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Mathematical Vocabulary and Self-Efficacy Interdependence

Fheoshamin Marshall

University Maryland University College

Reading and Multiple Literacies

EDTP 639

Dr. Pierczynski

April 10, 2017


Mathematical Vocabulary and Self-Efficacy Interdependence

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................ Page 4

Chapter 2: Literature................................................................................................ Page 6

Self-Efficacy and human behavior... page 6

Perceived Self-Efficacy Page 7

Vocabulary in Mathematics.. Page 11

Vocabulary and Self-Efficacy.. Page 12

Vocabulary Strategies.. Page 14

Chapter 3: Methodology........................................................................................... Page 19

Instruments of Study... Page 19

Conclusion.................................................................................................................Page 24

References................................................................................................................. Page 27

AppendixPage 32


The purpose of this study will be to discuss the interrelatedness of mathematical vocabulary and

relevant aspects of Banduras theory of self-efficacy. The study will provide reasoning that a

strong foundation of math vocabulary will lead to increased self-efficacy for mathematical

achievement. Additionally, this research will explore the issue of selfefficacy as a predictor of

academic achievement and to make educators aware of its implications and applications in

student motivation and learning. This research will be a qualitative not comparative study and

will not explore similar theories nor shall it explore or include gender-specific dimensions. The

self-efficacy theory will be the primary source of research used to discuss the importance of

mathematical vocabulary as it relates to the dynamics of self-efficacy and its implication on

student performance, academic motivation, and reading comprehension. Additionally, the study

will be conducted at a local school over a three-week period using an Algebra math class where

all students will participate. Qualitative data will be collected using teacher observation,

Mathematics Self-Efficacy survey and a random sample of student interviews to assess these

constructs and to provide more insight into the qualitative findings.

Part I: Introduction

Why are some students more eager to learn and willing to tackle mathematical challenges

while others seem uninterested or unmotivated? Why do some students demonstrate high levels

of confidence in their mathematical abilities, while others seem unsure of themselves? To answer

these questions I will explore Banduras Theory of Self-Efficacy. Mathematics is bed rocked in

education and vital to science, technology, cultural evolution and peoples everyday lives. It is an

old discipline with an exciting, unique and mentally demanding language that is, at times,

difficult to decipher and interpret. For many, math has been misperceived as incomprehensible

and inaccessible and has negatively influenced student behaviors, beliefs and performance in the

subject. As a result of these misperceptions and the need to promote positive mathematical

attitudes, the important role of students mathematics self-efficacy has received increased

attention (Hannula, 2006; Pape & Smith, 2002). Additionally, a number of studies and research

has placed new emphases on mathematical literacy at the state, national, and global levels due to

its implication for academic success. The cyclical nature found between self-efficacy and

academic achievement indicated that strengthening one could strengthen the other: increasing

self-efficacy could lead to an increase in achievement and an increase in achievement could lead

to an increase in self-efficacy (Carpenter & Clayton, 2014; Pinxten et al., 2014).

Banduras Theory of Self-efficacy is grounded in understanding the relationship

between ones beliefs and ones willingness to engage in behaviors necessary to successfully

accomplish a task (Shooter, 2013, p. 1) and argues that by increasing self-efficacy, students

will be more motivated, engaged, and successful. Self-efficacy is at the foundation of Banduras

Social Cognitive theory and As a social learning theory, self-efficacy theory offers a notably

comprehensive understanding of the learning process, but also provides specific insights that

instructors can use to guide students towards specific skills development. As a self-regulation

theory, self-efficacy depends on the assumptions that motivated learners are more likely to

succeed than less motivated learners and that goal setting is of primary importance when

attempting to increase learning (Driscoll, 2005). The theory is comprehensive its use of

cognitive, affective, and behavioral theoretical elements to explain the correlation between self-

efficacy, self-regulation, the decision-making process for taking on challenges and use of

classroom strategies and techniques to strengthen belief and abilities for improved math


Knowledge and ability are insufficient without belief and students need two resources to

increase self-efficacy for successfully performance of mathematical task the requisite skill (or

knowledge) and self-efficacy (Bandura, 1982, 1986, 1997; Wood and Bandura, 1989).

Therefore anyone concerned with impacting student performance should be involved in

educational strategies targeted at changing students attitudes towards math because educators

have long recognized that students beliefs about their academic capabilities play an essential

role in their motivation to achieve (Zimmerman, 2000, p. 1). Furthermore when faced with

student academic achievement, educators have relied on well-tested theories that research,

explain and predict student behavior and equip teachers with theoretical knowledge of how

success and failures affect behavior and performance and lie at the origin of student perceptions.

