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fF | Answer Key > PAGE1 Part A |. years; United States; thousands, setters; homes 2. Women; men land; craps; homes . work; womens children; chores 3. food; winter clothes; family; soap; laundry 5 mother; teacher; children . doctors; women; needs; families settles; isolation; problem 9. families; friends; Native Americans 10, loneliness; women; journals; diaries lives; experiences Part B Collective nouns: family, families Abstract nouns: isolation, problem, loneliness lives, Ginerete nouns sees, homes, women, men, an, «crops, children, food, clothes family, soap, laundry, -mother, teacher, doctors, friends, journals, diaries ‘Common nouns: years, thousands, setlers, homes, ‘women, men, land, erops, work, children, chores, food, winter, clothes, soap, laundry, mother, teacher, family, doctors, fiends, journals, diaries, lives, experiences ‘Proper nouns: United States, Native Americans D PaGe2 Part A 4. Who-interroguive 4, Whar—interogative 2. thae—relaive 5. wvhom-—xelative 3. which-—relative Parte Possible answers: 1. Who called me last night? 2. Which/What i the quickest way to get to the cafeteria? 3, Whose jeans are these? 4, What would you like o have for your birthday dinner? 5. After whom isthe Pulitzer Prize named? > Pace 3 Part A 1, must be given—transitive 2, slowed-—intransitive 3, should atract—transitive 4, begin—teansitive 5, have learned 6. will arrive—intransitive 7. landed —inteenstive 8, welcomes—transitive 9. did guess ineransitive 10, docs sing—transitive =... eee Part B Possible answers are shown os follows: original verb—more lively verb. 1, walked—shotfed 2. fll—plurameted 3, drove—raced D> PAGES Part A 4. admire—action 6. looks 2. came—action 3, became-—Linking 4, built—action 5. visit—action Part B Possible answers: 4. exciting, short 4, elated, dizzy 2. great, “Loving You" 5. high, cool 3. sour, terrible 4. hit—pelted 5. asked—demanded ng 7. grew—action 8, called—action 9. scemed-—linking 10, was—tinking > PAGES Part 1. devastating; those; tiny 2 spicy, sweet fattening 3. Hawaiian; expensive; lange 4. That; daring; young; two; broken his nasty 5. narvow; rushing; young their 6. Roman; similar Greek Part B Proper adjectives: Hawaiian, Roman, Greck Predicate adjectives expensive, similar Partciples a adjectives: devastating, atening daring, suhing Possessive pronouns as adjectives: his, thee Demonstrative pronouns as adjectives: Tha, those Part C Possible answers: 1. Egyptian—The Sphinx is «farnous Kgyption statue. 2, happy—Several happy children were playing in the yard, 9. young—A puppy is a young dog. 1. Hotelligent—Thac is an intelligent answer > paces Part A Part B eaeflly {lever 2 late 2 hard adverb 3 net 3: complicated uesive 4 very loudly soon perfor —va 5. accutely 5: tid orderver Writer’s Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 1053 EE Part Aadverb forms are shown. ‘recently 3. quickly 5, ltelce/latest, 2 reluctandy 4, wisely > PAGE Part A 1. As of in of 6. of tat 2. of by 7. for 3. on 8. toyin 4. with 9. before; of 5. from 10, st 08 Part B Possible answers: 4. Without 5. After 6.1 Tso that 8. und 9. Before 5. whenever 10, whenever Part B 4. Although. 4, where 2 onl 5. so that 3. After > PAGES Part A Answers are shown as follows: subjeet—predicate. Com= ‘pound elements appear in boldface 1. Catherine Parr—married, outlived 2, Clydesdales—pull 3. Haydn, Mozart-—maintained 4, vietims—ean prevent, cure 5. One fifh—lives, works 6, Forts—housed, protected 7. primroses—grew, blossomed 8, Poems—ean inspire 9, Neil Armstrong, astronauts—worked 10, actors, actresses—rehearsed. Part B Possible answers: 11, Monsters and alligators lurked under the bed. 2. My toes tingled end twitched in pure delight 4, Absolutely nothing was or ever will be under there. 3. Istooped over end peeked very carefully under the bed. scene ET > Pace 10 Part A [nowt te shown as follows: ect eject indict abject. 