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One mental ability that is often taken as an indicator of intelligence level is memory

ability. While the two are strongly linked, memory is not necessarily a good indicator
of intelligence. In particular, working memory, which can be affected by things such
as stress, can give a false impression of an individuals intelligence or lack of

Like many aspects of intelligence, memory can be improved with training and
depends on a complicated set of interactions between biological pathways and
environmental factors.

What is Memory?
In the broadest sense, memory is your ability to store, retain and then retrieve
specific pieces of information, previous experiences or knowledge of procedures (e.g.
skills and habits) on request. It is an important function of the brain and also an
important aspect of cognition, which involves not just remembering (and forgetting)
but also reasoning, abstract thinking, imagination, attention, insight and appreciation
of beauty.

Contrary to popular perception, memory is not so much storage space as a series of

processes for registering and encoding information for later use (and retrieval). Thus,
our cognitive ability to do this changes as we age, although the rate and amount of
change varies from individual to individual and is not solely determined by a persons
biological age.

Research has shown that it is possible to take actions to prevent memory loss and
the deterioration of other brain function as we age.

Types of Memory
The common division of memory is into long-term (events and knowledge from our
pasts) and short-term memory (recent knowledge and happenings).

Another way to classify memories is into explicit memories, which are things you can
recall consciously and which you can describe verbally such as people, places and
specific facts. Another way is implicit memories, which are the skills and procedures
which you learn, such as dancing or playing a certain sport or even driving.

Memory is also sometimes specified as working memory which is the ability to

retain and manipulate information for example, doing mathematics calculations in
your head rather than using a pen and paper.

Working Memory
Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between intelligence and
working memory, although the exact nature of the relationship is still under debate.
However, studies have shown that poor working memory, rather than low
intelligence, could be the reason why some children under-achieve at school, where
working memory is particularly necessary to perform tasks such as writing down
dictated sentences.
Children suffering from poor working memory can be seriously impaired in their ability
to learn, which may be translated as a lack of intelligence, when this is not the case.
These children need to be identified and alternative methods of teaching used, to
help them achieve their potential.

Memory and Intelligence

Your memory, especially your working memory, can significantly influence your
intelligence. That is, your memory affects your ability to quickly and easily retrieve
and apply stored information in situations when you need to solve a problem and
your ability to solve problems is often defined as intelligence. Therefore, memory and
intelligence are almost like two sides of the same coin.

For example, people who are seen as being good at maths are often able to solve
problems in their head and the reason they can do this easily is because they can
quickly retrieve stored information which allows to solve the problem successfully.
They are not necessarily more intelligent overall but rather, they are able to store
mathematical data in their long-term memory and retrieve it quickly when they need
it. However, the two are linked and improving your memory can help you to display
what is commonly seen as intelligence.

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