr .:stestill has 1'ou heaving(lcduct-: poinrsirom
collectors, lvho it to a Iifge quarryjust bc),ondthe 1,our
. evLrel 'ls our [ood not lo your irking,thcn?'.1voicc
city w.all Gafe Wardens alrrays sf.rnd watch over the rquirs TLrrnto 49
tour city g.rlesis a n,atter oi coursc,but nol\ ihcy
coull also bc on the hokout for you. Thereforc, yoLr
reckon it may be a good idea to sneak aL.oarcithe 62
mbbrsh ca* and hide among all thc garbage.T|at way,
t,ou,nithi tustbc ableto sljp throL,ghthc gatc u,rsecn.
It yorr decrdelo climb aboartl lhe cart, tLrrnto rz6; but
it loLr r,,oLrld
ralher approachthe tast Care rn a more
nobl(,manncr, on ioot, LurnLo lor

..arch the s,fe

Turn to z7r
-1 fo destrol ihe skeleton? Turn to 29{
eave Lhecamp at once dnd continuc
l,our lourne),? Tum to 2g2

6r\ ]ou pLLl sorne oi thcjLrnkrnkr1.oLiJmouil
" r ,r i.r r r oi.I,j r .p,t ir n.,. tt \ ,, t; -.,.| , . . ,

ihe weirdnessshowsno sign of abahngas you enLer
:he copse,nor do the twisled lrees offer you any
sroteclionfrom the rain.Suddenly,a fork of lightning
.-utsdon'n throughthe darknessand blasbsa treeright
n front of you You takeanotherpath . . but find yow
;r'ayblockedby anotherfork of lightning,and another
and anothertYou nm, but no matterwhrch way you
:um, you come closelo being rncrnerated. It s only
aiterseveralminutesof thisdeadlycat ard-mousegame
ihat yor.rrealizeyou are beingherdedinlo the heartof
ihe copse,there,you are conhonledby a Mahogadon,
a iong-dormanttreemonslerthat hasbeenslired into
,raketulness by the changesin lhe earth.One of ih
:oughs swoops down and lifts you up, its leafless
'rrancheswrappinground your waist Yor.rcry oul as
ihe woody tentaclebeginslo squeezethe life out of
iou If you have a vial of SlecpingDraught,turn to
zoo.If you do nol, you will haveto fight; turn lo 357

)'ou leap asidejust in lime as the door swingswide
openand slamsinto the wallwith a ioud bang Dusling
,r'ourselfdown, you stcp insidc thc dark sheltcr The
Flacesmellsof Orc and is bare,savefor somc black
robesand a forn map of Royal Lendle.Hidden under
one of the robesis a metalcasketYou try to open it,
bul il is locked.Do you havea BlackKey or a vial of
\4etalRot?lf so,you may useeitherto openthe casket
tum to tt4 - and cross off Metal Rot from your
)dxenLure SheeLif you use that); otherwise,or if you
rlould ratherleavethe casketalcne,lurn to 248
6546 66

6j You nay use thh talisman oncc only, alier

Preparinga cauldron oI cockoach and rat dropPings whi.h it is usel$ Using it tslores your
L!.( rore to ih lritid lcvcl
stew is a rvolting,tediousand unappreciatcd chore Cosl:4 Gold Pieces
and Bonesquagg Crogmaker,the Orc chef,is only too
Woven by Llwn craftsmn, this fine .ape
quick to belabouryou, should you make even the
tales on the hu of any naturalbackground Il
slighiestmrstake inpreparation.Evenworsepunishment is not so cffectivc against m,n made
comeswhen you are forced to eat a bovr'llThe stuff backgromds such as blck walk, and it works
makesyou feelsickin the stomach,but it is slill a crude best in lhe hou6 ofddk.c$
Cost,5 Gold Pieces
fom of noudshment(restore2 points of srAMlNA)
fust as you are finishrngyour stew,the kibe's shaman Thrown at a hard surface,thes liny magical
hasfour Orcs seizeyou and manacleyou lo a blood- dvices explode wilh a loud noisc and a
blinding flash of lishl Thoush hamles, lhey
stainedsketch racklThen thc sly, snrggeringshaman can lrightn or shock oppon.nts You may
defersrespectfullyto Uggamonggo,who says,'My buy any nunb* of lhen
shamanreckonzyer on a secrelmishunta lry an'frnd CosL 2 Cold Picseach
oul our rvarplanz Now yoo'd betler lell uzz\"rhalye. Altholgh seeningly usless, in lhe pasl
up to, or yoo'llgain a few inches.'Willyoutalk(tum to n(ros hrve proved uselul lime and again in
r9E)or keepquiet(turnto u69)? the couBe of your many adventures
Cost: 1 Cold Prece

You maybly any nunbu ofnals

Cosr J Gold Picepermcal
66 _
nEofAgilily whenever you aie lold lo T6t vaw Skill,y.r
It doesnot takeyou long lo 6nd mosi of thc lhings may drau on the power of lhis msi. rinS II
which may be of use lo you during your adventure. you do so, deduct 2 ftom lh. dic roll You
mu+ dcidc shcthd or not !o use lhe ring
Look at the list opposileand, ri you buy any of the
beforc you dake lhe roll, f you chooseto use
items describedihere,add it to your AdoenLure Sheef,
it, one usc of th. rng $ spe.t. whelhr you
deducling the appropriatenumber of Cold Pieces succ..d in the lesl or nol The ring may b
Exccptfor Provisionsand lhe Amule! of LtLck(which usd lhrec hnN only, after which if is usel$
mayte usedat any time exceptduringa battle)and the cosl 4 Gol; t'ics

Ring of Agihty (whichmay be uscdwhenevcryou Trsl One vialof thG potenl brw will knock cvcn a
Yorr S[ill),you may useitemsonly wheninstrucledto Mrnlicore oul for days You nay buy ary
do so by the text. Finally,unlessthe list tclls you
Cosl 5 Gold Picsach
olhen"ise,you may buy only one of eachitern

If you have not yel visrLed Lhe eask'rn side of the moors bul thcy are Loo sl()v! kr bother you I lowever,
market,lum to r88; if y()u have, Lurn b l2r the Haggvvr,ft are not th. <rrJy source of dirrger on
67 -lustings Moor Almosf kr) l;rlc, you see that you are
One b1 one.the ballsinll to the ground Then get iL.oul to f.crd on a runc iarr,cciobsidlandisc lt is
-!ou lone sort oi nrsfic man irnf L5l:/.i,/ lr.r, ll iou aje
a stirginB kick on your backsideancita)l flat on your
facc Thc circus foik roar with laughk'r as you pull ofi Lucky, turn k, r8a If yoLrarc LlnLucky,tum to 2J4
thc liclicLrioushorse'shcad The clown st.rnclsover you
r,'ith a Jry look and shrlrs her head 'You re clearly no 7o
perfcrrrcr For 3 ColJ canl,Lrvr our way.' li ln fhe darkncssof the se{,crs you cannof mnkc out the
orL the clonn. r.,.' fhc gold off lour.l,ielrr;r. Sl-vgore'sfrnn at al1clcarly;all rou know is that thc
-., 1,r1, ircalure rs rlark anJ nalcvolcnt.l\hen 1ou strike lhe
-ilr,f1 .!r(l tum to 7r ii you canl or r('r'l pat- lurr
ro9 S1ygore,ris 'skin' hissesand steams it is acidic to the
iouch an(l it has dissolvcd your weapon (cross it off
68 ro.ur Adut ure S/reet).Worse still, a black maggoty
You cntcr a room packcciwrth books .rnil wax sealed
iLimehastw,tchedits way up on to yoLrrhand,bLrrning
fubcs containrng ancnrt scrolls The tn'o Dark Elvcs i You horrl and must dedLrcl 2 points fft)m your
tho l..rssedrou in thc falhra-vearlcr srt ai a iargc srAVi\A Then lhe Sllgore gi\es lent to anothr
tabLen.rding magnifr(rnftomes Bul .rs soon as l.ou Lnearlhtl,nroanand liits ils bulk, as if lo conc oolvn on
enter,(hey look up an; shout,'Our tcmple has been
1,'ouand enrsh you. Wlll you flee (turn h, 356) or
profancdlDeath to tfc outsiderl'Theydra'r Longdag :ummage swiitly through your pack for something
gcrs frorr beneaththcir robesand lungc at you You may Jcfeatil (lum h) 2to)?
must |ght themboth rt the samefimc ^,h!ch

F\\l I),'\JtKELf
"t' 1l

-iieppingor cf Smetg'srepulsivelitlle body, yol retum

SeconLl L)ARK ELF E :o the bfighLlr/!t chambe..rnd the archwry llecause
lf yoLrwrn, you may scarchthe library(tLrrnto r9z), or :5e walls arc coriLtinga fninl glow, you dcc c to put
go back info the hall ;nil enter the nofth door (lum itr .rut yoLrrhnLorn Then yoLrcrossthe roon, passthrough
Jl4l. iho eastdoor (turn fo 89),or the sfsi door (tum re archarrl rlescendlhc long, u'ide staircasrIhe steps
lo t6i . ri al a con,Jor.l hich ,rou h,lht Lmtil_r'ou cometo a
69 :rossroalslvill you go no+lr.back ihe v".ry1<>ucame
Shurnrng fhe safety of Lheroad, you hr'.rddeeper ancl iurn to ro(r, souih (turn t(, rr4), casl (turn lo r22) or
deepcr into the marsh Ihe Haggworl rr( all over lhe .fcst (turn k) r44)?

You slam lhc Joor shut and lock it L'clorelhe jailer has
Made vvary b1' your viclory, lhc othcr Warriors renr lime to do .r single thing Thcn you throw away the
therr horses lo a halt As onc, thc bur hiss with fear key and leavr fhc jail The imprjn)ncil man's cries echo
and hatred BuL you don't stay to x,atch ihis display ol rehind you as you make your n'ay out oi fhe city Will
evi| you run roLrn,J a bend,putfing lour-selfoul oi therr
.oLr leaveby fhc South Caie, r^'hi.hopensouf on to
si.cLrlThen yrrLrhe:r lhe poundng r,i hoois as :he :\ l1arn T1k-t(.I{oule ilum io 2721 or b_rihe nearer
trranlorst.rkcrLDlhe Fursui:on.c rnon' You rfon l be EaslCale r:Ltrnhr 6011
so lucky a scc(rnrllrme: you need k, hnJ a way to shake
them off Wrll volr attempt to hidc rrr onc of the manr
ruts in the ro,ky path (turn lo 346),hur edly put on Puttrng the ccrrr ghost town far bchrnd you, you hcad
a Chameleon ( loak, lf you havr orc, and hug the roughly south wcsi untilyou comr to ir shelteredglade.
shadowy srclt ()l thc looming rork fa( (turn fo l24t There you lil rlown and calch .r lc\'! hours' slecp
or atlemp: r rirrling iumc acrosstlt dccp ravine lo :eslore2 sravl\A pointsl
lhe Falf.on:ltr {,thcrsideoi the pr5. itlrl]l to 2ll
i\hen yoLLrr.rkcup, it is lo the clann oi a sunn,vda1
iVill you cut wcslwards and join thc road to Shaltuck
lurn to 3J4), or lakc the southbourxl road, which leads
All that stan,ls l)ctwccn you and thc Voivod are lhe
slraight to thc pcrilous Witchtoofl, I i,rc (tum to 186!
Shadow Warriors You mrist fighl cach of the
Wadors (e\.cpt any you havc alrcady banishedb1'
,....rr'e .- or, r., I,o.--. rL u:l rrher lou lhrnk the hennit is at.outto go be:serk,
ilng oi Ral,fr.un,fcnremt'ei io rgnore ilre l\:.rLriors :e ialLslo ls lroes sobbirg L)utsrdL', lhe rleas grorr
specialdbiLiticsThe paragr:phior c,rth llarror rs, 8. nofe persisl(ft. blll HammicusJusl p(,sseshrs hands
194, zS9, rtJ arcl 245 If you del,'r all the Waniors, over his c.rrs .rnd weeps, 'Leavc nri' in peace YoLr
you may thcn lace Voivod If yorr rlr so carrying thc cannotbe nry r)n My son is derr]'AL this, the voicc
Spearof Doorr, turn to r7r. Jf yoLrrLr so without thc 5creanrsand h(lcs into oblivion lhc ordeal is ovcr
Spear,lum lo 2,19
';..3 h l" r | .rlrle. I'. u-L 'r lL,rr.r-d."1. I
r;1,1Nrmr l,fc ln relun I oficr lou knolledge Thc
7+ Sradori i\'.urror. afe !esslsLrf tirir masrers lLrr
Concernei.ihc r.rrLcr oaiks or.e: to yorr cage,Lrnlocks hey canLrcJcstroycdonly when l,c,s destroyedBut
it and rushcsrn Lr help you You sp,,ng ioft.ar4 snrlch
:Iy.:drrbe l,rnrshedI[youbesl .r Warrior in combat,
the keys fronr |Ls pLrdgyhand anil Lrrrpout ol the cagc
:ear the faccrnrsk off its dissolvi.l fonn Separaterl
iom its talisman,the Warriorwill be doomedto lrmbo
:or a hundredyears.'
tl, rn hrfure,you defeata ShadowWarrior,rum ro 221
znd fioI to 315 as insfructed(makea nore oi this on

the clown curtsiesand declatms,,l{elcome to tne
Dreamfircus;iIbringsfantasiesto somcandniShimares
io olhers. You may ride with us to Shattuck.,you
assumeyou are to ride insidethe clown,swagon,but,
i'hen you go to openthedoor,herhandreachesout anct

iVith the guardsin hot pursuit,you rush trp rne rane
rut pausewhen you noticea rnanholein the mrddleo{
79 19

NcareavrasoncecalledAssur Na Mcncs,lhe siteof a

::rssiveLatlle in l,hich ten tl,ousandnrcn dicd 'Ihe
'rrk ci burial rr;s so great llr.t thr !,rclorsrlrcrelt.
rLrred :he soil of lhe battlc plain oycr c.,.,'cringfhe
the-vLay It is saiJthll lhc bodresre ihere
: l': r.' ld - : I ..rl , .. . 14
::or\.s -{nofhr legend spr:rk. oi thc \\asler, a cruel
the roadr,.ry Strdclcrlyit occurcto )ou: Possrbly)'ou :!rant vrhoser:ery treadcould dcsporlthe earth Aiter
couldloscthc guardsby sncakingdonn into the sencrs .ercn da1'soi this. the suitennssoil ari,seand trapped
You are considcringwhat to do when a fislsizedmctal -r W'aster,imprisonrnghim.rL a place now called
ball boLrncesrn lront of you then comcs to a haLton Lhc rre Zarrikiz Shrine.
cobbles It canrc lrorn somewhereto your right Yc,u
look in that drrcction and sec a rr'ysteriousfigure, chd 'r'ouclosefhe book,lust as a secrctpanclslidesopen in
head to icxrt rn black robes, sclrrrying away uP I :hc far u.all Do you have J Chimclcon Cloak?Ii so,
narrow allcy l'fhlccn two buildings Wili you pick P .urn to r27, if nol, tum to rto
lhe ncial sphc('(turn to 2rr), leaveif and to down
into lhe \cwers (hnn to 175),or ignore bolh
and kecpon rL,rulngup the sirelifurn lo 22Jl

-r l" r. n of \1. h- ard eg"n . i,\
Old l{orld' On the off chance,.vou Look uP Karnstein
and drscovcrtwo thingsof Inlereslfirui, it is laid thirt

i,lting the cavesbehindyou, you follow the edgeof
:e Witchtoolh Line eastwardsuntil you cometo the
' lain TradeRouteoncemore You crossa bridgeand
:ie a mountaintrail,which shouldbnng you to Kam-
;::in. You walk for quite some trme and . wail a
.:nutel Where are you? Somehowyou have le[t the
'-.adandnow, in your daydreaming, you havecomeLo
: rocky clearing,in which standsa most spectacular
: ght A man is standinghere,sweatingin the bright
:: He hasbeen trying to dig a skeletonout of the
rtk-face- but what a skeleton!It is hugeand belongs
-. a creature,the like of which you have never seen
,::ore Seeingyou, the man callsout, 'Ho, thererI am
-rLgnol,an archaeologist fiom Chalannabrad,and I am
r an excavalionof vital academicimport. I plan to
-:ie lhisuniquespecimen backlo FemphreyUnforLun
:.1_v,I cameon this venture alone,and now I find
- . .,lf ir reedoi aid.If you helpme freerhespecimer
pay you a hundredCold Pieces.' 1Ahileihrs sum is
'.:npting beyond belief, you know thal it will take
-:urs LofreeLheskeletonlf you acceptthe offer,turrn
r J8t If, on Lheother hand,you would ratherbe on
rur way, turn to 2ro.
ur 8z 8l-84

C ost, I C ,nl I'df 1or i l d tc m pl ' r ,' r' .k l r oI
l)<, ]r,u ha.,,ea !i:,1of Sleepin8Diau|\lt Ii lou har.
iL.rrro :.1.1:1i_ioL h.r fr I tLrn :o 6t
Iur *.r! L,I i ,r nu-be .i r!!r,L.n. i !.5
lr (lors not lakc you Lrng to find mosf r; the articlcs r GolJ 11..( r'r. skin
which you hopc wrll b, of use lo y(,u (ludng youi
The5c.hrrr, f, l {ni ro5t hununl ),1,' 1.' l frc s
arlvcntureRcadlhrousI thc list belc,w,rrrrl.if you bul C orl r(,,l J
an\ .r lhr ilen'sdr\nh,l ihefe.a,ld,l lo lour .i'rlrr
Ti r s i l i . - r,,',l L t.r. . l L!..-l rf:' ,,, Lf .rr..
ir,. s]rf.r. mmbc.!rllto.ld.rclthc 5trtcJ numberoi
1:taL! b- L i L . r el h L:r:nr.l r,,,, r r. 5rl
(iol(l PiecesErcepi i,r Lhebattleaxc J,d the arrnour
)1r n'.y usertemsonly when you arc instructedto do C o s t:a C o ,L l ',.,.! r r v,Jl

-. ' .|-p .exL t nl,*. il oll., rsr\e. iou mr] lope and|' rr' ', Abort tnin,
oI thrl! 1'81'1,v.|lnrope,
Lrry only one of an1,:rrtrcle wrlh a snrll nr l.,l lrookaffrcd ro orf L rl
C l r r t I ( i ) l ,l r r e .e s
I.( l r r e t.! :: f.i. i{ ,r ,xr - : lr ..r:ri t
i f! n k . :.rni
, r ..i ,, ,, ; I ,,! i,r urLr : :1,LrLr
hr,.c loi aireail. rrsrtcdthe rresicrnsitlc,'i :he
r tf ,r r ., i td fcvr r , b ( .r !.!,, L t,. r r t.,f rL{hl narket,turr h) r88, ifyou h.r\c,tum to J2r
,- ,{ ,lL r ! l( ) su ffu rJ F .fr ly l,Jr .tr I..m]orI
]\llr l ttr d g lh r tr l\ h h ,i.q , ) o u usc i t l l
!., r ! Llr. brtlle r{r |,Lr, , r the ],!e.f.rl 8t,
rrr' r ,,;r d r r r r ' I 5 r r ' ' Shruggirll,,if the slronggrf ol vour Buards,vou Frnb
'r '1
, . a,... : rial oi \'lLirl RL.larri hLrrl,t.rt tre i:or bn]1riI \our
- "-.,
ri . . ' . h r. ,r :. r-, :r1 Ls rr.o(i, tre glass rr.rl r,lL break and rprL is
, r , L .n :,n ) a L e . t.i l.r l. r, . r 'r{ nr: L,!, iontenis .rlt over the b;nd ( ross Ine vraI oii youL'
( ,,1 ( ,, f tr c.e po. ! L ilaerrtin S/r',t, and lhen'l Lsltnr SkilLlf yorr succeed,
lurn to t,lr li you fail, tunr t,r lo5
I tn r .r .u r e h r L u ,tr ,,l, L r N lose onl ' i
| 1 \ .\ iiDL r . Pr iiL . r I r i r r - 1 r.ra r,l
lLf ,,.t!i. n n .L ,- l .i .:r-L ."hen .oLr:LLrroul rLrrothf tlrcci ai t1e:rr.,rri ,,r llre
., . ., | . L e .: i., I , ,,' .;:.; r,
- p if :,le-r.tircrc,' iru sigr oi ihc,rorr;r BLLI1orrrrhcar
I r \r n r ( ) r ( .i, ]o L ,' i , r m i ,L fn age gj D tJ
:oolsleps.o,n,ngup lhc allcy L.chind so yru kcep
l' , L l,' .!r ,! u s.l\\.r 1 ., L lfta le n l.h,ts -vou,
on mnnrrg Wherever ilo, you scc morc.n(l Inore
8t 86

examplesoi chaos,all causedby thc strangesmiling If you win, you will have to T$l yout llclc to see
peoplelhe wonrancalled'Mandrakcs, they arepower' r,'hetherthe noiseof your 6ght hasale.tedthe others
ful ffghterswho L'leedgreenblood but neversemto lf you are Lucky,return to 255 and choosean oPtion
die.Their opponcnts,the realinhabitrntsof Goml, arc
lou have noL had before If you arc Unlucky, turn
folally outclasscdBLrlthe Mandrakcsdon't kill the; ro J r5
\r.-.- r,Fq ,-r-,\ i) | , . ?t et rJ,c,L\
' LF. - '\.
their lictims unconscious so that lhc1,can drag lhm
oFf,who knowswhere You y/ish fhat therewassoore
thing you could do to help the opprcssedtownstolk,
but the shor.rtintand the foolstepsdoggingyour heels
remindyou only too.clearlyLhatyou yourselfare still
in peril Now you caneitherkeepheadingthe way you
are gojng, fowardsthe South Cate (tum to r84), or
you canveeroff andheadfor thenearcst portionof the
town r,"'all(tum to zo7l.

The coil of veinscrawlsfurther up your arm, before
suddenlyfalling away You feel no ill'effectsand are
just wonderinSu'hat all this has bccn abouf when 86
you see lhat thc thing on the stonc siab is changing ilubblnghis ,,rell-manicured handsin unrestrainedglee,
shape;morcovcf,it is takingon uorrrlikenessl Bartolphsih bcsideyou andhandsyou a die Put somc
golcion the tableasa stakc,'he says,androll the die If
The MandrakcfepLicarisesfrom tht slaband altacks you roll ,+ or above,you win: yoLrkeepyour stake
you If it kills you, il will lakeyour plrcc in societyand money and you take an amounfcqual to your stake
no one will everbe the wiser The Mandrakedoesnot irom my onn purse If you roll lcssthan 4 you lose.
possess any ar our or special equrprlcnl, but il does andI keepyour stakeEasy,eh?'Ycs,you think,almost
havelhesamewcaponasvolr It alsohascurenfsKrLL ioo easl' A smallcrotd, drau,nby the exaggeraled
and srAVrNAscores ide.iicaLto \our ow.n\fandrakes Loudness oi Bartoiph'svoice,gathcrsrolrnd to rrafch
are (sually vvellnigh indeshuctible, L'uiif you defeatit DecidehorvmanyGold Preces you wish lo gambleand
now, whLleit is still newly formed,it will rcturn to ils notethe anrounton your Adoenhn ShcetRoll one dic,
pod Lkeshape on a roll of 4 6, turn to t4, on 1 l, tum io 4J.

:Vhenyou wakeup, it is to the dawn of a sunnyday.

'vill you cut westwardsand join the road to Shattuck
:urn to 314),or lakc the southemroad which leads
::raightto theWifchlooth I-ine(turn to 386)?

': ou don t Letanylhing drstfactyou a\ you run over lhc
.iick, quaking ground I lowever, the way ahead is
:locked by lhe huge n'c,"nd WilL you approach the
.rreaming face (turn to 178), make for the copse whjch
: oif to your right, in thc hopc oi veering back soLrth
aier (turn to 6J), or retrc.l and head back north-west,
:or,vardsthe road (turn to 16o)l


In the struggle, a lorch is knocked over on to some

highly inflammablechemicals,and soon the lab is ablaze
You make a hurfled dash for the exit; on Lheway out, 69
you may grab one of the following items which are r ou haveenleredthe culhsts'dormiLory,a smallroom
lying aboul the place, a sword, a pa& holding : Pro- :Dnlainingbunk beds anrl basicwashingfac ilies At
visions, a ceramrcmongoosc paperweight, or a lantem :rst lhe placeappearsto Lrcompt1,,but thenan old man
and one skin of oil Then you race down the sLaircase, -:cpsout from lhe shaclowsThough cladin lhe robcs
turning a deaf ear to Kauderwelsch'sscreams.Only heis humanI Ic fixesyou with a penelratin8
-: a cultist,
when.vou reachthe roarl to ihe south of Cumbleside .:arehlr llnedfacedisplaying nisdombe-vond years'1
do yor, to ool lrcl' J-e er e'gu fed as nonderinglhcn voud gel here You shunlhc
'lop '
in flames Then you Look away, and continue south- :sks,yet lakeon a qucstasdangerous as lllsl' He steps
west, rnto a shelteredgladc where you sleep for a lew :-.rward.Will you strikc him (turn lo rj6) or w:rit 1.,
houru(restore2 poinfsof sTAMINA) -:e whalhe doesncxt (turnto r5)?

