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Content Management Interoperability Services

Cheat Sheet
Services and Operations CMIS Base Types Properties Allowable Actions Renditions
Repository Service String cmis:name canGetDescendants ID streamId
getRepositories ID cmis:objectId ro canGetFolderTree String mimeType
getRepositoryInfo ID cmis:baseTypeId ro canGetChildren Integer length
getTypeChildren ID cmis:objectTypeId oc canGetFolderParent String title
getTypeDescendants String cmis:createdBy ro canGetObjectParents String kind
getTypeDefinition DateTime cmis:creationDate ro canCreateDocument Integer height
Navigation Service String cmis:lastModifiedBy ro canCreateFolder Integer width
getChildren DateTime cmis:lastModificationDate ro canCreateRelationship
getDescendants String cmis:changetoken ro canGetProperties Permissions
getFolderTree Boolean cmis:isImmutable ro canGetRenditions cmis:read
getFolderParent Boolean cmis:isLatestVersion ro canGetContentStream cmis:write
getObjectParents Boolean cmis:isMajorVersion ro canUpdateProperties cmis:all
Object Service Boolean cmis:isLatestMajorVersion ro canMoveObject
createDocument String cmis:versionLabel ro canDeleteObject
createDocumentFromSource ID cmis:versionSeriesId ro canGetContentStream
createFolder Boolean cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut ro canSetContentStream
createRelationship String cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutBy ro canDeleteContentStream Exceptions
createPolicy ID cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId ro canDeleteTree invalidArgument
getAllowableActions String cmis:checkinComment ro canAddObjectToFolder objectNotFound
getObject Integer cmis:contentStreamLength ro canRemoveObjectFromFolder notSupported
getProperties String cmis:contentStreamMimeType ro canCheckOut permissionDenied
getObjectByPath String cmis:contentStreamFileName can cancelCheckOut runtime
getContentStream ID cmis:contentStreamId ro canCheckIn constraint
getRenditions ID cmis:parentId ro canGetAllVersions contentAlreadyExists
updateProperties String cmis:path ro canGetObjectRelationships filterNotValid
moveObject ID (multi) cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds ro canApplyPolicy nameConstraintViolation
deleteObject ID cmis:sourceId canRemovePolicy storage
deleteTree ID cmis:targetId canGetAppliedPolicies streamNotSupported
setContentStream String cmis:policyText canGetACL updateConflict
deleteContentStream canApplyACL versioning
Versioning Service
cancelCheckOut CMIS Query Language
SELECT <property query name> [AS <alias>], <property query name>, SCORE(), ...
getObjectOfLatestVersion FROM <type query name> [AS <alias>]
getPropertiesOfLatestVersion WHERE <condition>
ORDER BY <property query name> [ASC|DESC], <property query name>, ...
Multi-filing Service JOINs:
addObjectToFolder SELECT ...
FROM <type A query name> [INNER | LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN <type B query name>
ON (<property A query name> = <property B query name>)
Discovery Service
query Conditions:
getContentChanges <property query name> [ = | <> | < | > | <= | >= ] <literal>
<property query name> [NOT] IN (<comma separated literal list>)
Relationship Service
<property query name> [NOT] LIKE <string literal>
getObjectRelationships <property query name> IS [NOT] NULL
Policy Service <literal> = ANY <multi-value property query name>
CONTAINS(<text search expression>)
applyPolicy IN_FOLDER([<qualifier>,] <folder id>)
removePolicy IN_TREE([<qualifier>,] <folder id>)
<condition> [ AND | OR ] <condition> Object
NOT <condition> cmis:document
ACL Service cmis:folder
getACL Timestamp format: cmis:relationship
applyACL TIMESTAMP "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss[Z|+hh:mm|-hh:mm]" cmis:policy

Alfresco Software (last update 2001-07-04) OASIS CMIS 1.0 specification:

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