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Pallanck, L., Ordway, R.W., Ramaswami, M., Chi, W.Y., Krishnan, on an intact response to TSH. Thus, TSHR null mice
K.S., and Ganetzky, B. (1995). J. Biol. Chem. 270, 1874218744. have severe osteoporosis. Heterozygous TSHR/ mice
Sollner, T.H. (2003). Mol. Membr. Biol. 20, 209220. are euthyroid, with normal levels of T3, T4, and TSH,
Stamler, J.S., Lamas, S., and Fang, F.C. (2001). Cell 106, 675683. but nevertheless have a significant decrease in bone
Turner, K.M., Burgoyne, R.D., and Morgan, A. (1999). Trends Neu- density. Additionally, supplementation of TSHR/ mice
rosci. 22, 459464. with thyroid hormone normalizes body weight, but not
bone mass. Interestingly, focal osteosclerosis accom-
panies global osteoporosis in TSHR/ mice. These ar-
eas of dense bone have histological features indicating
rapid formation. Thus, TSH appears to affect both osteo-
TSH, The Bone Suppressing blasts and osteoclasts.
Hormone Because a role for TSH in bone remodeling was not
predicted, expression of TSHRs in bone cells had not
previously been examined. The present authors, how-
ever, convincingly demonstrate expression of TSHRs on
The skeleton is a dynamic organ whose structural in- the surface of both osteoblast and osteoclast precur-
tegrity depends on constant remodeling, controlled by sors, in vivo and in vitro. They document suppressive
many local and systemic factors. In this issue of Cell, effects of TSH on osteoclast and osteoblast differentia-
Abe et al. (2003) identify thyroid-stimulating hormone tion, and enhanced maturation of cells lacking TSHR.
(TSH) as an important regulator of this process. Therefore, unlike thyroid hormone, which acts directly
only on osteoblasts, TSH suppresses the function of
Thyroid disease and osteoporosis are prevalent in the both osteoblasts and osteoclasts in a cell autonomous
elderly, and von Recklinghausen recognized over 100 fashion. In mice unable to respond to TSH due to ab-
years ago that hyperthyroidism can cause osteoporosis. sence of the receptor, the result is a high turnover state
Increased circulating thyroid hormone induces a high in which bone resorption outpaces bone formation (Fig-
turnover state in bone, with increased activity by osteo- ure 1).
blasts and osteoclasts. The resorptive activity of osteo- Osteoblast differentiation requires expression of the
clasts, however, predominates, eventuating in decreased transcription factors Runx-2 and osterix, but is also influ-
enced by the Wnt pathway (especially via the coreceptor
structural integrity of the skeleton (Greenspan and
LRP-5) and activation of Flk-1, a VEGF receptor (Karse-
Greenspan, 1999). Thus far, investigators have focused
nty and Wagner, 2002). TSH suppresses expression of
on the direct effects of active thyroid hormone (triiodo-
LRP-5 and Flk-1, but does not affect Runx-2 or osterix.
thyronine, T3) on bone cells, via thyroid hormone recep-
Osteoblasts influence osteoclast differentiation in vivo
tors (TR1 and TR), members of the nuclear hormone
via their expression of RANKL and M-CSF (Teitelbaum
receptor family that induce transcription in a ligand-
and Ross, 2003). The enhanced osteoclastogenesis of
dependent manner (Britto et al., 1994). Osteoblasts ex-
TSHR/ mice cannot be attributed to enhanced expres-
press TRs and respond to T3 with increased proliferation
sion of either M-CSF or RANKL, indicating that this is
and expression of lineage-specific markers such as al-
not the point at which osteoclast and osteoblast activity
kaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and collagen. Interest-
becomes uncoupled. Instead, the mutant animals have
ingly, although osteoclasts have TRs, their response to
increased levels of TNF, a cytokine that synergizes
T3 appears to be mediated entirely by osteoblasts. In
with RANKL in the osteoclastogenic process.
the presence of vitamin D3, T3 induces osteoblasts to
RANKL activates a number of signaling pathways in
express of RANK ligand (RANKL), the key osteoclasto- osteoclasts, including NF-B and the MAPKs (JNK, ERK,
genic cytokine. Additionally, mice lacking the known and p38). Osteoclast precursors lacking one or both
active isoforms of TRs have retarded bone growth and copies of the TSHR gene exhibit increased signaling
maturation, but do not manifest increased bone mineral through JNK and NF-B, but not ERK or p38. Likewise,
density, as would be predicted if, in fact, T3 is an impor- coadministration of TSH with RANKL in wild-type osteo-
tant stimulus of bone resorption in vivo (Gothe et al., clast cultures inhibits NF-B and JNK. Thus, TSH arrests
1999). osteoclast differentiation through defined pathways
A previously unexplored consequence of hyperthy- downstream of RANKL.
roidism is suppression of thyroid stimulating hormone Perhaps the most intriguing issue posed by the dis-
(TSH), which is produced by the anterior pituitary and covery of this new regulator of skeletal remodeling is
directly controls production and release of thyroid hor- the mechanism by which TSH exerts its effects. The
mones by thyroid follicles. The TSH receptor (TSHR) is TSHR is a member of the seven transmembrane G pro-
a seven transmembrane glycosylated G protein-coupled tein-coupled receptor family that also includes the calci-
protein expressed by many tissues beyond the thyroid tonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptors, both
(Davies et al., 2002). Although several extrathyroidal regulators of bone turnover. Although the calcitonin re-
functions for TSH have been proposed, evidence sup- ceptor is expressed on both osteoclasts and osteo-
porting this contention is scant. In this issue of Cell, Abe blasts, its primary function is inhibition of bone resorp-
et al. (2003) demonstrate a critical role for TSH in skeletal tion, decreasing osteoclast motility and secretion, by
remodeling that is independent of its effects on circulat- osteoclasts, of acid and proteases (Samura et al., 2000).
ing thyroid hormone. Using mice in which the TSHR The PTH receptor is highly expressed only on osteo-
gene is replaced by GFP, they find bone mineral density, blasts, which PTH impacts in a biphasic manner (Locklin
in face of normal levels of thyroid hormone, depends et al., 2003). Specifically, intermittent administration of