Onceyour dizzinessclears,you find yourselfsfanding
al the foot of a grassyhill crownedby a circlc of
ancientslandingstones.You havebeentransportedlo
CauldonRing, hearllandof the elemenlalgods. An
awe-inspiring vision of the HornedGod fills the skies,
while the ghoslly Sislersof Time dancewithin the
circle They are Lhepast,presentand futuremanifesla-
tionsof the Earthmother,and they guardthe Spearof
Doom The Homed God speaksLo you with a voice
like the crashingof waves:'You have becnchosento
faceVoivod, Lord of the ShadowWaniors We once
madethe errorof lrying to bum out his fire,but could
only imprisonhrm In the millenniawhichhavepassed,
rve have madegood our error and have forged the
Spearof Doom, which gives deaLhto lhe living, and
Ljfeto the dead Takeil, anduseil wisely.'
r.ll al onceyou discovcrthe Spcarin your hands,and
slart to feeldizzy oncemore Enlerthe Spearin the
Equipmentbox ol yoLtrAtlucnLurc Shrri,togetherwith
rts Life-force,which you find by rolling one die and
adding5 The Spearrs noi a normalweapon:you may
Liseit rnsteadof normal combat (you mrist decide
.r.hether you slartany fighl) andrt
or not to do so be/ore
,,villautomalicallydefeatyour foe but you must also
deductone poinl from the Spears Life force If its Life
iorcedropsto zero, the SpearbecomesuselessNow,
-estore6 pointsto your srlvlre and,if you camehere
idm Hustings,lum to 12,otherwise,tum to 199.
9\-9t 94-95

9r i-.1,. .\ .1, r- - Lo rt8 .- .-pp q- r

Your bid for freedom ertls in iaiLure.Thc tvfandrakc. --n to 269)?
sejzeyou and take you inlo one of the wrgons, whcr,:
a drsgustinesighl awaits They pressyou up againsti
ihrobbing,man sizedvcgctabiepod 'Ihc flring staris ric on your l;!,rntrz -9lrr,.ihow many Gold Pieces
changingshapc If is takn18on yorr likencsslYou dre
-.ur.ish to risk anCtherrrcll one dic On a rollof;-6,
herc, bLtl olhcr peopLcnill lrter insistthrt the_vha..e ..r to t4r on a roll oi 1 or:, hrm to 16z
met you, only you'vc changed in some u,ay In iacl.
they'd swcar that you no longcr seem to bc yourserl
.u stan.ldeadstill as Smeggwavesgrandlyabout
92 :lr and says,'Wc on thc door of Elfie tenplc No go
You hearr loud snappingrund thc highwaymannrs '-- iafe M Smetg oi thc secrel',vavsI'rst the EL6es
fired his crossborvlforlunitcly, his aim rs none too ,:i rope for ctimb dorvn safe hole SmegSicsroute, it
steady T*1 ytourLu*.lf you arc Lucky, thc shot misses i Can takc you Must lake you Musf come or die
you; if you are Llnlucky, however, thc shot 6nds its :ltes kill Clo any placcby Smeggiesroutc'He walks
markand you mustdeducti pointsfrom your srAMrNA : ef to you and shows you fhe lonS coils oi stout rope
l[ you surr'n c thc aftack,]'ou mlrst fend off thc hithway- ' crr'!ir.t o\--rr. I'orde- 5're6.t'-, 'ope Lr
mar. tho has no',r drawn hrs shorlsword ::_rs proudly ]f1,ouaskSmeggto take_vousouth,ium
. :24 If you would rathcrmakeyour way alone,tum
) io
If ycu win, hrrn to 27,t

You can think of many thurgsI ou'd like to do in your
lifctime, but scrubbing thc hlth off fo*y Orcish booh
isn't onc oi them. Jusl as yorr 6nish scrLrbbirrg
1'our lasl
bool 11, ,, l1 . shanan,,r,1'rs fou Or,. l.' rpi,,cjoL,
She has thcor manacle ),rlLrto a blood-starnedslretch
rack Then shc duiliLrll-vstcps aslde es llggarnonggo
rvalksiofw.,!d Hc grunts, \,fy shamanrc.Ko,,z yer on
a secretm,shun la lry an' iind out our war planz Now
yoo'd bcttcr tcll uzz what ycr up to, or yoo ll gain a
96-9i 98-ror

96 9rt
AJtcr son,e lime, you alJive oncc morc rt the bridge The momcnl you touch tl,c sphere,its sid|s flick open
you crosscdearlier,only now it is guardctl Silhouetted .',. p e.L,nt .t,l ,* nnd sl ( nB .,,,,.sprin8
aSainqtthc sky is thc I'rooding,mounLcdform of; rLrl in all clirectionsRol onc die to seeho*' man., of
Shadorv\\amor ll seosyou almostal oncc and rho,.rl: 'eP-. f,n .n.-et . ',.or,,1 . .. o. -
out if! k rrifying cry Ii<,ll one dje lo scc which oi thc tie and dcdLLcl " -
thaLmany pointsfrom your s r AMrNA Ii
five lVrrriors you musl frl1ht If you roll r o, ignore thc ,'ou are still alive,you may ntlacklhe Man ()rc (tum to
resull rnd roll again.Whcn, afler defeatLngthe Wanior. rl2), iry to cxposehim frir whal he really is (turn to
you arc told to continlc your advenhlc. furn to rI jro), or ignorchim and go to the bar (turn to 3)
lnote this on I our, Jr,.rlr,. Sleel)U you roll:
Turnto 8 99
Turn to J9+ The lady Lnks at you as ytn look dubiously rt a boiled
3 Turnto 2j9 rotato- 'ls sornethingwror1,,?'sheaskscoyly 'l wouldn't
4 TuIn to r81 lave thorltht someonewiLh as marvellousI brain as
5 Tum to 24t oursworrldbe so suspicioLrs' Will yoLrapologizeand
Ro lla g a L n ':al :he iood she has kindl) prerared
ior lou tru:r !o
z;;r. rgnorcthe iood and Lry to engagehcr rn con,rersa
97 :ron (turn Lo r7r), or lcavf thc tol\,er anJ 1l(, out fo
You hurry across to thc old armourcr, who soon has ;earch throLrghlhc menaccl.rdcn sfreetsof (\rrnblesidc
you outfitled to you, rcquirements:l,oLr may take a lurn to 23)?
sn'ord and a suit of l'lak' Armour Thr' l'l.rtecan take
hrr hrls beioreil becomcsuselessIi lou rre hrt,,rhrle
wearng the Plate,,voult'se,o srAMrN polnts Hor\ lou cLosslour fingersancl step or'er thc cite Tesi
ever, if you have to L n voar 5lrlll whiLc wcafing it, yoLL .,aurSLill lf you 5uccecL1,
turn to 2i8, if you iail, tum
must idd 2 lo your r()ll Makc a note of rnything you to 2.r3
wish to take in thc appft4'riatc boxes of ],olrr Adl'erfrrl
Sl.fI lr.rnemberinB to (rossoffany rveJ!,Lnrs or armour
-'ou ,',.r1 alrc:d) ha\.t YoLr afe ju( .rLrouf6nisheJ
DoLr'ltrl..o noliceoi'c,. saysthe L.ctE.,,,".,,,,1sd
rvirerry,ru Lrca:WrLlf shoLrt,'Duckl lll r,:Lrrlrr.i dismissrrc lund at the prrcsk ss 'Shedon't krrow nuf6n'
Ii vorr rrc Lucky,turn l() l2j; if you arc Llnlucky,lufn ,rn' all ir books, she'sfrckcr'n a frog in a fr11 Da man
to 24r o'numbcrsirif'l slone 'E rruldn't'ave seenrl, Corgon,

cause'e'sblind' You don'l evenhavetime lo thankthe \o3

beggarfor this valuabletip beforehe'sheadingin the \s casuailyas you can, you reply, 'No, I'm needed
direction of the nearesl tavem, clutching his Gold :lsewhere-'The clown glowersal you for an insLant
PieceSadlyyou shakeyour head.Turn to r 59 ihen she smiles,and the moment passes.Restore7
:ucK point and turn to J9
The zoo Gold Piecesyou havebeenpromisedas pay
mentis no longerimporlant Mendokanandhis people ro4
Seizrngyour chance,you leap off the edge of the
were underyour protechonand you havefailedLhem
:ridge and dive down, down, donn, into the murky
The ShadowWaniors'power is awesome,r.rnlikeany-
:lalers below Though you have thwarted the Man-
thing you have ever seenbefore;but you shalldefeal
.Crakes, you have leapt out of the frying pan into the
thesedarkriders,you shallavengeall the innocenlfolk
ire You are barely able to stay afloat,as you find
whom lhey haveslain lor survivingLheambush,you
may add : pointsto your rucr . ourselfcaughtin the famousTassrapids.lf you are
ilearingany armour,you will havelo dragit off before
It is dawn when you reachthe southemexii oi the :i pulls you under (crossit of( your AdaenlureSheet)
MagyaarPass,a placeyou wrll alwaysrememberas the l'our body is carrieddownstreamat amazingspeed
sceneof your greatesldefeat.You stop to rest and 3ut as the rver racesLhrougha mounLainvalley,you
consideryour next move The road !o Kanstein leads :earyou will be smashed againstthe increasingnumber
slraightto the south Until you get there,morevillagers :i boulderslitLeringthe middle of the iver TesLyout
wlll sufferor dreeachnight To Lheeast,however,livcs -iflll six times,in order to avoid the rocks.Eachtme
an all knowing hermil; maybe you should leam all . ou fail a Lest,deduct3 poinfsfrom your srAMrNA.II
thereis to knor! aboul thesesecminglyindeslmctible . ou suvive this batterinS,you are washedup on lhe
Warriorsbeforeyou go rushinginto battle.The hermit, iver's edge on the south side of fhe Witchtooth
alone,may possess suchesotcricknowledgeWill you llountainsl Dazed, bruised and exhausted,you fall
headsouthto Karnstein(lum to rr) or eastrn searchof :sleep.
lhe hemit (turn to rrJI
,lhen you wakeup, it is to a new day.You continueon
'.our way, following Lheperimelerof Lhemounlains,
:oulh-eastwards,in trmeyou cometo alargecavemouth
: you wish to enter the cave,tum to ,9j, but if you
. ould ratherpassil by and continlreeastwards, tum
:o 80

You soon arnve at Lhe wood and-glassdoor of
Hegmar'sSanctum'Withi& all is dark arrd nothing
ilirs, lhe magicianis nowhereto be seenHowever,the
dooris open,so you slipinsideand closeit behindyou

kinds.It is strangelhat Hegmarshouldleavehis ex-

Densive waresunattended, but you don't give this lact
muchlhought as you study your surroundings. Only
lhreethrngsseemto be of any partiolar interest.Will
!o1rgo over to lhe magician'sdesk(tum to r47),hide
!n an ancientsarcophagus (tum to r9l) or study a
smoothcrysLalspheremountedon an ivory pedestal
tum lo ,r2); or do you preferto leavethem all alone
and hurry oul of the sanctum,to continue your flighl
iom the guards(tum to zr5!

Descendinga long, wide staircase,you come Lo a
Will you go:
\orth? Turn to 169
Soulh? Turn to rr4
Tum borzz
iVest? Turn to r44
-{ handfulof the Burgomeister'sghoulishservanLsare
comingdovrnthe alley to his aid and are almostupon
you Desperate, you shoveEnnianawayand run off up

lhe allcl llut ihis aclion 1r'illr.hlc\ nofring unles. egelablesani an1:r_r iraders.hurling rbusc in their
..ou r.r, L:xploilil I: Iou hrre a liie crack. :um t.
-.slirclj.,eac.rnL Smlirg r.oLLgrab sonrr looj iadd
J.{a ()t:,fnrisE.lurn to Jr r .r meal\ l\{)rtlr ()f P:orisions :o lrrrr ,,1ri,,1rl,rrr
j rell and are.,t,outlo headup the narrowsircctwhen
rod ru trip ovef.r pilc oi spilt mangoes.It5/ t/,rt Sktll lf
Dod1iin13 Lhe menacingfonn ol the Haggwort, yoL ou succeed, you conlinueon youl wry (Lurnto
shikc oLrtacrossthe moors rrrly to iall inlo a sinkiolc yoer
-8);bul if iail,yilr stumbleand arec.rpturc.lby the
SoorryoLrare waist dccp in .lurcks.rnd . . and sinking :Lrards(turn to r9r)l
fasl If 1.r,uhale a rope alld grrpplc. you srviftly thror
thc hook ,oLLndlhe brancr of .r lrco and pLLll
out. iufn lo 168 li tou rlo r()f lrJ\c a rope. \'ou 1\r ' Iosl oi ihe Sh.rto,i.haniors ride on oL,toi sitl,t, bul
haLL lo clrmboul iri. Lirrr -!lrrrfrr,rcc]i \olL suc.ef!:
-,ne ol lhem rrhcclr his ho:se rounci rnd Lhunders
nr botl, hsls, t,.rrnto 168; bul if you fail in eilhertr' youl You run back into the darkcsLcorner or
both r)f thcm,lum to rr7 -rrvards
hc shelteraml v!.il Tcnsesecondspassin silcnce,and
-hen lhe Shadow Warrior appears in thc cloorway,
r09 .oeechingrtsfury Roll ore die to seewhrch,rf fhc five
CurErx,l(ries, 'Wc've donc iL Thc skeletonis nor. ou must f;:ce Whcn, afler defealingthc Wrrrror,you
reall)'hir h. sportation'BuLl1)(r.rrnot intcrcstcdir
-:e told to continue.,'ourrd',enturc,you fl'r'Qsh|ards
an_'oi , oLLhar c becn suddcniyor efcomeLr\ .: ::,i nusl tlun to l99,note ihis o:r 1,,ur L,ilrl-',,
slr.ur1lc clizzr ieelirg { rcd rrr,,hrs Jescende.l or,, : ,r;r Ii r ou roll
\.rL.r \i\ion. a:rd rthen 1ou n.\t look at Cni6r)oLil .
rvLthunc,rrtrollablehatred Icn,r (rosscsnts racc i. Tun, to 8
you rlrrc, snarllng,towardshinr | ro
'rrn ,94
lrrrn lo 2j9
CLll(;N()L sKrLL7 ST AM]N A J]
Trrrn lo r8,
']-Lrn to 2,li
lf you rrln, LLrnto r85
Iioll .rgarn
SLrrrf(,i l.e L-arrc,rrs
canl.e ll11.LrJort: ri:h a r.r,l5;, .r. raie the rioo, opcr ir nL. limc:r: ill. r.\.rlj.g r
I r" , , , i. - , -.tralid .ell .'\ r.111;cJoid rran s:ep! !tr,1.,fd S.sps.
hfiJ shovc \Vhatcver tl)e nrclhol, thc resull is tlrr :ree al lastlYorLh.rrc the heartfellthanksol l';rcleasus
s.rrrr' ,haos the guardsgct crullLf up in a langleot re nrimeroLo8rst Bclicvingthe Corgon hr hr dcad,I

came to thc5c t-orbnlrlcn Caves on a quest ior knolv :.rm ihe Wizard's l{eLL (tLrrnlo r94), (r continue on
ledge LittLedrl I lh,nk thai shehad been revived by au our way (turn to 149)?
evil necronrancer,who also set about filhng her caves
wifh such l.(ks as thc rllusory sound of snakes Shc II4
was unable to lrcr'zc nrc bccausemy eyes are blind, I lescending a long, wrde slaifcrsc, yr)Lr come to a
use mystic srlthi Ilut what of you?' SensingParcleasus's ::ossroadsWillyot go:
goodness, you f(ll hinr cverylhing When you havt ':orth? furn to 106
Iinished he says,'This must be more than coincidence
Iurn to r87
You cannot hopc lo dcleatVoivod withoul this' Hc
ftrrn to 2J2
pulls a crumplcdpiccc of paper out of his tunic and , csti hrrn to r44
gives it to vou 'This is the mosl vilal page oi my
Science of \umbcrs Take it, il l ill rer ealaLL rr)
:.ii r/orrr
lrrlf Ii areLuck1,lurn to 222;ii you ar
1'ou can stuily tht rage not or at anr lirne i\ ihc -vou
- rluck_v,
Lumlo r4o
iu:u:e bl,n,rrrrg b r6 imakea role oi ihis number,-.n
your i,ir,,,rrianSlrrrlt Your nork irerecompleted.Iorr
lead Parclea,us rut of lLrccave.He claspsyour hanclin Gornt?'she asks lightly 'Yes, wc wcrc there until
lellowship and L'iclsyou farewell Then he makcs k,r resierday when everything secmcd to go lnsane.
Shatfuck, whrl'yoLr must go to Kamstein,tum lo 80 ..rdeedit was the barbaric,crazy behaviourof the
:-.wnsfolkfhat led to our premahrrernd hurricddepar
II] -rreWe were fnghtenedfor oLrrvcry lrvcs My magi
You make shrrght krw.rrds the easl and soon come to n ::an,Monty Caphisto,reckonsthrt it trnrsthave bcen
large bridgc You.ross it and join lhe Weirlor.,r'nroad, ..methingin the water.'Yourrcti(ca hint of a smirk
which you fol|rw unhL you reach lhe region of 1or'. ::ss fleelinglyover ihe clowns lips 'But what about
rrooded hills rvh rc thc hermitis said lo Lve arra,cr -,u?'she askslighdy. Would you carc lo join the
alsorenonncJ ftrr rts highrr'aymenl The sLrnis sinking lrrcus of Dreamspermanently?' Will ycruansweryes
then -rou lc,rvi, lh road and lake a \\'Lndinglrall :!m to r4Elor no lium to r03i?
rorth!1ardsI p or to the irigh g;ound Thcre,lorL hru
a iamousllndmrrk thc l\iiza.d s lfell ,rrLoLdlizardlr
iace car',e.irn r lon ovenr.:ngof moss-corere,i rock. : . rli' . . t. -, J . .'5 D e e n
^^. -" ^i ^,. ".,,, ^ r r-e
lo,:ksdorrn on l magic spring Only good can comr -:arsh is the rapid flow of air bubblcslhat breakthe
irom part.rkingol Lhisfluid Will you pauseto drink ..rrfaceo[ the quicksand bcforctrarlinglo a halt.
r r8-r rg

The streetopensout on to a round court, whrch is
jammedsolld with people;it is the famousRanters'
CornerHerepeoplestandon boxesandmakespeeches
on any subjecLthey like In return, Lhecrowdsoften
heckleihe 'ranlers',as the speakersare called.You rush
into the sea of bodies and momentarily shake o{f all
l pursuit The guardsfind it hard to push *uough the
crowds,who are not slow in voicing their resentment
al being shoved aboul In the event of any public
uffest, some guards always occupy lhe comel the
marshalof thesemen is now maldnghis way over to
ihe guards following you, no doubt fo demandan
explanation.Despiteyour peril,you carurotresisthang-
ing aroundand listeningto the variousrantem Wrll
vou listen to an eameslyoung lady (turn to 289),a
:aggedold man (turn to 2r9), or a man in blackwho
ravesand shouLsat his browbeatenaudience(LurnLo

Your excitemntat havingescaped from the tribefades
rvhenyou se dozensof small arrows fly over you-
However,the arrowsaren'tcomingfrom the Orcs of
lhe BlackScorpionbut are going towardsthem.Their
rivals, the Orcs of the Big Boulder,are launchinga
surpriseattack.One of the arrowshrts you in Lheside
/deduct2 poinlsfrom your srAMrNA). Wili you forgive
lhrsshghl enor in Lheiraim and offer your seruicesto
the Orcs of the Big Boulder,hoping to avengeyour
ea ier captrvity(turn lo J77),or areyou conLentLolet
r 22- 721

the Orcs get on with thcir ovm 6ghtrng, and head rave becn aroused Your task is to lay Hustings to rest
beforeyou ,rrcseen(tum to 282t
southwarcis Let the errfli reclaimrts or,vn buL be warnccltViolence
can nevcr L'e the final answer Evrl must bc left to
r2 a :orsumc rtself.\'our cluty is to help, noi to begel
You rnalch the amuletirom the NIan-L). s neck,drop :urlher(haos l\:hen ]'ou think you ha,,e succccded, sav
it on lhe floor and crrrsh it underfoot lhc effect is ihe word 'Cemnnos" in your rnind and wc will see
instanlancoris:the vetcrans realize fhe d.ceit played rvhat uniolds.' Make a nolc on your Adoe nrt Sheetot
upon fh(rn af oncc, ancl their iury at lr';ng dupcd is this worc1,and tum to 19
beyond (ompare. Oncc they have finishrd with thc
Orc ihc olderl of fhc vcierans trLrnsto iace ,r.ou
'Acceplnry apologles,'hc s.rys,r,r'e
wereioolish lrfa_r'be Je;cendn8 a long. rlide stancas,you (('Ie io a
we hn!c beenliving in th paslfortoo lorg Leruspur .rossroads WiLl you go:
all this bchind us, ancl rnay a real peacc bctween lhe \orlh? lL||n to 169
nations sl.rrt here, in fhis humble lavern' ln no tlme al South? Iurn to rr4
all it is,s if the four of 1,oLr havealwaysbccn fhc best lurn to 232
of frrrlJs. anri il i! 'r.iih somereluct.n(cnai rou nsc ,\'es:? lu' n lo 2jJ
lo coninrueon ] our jorr ney
When you step ouls c lhe door, howcvc., you 6rd Thejailerbcllowswith laugfhy at your terriLrlfperfo|m-
yoursclt stanng into thc playful eyes of Jack-in-thc- ance;he jusLcdnnotbclicvcfhat you have lriicl to pull
Green 'Perce in Narbury is yours,' he says 'Now a .uch an.uircnt stunt. llrl he relurns to his book,
token an,l adrice Co stfuil;htfo th ring rrhich is:oo
blg ior finger'Tircn he is gonc If you do nol
already havc a Green Lcrf Brooch,you itrcl one in your
pock('t add it lo yoLrrAtlruture Shut Now, willyou
head blk east towards thc Main Trade lt,)L,lc(turn to come tnlo your cell lo punrshyou, giving yorr a chance
267),r,r cul acrosscounlry so lhat you ean rcjoin the io overpowcr him (tum to :6). or abandonrll hope and
Trade Roufe mLrchfurrthcr\outh rhfn to 47)l r'.artior Lhcriungeon+!ag(ir(hrrnlo 2o8t?

'Therc is loo much corruption in the workl, says ]ack- Though tlr walls of the piL are sheer, y(tr, usc your
in-lhc (lrcen 'The sleepcrswho should not L'edisturbed ropc anJ lrook to clmb up and make an rrsy cscape.
125 r25-\28

You put the ropebackin your packandwalk on Soor o6

you comeLoa iunction Will you go: Ii canhardll' be saidthal you arc travellingin luxury
lhe slcnchof the rubbishstrewn over your Dooy rs
Left? Turn io 296 ,uly revolting Worse stili, a contagioLo,,-q,.'*
Right? Tum to 2r-
rould has sfarted to creep acrossyour belongings.
Skaighton? Tum to r39 .\ihile it will not harm you, it does nrakcyour food
Backthe way you came,andout of
Lhecaves? Tuln lo 80 -n6f to eat If you are carryingany Provrsrons, cross
:'ro mealsoff your ,4loualrrcShrrl.After muchprtching
rnd tossing,the vehiclercachesthe East Gate Turn
: o lo r.

Iwo cultrstsstepout of the secretpassageBeforethey
:tn see you, you drop to the floor and throw lhe
'rdneeon ( lodl or er your.ef l h,. Da;l ' lves .i{
lown and talk-Behindthcm,the secrcfdoor startsto
;lideshut.Now, rf you wanl to, you may hurry through
:hesecretdoor beforeit shuts(turn to 29j) Otherwise,
. ou will have lo go backoul into the hall and choose
'r:lherthc norlh door (lum to j74), the eastdoor (fum
:o 89) or the west door (lurn to 56) Whichcverway
125 ou go, you takeoff the Chamelcon Cloakandreturnil
You huri lhe firc'cracker lo the floor (crossit off 1' :c your packonceyou haveleft the library.Bccause the
Alvenlure ShulJ BANGlll Both Kauderwclschand hcr lark Elvs.emaininsidethe library,you darcnor rrsk
monster are stunned,glving you ume lo unbuckle lhc :efurningherealjain Note on your,AdDcrlrrslc.i that
strapsfhaLare holdirrgyou down If you havc a weapon . iru may not choosc68 again
you may hastily snatch rt up before hghting the mon'
KATJDERWELSCH iasuallyaverlingyour take the sphereliom
SKI LL 8 STAM J N A I , I . rur pack and hand it ovcr lo fhe hiShwayman.FIis
:,r'esopenr,,,idervilh pleasurc he cannotbelie.reihat
If you win, iurn lo 87 .e has earnedsucha prjze.Yei as the.rystal startsto
r29-rto rtr-rj2

glow, his smile fadesrnto a Sazeof dull stuPor.The orb pcmanently?'Theofier takesyou by surpriseDo you
has stolen his mindl Carcfully you return the sphereto answeryes(turn to r,{8)or no (turn to ro3)?

