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A bio-inspired information design framework for real-time adaptive

spatial components

Nimish Biloria1, Jia-Rey Chang2

HyperBody Lab, TU Delft
1, 2

Abstract. Contemporary explorations within the evolutionary computational domain

have been heavily instrumental in exploring biological processes of adaptation, growth
and mutation. On the other hand a plethora of designers owing to the increasing
sophistication in computer aided design software are equally enthused by the formal
aspects of biological organisms and are thus meticulously involved in form driven
design developments. This focus on top-down appearance and surface condition based
design development under the banner of organic architecture in essence contributes
to the growing misuse of bio-inspired design and the inherent meaning associated
with the terminology. HyperCell, a bio-inspired information design framework for
real-time adaptive spatial components, is an ongoing research, at Hyperbody, TU Delft,
which focuses on extrapolating bottom-up generative design and real-time interaction
based adaptive spatial re-use logics by understanding processes of adaptation,
multi-performance and self sustenance in natural systems. Evolutionary developmental
biology is considered as a theoretical basis for this research.
Keywords. Adaptation; Swarms; Evo-Devo; Simulation: Cellular component.

Contemporary explorations within the evolutionary ing misuse of bio-inspired design and the inherent
computational domain have been heavily instru- meaning associated with the terminology. Formal
mental in exploring biological processes of adap- attributes of bio-inspired architecture have always
tation, growth and mutation. On the other hand a been a fascinating topic in CAAD (Computer Aided
plethora of designers owing to the increasing so- Architectural Design), however, the desire to imitate
phistication in computer aided design software are organic form as opposed to understanding inherent
equally enthused by the formal aspects of biologi- biotic processes as bottom-up systemic interactions
cal organisms and are thus meticulously involved resulting in outward appearances needs definite
in form driven design developments. This focus on persuasion within the architectural domain.
top-down appearance and surface condition based Janie M. Benyus (1997), the author of Biomim-
design development under the banner of organic cry states that there are three phases of learning
architecture in essence contributes to the grow- from nature to improve our technology: imitating

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the form, learning about natural processes, and assembly system tries to do the coding in phys-
getting involved with natural systems. It is time ical materials to reach the goal of program-
for architecture to take a step further by looking mable component. Through the input energy,
deeper inside the multi-faceted field of biology to the components will actively grow to form an
understand the processes via which factors such as architecture body with a bottom-up logic, simi-
evolution, adaptation, self-organization as well as lar to the organisms growing process.
growth occur in a sustainable fashion. The symbio- HyperCell, a bio-inspired information design frame-
sis between organisms and nature without hurting work for real-time adaptive spatial components,
each other, and the continuous balance during the situated within such experimental context, is an on-
growing process of living things in order to envi- going research investigation at Hyperbody, TU Delft.
sion sustainable ecologies at a larger scale via local Via HyperCell, we aim not only to derive intricate
interactions of its sub-systems should thus be logi- information frameworks, built upon the understand-
cally applicable to architectural and urban design ing of dynamic natural systems but also focus on
principles. the applicability and thus the performance of such
Contemporary academia and praxis-based re- bottom-up formulated spatial systems within the
search into bio-inspired systems for spatial usage context of economy, society and multi-usability as-
are on the rise. Responsive, interactive, adaptive, ki- pects of space.
netic, robotic, emergent etc to name a few, are the With the development of advanced medical
nomenclatures under which applications of such science and technology, human life extends much
investigations have been prevalent. The shift from longer than before, which leads to a population den-
CAAD to Computational Design in order to encode sity issue. The population projection of 2050 shows
rules and interaction protocols for experimenting that there will be 9.2 billion people in the world, out
with simulations based on dynamic natural systems of which half of the population will be stayifing in
has thus become predominant within the architec- urban areas. As a result, the price of real estate will
tural domain. Some prominent research investiga- inevitably become extremely high owing to increas-
tions focus on exploring the intricacies of natural ing spatial requirements within urban areas, which
systems to evolve programmable matter as well as will automatically create urgent economic and so-
to synthesize material performance with computa- cietal challenges. The problems mentioned above
tional design, which are the following: are irrefutably hard to solve by using conventional
Rachel Armstrong (2011), PhD from AVATAR, design methods, which stress on additive methods,
Architecture Associate has recently started co- devoid of customization and real-time adaptive re-
operation with Martin Hanczyc (2011), Institute use based possibilities. On the contrary, living or-
of Physics and Chemistry University of South- ganisms with self-adaptive traits allow their bodies
ern Denmark,to develop a new material from to achieve optimal internal and external states in
protocell, an artificial cell which can metabolize accordance with dynamic environmental variations.
itself. Existing architectural spaces and their inherent
Neri Oxman (2012), an assistant professor in static nature owing to their material make-up as
MIT Media Lab works on the relationship be- well as the nature of linear processes, which lead to-
tween buildings and natural environment by wards their conception, thus are unable to provide
designing on principles inspired by nature and the much needed flexibility as regards functional
applying it via digital technology and digital diversity, user-driven customization of space as well
fabrication means. as adaptation within a dynamic context. HyperCell,
Skylar Tibbits (2012), a PhD candidate from MIT aims to challenge such linear, non-dynamic process-
Architecture Department, researches on self- es and by means of inculcating built-in adaptive be-