4. place voter 2. source—{no indirect object) 5. wringsGerure Stein othe 5. deakpeople Part B Gallies: Mae ue staen dots nota prepesionl Strate rather than net objects. Posbleindect thjetsare shown, french other 4. fends 2me 5: her pens 3. her patents > pace 11 Part A 1, obsoleve—adjective 2. necessary, enjoyable—adjectives 3. feaud—noun 4, theirs—pronoun Part B Possible answers: 1, stunned, angry, thrilled 2, a hezard, a disaster area, unsafe, theirs 3, an inspiration, a hero, heroic, careless 4, chairperson, acting president, recorder Part c Guidelines: Student's sentences should demonstrate an understanding of te correct use ofthe object complements. > PAGE 12 Part A Part B 4. jndge—PN Possible answers 2 sy—PA 4. Detnorats—PN Zrwathing PN 2 complicated PA 4, brothers, 3. encked PA fsigane PN. sipesb—PA S.mysterious-PA 5. hapoy—PA Part C ‘Guidelines: Encourage student to vary the forms of the sentences and to be creative. > PAGE 13 Part A 1. of the Harlem Renaissance 2. into his poems 33. Beneath its formal surface; with life and emotion 44. Over the years of Langston Hughes; asa mode! 54 Writer’s Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 10 iecnonncere st Scho! Pubsing Comey ony by te Gleneae Dvton of 2 Part 4s in 1973—adverb 2. for both adults and children—adjactive 3. about the lonely, haunting, and remote Chilean coun- tuyside—adverb 4, to simpler things adjective 5. of his poetsy—adjective Part C Guidelines: Make sure that each noun or noun phase is preceded by a preposition end that che prepositional phrase ‘makes sense within the sentence. D pace 14 Part A Appositive appear in boldfice 1.4 popular houseplane 4. Harrison Ford 2, Marjorie 5. digital audio tapes 3. acolonial village 6. Ms. Green Part B 1, James Joyce, a twentioeh-century novelist is consid- ered. 2, .. «im Ireland, the country of his birth 3. The action in his novel Uljes takes place 4, The day June 16s celebrated... 5... for Leopold and Molly Bloom, the novel's central characters. D> PAGE 15 Part A 1, looking for a word’ exact dfinition—people 2, Blated with his grade report—Marice 3. cornered by the bear—wolverine 4, hanging inthe hall—painting 5, Frostrated, inexperienced—golfer Part B Guidelines: Soadent’s sentences should demonstrate an understanding of the difference between the two uses of the words D Pace 16 Part A 41 designing fashionable clothing 2. setting new fashion standards 3, combining the stylish with the unas 4, succeeding Part B Guidelines: Seadent’s sentences should demonstrate an ‘understanding ofthe distinction between participles and gerund > PAGE 17 Part A 4, to budget time 2. eo-ttend a prestigious college 3, to produce 180 horsepower 4. todo 5. to teach small children 6, roask another person out on a date 7. toask Jennifer to the prom 8, to dial Jennifer's phone number 9. to go with George 410, to overcome the effects of his astonishment Part B Guidelines: Student's sentences should demonstrate an bilcy to-useinfinitives as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs D PAGE 18 Part A Simple sentences ste identified, For compound sentences the two mein clauses are shown separated by a slash. 4. simple 2, compound—Tomatoes are usually easy to grow/broe- coli is more difficult compound-—Naomi shrieked/Paulette only laughed }- compound—The pencil sharpener was broken/the teacher permitted the use of pens 5. compound-—You should read the entire chapter/I can ive it for you Guidelines: Make sure the first sentence is simple with a compound verb and thar the second sentence has separate subjects for the two verbs, D pace 19 Part A Answers are shown as follows: adjective clanse—essential ‘or nonessential —word mode. ‘1. which have eleven members each—nonessential — teams 2, that are central to the game--essential—objects 3, which are three wwooden stamps—nonessential—wickets 4, whose rain iis to bat—essential—player 5. who is like a pitcher in baseball —nonessential—bowler that resembles a baseball-essential—ball 6, whieh hes two erosspieces balanced on top—nonessen- tial —wieket 7. who successfully hits the ball ~essential—batter 8, that ae an top of the wieket—essential-—crosspieces Part B 1, Wallace Stevens, who is considered one ofthe greatest [American poets, was bora in Reading, Pennsyivania in 1879. 55 ( GRU Mmm enmked 2, ‘The fact that Stevens did not win the Nobel Prize for literature surprised many Ameticans who were familiar swith his woek, > PAGE 20 Part A Answers are shown a follows: adverb clause—word ot wards modified. 