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Malignant melanoma is a dangerous type of cancer that develops in

pigment cells called melanocytes which can be found in the Epidermis
the incidence appears to be increasing for people under the age of 40,
especially in women
melanoma has an initial radial growth phase within the epidermis, which
may be followed by a vertical growth phase with deeper extension.

1- radial growth phase

2- vertical growth phase


Melanoma is divided into the following types

Superficial spreading melanoma (about 70% of all cases of melanoma)

The most common locations are the legs of women and the backs of
men, and they occur most commonly between the ages of 30-50.
Nodular melanoma (About 20% of all the cases)
it begins as deeper, blue-black to purplish lumps. They may evolve
faster and may also be more likely to spread.
Untreated superficial spreading melanomas may become nodular
Lentigo maligna: it occurs on places like the face, which are exposed
to the sun. it looks like a large, irregularly shaped or colored freckle
and develops slowly. It may take many years to evolve into a more
dangerous melanoma

acrolentiginous melanoma
Mucosal melanoma

Risk Factors

* family history or close blood relatives with melanoma

* personal history of melanoma
* light color skin
* light eye color
* high freckle density
* High number of moles.They can be flat or raised, and they range in color
from tan to light brown to black. Moles may lose their color and end up
flesh colored.
The primary cause of melanoma is ultraviolet light (UV) exposure in
those with low levels of skin pigment.

Using artificial light for tanning was once believed to help prevent skin
cancers, but it can actually lead to an increased incidence of

Symptoms and signs

The early stages of melanoma may not produce any symptoms.

Suspicious spots for melanoma show the following symptoms and signs
(the ABCDs):

A mole thats symmetrical will look very similar on both sides. If you
draw a line through the middle of the mole (from any direction), the
edges of both sides will match each other very closely.
In an asymmetrical mole, the two sides wont match in size or shape
because cells on one side of the mole are growing faster than cells on
the other side. Cancer cells tend to grow more quickly and more
irregularly than normal cells.
The edges of a normal mole will have a clear, well-defined shape. The
mole is set apart from the skin around it. If the border seems fuzzy
like someone has colored outside of the linesit could be a sign that
the mole is cancerous. Ragged or blurred edges of a mole also have
to do with the uncontrolled cell growth of cancer.
Moles can come in many different colors, including brown, black, or
tan. As long as the color is solid throughout the mole, its probably
normal and noncancerous. If youre seeing a variety of colors in the
same mole, it could be cancerous.
A melanoma mole will have different shades of the same color, such
as brown or black or splotches of different colors (e.g., white, red,
gray, black, or blue).
Moles usually stay within certain size limits. A normal mole measures
about 6 millimeters (1/4 inch) or less in diameter, which is roughly the
size of a pencil eraser.
Bigger moles can indicate signs of trouble. Moles should also remain
consistent in size. If you notice that one of your moles is growing over
time, consider having it examined.
Avoiding ultraviolet radiation by

1-Minimizing exposure to sources of ultraviolet radiation

2-Wearing sun protective clothing (long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, and


Sunscreen are effective in preventing melanoma; as older sunscreens more

effectively blocked UVA with higher SPF. Currently, newer sunscreen
ingredients (avobenzone, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide)
Melanoma is treated by surgery. surgeons only remove 1 centimeter of the
normal tissue around the melanoma. Deeper and more advanced cancers
may need more extensive surgery.

Depending on various considerations (tumor thickness, body location, age,

etc.), the removal of nearby lymph nodes may be recommended. For
advanced disease, such as when the melanoma has spread to other parts of
the body, treatments like immunotherapy or chemotherapy are sometimes
recommended. Many of these treatments are still experimental.

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