Part II: Literature Review

1. Self-efficacy and human behavior

In the late 1970s, Banduras introduced the theory of self-efficacy and defined it as the belief or

perception that one is capable of organizing and executing the actions necessary to succeed at a

given task (Bandura, 1997). Over the last 30 years, research conducted on his theory has

revealed that a positive correlation exists between self-efficacy beliefs and academic

performance and persistence (Martin & Marsh, 2006; Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991; Skaalvik

& Skaalvik, 2004). Accordingly, self-efficacy research has produced evidence-based reasoning

and advanced the popularity and success of the theory as a highly consistent and effective

predictor of students motivation and learning for academic achievement and as the dominant

predictor of ones ability, motivation, persistence and competency in performing a task. The

bases of his theory is that, those with high self-efficacy are not only more likely to attempt new

tasks, they also work harder and persist longer in the face of difficulties (Bandura, 1986;

Lyman, Prentice-Dunn, Wilson, & Bonfilio, 1984; Multon et al., 1991; Schunk, 1981) while

those with low self-efficacy shy away from difficult and challenging tasks, slacken their efforts

and give up readily in the face of difficulties, dwell on their personal deficiencies, lower their

aspirations, and suffer much anxiety and stress (Ochieng, 2015). Self-efficacy can be attributed

to positive or negative self-fulfilling prophesies and readily explain students successful or poor

performances in math and why some are more capable of or reluctant to taking the subject than

others. Consequently, to be successful in math students must believe they have the knowledge

and skills and capable in effectively applying that knowledge and skill to accomplish a task.

Therefore it is important that high self-efficacy be internalized into students to alter their

behaviors and outcomes because high self-efficacy Influence the courses of action people

choose to pursue, how much effort they put forth in given endeavors, how long they will

persevere in the face of obstacles and failures, their resilience to adversity, whether their thought

patterns are self- hindering or self-aiding, how much stress and depression they experience in

coping with environmental demands, and the level of accomplishments they realize (Bandura,

1997, p.3). The basic idea behind the Self-Efficacy Theory is that performance and motivation

are in part determined by how effective people believe they can be (Bandura, 1982; as cited in

Redmond, 2010) and the premise of the theory is that if students believe they can do it then they

will do it even if they have to learn how to do it.

Perceived self-efficacy

According to Bandura, Students academic efficacy beliefs influence such critical achievement

behaviors as their persistence, the amount of effort they spend on learning, their efforts to

organize academic learning tasks, whether they ask for help when they need it and whether or

not they act in ways necessary to be successful (Ryan, Patrick &Skim, 2005; Schunk & Pajares,

2005). At the core of self-efficacy, Bandura identified the four main sources of an individuals

judgments and beliefs: mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal-social persuasion, and

physiological states. Although the latter three positively contribute to student performance,

mastery experience is viewed to be the most powerful source in determining if one believes they

have the capability to accomplish specific tasks. The application of these theoretical elements of

self-efficacy exists out of opportunities in the classroom where it can be used for students to

improve their problem solving skills and for teaches to improve their pedagogical knowledge.

Mastery Experience:

Mastery experiences is the most powerful and "most influential source of efficacy information

because they provide the most authentic evidence of whether one can muster whatever it takes to

succeed. Success builds a robust belief in one's personal efficacy and failures undermine it,

especially if failures occur before a sense of efficacy is firmly established" Albert Bandura

(1997). For example, having success in an area will build self-belief in that area whereas failure

will conflict with that self-belief. Furthermore, in a study on designing a scale to explore the

sources of Mathematics Self-Efficacy, Usher and Pajares (2008) found that perceived mastery

experience is a powerful source of students Mathematics Self-Efficacy. Students who feel they

have mastered skills and succeeded at challenging assignments experience a boost in their

efficacy beliefs. Establishing a steadfast and resilient sense of self-efficacy will help students to

learn from their failures and overcome obstacles through effort and perseverance.

Vicarious Experience:

Vicarious Experience is considered the second most important source of self-efficacy because it

involves observing and comparing ones self with others of similar abilities and intelligence. If

one observes others being successful mastering a task as a result of hard work then it will raise

their beliefs that they too are capable of achieving the same success. Watching peers succeed

raises observers Self-Efficacy and seeing them fail lowers it (Bandura, 1986). Additionally,

teachers are of great importance because they are successful role models and exposure to

multiple successful role models helps increase Self-Efficacy in observers.