1, as long as English poetry is studied—will be studied 2, Before he died a the early age of ewenty-five—had 2, since many of his most acclaimed works are short poems called des—easy 4, asifhe were afraid to lose his insprdtion—were written 5. after he had spent « few hours sitting outside one doy—wrote 6, When the poet Shelley heard of Keaw’s death—wrote 7, Sinee Keats had not been very popular with the crities—blamed 8, when he learned he was dying from tuberculosis— moved Part B Possible answers: 4. Great Britain has surprisingly mild winters because the Gulf Stream brings warm air from the south. 2, Alunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between. the sun and moon, 3. A tree is deciduous ifit loses its leaves in the fall > Pace 21 Part A 1, how to begin the frog dissection—DO 2. who invented the whee—DO 3, thar they would someday find the “fountain of| yyouth."DO 4 whoever has the most stamina—PN 5, When they will get here—S 6, whom the audience was applauding OP Part B Possible answers: 1. whet you need to know about current events 2. whether it would rain or snow 3. whoever wins 4, whichever package has the proper postage D> PAGE 22 Part A 1. imperative 2. exchmatory 3, declarative Part B ‘Sentence classifications are followed by sample rewritten 4. imperative 5. imerrogative 4. jnterrogative—Listen to that tape, 56 Writer's Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 10 see 8502 A SEE NIST TSAO 2. imperative—Iwill not turn on the television until my homework i finished. 3, declarative—Home Alone isthe Funniest movie ofall time! sxelamatory—Did you watch out for the edge ofthat chit 5, exclamatory—This has been a pecfeet day. 4 > PAGE 23 Part A 4. fagment 3, sentences 2. fragment 4. fragment Part B Guideines: Make sure staden correctly uses punctuation and conjunctions in his or her revisions Possible answers: 1, Like s0 many other professional athletes these days, he thas become too interested in is personal statistics. 2 The dance will be held in the gym, which is going to be decorated 4, After staking out the old warehouse fortwo weeks, the detective arrested the smugglers. D> PAGE 24 Part A 1. run-on 2, correct 3. run-on, Part B Guidelines: Make sure student correctly uses punctuation, and conjunctions. Possible answers: 4, Many jaze critics consider Duke Ellington's big band the most talented group of al ime, but some ‘Count Basie's band was more exciting. 3, Despite these differences an amazing event occurred {in 1961 when the ewo entire bands played together in a New York recording studio. It was the ftst and last time the bands ever combined their talents 5, The recording thet resulted from this collaboration is. ‘uly a classic, It was as ifthe two great basketball play cers Larry Bird and Michael Jordan teamed vp only ‘once to play of the samme tea. 4, correct 5. run-on D> PAGE 25 Part A ‘etidden 5. eipped 8 rose 2 performed 6. sprung 9. hain 3 swt Teamied 10, declared 4 rites Part B Correct verb forms: 4. thought 3 homied 5. exclaimed 2. gone 4, known Norn Sod PuBlhing Company GRAMMAR PRACTICE poms > PAGE 26 Part A Part B 4. will have—EP ‘Correct verb tenses 2. have—PRP 4. will have begun 3. had—PP 2. had rehearsed 4, have PRE 3. has orhave lost 5. had—PP 4, wil shall ave printed p> Pace 27 Part A 4. passive 4, passive 2 active 5. passive 3. active Part B Possible answers: 4, The principal introduced the candidates for class president 2, The foothallfeld was damaged before the big gime by an immature act of vandalism. 3, Three encores were performed by the band. 4, Our neighbors the Mendozes have invited my family todinner. 5, A shaep rock punctured my friend's bike tire yesterday. > PAGE 28 Part A. Answers are showa as follows: simple subject—verb. 1. eobras—were 6. headlights—were 2, feature—is 7m 3. groupe-—are 8B. teserubes—are 4, downfall—was 9, movernents—are 5. scores—have 10, cause—was Part B Guidelines: Moke sure thatthe linking verb agrees with the “subjectin each sentence. > Pace 29 Part A Answers are shown as follows: simple subject—verb. 4. hours—is 2, staffmakes 3. Twelve Angry Men—remnains 4, quarters—are 5. dollers—are 6. fans, air conditioner—was 7. chair table, sofa—was 8, recorter, eamcorder—have Part B Corcectedl verbs are shown as follows: original verb—verb, hac agrees with its subject. 