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Inconsistent countable set in second order ZFC and

nonexistence of the strongly inaccessible cardinals. Non
consistency results in topology.
Jaykov Foukzon
Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa,Israel

Abstract: In this article we derived an importent example of the inconsistent

countable set in second order ZFC ZFC 2 with the full second-order semantic.Main
results are:
(i) ConZFC 2 , (ii) let k be an inaccessible cardinal and H k is a set of all sets having

hereditary size less then k, then ConZFC V H k .

Keywords: Gdel encoding, Completion of ZFC 2 , Russells paradox, -model,
Henkin semantics, full second-order semantic,strongly inaccessible cardinal

Let us remind that accordingly to naive set theory, any definable collection is a set.
Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R qualifies as a
member of itself, it would contradict its own definition as a set containing all sets that
are not members of themselves. On the other hand, if such a set is not a member of
itself, it would qualify as a member of itself by the same definition. This contradiction is
Russells paradox. In 1908, two ways of avoiding the paradox were proposed,
Russells type theory and the Zermelo set theory, the first constructed axiomatic set
theory. Zermelos axioms went well beyond Freges axioms of extensionality and
unlimited set abstraction, and evolved into the now-canonical ZermeloFraenkel set
theory ZFC. "But how do we know that ZFC is a consistent theory, free of
contradictions? The short answer is that we dont; it is a matter of faith (or of
skepticism)" E.Nelson wrote in his not published paper [1]. However, it is deemed
unlikely that even ZFC 2 which is a very stronger than ZFC harbors an unsuspected
contradiction; it is widely believed that if ZFC 2 were inconsistent, that fact would have
been uncovered by now. This much is certain ZFC 2 is immune to the classic
paradoxes of naive set theory: Russells paradox, the Burali-Forti paradox, and
Cantors paradox.
Remark 1.1. Note that in this paper we view the second order set theory ZFC 2 under
the Henkin semantics [2],[3] and under the full second-order semantics [4],[5].Thus we
interpret the wffs of ZFC 2 language with the full second-order semantics as required in
Designation 1.1. We will be denote by ZFC Hs 2 set theory ZFC 2 with the Henkin
semantics and we will be denote by ZFC 2 set theory ZFC 2 with the full second-order
Remark 1.2.There is no completeness theorem for second-order logic with the full
second-order semantics. Nor do the axioms of ZFC 2 imply a reflection principle which
ensures that if a sentence Z of second-order set theory is true, then it is true in some
fss fss
(standard or nonstandard) model M ZFC 2 of ZFC 2 [2]. Let Z be the conjunction of all the
fss fss
axioms of ZFC 2 . We assume now that: Z is true,i.e. Con ZFC 2 . It is known that the
existence of a model for Z requires the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals, i.e.
under ZFC it can be shown that is a strongly inaccessible if and only if H , is a
fss fss fss
model of ZFC 2 . Thus ConZFC 2 M ZFC 2 ConZFC V H k . In this paper
we prove that ZFC 2 is inconsistent. We will start from a simple naive consideration.Let
be the countable collection of all sets X such that ZFC 2 !XX, where X is
any 1-place open wff i.e.,
YY !XX Y X. 1. 1
Let X fss
Y be a predicate such that X fss
Y ZFC 2 X Y. Let be the