Your frngertipsbarelyscrapethe edgeof Lhefar path,
andil is with a lurchingsenseof honor that you realize
you arefallinginto lhe deepcrevrceThe rocky ground
Iissto meclyou Your questrs over
the areaallogelher and head back south (turn to 44)?
rt 2
\29 Slarsand swrrlingfog cloud your vision as you lunge
You shake off yor.rl unseen assailant'shand and spin for the Man Orc Lhclandlordhascoshedyou (deduct
around Though you can't sce the woman at all well, -r pointsfrom yoLrrsrevrNr)
can clearly hear her begging you to stay your
-vou When you wake up, milesbackeaston the road you
hand If you now do as she asks,turn to r58, bul rf you
rcckon lhat it's just a kaP, presson with your altack. camealong,you seethat the veteranshaveloolcd your
bodyrcrossoff all your gold, your weaponard armour
ASSAILANT SKI LL 6 STAM I N A 8 lrom your AdxentureSfteei.IL would bc suicidalto go
11you win, turn to lr back to the Buming Balrog Inn, so you decide to
conlinuetowardsKarnslein.If you wish to keepgoinS
rto lo the east,backto the Main TradeRoute,turn to 267
'l lnow only lhat Kamsleinis a borrnglitlle villagein If you would rathercut acrosscountry and rejoin the
thc middleof nowhere,and thaf il was oncethe siteof Main TradeRoutemuchfurlhersouth,turn to 47
someancientbaftle.Why do Youask?'
avoidingany details,you reply,'l ve heard
rumoursof trouble there,fighhng wilh strangecrea
t.le' Someor"will wan.a 'Lvordio- h'rc
She munnurs thoughtfully, 'Strange creatures,eh?
Cood. We coulddo with somecomPehtion.' Then she
snapsout of her dazeand says,'lf it's moneyyou want,
lo-8el Kdrnstein.Why dorl lou ioin orrr .
133-r15 46-171

131 .iolence Warriors6ve seektheir lord, Lheone who

Voivod stlkes at you, and your body is cut rnto manl :rust nol be lreed Earlh-motherseeksa healinghand,
piecesbeforeit hils thegroundagain.TheEarth-mother rut'Lis proof o{ your worLhsheneeds-'If you have a
and the Homed God shall weep aL your failure,for SreenLeafBroodl Lumto 19 Olherwise,Jack-in+he-
your failuremeensthe end of all life Greenwili offer you a chanceto prove your worth If
'.ou will accepthis lask,turn to r2r. If not, turn to r9.
Woad'sshrreksring in yoff earsas you springuP the
broad sfreet- only to seemofe guardsaheadof youl 46
Yoo don'Lexpectuzz ta belicvethat rubbish,do yoo?'
Alertedby the shoutsof your pursuers,
.reers Lhe shaman Uggamonggodoesn't believe a
theirswordsandattemptto blockyour route.The only
rlord of it eiiher The next thing you know, you arc
way oul of this trap is through a housestandingto
your right Without a moment'shesitatron,you open :eing stretched again(deduct3 poinLsFromyour sr.r.v-
\A) Now vriil you tell lhem the truth (turn to 2j6) or
.he door lo thi. -am.hacl,leplaceand enter.Jpv L,or
: aim lo be a miiitaryspy (turn to 363)?
hclc If you areLucky,tum fo 277;if you areUnluckl,
iurn lo 166
r3 7
r35 lhe man wearing ciosefilbing black gannentshas a
All is dark and a storm rages overheadas you make oung yel leaLheryfacc and close-cropped harr He
your way towardsHustingsTheroadis litlle morethan ihouts wilh a consriminganger:,\^/ewaste too much
a lrackthat wLndsils rvay acrosslhe inlamousHustings :imelryrng lo appcascou neighbours. It waslhey who
moofsand,becauseof the downpour,is submerged in :tariedlhe War of the lour Kingdoms,yet il rswe who
rusl go crawlingto them for trade We shouldseize
:.hal is rightful1yours.Now our greatnationis eclipsed
ry. ihe barbaricFemphrey. We are clearlysuperiorand
rould havc won lhe r,var,were rt not for that oid fooL
iantalon who soid us, hrs people,down fhe river
lrajlorl We must demandrecompense ot lakc it for
:urselvcsfrom Brrce,Femphreyand thosc rats in thc
rorth. Northlandersand sorcerers!Pahl The enemy
:rthin W wanl to be proud of Galantariaagain 'vve
.ani warl'
1t8-r39 140

This agilator is cruel and narrow-minded and yet r40

unbelievably,someof the peopleseemto be nodding 3arlolphsquinnsin fearasyou crushhis wrist in a Brip
at his words of blnd hatred Someonemust Lakea :l iron, but whcn you call him a chcat,he reaclswith
stand a8ainsthim Will you argue wtth the a$tatol rulrage Althoughyou're nol surewhethcror not this
(tum to 2ot) or silencehim wrth your hsls (tum to rger'is mrely the arl of a practisedcon-man,the
\4q? :erformanceseemsto work
i numberoi onlookersstepforward,1ou lost farr 'n'
:quare,snals one,
\o placefor bad losersin'cre,'gruntsanother.
.:F1-. 3cforeyou know il, you are seizedby a dozenstrong
-andsand thrown out inLothc streetYou landflat on
.our face,hitting the dirty cobbleswith a painfulthud
deduct r srevrNe point and cross off from your
rr8 l,iorrire Sheelthe gold you lost).
leelng smug,you challengeLheclonn to a friendll )vercone wl\ tonsrderdr.rwingyour
gameof drce Sheagrees,and a smallcrowd gathersto .rrord and going backrnto the inn lo dealwith the lot
watch you thrash the living daylishls out of her
-r:lhem But thena8ain. Turn to ,o
Though shemanagesto maintainher smilc,you sense
her anger.Shepushcs,prodsand lwrststhe loadeddie
but farls
in a bid to dlscoverits mechanism,
Eventually,she concedes,'Anobvrousirick, but the
puntersshouldbe deceivedby it' Tum to 77

If this is your first time here, lurn to ,o8 lf it is not
your first time here,things arc as you left them,and
you will haveto relraceyour slepsbackto thelunclion.
There,you may turn eilher lo lhe left (tum lo 2r7) or
lo fhe rrghl (lurn lo 296),or continuestraighton, out
of the caves(turn to 8o).

o r .r h ,,h :r ,a rr;i r6,6,ns

're :llll-
Prr\ and1 .
d\F. tFdr luSoTondo "m,,r ,,
.].r* l_n .rorl
rorr \elle down rn tir,..eaf:rnd
Roggmuluo.r.owr a
ictures and dcsigns which
o the exotic Suddenly the
rr'. rLrshin, s\4.ords
g down t he caprarn snouts
town (lurn to 2rz)? helmer, ,Cot(hal, Turn to

If 1,ouhave a weapon. crossit off your A/i,crirre S/rrcl

.rcs(.n.lng a 1o:rg.nrde
volr coJne i.r a
.tossroails.A strangefrre burns you (decluct porrt
i59tl r
i om ]/o'rrsrAMrN-Allrlliyou go:

r,1't Turn lc, ro6

Rogg;rlondo's faceis irulh?
he Scstursto rrds TrL,nb r87
a lrg lcather chair m thr middlc oi the room. t:ixcJ :JStl
tLr TL,mh) r22
TL rn to 253

iurn to 28)?
146 r1,1 r:+6 r49

r46 ArluenlureShcelNow you caneitherrxaminethe s.,rco-

You mainfain a dignified yet stubborn silcncc The phagus(turn to r93) or the crystal sphere(tunr to
shaman laughs mC dances as Lhe lorturer cranks the 3rz).if you havenot alrcadl'doneso;or you canlcaYe
hanile on lhe strctchrack 1ct again ldedLrct; more iheburldrng ilum lo zr6)
pornts from your srAMlN^) Are you stoopid or
srmmat?'asksUlllamong8o 'lf yoo wanna scc tomor- r48
rer, yoo'd bettcr talk fasl (tunr to r98), buL ii yoo
l,Vell, that can easilybe arrangerl,'she snarlsrs she yourrhigh seaf You f,rlldown on fo the
wrrura die just carq on keerin' yer gob +rut lturn to
lLrsl] ro.Ll,twisting1,ourankle(dcd.rct : point\
_vour s r,rvrNe).Whcnyoulook up,you seethat.rlllhe
clrcus pcrfonners h.rve climbed down foom their
r47 wagonsrnd arecomrrrgafteryoul thc clown smilcsas
I-ying on the dcsk you find a frr shll' nritten Jocument
,ou rLrnfor vour lifc If _vouhavc r set of Calthrops
lhe ink on thc pagc is still rrel You rcad lhe
'cllum ,ou lhrol'lhemJnlhc performers TiLc]F,! soon
tcxt, rt rs copieJ In i hand whrch Brows in(rcasing\ "ay joumcy
Sive up the chasean(lcontinueon thcir south
ryrcieryand iraLrght: Erasethc Cailhropsfrom your , /ur,rr/rrrr Slreriand turn
'th :o 9. Ii you don't havr nny Callhrops(or do not wish fo
Dreqn Ar,us has contLto Royal lrilc This ise thcnrj.Lumio 9r
iiitle ,ot \' l'r,' Jt,c,t/ J15.r,ii Lr
,)itt d leat rlo. passingt'ront uillageLo i'tlhse across r49
(',allantariannnane thal I htn'e beenkeepitj n u,alch
Sickencrl I'y the blacklSLrard's
venorn,you stepforward
otl ils mope tlrts, nwdilirry fh nomenl b itL The andlay him flat with a singlepunch While manyot the
yLm is chxer | ,,tn only htV' lo t.kicaretils dliLetl onlookcrs gaspin surprise,foLrroi tfem shoul,'Brice-
i?,'rre,rtllrs rr,rrclr rr i:r'r,l 11,:rit'\1, ,1.,r .!f,ri or irrgtlog' You realizcthatihe1.mustbe ioilowersol
,url thtee Crnrc S,eophultr lluv knot tl41 knoa) ihe m.rnyou have jLrsthit, iroublcmakingagrrarors
llx MandraLL:;Must toqun ltrt to destr rr'hoarc slcilledat whrppingup crcnds into outbursts
ll sensclcss violencc lndeed,it takcsLhemen only a
Ihc lctler endssuddcnl-'-Now {hc m1'sfer;'rs lessso Tinutc to begina nassbrawl.Thc unresrrs grorung
Thisc \fandrakcs.lhate',er tlrry r.e. mLr(lhi\e:akerl :gly arcl the .ilj Sur(ls are har.dprcssedto resh,re
or,Jcstroycdfhc nragician- bur, fo do th,:|,thcl' musi ordef Will you jd,n ,n and hclp thcm dcfcrr rhe
bc incredibly powertul You havc sttrmblc,l on the :roublcInakers(tum t,r r8r), or usc the confusronLo
edilcsof i vast plot Add llclyrar s Warnrnrtro your
'|p awa! towardsthccrfy'sEastGntc(fumto 3orl?
r5o-rt r r52

CloLrdsof dusl and fragmentsol sandstone11ythrough
the air, obscuring fhe skeleton as it sLretchcsout to
de,l-ov you. \ ou w ll needO.n'rnr god oi n , rrerade\.
on your side for lhis 6ght. If you havc al,cady put
rdna.1,, on lhe o[ Le.t, rtion 1ourr1 .ubt .rrt
.l rrom lts sKILLscore


You hun,v back ouf,nio thc hall I'ciore thc culhsts. Your blows wrll not harm the creahrrcryou need to
coming out of fhc sccrct passagc,scc you Back in the smashits skull, so, at lhe end of each roLrnJ irhether
you win the round or not), roll one die Ii you roLla 6,
hall, will you now go north (fum ro 174), east (tum ro
you succeedand should turn ai once to 329 lt you roll
89), or wost (lum to J6)?Whichevcr way you lto, you
dare not risk relLrmirghere again - becauscof the any othcr numbcr, yolr miss thc skull and rnrst fight
Dark Elvcs Note on yoLt Aiue tLLrc5r!!l ihat you arotherround asnormal
may not choose68 aearn


lesl ],ou start cning into l'oLrrbccr. the ever lair and
selilesstlartolph will give you r chance Lo win yollr
money l,,rck, and more besides provioeu you can
afford a stakehigh enolrgh to covcr your losscs What's
more, lhis ume I'll nrakc it evcn casjer for you The
rules arc as beiore, l,ut norv ,yoLrneed roll only 5 or
above to win. Are you game?' If you wanr ro pLay
again,lu,n fo 94; but if you would ratherleave,rurn
to Jo
r5,-r55 | 56-tSj

t53 you ' rom enl eri ng l h:. -oorn cr.f i gd ir - r not c
on ) oJJ
You naich in honiied Fascination as lhc vlcird device
shakesthe ground more violenfly A building behjnd
you collapses,showcring you with bricks. Roll one die
lo see how many bricks hit you Each hit mcans yoLL
have b lose 2 points Fom youf srAMrNA fhougl
armour will lake the hits ffrst

Wulf hurries over anclfreesyou irom the rubblc 'lt'sno

use,'hc says grinly 'll's the witch! She has p,,r,vcrsu.e
camol hope to undcrsland!\'c musf flee,elong fht'
soulhern road' l4'ill vou to r''ith VVuIIitrrn lo z5), or
leavehrnr and go to setlie the scorchith this'witch'
(tum to r42)?

You hrvc nol gonc rn,rre ihan tn'o metres wlren thr:
Slygor(,spik a goLrl oi black pus at you the gcl
sciashesgurglirq, on your bark. rvherciL bu us ani
hissei Desprlel ouscli. you scrcaman.i i.rll to lou'
kneestdcduct3 poLnlslrom yoLrrsr,qvrr.ra) lhe Sll
gorc lurchcstowarclsyour pain'r.rcked fonn ) ou musr
rgnorc lhc igony yoLrare in and lcap asidehcfc'rclhe
n.nltr'r.rl', snothr:s I'oLi li,rl r.rrr ,Slrl/ Il .o,.
succee.lhun io z;o, ri you iaii, hrrn to 365 r5 7
-1,! lJnl .o \Ltp .r'to .he darrt , lr.rnbe, ! n,,\ cr
:hp 6il, r.r.hour ar ttr"
rtt "J8pd r'rr,,r f.amear,r Tansol
ihe pod that are rvithrnycur reach.
lqIrcrinl;the lerifrrr,g hissingsoLrnds. go .lL,itklr
r I lhe tlri'\rs [_\ini]scritrrd aboul thc rocli
Th orly ilem of rrrkrcsfis a CopperKe_v,whrch you
may takc Then, fin,,lly,panic overlakesyorr rnd you
r'rsh L'ack to lhe jr fcfron A-r ini.\plicabte n1,r stcDs
rt8-r t9

rt 8
Releved,the womanleadsyou turtherdown the alley
When your eyes Bet used to the darkness,you can
makeouLthal fhe womanis in a sorry stateindeed:her
clothesarefilthy and tattered,and thereis a madnessin
her eyes She mumbles,'They cameseyendays ago,
and they left thls mornrng You'rea strangerYou're
strong They'retakJngover You can'tkill them.Soon
they'll comefor me And for you too, unlessyou do
somethingPerhapsyou canbealLhem,the Mandrakes
Takingour places.'Her wordstumbleout in a repetilive,
almostinsanebabble.Thcn shestops.
She is looking over your shouLder, back up to the
cntranceto fhe alley whcrea finely aftiredyoung man
is standingHe smilesand extendshis hand 'Welcome,
stranger I am Ennian,the BurgomeisterAi, I see
you'vebeenforcedto iistcnto the ramblingsof ihe
town idiol The old fool's bccn hopelesslyinsancfor
years' You look back bwards the wretchedwoman
Seeingfhe doubt Srowrngin your eyes,shegasps,'A
min o r d o y o u rh a rc r n iro r? l' y o L h a v c . :r r i r r o r .
tum to 362 If you do nol, turn to r74.

r5 9
At lhe far side of lhe squarea commotionsuddenly
breaksout: folk are screarningand runningrn all direc
tions and, cutting a bloody path through them and
towardsyou, is a mountedShadowWanorl You must
defend yowself Roll one die to see which of the
Warriorsyou mustface Whenyou aretold to continue
your adventureafter defcatingthe Warrior, you will
r60-r6r 162-164

haveto leaveShatluckbeforethe otherWamorsarave It looksas if your time is up Will you attackher (tum
They arecomingup the Marn TradeRoute,so you will lo 3oj), lhrow a vial oi Metal Rot - if you haveone -
eitherhave to crossa bridge to the east(turn to 334), at her iron band (turn to 8l) or try lo escapc(turn Lo
or takea little-usedpath which leadssouthwestward! 22t)1
throughlhe mountains(turn to 48) Now roll:
1 Tum to 8 r62
Tum to 39q I don'tbelieveiU'Bartolphgaspsin anirntahngdisplay
of mocksuryrise.'Even at suchodds,you'veJoslagain.'
a Turn to 259
Oncemore,your stakeis pocketedwith amazingspeed
4 Tum to r8j
Tum to 245 deducLthe gold from y ourAdxenture Sheell.Then, with
6 Roll agarn ieignedconcem,Bartolphsays,'Oh, now I feel truly
quilty. Look, I'11give you one last chance Rulesas
before,bul now allyou haveto do rs roll a : or higher.
r60 tVhatd'you say?'
After some time, you come fo a fork in lhe road If you
lNill you acceplBartolph'sfinal challenge(tum to r3)
wish to keep going rveslwards, tum to 96 If you
lake the branch lo the south-easl,turn lo rli
or leavelhe lavernfeelingbittcr,impoverished and ouf
of luck (lurn lo 3o)?

IOI 163
What followsnext is too horrilicto contemplafe. Urlha fhe ',vordsof the merchanlnho sold you the cloak
jusl lar.rghs
as you follow lhe rilual laid down by the ;pring to mrnd:'Frnethoughthc gament may be, 'tis
folkloreof agcs Sheeventelisone of lhe Haggwortto :est usedin thehoursofdarkness'Atthisvery moment
obey you commandsYou order it io decapitateher !'ou are lrying to hidein an exposedplace,beneaththe
and then to throw both her headand her body out oi :li-revealinglight of a blazingstrn.Teslyoartr.rct.lfyou
lhe openarchwindow In secondslhe dreadfuideedls areLucky,turn to 176;if you areUnlucky,turn to 35
doneand Urtha'sremainsarc consigncdfo the stormy
skies.Paulingfor a momentlo regainyour rrits, you 164
tum to leave- only to find Urtha standingin your Itatherthanclimbover thelow wall,you huny through
wayl 'l told you, I am bdydrlundeath.I supposeit was a wrou8hl iron gaie which is decoratedwith shapes
expectmgtoo much for you to understandNow, lLkefalling leavesInside,the grassis lusciousand the
enoughof thesegames' lrecsstill fruilful, even though harvesttimc was two
165 fi6-r67

monthsago.Oulsidethe gate,the guardshavcstoppci vou,' she muses'Maybe you'd like to join lhe circus
theb pursuil; they stand ard watch you escapewith :ennanently?' Wrll you answeryes (tum to r48) or no
fear and frustralion Ahead of you is a small,plair. turn to ro3l
buildi^g:this is the Templeof Geomancers, the carth'
priesthoodwho worshipTilan.TheGeomancers rspeci 166
naturein all its fonns;they area powerfuland mysteri- Balancedon the top of the door was alr anti-theft
ous force in Royal Lendle,much resentedfor therr ievice: a full chamberpot, which has just emptiedils
independence from lhe law of the land.Your plan is to 'eekingcontenlsall over youl The lin bowl itsl{hils
reachthe streetsbeyond the templegrounds,but you rou on the head Deduct r pont from your srAMrNA
are dismayedto seethal your way is blockedby a talL 3nd 1 point from your rucr for lhis mishap You
fencedividingtheestateinto two halvesThe only way -ecover,look aroundand drscoverthal you are rn an
throughlhis fenceis via anotherwrought-irongate Ik oLdlady'sliving room Shelumpsup from her rocking
two handlesarefixed on to omateplaques,one plaque chairand screams, 'BurglarslRobberslHelp,helpl'
rcpresenfingthe sun,the other the moon.Words have
Thecity guardswrllnot be slow in arsweringher c es.
beenworkedinto lhe top of the gate,formrnga riddle;
lvill you go on througha closeddoor leadinglo Lhe
they readr'Reflectorand reflected,one obscuresLhe
:carof Lhehor,rse(turn Lo328),or up a dckety sLaircase,
olher for enlry.' Will you lurn the handlern tne sun
(turn to 254)or the handlein the moon (turnlo 264)? cadingto thefirst floor (!'urnlo 292)?

'l'm flatlered by your interesi Thecreature's body thrashes wildly asyou bind two of
in our humble lillle
ls immenselysfrong wdsts together Then it is fully
enlourage,' shcsmiles'The Circusof Dreamshasbeen
awake EachAttack Rou,ld,all four of its unfettered
in existencclor thrcc years,spendinglhe first lwo in
rlms attackyou at thc sametime (eachwith a srlrr
unappreciatcd poverty Bul last year we had a ch;nge
scoreof 8),bul you may strikebackagainstonly one of
of ownership,and with it camean improvemenlrn
:hem,asif fightingfour separateopponents.If you wrn
quality Thelasttwelvcmonthshavcbeenmoslsuccess
againstany of its other arms,your blows have no
fuI,with the circusspreadingifs own particularbrandoi
eifect,servingonly as parriesYour work ls cut oul for
entcrtainmentacrossGallantaia Having played the ' ou as1ou fuceoneoi tle ancienl(alundai.
villages,we are now moving on to the towns Onc
day,we hope to play lhe Court in RoyalLendleitself -{ALUNDAI sK[L 8
The clown'sitinerarysoundsmorelike a war-planlhan
a touringscheduleto you 'We couldusesomeonclikc Ii you win, Lum to 32o.
r68-170 r 7\

It lakesyou a1lyour strengthto escapethe grip of the
mire, but at last you are free. Your alreadysodden
clothesarenow cakedwilh swampnud Bul dift is the
leastof your troubles;theHaggwortareconvergingon
Lhe beieagueredtown. Will you make for Hustings
(Lurnto 367)or LhestranBeiower (tum lo r4z), or do r7 r
you prefer lo conLinueacrossthe mooriand(turn to Holdng fhe Spearof Doom up high, you shoutyour
69)? war cry and charge The Spearis not meant to kill
Vorvod; as the Horned God said,it relurnslife to the
r69 dead.But Voivod rs deathitselt so the Spearrnay noc
Descendinga long, wide staircase,you come to a haveenoughLrfeforceto affecthim Fight eachAttack
crossroads.A strangeffe bums you (deduclr poinl Round oI combatas nomal; but once,af Lheend of
from your srr.rlrrl) Will you go: eachround (whetheryou win the roLrndor not), you
can attempi to give Voivod life Roll two dice:if the
Norlh? Tum to ro6
lotal rolled is equalto or lessthan the Spear'scurrent
South? Turn lo 266
Life-force,Lum to 4oo; but if Lhentunberyou roll is
Easn Tum io r22
higher,you havefailed If you fail, deducfr point from
West? Turn lo r44
the Spear'sLifeJorce,then 6ghl another round of
r70 combat,and so on Because you areLryint to wreld the
You reacl into your packand take out a skin of orl Spear, you 6ghl Vorvod only in dcfence,il you uin a
(crossit off your,A/uenfrreSfieef)You arestill trying to round,he losesno; on lhe otherhand,Voivod
sel the oil alight when the Slygorespils a quivering thriveson your dealh,so if you /osea round,you musl
gout of liquid blackmessat you. The strcky,gurgling add any poinls of srAMrNAihat you lose to Voivod's
sludgehils your side alrd burnsyou (dedrrct; points cunent tolal If lhe Spearexpendsits Life,forcc,you
fromyour srevrr.r,r).You scream, but manageto Lhrol\' musttry to defealthe Voivod in normalcombat only
the now blazingoil all over the abominablecreature lhenwillyour tellingblowscausehrm to losesreurNe
Thoughlhc 6rc causes Slygore'sbubblingskinto gurgle POlnrs
more rapidly, it secmsLo have no adverseeffect;il VOIVOD s K . L ro
does,however,make the creaturepausein its tracks
You scizelhe opportunity lo lurn tail and flee Turn Shouldit be that you win in no.mal combaL,lurn
to r8o ro 3o3

Lt lastyou arefrec from thrsaccursed nightmarc ior

:1l8htmare it lvaslYou walkeddown the slarfcaseonly
oncebeforebeing scntinto a deepsleepby the Night-
nare MasLer,the trre Guardianof fhe Citteway.Since
;heryeverythinghasbeena drcam,with y repealedly
Lvalkingdown thc same staircaseYou would have
doneso for all cfcrnity,had you nol had lhe slrength
of will to escapcWhnyou wakeup,at thc tr:ot of the
ilai.s,you sce thdt ),ou are actuallyinsrdc,rhellish
Jamber And in rf itands ]'our foe, thc Nighfmare
lJ:ster, surroundcdby the Lormcntcdwn'ls of the
nany soulsstillloslin hisevildreamworld TheCuard-
ranattacksyou without mercy,andhis mys{icweapons
.ravethe power to blight your fate Eachtimc you lose
an AtLackRound,you must deducl1 point trom your
-ucK,whetheryou loseSTAMTNA or not
i _vourvnr.lurn io 36r
r1 3
': ou asklheladywho sheis.Shereplics,'ls it irnporlant?'
':'ou reply that it is At this,shesfarcsat you intently
rnd asks,'And how long have you had this need to
ientify fhingsTYou havchadenoughoi thisslupidily.
: oLrstronglyadvischcr to tell you who shc rs,but she
rst rushes out o[ thc room
': ou ioLlon'
herup a shortstaircase
andinto thehjBhest
-Domin the to\ryera laboratorypackedwiih all sortsof
:nillingapparatust he lady dabblesin theworst sorcer
es,and her lateslprojectis lumberingtowardsyou. It
r74-115 q6-171

is a nrrshnrashof surgicallyjoined body-parts.Thc gnm is over.'Deduct the gold you havc lost from
wornan laughsat your honified face and rants,'My .\'o.ulAd,enLureSlkeL Bartolph has addcd jt tr) his
crcationmay not be a pretty sight, but it is highl) rhcady considerablcwinnings Feeling sonrchow as rl
lun,li"n.rl \ I il needs
now isanexcellenl
brdin. . ] ^u voLive been taken for a nde, you get up nnd ol,l
brainl Ycs / am Doklor Kauderwelsch.' The monster of fhe First Step Tum to jo
stepsnrrwardto kill you
5K] LL 8 STAM I N A 14 HrLggingthe ground.J,.'ou cannothlp buf thrnk that,
ior once, a lrader at Royal Lendleha\ sold hrs mcr-
If you win,tum to 87 rhandrseshort The ChameleonCloak w,orksrk won
Cersas you sneakaway beneathlhe smellyOrcs
174 "ery
nosesand escaPe
You don't understandthe woman'sodd requestand
don't havc a mirror anywal', so you just shrug your However, you are now forced to leave the roatl and cut
shou crs in uncertaintyFruslratedand no longerable .ruth ovcr the difficrlt mounLainlei-arn r,rh,r' t,ru
to contJrnherfears,thewomanrunsoff towardsthe iar grcssis slow After a few hours oi hard slog, yoLrhnd a
end of fhc alleyway.The Burgomeister callsovef his smaLlminc shaft IL goes down fiiteen m(trcs rr so
shoulclcr lor somehelp, then laughs,'Not the best before cnding in an illuminated chamber ot son( sor!
companyfor a strangerto keeplIl must aI seema tad Thc nanowness of the shafl prevents you lrom sccing
pcruliar.buLeverythrngwillmakeperfectsenseif you'll thc nahrre of the place If you have a rope anJ 11ap,plc,
justcomcwith me'All yourinstincts scream lhatthero you may use it to climb down lhe shaft (turn lo lltl) If
is somelhingtcrribly wrong here.Will you attackthc you do not have, or do not wish lo use, any ropc you
Burgomrster (turn to 252),make[or lhe other end of vrill have to coniinue your journey over lhc rntlllntlrns
thc alley rfter the womai (turn Lo84),or conply wrfh (fum lo 282)
Ennian's rnrshes andgo with him (tunrto lr)?

r/) hrhrle lou are looking ir ;-our pack for soruthnrg k)

Your skin pricklcsand ll tiels as if a kniFeis beinij e lTe'e, ,r ..r.rCe_
y o cJ l' . .r l rr \J.l
twistcd rn vour gui rrhen BarloLphleanslontard anri -
mav be ableto gi|e nlm somelhing\.\hichcould rrovc
t . ' t .' . 1 d d \ la"gl-ne r"ccne , r \ i. a hls undoing li loLr want to tive thc frghr'ayman a
own 'l'm sorry.buLthat'sit now I wont pliy ChameleonCloak, tum lo z2o Ii you woLrklrathcr
with losers afterali, I do ha.,,elo sleepat nighls Thc grve hrm an Orb of Mind-sn.rLing,b.rrn to rr8 Buf if
r78-r80 r8r-r82

you haveneilherof thesethings,you wiil eitherhave leadingbackup to the surfacerFrom abovecome Lhe
to offer him some gold (tum to 373) or atlack him :aintvoicesof ciiy guardslookingfor you. Behindyou,
(turn lo 92). ihe Slygoreraisesitself up once more, jts ioul mass
now revealedby theLghLcomingthroughan overhead
r78 grid . The sight is one you will never forget Will
You slep quietly up to fhe shelterand reachfor thc you now clamberup out of the sewer(turn to r8), or
door handle.As soonas you touchrt, the door swings lurn and embracethe creaturein closecombat(LurnLo
outwards,propelledby three powerful springs.f6l
your Luck If you are Lucky, lurn lo 64; if you are
Unlucky,LLrrnto 342.