Verbal-social Persuasion

Verbal-social persuasion involves encouragement or discouragement from people that influence

our lives, such as parents, teachers and mentors, which can strengthen or weaken our beliefs. It is

limited in its impact for self-efficacy because outcomes are theoretical, not directly tangible and

based on the credibility of the persuader. Despite its limited impact it is still beneficial because it

provides one with encouragement, in times of doubt, that one possesses the skills needed to

successfully accomplish a given task. In the classroom verbal persuasion comes in the form of

verbal feedback, evaluation, and encouragement from the teachers. It does not imply lying or

telling students great job or way to go. It is specific feedback such as telling someone you

answered the question correctly and your factoring of polynomials shows me that you clearly

understand polynomial functions in standard form. Additionally social persuasion must be

realistic, sincere, and from a credible source; otherwise it can negatively affect student Self-

Efficacy beliefs (Bandura, 1986)

Physiological States

The fourth source of self-efficacy is physiological states. It is the least influential of the four but

is important in making sure one is comfortable during stressful situations. It addresses the

influence of affective or emotional states that can either positively or negatively affect

interpretation of an events outcome or on how one assesses their self-efficacy. It is based on

ones discomfort, frustration or dejection that can lead to distraction and stress. Educators can

help students with stress by continually ensuring them of their abilities, humor, remaining upbeat

and reminding them of their past successes. All four sources of self-efficacy positively contribute

in the generation of self-beliefs but equally important are their dimensions.

Bandura (1997) conceptualized Self-Efficacy as varying along three dimensions: level,

strength, and generality. Level refers to the degree of difficult of the behaviors or tasks

that an individual feels capable of performing. Strength is measured by the amount of

ones certainty about performing a given task. Generality pertains to the transferability of

self-efficacy beliefs across activities, such as from algebra to statistics.

Understanding the psychological aspects of student motives can help educators further

understand how perceived self-efficacy influences the amount of effort and perseverance

students put into a task. For example,

In two studies conducted (Miller et al., 1996) perceived ability was the best predictor of

achievement for high school math students. Cognitive skills, modeling, feedback and goal

setting together affected Self-Efficacy beliefs that, in turn, affected performance. Student-

held beliefs affect the amount of effort and perseverance they engage which subsequently

influence achievement (Miller, Greene, Montalvo, Ravindran, & Nicholus, 1996).

It is important to note that Self-Efficacy may go up or down depending on success or failure,

but once Self-Efficacy is developed in an individual, failure may not have much of an impact

(Schunk, 1991). Therefore it is imperative that teachers provide students with the requisite skill

and knowledge to build-up their self-efficacy. Although mathematics is often associated with

numbers and arithmetic symbols instead of vocabulary and language, an understanding of

various symbolic representationsincluding verbal representationsis an integral part of

mathematical knowledge (Skemp, 1987).

2. Vocabulary in Mathematics

In mathematics, every word matters and vocabulary provides the framework for the big

picture of math which is overarching concepts that connect multiple concepts, procedures, or

problems within or even across domains or topics, and are integral to achieving a deep

understanding of both concepts and procedures (Baroody, Feil & Johnson, 2007, p.125). Over

the years, much emphasis has been placed on mathematics due to its pivotal role in both

enabling and sustaining cultural, social, economic and technological advances and empowering

individuals to become critical citizens, (NCTM, 1970). Many students begin school with positive

attitude towards math but those attitudes tend to diminish as they progress through Elementary,

Middle, High school and progressively more difficult math classes. Mathematics is a complex

and unique language filled with symbols and specialized vocabulary that is similar to English but

different in meaning. This becomes especially problematic for English Language Learners,

[who] need much more exposure to new vocabulary than their native-English-speaking

classmates (August & Shanahan, 2006) and low socioeconomic status learners who rarely use

the language in their everyday lives. Additionally, it has been posited that the oversimplification

of maths vocabulary and its lack of use in the classroom could be one underlying factor in

students inability to transfer its vocabulary across other content areas. For example, in one

study, Rudd, Lambert, Satterwhite and Zaier (2008) examined the way in which teachers talk

about math with very young students. They found that over 70% of the mathematical language

used with young children was either number or spatial, or words involving labeling numbers or

location. The mathematical language was kept simple and used lower level thinking skills. Few

of the teachers used any complex language, such as that used for operations, patterns, or data

(Whitin & Whitin, 2003). Furthermore, Though there has been progress in mathematics

education over the last twenty years, even now low level skills are taught as the predominate way

of doing mathematics in most classrooms (Ball, 2001). Subsequently, in the absence of

effective, evidenced-based instruction [students] who come to school with low mathematics and

reading skills may never catch up to their normally achieving peers (Anderson & Nagy, 1992;

Hart & Risley, 1995). Therefore, it is important that teachers understand contributing factors to

student behaviors and their attitudes towards math because they are in the best position to change

those attitudes and primarily responsible for ensuring students have the skill and will for

academic achievement.

