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var // variable declarations start

i:integer; // defining i as integer (natural number)

iProfile:integer; // number of the active profile
sID:string; // string of the active profile
begin // start of the executable program
for i:=1 to 11 do // declare counting variable for loop
begin // start of the loop
setCalcProfile(0); // activate the design-case profile
newSubProfile; // create a new subprofile
iProfile:=getCalcProfile; // returns the ID of the active calculation
hp_turbine.P1NSET:=30+10*i; // set the turbine inlet pressure
sID:=PrintToString("HP_", // assigning a new value to the string
integer(hp_turbine.P1NSET)); // pay attention to the two white spaces
renameProfile(iProfile, sID); // renaming the active profile
@calcoptions.sim.globalmode:= 0;// setting calculation mode (0=design)
simulate; // simulate the model (active subprofile)
print (hp_turbine.P1NSET, "\n");
print (@calcoptions.sim.globalmode, "\n");
end; // end of the loop

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