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Social Wellness Practices in Personal Life

NO. TELEFON : 010-958 1095

PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN : Kota Kinabalu Learning Centre


January 2017


Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 2

2.0 Definition of decision social wellness 3

3.0 Six social wellness practices

3.1 Good communication skills 4

3.2 Seeking opportunities to connect with others 4-5

3.3 Developing healthy attachments and know

how to cope and improve with unhealthy relationships; 5

3.4 Respect for oneself and others 5-6

3.5 Performing social roles according to the need of relations 6

4.0 Adoption of the six social wellness practices in personal life 6-9

5.0 Conclusion 10

6.0 References 11


1.0 Introduction

perfection in his life, mainly because life is a process and will continue to evolve. However,
people can perceive perfection in terms of satisfaction and happiness. Social wellness is all about
our relationships and how we interact with others and like everything else, if we dont work on it,
it can start to suffer.

Many studies, have documented how poor social health results in sickness and disease. A social
issue like isolation and loneliness caused by a poor support network doubles your risk of death
within any time period, at any age. A risk greater than smoking cigarettes.

On the other hand, social wellness leads to improvement in all areas of your life. When you make
the choice to improve your social health, you will perform better under stress, boost your self
esteem, increase your energy levels and achieve better overall physical health.

As humans, we are social creatures. Many parts of our lives are dependent upon interacting with
others, and belonging to a group. Interaction with and caring for others, and believing others care
for us, is necessary for us to lead a healthy, balanced life. Because of this natural tendency, social
wellness is another important factor for achieving optimum health.

Social wellness is very important to our overall health. A person who is socially healthy has the
skills to socialize, be confident and function in all situations that involve other people. A person
lacking social wellness tends to lack the ability to adjust to social situations. Become active in
community, do some volunteering. Going through the day having positive interactions with other
people will provide you with a great deal of social wellness.

2.0 Definition


Social wellness refers to one's ability to interact with people around them. It involves using good
communications skills, having meaningful relationships, respecting yourself and others,
understanding how your actions affect other people and their community and creating a support
system that includes family members and friends. Socially well people willfully choose to
enhance personal relationships, nurture important friendships, and build a just and caring

The way we define social wellness is our ability to maintain healthy, supportive relationships
with other people. And by improving your social health skills, you will be able to make choices
that lead to positive interactions and enhance harmony in your personal relationships.

People who are socially well see the value of living in harmony with others as well as preserving
the beauty and balance of nature and the community.

The following are signs of good social wellness:

i. Ability to adjust and develop new friendships when you move to a new place.
ii. You arent afraid to go to places where you might not know anyone.
iii. You value diversity and treat others with respect.
iv. You value time alone.
v. You perceive that people enjoy being with you.
vi. You maintain the same values, beliefs, and attitudes when youre interacting in a group, as
you do when you interact with just one other person.
vii. You are aware of the social concerns in your community and are involved in solving
community problems.

3.0 Social Wellness Practices.


Social wellness is an aspect of wellness that is often overlooked. The main focus of social
wellness is on connecting with others and with nature. Socially isolated people are more
susceptible to illness. Encouraging employees to improve their health by developing a strong
social network is important. These positive and strong social networks can create good moods
and enhance an employees self esteem. Employees who have strong support systems cope better
with stress. Increasing social wellness can help out employees while also helping out their
friends and family in and outside the workplace.

Social wellness is ability to create, maintain and promote good relationship with others. It

i. Good communication skills;

Communication is a powerful and as you enter into more conversations, you will become more
and more comfortable with yourself, your ideas and their place in the thinking of others. It is
amazing how people will respond to smiling because everyone likes a cheerful person. Show
love, warmth and affection toward others.

ii. Seeking opportunities to connect with others;

Be active on social sites to be connected with people and friends. One of the greatest things that
you can do for yourself and others is to become a contributing member of your community. This
means getting out and joining in many different activities including volunteering. A good place to
look for volunteer work would be through your religious center such as church, temple or
mosque, by asking friends, reading your local newspaper and searching on the internet. Going
through the day having positive interactions with other people will provide you with a great deal
of social wellness.

iii. Developing healthy attachments and know how to cope and improve with unhealthy


at workaOr in other circumstances g,does not want to do things that they dont like. Be
physically and mentally present while dealing with others. It is like sometimes people are present
in conversation but there mind is somewhere else as thinking about home, food and many more
other things. Be flexible as relationships can change and progress with time and life. Make plans
for something while considering the time and efforts of others. Be honest and confident with
yourself and consider your own needs, feelings, and thoughts. Improvement can be made when
you develop more confidence in yourself, so recognize small things that you accomplish or are
able to give to another. Realize that value has come from you and resides in you. Build the store
of inner knowledge and try to make it more and stronger.

iv. Respect for oneself and others;

T someone you are not. Keep your life in balance so you do not develop over dependence in
unhealthy relationships. Always try to look approachable and friendly so that other people will
be interested in you. Do not be mean to other people. Do not insult and spread gossips to people
you do not trust and be mindful of the appropriate social media communication. Look for
company of those people who are well intentioned and support you or share your interest. You
can talk to them anytime in your mind and they will give you helpful advice.

v. Performing social roles according to the need of relations

Take out time for family and friends to listen and tell them your thoughts. Accept differences in
others as they are and communicate with them to remove misunderstandings or to share
information with them. Do not interrupt any one while speaking and if your views are
contradictory to them even then respect others views and thinking, do not criticize anyone and
tell your own views with the words like sorry if this offends you.