Vocabulary and self-efficacy

Dudley and Lucas (2009) found a strong relationship between the early language

proficiency of children and later academic success and Several researchers have found a similar

relationship in mathematics between vocabulary and comprehension, identifying vocabulary

understanding as a key component in understanding mathematics (Miller, 1993), which

supports the ideology that All new experiences are recognized, added, and assimilated to past

experiences or let go unnoticed or unnamed because there are no words and no past experiences

with which to link them (Hart & Risley, 1995). Therefore, a strong knowledge of math

vocabulary is required when entering into successive math classes because new knowledge

builds on existing knowledge or what Piaget called schema, which is the knowledge a person

uses as a foundation for new learning. Mathematics provides students with access to important

mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives

and when [students] previous ideas about mathematical concepts are connected with new

information, they are more likely to retain and transfer the information (Van De Walle, 2007).

Accordingly, understanding mathematical language can increase students confidence and

participation in the mathematics classroom (Pierce & Fontaine, 2009; Topping, Campbell,

Douglas, & Smith, 2003; Bradley, 19880. Confidence and participation are elements of high self-

efficacy and, as stated earlier, increased self-efficacy can increase mathematic achievement

(Ben- Yeheda, Lavy, Linchevski & Sfard, 2005; Metallidou & Vlachou, 2007; Zimmerman, et

al. 1992). Therefore, success in math depends upon the students proficiency in its language and

vocabulary and when the written and spoken language is mastered, the other subjects and content

areas become more accessible. Therefore understanding and fluency in the language of

instruction is imperative to academic success (Zimmerman, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992)

and research shows that in order for students to succeed in academics, they must understand the

language of instruction (Scarcella, 2011; Zimmerman et al. 1992). According to Miriam A.

Leiva, President of TODOS: Mathematics for All, there are four categories of mathematics

vocabulary: (a) Technical, (b) Sub technical, (c) General, and (d) Symbolic

The Four Categories of Mathematical Vocabulary


Category Definition


Technical Terms specific to mathematics and difficult to express in everyday


words, for example, integer

Subtechnical Terms that may have a meaning outside of mathematics but that have

a meaning specific to mathematics, for example, plane

General Terms not specific to mathematics but that have vague, general

meanings and are not considered specific enough to define, for

example, greater than

Symbolic The many symbols used in mathematical expressions; for example, =,

< and >.


Monroe and Panchyshyn (1995)

Vocabulary strategies

Once the focus of vocabulary has become established, the next challenge becomes

implementing effective teaching strategies that accurately measure and produce the desired

outcomes. There are no short cutseven when children develop the necessary mathematical

knowledge to conceptualize various additive structures, they still need to develop their English

language skills before they can understand and solve problems in English. If one takes

understanding to mean the construction of an appropriate situation model, then understanding

involves not only linguistic but also mathematical knowledge that involves more than just

computational skill. Hence, a knower of mathematics is a doer of mathematics and a doer of


mathematics is a reader of mathematics (Adams, 2003, p. 794). Measuring tasks must encompass

execution of both lower-level motor skills such as solving numerical problem and higher

cognitive controls such as interpreting math text and theorems for critical analysis and reasoning.

Additionally, academic learning should be structured in a manner that enhances students sense

of academic efficacy and encourages intrinsic motivation to succeed. Intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation are concepts that differ from each other in that extrinsic motivation arises from

outside the individual through rewards whereas intrinsic motivation is a concept that arises from

within the individual through self-gratification. Although extrinsic motivation has its uses,

intrinsic motivation is the better in creating and independent learners because [it] allows students

to gain self-efficacy, enjoy mathematics more and be more successful in mathematics (Meuller,

Yankelewitz & Maher, 2011). In teaching vocabulary, Hogue (2003) stressed that vocabulary

must be learned to mastery, due to its critical role in students mathematical success. Therefore,

teachers should be intentional in teaching math vocabulary, explicit in explaining its meaning,

deliberate in linking words to an appropriate strategy, effective in modeling vocabulary for

effective classroom discourse and flexible in their use of instructional practices to ensure

vocabulary is the primary directive. For the purpose of this study, the strategies used are listed


A. Deliberate Vocabulary

Direct vocabulary learning refers to students learning vocabulary through explicit instruction in

both individual words and word-learning strategies. It involves students learn difficult words,

such as words that represent complex concepts that are not part of the students' everyday

experiences an will lead to a better reading comprehension. Direct instruction includes providing

students with specific word instruction and teaching students word-learning strategies.

