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The Bogor Botanical Gardens (Indonesian: Kebun Raya Bogor) is a botanical garden located
in Bogor, Indonesia, 60 km south of Jakarta. It is currently operated by Indonesian Institute of
Sciences (Indonesian: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia or LIPI). The Gardens are located
in the city center and adjoin the presidential palace compound of Istana Bogor. It covers an area
of 87 hectares (210 acres) and contains 13,983 different kinds of trees and plants of various
origin. The geographic position of Bogor means it rains almost daily, even in the dry season. This
makes the Garden an advantageous location for the cultivation of tropical plants.

Bogor Botanical Garden is located in Bogor city and spread about 87 hectares with the
impressive out-of-town Bogor Presidential Palace fronting it and soaring Mt. Salak at its
background and boasts over 400 species of palm trees, 5,000 trees gathered from around the
tropical world, and an orchid house containing 3,000 varieties. Records show that the Bogor
Botanical Gardens harbours 3,504 plant species, 1,273 genus in 199 families.

The Gardens are said to have been initiated by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who, between
1811-1816, became Governor General of the East Indies during the interim reign of the
British over the archipelago. With the help of botanists from Londons famed Kew Gardens,
Raffles first laid out a small garden. However, the Gardens were officially established by the
Dutch in 1817 under the directorship of CGC Reinwardt. A memorial to Raffles wife still
stands in the Gardens. The Bogor Gardens today function as an ex situ conservation site, a
research center for taxonomy and plant utilization. In horticulture the Gardens study
adaptation, planting and propagation of plants and develop the science of plant growing.

Apa aja

eijsmann Garden[edit]

Teijsmann Garden at Bogor Botanical Garden.

A small garden with a French rose garden layout was built in 1884 by M. Treub, as its name the
garden was built as a memoir of Johannes Elias Teijsmann for his contribution to the garden's
development. At the center of the garden lies the Teijsmann monument, erected using granite
from Berlin.[23]

The water garden section

Water Garden[edit]
Part of the garden is exclusively made for water and swamp plants, providing a perfect habitat for
water lilies, fish and birds living in the park. There is also an observatory deck overlooking the
water garden.

Medicine Garden[edit]
This section of the garden contains plants that are commonly used for medicine ingredients and
herbalism. Plants are separated into different sections according to their size and species.
Descriptions of each of the different plants and their purpose as medicine ingredients are written
for visitors.

Mexican Garden[edit]
A small patch of the botanical garden is dedicated to desert plants. There are roughly 100
species of cactus, agave, yucca and succulent plants from around Asia and the Americas.[24]

Soedjana Kassan Garden[edit]

The Fountain at The Center of Sudjana Kassan Garden at Bogor Botanical Garden.

This garden is located at the north-eastern corner of the Botanic Garden and is built to
commemorate Soedjana Kassan who held office as a head of Bogor Botanical Garden in 1959 to
1964. At the center of the garden, there are plants which are arranged to form Indonesia's
national symbol of Garuda.[25]
The Orchid House of Bogor Botanical garden

Bogor Botanic Garden's collection of orchids focuses primarily on wild species, numbering
approximately 500 species from over 100 genera. Grammatophyllum speciosum, the largest
orchid species in the world is also part of the collection. The specimens seen in the Garden's
collections are either the original specimens gathered from the forest, or progeny of those
specimens which have been propagated. Although the orchid collection at the Bogor Botanic
Garden began much earlier, it wasn't until 1927 that the collection was moved into greenhouses.
Beginning in 1994, the Bogor, Bali and Cibodas Gardens renovated their orchid houses.[26]
The Botanic Garden Orchid section are divided into:

Glasshouses - separated among hybrid and non-hybrid orchid species.

Orchidarium - area for breeding orchids.

Amorphophallus titanum full bloom in Bogor Botanical Garden.