countable collection of all sets such that

X X X fss
X . 1. 2

From (1.2) one obtain

. 1. 3

But obviously this is a contradiction. However contradiction (1.3) it is not a

contradiction inside ZFC 2 for the reason that predicate X fss Y not is a predicate
fss fss
ofZFC 2 and therefore countable collections and not is a sets of ZFC 2 .
Nevertheless by using Gdel encoding the above stated contradiction can be shipped
in special consistent completion of ZFC 2 .
Remark 1.3. We note that in order to deduce ~ConZFC Hs Hs
2 from ConZFC 2 by
using Gdel encoding, one needs something more than the consistency of ZFC Hs 2 ,
e.g., that ZFC Hs
2 has an omega-model M
or an standard model M st 2 i.e., a model
in which the integers are the standard integers [6].To put it another way, why should
we believe a statement just because theres a ZFC Hs Hs
2 -proof of it? Its clear that if ZFC 2
is inconsistent, then we wont believe ZFC Hs 2 -proofs. Whats slightly more subtle is that
the mere consistency of ZFC 2 isnt quite enough to get us to believe arithmetical
theorems of ZFC Hs 2 ; we must also believe that these arithmetical theorems are
asserting something about the standard naturals. It is "conceivable" that ZFC Hs 2 might
be consistent but that the only nonstandard models M Nst 2 it has are those in which
the integers are nonstandard, in which case we might not "believe" an arithmetical
statement such as "ZFC Hs Hs
2 is inconsistent" even if there is a ZFC 2 -proof of it.
Remark 1.4. However assumption M st 2 is not necessary. Note thatin any
Z Hs
nonstandard model M Nst 2
of the second-order arithmetic Z Hs2 the terms 0,
Z Hs Z Hs
S0 1, SS0 2, comprise the initial segment isomorphic to M st2 M Nst 2
. This initial
Z Hs
segment is called the standard cut of the M Nst . The order type of any nonstandard

Z Hs
model of M Nst2
is equal to A for some linear order A [6],[7]. Thus one can to
Z Hs
choose Gdel encoding inside M st2 .
Remark 1.5. However there is no any problem as mentioned above in second order
set theory ZFC 2 with the full second-order semantics becouse corresponding second
order arithmetic Z 2 is categorical.
Remark 1.6. Note if we view second-order arithmetic Z 2 as a theory in first-order
predicate calculus. Thus a model M Z 2 of the language of second-order arithmetic Z 2
consists of a set M (which forms the range of individual variables) together with a
constant 0 (an element of M), a function S from M to M, two binary operations and
on M, a binary relation on M, and a collection D of subsets of M, which is the range
of the set variables. When D is the full powerset of M, the model M Z 2 is called a full
model. The use of full second-order semantics is equivalent to limiting the models of
second-order arithmetic to the full models. In fact, the axioms of second-order
arithmetic have only one full model. This follows from the fact that the axioms of
Peano arithmetic with the second-order induction axiom have only one model under
second-order semantics, i.e. Z 2 , with the full semantics, is categorical by Dedekinds
argument, so has only one model up to isomorphism. When M is the usual set of
natural numbers with its usual operations, M Z 2 is called an -model. In this case we
may identify the model with D, its collection of sets of naturals, because this set is
enough to completely determine an -model. The unique full omega-model M 2 ,
which is the usual set of natural numbers with its usual structure and all its subsets, is
called the intended or standard model of second-order arithmetic.
Main results are: ConZFC Hs Hs
2 -model of ZFC 2 , ConZFC 2 .

2.Derivation inconsistent countable set in

2 M 2 .

Let Th be some fixed, but unspecified, consistent formal theory. For later
convenience, we assume that the encoding is done in some fixed formal second order
theory S and that Th contains S.The sense in which S is contained in Th is better
exemplified than explained: if S is a formal system of a second order arithmetic Z Hs 2
and Th is, say, ZFC 2 , then Th contains S in the sense that there is a well-known
embedding, or interpretation, of S in Th. Since encoding is to take place in S, it will
have to have a large supply of constants and closed terms to be used as codes. (e.g.
in formal arithmetic, one has 0, 1, . . . .) S will also have certain function symbols to be
described shortly.To each formula, , of the language of Th is assigned a closed term,
c , called the code of . We note that if x is a formula with free variable x, then
x c is a closed term encoding the formula x with x viewed as a syntactic object
and not as a parameter. Corresponding to the logical connectives and quantifiers are
function symbols, neg, imp, etc., such that, for all formulae , : S
neg c c , S imp c , c c etc. Of particular importance is the
substitution operator, represented by the function symbol sub, . For formulae x,
terms t with codes t c :
S subx c , t c t c . 2. 1
It well known [8] that one can also encode derivations and have a binary relation
Prov Th x, y (read "x proves y " or "x is a proof of y") such that for closed t 1 , t 2 : S
Prov Th t 1 , t 2 iff t 1 is the code of a derivation in Th of the formula with code t 2 . It
follows that
Th iff S Prov Th t, c 2. 2
for some closed term t. Thus one can define