Figure 1. Bone Turnover Is Enhanced in the

Absence of TSHR
In normal cells, TSH inhibits the differentia-
tion of both osteoblast and osteoclast precur-
sors. In TSHR/ mice, this inhibition is re-
moved. Osteoblast precursors upregulate
LRP-5 and FLK-1, leading to increased num-
bers of differentiated osteoblasts (OB) and
increased new bone formation. Production of
TNF is also increased, and this cytokine
enhances the differentiation of osteoclast
precursors. In the absence of the TSHR,
osteoclast precursors show enhanced RANKL-
mediated differentiation, with increased phos-
phorylation of JNK (JNK-p) and activation of
NF-B. The net result is a marked increase
in mature osteoclasts (OC) with concomitant
bone resorption that outpaces new bone
formation. Thus, TSHR/ mice are osteopo-

the hormone enhances bone formation, and continuous sonm, C., Vennstrom, B., and Forrest, D. (1999). Genes Dev. 13,
exposure increases RANKL expression, thereby favoring 13291341.
osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. The TSH, Greenspan, S.L., and Greenspan, F.S. (1999). Ann. Intern. Med.
130, 750758.
calcitonin, and PTH bone-active seven transmembrane
receptors each signal through cAMP, phospholipase C, Karsenty, G., and Wagner, E.F. (2002). Dev. Cell 2, 389406.
and protein kinase A. However, none has been pre- Locklin, R.M., Khosla, S., Turner, R.T., and Riggs, B.L. (2003). J.
Cell. Biochem. 89, 180190.
viously shown to affect the signaling pathways found
to be suppressed by TSH in the current study. Determin- Samura, A., Wada, S., Suda, S., Iitaka, M., and Katayama, S. (2000).
Endocrinology 141, 37743782.
ing the molecular basis for differences in signaling
Teitelbaum, S.L., and Ross, F.P. (2003). Nat. Rev. 4, 638649.
downstream of these related receptors, and for differ-
ences in signaling by the same receptor in different
cell types is important because this receptor family has
already been targeted for therapeutic intervention in os-
In recent years, genetic targeting of a number of pro- The Double Life of Ribosomal
teins, including c-src, leptin, and TSHR, have yielded Proteins
unexpected bone phenotypes. In retrospect, the discov-
ery of TSH as an important player in bone homeostasis
should perhaps not be so surprising, given its relation-
ship to other critical mediators of bone cell function. Many integral proteins of the ribosome also carry out
Nevertheless, the connection would not likely have been extra-ribosomal functions as independent polypep-
made without the use of gene-ablated mice. The contin- tides, raising questions as to their evolutionary deriva-
ued generation of mutant mice, and the examination of tion. In this issue of Cell, Mazumder et al. report a
their bones, will provide many additional regulators of surprising new twist in the dual life of these molecules:
bone homeostasis in the years to come. as part of a cellular response to interferon, a large-
subunit protein dramatically exits the ribosome to bind
and inhibit the translation of a specific mRNA.
Deborah Veis Novack
Department of Medicine
Although it is widely held that the earliest protein-syn-
Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases
thesizing machines were composed exclusively of RNA,
Washington University School of Medicine
proteins presently make up one-third to one-half of the
Saint Louis, Missouri 63110
total ribosome mass and efficient translation cannot
take place without them. In bacteria, however, the ab-
Selected Reading
sence of individual r-proteins does not necessarily deal
Abe, E., Marians, R.C., Wu, X.-B., Iqbal, J., Ando, T., Yanan, L., Blair, the translation apparatus a fatal blow; in many cases,
H.C., Davies, T.F., and Zaidi, M. (2003). Cell 115, this issue, 151162. protein-deficient ribosomes still function, albeit with var-
Britto, J.M., Fenton, A.J., Holloway, W.R., and Nicholson, G.C. ious degrees of impairment. The origins and evolution-
(1994). Endocrinology 134, 169176. ary history of these polypeptides remain an enigma.
Davies, T.F., Marians, R., and Latif, R. (2002). J. Clin. Invest. 110, Numerous ribosomal proteins are bifunctional, that is,
161164. they are not only integral components of the ribosome
Gothe, S., Wang, Z., Ng, L., Kindblomm, J.M., Barrosm, A.C., Ohls- but carry out other tasks in the cell often unrelated to

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