1, goes—go| 2. is—are 3. are—is 4, describe —deseribes Se ea EP SESE DSL TIE 1h cascxaeteebs sieSOSh l Pea AE s ESESA EEE D> PAGE 30 Part A 11 5.1 8. me 2.him,me 6. his 9. him, me 3. Hel 7. its 10, Hie I, we 4. hers Part B (Guidelines: Make sure student uses each phrase in the manner indicated here. Possible answers: 4. subject ar predicate nominative 2. object 3. object 4, subject or predicate nominative 5. subject or predicate nominative D> PAGE 31 Part A 1 me he 2 they 5 she 3. we Part B Guidelines: Seadent should write logical sentences that include the correct use of pronouns with or as appositives. > PAGE 32 Part A 1 we 5. me he 21 6. she 9. we 3. him 7. them 10. me 4, she Part B (Guidelines: Make sure student uses pronouns in the cases indicated. Correct case of pronouns: 1,2, 5.1, you, he she it, they, we 334. me, you, him, her, ther, us p> PAGE33 Part A A. its 4, bis 7. their 2 their 5. their 8. your 3 her 61 Part B tehisorher 3. their 5, his or her 2. cheie 4. heie > pace 34 Part A Possible answers: 1, When the cat entered the dog's pen the dog beeame nervous. Writer’s Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 10° 57 A a NS aS ERC eek ‘The bl for the sculptors new work was $20,000, and his amount surprised the citizens. 13, The Cardinals lef for @ nine-game road trip after they beat the Dodgers 4A, Marleen was saddened by the news, and her sadness was evident on her face. '5. Rebeces drinks iced tea whenever she eats dinner at Carle’s house. 6. Dactell is an excellent artist; this fact is apparent from is sketches. 7. Tam disappointed when my favorite team loses. 8. After making his case forthe defendant, the lawyer walked out ofthe courtroom 9, The snowflake melted when i hie che sidewalk. 10. Their exhaustion made the two athletes unable to finish the marathon. > Pace 35 Part A Answers are shown as follows: incorrect word or words— correct form. 4. worsest—worst 2, more betrer—becter 3, most good —best Part B 4, further—farther 5. littlest least 4. bese 4. worse 2. further 5, beter 3, worst Part C Guidelines: Make sure student uses the correct forms of the modifiers chosen. > PAGE 36 Part A 1. than any other worker 2, than that ofa fight atiendant or than a flight attendant’s 3. than anyone else 4, than any other job Part B Guidelines: Check that student has used complete ‘comparisons. D> PAGE 37 Part A Possible answers: 4. Aunt Bernice draped on her shoulders the lovely shawl that she had bougtin Tal 2, finished my breakfast nd brushed my teeth as che bos arrived. 3. While Iwas mowing the gras, the thunderstorm approached 4 In today’s newspaper chere’s an article about the hacmful effets of slugs on garden plants 58 Writer's Choice: Gramma Practice, Grade 10 ast ERS SERS EAS NTIS A TLS Part B Guidelines: Student's revisions should indicate some logi- cal action by the driver. D PAGE 38 Part A tic 2. correct 3, what 4 have Part B La Ra 3. correct 8. correct 8. correct 10. the 5. reviews 6. correct Tit > PAGE 39 Part A 1. highs school; algebra 2. charles lindbergh’s sprit 3. yor kippur, jewish; Holiday 4, Bather-In-Law; order; general electric 5, sir; Reflecting 6, canadian; east river 7. cistian sconce monitors Journalistic 8, Fast; south mount Part B Guidelines: Make sure student capitalizes words that are parts of proper nowas or that could be replaced by s proper noun, as in the ease offers. D PAGE 40 Part A 17 5.0! 2 6. 3 7 a. 8. Part B Guidelines: Make sure end punctuation matches sentence ‘ype. D> PAGE 41 Part A 4. colors: ed, gold, or blue. 2. That carpet neds to be replaced: iti stained. 3. correct 4. Her reasons for resigning were a follows: she was worl 5, Last winters rive in dhe cost of eitras products such as orange juice nd lemons can be attributed to one main causes freak cold spel Part B 41 We artved Inter than expected: there was ice onthe roads. pace 43 Part A Teno, but 2 denen 3. opinions and PartB Geielins Make sure student writes compound semtenes, noe simple sentences wih compound preictes 4, sessions, and 5. soon, for D pace as Part A 1, shimmering, sequined 2. silly, eurious 3. long, whive 4, crisp, fees, tay 5. colorful, romantic Part B Guidelines: Make sure student uses commas to seperate ‘coordinate adjectives. Possible answers: 41, The beautiful, delicate, cropical fish in an aquarium need fresh, nutritious fish food, 2, The astronauts in the space shuttle carried outs sue- cessful, cop-secree weightlessness tests before making @ safe, smooth lending. 