Pr Th y xProv Th x, y, 2. 3
and therefore one obtain a predicate asserting provability. We note that is not always
the case that [8]:
Th iff S Pr Th c . 2. 4
It well known [8] that the above encoding can be carried out in such a way that the
following important conditions D1, D2 and D3 are meet for all sentences [8]:
D1. Th implies S Pr Th c ,
D2. S Pr Th c Pr Th Pr Th c c ,
D3. S Pr Th c Pr Th c Pr Th c .
Conditions D1, D2 and D3 are called the Derivability Conditions.
Definition 2.0. Let be well formed formula (wff) of Th. Ten wff is called
Th-sentence iff it has no free variables.
Designation 2.1.(i) Assume that a theory Th has an -model M Th and is an
Th-sentence, then:
is a Th-sentence with all quantifiers relativized [13],[23] to -model M Th
, and
Th is a theory Th relativized to model M Th , i.e., any Th -sentence has a form
some Th-sentence .
(ii) Assume that a theory Th has an non-standard model M Th Nst and is an
Th-sentence, then:
Nst is a Th-sentence with all quantifiers relativized to non-standard model M Th Nst , and
Th Nst is a theory Th relativized to model M Nst , i.e., any Th Nst -sentence has a form
Nst for
some Th-sentence .
(iii) Assume that a theory Th has an model M Th and is an and is an
Th-sentence, then:
M is a Th-sentence with all quantifiers relativized to model M Th , and
Th M is a theory Th relativized to model M Th M , i.e., any Th M -sentence has a form M
some Th-sentence .
Designation 2.2. (i) Assume that a theory Th has an -model M Th and there exist
Th-sentence denoted by ConTh; M asserting that Th has a model M Th
(ii) Assume that a theory Th has an non-standard model M Nst and there exist
Th-sentence denoted by ConTh; M Th Nst asserting that Th has a non-standard model
M Nst ;
(iii) Assume that a theory Th has an model M Th and there exist
Th-sentence denoted by ConTh; M Th asserting that Th has a model M Th ;
Remark 2.0. It is well known that there exist an ZFC-sentence ConZFC; M ZFC
Obviously there exist an ZFC Hs 2 -sentence Con ZFC 2 ; M
Hs 2 and there exist an
Hs Hs Hs
Z 2 -sentence Con ZFC 2 ; M .
Designation 2.3. Let ConTh be the formula:
ConTh t 1 t 1 t 2 t 2 Prov Th t 1 , c Prov Th t 2 , neg c ,
2. 5
t 1 c , t 2 neg c ,
and where t 1 , t 1 , t 2 , t 2 is a closed term.
Lemma 2.1. (I) Assume that: (i) ConTh; M Th , (ii) M Th ConTh and
(iii) Th Pr Th c , where is a closed formula.Then Th Pr Th c ,
(II) Assume that: (i) ConTh; M Th Th
(ii) M ConTh and (iii) Th Pr Th ,
is a closed formula.Then Th Pr Th c ,
Proof. (I) Let Con Th be the formula :
Con Th t 1 t 2 Prov Th t 1 , c Prov Th t 2 , neg c ,
t 1 t 2 Prov Th t 1 , c Prov Th t 2 , neg c 2. 6
t 1 t 2 Prov Th t 1 , c Prov Th t 2 , neg c .
where t 1 , t 2 is a closed term. From (i)-(ii) follows that theory Th ConTh is consistent.
We note that Th ConTh Con Th for any closed . Suppose that
Th Pr Th c , then (iii) gives
Th Pr Th c Pr Th c . 2. 7
From (2.3) and (2.7) we obtain
t 1 t 2 Prov Th t 1 , c Prov Th t 2 , neg c . 2. 8
But the formula (2.6) contradicts the formula (2.8). Therefore Th Pr Th .
(II) This case is trivial becourse formula Pr Th c really asserts provability of
Th -sentence . But this is a contradiction.
Lemma 2.2. Assume that: (i) ConTh and (ii) Th Pr Th c , where is a
formula.Then Th Pr Th c .
Proof. Similarly as above.
Example 2.1. (i) Let Th PA be Peano arithmetic and 0 1. Then obviously
by Lbs theorem PA Pr PA 0 1, and therefore PA Pr PA 0 1.
(ii) Let PA PA ConPA and 0 1. Then obviously by Lbs theorem
PA Pr PA 0 1,
and therefore