Teaching specific words before reading helps both vocabulary learning and reading


Before students read a text, it is helpful to teach them specific words they will see in the text.

Teaching important vocabulary before reading can help students both learn new words and

comprehend the text.

Providing instruction over an extended period of time encourages students to use

vocabulary in different contexts both in spoken and written communication.

Children learn words best when they are provided with instruction over an extended period of

time and when that instruction has them work actively with the words. The more students use

new words and the more they use them in different contexts, the more likely they are to learn the


Repeated exposure to vocabulary in many contexts aids word learning.

Students learn new words better when they encounter them often and in various contexts. The

more children see, hear, and work with specific words, the better they seem to learn them. When

teachers provide extended instruction that promotes active engagement, they give students

repeated exposure to new words. When the students read those same words in their texts, they

increase their exposure to the new words.

B. Mathematical Discourse

Classroom discourse is an effective way for teachers to assess student understanding (Walshaw

& Anthony, 2008) and an effective way for students to articulate their own mathematical in such

a way that they reveal their understanding of concepts and engage in mathematical reasoning and

debates. Mathematical discourse within a student-centered classroom can be anything from

group discussions to individual work and, accompanied with High-Press strategic questioning,

will elicit answers to both how a problem was solved and why a particular method was

chosen. Additionally it will help students to can deepen their critical thinking, validate their

analytical reasoning, promote confidence, increase participation and generate self-regulation of

activities, all of which lead to high self-efficacy. Furthermore, the Professional Standards for

Teaching Mathematics (NCTM 1991) identifies Communication, with discourse as a key

component, as one of the six Standards for teaching mathematics.

Sociomathematical culuture:

Expecting students to explain and justify their answers, whether they are correct or not

Emphasising the importance of contributing to the discussion by explaining their strategy

rather than producing correct answers;

Expecting students to listen to and attempt to understand others' explanations;

Commenting on or redescribing students' contributions while notating the reasoning for

the class on the board;

Having other students pose clarifying questions to the student explaining the problem;

Expecting students to explain why they did not accept explanations that they considered


Using students' names to label agreed-upon conjectures, e.g., "Natasha's rule"


Paul Cobb (2006) states that there are two parts to a mathematical explanation:

The calculational explanation involves explaining how an answer or result was arrived at

the process that was used.

A conceptual explanation involves explaining why that process was selected what are

the reasons for choosing a particular way. In this way students have to be able to not only

perform a mathematical procedure but justify why they have used that particular

procedure for a given problem.

C. High-Press

Using high-press questioning during instruction is an effective teaching strategy in mathematics

classrooms (Henningson & Stein, 1997; Mewborn & Huberty, 1999; Kazemi & Stipek, 2001).

For this strategy to be effective, teachers should ask thought-provoking questions and not open-

ended questions that require yes or not answers. Additionally, it creates confidence in students

and how to communicate in the language of mathematics. Teachers who listen carefully and ask

questions designed to press students to respond thoughtfully, are able to clarify

misunderstandings as well as model correct wording.

D. Frayer-Model

The Frayer-model is a graphic organizer that allows the student to think about, describe and

understand the word within a larger context. Students must first analyze the items (definition and

characteristics) and then synthesize/apply this information by thinking of examples and non-

examples. The Frayer Model reveals relationships of similarity and difference between concepts,

which has been shown to create deep connections and understandings that would be retained by

students and retrieved for future learning experiences (Barton, 1997; Brunn, 2002; Gillis &

MacDougall, 2007; Monroe, 1997). However, the Frayer-Model is time consuming and Teachers

must be purposeful when selecting the vocabulary that would be developed using this model; the

Frayer Model should be reserved for only the most challenging and conceptually hard to

understand vocabulary (Greenwood, 2002). Therefore, in order to be an effective vocabulary

instructional tool, completing the Frayer Model with students should include both oral discussion

[mathematical discourse] and written information components (Monroe & Pendergrass, 1997).


