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Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

Table 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

The Structure of the Lesson
What the teacher does What the children do Comments
Introducing the Sound: This worked will. The
The teacher open the jolly phonics The children says the sound children understand what the
song and ask them think which letter of the letter that the teach ask teacher mean it when ask
will you hear. them think what do you hear. them question and knew the
They act the action of the sound of letter T when they
The teacher show them the action of letter (T) hear from jolly phonics.
( T) which is she did the action with The children enjoyed when
her hand like tiger and say (T T T) they did action of the sound
The (T)

Hearing the Sound in the initial The children say the words
position: when they see the pictures.
The teacher shows them the pictures This it difficult for children to
with words that start with letter (T). know knew word but the
intlegence students knew the
She shows them pictures and asks words so the teacher should
their children what do you see. encourage the students in
another way to participate all
children to answer the
quetions that the teacher ask
Introducing the Writing of the Sound:
The children sit and see the It run because the teacher
The teacher explains for them on the teacher how she write the T gave for them a lot of activity
board how write the ( T t letter) on letter. to remember them how write
the board. the letter T. so in air and on
The children repeat the floor.
She follows four handwriting teacher instructions and trace
guidelines on the white board and the sound
says: (T) in the air and on the
1- Start from the top floor.
2- Do straight line down
3- And go back
4- Do line cross up
The teacher repeats this and ask the
children to copy her movement in
the air and on the floor.

She gives for them the newspaper to

find the letter T in newspaper.

Practicing Writing the Sound: It was the good way working

The children write the T in small groups allowed the
She choose one by one group to let
letter on small board. teacher to make sure that the
them to write the T letter on small
student knows how write the
The children letter T by two letter T.
Give for them two sticks to make the
sticks. It was good to remind the
T letter
student the directions of
writing the letter T.

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

1. What program is used in your school to teach phonics?

The program is used in Al Hanan kindergarten is big cat to teach the
children sounds of letter.

2. How is phonics taught in your school?

They are taught the phonics by phonics approach.
3.What was the focus of the lesson?
The teacher show students the flashcards include the word and picture that related
to letter. For example, letter a the teacher will show them the flash cards that
include the words start with letter a and pictures.

4. Were the learners engaged in the phonics lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were not,
select (b).
b. What could active engagement activities the teacher have used to
help learners b e t t e r understand the lesson?
The teacher can use many activities for students can understand
better. So the teacher can use interesting activity not just
worksheet. She can do play for them if she say the letter they
will say the sound of the letter. After that, they will sing the
song of the litter.

5. What types of activities did the children participate in during their independent centers that
reinforced the lesson objective/learning outcome? If they participated in learning centers,
select (a); if they did not, select (b)
b)Describe two (2) learning center activities that the teacher could have
used to help reinforce the learning outcome.

The teacher can do different activities to help reinforce the

learning outcome. The outcome is identifying the letters and the
objects. The teacher could put two boxes one of it have the letters
and the second one have the pictures. The students will take the
litter and put it under the picture that start with letter. Also, the
teacher can put the flash cards on the floor and say the letter and
the students will take the flash cards of picture that start with

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