PA Pr PA 0 1.
PA Pr PA 0 1 Pr PA 0 1.
Assumption 2.1. Let Th be an second order theory with the Henkin semantics. We
assume now that:
(i) the language of Th consists of:
numerals 0,1,...
countable set of the numerical variables: v 0 , v 1 , . . .
countable set of the set variables: x, y, z, X, Y, Z, , . . .
countable set of the n-ary function symbols: f n0 , f n1 , . . .
countable set of the n-ary relation symbols: R n0 , R n1 , . . .
connectives: ,
(ii) Th contains ZFC 2 ,
(iii) Th has an an -model M Th or
(iv) Th has an nonstandard model M Th Nst. .
Definition 2.1. An Th-wff (well-formed formula ) is closed - i.e. is a sentence -
if it has no free variables; a wff is open if it has free variables.Well use the slang
k-place open wff to mean a wff with k distinct free variables.
Definition 2.2.We said that,Th # is a nice theory or a nice extension of the Th iff
(i) Th # contains Th; (ii) Let be any closed formula, then Th Pr Th c implies
Th # .
Definition 2.3.We said that,Th # is a maximally nice theory or a maximally nice
extension of the Th iff Th # is consistent and for any consistent nice extension Th of
the Th : DedTh # DedTh implies DedTh # DedTh .
Remark 2.1. We note that a theory Th # depend on model M Th Th
or M Nst. , i.e.
Th # Th # M Th # # Th
or Th Th M Nst correspondingly. We will consider the case
Th # Th # M Th without loss of generality.
Proposition 2.1. Assume that (i) ConTh and (ii ) Th has an -model M Th . Then
theory Th can be extended to a maximally consistent nice theory Th Th # M Th #
Proof. Let 1 . . . i . . . be an enumeration of all wffs of the theory Th (this can be
achieved if the set of propositional variables can be enumerated). Define a chain
Th i |i , Th 1 Th of consistent theories inductively as follows: assume that
theory Th i is defined. (i) Suppose that a statement (2.9) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
i . 2. 9
Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows Th i1 Th i i . Using Lemma 2.1 we
will rewrite the condition (2.9) symbolically as follows
Th i Pr #Th i i c ,
Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c M Th
i , 2. 10
M Th Th
i ConTh i ; M .

Remark1. Notice that predicate Pr #Th i i c is expressible in Th i because Th i is a

recursive theory and ConTh i ; M Th Th i .
(ii) Suppose that a statement (2.11) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
i . 2. 11
Then we define theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i i . Using Lemma 2.2 we will
rewrite the condition (2.11) symbolically as follows

Th i Pr #Th i i c ,
Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c M Th
i , 2. 12
M Th Th
i ConTh i ; M .
Remark2. Notice that predicate Pr #Th i i c is expressible in Th i because Th i is a
recursive theory and ConTh i ; M Th Th i .
(iii) Suppose that a statement (2.13) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i Pr Th i i c i . 2. 13
We will rewrite the condition (2.13) symbolically as follows

Th i Pr Th i i c
2. 14
Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c i

Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i .

(iv) Suppose that a statement (2.15) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i Pr Th i i c i . 2. 15
We will rewrite the condition (2.15) symbolically as follows

Th i Pr Th i i c
2. 16
Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c i

Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i . We define now a theory Th # as

Th # Th i . 2. 17

First, notice that each Th i is consistent. This is done by induction on i and by Lemmas
2.1-2.2. By assumption, the case is true when i 1. Now, suppose Th i is consistent.
Then its deductive closure DedTh i is also consistent. If a statement (2.14) is
satisfied,i.e. Th Pr Th i c and Th i , then clearly Th i1 Th i i is
consistent since it is a subset of closure DedTh i . If a statement (2.15) is satisfied,i.e.
Th Pr Th i c and Th i , then clearly Th i1 Th i i is consistent since
it is a subset of closure DedTh i . Otherwise:(i) if a statement (2.9) is satisfied,i.e.
Th Pr Th i c and Th i i M Th
i then clearly Th i1 Th i i is
consistent by Lemma 2.1 and by one of the standard properties of consistency:
A is consistent iff A; (ii) if a statement (2.11) is satisfied,i.e.
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
i then clearly Th i1 Th i i
is consistent by Lemma 2.2 and by one of the standard properties of consistency:
A is consistent iff A. Next, notice DedTh # is maximally consistent nice
extension of the DedTh. DedTh # is consistent because, by the standard Lemma 2.3
belov, it is the union of a chain of consistent sets. To see that DedTh # is maximal,
pick any wff . Then is some i in the enumerated list of all wffs. Therefore for any
such that Th i Pr Th i c or Th i Pr Th i c , either Th # or
Th # . Since DedTh i1 DedTh # , we have DedTh # or
DedTh # , which implies that DedTh # is maximally consistent nice extension of
the DedTh.
Lemma 2.3. The union of a chain i |i of consistent sets i , ordered by
, is consistent.
Definition 2.4. We define now predicate Pr Th # c and predicate Pr Th # c
provability in Th # :
Pr Th # c i Th i Pr #Th i c Pr Th i c ,
2. 18
Pr Th # c i Th i Pr #Th i c Pr Th i c .