The big fop is lanlernlit andlinedwith rows of seaLsin
readinessfor tonjghL'sperformance- As you look aLLhe
circusring, the main pole, the tmpeze,the hghtrope,
you feel a mild headacherising behrndyour eyes If
you havea mirror, tum lo 268 If you do nol, lhereis
nothingmore for you to do here IL doesoccurto you,
hovlever,that the secretof the crrcusis mosl likely lo
be fornd in lhe Hall of Dream..Rctun ro 2tt dno
choosean optionyou havenot pickedbefore r8 r
You seelhat you can do most Boociby defeaiinglhe
r80 ioughestof the agitaLorsThrshugebmte is cutting a
As you turn away from the Slygore,il sprtsa blob of swath of blood through bystandersand city guards
acidicblackpus at your face.You manageto duckjust alike Thereis no room for mercywlth suchvrllainsl
in time. The squcakinglump of muck flies ovcr your
headand cmbedsitself in a sewerwa1l.turning brick AGITATOR sKrLL
8 STAM 1 N A 7

inlo drippingclay Not waiLingto scewhat the crealure lf you win, tum to J7o.
wilLdo nexl,you run for your lifc With a greatsplash,
the Slygore drops its awesomebody inlo the foul r8 2
watcrsand rushesaffcr you Soon,wrth sinkingheart Your fool landslesslhan a finger'swrdth away from
you cometo a deadcnd and thenyou spot a ladder ihe insidrousartefact What with the quicksand,the
r8t-r84 r8t

Haggworland now theseevil traps,the moorsarejusl you havesomemanacles and would like to try to bind
too dangerous. You decideto leave them at once.If theguardwith them,Lurnto 3r9 Ifyou don't haveany
you wanl to go to the town,tum to 167 Ifyou would manaclesor would rather risk combat anyway, blm
ratherrnvestigatethemysteriousLower,turn to r42. ro 5 t .

I8 ' r85
This ShadowWarior wields a mighty, multi-headed Ihe skeletonstirs and dragsitself 6ee lrom the layers
mace:eachof its sleelfacesis coveredwrth pyramid- of rock.And a nightmarishroar risesfrom rtsrib-cage-
.haped.pike. In l\e Wa-ior't hands.lhe nace i' a as ncw fleshappearsand startsto crawlbaor over rrs
devastatingweaponAt the startof the batlle,TesL your
Luck.If you are Lucky,nothing unloward happens;if
you are Unlucky, howcver, the mace smashesyour
weapon and you must 6ght r./ilhout il (cross the
weapon off yo.ur AdlenLurcSleel).If you have no
weapon,the mace crashesinlo your body and you rvaslooking for in lhe endlesswrldemess,now you
must deduct5 pointsfrom your srAMrNAand 1 point understand thereasonfor everythingthathasnappeneo
from your srrrr Arr::.outor TesLing
vour L,rclcmay not here.You were all drawn here and controlledby a
be usedto reducethisdamage hercerntelllgencethat plotted its own release.Only
now do you realizelhat you arefacinga crcatwefrom
9 mythology:a PanTerricBehemothlYou must destroy
If you defeatlhe Warrior,tum to j1j lt beforeit is whole again.The only way to do so is by
smashing its skull.If you havea rope and grapple,you
r84 may try to snarethe crcature;Testyour Skill.If you
You put on a fina! spurl so that you will reachthe succeed, turn to 329 Bul if you fail, or if you do noL
SouthGatewell aheadof themob.Justasyou fhoughl. havea ropeandgrapple,turn to rtz.
a Mandrakestandsguard Fromwhal you havealready
seen,these qeatures are good fighLersand are im-
possibleto kill Though you could stun the guard,a
fight would be time consuming,giving the mob a
chanceto catchLrpwith you. It would b far betler if
you couldsnealup on the guardand somehowrender
him harmlesswithout having io resorLto combat If

You wakeup, bound to a tablein a laboratory,in the
lopmostroom of the Cumblesidetower.The lady you
metearlierwalksinto view,clutchinga scalpellHerskin
rs peeling,revealingan underlayerof scaLesAs if in
answer to yourquestioning stare, shesays,'1am
Kauderwelsch. In my queslfor immortality,I madethe
mistakeof expprimenting with lizardorganismswhich,
evennow, are Lakingme over. I will die unlessI find a
way to transfermy mind rnto anoLherbody And you
area vrtal part in my mosLcruciale{primentto date-
Beholdl'She waves an afin and a horrible monster
lumbersforward 'l have createdthis being from the
linestparts oi many creatulesAll jt needsnow is a
brain your brainl'Kauderwelsch cackles
raised,and thenindlssmonsterIooksasif il's aboutto
strangleyou You quickly free one of your arms,but
vou have time fo reachfor only one ilem, will il b
,vourweapon(t rn to 242),a mirror (turn to lr8) or a
Iire crackcr(turn to r2j)? If you have none of these
lhrngs,your advenhrreendshere,in the advancement
of sciencel

Descendinga long, wrde staircase,you come to a
crossroadsA skangefire bums you (deduct-z ponts
iom your srer'arra) Will you go,
Tum to 106
South? Turn to r 14 2tz
'rvesL? Tum to 2j3
r88-r90 r9r-r93

r88 r9r
lf you allowed yoLrrseli k, bc diverted and gambled Thc floor drops away bcnerlh your feel, and you go
lvith Bartolph in the Firsl Stcp favern, tum lo 52r If lumbling down into a dccp pil (deduct1 poinl fLon
,voudid not, you may contrnucon your way l[ you arc your STAMTNAJ If you havea rope and grapple,tu.n to
headingeast,iurn to 82; lf you are headingwest,tunr r2.{jolheNis,turn to JJ6
io 66

r89 You hidelhe DarkElvesbodiesunderlhe table.ihpn

Voivod is about b toll fhc lron Bell Ii you havc a vial pausefor ihought 1t woLrftilake hoursjr,rsllo find out
ot Metal Rol and wrnl to throw it at the bell, tum kr what all lhe differentscrollsand books are about,ancJ
:63 If you haven't any Mctrl l{ot, bLri are willinS to timejs shorl.So you contcrt yourselfwrth a briefIooh
try a desperaleleap, in a bicl lo knock Voivod away nt thosetexis whi.h tlrc iltislswereperusingWjll
from fhe bell, turn to 148 lf, however, you wish to do you read the iltu.r')s A'lrrLk,wts(tum to 366)or lhc
neither of thesethings, tlrrn h) l6,l Lr.Mlrnlir (lurll lo 79)?

r90 1t)1
Thoughiou aliackl1ithall vournigh:, i'ou aredefence lhc bu:ral caskel ,s old bclond reckontng.ald it:
less againsl lhe onslaughloi thc nalevolenl riciers .,ood is prlniiirrly c.rrrc.l in thc shaPeoi a besliar
They cul you and knock you ficrcell' lo the ground rarvior YoLLpLrllopo tl,c covcr of the sarcoPhagus
(deducl,t points from your srevrr,ral Lying on Lhc ,\rth gratcareand stepin Il ,s only tt'henthe lid clicks
coid earth,it seemsthai you hav('lhreeoptions:to stny shutthat the frap rs sprun1l, lrorveverlTwo sharpbladcs
where you are and pretend to hc dead (turn to 106), to dick inu,ards6om the snics of the casket,cuttint inh,
rise and fight them agalr (tLrn to 146) or lo jump lo I'our calves and ankl.'s (dcduct 1 point from your
your feet and flee (furn b z8) sr^MINA and r poini bon your sKir.L)In pain. yott
fLeeyourseltand kick tlri'Lc1opcn;you stumhleoLrlof
thrs wretched thing, r,vl,rchwas takcn, no doubt, lronr
.irelon:b of somekinSr1'hohJ.l anli.lpatedthc comirrg
oi treasure-scckirtgrarc rc,bhersTo add insuli hr
nju l , , ou norLscc bo lalc,thal the can ing on lhe Li,i
-,asno ieei You cLrnc ior nissing lhis sickl-r
rumorousclue Nou, lrll pu cxaminethe cry<lalorb
lurn lo 312) or Hegn,,,r'sdcsk (tum to r47), rt yoLl
havenot done so already;or will you leavethis placc dowl1and too smoothto be dimbed,so you will have
beforeworsebefallsyou (lum to 216)? to try and jump over it If you wish to attemptsucha
difficultfeat, tum to 52. Otherwise,you will have to
r94 go back up the alley and face any guardswho may
You walk over to the cool waLersand are about to havefollowedyou down it; tum to 20.
dnnk when you hear a stem voice call,'Stalrd and
deliverl'You tum aroundand 6nd yourselffacing a
maskedhighwayman;he is aiminga crossbowat your r97
heart The villain laughs.'Nodoubl you'reanotherfool The whole circusbecomesone greatfuneralpl'r. You
in searchof the hermrt Well, forget it. He'sdcad,and I standand watch as the flamesleaphigh rnto the sky.
killdhim And fll do the sameto you unlssyou can The stenchof Mandralces burningis indescrrbablel
buy your freedom'HrsfinSertightenson thetriggerof you look on, Jack-in-the-Green appearsby your srde
the crossbow Earth-motherrs pleasedwrth her champronShesends
two gifts The firsl rs thrs.. 'He handsyou a Ring of
Willyou attackthe knave(turn to 92),offer him some Destiny From now on, wheneveryou are Lucky at
gold (turn lo l7l), or look in your packfor somethrng TestingyaurLttck,you do noLhave lo subtracta LUCK
elseto give him (tum to r77)? poinl. As long as you have the ring, you need only
everlose LUCKpointsif you areUnlucky,or if you are
r95 instructed[o do so by the text 'The secondgrfl is
'You'reqriiteright' you reply to the Man Orc wrth a loowledge.Themanofnumbersrsa nahveofShatluck.'
sicklysmile-'lL lsnoneof my business,andI apologize' Then theeverelusivelrgureis gone
The Orc is aslonishedby lhis suddenturn of events,
Cratefulfor LheEarth-mother's help,you move further
and he doesn'lknow what is going on t{hen you Pal
on and rest for the night in a quretfield When you
hrmon Lheshoulderwilh onehandandslipthe Sleeping
rvakeup (restore2 STAMINApoinls) you makeyour
Draughtinto his ddnk wilh the other The bewildered
rvayrnto ShattuckThe smalltown is relreshrnglyquiel
Orc takesa big gulp from his tankard thenfallsflat
anduntroubled.You needto find this'mano[ numberi,
on his facelTurn to r2o
and the only way Lo do so is by askingaround Will
r96 ,rouslart your scarchin:
Your prospectsof reachinglhe East Gate are soon Thestores? Turn to j9r
dashedwhen you seethat the pathwayendsin a high, The tavems? Turn to zo9
locked door. This door is too strong lo be knocked The to\'vnsquare? TLunlo 27

Will you tell UggamonggoLhehuth, that you are a
mercenary on your rray to Karnstein(tum to 2t6)j that
you're spying on the Orcs, on behalfof the king of
Gallantaria(tum to 363),or thaf you're not on any
mlssionat all, that you'relust a simpladvenLurer
to 116l

The oty guardstake you Lo a nearbyjail, whereyou
are to be held until dawn Lomoirow.At that time, an
almouredwagon will come to take you to the city
dungeon- a gdm complexfrom which very feh' ever
refum The guads takeyour weapon(crossit off your
Adoenlure Sheel)andlockyou in a dirty cage.Then they
deparl,leavingyou in the careof the jailer.This bmte
siLsby a table,suckingon a bottle of grog and reading
a book called Con/essions ol a Rat-Calcher.Siocethere is
only one cagein the larl,no other prisonersand only
the singlejailer,your thoLrghts tum to escape.Lucl(rly,
noneof your other possessions havebeen tal<enfrom
you Will you pour someMetal RoL,if you have any,
on lhe lock and slip out (turn to 7); shoul an insull at
lhe jailer,in the hope lhat he will comelo punishyou,
lhus giving you a chanceLo overyowerhim (tum to
26),think of a way to trick the jailermlo settingyou
iree(tum to t8), or do nothingand awaitth morrow's
dungeon-wagon (tum to zo8!

Rampoursdown your faceasyou reachinto your pack
for a vial of the preciouspotion. The Mahogadon
20 2-20t

squeezcs cver tighlerand slartsto Pull you towardsils If you have a vial of Melal Rot, you can now try
gapmg,gnashingmaw.Mere inchesawayfrom certain throwing it al her iron band (tum to 83). Otherwise
death,you opcn the vral and fling its contentsdown you will eitherhaveio atlackher (turn to 3o5)or flee
into the pool of dudge that sunor,rnds the monster's (turnto 22r)
roots.Almost immediately, the Mahogadon sags,limp
and unconsciousIts branchesunwind and roll you 202
away,down on to thc muddy earth The lightnrngno Thereis no way that you can crossthe chasmaLLhis
longerhoundsyou as you makeyour way out oi ihe point.But lo your left is a nanow passageway,
copseto fteedom.Ii you now wish lo continucsoulh ln totaidarkness.
If you dareenterthiscorridor,turn Lo
wards,acrossmore open country, towardsHustings, 283.If you would rathergo back the way you came,
turn to rrt If you would prcfer to headback to the towardsthe shdekingcultists,turn to 297.
safetyof theroad,turn to 160

Only whenyou hil the hardgrounddo you realizethat
you havese ouslymitudged lhe exactlocationof the
horseRoll onc die and deductthe numberrolled foom
20r voui srAMrNA Shockedby your suddenarrivalfrom
Urthasmirks,thenordersthe Haggwortto releaseyou. lhe sky, the horsebolts,leavingyou in a cloudof dust
You rise from your charrand pick up fhe stake Urtha Coughing,you get up and limp out of the allcy You
nps open her costume,revealinga disgustingblack force your achinglegs along a wide street,lined on
hole over her heart. 'l told you,' she says. 'l have both sidesby crumblingterracedhousesA door to one
alreadybeendestroyedby the sLake. By all the old laws of lhesejerksopen,andan emaciated old manpopshis
of nalure,I shouldnol be. Your stakdestroysthe hcadout. 'Psst Oi, youl SanctuaryI'll hrdeyou for a
Undead.I am beyonrlundeath' Gold Piece.'
204-2O' 2o6-zoj

Looking ahead you can sec that lhe skeet ends in a their swordsand come at you Simultareously,thcir
large,packedsquare Will you acccpl lhe offer oi refuge leaderspursthe cron'd inlo e,frenzyot hatred,ard a
(tum to 144) of rtnore the beggar ard hcad towards hugcbrar.vlbreaksoul Because of fhe crowdedcondi
lhe busy square(ium to 22j)? iions,fhe agitaiorshaveto fight you one at a time

201 airstAGITATOR 7 4
Wasit luckor iate thal guidcdyou to that vital pagein Second ACITATOR 3 7
Hegmar'sSanctum? Whateverthe ansu'er,you thank Ihird AGITATOn 6 6
Hegmar(whereverhe may be) for his warning;then Iourth ACITATOR 5 5
you lakedown one of theflamingtorchesihat are6xed .f you defeatlhemall. tum to 37o
to the wall and use i[ [o set the nascenlMandrake
alight.A revoltingsmellfflls the air as the pod shrivcls 2a6
and sizzleslo its doom.You may reslore1 rucK point Trying not to lhink aboul Lhepossibleconsequences,
for vor.rrna,'rowe\Lape.Tl_erei, nolhinge'c to bn you sprinl lowardslhe gaping cavemouLh and run
donehere,so return to 255 and choosean option you sLapbanginto the hulkingbody of a MountainOgrel
havenot pickcdbcfore.
MO UNT A I N- O CRE s K rL 9L 1r
205 lf you win, you seelhat the caveis rn fact the enkance
You step forward and declare, 'We are al peace wilh lo a pifch-blacktunnelwhichleadsdeepinto lhe moun-
the othernatiofsof the Old World Relationsaregood, lains.You realiy do needa lanternlo go any further
trade is muterailybenefrcral,
we learn much fiom one ii you enlerthe tunnelwrth a lanlern,crossone skinof
another There is no placefor suchprimitive ideas ln oll af( your Aclcerture
Sleeland turn to 24o lf you are
war nobody wins,but yoa don't careabout lhe blood ioolish enoughto enter the tLrnnelwithorrl a lantem,
shedaslong asyoarmaliceis satisfied' lurn lo 369.lf you would ralher go backoutsidcand
The Ranter'ssurpriseat being challengedt,.rrnsto dis lakeyour chanccs with lhc Orcs,turn to 35.
gust.'So... a Bricelover,eh?Or maybeyou'reoneof
them We don't needforeignerscominginto our cific! 207
teliingus horato live our lives,do we, boys?' Shakingoff Ennian'smob, you cornto lhe ten metre-
high r,vallIf you havea rope,you may use
You notice four lhugs standrngnear you. Though it to scalethe wall (tum to joo). Once on the other
dressedin rags,they are clearlyagitators They draw side,you willbe abielo tug the rope freequrteeasilyIf
2o8-2og 2r o- 212

you do not have a rope, you will have !o head for thc 2ro
Soufh Cate afler all (tum lo r84) Roll four dice and add up lhe numbersrolled Ii lhe
lotal is equal Lo or less lhan your current STAMINA
208 score,turn to 29.If the tolal rshigherthanyour current
The nrght passes with unbearableslownessand,thanks srAMrNA score,tum to JE5,
to your jailer'sgrog-drenchedsnorcs,you don't get a
minute'ssleep.At dawn,four cily guardsstrjp you of 2 rr
all your belongings,then escorlyou to a large,melal \o soonerdo you prck the object up when its sidcs
walled wagon Along with an assorhncntof rogues, flick open: viciousblades,piercingspikesand slicing
you are Lhcnddven to thc city dungeon ln this laby razorsspringout in all dfect\ons TeslVourLuck.II y or]
rinlh of dank and murky chambers you are chainedto areLucky,you drop the spherebeforeil canmlureyou
a slone pos! and left to brood among a multitudeof lf you areUnlucky,roll onedie to seehow manyof the
miserable forgottensouls.You fearthal you will never device'sdeadlyprojectionsinjureyou. For eachinjury
seethc light of day again Evenif you do, il will be far suslained,roll anotherdie andlosethatmany suurN,l
too lale for you to helpthe peopleof Karnstern poinls
If you are still alive, you may go eilher down the
manhole(tum to 375)or alongthe street(turn to 22).
No one in any of lhe rnnsor tavemsyou callaLknows
anythrngaboutthis 'manof numbers'However,in Lhe
last place you entcr, you may buy any nlrmber of All rhe buildingsof Cumblesideare in a poor sta[e,
Provisionsat a cost of : Cold Piccesper meal Where lheir humanoccupantsiong gone,drivenaway by Lhe
wrll you ask aboul lhe matt of numbers' fhe encroaching evil of the mountains.You can'Lhelp but
stores(turnto l9r) or the square(turn to z7)? shiveras you walk throughthe dark,neglectedstreets.
And your imaginatronseemsto be playing lricks on
yoq because you keepseeingthings One minuteiL'sa
pair of mysteriouseyes,the next it's a fleetingshadow.
If the creatures
were real,they would haveno reason
not to atlackyou. Unlessthey werewaiting fof some-
A ShadowWarrior springsout of lhe
shadowsin front of you Will you standand{ight (tum

lo Jrr) or run backto the possiblesafetyof the tower

(lumlo r4r)?

2 rt
Looking over ihe front line, you can see that six
Haggwortare b.in8ing up Lherear with somesorf of
living device;it lookslike a twjtchinS,blacktreetrunk
- possiblya batteringram You tum to askWulf if he
knor-vs what the thing rs - and seefo your horror that
he is on lhe brinkof death The l{aggwort areconcen-
tratingall theirefiortsagainsthim,and he cannotbring
his heavy longswordto bear in time to fend ofi their
manyblows Mindful of theloominBHaSgwortdevice,

Usethis opportunityfo flee? Turn to 2j

Go in searchof lhe wilch? Turn Lor4z
Try to saveyour friend'slife? Tum Lo28t

You say to fhe clom,',{lthough Idon't havemuch
experienceasa prformeaI'm willing to leam I'llhave
a at anythinSonce.
The clown beams,her eyesdisplayingmaliciousglee
'Will you, indecd?'Then shebreaksoff, and everyone
gathersaroundwhile shegoesto lctchsomeprops
Sheplacesthe headof a pantomimehorseover your
head;you canhardlyseea thing ihroughfhe holescrt
'. it. Then she puts threeJugglingballsin your hand
and tellsyou to;uggle with them You have only just
startedwhen shegrabshold of you and startsspinning
2t 5-216 217- 219

you around.As shedoesso,someonekicksyou in lhe Willyou enler the templegrounds(tum ro 164)or the
legs DespiLethis obvious attempt Lo humiliatyou, oalhway(tum lo 196)?
you musLnoLdrop a singlcball TestyoarSklll If you
turn to 77 Ii you fail, lum to 67

Your mind racesas you study the dead man'smap
With a degreeof commonsense, you shouldbe ableto
work out whereVoivod is right now. Onceyou have not, you must return lo the junctionand go eitherto
done so,you wrll haveto convertthe place-name inlo :heleft, out of the caves(turn to 8o),to the right (Lum
numbers If you know how to do lhis, get started ro 1391,or slraighton (tum lo 296)
slrajght away When you lhink you have found thc
number tum to it. lf the entry you lum to doesnot 2rB
make sense,you have chosenwrongly. If the entry Seerng you startto run,the shamanhurnesforwardand
doesmakesense,carryon wilh the adventureBecause 'psthe packaon vor,roack.Sheopensit dndscattcr.
Voivod rs still makinghis initial preparations,
you will rourbelorging.all overtheground.You -1srrangrity
havehme Lovisil two places.If the first placeyou tum iowardsher bul she flees.You won't have rme to
to happensLobe the right one,you reachVo;vod early chaseher, nor will you have time lo recoverall your
(note fhis on yol;l AduentureSheel)If nertherof the ihings before your escapeaLtemptis
ent es you tum to makessense,or lf you just don't nay recoverany lrve ilems(in addrtionto any amour
know how to 6nd Voivod in the 6rst place,tum to lou areaLready wearing)-All your Provisionscountas
229 cne item, as do all your Gold Pieces.Once you have
.hosenwhich frve things you want to keep,crossall
2,r6 :he othersoff your,,lllenturc SheeL
Worried that you
For a momentall is qLdet,but the lull provesdeceptive nay not escape,you waste no morc lime and sLarl
By chancea guardcatchessighl of you and rarsesthe lrllrnin8.
Ir.r uon 1u,k ll you areLucky.(um ,o JSo.
alarmoncemore.Afler yet anothersprint,you unwrt- Dutrt you afeUnlucky, furnLor19.
tingly enler a cul-de-sacA,hcadof you, borderedby a
low wall, are the greenandplcasantgroundsof a small 219
tcmple.To your ieft is the cntranceto a narrowalley ,-Jandsflying rn al1 directions,Zekareh,the beggar
way,this dingy pdlh,lincdon eithersideby lofly walls, :rophet,proclaimsthe Doom of TiLan.'Woe is me, the
headsin the generaldncchonof the city's EastGate :nd of the worid is nigh The very earthrtselfis dying,
2ZO-22t 222-22'

poisonedby the buriedcankerwifhin, whosereieaseis yourLuckand TestyourStiil If you fail eifrel test,you
nigh for when the five free lhe one,the vcry air ilself plummetto your deaLh.Ifyou passboil iests,howevel
shail vent decay and the dead shall walk Only the you miraculouslysurvive,with only a lossof z srev
Spearand the defenderof the meekcansaveus' iNAPomts
You find all lheseprofoundramblingsa little confusing Rushingthroughthe town,you seeLhatthe Haggwort
and repelilive,so you mov on As you go, Zekareh's are laying it to wasle and butcheringfhose of its
eye siaresat you If you havenol alreadydoneso,will inhabitanlswho havenot aireadyfled.You too escape
you now approachthe young woman (,Lurn to 289)or alongtheroadleadingsouth.Turn fo u5
the manin black(lum lo r37)?