Amorphophallus titanum[edit]
Bogor Botanical Gardens has five Amorphophallus titanum plants in its collections, all from Pagar
Alam, South Sumatra. This represents the greatest number of specimens among the botanical
collection. The latest flowering events took place in January 2011 and on July 3, 2011.[27]

Treub Laboratory[edit]
Treub's Laboratory opened on December 1, 1884. However the current building was built in 1914
to honor the botanist. The laboratory functions as a research facility for Puslitbang
biologi's konservasi ex Situ (Conservation of species outside their original habitat). There are
several branches of laboratories and facilities inside the building which is dedicated to different
research as follows: Molecular Lab, Anatomy-Morphology Lab, Seed Conservation Lab,
Ecological Conservation Lab and Greenhouses.[28]
Bogor Zoology Museum[edit]
Situated nearby the laboratory and main gate of the garden, the museum started as a small
laboratory founded in August 1894 and was used as a research facility for pest insects control.
The museum has an area of 1500 meter square and contains preserved collection of 10000
insects and 2000 species of other fauna.[29]

Salah satu wahana wisata favorit yang terkenal di Bogor ialah Kebun Raya Bogor. Kebun
raya ini sering disebut juga dengan Bogor Botanical Gardens yang luasnya mencapai 87
hektar dengan sekitar 15.000-an koleksi faunanya. Dengan segala kelengkapan faunanya
tersebut membuat banyak orang penasaran dan kemudian berkunjung kesini. Selain untuk
rekreasi, berkunjung ke Kebun Botani ini juga sebagai sarana edukasi karena banyaknya
pengetahuan soal tetumbuhan yang bisa ditemukan disini.

Tentu saja disetiap tempat rekreasi ada spot yang menjadi daya tarik utamanya. Nah, yang
menjadi daya tarik di Kebun Raya Bogor ini ialah Rafflesia Arnoldi atau dikenal dengan
bunga bangkai raksasa. Bunga ini ketinggianya bisa mencapai sekitar 2 meter dan
menjadikannya sebagai bunga terbesar di dunia. Didalam kebun raya ini juga ada pohon
kelapa sawit yang diklaim sebagai yang tertua di Asia Tenggara dan masih ada sampai
sekarang. Beberapa pusat keilmuan botani yang ada di sekitar kebun raya ini seperti Museum
Zoologi, Herbarium Bogoriense dan juga PUSTAKA. Yang tidak kalah menarik ialah dari
area ini kita dapat melihat megahnya Istana Bogor.

Beberapa peristiwa penting pernah terjadi di kebun raya ini, salah satunya ialah
diresmikannya Tugu Peringatan Reinwardt yang bertepatan dengan ulang tahun ke 189 kebun
raya ini. Dengan banyaknya sumber pengetahuan di kebun raya ini membuat Anda akan
merasa rugi jika tidak pernah membawa anak-anak yang sejatinya masih haus pengetahuan
untuk berkunjung kesini.

Tempat - Tempat Menarik

Berikut ini daftar fasilitas yang ada di kawasan Kebun Raya Bogor serta beberapa koleksi
tanaman dan tempat-tempat menarik yang sering dikunjungi para wisatawan;
Main Gate Monumen Lady Raffles Medicinal Plant Collection
Information Centre J.J. Smith Memorial Koompassia excels
Zoological Museum Scissor Pond Araceae Plant Collection
Conservation Building Teisjmann Park Amorphophallus titanium
Guest House Dutch Cemetery Rattan
Treub Laboratory Bogor Palace Pandanus Collection
Cactus Collection
Garden Shop Canary Avenue I (Mexican Garden)
Nursery Canary Avenue II Palm Collection
Gate II Hanging Bridge Water Palm Collection
Main Office Surya Lembayung Bridge Orchidarium
Mosque Astrid Avenue Climbing Plant Collection
Herbarium & Seeds Museum Orchid House Fern Collection
Gate III Sudjana Kassan Park Wild Corner
Caf Outbond Area Cinnamomum Collection
Orchid Nursery Victoria amazonica
Tissue Culture Laboratory Wood Plant Collection
Gate IV Bamboo Collection
Reintroduction & Rare Plants Nursery

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