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This lesson plan is titled Adrenaline Rush and is aimed at 4th year of Compulsory
Secondary Education students who have English as a second foreign language at school
and according to the CEFRL, would be in A2-B1 levels. It has been elaborated in
accordance with the Real Decreto 1631/2006 following the objectives, competences,
contents and evaluation criteria stated.
This unit is aimed to make students work with the target language as much as
possible through motivating tasks and activities which are close to real contexts. It is
mainly designed by the teacher herself, but a textbook will sometimes be a reference
too. This lesson plan also aims to develop the students language skills as well as their
general self-development, so that they can be able to deal with everyday situations
So this specific unit of the syllabus deals with the world of sport in general, which
is a topic that students usually love, and especially with extreme and unusual sports that
will certainly arouse the students curiosity. The content is varied, attractive and full of
realia, which makes it more interesting for the pupils. Therefore, I consider that this
unit has a lot of possibilities to engage the students and at the same time to make them
familiar with not so well-known sports that might interest them.

To understand the general meaning and the most relevant details of different
written texts (snowshoeing, a song, bungee jumping, sportspeople biographies,
and sport news).
To write short texts about an adrenaline rush they have experienced and sexism in
sports and include certain grammatical structures, vocabulary or expressions
previously covered in the unit.
To write a text about being a famous sportsperson using different grammatical
structures, vocabulary and expressions already learned.
To learn about the relative clauses and be able to use them appropriately.
To speak and give their opinion about sport in general and about some unusual
To describe some sportspeoples personality through their photos and express
orally their opinions about them.
To be able to answer spontaneously and with an appropriate register.
To talk about different sport news and announce some headlines.
To listen carefully to a song, a video about womens football and some sport
news videos and to understand general and more specific information in order to
complete the activities.
To create different words from a general word given using suffixes or prefixes.
To use a camera in order to record themselves acting like sport journalists telling
some sport news.
To appreciate other cultural features, such as the diversity of sports in the different
Competence in linguistic communication: this competence is inextricably related
to learning English as a foreign language and it means using the language for any
purposes. Therefore, English will be used at all times so as to communicate orally
with each other and also for explanations.
Information handling and digital competence: this competence will be acquired in
different ways. Students will be asked to do some homework online (via the
British Council website, for instance) and send it to the teacher through email,
some extra online exercises will be done in class too, they will need to look for
more in-depth information on the Internet in order to write some texts and will
have to be familiar with video cameras in order to submit their final task.
Social and civic competence: Students should be capable of putting themselves in
other peoples shoes, accepting diversity, being tolerant and respecting the values,
beliefs, culture and personal history of those around them. In class they should be
able to work in pairs, in groups or together with all their classmates peacefully
and respectfully.
Cultural and artistic competence: students read, listen and learn about the different
sports and several sportspeople, the latest sport news and a pop song which will
be a source of personal enrichment, knowledge, understanding and appreciation of
different cultures.
Learning how to learn competence: students are developing this competence all
the time. They have to organize the input received by using lists of words, charts,
tables... They will also be asked to give some headlines about the latest sport news
in front of their classmates, so they have to make an effort and use intellectual
resources and techniques. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to reflect
on their own learning process when doing the final task.
Autonomy and personal initiative: this competence involves making choices
following their own criteria and taking responsibility for their decisions when
working individually, in pairs or in groups. For example: students will be asked to
give their opinions about certain topics from the unit orally or in a written way.

Block 1: Listening, speaking and conversing
General oral comprehension of a song, a TV programme about womens football
and some sport news videos and identification of certain details to complete the
Active participation in different conversations, in pairs or groups, about: sport in
general, unusual sports, sexism in the world of sport and sportspeople personality.
Use of spontaneous answers in the students interactions.
Description of unusual sports photos or sportspeople images.
Inference and identification of certain structures of vocabulary in oral and written
texts: adjectival suffixes, sport-related vocabulary, relative pronouns, etc.

Block 2: Reading and writing

Understanding the general meaning and most relevant details in the texts about
snowshoeing, bungee jumping and sportspeople biographies.
Writing a text about being a famous sportsperson by using expressions,
vocabulary and grammar structures learned throughout the unit and taking into
account cohesion and coherence elements.
Understanding the use of striking headlines in the news and writing some
headlines for the news they choose to present.