Notice that predicate Pr #Th i c and predicate Pr Th # c is expressible in Th #

because for any i, Th i is a recursive theory and ConTh i ; M Th Th i .
Definition 2.5. Let x be one-place open wff such that the conditions:
Th !x x or
Th Pr Th !x x c and M Th
!x x is satisfied.
Then we said that, a set y is a Th -set iff there is exist one-place open wff x such
y x . We write yTh # iff y is a Th # -set.
Remark 2.2. Note that Th # !x x .
Remark 2.3. Note that yTh # y x Pr Th # !x x c
Definition 2.6. Let be a collection such that : x x x is a Th # -set .
Proposition 2.2. Collection is a Th # -set.
Proof. Let us consider an one-place open wff x such that conditions () or ( )
is satisfied, i.e. Th # !x x . We note that there exists countable collection
of the one-place open wffs n x n such that: (i) x and (ii)

Th !x x nn x n x
Th !x Pr Th x nn Pr Th x n x c
2. 19
M Th
!x x nn x n x
or of the equivalent form
Th !x 1 1 x 1 nn 1 x 1 n,1 x 1
Th !x Pr Th x 1 nn Pr Th x 1 n x 1 c
2. 20
M Th
!x x 1 nn x 1 n x 1
where we set x 1 x 1 , n x 1 n,1 x 1 and x x 1 . We note that any
collection k n,k x n , k 1, 2, . . . such above defines an unique set x k , i.e.
k1 k2 iff x k1 x k2 . We note that collections k , k 1, 2, . . is no part of
the ZFC 2 , i.e. collection k there is no set in sense of ZFC 2 . However that is no
problem, because by using Gdel numbering one can to replace any collection
k , k 1, 2, . . by collection k g k of the corresponding Gdel numbers such
k g k g n,k x k n , k 1, 2, . . . . 2. 21
It is easy to prove that any collection k g k , k 1, 2, . . is a Th # -set.This is done
by Gdel encoding [8],[10] of the statament (2.19) by Proposition 2.1 and by axiom
schema of separation [9]. Let g n,k g n,k x k , k 1, 2, . . be a Gdel number of the
wff n,k x k . Therefore g k g n,k n , where we set k k , k 1, 2, . . and
k 1 k 2 g n,k 1 n g n,k 2 n x k 1 x k 2 . 2. 22
Let g n,k n k be a family of the all sets g n,k n . By axiom of choice [9] one obtain
unique set g k k such that kg k g n,k n . Finally one obtain a set from a
set by axiom schema of replacement [9].Thus one can define a Th # -set c :

xx c x Pr Th # x x c . 2. 23
Proposition 2.3. Any collection k g k , k 1, 2, . . is a Th # -set.
Proof. We define g n,k g n,k x k n,k x k c , v k x k c . Therefore
g n,k g n,k x k Frg n,k , v k (see [10]). Let us define now predicate g n,k , v k
g n,k , v k Pr Th !x k 1,k x 1 c
2. 24
!x k v k x k c nn Pr Th 1,k x k c Pr Th Frg n,k , v k .
We define now a set k such that
k k g k ,
2. 25
nn g n,k k g n,k , v k

But obviously definitions (2.19) and (2.25) is equivalent by Proposition 2.1.