3, My fast, ten-speed bicycle has a shiny, lack frame, 4, The vicions-sounding bark came from a harmless, obedient dog with long, sof fur, > pace as Part A 1. is, of course, considered 2. Aewally, December 3, performance, given the cireumstances, was 4, painting, in Kia's opinion, should 5. lose; however, that 6. shite, to be hones, is 7. Ulysies tobe sare i 8. Unfortunately, I Part B ‘The interrupters are shown between the words that they should follow and precede, 1. decided, a5 result, to... or Asa result, Mitel 2... Tote; furthermore, the 4. On the other hand, I... oT, on the other hand, enjoyed 4, weather, in fact, is. here, in fact. 5. Of couse, if... or die, of course. 6. Oh, by the way, did. > PAGE 46 Part A 1. Alicia, do 2. reports, Ms. Jenkins, are 3. chink, Doctor, that 4. dise, Dad 5, you, Sis, who 6. you, class, for 7, toiay,aven't you? 8, remember, ladies and gentlemen, that Part B Guidelines: Make sure student uses commas and question marks comretly or In fact, the weather... or mach, of course, it. or. tomorrow, aren’ they? - wanted, wasn’t it? D Pace 47 Part A Guidelines: Seadent may use cooedinating conjunctions rather than semicolons. Corrected punctuation is shown in boldice Possible answers: 41, Most Nigerians earn thee living in agriculture; they follow their ancestors’ traditions 2. Mose Nigerians live in rural areass Nigeris does, how- ever, have several large cities, +3. Lagos isthe capital (comms deleted} and largest city. 4, Other large cities include [comma deleted) Ibadan, Keno, and Ogbomesho. 5, Nigeria is quite famous for its art for instance, radi- tional African sculprure 6. The firseAftican writer to win the Nobel Prize for lic- ‘erature was named Wole Soyinka {comms deleted} and was Nigerian. Part B Possible answers 1. An actor, dressed asa very old mon, shuffled onstage ‘and turned toward the audience, _nisnraaniearesiecoriauacteenmaueneanmassnnct Writer’s Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 10 59 merece ETT 2, Finally, the old man began to speak of days gone by, amistaees made and regretted, and Jessons paingolly Tearned, D> PAGE 48 Part A 4... comner—how odd, [haven't seen him for years— looks... 2, The Washingtons—they must be deighted—won 3. ...street—I think they were all designed by the same person—look ake. 4. «-stmmer—T thonght it would never come—is almost here tB 1. The big concert—Let me know if you get tickets—is 2. The leading candidate—and I certainly don't see him losing now—vwill.. 3. + light the driver wasn’t paying attention—and « 4. The woman over there—I wonder if she knows people Guidelines: Make sure scudent inserts phrases in appropri~ ate places in sentences. > PAGE 49 Part A |. Darlene said, “Twill work only one schoo! night 2 week.” 2. VI be there at eight,” ssid my brother, which mesnt he probably would arrive loser to ten For years my mother has sad, “A stitch in time saves nine"; to this day I have no ides what that saying means. . There are eo versions ofthe song “Run to Me": one features vocals, and the other contains only inserumentals 5. Yes, [now that Daniela sai, “will never go out with him’ however, I think that she might. Part B’ Possible answers: 41, Mom told us, “Take your coats with you,” and so we aid. 2, Wendy sti, "The view is breathtaking.” 3. Nathan reminded vs, "The baseball season is about to Degin"; we were as excited ashe was. 4, Martin commented, “The marching band sounds good.” D> PAGE 50 4, Sesame Street 2, Lusendonrg 3, My Pair Lady 47 8. Wall Steet Journal 6. The Delia Queen 60 Writer's Choice: Grammar Practice, Grade 10 17. The Merringe of Figaro 8. Iriver 9, The Great Gatsby 10. ¢;commitee 11, Sporting News 42. The Bridge 13. adjectival 14, Citizen Kone 15, Iwivble Man 16. An American Childhood; Pilgrim at Tinker Creek 47. The Thinker 18, J ulifuous > PAGE 51 Part A 4. p's . brothers? 2. mother's 9, Carson's 16, book's | Chris's 10. woman's 17. stores? everybody's 18. Johnson's one’s ice’ 19. gil’ 5. men’s prince's 20, umpie’s 7 Wagner’s 14, Dodges! Part B 1 Tee 4. She's 2 Rain's 5. There's 3. 1s D> Pace 52 1. Dr. Smith's; self- diagnosed 2, re-sort 3. ZIP-code; OH; CA 4, comect 5. vice-consul 6am. 7. correct 8. pre-Depression 8. pro-Basque 10, State-of-the-art; YMCA. 11. thirty-yord 412, seventy-yeer-old; Washington, D.C, 43. 1bs 1 gm 14, correct 15, self-deprecating 415. someone's (ESS a ESTERS SSS SETI SRS SSE ERLE cea i A i : a i q Copyight © bythe Gencoe Dusen of 2

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