'Whatl I? A cheat?How dare youl'Despite Lhepain
'My, my Such a fine garmcnt It should make my job causedby your trghl grip on his puny wrist,Bartolphis
all lhe easier,' laughs thc robbcr as he snatches the still able to put on a show of offendedoutragethat
cloak from you. He pufs it on and becomes all but seemsa little loo well praciisedAs far as the onroor<crs
in\,isible in lhe shady clcaring. You curse your own canle1l,you lost lair and square.Whenyou pickup the
slupidity, as his voice sfarts lo come al you from all dieandroil I scventimesin a row, however,LfeymaKc
directions,'Begone,you miserablecoward, bcforc I losc
my paliencel'Try as you may, you canrot sceyour evil
opponent, so you hurry out of lhe glade, awal,' from
the Wizard's Well and lhe highwayman's taunting. If
you wish to continue northwards in searchof lhe 'dead'
hermit, tunr to 349. lf you feel that you have wasted Piecesbelongingto him Satisfredlhat jushceis about
too much trme already and would be better off heading .o be done ) ou .lore r ou- e,r' ro Ba*olohs whining
back soulh, turn to 44 and edvelhe lave.n lakirgl-i. die nith you.Aod lhe
Cold Piecesand the LoadedDic to your Adoenture
sict,and lum to 30
The Haggwort are blocking lhe stairway, so you will
haweto leap lhrough the open window A thirLy'metre 223
drop awarts you on the other side, bu! if is eithcr that As the defeated Shadow Warrior falls, groarxng m an
or certaindeath If you are having secondthoughts and unlidy heap,you reachforward and snatchits weird
would ralher rLskcombat, tum to ,oJ. Olherwise, Irsf maskaway from its face The Warrior'sscreamslices
224-22J 226

throughthe arr; its body dissolvesin a whirlwrnd oi mystical slgnificance.You, however, are more con
crimsonenergy,whrchspinsandspinsuntrlrt burnsoLrt cemedwrth the numberoI city guardswatchingall the
ancl simply fadesaway Though not destroyed,the exits leading from iL At the moment they are not
ShadowWarrior will not be seenagainfor a hundred looking for you, but fhey soon wrll be, once Lhose
years Note on your.4lae f reSheefwhichwafircr yoLt guards dogging your footstepsa ive. You need a
have jusl banished,you will nol have to face this diversion If chaoswere to reiSn- howeverbriefly
Warrior again.If you are told Lhatyou will have to, over the hundredsof peoplecrammedinto Lhesquare,
- you facenothing lf in fulure
itnore the instrucLions you would have no trouble slipprngaway There is
you roll thrsWanrorwhen you roll to seewhichof the only onething that couldpossiblycausesuchanuproar:
6ve you musLface,roll againuntil you gel a different go1d.If you havc aly Gold Pieces,decidenow many
one-Now continueyour adventure you wrshio Lhrow,lhendeductthemfrom your,4loen
ture Sheet.Then roll one die. If the numberrolled is
higher lhan the number of Gold Piecesyou have
Smeggleadsyou away foom the bright chamberand thrown,turn to 389;if the numberrolledis equalio or
lakesyou down many a crampedand winding pas- lower thanLhenumberofGold PiecesyoLrhavethrown,
sageway.A shorlwhile later,you cometo a smallcave turn lo j7. If you don't haveany Gold, or choosenot
with a hole in the floor 'Smeggies
pit,'declaresSmegg to wasteany,you mustsurrenderto lhe guards(turnlo
as he takesthc stoul rope from his shoulderHe tresa 199)
looFroundhis waistand thenoffersyou the olher end
'Pul rope round you Smegglower you down Tunnel 226
aLbottom GoesunderElties'lf you want to continue Obeyingyour 6nely honedrnstincts,you drop to lhe
along'Smeggiesroute', tum to 3r3 If, however,the ground and roll forwardjust as a cloud oi knock-out
thought of climbingdown a shaft at Smegg'smercy gasfloatslhroughlhe ajr to whereyou were slanding.
givesyou secondlhoughts,lurn lo 50- Made wary by lhis trap,you leavethe placeand make
your way aroundmore slealLhilyr walkingon rooftops,
--t sneakinglhrough lrackyards,never once enlering a
You have just enlered one of Royal Lendle's malor placeby obviousmcansIn doing so,you cometo learn
tounst attractions,
MasonicSquarFilledwrth traders' that the whole iown is just onebig mazeof lraps It is a
and merchants' stalls,the major featureoi its bLildings miracle lhat you have 8ot this far wilhout furthcr
rs their6ne stoneworkand the slatuesdepictingthe life mishapYou decidenol to pushyour luck loo far anci
of Orlan lhe Builder Somesay lhat the measurements, makeyour way out of town lfyou want to headsoulh,
anglesand proportionsof the squarehold somedeep lurn to 75 Ii you would ralher skrrt back round the

town and investigatc th tower you saw eatlier, Lum

lVith only a brief intervaLfor somemuch-needed sleep
restore2 srAMrNApoints),you continuewestwards
until you cometo the BumrngBalrogInn. The placeis
empty but for the landlordand threeFemphreywar-
.iors,veteransof the lvar of lhe lour Kingdoms-fudg
ing by the noisethcy are making,ihe veteranshave
alreadyhad too much to drink And if this isn't bad
enough,they aresithng with a Man Orc assassin who,
seeingyou, shouts, fawt I cudsmellsumiink.Il's a Gaf
Oneof the veteransdrawls,'Pah,lezzkickthe backstab-
bin' worm outtahere'
The oldestof ihe veteransstaresat you intently,then
growls,'lt isyoul We foughtin the BattLeof MallaSash,
and you gaveme thisl'He Liftsup his left aIrn;in place
of his hand is a metal hook. Now you remember:he
lr,asa scrgeanL-at-armswho would havekilledyou, bLrt
for the severewound you inflrctedon him. Stirredby
ihe tro-ble'omeVan-Orc,ihe veterans dip Browing
angrierby fh secondWill you ignorethemand go to
lhe bar(lum to l), askfhe veteranswhy they arewilh a
Man-Or. (lum lo 287),or attackthe assassin, beforehe
goadsthe veteranson to violence(tum to z6t)?

\"ot a single one of thc circus folk hears or sees you as
,vouimitatea desertLzardand wriggle lowardsthem-
lown and investigate the tower you saw earlier, tum
lo r4r.

With only a briefintervalfor somemuch-needed sleep
(iestore2 srAMlNA poinLs),you continuewestwards
until you comeLothe BurningBalrogInn. The placeis
empty but for lhe landlordand LhreeFemphreywar
riors,veteransof the War of lhe FourKingdomsfudg-
ing by the noise ihey are makrng,the veteranshave
alreadyhad too much to drink. Ard it this isn't bad
enouSh,they are sitling with a Man-Orc assassin who,
seeingyou, shouls,'l fawt I cudsmellsumfinkIt's a cal-
One of lhe veLeransdrawls,'Pah,
bin' worm oulta here'
The oldestof the veteransstaresat you intently,lhen
growls,'lt isyor.rlWe foughl in the Battleoi Mallagash,
andyou tave me lhisl'He lifts up his left arm;in place
of his hand is a metal hook. Now you remmber:he
r,"asa sergeanlat-amswho would havekilledyou, but
lor lhe severewound you inflictedon hirn.Stined by
rhe trout'le.ome Mar-Or,. rhe !eleransdre SrowinS
angrierby the secondWill you ignorefhemand go to
lhebar (turnio 3),askthe veLerans why fhey arewith a
Man Orc (turn to 287),or attackihe assassin, beforehe
goadsihe veteranson Loviolence(tum to 269)?

\oi a single one of the circus folk hears or sees you as
you rmilatea desertlizardand wriggle towarclsfhem
230- 232

beneathyour feet as the Earth,mother

ard the Homed
Cod realizethat all is iost.

it was messy.The operalionmust be carjed out with

grealerstealth,so that we canattainthemonthly target
figure.through careful managementrather than ly
You'renot ai all surewhatthisall means,and you don,t
receive any enlightenrnentwhen the conversauon
moveson to normalcircusbusiness. You sneakawayto
your options.Returnto 255 and choosean
optionyou havenoLselectcdalready.

uescendrnqd tong, wide starrcase,
Yourioumeyha. rakenfoo long.Perhaps you rarlcdlo srrrngcnrc Dum\you (ded'rct I points
ta[.ethe threalof V.vod serrously fromyoursrAMrNA).Willyou Uo;
enou6hbut thc
Warlordis no paltry dictator.Hc hasalreadyraisedar North? Tum to 169
army, fen Lhousand strong,of shamblingUndeadand, Soulh? Tum fo r87
throughhis ShadowWanior lieutenants, is mastermind- Turn to rzz
ing an invasiono[ the living world.The groundwrithes Wcst? Tum to r44

lar rtems of equipment lrom your ,\thtentureShcet\oL

may choose which itcrrrs to ccoss off, buf all r.ou
l-o.rrior. cnurl r. do all lour e. :
Yo; ro o-ger f"el thrr,ro..rlg thc moof,:. d bo
idca.lhere are too many dangcrs lf you want to l----
f^ l,.tor.n ru-n lu JC' lf rorr r,r,rl,l r.rth,- s .
in|esli8;te ihe strangetorvrr,{urn to r42.
Quinsberry Woad sneersvindiciively as his men strip (-asrirg .o.r Joubtr r. Ce yr,u t .r k in,- rne r
you of practically ali your belongings. 'Sorneonewith -..
dnJ \oon -L(,umb l. lhc \h(nrn6 draugirtrni.rr ' :
becn'plrllLC all ovcr lour rood. lum to r86

This is a mosl annoying and uniortunate start to your

adventurc. You can oniy hope that you will not let fhc
people of Karnstein down an1' furlher' With nothtng
else to do, you make your h'ay out of the city Cross
off everything except your t{'apon from your .Arft'urr
trls Slrsff,and turn to r45

You try fo lhrow yourself aside, but too lalel Thc
moment yoLrr foot touches the disc, there is an lm
plosionof Darklight
216-217 2t8-219

46 altention Somethingrs moving in the shadowsbehind

'What?'he gasps.'Cleanliness? In Lendle?There'sno lhe six rcmamingstatues.If you havea minor tum to
suchthing.'He swifrly pulls backa curtain,seParating 3zz Il yolt haven'i, Testgour Luck.Il you are Lucky,
the parlourftom his living quarters, and calls,'Bransell!' Lurnto 2r; but r[ you areUnlucky,turn to 14.
In response,his pet appears: a ferociouswolf sizedratl
Beforeyou know it, the rodent rsuponyou, iLsSrasPing 238
talonsclawng at your skin To your amazemenl, you land squarelyon Lhehorse's
back However,Lheimpaclproves to be quite painful
(deduct1 point from your sr.rvrre). Up on the roof,
lf you wirl as you leavethe parlouryou grab 4 Gold the city guardswatch dumbfoundedas you urge the
Piecesfrom Roggmondo'still andleavethe taLtoorstlo horseout of the alleyand away.You stop for nothing,
weepover the carcass of his fallenguard-rat.Out in the speedingthrough crowdedsquaresand alleywaysto-
sLreeL,you seea large crowd seethingaheadof you, wardslhe crty'sNorth Gate.There,you drsmourtand
andan angryguardpatrolbehrndTum to rr8 send the horsehome with a good slap.You cannot
resista quietchuckleasyou walk pas!the gatewardens
who,ignoranlof your misdemeanours, merelystandby
asyou exit the cily Turn to r4j

You unhookthe lantemsand spill orl on lhe seats,over
lhe canvas,down the ropes,everywhere.Then you
fling lhe flaminglantemson to Lheground and soon
the whole Lentis aflame.You huny outsideand almost
run into thecircusfol( slandingbeforeyou,Mandrakes
hissinglherrhafed For a momentyou think you are
done for, but no. The Mandrakesmerely stand lheir
You stepup to the statueand pour the preciousdroPs ground Then you notice the nervous look on the
between1tspetrfiedlips In momenLs, the old scholaris clown'sface.Iler eycsglanceover your shoulder,look-
fleshagain 'lt cannotbe . . but it isl'he quaversThen ing behrndyou al the tent, at the fire. That'sit the
he pushespasl you and makeshis way out of the cave Mandrakes'one weaknessmust be hrerWill you use
His fear of berng caught again is stronger lhan his thisspecialknowledgeto altackfhe Mandrakes(tum to
gratitude.But his shoutshavealreadydrawnunwanled 17)or usethe6re asa diversionandflee(tum to ro4)?

You follow endlesskilometresof underground passages,
your rntemalsenseof directionensuringthat you are
alwaysheadingroughly southwards. The corridoryou
are currenLlyfollowing seemsto end in a room with
phosphorescent walls.Facingyoq at the far end of ihis
room, is an open arch,beyondwhich is a descending
A strange-shaped metalplatehargs over the
archwayYou arestill approaching lhe room whenyou
seesomethingstir in lhe darknesson thevery threshold
of the chamberIn a high voice,the silhouettecallsout,
'Ha1tlMe Smegg,Guardianof the Gate' ,.rsyou oraw
closerLothe6gure,you seethat it is a smallhumanoid,
cladin lhe skinof his latestconquest a grantsprder!
Suppressingyour revulsion,will you do as Smegg
commandsand stay whereyou arc (tum to 9j), or do
you attackhim (turn to jo)?

Yearsof separationhave madeyour partnershipwith
your old frienda little rusty,you move too slowly to
dodgethe deadlysharpmachelewhich sinksinto your
shoulder(deduct5 pointshom your srAMrNA).If you
are still alive,you straightenup as Villgran pulls the
weaponoul and throwsil asrdeThankinglhe old man,
yoLrLumto seeWulf kill the very Haggwortwho just
lhrew the macheteat you. Willyou:

Rushover to thebanicade? Tum !o 298

Go lo confrontthe wrtchr Turn to r4z
flee from Hustrngsbeforeworse
befallsyou? Turn to z5
242-244 245

242 of Orcish snoring Restore1 point of rucr for your

It is difficull,but not impossible,to defendyourself cleverplanningRummagirgthroughthe Orcs'belong
from lhe monsterwhle unbucklingthe strapswhich ings,you find a swordand lwo (barelyedible)mealsof
bind you to the table However, you must subfracl Provisions, which you may fake.Then you fleealonga
l point from your Altack Sfrengfhfor the frrst frve ruggedmountaintrack TeslyaurLuclc.Ifyou areLtcky,
rounds oi combat - the lime it takes you to free lurn to jjo lf you areUnlucky,turn to rr9
yourseli Kauderwelsch slandsbac( cacklinginsanely.
SK] LL 8 STAM I N A 1 4

If you win, tum to 87

YoLrrhastysearchlurnsup r Cold Pieceon the corpse
of one of the lhugs - lhe measlysum Bartolphpaid
lhem lo kill vour You may take this coin in the bief
secondlhal passcsbeforcthc guardsappearand throw
a weightednci at you You will have to lcap aside
beforeyou aresnaredlike a corneredrat TestyaurShll 245
lf ou -u,c"cd ynu dndgelhe rel ,r-d ra'. -r-nup tLe lhis ShadowWanior carriesa numberof deadlythrow
slrccf (turn lo 360)or fu.ther down lhe alley (Lurnto ing starswhich are castin a magicalsubsta;rce called
z6z).if you fail, you are entangledand captured(turn Cmefmetal.Any wounds causedby the metal keep
ro r99l_ growing - tearing and splilting the body until the
victim suffersa slow and parnfuldeath At the startof
244 ,vourbattle,the Warior wrllhavetime to spinone such
l{hile Bonesquagg Crogmaker'snol take missilcin your direclion.festyaw Skill If you succeed,
a vial of the potent draught and pour jt into the -vou
dodgelhe starand begincombatas nomal; buLrf
bubblingcaLrlcircn andrat droppingsstewi
oi cockroach you fail, the starembedsitself deepwithin your body,
Knowinghumans'fussi, tastcs,none of lhe Orcs is andyou die in seconds
suspicious!!.henyou politely dcclinc a borvl of lhe hffh SHADOW WARRIOR sKrLL 9 srAMrNA
stuff;and it orly takesten minutesioi the draughlfo
do iis work Soonlhe rn'holearcacchoeslo the rumble 1iyou defeatlhe Warrior,turn to 1rj-
246-248 249

246 The ShadowWariors are stominS acrossthe 6elds.

Roll one die: the numberyou roll tellsyou Lhenumber Will you stay insidethe cavein lhc hopc thal they'll
ot attempisyou may makeLocut the ropesbeforethe ide pasl (turn to rrr), or makea run for it, iest lhey
Dark Elveswill reachyou. You must rol 9 or aoove trapyou here(lurn to J7)?
with two dice,in o.der to succeedIf you don't havea
weapon,you must subtracl1 from your rolls If you
succeed rn cuttingLheropesinsidethe allottednumbr
of tries, fum to z6r. If you don't manageit, tum to

A few hours pass;you hnd yourselfin a wide, opn
field when the overcastsky breaksto Lhe sound of
Lhunderand is torn apart by jagged Lghtmng.Soon
you aredrenched in torents ofrain.In Lheneardistance,
to your lghl, is a copsewhich may offer someshelter
Straighiaheadaremore openfields You arejust won-
deringwhich would be the best route Lo follow when
lhe earthstartsto shakeThe wet grassaheadof you
bulgesupwards,formrnga mound- and the sideoI the
moundconLortsinto a face!An impossrblywide mouth
opensand howls wrth deafeningforce The very earth
is screaming, andrts cnesareaccompanied by the most
violent quakeyet You will have to try very hard not 249
lo lose your tooting as you mn acrossthe slippery You stand little chanceoFbeatint your omnipotcnf foe
grass Tesfyour SkilLlf you succeed, turn to 88 If you b.ri you must do your best, for the sakcof thc world.
fai1,turn to 378 Each lime you lose an Attack Romd of combat, any
STAMINApoints you lose nusl be addul to Yoivod's
248 current total he Lhriveson your deathl
Leavingthecasketwhcrcit lies,you areaboutto depart
whenyou hearthe soundof horscr hoofs.Couldit be?
Your hearlpoundsasyou move over to the door It rsl If you wrn, turn to Jo3.
25a-25\ 252-2rt

250 Puther to the stake? Turn to zor

Using almostall your remalningrese es of energy, Tell her lo {reethe Haggwort? Turn to JJr
you dive to one side,jusl as the Slygoredropsdown Haveher submitto the time-honoured
on the stonewhere,momenlsearlicr,you lay- Presscd of destroyingUndead:decapitation? Tum !o 16r
hard againstthe curvedsewer-walland a mere metre
awayfrom lhe creature,you ignorethe painandstagger
to your feet But your fadrng visron is filled wilh Ennian6ghtsLikea ,razedanimal,andhis blood,which
imagesof the Slygorerising.You must flee lesf yorr is green,is enoughto distractyou from the businessin
Lu*.If you areLu&y, turn to r8o; if yori are Unlucky, hand.But you musL6nish the Burgomeisler beforehis
lurn to 365 reinforcements arrive

tf you defeathim in Iive roundsor fewer,lum to 84.But

if Ennianis aliveafter6ve Attack Rounds,turn to ro7.

'Very persuasive,'you say mockingly, 'bur yr.lur new
regime will be one of death.Take a look at yourself By
your own admission,you should be mere ashes in a
grave - but no, the earth has spat you out And
although you cling desperatelyLo this "life", it tormenls 253
you- Your body is stretched beyond its limrts. YoLr Descendinga long, wide staircase,
Wamphyri existenceis a mockery of life-'
WiLh each passingword, Urtha grows morc ard more Norlh? Tum lo 266
enraged until Tnoughl' she cries 'I r.r.ill show you South? Tun lo 29r
what il is to be immorlal Name your challenge.'Will Tum lo 232
you: Wes|? Tum to r44

You havechosenwrongly.A mysticforceshootspain-
tu1lyup your arm and stunsyou (deductz pointsfrom
,\'oursrAMrNA).The forcealsoalertsthosewho dweli
rvithin the templc Three sickle-wielding Geomancers
arriveanddragyou rntothc temple'santcroom,beyond
Hhich no outsidermay go They hold you lher unUl
lheb master,lhe Arch druid,appears.Like them,he is
cLadin robesof shimmeringwhite, but is more aged
and splendid.He deciaresthrough his massivesilver
beard,'Thoughyour coming has been foretold, you
have trespassed on fo$iddn lawns.You musraccepr
fhe Challengeof the wise Earthmother Thc rcwardis
l-reedom, the penaltyis death' Bcforeyou know it, Lhe
threeCcomancers forceyou to your kneesandinter)ock
:herrsicklebladcsfo form a razor-sharptrianglearou,rd
r.our ncck The aged masterconhnues,'I call up the
Chalicnge of theEarthmothcr.On your headbe undcr
slandingEquallength between,yet unequalin length.
tvhal are wc, the equinoxor the solsticeTIf you think
lhe answcrto his commCrumis 'th equinox',turn to
38o;if you think the correctansh,errs'the solshce',
iurnro 332
255-2t6 257-259

255 257
As all lhe performersare ticd up at the campiremeet- Only fhe foolhardypeerinlo an Orb of Mind-snanng.
ing, now seemslike a good time to invesLigatethe You havelost your will to lhe crystal,whereit will sfay
circus.WLllyou until HegmarrelLms to free it Unforlunatelythc
magiciaris dead,so you will be lost in lhis limbo for all
Searchthe clown'swagon? Tum lo 333 elemlly,
Searchthebig Lop? Tum to r79
Searchthe Hall of Dreamswagon? Tum to 387 258
Try andhearwhat'sbeingsaidaroundthe The door refusesto open, but your raltling of lhe
campfire? Turn to 3o2 handlehas alerfed someoneon the other side The
Rushallnineof lhemin a suryriseattack? Turn lo 45 hissingnoisestopsabruptiyand a wcary, agedvoice
callsout, 'Who's there?Ii you've cometo tormenrme
256 again,begoneIs it not enoughlo keepme lockedup
Realizingfhat thereis noLhingto be gainedby lying, al1theseyears?If you reallymeanto freeme, find the
you come cleanand tell the Orcs somethingof your CopperKey And a word of advice:go whereveryou
mission.'HahtSeel'spils Uggamonggoal his shaman ihink sheis ' You rarseyour voice,trying to pressthe
'Spy,my gutl It's a mercenree,a good solid fighterlike inrnatefor more information,but your guestionsare
wot we are Freethe mercenreel'The Orcsreleaseyou, meLwith silence.There'snothinglefLfor you to do but
whLle the shaman hobblesoff in disgrace,having lost go back lo Lhe junction There, will you row go
anotherround in the continuingpower stmgglewith straighlon (lurn to 296),to the right (turn to rr9), or
her own leader Uggamonggosuddenlytakes5 Gold lo the left, oul of lhe cavcs,(turn to 8o)?
Piecesout of a pouchhangingat his waisf and gives
rhemto you. We cuddo n r .o'neonelilc yoo in our 259
baltle This iz yer payment,mercenree.'Youare just This ShadowWarior rs a masterswordsman, wielding
puttrng the gold away - as refusrngthe offer would n'ilh consummateeasea pair of razoredged broad-
meancertaindeath whena volley of arow-fire comes swords,one in eachhand Eachtime you losean Aftack
flying through the air Uggamonggoshouts,'ll's a Roundagainslthis foe, you musl dduct4 pointsfrom
surpriseattackJ'Indeed,you see lhe Orcs of the Big I'our srAMrNAinstcadof lhe usualz.Armour or lrsfin3
Boulderchargingthe encampmenL- Will you use the yolrrlark may nof beusedto reducethisdamage
confusionto Lryand slip away(turn lo 2r8), or honour Third SHADOW WARRIOR sKrLL
your - albeitforced- conlractand standyour ground 9 srAMrNA9
alongsideUggamonggo(turn to 42)? lf you defealtheWarrior turn lo Jrj
260-261 264-266

200 of suchobjectsas the lron Bell to summonand guide

The Chamclcon Cloak works like a dream: the Hagg- theseevils;turn to 7,
wort does not seeyou as you slip past il and press on
along the road Further on, you remove lhe cloak and 264
slLrdyyour surrouadings The moors look too darger- You havechosenconectly:the moon reflectsthe light
ous, so you decrdelo keep to lhe road Wrll you now of the sunandit obscuresLhesunin an ecllpse,the sun
go to the lown (lum to 167) or lowards the slrange caflroteclipsethe moon andils light ls its own As the
towd (lun lo r42)? gatesopenbforeyou, however,you cannolhelp but
sensethat you have lost somethingin you success.
26r Huniedly you makeyour way rourd to the backof lhe
There is a loud twanging souncias thc ropes snap The templeard soonyou cometo anoLher gale,leadingouf
brrdge swings down into the chasm,and lhe Dark Elves of Lhegrounds.You openit and enlera narrow street.
fall, screaming,to their doom Your joy fades,however, Willyou now go lo the lefl (lum to ,or) or to theright
when you hear more cultists arriving, on yaar side of (tum to rr8)?
the chasmlQujckly, will you go to fhe left (tum to 12)
or Lo the dghl (tum to 278)? 265
You have had enoughoI the Orc's insults,and you
262 decideto teachhim a lesson- but all the veterarsger
After a few promlsing turns, the alley comes to a clead up and standin your way; eventhe landlordhovering
end The only way out is back towards the street; but in the background,readyto hit you {rom behrnd The
evn now you can see a city guard coming Lowards assassinJusLlaughs,'Typrcull Gallantreescum' Will
you from lhat dircction You are bracing yoursclf for you presson with your attack(tum to r1z), backdown
combat when you hear a metallc clang; you nave and askthe men why they'respendingtheir trmewith
stcppedon a manholecover Wrll you lift the cover and sucha foulcreatue (turn to 287),or tum yc'uroacnon
descend rnto the city sewers (turn to 37J), or stand themand buy yourselfa drinl (tum lo 3)?
your ground and face the solrtary city guard (tum to
46)? 266
An eldritchfrrecoursesthroughyour veinsanddestroys
20J you in a blazeof agony or so il secms,for your
Your heroic action sLopslhe lolling of the Iron Bell body liessleepingat the foot of the wide staircaseYou
the dead shall not walk jusl yet But as long as Voivod camedown the stepsjust lhe once,beiorebeingput lo
exrsts,lhe evils will contrnue to mulliply; it is the task sleepby lhe frle Cuardianof the Gate Yow repeated

.ls.ent,sincefhen,hasall becnpart oI a neverending

nrghtmarefrorn whjch you shxll neve, scapc.