Block 3: Knowledge of the language

Linguistic knowledge
Grammar: relative clauses defining and non-defining; vocabulary: sport related
vocabulary, adjectival suffixes, linking words; and phonetics: correct
pronunciation of the new words, sentence stress, intonation and rhythm.
Reflection on learning
Showing positive attitude and enthusiasm for the English language, taking
advantage of the opportunities to practise orally or in writing, inside and outside
the classroom. Application of several strategies to classify, memorize, organize
and remember the input received.
Block 4: Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
Consideration and respect for other sports in the world and comparison with the
most common sports in their country.
Showing respect and tolerance for anyone doing sport, understanding what sexism
in the world of sport is and overcoming stereotypes or clichs.
Use of appropriate linguistic expressions when giving their own opinion, that is to
say, showing politeness and respect when talking about anything.


As this unit is about the world of sport, there is a clear connection with Physical
Education referring to the different sports and equipment used. Moreover, there is a
reference to Music because there is a song by a well-known British pop artist about
whom we will talk. This unit also implies Computer Science as students must use some
computer programmes and tools, such as their email server, the Internet, a video
camera, headphones, and so on. It could even relate to Ethics, since we will be talking
about sexism in the world of sport, tolerance and respect for everyone doing sport
regardless of their gender, religion, culture, etc. It should be noted that at certain points
we could resort to Spanish with the objective of comparing, explaining or making clear
certain structures (for example: relative clauses), but only when strictly necessary.


In this unit we will use many materials and resources. Firstly, we will do some activities
and tasks that the teacher will get from the textbook and the workbook Distinction,
Oxford University Press. Most of the texts are from the British Council Learn English
website or from the sport section of several newspapers: The Guardian, The New York
Times and the BBC Sport online newspaper, and different websites will be used for
doing some online extra activities too. The grammar of the unit will be taught following
some photocopies that the teacher prepared. Also there will be some collages, photos
and videos (Youtube, British Council) that the teacher has previously chosen or made. A
computer, a projector, speakers or an interactive whiteboard (IWB) with Internet
connection will be needed in every lesson. A whiteboard and some dictionaries will be
useful too along with the electronic devices.

3.7. ACTIVITIES (Day-by-day planning)

The content of the unit will be developed through teaching-learning tasks chosen or
designed by the teacher. There are ten sessions and each one is designed to last 50
minutes. Actually all the lessons last 55 minutes, but we will use the last minutes of
every lesson to complete a student self-evaluation sheet. English as a second language
in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education is allocated three hours per week so
this unit will cover three and a half weeks.

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 1 18/05/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: brainstorming about Sp. Sport vocabulary Whiteboard 5min
sport (whole group) Wr.
2 Look at the collages and Sp. Collages of sport Interactive 10min
answer these questions (in courses whiteboard
pairs) (IWB)
3 Talk to a different partner Sp. Everyday sports ------ 5min
about the sport you do (in
4 Pre-listening: talk to your Sp. Extreme sports Whiteboard 5min
partner about extreme sports
(in pairs)
5 Listening: watch the video List. Skiing at night video IWB 5min
6 Post-listening: talk about this Sp. Opinions ----- 5min
sport (in pairs)
7 Decide if these sports go with Wr. Sport vocabulary IWB, 10min
go, play, do (individually) notebooks
8 Answer these questions related Wr. Sport vocabulary IWB, 5min
to sports homework photocopies

2) Collages of sport courses

5) Watching a video about skiing at night

7) Sports that go with do, go, play

Aerobics, basketball, baseball, climbing, gymnastics, ice-skating, judo, mountain
biking, sailing, skiing, wake-boarding, weightlifting.

8) Answer these questions (homework)

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 2 20/05/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Homework correction Sp. Sport vocabulary Computer 5min
and projector
2 Warm-up: look at this photo Sp. Questions related to Photo, 5min
and answer these questions (in a photo computer and
pairs) projector
3 Read the text in 3 minutes Rd. Snowshoeing, sport Text 5min
(skimming) (individually) vocabulary
4 Choose a paragraph and work Rd. Snowshoeing, sport Text, 15min
on it (in groups of 4 people) Wr. vocabulary IWB
5 Match the headings with the Rd. Snowshoeing, sport IWB 10min
paragraphs (in groups) Sp. vocabulary
6 Multiple choice exercise and Rd. Snowshoeing, sport Photocopy, 10min
justify your answer Wr. vocabulary IWB
2) Look at the photo and answer these questions:

Do you know this sport?

