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Remko Weijnen's Blog (Remko’s Blog) ‘AooutVitual2abon, VDI £8, Applicaton Compity ang anthing eae tee ie Installing Dell Wireless 5530 HSPA Mini PC #2 Postes ty Remo Weiner +9 5530 HSPA Min PCY, Florian asked how install Del's Fe Ina Comment on my Aric “nstaling Dall 08 ever on non authorized system and card combinations. | decided to havea oak and dowoaded this diver The structure ant much diferent fom the R25 153 chive | descibed in my eter post, when nstaling on a non authorized cardaptop combination the eri simi teased on cong Pc =| when tn aor message appear oka into the temp flder and I ntices that ust lca before 2 folders were create (ith © GUID a8 name) One of those folders containod te flo drvey_avh ox ubich, 2 | oady know, perms the actual validation ode over_auth exe in da and inthe Stings windows | searched for“ contains th ist of athonzed combinations, sswan_sysI0 dat” As | deseibed ear this ie an encrypted fle that Serge [aT aie wo eHE ie ‘At abow in the codoi¢ a Switch satomont thal opaaion onthe fist commandline argument (On case 68 or 76 & password check (passwords expected as 2nd para satis dane (noice that ASC 68 =D and 6 =U: roy els fran Sr _ shart toe ueaosa We cou of couse patch jn Jump won Net aro) to je Jump wan Zr) to accop any password but used e's inogratd debugger to rad tho passvons ‘oh you want now het the passer is? Its ELMSLEY (in copitte) The follwing commandines ate possible ariver_autheene -U "dell wan s9SID.dat” 05556 Decrypt to deli_wwan_sys10.te: nceypt de11_wwan_sysID.txt to farsver-sutneone -L nl fS\e? ens-awan aye .t8e So ft's docryt th fo =o=e5]) 563,1, Dell Latituce F600 otepeok (Raven), 98528 | DSS4@ Sea/4, Deil Precision 2400 lnteboat (Heviys), O&53@ 589,2) Dell Latitude E466 totebook (Lola), 05538 Latituce £260 Wocebook (Maybe), 05536 | 05540 Precision £4400 wotebooe (Ava), 05550 Precision Pea0o Notebooe (We), 5530 Losieice 4? nareneck (a), 05830 Studio 1535 lotebook (Nepburo-Tntel), DSS50 Studle 1536 lotebook (Hepburn kD), 05530 Stuate 1735 locepook (Pacino 1?t21), 08530 stuate 1435 horebook (Diaz Intel), 05530 Tpeteice €S460 Ueebooe (Foowe 181), 05530 Trapiron X65 M310 Noteboon Golde), 05520 | D540 nsplron xP5 #0540 Notenoox (Paltron), 05530 | 5540 oticuce £2265 (WiniCooger), 05536 | O5540 Studie 1537 hotebook (Hepoun- Ine. HV), 05530 Stasis 1937 losebook (Pacino-Invel #1), 05530 Inspiron $16 letbook (Qiaotong), 5536 Inspiron 1216 Netbook (vaotdng) 05558 Cnsuven sctebooe (adano13),, 05838 Stisio loteboor (Braxton), 05530 Vostro 1526 hotebock (WBN), 05538 Studte 1557 lotebook (Hanks Lt Clarestteta), 5540 Studle 1555 notebook (Hanks-Totel HV), 05530 otenoow (iteer), 95539 less Persur lecebost (Envy), 05530 ‘dane X65 rine (Wale), 05548 Studio 14 Votedook (Phetos), 05532 Stuale 1745 notebook (Paitise Mi), 05536 | 05540 Stuale 1745 notebook (Poitier CP), 05540 Inspiron 16:1 (Beer), 09530 | 05848 755,1, Dell Studio XPS 1645 Notbook (Paztron MLK 2), 05548 Selt stuste 1as7 rotebosk (Pheaps MUX), 95530 Delt Inspiron 112 (irgos), 05530 | O5Si@ Belt Loettuse faueh veiion on (Rameentla), 05580 Dell Latitude tayoach follow-on (lergeun), D546 Dell faite Freciston fast (asses), 09538 Dell Latitude £310 (LeFite), D554 D811 Stuate 1588 rotenoe (inks Arcansaie), 5540 Dell Studio 1458 Notebesk (Pneipe Arrandaie), 0554 D511 Inspiron 1570 tioveacoe (Ansscon), 05540) Dell Stanse 40S 16be loesoce (Paltrow ferandale), 05540 3611 Ineptron 1a12 Netbook (Samos), O5840 Dell Inspiron 1812 tetbosk Canoe), 0558) De1t Stuale 1749 notebook (Poitier Arrardate), 05542 Sell tatstuce séi0 (Fanzecs 14), OSSA0 Delt Vostro 509 (RYU), 05540 Sell Laituae 13 (00K) 5560 Deli Taspiren 1216 tetboot (Crete), 05500 Beli Adore ouresen (Wis), D5580 osteo 733e Calvary 12), 05540) Yortea 2890 (winery 14)) 93540) YVertee 2530 (Winery 18), 95540 Orit aaare sifecen (Panerai, O55#0 Dell Inepiron sz (C20 Intel}, 05548 De11 Inspiron M012 (CIO A¥O), 05540 Sell Latitude 2120 (hott), 08540. BeN1 Stuate 398 14 (ienols Tote! (Pure UNA, Pure Discrete eh), 05642 Dell Studie 49S 1e (Michal Intel (enftchable GFx)), 05540 D211 Stuale 15 (tinay 90 (Pure Uta, Pure DLscrete Gfx), OSSD Sell Studie 15 (lsnoy 500 (eustcheele GF), DESEO Delt State 17 (Shatner Thted (Pure UMky Pube Ofscrete gFx)), 05540 Sell Studie 17 (natner Insel (aussensele Ge)), 05540) Dell Studio 395 15 (linoy Intel (Pure UMA, Pure Discrete ETO), D554 Belt state APS 19 (insy Inte: (nufscnanie GP=)), D540 Dell aspiron 1120 Heiback (indros), 05560 Or11 Inspiron 1121 Nevosoe (Andros), 05580 Dell Inepiron 1017 Mesbock (Sanoe ML), 95540 Orin Latituge S11 (Fonsece 16 Blve), 05580) Dell Vostro (RYU), DES4e Oe11 Inspiron WSi10 (Queens 13), 05540 Bell inspiron NGL@ (Queens 13 Suitehable Graphic), 05540 Oe11 Inspiron vsa18 (Queens 15 - Treel), 05548 DeI1 Inspiron #5110 (Queens 13 - aM), 05540 3611 Inepiron 15 | Sultchanie Graphic), 05540 Sell Inepiren J5118 (Queens 15 aM = Syitchable Graphic), BSS49 D511 Taspiron 14 (Queens 14 - Zntet), 25540 sil inepsren le (Queens 12 AND), 38500 Delt Inspiron 14 (Queens 14 — APD Snftcravie Grapric), 5540 Belt ingpiren le (Queens 1a intel Pore una), o5580 Dell Inspiron 17 (Queens 17 - inter Seltcnadte), 25569 Sell inepiren 17 (Queens 1) _ Snel Pure Una), 35589 Dell Vostro 13 (lirvare 15), 05548 | 05550 1228,2, Da11 Vostro 13 (Mtevana 23 - sudtcnable Sraphic), D55«0 | 0555@ 1205,2, Dail Vostro 15 (Mirvana 25), 05580 | 05550 2229,1, Del Vostro 1s (Kirvana 35" Seitenapie crepnte), 05549 | 0555 3221/1) Dell Vostro 1a (Mirvana 24 ~ Seitsheble Grephie), DSsa0 | 05556 £241}2) Dell Vostro 14 (Nirvana 24), 05548 | 05556 1222/2, Dall Vostro 17 (ilevana 27” Sudtenable sraphic), D5sco | 05ss@ 1242,1, Dail Vostro 17 (Wirvana 17), 0558 | 05558 12991; Dell Vostro 3555 (iirvana 15 5:0 UME), 05540 | 05550 1300/1) Del Vastra 3555 (Mrvena 15 £50 Ponerprensd), 05540 | 05550 13012) Dell Vostro 14 (Mirvane at - 100 Ut), 5546 | 05550 1302,2, Dall Vostro 14 fhlrvana 24 — Poweoxoress4), 05540. | 5550 1205,1, Dall XPS 15 (Winey MLK 25), 05580 | 05550 2206/1) De1l X96 15 (Niney MUL 36.” Optimus), 05540 | 05550 2207/2) Dell 385 17 (Shetner MLK 27), 05540 | 05550 4£200,2) De11 395 17 (Shetner MU 37'” Oatiaus), O554@ | 05550 4£225,2, ald ¥PS 14 (NLchols MU 14), 05549 117041, Dail L3ticuse £6320 (Racanian 13), 05550 SI7U2] Dell Laeituse C620 (ineaiian 12), 05580 1972/2) Del] Letituse £6520 (Mecailen 15), 05558 1178/2, Dell Latituae 15 Huron River (Krug 15), 05550 1179,2, Delt Latituae M4 Huron River (Kru 18), 05550 1187,2, Dit Precision n4500 (Brooks 15 buror Aver), 05550 $inaj2, Dell Precision need (Brooks 17 turer River), DS550 1189,2) Del] Lesituse (Dole), 05540 | 05550 1193,2, Ded Latltuge 17 Huron Rives (Viaa), 05550 Yaoej1) Dell Uatisuse rapier PC Huron nvr" (Patron), 5550 224751) Dell anaros HL, DB5s0 | 05590 £25801) Dell Aehook (Bina), DSS50 1£295)2) Dell Inspiron 132 (lore), 0555 1296,2, Did vostro ViS1 (Jones), 05550 1259,2, Dell E210 1 (Racalan 34 TER), 05552 £201,1, Del Gusiness Cicene Tablet (Pose, OEEE@ $3112, Dell x95 142 Cre:tling UNA), 03558 41516)2) Dell X95 102 (Ereitiing Optimus), 05552 This'13 the 1ast Ine In the system 29 #lte ‘So ow do wo know what line we need to mod? Simple, use the-U switch, in my ease have 05530 card 80 | use the following commensine arsver_autnsexe -U “C:\ maaens_wan_sySI0,68t* 05530 1036 and Del $50 ie outa has 1D 1036, cooring tothe lst ONLY the combination j 1, Dali Mobile Precision baaie (Asics), 5540 ‘Sows changeit and ads the 05 ‘And lot's check again fad 9 more Eno you ae not sure which cad you have then use Process Monitor dung th installation wth the fllowing Fie Traces on Fi =) tis aricle was hep to you please leave a comment. elated posts: 1. Instating Dell Wireless 5530 HSPA Mini PCL 2. Switch SATA Operation Mode 4 Rad Studio XE has been released 4. BSOD with STOP Ox0000008E when instaling Window 7 Checked Build 5-Dell Systems Bull and Update Utlity DVO Novemer 18,2011 15 Rees Leave a Reply Ener your comment neve: Instaling Dall Wireless 5530 HSPA Mini PCI Fonianon Dacarber 20,2011 at 1419 ‘Great work, much appreciated and thanks forthe insight in your work Hons deaerim Zopeton Januar) 6 2012 12°29, ‘Very god job. Helped me alot Greetings fom Germany chasis How to moc | uwan_sysid tle FY emer scree ‘Great work, excelent guide. Do you thnk that same method apply for dels multimode vers? From what i have seen now they havea new kind of protection a Models zip hat is password protected and that has inside SystemiD a De ‘you thik that you cou find the passwerd fo those as wll? Hers ts an exarnle in hut téounloads dell convcomavDRVR_ WIN R27S084 EXE From what nove sen they use this method forall co ane mntimode cords OWS620,0WSS30-0NNS800| Tim obenoghue on aren, 201221037 ust road your ovginalaticlo and usod that to gst installed. Bu this is oat stu too (thanks) and il uy this ifuhen | nood to update vos. arc mm on June 8, 2012811742 ‘Very neretng ace! Question, please: Ihave # Dell E5500 with bul $520 HSPA card but wouldnt wer hee in eastern conse. gave ‘up troubleshooting and calle Dell suppod, win sa tony works with an ATAT SIM card ATAT isnt avaiele here.. When | plugged in the SIMA use (by 2 company called Teis)~ the SIM gets recognize it says i's connected — but n intemet access... Sooee: de you thnk IDA can be ‘used tnd the code thot ony lows ATET, ane open 0 anther prover? THANKS! {lr ve nove sean SM aks onthe Del cas so my gus is that your ries he GS fequeeyin whch ease you ar ou ofick @ ®orrwrws “en non authorzed systom and card combinations" Not Cone. eior_auth ex0-U aways retuns 20 ouput on non.Dall systems, £0 you ‘need at leact 2 Dell notebook. PY sre trenoe ‘have 9 5520 that Iam tying to install ona del ast. Home your guide but the install does nat unpack to 2 temp ode, it unpacks to ‘seo tmpfles 60 cannot acc88s tho drva_auth exo, Thovghts? Pr ren cnenao To clanty my ears post. The password provided does not work, apparently they change it fr this model Also, | made 2 mistake it id not ‘unpack to mp files, jst assumed i dd based on timestamp but afer clearing out tho fold and trying it agin | now ealizo that doos not ‘create anting a allin the temp felt, rot even in windowsomp, Looks Ike | might ust have to buy & carpatbe cad, FY tren ataresear lust used these instructions to install the WAVAN card fom my Latitude ST (aX) in my 6830u (Win 8), Worked ke 2 charm and ‘submiting tis comment via ATRT. Thankyou very much Remi FPA erence ene |e this method wath the new DUVEEBOYS2 gu) divers that Dal Nas, ute koops ging me the 6530 cme nstoad. Ary suggestions? FY cree rn cosas fantastic wore the ater all did you put the aps to work too? FFA Menten antessar “Thane fr sharing this titers. ne | ean use DWSESO wh myinapiten 1420, Profile Taos views, Recent Comments senae Horst on Launch ROP Nom commenting ical Horton Launch ROP tom coneanaine Dave rattan Handing in fes n PowerShell Rema Weinen on Sarina ahastabeby aval in PowerShell Prouay powe

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