Though you arc fit to drop wrth tircdness,you persrst
| _vourrorLrncysoufhrvards. ft rs miciafternoorwhen


210 :he exit and lhe Bale !vardensthcrc lrc roncerned with
The tattooist's cxprcssronbetrays a mixture of puzzle searchinga lrader's caravan,so no onc notices when
mnt and vexat( 'Weil, whal are you doing in here, _'ou arc pulled inLo a derelict shack by a figure, clad
then?'he asks angrrly Will you tell him that you are read to foot in black robes Though hc is veiled, you
hidrng from Woad's mcn (turn to j96) or thal you are rcognizethe swarthy face of a Man Orc He wields an
a city hygiene rnspcctorwho has come to chcck on the evil-iooking blade with manic ferocity, and hisscswith
cleanlinessof hrs t,rtbo parlour (tum lo 236)? hatred;'Die, fool Nerther you nor ytrrr peasantfricnds
shallreachKarnsteinalive My maslcrs'wjll bc donet'
27r Then he is upon you
The more closcly you inspect lhe encampment, the \,jAN ORC ASSASSIN sKl| r rl srAMrNA8
more honlfying ihc situation becomes Cuignol told
If yoLrhrinwithout losingany srAMrNApornts,turn to
yoLr that he was alone, he l;ed Search;ngthrough fhc
.{o; if you win but lrrr. becn u,ounrlcd,tLrrnro 4
.er: l orr -rndrlc orl.-rnging.oi>ere-orLe-oeo-e
his colleagues; and then 1ou 6nd their bodies,tossed
into a hastilydug l.cnch Cuignoimusl havemlrrderd
The corridor is narrow and dark, so dark that it is only
eachand every one of lhem SureLy,lhis could not have
tuck that slops you ftom putting.r ioot out over a
been the result of an academicdispute,however heatedi
bottomlcsschasm.The chasm is loo wide to jump
If you wish, you may take a sword lhat you find rn one
across.If you have a rope and gr.rpplc, tum to 355. If
of thc tents. Thcn rril iour dice and add togcther the
you haven't, turn to 2o2.
numbers rollerl If thc lolal is equal to or lower than
yor.u current sr^MrNA score,you may either leave the
dig (tum to z82i or try to deslroy the skeleton (turn
to 294) But il lhc total is higher than your curent
srAMrNAscorc,lunr to j85

You have waskr.l nruch precious time in Royal Lendle

11;1t" 56rrr\ L,rr' ..n.,g\L,jl a.L ... ,
coLrnlerbalanccd, trro'door strucfuremade oi heavill
reinforcedstecl,and is sel in the av,'esome cit) vvall
vr\r.rr '..o Lhi.l J' (- nrv" lrlnncl.Jnd defen,iv.po,l'
built into rt Thcn is not much h#6c passing through
27 4-276

The struggleovcr, 1ou searchlhe body oi fallcn

advenary and flnd .uCloldPiecesand Pror isionsenougl
ior r meal Now yoLrhave lime eilher lo drink from lhr
Wizard's Well (turn to 58), continue nofthwarLls iIl
searchof lhe tlcad' hermit (turn to 349), or leave thc
areaalLogetherand hcad back south (turn to 44)

You bowl lhe glowrng crystal along the ground so thai
rt comes to a stop fight in lhe middle of the HaggworL
but they havc no nrrndsof lhcir own lo losei One ol
lhe Haggh.ort picks up the sphere and tosscs it asidc 211
iato the quicksan,l((ross it off yorr AdxenhLreShutt Iust as you pass ihrough thc door, a full cnamoerpor
\orr will ialls kom abor e, narrowly mrssrnllyou, and lands rctth
.\llack lhe i-latgr!orLin the hope oi a LLud.,p' irg rls .trnkineco-1,-ts rl over Ll.r , d?et.
destroyjngthcrrdevice? Turf io 179 You have entereda cosy littlc room, occupied by a nice
Wait to seervhattlnl drvtcedoesnex[ Turn to riJ old granny who has jusl riscn to her feet and starled to
Co artd find the witcl,? Tum to r42 {redn. 'Burgrar.'lhreves,ll, 11,. hrlp: The ri\ guards
IearerlelownnIi|, 1,u'lrl 'ar? lun ro,r5 !1ill be only loo qui.l lo h,rr h, r,rres. )ou may take
one of two exiLsfrom the roorn. a closed door leading
216 Lo lhe redr of the burlding\UIn to t2El
You wet the pehific<l|ps of the young scholarrvith thc 11:gt-toi,tarrr whi.h goes u1,r,, tlre frrstfloor Ltr-mto
antidote, and in lcss llran a minute he is moving agani 292)
'Thank the godsl' hr cries Then he looks nenousl;
arourd the room anJ flces rnto th darknsstearinr:
another meeting wilh lhe Corgon But his shouteLr
exclamationhas alrcaily dralr'n un!r,anledaltentioll
T-' -'"-,.r1 . L nJ iLe. r -'c.rrr
re r ll-" .rad,..rr^ -L
ing slatues Ii you h.rvc a milror, fLrm lo J22j it n.]l
Testyto|r Luck ji you arc Lucky, fum lo 2r. Bui if yoN
are Unlucky, tum b 14
2j8-280 28r-zll2

276 Return fo 2tj and choosc an option you have not

Ilnteringa jerlt pr5sait,r{, mn round a corncr. picked before
tir,:rralong a sccmingll,,rrkrrrrin.rble corridor At first
\1, thaf I'our c]',.s.,r pl.ryingfr:.k5o! t,or. bi,t -r8i
't'ou i"g u ihe lnc n,flil c.rrrl :rnd hrar a ieeblc
'ro Therc is Ja1'ligntal thc i',,.1,,i ri'c lLrnejl lJore, r',
,r tr.rrkELiculrisl.:.rul. ::LrrrLl t.rlkjrS iDLrFci\itNlr ,\ nLiLrLLLe rassesl:eio:r'lhc
or s,.-.
,i,.orop.nt J. \ oL.rSr. L,n.rr.l..ridng;: calr.lie,.ilerth
L ) . - \ RKl- iF aL r l.T !Sr :rrLL ' ,,shrs\cLii:rIiarir;: b.rrr,Llthc rl,,or'ceitnrtroL;.sirc
'. . io.,,",-.l ,...,r ..,* ar d rnr ,,1
l l \.rl r', \ ' in : ur n lo J r 6
.r,d P.,.i, r-,,, | ., , ,
" rrci .: f"r i.. , r,..
:219 menls are arrangcrl oLrnrlr cornforting log fire lhc
()re of lhe WarrioisLhrtrsts r sharpbLadcinic,your lcg lady asksyorr io sit dor.vnlhln ftches yoLra goblct oi
r,r,alci,ing1'r,rrr:crction Dcspitc thc hfr and a hiry ol rrlst,rd mcatsand vegetab|.sll
r6ony.aused by the wolri(lLrg,vou don't cvcn bat nn lolr are kecnto ia.lic lhls hc. )'rcpast.tum to 23i. if
cyclid Dciuct r points i',," ;our s I AMr\A Il is rvilh -r.ourvouid ralhcL lei!e L 'rnlil you knon' a Lttlc morc
unbcLierabie reliet thai ]orL :cc the Waniors iurn and iborLt,'olir host turn Lor)9
hcaJi.ackto lh s,ruth .)ul ,,i tl,. ti:is irim lo ro2
2ao it iasi Karnslen:NcsLllngbcneathtirc morntarnsol
C)rttrrg your ieelh. I'oLrr.rr.. l,orr 11'eaFonard lef I (hc onccpl^santviliagenasoccrr
,hc \^.liichloothL.rnc.
tall YoLr stumbleh:ckrr:r.1s c|,i.hing t,our rvirst iI, razdto fhe ground Turs ill I'su1 gt.. as you l,alk
agony Deduci 4 point" ir,rrrrvouf srAMrNA rnd I you mLrst
lhrooghslretsthaf.rc littcredr,rifhcor.pses.
point fron: both your irrili,r/sKILr-scorc ald your avenge the vilLagers,vou nr st stop Voivodl Havc
currnt sKrLLscore T(,iurrrg,r stLip of rloln rrom your
tunic, yorL managc to stan.h thc wound Wait, rvhat's
tli:,| skilteringsound?Yo,r Lrrk.lorvn on lhe floor and
seelour s*'ered hand,movnu r)n il\ a
l . l, - -)1 ,!, -rl
r!'illhale tc fight it ofi
]f you r'r,in,Jou stag,gero'rt ol thc Hall cf Dreams

the ShadowWaniors alreadyforrndthe ancientWar

lord?Despairing,you fall to your kneesand beg the
peopleof Karnstenfor forgiveness.
'Not too late,'gaspsa voicA man,closeto dcath,ljes
nearby Vorvod gone.. - to raiscarmy trom the
dead takethisssss. ' then hc is dead A pieceof
paperflapsin his hand.You takeit and seethat it is a
map of the localarea You musf useif in somcr.vayio
find Voivod - note ths paragraphnumberon your
AdxutlureSheel, as you rvill have to refer to the map
Now lhink backover your adventureIf you haveritler
visiLedthe Buming BalrogTavem o/ searchedior the
Hermit, tum to j8E. If you have visited Ldlli these
pLaces,iurn to 229 If you havebecnto llrillrr, or havc
beento eitheror both of lhem buf havealso travelled
with the Circllsof Dreams,or havebeena captiveof
the Orcsof the BlackScorpion,turn to 2rJ.

The corridor opens out into a vast natural cavcrn,
which is renl in half by a bottomlesschasmA slcnder
ropebrrdgeoffersthe only way acrossYour pursucrs
aremoreusedio LhesecavesthanyoLrare,and four of
themhavealnost caughlup with you Jf you haveany
Calthrops,you may throw a setdown beforeyou cross
the brldge If you do so crossthe Calthropsoff your
tuh:enhrreShut and rolL one dle The numberrolled
givesyou th numberof culfisLsyou shakeoff Those
you manageto losein this way shouldcomcfrom the
284-zE5 286

bottLrmof the list, bcl,w. You must frght any who townsfolk fkc in a blind panrc, the Haggworf close
lhe chase,onc afterthe olher
contrnLre behind thenr I[ lhings go on as they are, thc whole
lorrn couldbc shakenapart \\rll 1'ou
SecoidCULTIST 6 lttack the srx Haggwort so ihrt you can
Thir{lCULTIST 6 disablethcir device? Turn h, 379
founl, CULTIST 9 7 lVait and scc what happens? Tunr h, r53
Roll an Orb of Mind-snaring ri you have
If you win - or if you lose them all lurn lo J,t3. on - ink) lhe middle ot thc si{? Turn b 275
Co and dcal with the iriich?
26,[ FleeHusiings altogetherr Tllm to 2t
Decrdrngto forgo any fornalities, you r;p the woman's
hand She yelps and lets go of her husbrnd, who runs
away, tcrnfred Perylcxcd, you ask the woman whais 286
wrong She answersby making claws of hcr hands and Suddenly, a grimy handreachcs out and yanksyou into
aftackhgyou d . a le v T r( e v o u F -d y o r. rc l-, t ; rd. n gf a L et , . ' a . e
. .\ Ba-rolpl1" gamblcrrnd :w6 1n1g. .16p6i
t'hom blocksyour way backb the street.The llanbler
If yoLrwin, lurn to 376 sportsa nLrnrber of fresh cuts and bruiscs,no doubt
given to hin by lhe patronsof the FirslStep 'Cnrefor
moresport?'he sneersYor.rwrll haveto 6ghl all yoerr
Posscssedby a sudden .age, you cha.8e thc Haggwort assailanis at the sametime
rvhich a.e benl over Wulfs helplessforn, and rcnl
lury Haggwort head aiter Hrggr,vort head
-vour BARTOLfI] 6 7
explodcs (restorc1 rucx point for your L'ravery) Thcn
FirstTHUC 7
th thrcal passesWulf chsps your forearn and forccsa
Second THll(; 5
grim smjle 'lusl like old limes,eh?'
if you r,vin,you may either searchlhe bodics ot your
Beyond the baricade, the six HaSgwort plunge their enemies(tunr to 243),leavethcm. run ouf o[ thc alley
der icc inio lhe earth,whcre i: slartsto cmrt n low hum rnd up thc dreel before any guards, dranrr by the
. a hum which builds up inlo a dealcnint earfhquake noise of thc iight, arive (hrrn to 360), or rush further
The ground splits bencnlh your feet, thc l'.rrricadefalls on don'n lhc alley, in the hopc of finding a hidnu place
apart, and bricks start to fall from nearby houses.The Llu]n lo 262)
287-288 289

281 sfoppingfor nothrng.Strangeas it may seem,they are

Confused,you ask,'What are thrcereputablewarriors doing you a favour,iaking you over Lhemountainsin
dorng,lisleningto a villainousMan Orc half the time it would havetakenyou alonc Smciown
assassin?' comesand lhe Orcsstop to makecamp.UggamongSo
qr,*lion outrage.the fdnrcl seversyour bondsand offersyou onc of two choresr
in lhe wide brimmedhat stridesforward and shouts, you can eilher clca,ntheir booLs(tum to 93) or help
'Are you callingmy mate an Orc? Thal's no way to makeLheeveningrr.eal(tum to 8r).
addressa Femphreyan monk'
Monk?Whal is hc on about?Eilherfhe veteranshave
been drugged,or the assassin is using some sort of 289
magicai disguise The Man Orc sniggcrsand says, Sadly, the well-dressedwoman is fhe most abuscd of
'Catch'He lobs towardsyou Lheblackspherehe'sbeen the day's rantcrs, and shc has already added a few
lossingin his hand.If you catchthc sphere,turn to 98 rnouldy fouii lo her personal jcwcllcry Nevertheless
If you lt it fal1,turn to j26. .l-e labou- on ind )ou di*(o\rr lhal he'cau'e i, one
lhal is quite close to your own heart, Nobody wants
288 lhesemeddling magicianswho claim to be so important
'fhe ior ihe ciefenceof the world They are too powerful
leader, Uggamonggo, orders lwo oI his men to
seizeyou Thcy refuse You groan, lhcn walch as a They already possessenough force lo destroy every
scrapbraksoul T\ao crackedskullslater, thc leader living crcatureon Titan five times over Does anybody
has reassertedhis aulhoity He lells two more of his ask us wheLheror not zrlewant this lond of protection?
Orcs lo seizeyou There is a tensemomenl and i Nol ltl only a matler of time before Trtan is deslroyed,
sharedrntakeofbreath . unhl lhe Orcssieplonard, either by war or by accident. Comrnon people must
one of them sniggeringwheezily.Thcy strip you of unile lo bring an end to this insanily Abohsh all High
bothyour armourandyour weapon(if you haveeither, Magicks NowI'
crossif off your ,4fter;t re Sheef),
th.n tie you by the fusl then, a whooshing sound is heard rn the air, and
wdsls and anklesto a pole,whic.hthcy carryover lheir everyone looks up lo see a vermilion firebali arcing
shouldersUggamonggogrr.urts,'Right, we'.e off fo down through Lhc sky lowards the woman. Since you
bashthe Orcs ov the Big Boulderta prove who'5 the yourself are near her, you may shield the woman by
bosst bc in this piacc Dunnafrei, I'll keep1,oosafe, throwing yowself into fhe path of lhe firebaLlWill you
'cuz I wannapick yer brajn aboutpol it i kul matterz' do thrs (iurn to ,4r), or do you stand weli back (turn
Then the Orcs move out They tralel rncrediblyiast, to 6)?
2r)o-292 29t-294

290 house,two storcyshigh, wrth a commandingvrew of

You must fighl the horible Crombaneall at the same lhe arca The shects rre crawling with Quinsberry's
.'r".t1l",t rrro,tL..pit a milJ ;c d trlich ruinsamorr lackeysAny ihoughtsof escape by runningfromroof-
' you are we.:rng armourand are hit by a Crombane
If top to rooftop are shatteredwhen you seethai a1lthe
in an ALtackltound,you must deduct2 hils from the neighbouringbuildingsare sel at a distancefrom fhe
rnour's total, insteadof lhc normal 1. If you are not one you areon Howcver,an alley runsdon'n one snle
wearingany arnrour,the aciddoesnot affectyou of lhe house,and in this alley standsan unattendcd
horse Bchindyou, a hutfingand puffingguardhaslusl
managc.lto iolLorvyou up on to lhc root. You *'ill
either have lo fight this guard (turn to 192) or do
sccondCROMBANE 7
somelhingyou've alwaysdreamedof jtrmp down on
to the horse'sbackand ride off into thc distance(tLrrn
IiourthCROMBANE 5 7
If you win, you may eiiher hcad for the copse (hrm lo
63), run directly lo the south, towards Hus{ings (lurn 293
to rlt), or go back northwcstwards, Lo thc safely of Justinsidethe doorwaystandsa jackin the-box only
the road (turn b 160) this 'jack'isa boxingglove on the enclof a spring.Yc,u
managclo duckjust in timc, and thc glove punchcsa
29r let splintcrs out of thedoor-frame Stepplngroundthe
l)escending a long, wide staircase,you come to a box, you searchthe wagon Only two iLemssccm
crossroads.Will you go worthy of furtherinvestigationWhichwill you look al
'Itlrn to 169 first; the safe(turn to 59) or a largebook Lhatis lyrng
North? on the clown'sdesk(turn to lu i)?
South? Tum to rri
'I um lo jo4
WesI Tum to 266
You cannolheipbut think that this monstrouslookrng
292 skeletonis in someway responsiblcfor the macabrc
The creaking wooden steps cnd rn a low, musty bed eventswhichhaveovertakenthe site As you climbthe
.oon, rr by -e 'ig-r .6--o tom I ..rgl. flimsyrvoodenscaffold thal hasbeenerectedovcr the
window Therc are no ofher rloors ieading out of thc thint, you feelinstinchvelydrawnh) rfsimmenseskull
room, so yorr rnake for thc window. Aftcr an easl You liit a pick axe, rcrdy to smashthe craniuminfo
climb, you finrl yourself stanclirg on the flaLroof of thc tiny piecesRollfour drceandaddthc numberstogethcr.

If the total of the four diceis equalto or lessthanyour

crrrent srAMlNA scorc, Lum to 129 If thc total is
higherthanyour cunenl srAMrNAscore,turn LoJEt.

The long andwinding staircase bringsyou to ihe cult's
innemost sanctum;the secretchamberwherethe cruel
and misguidedDark Elveskeepfheir 'god' a prisonerl
Acrossthe room rs anotherstarrcase, leadingupwards
this time Bul beforethis exit is a keasuremound,arrd
on thismoundLessomelhingtotallybeyondthe range
of your expenenceIt looks like a cross betweena
cobm,a goat and a man,and iL hassix sword-wielding
arms Fortunalelythe creaiureis asleepat th momeni,
and if rs bound to the wall by a strandof magic You
are sneakingacrossto the other stajrcasewhen you
cafchsight of a magicflng lying on the floor You are
about to prck it up when th crealure'sarms start
wavrngtherrswordsat you. The thing is wakingupllf
you havesomemanacles, you canusethem to bind the
ceaturewhile you eitheratlackit or makegood your
escapc.If you wish to bind two o{ its arms togcther,
tum io 167.If you wish to bind its anklesiogelhea
tum io ,17 Bul if you haveno manacles, lurnto lo7

Thecorndoryou lake looksfairly wide and promising,
but it takesjust one noiseto bring you to a deadhalt
irom round the corner,just aheadof you, comesthe
hissingof a dozen snakesIf you wish to contrnue
roundthis comer,turn to lj2 Olherwis,you mustgo
backto the junctionand 80 eiLherto the left (turn to
291-299 ,oo

rj9), to Lhcight, which will take you out of thc caves nre all the gold thrl ]ou do hr,,,e,togrtlrcr vrith.ny
i'!Jn i.r 8ol or siraight,herd iturn to 2r7l
is lhc orainlool oi _!(Juftradc ln exchangc,I n'ill eivc
297 t't,cok.
se!'cnm,rn: days in r,vhichto find
ln lhc darkncssyou don't even scc lhe dozcnsof hands thc mone_vor m,rkcIourself sc.rrceOf coLuse, if yoLr
:hat rca.h oL,t and scize 1'ou ]iru are powcrlcssio opl i,rr llre lafter.r.tion,I s,r.rliharc no clroicebLii to
resisl as lhc culfislsclra!lyou t!r tlrerrsacrili.i,rl declarc_r'ouan oLrtlawThc:c terns are nol open t(i
ltoh.ttion' l\ill you a6cgplthis rough Jral (turn to
2g8 231).declineand surrendertcrCallantarian lrrv (turn to
The conllict al the b;rrlcacleis fLLIrous: tf,'ugh the r99) or turn and llce lturn to jt8)?
lonnsicni are fightrng a ios;ngbaille lne,r nrrkc tLrc
Haggwort Fght elcry stcp cf lhc way See'ngthat thc
townsfc,lkdon't sccnrto kro,\' ol thc llagtworl s l!'cak
ness,yol, cry out, 'SLnkefor thcrrhcadslThrcc ilagg 300
lo-t i.eadsexplode n qli.k sur..\sior -ln1;s :rlnosl brrrstrn.e,
I ou flcc irom lne mad toln
and arc llung to the ground l,y a massrri,cxplosiort
'TonighLis lheir greitcsl assaultyrt,' gaspslvt lf, nho Cornt has becorlL an hiemo llLrgcclouJs of snokc
onccmorc hghls at Jiolrr sid billow up into thc air, bnngrrrt; vlith thcrn the strong
smell of erplos rc p,lrder is this the rork of the
Quick A Haggr"oLli.ts Srokenthough lhc i,.tlricad
\lanLl'.,kesor an ,rcioi brrr.c surcideiR,,L.l'le
and rs comrngfor torr
arourrl1'ouas you slowl) gel to your fcct un.ia singeci
HACC W O R T STAM I N A 5 prei. ol paper il(,.ts gently ci,wn beft'rc vou Ir is a
brishll,/ le:f1cl pnlrolirg lL,r, ' of
I!,1 o l r i! r n f um io 2Ii
I car,: \'ou L,ok rl lhc dalesrn lhe rapc- The crrcLs
v\asdu. kr be in (;o)nf lor sercrrclays,arrdr,r,as
this !cf_!'nrorninlllTholain$ ll,e hand out .rsrde,you
Taking ilLrinsbcrry .rsrclcfor a nromcrrt. y(trr sLrfiscsl takeuI, ihe l,,Iair JJldlloul. o'r.c morc
l\at 'L nrl!;lrl[rc m,t bcnc6c;elti,, hin'..pri'rn.riit. ri
,o.l..r'r .oulc lo !.rrtr lori.i rn.lgrcenl.iri lrtrlc.r_ ll'or.r,ir ,rear:. r,r, rr.,k tlr,,LLgl.fhe n,ili nni ii is
Su,c enougi, th' ,iry-iarcr ,,iir.raL',.roL,' to f. cr,ri.c ,liren lou (,ine fo a h,,[,r, ihe rorJ 1N]llyoL,
amenahlcb your bnl,, Nlaking ,rl .rttempl to LlLtithrr sf.1yo,, lhe Mairr IracleRoutf (lurn lo z(r7)or head
'r. i"de,.' fl.c'' L' . r '| 'i south wcsl liuru h) 22tl?
', '
tor-tot 1a4- 5o6

you defy the oddsand bcatlhe armouredWarlordinto
Royal Lendle'sEasLCate towers before you. Two the ground But Voivod is dath,and deathcannotbe
enonnous,counterbalanced doors, construcledfrom killed. Franticand panic-strrckery
you look up Lo see
heavilyreinforcedsLeel,are set into an awesomecity lhe shamblingUndeadmarchingtowards yoLl their
wall which is so thick that it has defensivepostsand weaponsraisedin an ever+ighteningnooseoI dcath
tr-nnelsbuilt into it. You areshockedto discoverQuins- AL joumey'send comeshorror-True honor You look
berryWoad,waitingthcrefor you wlth five of his men all aboutyou altdscreaml
If you eiLherhavea Scrollof CivicPardonor arehidrng
in a rubbish cart you may pass through lhe gate 304
unhindered(lurn to r4t). otherwise,you will have to Descendinga long, wide staircase,you come lo a
try andrushthrough;lhiswill bc madeeasierrf you can crossroadsWillyou go:
createa diversion North? Tum to r7z
TestyourLuck,subtractingr fiom the roll for eachsei Tum Lor87
of lire crackerswhich you chooseLo throw (always Turn to 266
assumingyou have any), to dishacLlhe Suards(don't Wesfl Turn to r44
forget to crossthem ofl yorr AdtenlureSheet)If yol
areLucky,your bid for freedomsucceeds (turn lo r45). ,o5
If you are Unlucky,you are capturedby the guards Urtha laughs at your feeble efforts: 'A predictably
(tumto 2o8). mortallhing to do ' Thenshecommandsthe Haggwort
to restran you 'We'll have no more of your pathetic
tricks,'shesnarlsThe Haggworthold you in a grip of
to2 iron and the Wamphyrdrifts towardsyou A thunder
Though il is dark, the campfireis bright and the clap booms as Urtha baresher rotted fangs.When
circusperformersare srtling in a circle,which mcans re rt ! o u ' is e f ' o n L L e . h a ir,ir n ili be a . a v a m p i r i t
that at leasLone of ihem may catch sight of you,
servantof Uriha, Wamphyri Queen of the Twilight
whicheverway you approachBut approachyou must, Realm-
for theyarespeakrng in whispersTestyourLutk If you
are Lucky, lum to zz8, rf you are Unlucky, lum to 306
Beneaththe scrutinyof 6ve setsof undying eyes,you
try not lo preventevena muscletwrtching Tesiyrrl
303 llcft If you areLucky,lum to 279;rf you areUnlucky,
Guidedby a mrsplacedand hopelesssenseof valour, tum to j46.