Have you ever done something
Do you enjoy winter sports?
Which one is your favourite?
Which one would you like to
3) Read the text roughly and get the general idea:

4) Choose a paragraph and work on it!

5) Match the headings with the correct paragraph:

Trying another sport before going A

home B
She explains what snowshoeing is C
About the cold when they were on the D
summit X
How she felt about this sport
About the landscape and the return

6) Choose the right option and justify your answer in the text:
Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 3 21/05/2015
Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: answer questions Sp. Relative pronouns, Computer 10min
about these sentences (whole relative clauses and projector
2 Explanation of defining List. Defining relative Photocopy, 30min
relative clauses and two Rd. clauses whiteboard
exercises (individually) Wr.
3 Exercise about defining Rd. Defining relative IWB, 10min
relative clauses (in pairs) Wr. clauses notebooks

3) Write sentences including a defining relative clause:

Homework: online exercise about defining relative clauses


Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 4 25/05/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: online exercise Sp. Defining relative IWB 10min
about defining relative clauses clauses
(whole group)
2 Explanation of non-defining List. Non-defining Photocopy, 25min
relative clauses and exercises Rd. relative clauses whiteboard
(individually) Wr.
3 Pre-listening: fill in the gaps in Rd. Relative clauses Photocopy of 5min
this song with relative Wr. Jessie Js
pronouns (in pairs) song
4 Listening: song. Check if your List. Relative clauses Photocopy, 5min
options are correct (in pairs) song, IWB

5 Post-listening: sharing the Sp. Relative clauses Photocopy 5min

answers (whole group)
1) Online exercise about defining relative clauses
Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 5 27/05/2015
Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: linking sentences Rd. Relative clauses Computer 10min
with relative pronouns game Sp. and projector,
(in groups of 3 people) timer
2 Running dictation game (in Rd. Bungee jumping, Text, 20min
pairs + whole group) Sp. sport vocabulary notebooks,
List. timer
3 True/False exercise Rd. Bungee jumping, Text 10min
(individually) Wr. sport vocabulary
4 Write about an adrenaline rush Wr. Vocabulary sport, Notebooks, 10min
you have felt (individually) feelings dictionary

1) Game: linking sentences with the appropriate relative pronouns:

Beginning of the sentence pronoun rest of the sentence
1. Xavi Alonso is a footballer A. 800m and 1500m gold medals in
2004 took Britain by surprise
2. The Old Course in St Andrews is B. has played most often in the
the gold course World Cup
3. Hockey is a game C. moved to Liverpool and learnt to
speak English very well
4. Brazil is the team D. the Olympic Games were held in
5. Kelly Holmes is the woman E. the British Open competition is
always held
6. 2012 was the year F. you play with a stick

3) Decide if these sentences are True or False and justify your answers in the text:
1) The author of the text has thrown a wonderful birthday party
this year too.
2) The views from the Great Canadian Bungee are beautiful.
3) The author was one the first people to jump.
4) The author waited for a minute before jumping.
5) The author has already done other extreme sports

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 6 01/06/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: make words from a Sp. Suffixes, prefixes IWB 10min
word given as a prompt (in Wr.
groups of 3 people)
2 Find in the text all the Rd. Adjectival suffixes Text, 20min
adjectives suffixes Wr. notebooks,
(individually) IWB
3 Write a sentence with 3 Wr. Adjectival suffixes Notebooks 10min
adjectival suffixes leaving the
blank (in pairs)
4 Explain the meaning of 3 Sp. Adjectival suffixes ----- 10min
adjective suffixes to your List.
partner (in pairs)
5 Homework: text to fill in the Rd. Adjectival suffixes Photocopy
blanks with an appropriate adj. Wr.