Tentative Schedule of events

Week 1

Monday Practice/Pretest Week writing response (on Vertical)

Conduct Self-efficacy Questionnaire

Tuesday Pretest Vocabulary Quiz (Read aloud)

Introduce Frayer model exercise

Wednesday Introduce Ratio

Conduct Random Student Interview

Thursday Introduce Rate

Review Ratio
Frayer Model Exercise and mathematical discourse

Friday Introduce Unit Price

Review Rate

Week 2

Monday Conduct Pretest

Introduce Polygon
Review Unit Price
Make up any missed probes and writings from Friday

Tuesday Introduce Proportions


Review Polygon
Wednesday Introduce Scale
Review Proportions

Thursday Introduce Cross-Product

Review Scale, Proportions, Unit Price, Rate and Ratio
Frayer Model Exercise and mathematical discourse

Friday Introduce Factors

Conduct Student interview and self-efficacy survey
Review Posttest

Week 3
Monday Pretest
Introduce Integers
Review posttest

Tuesday Introduce Multiples

Review Integers

Wednesday Review all vocabulary

Frayer model Exercise for posttest

Thursday Conduct Posttest

Conduct Student interview and self-efficacy questionnaire

Friday Review Postest


Instruments of Study

In carrying out this qualitative study I utilized the instruments of a self-efficacy survey,

interview questionnaire, personal observation, video recordings and informal field notes.

Participants of this study are eighth grade middle-school students in the lower South Eastern

region. In the class will be 28 students and heterogeneously mixed with 20 percent on free or

reduced lunch. This category of students were selected on the assumption that they were matured

enough to form independent opinion about mathematics in relation to their self-efficacy, their

personal approach and confidence towards the subject and their achievement in it. The study

attempted to answer two questions:


1. What will happen to students mathematical understanding after they receive instruction in


2. What will happen to students self-efficacy after they receive instruction in vocabulary?

3. How will my teaching strategies challenge and support students in vocabulary instruction?

I. Data Collection

The study will use qualitative evidence whole group instruction teaching strategies, group-work,

individual work blocks and pre and posttest. Data will be collected and analyze through the use

of audio recordings, self-efficacy survey, student interviews and field notes. Data should

encompass whole group and group/partner work, content discourse, depth of mathematical

vocabulary and content understanding. The self-efficacy survey will be used at the beginning and

end of the study. The informal field notes will be used to capture personal thoughts, student

comments, impressions, attitudes and behaviors. Pre and posttest will include defining words

from the vocabulary list using the Frayer model (Appendix A & B).

II. Video recording.

Groups will be selected at random during weeks one, two and three. Audio recordings will allow

the ability to analyze and assess exact use of mathematical vocabulary and dialogue during

classroom discourse to examine self-efficacy growth, comprehension and mathematical ability.

Due to time constraints of this project, all lessons will not be recorded.

III. Field notes.

A daily journal will be maintained outlining the activities, conversations, reflections, and ideas of

my students and my own. It will allow me to keep a record of my daily interaction with my

students and reflect on their conversations and how to adjust my instruction. It will not be use to

make claims of growth due to its subjectivity.

IV. Survey.

A questionnaire will be administered once per week over the three-week project before and after

a learning period to demonstrate a trend analysis of students mathematical ability to assess the

components of self-efficacy. The self-efficacy questionnaire (Appendix B) consists of ten

questions and four statements using a 5-point Likert scale (a scale in which students rate

agreement or disagreement on a 1-5 scale). The survey asked students to rate themselves on their

attitude toward mathematics, mathematical ability, their knowledge of mathematical procedures,

knowledge of mathematical language, past experience in mathematics, and probable achievement

in mathematics. This questionnaire will focus on perceived rather than actual self-efficacy.

Self-Efficacy survey guidelines

- Use self-efficacy questionnaire (Appendix C).

- Inform students that there is no right or wrong answer and that it will be used as a self-reporting

tool that will not affect their grades in the course.

- Read instructions aloud to students before they begin the questionnaire and allow time for

clarifying questions from students (Carpenter & Clayton, 2014).

- Allow students enough time to finish at their own pace; have a quiet, simple activity for

students to work on when completed.

- Compare individual student reports over time (beginning, middle, and end).

- Look at overall class trends (number of similarities and differences)


- Teachers should modify strategies based on data received from questionnaire to meet the needs

of current students and improve their self-efficacy.

- Teachers could analyze the answers on a scale ranging from really disagree to strongly agree.

- Teachers should compare each weeks survey to determine growth over the three week span of

the project.