The creatureblinksonce,lwice, thenif is upon you. Its
mighly hoofsshakethe very sfonebeneathyour feel as
it powerstowardsyou.EachAttackRound,all six of its
armsattackyou at the sametime (eachwith a sKrLL
scoreof 8),but you may strikebackagainstonly one of
them,as if fighhng srx separaLe opponenLs.If you win
againsLany of its other arms, your blows have no
effect, serving only as parries.You will be fortr:nate
to survive this encounterwith one of Lhe ancient
If you win, Lum to ,2o.

Thoughyour footstepsechobetweenthe cavernwalls,
lhe atmosphere of the placehangsheavy,with an eene
silence.Ahead,Lhecomdor opensouLinto a largeand
decorouschamberln whlch stand sevenstatues,you
reco8nrzethem as the victims of a Gorgon's slare
Righl ln front of you, a vial of antidoterestson a stone
column Unfortunately,Lhereis enough antidote lo
rcsloreonly oneof ihe victims You look at the sLatues;
all of them deserve{reedom,but not all of lhem can
helpyor. And, right now, it isn t a swordarmyou need,
it's knowledge- a preciouscomrnoditythesedays.
You narrowyour chorcedown to two scholarlylooking
iigures.Look al lhe picture oppositeand make your
choiceWill you give the antidoteto lhe old man(turn
lo 237)or io the youngman(tum to 276)?
309-1ro ]II

309 disguiseand his persuasivc abiljiics If vournavea v;ar

Your efiortscome to nothrng,for, though the rope is o l )le < p in 8D iu A h t ' u rn lo r9 5 ll 1 o u d o n " t . l o u
damaged,it is strong enoughto hold up the bridge will have to fry and snalchlhe amulctfrom rouno nrs
One of lhe culiistsattacksyou with a sacrificial
dagger, neck.Iesl yoLirS/<ill- Ii 1,ousuccced,turn to r2o, but if
whiLeothersready,fhcir bor,vsYou nrust dcfcal your you fail,tum to rJ2
foe beforeil is too latc
Roll one ciicto sewhich of the ShadowWarriorshas
l[ you win, you may eitherreturnto cuttinSllre roPes ambushed you. When,afterdet'iatingthe Warrior,you
(furn to z6r) or lcrve them aloneand flee (turn lo aretold to continuyour adventure, you may rerumro
121)? the tower (tufn to r4r), searchlurfher in the town
(turn lo 54o) or take the southboundroao our or
Cumbleside (turn to 75).If you roll,
1 Tum to 8
Turn fo J94
3 Turn to 2t9
1 Tum to r83
5 Tum to 24t
Roll again
Makin6l appcalto the veterans,you say-','For
pity'ssake, my fricnds,our nalionsarcat peaceI mean
no ill will But whal of friend?Are his hateful
-r'ou -vour
insullsthe wordsof a lrue monk?'You point at the Orc
'Te1lme.Orc, whichgodsdo you worshipi'

In reply, the Orc merelybelchesand grunts,'None o'

yer bizness,yer fat banel of hogswilll'And lhat'sall it
lakes lo convjncethe veleransfhat you are vrroni
Therehas io be magical ',vorkhere,therehas to
Hanginground thc Orc'sncckis an amuletcoveredin
runes,this is what is responsiblefor both the Orc's
)r2-J \1 3\5- 1r 6
Soon it is all over Hamrnicuslies cle.rJ,and his son falls
You go over and gazcinto the depthsof the perfectly on top of him, lifeless once more thc momcnt Ham
smooihcryslal,rnd asyou do so,it beginslo glow as il micus opened fhe door, therc was nothrng you could
lil by eldritchfircstrom wifhin Soonyou find that you have done to save hrm It is wrth a hcavy heart Lhat
haveno inleresth anythingsavelhe seductivedazzle you bury both lhe hermit and his son rn the woodland
of lhe sphere.Fortunatelya remotepart of your mind ncar by, fhen makc your way back south Tragedy
realzesurhatis happcningand urgesyou to resist A seemsto be dogging your every movr Deduct 1 point
superhuman effort of will is calledfor to 6ee you from trom your rucK and tum fo 44.
ihe crysfal'sltrrc Td vourLtck.Il you areLucky,ttrrn
lo ro; if you arc Unlucky.turn to 2t7
]'oLr hear the clown shout .\4e havc a spy in our midst.
it is the mercenary.Quickl Catch lhc spy at oncet'
>o o v or L,r v' r ', ,pc r.,d nrlv -ou-d 1ou h o d l Obel lng lherrleacier's command,thc crrcuslolk come
a - d " ' e.l n b - ,:."" thcl:pof tl'e cia4hoe 5-. e g aiter )ou Reali:ingthat fhe Bamc rs up and that _vou
playsout morc and more ropc, as you go dolvn and cannoihope lo defcatthem all without havingsurprise
down, deeperinfo the shatt 'Now you know lvhy on your side,you makea run fo. it. uuf it doeslook as
Smeggies piU'snarlsSmeggup above.You look up, it yoLr'renot going to be swift cnoLrg| Ir you nave a
worried,but canonly spinhelplesslyasSmegguseshis set of Calthrops,lum to ro4 lf you rlon't , rurn ro
spider'jawbladcto scverlhe rope.You fall, screaming,
to your doom Smcggwill climb down later and take
his pickings Clad lo b free of the (ultists, yor makc ior fhe bright
light of the open arch.Bccauseyou havc spcnt almos! a
day skulking around in dark coridofs, thc sun blinds
No soonerdoes Hammicusunbar the door than it is 1,ourcyes, buL you race on The Dark lilvcs, however,
flung wide openby the foul.,rndcadcoryseof his sonl stop deadin theirlracks.After coun{lcssycarsof living
The creaturcsfrrdcsin and trabs Hammjcusbt' lhc in the catacombs,fhey have come to icar the srrn.They
litoal Thehennrt,unrbleio deiendhimself, fallslo his heap cu:seson vou as you makc go(!l your escape.
kneeschokingYou rushto heiphim,but the undead .lnd r\,hen rou open vour e)es p()Derlv, you are
creatureignoJcsyour strongeslblo!,rsas, sinSle amazecito find lounelf on a lorl hrlltup, overlookjng
it .onccnfrateson stranglingthe life out of
mindedl-,-, KarnsteinlYou have corne thfough the Witchtooth
the hermil Linc and lived to tell rhe rale Tum b 292.
3r7-3 r8 tr9-320
crashto the floor, rackstumblein all
You hurl the Firc-crackerdown on to the stone floor In
the confining darkncssof the scwcr, the flash rs aLlfhe
morc biinding, thc explosion ali the more deatening
The Slygorc nroanswith fear and drops into lhe water,
splashingils scwagcall over you Earsringing and hai[-
blind, you flc.c before the creature can recover its
unearthly composure Eventualiy you 6nd a ladder
leading back up lo the surface You scrambleout of the
sewers and arc plcased to see thal Quinsberry's men
have apparently grvcn rrp the chase
If you still u,antto visit the eastsjdeof the market,iurn
to 8z; if you wanL lo visii the wesl side, lum to 66
You ma) not rcturn to a-'1area lou hale already
visiled t{hcn you have finished any excursions,you 12a
You hearshoulingcomingfrom the top of the staircase
must leave thc city Do not follow lhe inslructions
given on fhe market pages;tum, instead,either to z7z,
by whrchyou entered:'Ajter the intruder!,The DarkElf
if you wish to lcavc by the city's South Gale, or lo 6o,
if you wrsh ti, lcavc by Lir nearer East Cate. (Note
theseparagraphnunrberson your AdaenLureSheel)

Following a hrrnch,you grab the mirror and hold il up
to the facc of thc Kauderh'elschmcnsler To date, it has
only ever secn thc Dokfor and he. viclims, and hot{
they have lookcd NorL it secstlre reflection ol rts own
unnaturalugiincss andit holdsihc Doklor responsiL'lel
A solilar] tearoll: do[,n lhe monster'siacebeforc it
goe. or:rl'l l .ru.r. ru rl.. h .hour. \o Ba.L Corr;o
Noool' Buf it is no us:ihc monstergrabsher and lher
stagger about thc chamber,locked in deadLycombal 2EJ)or to the righf (turn to 271)?

to serveyou with thisBill of Taxes,whichmustbe paid

forfhwith.In lieu of satisfactory
I have
an open.wanantFo.your drrert. He presentsyou r^/ith
the scrolldnd continues.'The orlginalbalance.rharged
at compoundinterest,half-yearlyand at a fixedannual
percen[agerate for five years, comes to 568 Gold
Precesprecisely.Do you haveth money?,

You snalchthe mirror Fromyour packand brandishit
in thefaceof theCorgon- who fallsvictimto herown
darkforces.But evenwhen sheherselfhasbeenfumed
to stone,you slili avoid her repulsivegaze.There is
nothingmore to seeor do in her lair,so you hurry back
to the junctron.Will you now go to the lefi (tum to

2r7), to the dght (tum to 296),or straiShtor! out of

lhe caves(tum to 8oI

Lightnrngswi{t reflexesand total trusf in your oLd
friendenableyou to drop proneasa razorsharpmach-
ete goesflying over your head;il jusl missesVillgran
andembedsitselfin a treetrunk.One of the Haggwort
threw it at you, the sameHaggwortthat Wulf hasjust
ktlled.Will you now msh over to the barricade(Lumto
298),go in sarchof the witch (Lurnto r42), or leave
lhe town (tum to 2t)?

You will neverregreLbuying the wondrouscape;th
Waniors raceblindly past Leavinga cloud of dusl in t25
You havefound the clown'sCircusJournalYou don't
theirwal(e,they sweepoul of MagyaarPassand speed
have time to readall of rt, but, rn the few minutesyou
northwards.Tum to ro2.
do spendon the book,you learna coupleo{ impo*ant
things:the circuswas takenover by force,a year ago,
by a sorcerernamedSkarros;he iL was who replaced
the performerswith plant like creaturescalled Man-
drakes-TheseMandrakescar takeon lhe appearance oI
any one personlhey Louch:lhey lhen kill their victim
so that they canadopthis or her identity The circusis
the idealcoverfor the Mandrates,as they travelfrom
placeto place,spreadingtheir evil plague.Fo unately,
lhejoumalalsomentionstheMandrakes'only weakness
- firel Suddenlyyou hear a noise oulside.You had
betLergef out beforeyour presence herer drscovered
RetumLo2jj arrdpick an optionyou havenot chosen
t26-128 129-t3r
326 menacin8lyal your pursuerc,whoseclafterng armour
Convincedthatthe sphereis not meantto be a goodwill andloud shoutshavedisturbedher rest.Turn ro zz
Bift,you stepaside.The momentit hrtsthe floorboards,
it bwstsopeninto a multitudeof springloadedsprkes,
bladesand razor-sharp edgesYou dreadto think whaL
would havehappenedif you had actuallygraspedthe
thingl The Man Orc, lhe veteransand Lhelandlordall
laughat your'chickendance'Will you now altackLhe
Man-Orc (turn to r32), try lo exposehim for whaLhe
reallyis (turn to 3ro), or rgnorethemall and go to the
bar (tum to 1)?

You turn andrun,but the DarkEII archersarereadyfor
you. Roll onc die and deductr lrom the total to see
how many arrowshit you deductu poinls from your
STAMINA for eacharrow that hrts.If you are still alive, You rush to the hemit and reshainhrm. The voice
you keep on running,pullng the arrowsouc or your outsidewails,Tather,please.You mustlet me in. lf you
ba& as you got Bul the cultistsconhnuethe chase don't I will dret'Overcomewith emoLio4Hammicus
Worse,you canhearthe shoulsofmore cultistscoming Fndrrenewed rlrengthard break.freeof your 8r.rsp.
from llis srdeof the chasmWill you now go to the lefl The only way to stop him now is by the uie of
(tum to 32),or lo fhe right (tum to 278)? regrettableforce
Beyondthe door is a crampedkitchen,whereyou seea If, after one round of combat,you decideto let the
largekennelhousmga labradorwho hesflat, wilh her hemit open the door turn to 3r4 But if you are still
chin floppedon lhe tiled floor As you tiptoe past,shc determinedto stophim, turn fo 76.
lifts her eyebrowsLopeerat you, cocksan ear,yawns
and then goesbackto sleep.You nip oul throughthe
backdoor and 6nd yourselfin a nanow slreel.Turning
right would lakeyou backtowardsQuinsberry,so you
turn left, and laughwhen you hearthe labradorgrowl
tt 2 t3,-314
Hustingsr the matic insidthc I hs8worl headsstems ihrough it. you comc to a nanow streei.Wili you tjo to
from Lhis fiery source It was fltc samemagic that the left (tum to ,or) or to the right (tum to rr8)?
reanimated Urtha,and it was thc rnly thing that could
havcdcstroyedher SheperishcsrnstantlyEvenlshave ,33
comc full circle,the corn.rptedcarthmagjchas run its Mdkingsurethatn.',,rerswatching
course Somethingclattersat your feet; iL is Urtha's lo t h e b a c ko f t h e , l, , n n s wd S o na n do p e nl l , , . J o o r .
Iron tland-Though you have no wish to control the You sneakinto the darkcabinand TestyourLu&.Il
Haggwort,you feelcompelled to pickit up (addit to you areLucky,turn fo 293 Ifyou ae Unlucky,trrrnto
your A,lrarhrruShset)You look once more at lhe 315
fireplaceThee1'es andthemouthhaveclosed, andlhe
rvholcthrng is startint to sjnk backdown into ihe
marsh takrngthe tower and thc pinnaclewith it. You Sweatpoursoff you as you walk for hour aitcr hour
hurry out of the placebefore it collapsesaltogether, beneaththe blazingsun You are reshngin a shady
and nrrkc for the southerlyroad oLrtof town. You see hollow whenyou hcar the trampof marchingfcct and
the I lnggwort wading backinto Lhemoors,returning the SrunLingof countlessvoicescoming from over a
to thorrrestingpLaces oncemorc Tum fo 25 rise.Theseare the tcll taLenoisesof a roamingOrc
hibe You crouchJolvn, hoping lo remainhrddenin
132 the hollow,bul fhe Orcs seeI'ou ard starrscaorpcrrng
As lhc Ceonancers hom around
removethcir sickles donn lhe slopeson eithersideot _vouto cril off your
\ou..rc N .:aA-cL,:,.ud -a...,.r.. .r-nl..-d :.).. .1 lvay of escapeYoLr searchfor an exii out of this
accordanccwith the ancient lan's oi the Horned Cod, tightemngcordonand gaspwith reliefwhcrryou seca
yorr havc passed the lest and irrc fucc lo roarf lhe cavenearby Then .:gain,you are in the Witchtooth
pow,'. l,nes of Titan We havc cnrcled our deslinies Line,wherecavesarc rnver simplycavesIf you want
arrdrar do nothing more. Takc thrs'He pins a smalL to hide insidethe drrk cave,tum to 206 If you would
brooch irr lhe shapeof a green lcaf on you 'lt is a lokcn rather try lo outrun thc Orcs, turn to rj. Il on the
of thc Earth molher's goodwill Trrncs;re changingand oLherhand,you havc a ChameleonCloakand wish fo
the Mother is threafened You arc the one who will useil to try and sncakunseenthroughthe Orc ranks,
Ll. tl.,. Lo\ 9...- rs;o..,- \..,, or h.lL rum ro rb3
irom lrt.ur,ior orJl il hasthc st.cnglhto guideyou on
your hopclesstask Add thc (lrccn Leaf Brooch 1..
your ,4Jt,rrhre Sleet. Tire Arch drlrid's servants lead
yolr to a gate at thc back oi thc grounds Passing

Thoughthe strugglewashard,you havedefeatedyour
foe The ShadowWanior falls,wailinS,in an untidy
heap Yet no soonerdoesfhe evil6end hit the ground
thandarkvapoursstartto flsefiom its body You stand
backand watchas the foul fumesenshroudthe corpse,
obscuringit from sight When they clear,the body is
no lonSerthere Only a scorchon the earth remains.
You may have beatenthe Wanior, but you have not
destroyedil lt will takc more than thc weaponsof
mortalmrn to iay suchcreatures lo rcst:it is more than
likely ihat you will meetone anotheragainbeforethis
laleis told.Ruethe dayrNow continuyour advenhre

The sides of the pit arc sheerand your numerous
altemptsto climboui all cnd in miserablefarlure.Hours
passbeforeyou hear a femalevoice whisper,'Don't
worry, I'm coming Just a secondlonger.'It is with
renewedhope that you look up - inLo ihe face of a
CorSonl\ ou lum to stonebeneathher ( ruelga/e

You clampthe creature's ankleslogethrjllsLin time It
tnes to get up but falls flat on its face Its eyesglare
with hatrcdand it hisseswith rage as its armsscrape
a1on8ihe floor towardsyou. You step nimbly round
lhe creature,keepingout of the reachof its swords I[ is
one of thc ancientKalundai.But lookl The chainof the
manacles is aireadystartingto weaken.Tum to l2o.
338-J39 t40-34r

You give Quinsberrya shoveso that he tottersback
into hrsgrards,and they all fali over in an untrdyheap
The hoops raise the alarm and the taxmansquawks
wilh rage;neverhashe beenso humiliatedin his enLire
life RathrLhanreslrainyou, however,the bystanders
jusl standthere,laughingioud andlong at lhc pompous
official'splght Beforethe guuds carrregaintheirfeet,
you flee A few mctresahead,you cometo a junction.
Will you go left (furn lo 15r), right (lurn lo 384),or
straighlahead(tum to rl4)?


Eagerto lend a hancl you '39 rush over to the gallanl

wa ior and inlroduce yourself. 'l don't believert,' he
gasps.'Of all the pcopleI could'vehopedfor rn Lhis
hour of needl'If is Wulf, your old friendand hghling
companionfrom the War o{ the Four Kingdoms You
retum your comrade'sembrace,then listenintently as
he explains'lt starteda few daysago,with thc coming
of the wilch Her tower just roseup out of the earth
lo deslroy everyLhingrn therr path Everyone'stoo 34r
scaredto facethe witch I LriedoncebuLgol nowhere. Thoughmeantfor the woman,the 6ery spellhas
Bul come,lhe Haggwort have reachedthe barricade' descendedupon you. From afar, a wizard has been
He points out an old man- 'That's Villgran He has
armourand swords,shouldyou needthen '
Will you go over to Mllgran (tum to 97),accompany
Wulf to lhe barricade(turn lo 298),or go to cut the
evil off at its source,the witch'stower (tum to r42)? ing. Now wherecanyou frndsometastyfliesr
a second Cold Piece thethlngssomefulk will do ior
Al1 the rvind is ir:nockcdout
'12 of you as you are sand money! I urn to r99.
wiched betwcen the door and ihc hard rock wall(deduct
j points from your srAMrN^) If you are still alive, you
enter the dark shelter.Though heavy wifh tl,c stenchof
Orc the cave is u'e1l nigh l,are and rs uninhabired at
presenl Blackrobesalld a k,rn map of Ro,valLendletie
on the floor lhc only other fhing of intercstis a small
metal caskcl It is locked l,ut if you have r BlackKey
or a vial of Mefal Rot you n,ay open rt (h,nr fo lj4 -
and cross off Melal Rot fro,n your AdttcntutcSheetjf
you.wantto look at first the safelfurn to
Iou rLsethrt) Bul il 1ou rlont hare eithcr of these i9) or a large
things,or *,ould rather Lrrve the casketrlone, hrrn
book,lyrl1lon theclolvns deskiturnto
to 248

Your actiors.aretotally -140

futjle, and your roryse soon
34' loins thoscof Mendoka,rand ihe othersbutihered;n
YoLt sprint acrosslhe bridgc and soon rcach ihe iar \,Iat) aarPass
side.There,you see that it rs suspendeo o1,srrong
ropeshed to woodenposts More fleet-footcdcultists
are crossinglhc bridge aftcr you. If you want to try
andcul the ropcsso lhat thc bridgandall thc howling
cultrstson rt fall into the chasm,tum to 246. If lrou
t o.aldrathcrkee: on mnning,tu.n to 127

You nip inLothc gibberingwreLch's hovel and let him
tuide you lrto a back room from .xhich thcre is no
otherexil. Il. tells1ou to hait jn hereuntrlhe gi.,$
you the'allrlear'.You do so,andsometcnsfmrnures
passbelorc the door is thrown open by scvcncity
guardslBeh'rrdlhem,Lheolclrascalglecfullytoys with

Teslyour Skill.If you succeed,

turn to 26J; bu[ f you
fail,LumLor lJ.

Night has fallen by the time you reachthe hermrt's
cottageHammicusthe hernil is a friendlyold manand
he wastesno time in providinSyou with a hot meal
(restore2 5TAMTNA points).As you eaf,you rrsk total
honestyandtell Hammicusall aboutyour questlrown
ing, he goesover to consulla book at his desk,then
says,'Over fwo thousandyearsago,thereexistedone
Voivod, whosevery namewas a byword ior cruelty.
His power theatened life iiself; but the world look
shapein the lorm of the Earthmotherand thc Homed
Cod; togetheathey fought Voivod and dcfeatdhim
They were not able io kill deathitself bul could only
imprisonhim in a secretplaceVoivod'sfive lieutenants
disappealed,neverto be scenagain- or so il seemed
For now we can understandthe old nursery,rhyme
The Shadow Warriors have been seekingVoivod's
prison in the hope of freeing hrm, so lhat he may
embarkon a new reign of terror lt is sardthat a book,
the ,Aslrakkaans
Nuneris,predictsVoivod's return and
providesthe meanswherebyhe canbc deieated.I don't
know if the book fruly exists, but I ilo know lhat
Voivod is aboulto walk Trtanagainl'
SuddenLy, therecomesa heavypoundingon the door:
three slow, booming krocks fhat almost shatterthe
wood They are followed by a low, mournful voice
'Father,it is l, your son.Please,let me rn lt is so cold
out here'
350 ,5r-151
Hearingthis, Hammicusfallsbackand criesin sonow
and terror,'lt cannotbe.My sondredsewenyearsagol'
But he overcomes his learcandmakesfor the door
Unlessyou stop him, the hermit will admit his long-
deadson.Willyou try to stop the hermit(turn to 33o),
or ler hrmunbarthe door (hrm to 3r4)?