Proposition 2.4. (i) Th # c , (ii) c is a countable Th # -set.
Proof.(i) Statement Th # c follows immediately by using statement and
axiom schema of separation [4]. (ii) follows immediately from countability of a set .
Proposition 2.5. A set c is inconsistent.
Proof.From formla (2.18) one obtain
Th # c c Pr Th # c c c . 2. 21
From formula (2.21) and Proposition 2.1 one obtain
Th # c c c c 2. 22
and therefore
Th # c c c c . 2. 23
But this is a contradiction.
Proposition 2.6.Assume that (i) ConTh and (ii ) Th has an -model M Th Nst . Then
theory Th can be extended to a maximally consistent nice theory Th # Th # M Th Nst .
Proof. Let 1 . . . i . . . be an enumeration of all wffs of the theory Th (this can be
achieved if the set of propositional variables can be enumerated). Define a chain
Th i |i , Th 1 Th of consistent theories inductively as follows: assume that
theory Th i is defined. (i) Suppose that a statement (2.24) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
Nst i . 2. 24
Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows Th i1 Th i i . Using Lemma 2.1 we
will rewrite the condition (2.24) symbolically as follows
Th i Pr #Th i i c ,
2. 25
Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c M Th
Nst i .

(ii) Suppose that a statement (2.26) is satisfied

Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
Nst i . 2. 26
Then we define theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i i . Using Lemma 2.2 we
will rewrite the condition (2.26) symbolically as follows

Th i Pr #Th i i c ,
2. 27
Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c M Th
i .

(iii) Suppose that a statement (2.28) is satisfied

Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i Pr Th i i c i . 2. 28
We will rewrite the condition (2.28) symbolically as follows

Th i Pr Th i i c ,
2. 29
Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c i

Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i .

(iv) Suppose that a statement (2.30) is satisfied
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i Pr Th i i c i . 2. 30
We will rewrite the condition (2.30) symbolically as follows
Th i Pr Th i i c ,
2. 31
Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c Pr Th i i c i

Then we define a theory Th i1 as follows: Th i1 Th i . We define now a theory Th # as

Th # Th i . 2. 32

First, notice that each Th i is consistent. This is done by induction on i and by Lemmas
2.1-2.2. By assumption, the case is true when i 1. Now, suppose Th i is consistent.
Then its deductive closure DedTh i is also consistent. If a statement (2.28) is
satisfied,i.e. Th Pr Th i c and Th i , then clearly Th i1 Th i i is
consistent since it is a subset of closure DedTh i . If a statement (2.30) is satisfied,i.e.
Th Pr Th i c and Th i , then clearly Th i1 Th i i is consistent since
it is a subset of closure DedTh i . Otherwise:(i) if a statement (2.24) is satisfied,i.e.
Th Pr Th i c and Th i i M Th
i then clearly Th i1 Th i i is
consistent by Lemma 2.1 and by one of the standard properties of consistency:
A is consistent iff A; (ii) if a statement (2.26) is satisfied,i.e.
Th i Pr Th i i c and Th i i M Th
i then clearly Th i1 Th i i
is consistent by Lemma 2.2 and by one of the standard properties of consistency:
A is consistent iff A. Next, notice DedTh # is maximally consistent nice
extension of the DedTh. DedTh # is consistent because, by the standard Lemma 2.3
belov, it is the union of a chain of consistent sets. To see that DedTh # is maximal,
pick any wff . Then is some i in the enumerated list of all wffs. Therefore for any
such that Th i Pr Th i c or Th i Pr Th i c , either Th # or
Th # . Since DedTh i1 DedTh # , we have DedTh # or
DedTh # , which implies that DedTh # is maximally consistent nice extension of
the DedTh.
Definition 2.7. We define now predicate Pr Th # i c asserting provability in Th # :
Pr Th # i c Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c ,
2. 33
Pr Th # i c Pr #Th i i c Pr Th i i c .