Using the surveys allowed me to get student responses about their feelings of self-efficacy and

about how confident they felt with the vocabulary and language of mathematics

V. Student interview

Randomly select ten students to interview and ask questions from Student Interview

questionnaire (Appendix D) that focus on the students attitudes towards math such as previous

knowledge, experiences, feelings and vocabulary. Limit interviews ten minutes or less to keep

students engaged and responsive. Conduct interviews during week one, two and three and

observe for any changes in students attitudes toward math in comparison to the relevant

components of self-efficacy. Adjust teaching strategies accordingly to support learning and

growth in their perceived self- efficacy.

VI. Assessment:

Qualitative assessments can be either exploratory or explanatory. Vocabulary development will

be assessed through student participation in classroom discourse and the collaborative Four-

Square Frayer Model. This should assist in deepening the understanding of mathematical words

and increasing student self-efficacy. Teachers should assess if the use of the strategies is working

or not through both formal and informal pre and posttest assessments. The pretest and posttest

will not be used to affect their grades in the course. Students will be given a summative

assessment at the end of the three-week lesson that includes the vocabulary and content

discussed over the lesson plan. Students will be taking part in lecture and completing lesson

assignments to continue meeting curriculum timelines

Informal Assessments.

Informal assessments will include observation of students during work blocks, four-square

Frayer Model creation, and classroom instruction. Teachers should constantly monitor

vocabulary use and development during classroom discourse to help students with any struggles

or successes they may have. Observing and listening to student conversations and disccussions

during classroom group work will provide teachers with evidence of vocabulary development,

proper and correct use of terminology and speaking mathematically. These observations can be

used to validate vocabulary instruction as effective or ineffective.

Formal Assessments.

Formal assessments can be conducted using both Technology Enhanced Items that incorporates

programs such as PowerSchool or the Assessment Library and in class activities using the

vocabulary matching exercises. The Frayer model and vocabulary matching exercises would

encompass a list of vocabulary definitions, terms, and examples that students would explain.

This can be used to identify which vocabulary words students were struggling with at the end of

a learning period. In either of these formal assessment approaches, teachers should set

parameters of specific criteria they will be observing such as incorrect vs correct word usage,

comprehension vs application and mathematical vs. non-mathematical vocabulary used, etc.

VII. Vocabulary Selection.

Students and teachers should work together to accurately identify new vocabulary words for

completing the Four-Square Frayer Model. It is recommended that you use the classroom

textbooks when first introducing the vocabulary that will be used in the Frayer-Model since the

material provided in textbook are at grade level and have been filtered to by the author to include

only relevant information to the concept being studied. The first step is for the teacher to conduct

Pre-assessment on vocabulary to assess students current knowledge and retention of past words

and then generate a list. Next teachers should thoroughly observe students and any struggles they

may be having with vocabulary words because Teachers focused on the vocabulary

development of their students should watch for problem terminology and be willing to address

concerns promptly (Devries, 2012. After the pre-assessment, teachers should analyze the

results by categorizing each vocabulary term as unknown, acquainted, or established words

(Beck et al., 1967). For any words that were indicated as unknown, teachers should utilize the

Collaborative Four-Square Frayer Model to develop that vocabulary. It is important that students

struggling with vocabulary words in the pre-assessment are identified and helped, as new

knowledge of vocabulary words will be built on past knowledge. Finally, teachers should be

knowledgeable of the vocabulary words that students will be encountering at successive topics.

Vocabulary important for student conceptual understandings of new mathematical outcomes

should be selected prior to instruction (Monroe & Pendergrass, 1997; Smith & Angotti, 2012)

and A limited amount of vocabulary should be selected for focused instruction to allow for time

for a deeper understanding of the words (Blachowicz et al., 2006; Smith & Angotti, 2012). For

a list of vocabulary words see Appendix A.

VIII. Assessing Vocabulary Development

Vocabulary development and understanding will be assessed through student participation during

classroom discourse, survey, interviews, pre and posttest and the Four-Square Frayer Model.

Teachers should continue assessing student comprehension through formal and informal

assessments throughout the school year.


