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Date __________________ Name ________________________________

Module 1

I.Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous:

Thomas _____________(come) from the USA. He ____________(live) in Boston.

He_________(like) riding bikes and skating around the streets. He ____________(not like) Maths
and Science at school.He ____________(speak) two different languages. At the moment he is in
his room .He ______________( help) his mother and he ___________( eat) his lunch now.
He_____________(not do) his homework. 16/

II.Chose the correct answer:

Where do you come from? Because I am homesick.
Why are you crying? Yes, I have.
Do you live in Manchester? No, it isn't.
What do you think of London? Liverpool.
Have you got a house here? I don't like it. It is noisy.
Is English your first language? No, I don't. 12/

III. Complete the missing words:

Country Nationality

IV. Match the words with the numbers:

a) nine thousand fifty one 59 %
b)three quarters
c) one and a half 1.25
d)fifty nine percent 9051
e) one point twenty five 1

V.Put the verbs in Past Simple (regular)

1.I __________(arrive) at school yesterday. 2.He ________(play) football two days ago.
3. She_________(not talk) about the problem. 4.Tom ______(not see) a wolf last night .
5._____you _______(follow)the instructions? 6.______she________(miss) the train? 12/

VI.Complete the chart with Past Simple verbs (irregular):

Base form Past simple

VII. Complete the sentences using these words:

bow and
shake survive sail arrow above branch

You use this when you want to kill a bird. ___________

It is a part of the tree. _____________
Boats and ships.. across the ocean. ___________
When you are very scared , sometimes you do this.___________
Opposite of below._____________
You cant on Mars. There isnt any air and water.____________ 12/

VIII.Choose the correct answer:

1. I am very scared .I am .. A) exhausted B) terrified C) excited

2. It is raining a lot. I am sure there is going to be.A) a storm B) a crash C) a war
3. To cut a tree , you need . A) a spear B) a gun C) a hatchet
4. If a ship hits an iceberg, it can . A) sink B) sing C)swing
5. English is a .. language in Macedonia. A) mother B)father C)foreign 10/

IX.Put the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous:

1.He _____________(drive) to work when a policeman___________(stop) him.

2.While you ___________(take) a shower, David ____________(called).
3.Susan and Jack ___________(meet) while they ____________( fly) to Chicago.
4. Frank _________(break) his leg while he __________(play) football.
5. .I_____________(read) a book , when someone ____________(knock) on the door. 15/

Verbs of action

points 32- 49 50- 69 70 -89 90-109

mark 2 3 4 5

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