Definition 2.8. Let x be one-place open wff such that the conditions:
Th !x x or
Th Pr Th !x x c and M Th
Nst !x x is satisfied.
Then we said that, a set y is a Th -set iff there is exist one-place open wff x such
y x . We write yTh # iff y is a Th # -set.
Remark 2.4. Note that Th # !x x .
Remark 2.5. Note that yTh # y x Pr Th # !x x c
Definition 2.9. Let be a collection such that : x x x is a Th # -set .
Proposition 2.7. Collection is a Th # -set.
Proof. Let us consider an one-place open wff x such that conditions () or ( )
is satisfied, i.e. Th # !x x . We note that there exists countable collection
of the one-place open wffs n x n such that: (i) x and (ii)
Z Hs
Th !x x n n M st2 x n x
Z Hs
Th !x Pr Th x c n n M st2 Pr Th x n x c 2. 34
Z Hs
M Th
Nst !x x n n M st
x n x

or of the equivalent form

Z Hs
Th !x 1 1 x 1 n n M st2 1 x 1 n,1 x 1
Z Hs
Th !x Pr Th x 1 c n n M st2 Pr Th x 1 n x 1 c 2. 35
Z Hs
M Th
Nst !x x 1 n n M st
x 1 n x 1

where we set x 1 x 1 , n x 1 n,1 x 1 and x x 1 . We note that any

collection k n,k x n , k 1, 2, . . . such above defines an unique set x k , i.e.
k1 k2 iff x k1 x k2 . We note that collections k , k 1, 2, . . is no part of
the ZFC Hs Hs
2 , i.e. collection k there is no set in sense of ZFC 2 . However that is no
problem, because by using Gdel numbering one can to replace any collection
k , k 1, 2, . . by collection k g k of the corresponding Gdel numbers such
k g k g n,k x k n , k 1, 2, . . . . 2. 36
It is easy to prove that any collection k g k , k 1, 2, . . is a Th # -set.This is done
by Gdel encoding [8],[10] of the statament (2.19) by Proposition 2.6 and by axiom
schema of separation [4]. Let g n,k g n,k x k , k 1, 2, . . be a Gdel number of the
wff n,k x k . Therefore g k g n,k n , where we set k k , k 1, 2, . . and
k 1 k 2 g n,k 1 n g n,k 2 n x k 1 x k 2 . 2. 37
Let g n,k n k be a family of the all sets g n,k n . By axiom of choice [9] one obtain
unique set g k k such that kg k g n,k n . Finally one obtain a set from a
set by axiom schema of replacement [9].Thus one can define a Th # -set c :
xx c x Pr Th # x x c . 2. 38
Proposition 2.8. Any collection k g k , k 1, 2, . . is a Th -set.
Proof. We define g n,k g n,k x k n,k x k c , v k x k c . Therefore
g n,k g n,k x k Frg n,k , v k (see [10]). Let us define now predicate g n,k , v k
g n,k , v k Pr Th !x k 1,k x 1 c
Z Hs 2. 39
!x k v k x k c n n M st2 Pr Th 1,k x k c Pr Th Frg n,k , v k .

We define now a set k such that

k k g k ,
2. 40
nn g n,k k g n,k , v k

But obviously definitions (2.39) and (2.40) is equivalent by Proposition 2.6.

Proposition 2.9. (i) Th # c , (ii) c is a countable Th # -set.
Proof.(i) Statement Th # c follows immediately by using statement and
axiom schema of separation [9]. (ii) follows immediately from countability of a set .
Proposition 2.10. A set c is inconsistent.
Proof.From formla (2.18) one obtain
Th # c c Pr Th # c c c . 2. 41
From formula (2.41) and Proposition 2.6 one obtain
Th # c c c c 2. 42
and therefore
Th # c c c c . 2. 43
But this is a contradiction.

