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Recount text
1. One of Intan's hobbies is swimming, she likes to spend the whole day swimming in
the sea. She usually goes swimming on the weekend to refrefsh her mind away her
Last sunday afternion, Intan visited a long beach in her town to enjoy the
sun shine. She walked alone on the beach. Then, she stope in the shady place to
change her clothes.
In her blue swimsuit. Intan began to step into the wather of y
the sea. Intan swam around 100 meters.
Her hair was wet and it made her look so beautiful. Intan seemed to. enjoy her
time on the beach.
She swam there until she got her skin tanned. She looked cheerful and laughed a
The sun had set down. Intan took her clothes on and walk through the sand to go
home. She looked very tired, but ahe enjoyed it.

1. Based on the text the writer writes the text in order to.....
Answer : share information about her activities
. 2. Bases on the text we can conclude that Intan felt... after swimming on
the beach.
Answer: satisfied
3. After reading the text, it is hoped that....
Answer : doing hobby makes us refresh our mind
4. "She looked very tired, but she enjoyed it"
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
Answer : git pleasure from.
2. Last week Mr. Damiri's wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home
when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly yusuf heard his mother calling.
"Help! Help! "he ran to the kitchen hhismother had burn herself with aome hot cooking oil. She
was crying with pain in the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to his office. The children had
gone to school.
Yusuf was to small to help this mother, and she was frightene up to speak sensible ti him. He ran
to the naightboards house and ask his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighboor soon
pad on the fire and took yisuf mother's to clinic.
When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his
son. "when you are a man, will yo be like your father " Mrs. Damiri said.
1. The text is writen in order to...
Answer: retell that mrs. Damiri had an accident
. 2. How did yusuf solve his problem?
Answer: he asked his neighbor for help

3. Based on the text, yusuf is a... Boy

Answer: smart
4. "suddenly yusuf heard his mother calling"
The word "heard" is closest in meaning to...
Answer: listened
Descriptive text
1. I have a teacher in my school. He is Mr. Bambang. He is my Engkish teacher. He is
still young. His age is approximately 30 years. He has short hair that always look
neat. He is always wearing glasses to cover his wide eyes. He also has long
mustache and fairly dense beard.
He is strict and discipline. Though his face is quite creepy, his heart is very good. He
looks cool and macho. All female students in my school like him.
He is very good to his studenys. He always give logic advice or opinions when we
need his help. He has made all his students love learning english languange because
he is very smart to create quiet and comfortable atmosphere in classroom. He always
has the latest ideas in teaching. I think he is a very creative and innovative teacher.
His warm personalitymakes him the most favorite teacher. He is good in making
friend and talking in frint of the crowd. Every person who is clode to him will feel
comfortable because of this personality.
During is teaches us, he is never late or does not go to class. He is very diligent to go
to school. His coming his always eagerly awaited by the students. Unlike most other
teachers, he is very friendlywith his students. He is happy to hang out with us.
Nevertheless we still respect him as our teacher. If all teachers are like him. I am
sure all the students really like to go to school.
1. What is the writer's lurpose in writng the text?
Answer: to describe his teacgmher 's physical apperance.
2. From the text we can conclude that mr. Bambang is a... teacher.
Answer: good
3. What do you think the writer wants other yeachers to di after reading the text?
Answer:to like mr. Bambang character's
4. What does the word "creepy" in the text mean?
Answer: sinister

2. I have a rabbit. I call it Cica. Cica is my little rabbit. It's agift from my sister when I
recheacd the age of ten years old. Therefore, I like my rabbit very much.
This carrot eater, cica, has long ears, two eyes, a pink nose, white fur, and fiur legged.
Among all the characteristic of cica, i really like the fur. The fur is very soft and clean.
Because of this reason. Im very happy to play with it. I always play with it in my garden.
1. What is the lurpose of yhe writing the text above?
Answer: to describe the writer's pet, rabbit
2. From the passage, we can learn that cica is a. .... Rabbit.
Answer: nice
3. What probably happens to the readers after reading the text above?
Answer:they will love and keep kinds of animals from extinction
4. " ......, i really like the fur"
The underlined word means ......
Answer: hair-appeared on the legs.
1. My idol is daniel radcliffe. His (1) ..... full name ia daniel jacob
radcliffe. His(2). ...... Name is dan. He was(3) ...... in fulham,
london, 23 july 1989. Dan has dark(4). ..... Hair. The (5) ....... Of
his eyes are blue. His (6) ........ Is about 168cm. He is an (7).......
And a humorous peraon. I. (8)..... Him Since his first apappeaance
in "harry loter and the sorcerer stone". I think he is a (9)....... Actor.
1. full

2. I had a funny experience when I (had) .... to chatch a train for a

meeting. I have never traiked on train before. I (took) .... an early
morning train to meet my profesor. At the station i (read) .......a sign - for
Oakliegh atation, pleasee bours four rear cars only. Then I (bourd) ....
the train but did not noticd the position of my carriagr.
When i (got) .... to my destination, the rain does was lockes. It would not
open. I. (jump) ... And forced it to open. I thought there must be
something wrong. There was no platform. So I (jump) ...... Down the
train lines and had to cross the trailwa lines to reach platform. A fast train
(come).... From the other direction. I was so shocked and suprized. After
i (meet) my propesor, i (told) him my train story. He (explain) ...... The
sign say please bourd four rear cars only, it means that the train only has a
short platfirm. I (felt) ...... that i was so stupid but i was lo lucky that

Kata menjadi kalimat

Answer. : I had a funny expexperience
Answer. : alan was absent two days ago
Answer: Indah did not cone to shool yesterday
Leg-orang utan-young-a-grabbeb-my
Answer: A young orang utan grabbeb my leg
answer: I saw a shark near the day

kalimat menjadi paragraf

I have never traveled on train before.

I had a funny experience when I had to chatch a train for a meeting.

At the station i read asign-for Oakliegh station please burd rear

carsfour reard cats only.
I took an early morning train to meet my propesor,

Then, i bourded the train but did not botice the position of my
Answer: ihad a funny experience. when I had to catch a train for a
meeting. I have never traveled on train before. I took an early
morning train to meet my orofesor. At tge station I read sign - for
oakliegh station, please board for rear cars only. then I bautded tge
train but did not notice the position of my carriage.
I stayed at masy friend's house in Probolinggo, East Java.

Tge zhouse has a big garden with colorfull flowera and small pool

Last week, i went to Mount Bromo.

Answer: last week I went to mount bromo. I stayed at my friend's
house in Probolinggi, East Java. The house as abig garfen with
colorfull flowers and a small pool.

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