4.0 Adoption of Social Wellness Practices in Personal Life

Social wellness consists of not only balancing our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
health, but also actively participating as an interdependent piece of the bigger puzzle of


humankind. Thus, even as we care about our personal connections, we also care about the
greater good of society, including our communities and the environment.

Social wellness involves openly communicating needs, feelings, thoughts and desires to those we
trust, and actively listening with empathy when they share with us. It involves engaging in and
enjoying positive interactions with other people in work and leisure and building and
maintaining meaningful friendships, intimate relationships and professional connections.

It is not easy to improve your social skills at once. Choose a specific thing you want to improve
or your goal. For example, you may decide that you want to be comfortable with your colleague
or want to join conversation at party.

There are several guidelines than can be followed to cultivate your habits of social wellness

(a) Practice self care

Finding balance in life can be difficult at times, and we are much more prepared to deal with
obstacles if we are in a good habit of practicing self-care. Self care embraces basic needs such as
getting enough sleep, bathing and brushing your teeth, eating healthy, exercising regularly and
avoiding negative coping mechanisms like smoking or over drinking.

It also includes using positive coping skills to manage stress, self soothe and relax through
fulfilling or creative outlets like hobbies, crafts, art, sports activities, hiking, dancing, and social
interactions with friends. You may also choose to engage in activities that nurture you
emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, such as meditation, yoga, therapy, journaling, taking classes
in areas of interest, spiritual retreats or attending religious services.

(b) Get to know yourself


Identify your needs, preferences and values and communicate them to the people around you.
Knowing who you are, who you want to be and where your boundaries lie supports you to
engage in positive relationships with people who have similar interests and values, and can relate
to you while encouraging your growth.

(c) Dont Criticize, Judge or Blame

People can easily get caught up in self-critical thinking, which perpetuates low self-esteem,
contributes to depression and anxiety, and inhibits social interaction. No one wants to be judged,
criticized or blamed, and if those dynamics are present, it can indicate an unhealthy, and
potentially abusive, relationship.

(d) Own Up to Your Part

In every relationship, there are two people involved and each contributes to any situation that
comes up, whether positive or negative. Take responsibility for yourself in disagreements or
conflict by using I language and dont push all the blame onto the other person. When an
individual argues for the sake of being right rather than trying to understand the other side, the
other person may feel invalidated or unheard. This can result in resentment, further conflict and
the eventual end of the relationship.

(e) Rekindle old friendships and nurture relationships with people who are respectful, positive
and supportive

No human being is perfect. Everyone gets caught up in the challenges of daily life at times, and
rekindling old relationships that have been positive ones in the past is a great way to strengthen
your social support system. Maintaining friendships with individuals who respect, love and Or
maybe a friend in need.
(f) Dont be a flake


Be mindful of the commitments you make and keep them. Know your limitations and dont
spread yourself too thin. Before making a commitment, be sure that you can realistically meet
that expectation, taking into account and prior commitments and self care.

(g) Appreciate Yourself and Others

Giving more energy to positives than negatives helps to keep us happier, healthier, and more
hopeful. Regularly acknowledging the positive qualities you see in yourself and paying genuine
compliments to others you care about feels good all the way around. The power of positive
thinking can go a long way. Set a regular date night with your significant other or dinner with
your family or call an old friend from college or high school and catch up.

Being aware of potential social issues is the first step toward improving social wellness. Here are
a few suggested activities that will support in cultivating social wellness and to improve social

i. Go to the gym, the park, or a yoga, fitness or dance class

ii. Take up a hobby and find others who share your interest
iii. Join groups online or other social networking sites
iv. Think of a cause that you are passionate about and volunteer
v. Plan a regular lunch date with your best friend, mother, father, etc.
vi. Organize a spa day with a group of friends or colleagues


5.0 Conclusion

Cultivating social wellness is like keeping a flower garden. It takes intention, energy, time, care
and effort and is an ongoing process that requires attention throughout our entire life. It is
important to choose a proper plot, carefully prepare the soil, plant the best seeds, and be sure to
provide plenty of water and nutrients. In gardening, as in relationships, providing protection from
bad weather and regularly weeding out negativity helps to ensure continued growth and beautiful
blossoms for a lifetime.

Do not be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling in your life, there is always help. If you are
struggling academically, you can contact your teacher or professor, get a tutor, ask a friend to
start a study group. If you are struggling with finances, you can seek out financial
aid, scholarships, career services and community resources. If you are struggling with personal
issues, contact counseling services. In other words, you are not alone.

Make one simple change today to Improve your social wellness. It is necessary for your well
being and longevity, and an integral part of any wellness program. However, if you are shy or
introverted, being social may not always come easily. You dont need to make drastic changes.
You simply need to make progress. Start today by deciding one simple thing you could do today
to improve your social health, whether its to make lunch plans with a friend, schedule a play
date with your best friend, or join a new club, and then just do it.


2516 Words
6.0 References






vi. (University of New Hampshire)


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