3.Derivation inconsistent countable set in set theory ZFC 2

with the full semantics.
Let Th Th fss be an second order theory with the full second order semantics.We
assume now that: (i) Th contains ZFC 2 , (ii) Th has no any model. We will write for
short Th and ZFC 2 instead Th fss and ZFC 2 correspondingly.
Definition 3.1. Using formula (2.3) one can define predicate Pr Th y really asserting
provability in ZFC 2
Pr Th y x x M Z2 Prov Th x, y, 3. 1
Theorem 3.1.[12].(Lbs Theorem for ZFC 2 ) Let be any closed formula with code
y c M Z2 , then Th Pr Th c implies Th (see [12] Theorem 5.1).
Proof. Assume that
(#) Th Pr Th c .
Note that
(1) Th . Otherwise one obtains Th Pr Th c Pr Th c , but this is a
(2) Assume now that (2.i) Th Pr Th c and (2.ii) Th .
From (1) and (2.ii) follows that
(3) Th and Th .
Let Th be a theory
(4)Th Th . From (3) follows that
(5) ConTh .
From (4) and (5) follows that
(6) Th Pr Th c .
From (4) and (#) follows that
(7) Th Pr Th c .
From (6) and (7) follows that
(8) Th Pr Th c Pr Th c , but this is a contradiction.
Definition 3.2. Let x be one-place open wff such that the conditions:
Th !x x or
Th Pr Th !x x c is satisfied.
Then we said that, a set y is a Th-set iff there is exist one-place open wff x such
y x . We write yTh iff y is a Th-set.
Remark 3.1. Note that Th !x x .
Remark 3.2. Note that yTh y x Pr Th !x x c
Definition 3.3. Let be a collection such that : x x x is a Th-set .
Proposition 3.1. Collection is a Th-set.
Definition 3.4. We define now a Th-set c :
xx c x Pr Th x x c . 3. 2
Proposition 3.3. (i) Th c , (ii) c is a countable Th-set.
Proof.(i) Statement Th c follows immediately by using statement and
axiom schema of separation [4]. (ii) follows immediately from countability of a set .
Proposition 3.4. A set c is inconsistent.
Proof.From formla (3.2) one obtain
Th c c Pr Th c c c . 3. 3
From formula (3.3) and definition 3.1by Theorem 3.1 one obtain
Th c c c c 3. 4
and therefore
Th c c c c . 3. 5
But this is a contradiction.
Therefore finally we obtain:
Theorem 3.2.[12].ConZFC 2 .
It well known that under ZFC it can be shown that is inaccessible if and only if
V , is a model of ZFC 2 [5],[11].Thus finally we obtain.
Theorem 3.3.[12].ConZFC V H k .

4.Non consistency Results in Topology.

Definition 4.1.[19].A Lindelf space is indestructible if it remains Lindelf after
forcing with
any countably closed partial order.
Theorem 4.1.[20].If it is consistent with ZFC that there is an inaccessible cardinal,
then it
is consistent with ZFC that every Lindelf T 3 indestructible space of weight 1 has
Corollary 4.1.[20] The existence of an inaccessible cardinal and the statement:
T 3 , 1 , 1 every Lindelf T 3 indestructible space of weight 1 has size
are equiconsistent.
Theorem 4.2.[12].ConZFC T 3 , 1 , 1 .
Proof.Theorem 4.2 immediately follows from Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 4.1.
Definition 4.2.The 1 -Borel Conjecture is the statement: BC 1 a Lindelf
space is
indestructible if and only if all of its continuous images in 0; 1 1 have cardinality
1 ".
Theorem 4.3.[12]. If it is consistent with ZFC that there is an inaccessible cardinal,
then it
is consistent with ZFC that the 1 -Borel Conjecture holds.
Corollary 4.2.The 1 -Borel Conjecture and the existence of an inaccessible
cardinal are
Theorem 4.4.[12] ConZFC BC 1 .
Proof.Theorem 4.4 immediately follows from Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 4.2.
Theorem 4.5.[20]. If 2 is not weakly compact in L, then there is a Lindelf T 3
indestructible space of pseudocharacter 1 and size 2 .
Corollary 4.3.The existence of a weakly compact cardinal and the statement:
T 3 , 1 , 2 there is no Lindelf T 3 indestructible space of pseudocharacter
and size 2 are equiconsistent.
Theorem 4.6.[12].There is a Lindelf T 3 indestructible space of pseudocharacter
1 and
size 2 in L.
Proof.Theorem 4.6 immediately follows from Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 4.5.
Theorem 4.7.[12]. Con ZFC T 3 , 1 , 2 .
Proof.Theorem 3.7 immediately follows from Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 4.3.

In this paper we have proved that the second order ZFC with the full second-order
semantic is inconsistent,i.e. ConZFC 2 . Main result is: let k be an inaccessible
cardinal and H k is a set of all sets having hereditary size less then k, then
ConZFC V H k . This result also was obtained in [7],[12],[13] by using
essentially another approach. For the first time this result has been declared to AMS in
[14],[15]. An important applications in topology and homotopy theory are obtained in
A reviewers provided important clarifications.
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