My position is that if students do not understand and possess a strong mathematical vocabulary

background then the challenges they face in performing well in the subject will persist and

continue to lead to their negative perception of math. Strengthening math vocabulary will lead to

better performance in math, increased ability to interpret its language and understand its concepts

for real-world application and stronger self-efficacy for self-regulated learning. I believe that

after students have a strong vocabulary background in math, they will begin to enjoy the subject

more because homework, solving problems and class discussion will become more fun and

accessible to them. Additionally, effective teaching and classroom strategies should be flexible in

addressing the needs of students and enjoyable to ensure maximum participation. Teachers must

be willing to change if the present way they are instructing students is becoming monotonous

and ineffective. The new direction is self-efficacy and strengthening students beliefs in them

selves will help them to preserver in the face of success and failure. In theory and for the purpose

of this project, my findings unveiled that students did improve on their homework and in

solving problems. Additionally, students exhibited increased confidence over the three-week

period, which means they acquired a stronger sense of self-efficacy and was the outcome I was

expecting. Furthermore, using a variety of techniques such as the Frayer-model, mathematical

discourse and direct instruction increased students mathematical communication, which are very

important skills in todays society. Overall, my research and study was successful in improving

my students vocabulary and increasing their performance and self-efficacy.


As a teacher, my goal is to strengthen my students mathematical ability and self-efficacy. I will

continue to self-evaluate and research better and more improved methods that will work in the

classroom. The traditional way of teaching math through calculations is important but equally

important is the understanding of its associated vocabulary. I believe mathematical vocabulary is

the first step in being successful in math.



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Appendix A: Vocabulary

This is an example of a 4-square Frayer-model vocabulary chart that students use as a format for

new vocabulary in their math notebooks. Using the attached sheets, have students fill in the four

boxes for each of the following words.











Appendix B: Four-Square Frayer Model



Appendix C: Self-Efficacy Survey

Self-Efficacy Survey


Strongly Mostly Really

Agree Disagree
Agree Agree Disagree

I am good at math facts

I am good at solving math problems

I am good at solving word problems

I am good at remembering vocabulary

I am good at following directions

I am good at explaining my thinking


I am good at drawing pictures

I am good at finding patterns

I am good at finding my mistakes

I am good at asking questions

APPENDIX D: Student Interview Questionnaire

Student Interview Questions

1. How do you feel about math? Do you feel like you are good at math? Are any of your family

members good at math?

2. What is most easy/difficult for you in mathematics? Why?

3. How often do you ask questions because you don't understand the vocabulary in an assignment

and the directions?

4. Have you ever had an experience when you didnt understand what the teacher was saying or

what a question was asking?

a. Was the mathematics vocabulary too difficult?


b. Did the way the question was worded confuse you?

5. What is your most positive or negative memory of math classes? What made the experience

positive or negative?

6. How do you use math outside of school? OR How useful is math to you outside of school?

7. What do you think helped you feel more or less confident in your math ability?

8. Does knowing the meaning of math vocabulary terms help you know and understand your

math assignments? Why do you think so? Or Why don't you think so?

9. Has working on the vocabulary has helped you understand math better? How?

10. To what extent is it important to know the meaning of vocabulary terms you see in math?

11. Are you able to understand when the teacher, the book, or other students better now that we

have been working on using math words during math? How? Why? Explain

12. How has using the math words like product, sum, expression, or evaluate has helped you

understand the problems better? Explain

13. Is there anything you would like to ask me about vocabulary in math class?

Influence of Vocabulary Instruction 29


Weekly Journal Rubric

0 1 2
Shows very Shows
3 4
Shows nearly
Shows no limited understanding of complete Shows complete
understanding understanding some of the understanding understanding
of the of the problems' of the of the
Mathematical problem. problem, mathematical problems' problems'
Knowledge major concepts, mathematical mathematical
computational may concepts and concepts and
errors. contain principles, no principles, no
computational computation computation
errors. errors. errors.

Words don't Has some Makes Gives a fairly Gives a

reflect the satisfactory significant complete complete
problem, may elements, but progress response with response with
include fails to towards reasonably clear and
Communication drawings complete or completion of clear appropriate
which may omit problem, but explanations diagrams.
completely significant ambiguous or Also correct
misrepresent parts of the and unclear. descriptions. use of
the problem. problem. Minor errors Also correct vocabulary
Vocabulary Vocabulary of vocabulary use of terms.
terms are not terms present term usage. vocabulary
used at all. but not used terms.
attempt to Some Complete 3-5 complete More than 3-5
write a complete sentences, sentence complete
paragraph sentences, but not a 3-5 paragraph; sentences
Writing with 3-5 but not a 3-5 sentence minor with accurate
complete sentence paragraph; mechanics mechanics
sentences; paragraph; some and and
excessive many mechanics convention conventions.
mechanics mechanics and errors.
and and convention
convention convention errors.
errors. errors.
Attempts of Solution is Incorrect

No solution a solution stated, and solution is Correct

Solution stated. showed, is incorrect. stated, but solution is
but is stated.
incorrect. reasonable.

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