Your joy at escapingvanisheswhena showerof arrows
comesflying overhead not from the Orcsof the Black
Scorpion,but towards them/ Thc Orcs of rhe Big
Boulderhavc arived, planningto take their rivalsby
surprise.Luckily,nonc of the arrowshiLsyou as you
throw yourself to thc ground. Will you oficr your
,t4-35' 3t6-3t7
(tum to 2t), or leave him and 8o in searchof the
'witch' (turn to r42I

lnsidethe casketis a weaponmuchfavouredby assas-
sins:it Jsa MurderSphere,a smallmetalballwhichyou
throw at your enemy On impact,lhe ball tums itself
insideout as spikes,razors,barbsand sawsspringouf
in all directions.You may use the spherein th first
Attack Round of any one combat againstany one
opponentWhen you throw it, roll one die to seehow
manyof the sphere's protrusionshit your foe Thenroll
anotherdie for eachwound inflicted,to seehow many
srAMrNApoints your foe musl deduct If your foe is
still alve, you mustthen6ght asnonnai
You arejust puttrngthe spherein your packwhenyou
heara noisethatyou havecometo dread:the pounding
of horses'hoofs.RushingLo the open doorway,you
see the Shadow Wafiiors tearing acrossfhe open
country.If you want to staywhereyou areand hidein
the cave,tum to rrr I[ you would ratherma]<ea run
for it, beiore you frnd yoursell trappedin this small
place,tum to ,7.

You throw the hook so ihat it catchesamong the
hangingdown &om the roof of the cave,you
iLrg on fhe rope, then swingi Even you are amazed
when you reach the far side of the chasmwithout
mishap.But you will have to leave the rope behind
you, as the hook is caught On the other side of the MAHOCADON
158-rt9 ,60-t6r
If you wnr, you may either continue to the souih, 16"
acrossmore open country,lowardsHustings(lum to You hare up the street,with srx swordwaving city
r35) or go back to the road you left earlier(turn to guardsin your wake.Not far ahead,rountl lhe corner,
r6o) is a magician'sshop;maybe you can shakeoff your
huntersby hiding in lhere.However,experiencehas
3r8 taLrghlyou that such placesare perilous,if full of
Dmwing narerto the circus,you see that the dozen possibilies Will you enler the magician'sabode(tum
performers arcan odd mix of acrobats, animal
Lumblers, to roJ), or passit by (tum io 216)?
Lrainersand so on; eachis blrsydeaiingwith his or hel
own props-One 651uleseemsto be in charge-it is a
clown, a lithe woman alreadydressedin hef show You wake up - e\'en the NightmareMaster'sattack
costume,her facecoveredwith grease-parnt depictinga took place in yollr dreamslBut now your ordeal is
fired smilethat looksalmostsinisterYou walk over io finally over, and you fcel your strengihreturning(re,
the clown and askher wherethe circusis going and if storej pointsof srAMrNA). Then you near a row,
the wagonshaveroom for an exha passenger- Her face echolngvoice:'ThoughI murdersJeep. I cannevcrdie'
breaksinfo an evenwider smileas shereplies,'\4eare ll is thc NightmareMaster Beatenfor now, hc dcparls-
going to Shattuck.As ior passage, you will have to
earn your way Are you amusrng?Can you run a Climbinglo your feet,you seethat you arc in a small,
sideshowT Perhapsyou know a tdck or Lwo?'If you dimly lit hallway four doors lead out of if Ore of
haveBartolph'sdie, tum Lo r3E. If you don't,wll you themopensand two ffgureswalk oul. Dark Elves,clad
askher to givc you a chanceto proveyour worth (turn in monasticrobes You dodge back ancl hide in a
to 2r4), or admit that there'snothing you cando that shadowyalcoveas they walk silenily acrossthe hall
would bc of use to the circus,and tum away, to and passthrouShone of the other doors They are
continucyoLrrjourneyaloneandon foot (tum to 9)? cultists,and thrs is their temple.If your sacfileSious
presenceis detecledhere,you will most ccrtainlybe
killed Will you go lhrough the north door (turn to
You ignorcthe blackslop- andwiselyso,as the thing 174), the south door, after the iwo Dark Elt culfisfs
:5a.rve.Ir :. a s poisonors (tum to 68), the east door (hrm to 89), or the west
Boredrlith waiting aroLrnd, the SIodKedbolmslithers door(tumto 56)?
away You kecp your cyes on the creature,until you
are distractcdby silken tones:'IL is iil manneredto
refusehosprtality' Turn to 49

'Look aLhis reflection,'shesays 'Korin may be scared,
but she'snot stupid.'Youanglethe mirror so that the
Burgomeisteris rellectedin it. Nothing could have
prepared you for such a sho& as thrs: there, in the
silvered pane, stands the Burgomersler,exposed as a
vegetablel&e humanoid You use the minor to look at
yourself and at Korin, you both look normal But the
Burgomeister! You try looking at him again in the
mirror - and lhe resulhis the same.T{e'sa Mandrake,'
spilsthe woman.
Ennianjust smilesand callsover his shoulderfor some
help Then he tums backto you. 'You shouldn'thave
done that,it wasmost impolite,'he srghs.'Still,there's
no reasonwhy we can'tsort out our differences peace-
fully. If you'll iust hand over Lhe minor and come
quietly. . .'
Behindyou, Korin mns off towardsthe far end of fhe
alley. Will you follow her (Lum to E4) or attack the
MandrakeBurgomeister (turnto 2t2)?

Tellingthe Orcswhat you thinktheywant to hear,you
admiLto beinga spy,sentby the Courtal RoyalLendle
Lodiscoverenemymovements'Hahl See,I told yerz,'
snapsthe shamanfriumphantly.'A spy. The ainshunt
Iawz tell vzz wot ta do ta spies,don't they? Having
lost another round rn lus power struggle wrth the
shaman, Uggamonggoshrugsand,with an air of some-
lhing approachingsadness, drawshis long knrfe Your
advenLure endshere.
364-366 367-t69
Once,twice,three trmesthe low sonorouschrmingof
the beil rings in your ears.Then the very ground cracks
open as the bodies of the fallen rise up from Lheir
r.rnmarked graves Their expressionless, rolted faces
awail comrnand.So far you can seeonly a few hundred Lownand the moors Seeinglhaf you arerruman,ano a
of them scatteredabout the arid landscape, but soon stoutJightrto boot, ihe townsfolkhuny you through
they will all be free - all ten thousandof lheml The the blockade.But they have no time for pleasanlriJs;
Voivod strikesthe bell againand again.Now you rush Lheytum lheir attentronback to the dark srlhouettes
forward to slop him, but lhe shamblingUndeadobey stalkrng the moors lnside the barricadean armoured
lheir maslerand bar your way Roll two dice to see Iigurerallieshis peoplewith a call to arms:'SLandfasl
how many oi the shamblingUndeadsLrikeyou as you We mustnot fall.Thewitch andher devilrybe damnedl
6ght your way through LhemFor eachhil, deduct2 To a.mslTo armslThe Haggwort are upon ust,Will
points from your srAMrNA.Armour and Teslingyo r you:
Lackmay be used to reducethe amountof damage
doneto you If you survivethis battering,fum lo 73 Usethe confusionof fhe battleto flee
out of the Lown? Tum to 2j
Make yourselfknown to the brave
No one hears Lhe drawn ouL screamsas fhy echo ,wa ior andofferyour seruices? Tumtolj9
roundand round the sewers.The Slygorehasdropped Slipawayand investigatethe strange
down on Lopof yorl and it is with a strangeleelingof Loweron the pinnacle? Tum to r4z
detachmentthaLyou realizethe screams areyc,urown.

You havefound the vrtal book of numbers,wdtten by
Parcleasus the numerologist.You leaf throughit until
you find lhe most importantpageand tearit out of the
book. You can study the pagnow or at any time in
the futureby tuminSto 16 (not this numberon your t69
Adpent'ure Justas you closethe book, a secret
SheeL). Whelher you fall victim to an unseenfrap or to a
panelin the far wall slidesopenlIf you havea Chame, lurking creatureis unimportant you wereloolish to
leonCloak,tum to rz7, otherwise,tum to rto enter such a dangerousplace withouL somethingto
t1e-t7r 172-t74

light the way, andyou havepardthe ul[imaiepricefor Suddenlythe meshof tubeswrapsroundyour handrn
your folly an iron grip Smallbarbsgrow out of the veirs and the
whole messstarfscrawlingup your hand. The only

a wcapon,turn to 8t.

which made all but lhe strongest-wjlledo{ listeners You follow the mysteriouslady back towardsthe old
susceptibleto his foul utterances.He was jusl one of fower Sheopensthe single,heavy door and beckons
the many servants of Evil who are being sent to upset you rnside.You do so... andseesfars.Shehashit you
Lheuneasyalliancebelweenlhe four hngdoms Satis- hard on the backof your headwith a coshtyou fall to
6ed,the marshaltums to you. 'll is fortunalethat vou the floor,rmconscious;
tum fo 186.
werehere,mercenary,' he says,'the struSSLemay c'thr-
wise have gone difierently Beforc thLs disgrace t7t
occurred,I had ihe chanceto leam somethingoi your Decidehow many Gold Piecesyou wish to Sive the
plight Therefore,as a rew.rrdfor yorrr effortshere,I highwaymar,thenroll one die. If you roll lessthanor
grani you a ScrolLof Civic PardonFromnow on, you equalto the numberof Cold Piecesyou navecnosen,
arefreeof yourdebtto theCity' Restore 1 rucK point, the highwaymanaccepts your paymentandletsyou go
and add the Scrollof Civic Padon Io yoLlrAdnmture unharmed(deductthe gold from your Arloenture Sheet).
Sheet In this case,you may either continuein a northerly
directionin searchof the hcrmitwho, the highwaf,man
Aiter ail thiscommolion,you decideihat you had besl cLaims,is dead (ium to 149)j if you feel you have
be on your way to meetMendokan'sparty Ifyou want wasie.ltoo muchtimeherea)ready,you may headback
to leavethe city by the SouthCale,turn to 272.It you soulhrlum lo 44i.lf. howcver1ou rollhigherthanlhe
would ratherleaveby the ncarerEaslCate,turn to 60 numberoFCold Piecervou h,:veoffered, turnto 9.r

7 t. t14
You reachforwardto touch the disgustingobjecLIt rs You open the north door and enter what must be Lhe
warm and slippery, and it pulsatcs nauseatingly cult's chamberof worship One side of lhe room is

footslepscomeinto the room.If you wish to slipdown

Lhe staircase,Lum to 29J. If you would raLherslay
whereyou are,tum to 297.

You lifl the circularlid and climb down a set of rungs
into the dark sewers.Though no guardsfollow, you
hurry on, your palh running alongsidea sLomach-
htning rrver oI sewage.Soon,however,you arehope,
lesslylost in lhe meandering undergroundcomprexano
cannotlind a way backup to groundlevel Thingsget
even woffe when you hearan awful moan arisefrom
the depihsof the sludge.It is wilh a senseof despair
thal your worst fearsareconfirmedfor, lifting high out
of the r'\'aterlo Loweraboveyou, is a dreadSlygorc.If
is said lhat thesecreatwesare unwitlingly createdby
lhe city's many alchemists and sorcererswho, despite
176-178 t79
public protesfs,are foreverpolluting lhe crry sewers its cavernous
greenmoulh.In somewaysLhecreatures
wrth the potenl by-productsof Lheiresotericexpcri, resemble giantflies,but they havehumanheads,and
ments.Such wastsreact wrth the effluent to fonn
Slygore,shamblingmoundsof murderousfilth. Will

Atlack Lhecreaturc? Turn Lo70

Look in your packfor somethingwhich
may deteatrt? Turnto z3o
Fleefrom rt? Turnto 356

316 379
Your victory rvasa hard-eamcdone The woman fought You mustfi8ht all srxHaggwortat oncebut,because
like an anrmal,and when you struck her you san thal you arein a battl-rage
andbecauseyou knowof their
her blood was greenJThere is clearly some Breat evil at weakness,you inflicL srAMrNA loss on eacn ano every
work here You tum to go, bul just therr you near one you hil.
something thal freezesyou to lhe spoi; a quiel, teasing
iaugh coming from the woman you have;ust slainlYou FirstHAGCWORT
quickly lum around- Her body has gone. It is only Second HACGWORT 9 5
when you hear her sly laugh again thal you hu y ThirdHAGCWORT
away, rum to 2lr lourth HAGGWORT
A shower of slubby Orc adows rains down on you
Your adventureends hcre After lwo roundsof combat tum io 3jl.

Runmng at tull spced, your right heel catchesin the
wet grassaf an angle and slips forward. You slam into
the earlh, the shock of the rnrpaclcoursing painfully tLp
your spine (deducl z pojnLsfrom your srAMrNA) You
clinb oa.l on lo yorr feFLdnd L^rl.l- rr r;c,\.r-
shifling face spews four repulsive abominrtions ouf of
,80-r8l ,84-)a6

38" around/you seethaLyor.rhave descended in the very

The threefine-honedbladesswish togetherand close middle of a crossroads and that the walls of the four
Your advenLureendshere smoothpassaSes emil a faint glow Wiil you now go:
Norlh? Tum lo 106
When you hear a sharpdirt come from the llooa you Tum to rr4
don'Lwasteany trme thinking You leapforward,just Tum to rzz
as the floor gives way beneaLhyour feel. You have West? Tum to r44
avoidedfalling inLoa deep pit. Moving on from the 384
trap,you cometo a lunclion.Will you go:
Lefl? Turn to 296
Right? Tum to 2r7
Strarghlahead? Tum to rr9
your pursuersby tippingover someof the stalls If you
BackLheway you cameand oul of
want Lodo this,turn Lo rro. If you would ratherkeep
the cavesaltogether? Tum to 80
on running,tum to 78. However,if you would like to
382 stop andgive yourselfup beforeLhingsget too serious,
All is chaos and confusiory'says Jackin lhe Green turn to r99.
'Anger comestoo swiftly in thesetroubledlimesand,
wheretherers anger,deathis sureto follow Your task 385
is to healold wounds,lo find peacein Narbury.But be Though you don't really know why, you takea pick-
vramedlViolncecan never be the 6nal answer Evrl axe and start diSging.And in only a matter of hours,
must defeatitself Your duly is to help,not to spread you havemanagedlo cul most of lhe skeletonfree of
furtheranger Whenyou thinkyou havesucceeded, say the sandsLoneIt is only then that the handsof the
theword "Cerunnos"in yourmind andwe wilJseewhat skeletonstarlmovingtIf you havesomemanacles, yor.r
ufoids'Tum to 398. may use lhem to blnd its bony hands togeLher.Is
Cuignol still aliver If so, tum to ro9 I( not, tum to
t83 '8t.
When you reachthe bottom of the rough shaft,you
discoverthat it is not wrdeenoughfor you to tug your
grapplinghook free You wrll have to leaveLheropc After a few uneventfulhours you reachthe {oothills
behind (crossit off your Adoenhie Sheel)LookJng of the mountainrange.There is no way over these
treacherous peaks.Instead,your roadendsat a massive,
pilch-blackcavemouthThis rs Lhemuch-usedentrance
into the infamoushoneycombof Lunnelswhich is said
lo permeatethe entireLine.ILmight well be considered
foolsh to enter these cavesat all, but it would be
surcidalto erter them without a lantern.If you havea
lanlernandyou wish Loenterthe cave,deductone skin
of oll from yoor AduentureSheeLand twn to 24o.lf yo1)
arefoolsh enoughto enterfhe cavewithouLa lanLem,
hlm to 169 But if you would ratheravoid Lhecaves
altogether,you will haveto makeyour ri'ay backto the
Shattuckroad;turn to 334

It is with a senseof anticlimaxlhat you discoverthat
the Hall of Dreamsis just a room full of bending,
curvingmirrorswhichrippleanddistortyour reflection
in a supposedlyhumorousway. You're noL laughing
... And you're still not laughing when one of the
milrols disappears, right beforeyour very eyes,reveal
in8 a smallsLonechamberbeyond- a chamberwhtch
cannotpossrblyberealsincetheris no way it could6t
inside the wagon. You lift your hand and move it
slowly through the 'mifior' frame The room is reall
Looking inside, you see a man sized shapeleaning
againsta stoneslab It is alivewith all sortsof fearsome
growths and a mesh of revolhng veins nangsoown
hom rt lo the floor,wherethey arewrappedround the
witheredcarcass of a badger.The veinshavesuckedall
lhe hfe-juicesoul of the poor animal.Without warning,
anothermeshof veinsshootsout towardsyou, but falls
short.If you havereadHegma/sWaming,rurn ro zo4.
l8E 389-1gr

Ii you have not, you may either touch the mesh of ,89
veins(tum to ,7r), attackthefoul creaturc(hrm to r57), Your ploy works like a dream,dozenso{ people all
or leave LheplacealtogetherIf you decideto leave, round you scramblein a mad hunt for the few pitiful
reLurnlo 2jJ and pick an opfion you havenot chosen coinsyou havescafteredamonglhem-The city guards
before. n-rshforwardio quellthe chaos,leavingthe exits from
the squareunguardedAre you lemptdby Lhesightof
the green and pleasantgrounds of a small temple,
Lookingat the map,you needto know two ihings:the borderedby a low wall (turn to 164),or do you steal
firsl is whereyou thinkVorvodwill be right now - you awaydown a narrowlane(tum to rr8)?
wilJ needa degreeof commonsenseto work this out.
Onceyou havedecidedwhere,on the map,Voivod is, ,90
you will have to fum that place-name into numbers.If Only whenyou reachthe'man'doyou realize that'he'
you have this knowledge,set to work irnrnediately. is far from human Darknessprevenfsyou {rom seeing
Whenyou Lhinkyou havefoundthe right number,iLrrn just what the creafureis, bul you have no trouble
to it If lhe enfry you tum to doesnot makesense,you hearinSits swampgurgled snarls,or in catchingthe
have chosenwrongly If the entry does make sense, glini of lhe viciousbladeit swingstowardsyoul
carry on with lhe adventureBecause you have taken HAGCW ORT
to the
so long reach village, you get only one shot at
this.lf you chooswrongly, or if you iust don't know If youwin,turnLoj
how io find Voivod in the place,turn to 229
Whileat lhe stores,you cas[an eyeover theequjpment
for saiethere You may buy a swordfor z Gold Pieces,
or a macefor 4 Cold Pieces;the macecosts foes 3
pointsof srevrr,r eachijme Lheyarehit (4 poinisif
you TestyourLurk successfully, but no poinh if you are
unsuccessfui). For 5 Gold Piecesyou may also buy a
surt of lealherarmow Though the armouris not built
to last,it's incrediblytough.It cantakea fotal of 5 hifs
beforeit becomesuselessIf you arehit while wearing
leatherarmour,you lose only l poinL of srAMrNA
insteadof : (no poinh of srAMrNAif you Teslytour
392-191 t94

L.rrt successfully,
but 4 poinls if you arc unsuccessful). theconstants{reamofmalicewhichdescended on them
You mtrsfalso add r to any Trcl your Skill rolls you foom the Witchtooth Line. Ogrcs, Demons,Goblin
makewhile wearnrgthc armour If yoLrbuy anythrng raiding-partiesrnd worse.You arepassingthroughthe
here,addit to your Ailoenlure SheeL andJeduclthegold outskirlsof the fown when you cometo a tall towcr,
you spend Uniortunafely,no one in the storeshas standingalone like a needlein the darkness.A light
heardof any 'man oi numbers',so you will have lo shines in theutpen'nost
window If you wanlto slopat
continue jour search in eilhrlhe taverns(turnlo 2o9) the towcr turn to rqr li you wouid ralherpresson
or the tor{'Irsquare(tum to 27) into town,ium to 2r2

192 194
You do nol want io kill the guard btrt you won't This Shadow Warrior carricsa nrulhtudeof finely
haveto if you candisarmhim. Beinga proiessional, he crafteddagge,s,slungin bandoliersacrossits chest At
ivill surrenderoncehe loseshjs sword Fight lhe guard the startoi cachroundof combat,the l r'arriorthrowsa
asnormalbut,if you hit do not injurehim (fol l-' " o - " ' r o . ' llo L e J e - 1 o . r' . 1 a L - d a g g -.
thatreasonfheguarddoesnoLhavea sraMrNAscore) misses, buf ii you roll 5 or 6, it thudsinto your flcsh
Nothing happcnsunless your score in any Attack and you musl deductz pojntsfron your srar',lrN,l
Roundrs at leasl3 points hiSherthan the guard's,in ArmouJ or l'r/itlg your Luck wll not reduce lhjs
whichcaseyou disrrmhim and the combatcnds-Note damagcWheLherthe daggerhiis you or not, you must
that he hasno qualmsaboutinjunngyou thenfight a normalAtlack Roundo1combaL
D srAMrNA9
More guards arc clmbing up on to ihc rool even as If you defcatthc\{arrior lurn to ,3i
you are fighting lf you have not disarmeo your roe
after four rounds, yoLrnill be caplured (turn to r99) Ii
you do win, you will have fo jump down on to the
horse after all (turn to roo).

l,loonLijhtpaints the niShl lime landscapewllh an
eeric silvery glor^r. illuminaling your first vierv of
Cumbleside.This tuwn was abandonerllong ago, ils
rcsidentsweary of having to guard thernselvesagainst
,95-196 19:
39t If you still want to visit the eastsideof themarkt,tum
Insidethelargecavemouth,thesunhght givesway to a Lo 8z; if you wanf to visiL the west side,Lurnto 66.
gentleglow- fhewallsareluminous. TeslyoutLuckIl You may not revisil a sideyou have alreadybeen to.
you areLucky,turnto 38r If you areUnlucky,turnto When you havefinishedany visiLs,you mustleavethe
19r cily Do not follow theinstructionsgivenon themarket
pages,instead,you mustleaveby eithertheSouthGate
(turn lo 272) or the nearer East Gate (tum Lo 60)
(Note thesenu,-nbers on yourAduenture Sheet.)

RoSgmondohesitates, thenrelaxesand says,'All nght,
I believeyou. I've no Iovefor lhat money-grabbrng ball
of greaseandgreedeither.I'll hideyou - but if thisis a
trick and you'rereallyworkingfor that swine,I'll make
sureyou don't seethe year out. If I don'Lget you, the
Taltooists'Gurld will'He takesyou to a backroom,
whereanotherroom is located,hrddenbehinda secret t97
For a moment you stand,lost in thought,but your
reverieis disLurbed
by a familiarvoice.Thoughno one
You spendat leastan hour in herebeforeRoggmondo elseseemsto seeit, the grasson eithersideoi the road
tellsyou you cancomeouf. Someguardsdil searchthe nrslleswrth impressionsof Jack-in-theGreen 'This is
place,he tellsyotL,but lhey neveroncesuspecfed your the rewardfor fooling with nature The elementshave
presenceYou thankRoggmondoandpromiseto retum no faith rn man the builder,man the user,man the
thefavouroneday.\4henyou leavethe lattoo parlour, dstroyet yel yo carry tokensof worth you are not
Woad'smenarenowhereto be seen. the one to light hres, to chop down trees,to level
,98 399
mountainsYou are good. The Earth-motherand the If you r{anLto try and put a stop to theirfight, tum to
Homed God ,wait you' You are suddenlyovercome 284. If you would raiher leavethem alone,and make
by a skangedizzinessTun to 90 for the fown centre,lum io 23r.

'Troubledtrmesawait you,' the enigmatic6gure con-
tinues,'but the Homed God sendsa gestureof good-
wrll:6ndthemanofnumbers, orhisbook.Wilhout either,
you wili fail' Then the faceis gone You decrde!o ally
yourselfwith the elementalforceswhom Jackrn-|he-
Greenservesas a messengerYou will be the Earth-
mofhe/schampioragainsL the evil ShadowWar(ors.
Goml is actuallymuchfurthersouththanit appearson
your map,and it is night+imewhen you finally reach
the high lown wall Passingthroughthe No h cale, 399
you hearnorseso[ unrestandcatchthe smellof smoke, You find yourselfon the Main TradeRoute,far
yet you don't seeany town guards,no gaLewardens, south of CauldonRing Ahead,you seea numberor
no one at all.You arewonderingwhat Lodo whenyou gaily colouredcarlsand carawars, and a group of odd
seea young man come runningout of his home He looking folk. This rs 'Thc Circusof Dreams',and Lhe
shouts,'Go away!You'renot my wife' troupeis about lo movc on It occLrrs to you that you
could savesomeLimeon your journey by riding with
A young woman comesafter him. Smiling,she tugs them;it would alsogive you a chanceto follow up any
at his wflst and says,'But of courseI'm your wife, suspicionsyou may havaboutthe circus'sreccntvisit
silly Who elsecouldI bc?Now stop beingfoolishaltd to Gornt Do you want io huqr along and ask th
comebackinside' The man rcfuses,and they struggle lroupefor a liFt(tum to ltS) or kccpyour distanceand
violenlly continuewalkingalone(turn to 9)?
You dodgeVoivod'sbon-crushing gauntletsandthrust
lhe Spearof Doom deepinto his armouredbody. He
aies aloud wiLh shock,and you are flung backby an
explosionof Life-forceAstonishment numbsyour mind
as you lie lhere in lhe dirt and witnessevenfsalmosL
beyond your comprehension. The shamblingUndead
fall backinto theirgraves,andall five ShadowWarriors
reappear, only to be pulledskywardsin a whirl of Life-
force.The five fleetingshadowsare scattered, howling
on the wind, never to return You look backtowards
/.( Voivod andseelhat his armourhasdissolved, revaling
an emaciatedold man He stumblesforward crying,
I had forgoftcn . The smellof the flowers,the
f e e lo ft h eb re e z eL . 1 . . . '
The Sistcrsof Time, fhe HornedGod and Jack-in-the-
GreenaLlappearbeforeyou As one, they say, 'You
have done well, forsakinglhe hand of vengefuldeath
for that of forgiving Lfe By thLsact you havc righted
all the wrongs and made whole all the comrptions.
Voivod, Warlord of hheApocalypse,is human once
more.Takehim and reacquainL him with the ways of
life.'Then thy aregone
You sland there on the windsweptbattle plains,and
put your armroundihe old manwho is cryingwith the
srmplejoy of beingalive
to ount
u-t. *.i", rion country

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