Homework: Complete the text with a suitable adjective:

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 7 03/06/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Homework correction Sp. Adjective suffixes Computer, 5min
2 Warm-up: guess the word Sp Sport vocabulary Computer, 10min
game (whole group) projector
3 Pre-listening: look at the Sp. Sport vocabulary, Computer, 5min
photos and answer some sexism in sport projector,
questions (in pairs) photos
4 Listening: watch the video and List. Sport vocabulary, Computer, 10min
gather all the useful Wr. sexism in sport projector,
information + answer some notebooks
questions (individually)
5 Post-listening: answer these Wr. Sport vocabulary, Computer, 10min
questions about the video sexism in sport projector,
(individually) notebooks
6 Write a small paragraph about Wr. Sport vocabulary, Notebooks, 10min
sexism in the world of sport sexism in sport dictionaries
2) Warm-up: guess the word game:

Place Tennis
Football Object
Team Net
Swim Person
Sea Football
Fish Cards
Flippers Black

People Snow
Team Mountain
Support Slide
Shouting Glasses

3) Look at these photos and talk to your partner about these questions:

Do you think
women should be

Are there any

sports which
only men or
only women
should play?
4) Watch the video and choose the correct option:

1. There are more than 2. Tottenham Hotspur 3. Tottenham Hotspur

_______ girls football F.C. is more than ______ F.C. plays in the
teams in England years old _________ league
a) 50 a) 100 a) Spanish
b) 500 b) 130 b) Premier
c) 5000 c) 150 c) Bundes
4. Spurs has had a 5. Kitty started playing 6. The coach says that
womens team since football when she was womens football is
__________ ________ years old _________ than twenty
years ago
a) the 1970s a) nine a) better organized
b) the 1980s b) ten b) more competitive
c) the 1990s c) eleven c) more popular
7. Kitty thinks todays 8. Kittys team wins the 9. Kitty scores ________
match will be _________ match __________ goal(s)
a) easy a) 2-1 a) one
b) aggressive b) 3-1 b) two
c) competitive c) 3-2 c) three

5) Answer these questions using the information you have gathered while watching
the video or the information you remember:
1. Is the Spurs F.C. a new club?
2. Name at least 2 things that the players enjoy while playing
football with their team.
3. Do they treat Kitty differently to the boys?
4. How is she feeling before the game?
5. Does she think that its going to be a good season ahead?

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 8 04/06/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: look at the photos Sp. Descriptive Computer 10min
and talk about them (in pairs) adjectives and projector
2 Read the texts about famous Rd. Biography, Photocopy 20min
sportspeople and classify the Wr. adjectives,
information (individually) achievements
3 Link the sentences with an Rd. Text linkers Computer 10min
appropriate linker Wr. and projector
4 Write a draft of a text about Wr. Biography, Notebooks 10min
being a famous sportsperson adjectives,
1) Look at these photos and talk to your partner about them:

2) Read the texts and classify the information according to this table:
Name Career Personality and Charity work

3) Link the sentences with an appropriate linker:

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 9 (in the ICT room) 08/06/2015

Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Warm-up: watch the videos List. Sport news and Computer, 10min
and talk about the differences Sp. headlines videos
(in pairs)
2 Read these news and write an Rd. Sport news Computer 20min
appropriate headline for them Wr.
(in pairs)
3 Search for 4 sport news, write Rd. Sport news Computer 20min
a headline and a brief summary Wr.
1) Watch the videos and comment the differences with your partner:

2) Read these sport news and write a striking headline for them:
Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. Session 10 10/05/2015
Task Skills Content Resources Time
1 Some students present the Sp. Sport news and Computer 50min
headlines and a brief summary headlines and projector,
of the sport news they have students
previously chosen materials

Unit 9: Adrenaline Rush. FINAL TASK

In pairs, the students will work as if they were sport journalists and will record a sports TV
programme. They will choose some of the latest sport news and will announce the headlines
and then talk in-depth about the sport news they have chosen. They can tell the news seated
in front of a camera which will record them or whichever way they like. The students must
use the grammar and vocabulary points learned in this unit. They must sound natural while
talking and they can make or use any resources they need to make the news more attractive
too, for instance: background music, showing images, posters, etc. Once they have recorded
themselves, they will bring the video for the teacher to watch it at home and evaluate it. The
most original and attractive videos will be posted on the schools website.

