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Chapter 18 - Ellsworth Bombs: "Elegy to the Thunderbird"

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes,

is represented not as a war but as an act of
self-defense against a homicidal maniac."
- George Orwell

A Prime Nuclear Target

by Randall Forsberg
Black Hills Survival Gathering, 1980
"Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota
is becoming a prime target for Soviet nuclear
attack. The Pentagon estimates that over 300
nuclear bombs might be set off around the base
in a first-strike counterforce attack - two 1-megaton
bombs on each ICBM silo and a few on the
B-52 bomber fields and command and control
centers. The explosions would create tremendous
overlapping blast waves, winds of 600-800 mph,
immense fires and resulting climate changes.
The radioactive fallout of particles from the air
would irradiate the entire southern region of
South Dakota, leaving little human or other life.
"The ability to attack nuclear forces, rather
than only cities and conventional forces, will
make nuclear war seem less suicidal and
greatly increase the chance that it will occur
in some crisis or by accident."

"This UFO incident allegedly occurred at Ellsworth AFB

about 7 miles west of Nisland, South Dakota."
{The following is from a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act]
request. It quotes the actual United States Air Force official
report [released in 1999], available from the Department of
Defense [DOD].}
"At 2059 hrs., 16 Nov. 1977, Airmen 1C Phillips, Lt. A. Lims
Security Control, telephone WSC. and reported an O2 alarm
activation at L-9 and that Lims SAT #1, A-1C Jenkins & A-1C
Raeke were dispatched, (Trip #62, ETA 2135 hrs.).
"At 2147 hrs., A-1C Phillips telephones WSC and reported
that the situation at L-9 had been upgraded to a COVERED
WAGON PER REQUEST OF Capt. Stokes, Larry D., FSO.
"Security Option 11 was initiated by WSC and Base CSC.
BAF (Backup Security Force) #1 and 2 were formed. At 2340
hrs., 16 Nov. 77, the following information was learned: Upon
arrival (2132 hrs.) at Site #L-9, LSAT, Jenkins & Raeke,
dismounted the SAT vehicle to make a check of the site fence
"At this time Raeke observed a bright light shining vertically
upwards from the rear of the fence line of L-9. (There is a small
hill approximately 50 yards behind L-9).
"Jenkins stayed with the SAT vehicle and Raeke proceeded
to the source of the light to investigate. As Raeke approached
the crest of the hill, he observed an individual dressed in a
glowing green metallic uniform and wearing a helmet with visor.
Raeke immediately challenged the individual, however the
individual refused to stop and kept walking towards the rear
fence line of L-9. Raeke aimed his M-16 rifle at the intruder
and ordered him to stop. The intruder turned towards Raeke
and aimed a object at Raeke which emitted a bright flash of
intense light. The flash of light struck Raeke's M-16 rifle,
disintegrating the weapon and causing second and third
degree burns to Raeke's hands.
"Raeke immediately took cover and concealment and radioed
the situation to Jenkins, who in turn radioed a 10-13 distress
to Line Control. Jenkins responded to Raeke's position and
carried Raeke back to the SAT vehicle.
"Jenkins then returned to the rear fence line to stand guard.
Jenkins observed two intruders dressed in the same uniforms,
walk through the rear fence line of L-9 (Minuteman II ICBM silo).
Jenkins challenged the two individuals but they refused to stop.
Jenkins aimed and fired two rounds from his M-16 rifle.
"One bullet struck one intruder in the back and one bullet
struck one intruder in the helmet. Both intruders fell to the
ground, however, approximately 15 seconds later Jenkins had
to take cover from a bolt of light that missed him narrowly.
"The two intruders returned to the east side of the hill and
disappeared. Jenkins followed the two and observed them go
inside a saucer shaped object approximately 20' in diameter
and 20' thick. The object emitted a glowing greenish light.
"Once the intruders were inside, the object climbed vertically
upwards and disappeared over the Eastern horizon.
"BAF> #1 arrived at the site at 2230 hrs., and set up a security
perimeter. Site Survey Team arrived at the site (0120 hrs.) and
took radiation readings, which measured from 1.7 to 2.9 roentgens.
"Missile Maintenance examined the missiles and warheads
and found the nuclear components missing from the warhead.
"Col. Speaker, Wing Cmdr. arrived at the site and set up an
investigation. A completed follow-up report of this incident will
be submitted by order of Col. Speaker.
"Raeke was later treated at the base hospital for second and
third degree radiation burns to each hand. Raeke's M-16 rifle
could not be located at the site."

"Abolition of all nuclear weapons, worldwide, will end

the continuing nightmare of proliferation; of crises spun
out of control and the dreadful headline announcing a city
vaporized in a thermonuclear cloud. 60 retired American,
Russian and other generals and admirals have joined me
in calling for the phased elimination of nuclear arms. It
is not credible for the USA to demand small countries like
Pakistan, North Korea, and Libya get rid of any nuclear
weapons programs they may have, while we have at least
10,000 superbombs."
- 4-star General George Lee Butler,
USAF commander of SAC

August, 2005
Rapid City (AP) The Base Realignment and Closure
Commission (BRAC) taketh away and it giveth back.
In May the Pentagon recommended the closure of
Ellsworth AFB, home of 2 squadrons of the B-1B Lancer
bombers, but today, after intense political and local
pressure from panicked businessmen, the BRAC reversed
their ruling and allowed the Base to stay open.
"We're jubilant," shouted Bruce McElgunn, chairman of the
Chamber of Commerce and head of the committee to keep
the local Base open. "Everyone said we only had a 15%
chance of winning, but we did it, thank God."
The Base employs almost ten thousand local workers,
as well as about two thousand military personnel, with a
cumulative boost to the economy of almost $300 million
It was also widely seen as a challenge to Senator John
Thune's influence with the Republican administration of
President Bush, who had endorsed Thune last year in his
defeat of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle. Thune
had lobbied, at times almost desperately, all spring and
summer to convince the Pentagon commission the B-1s
were crucial to national defense, "especially now, in times
of war, the War on Terror" he said.
"It just didn't make any sense," Thune stated at a press
conference, with his Democratic colleagues Senator Tim
Johnson and the State's lone Congresswoman Stephanie
Herseth enbracing him in a unanimous political agreement,
"to put all our eggs in one basket, in this case BRAC's
idea to put all the B-1s down at Dyess AFB in Abilene,
Herseth agreed. "Terrorists could have more easily hit
all our bombers at one time, at one Base." She replaced
former Governor and Congressman William Janklow last
year, in a special runoff election, when Janklow was convicted
of manslaughter and sentenced to 100 days in jail, therefore
resigning the lone House seat.
Not everyone in the town of 70,000 were celebrating, however.
"This is crazy," local rancher Marvin Kammerer said, from his
ranch adjacent to the Base. "What do we need these super-
sonic bombers for, against hijackers with razor blades and
kids throwing grenades in Baghdad? They're obsolete."
Executive Director of the local branch of the American
Indian Movement, David Seals, also agreed. "It's about the
money, period. We were singing an 'Elegy to the Thunderbird'
in May, but now it's back to the same old business as usual."

[end of Chapter 18]

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