I have mainly based my approach on task-based principles. I have decided to focus this
lesson plan on tasks because I consider that this approach enables the students to learn
in a better way. It is true that the definition of task can be controversial, but all the
definitions share the idea that tasks are goal-oriented and meaning-centred activities.
They should be designed to facilitate the students participation. This unit is full of
communication and enabling tasks. As Sheila Estaire defines it in her book Planning
Classwork: a task-based approach (1994), a communication task is a piece of
classroom work during which learners attention is principally focused on meaning
rather than form, that is, on what is being expressed rather than on the linguistic forms
used for expressing it, whereas an enabling task provides students with the necessary
linguistic tools to carry out a communication task and their main focus is on linguistic
aspects rather than on meaning.
Before going on, a distinction between task, exercise and activity must be
clarified as they do not have the same features. An exercise has the objective of the
mastery of the language, it is focused on form, it lacks authenticity and it may become
boring. The teacher becomes a leader and the student acts like a learner but not as a user
of the language, whereas an activity has the objective of coding and decoding messages
and it is mainly focused on meaning, not on grammar. On the contrary, a task is focused
on meaning and language use, the teacher acts like a helper and students become
learners, users and leaders of the lesson at their own pace.
Good tasks encourage learners to attend to meaning and give them flexibility in
solving problems in their own way, calling on their own choice of strategies and skills. I
have tried to design tasks which are challenging, yet not excessively demanding, and
which raise learners awareness of the process of language use and encourage them to
reflect on their own language use. The tasks of the unit are adapted to their level and
vary difficulty, so that the different abilities, interests and expectations of the students
may be covered. Unlike a PPP approach (Present-Practice-Produce), students are free of
language control, using their language resources rather than just practising one pre-
selected item.
Moreover, pair or group work activities are always included in the sessions where I
attempt to encourage the values of co-education and gender equality, and to promote
active participation. In that way, the role of the teacher will be merely based on guiding
and making some explanations required by the learners.


The students ability to understand general and more specific information of a TV
documentary about womens football.
The students ability to grasp the overall meaning and most relevant details, as
well as their ability to identify the authors intention or feelings in the texts:
Snowshoeing and Bungee Jumping.
The students` ability to participate actively in different conversations, in pairs or
groups: talking about sports, giving their opinions about sexism in the world of
sport, describing photos, taking into account communicative strategies.
The students ability to announce sport news headlines and make a brief
description of the news.
The students ability to explain orally certain content in front of their classmates.
The students ability to write a small paragraph about an adrenaline rush they
have felt, to give their opinion about sexism in the world of sport and to write
appropriate headlines for the sports news.
The students ability to write an essay about being a famous sportsperson.
The students ability to infer or identify certain structures or vocabulary in oral
and written texts: defining and non-defining relative clauses, relative pronouns,
adjectives suffixes.
The students ability to use the ICT in order to look for further information, to do
their homework and to complete their final task.
The students positive attitude and enthusiasm for English language, taking
advantage of the opportunities to practice whether orally or in writing inside and
outside the classroom.

Evaluation must be seen as an integral part of the learning process. The role of
evaluation is to give teachers and students feedback. Evaluation takes place all through
the unit because we consider it to be a continuous process1.
This units evaluation will be carried out by directly observing the daily routine,
supervising the students work in class and controlling their homework. The teachers
notebook is the place where everything -participation, attitude and work- will be
registered as positive or negative points and other comments, with the objective of using
all this relevant information for their evaluation.
As for the students self-evaluation, we have decided to give them a record book,
that is, a book full of evaluation sheets to be completed after every lesson, so the
students will evaluate their own learning process. This will be done in the last 5 minutes
of the lesson. If there is no time left, the students will do it at home. This is a sample:
1. What have we done? Unit:

2. What did I 3. What didnt 4. What have I 5. How did I 6. What do I

like the best? I like? Why? learned? do? need to revise /
Why? study?

Their oral performance (reporting sport news) will be evaluated following a

marksheet which is used along the units and where M stands for message, F for fluency
and A for accuracy. This is sample of a marksheet for the third term:


.................................... F

Estaire, 1994, p.34-35.
.................................... F
For their written work (being a famous sportsperson), we will use a marksheet
that covers different criteria, from the communicative quality, the linguistic and
discourse features to mechanic aspects. Most of the aspects will be marked from 0 to 5
points. This is a sample:


Message conveyed AT TIMES FOLLOW

Organization of Well organized Poorly organized Not organized at all


Linking words
General comment

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