564 | eCAADe 30 - Volume 2 - New Design Concepts and Strategies

havior within the smallest constituting component and trigger. These are discussed in the following
of architectural space (the cell) intends to make a sections:
transition towards understanding architecture as a Simple-Complexity: The simple to complex
multi-performative, real-time interactive construct. logic is a crucial aspect in Evo-Devo. Every complex
organic body is composed of numerous amounts of
EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL simple elements with on/off logics. The quantity and
BIOLOGY: AN INSIGHT INTO BIOTIC the diversity of these repeated elements are con-
PROCESSES trolled by the automated regulation of embedded
Evo-Devo, a revolutionary field of biology in late 20 genes. For example, Hox6 is the gene in all cases of
years, is involved with extensive research on: how vertebrates, which mark the boundary conditions
organisms form from the difference of embryos; the of the vertebral type from the cervical to the tho-
invisible logic inside of the genes controlling the or- racic regions, thus defining the neck profile. (Figure
ganisms growth; and the evidence that all animals 1A) This differentiation takes place via simple on/
use the same gene tool kits. Sean B. Carrolls (2005) off switch logic. Through Evo-Devo, we know that
book Endless form most beautiful states that all all animals share a common gene tool kit, but dif-
organisms grow on the basis of a simple on/off ferent numbers and combination of genes, which
rule, akin to a switch, which regulates their genes. govern the patterns and formation of their bodies
Computer programming, which also operates on and body parts. In the architectural domain, the idea
a binary 1/0 logic, can form a parallel to the gene of working with a similar logic, in order to produce
switch. Analogous to the on/off logic in genes that diversity via variable combinations of spatial genes
is responsible for the diversity of species in nature, contained within a generic spatial toolkit which
Cellular Automata experiments, developed by Ste- auto-regulates adaptation with respect to functions
phen Wolfram (2002) exhibit differential patterns and dynamic environment could be an interesting
based on 1/0 logic, thus providing with a definite research domain.
path to experiment with computational routines as Geometric Rules: Every organisms formation
a mimicking medium. The HyperCell research ex- follows certain rules rather than growing randomly.
tracts three distinct ideas from the field of Evo-Devo: When we look at the construction of cells, it has the
simple-complexity, geometry rules and switch significant geometry characteristic. In addition to

Figure 1
A) Zones of Hox6 genes
expression also shape the
vertebrate diversity. B) Fate-
Map of the frog embryo. C)
The decoding of information
in DNA: The DNA will switch
on when it is needed and
transcript to mRNA, and the
mRNA will be translated into a
protein molecule.

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repetition of modular parts, symmetry and polarity differentiation is based on these genetic switches
are common features in organisms. In most of the rules to build up more complex organs. The func-
organisms, there are three axes of polarity where tions of blood, brain, and muscle cells are marked by
symmetry can be witnessed: head to tail, top to the production of proteins specialized to undertake
bottom and near to far from the body. Geometric the task of these tissues (Sean B. Carroll, 2005). The
rules also play important parts during the embryo other way of forming cells in a particular way is to
formation. What is interesting to note during emb pass specific cell clustering information via neigh-
ryogenesis is the process via which each cell knows boring cells. For instance, the circle-shape patterns
where they are and to what tissue or structures they on butterfly wings called eyespots; the center cell
belong. In Evo-Devo, such a process is controlled of the eyespots is the example of a morphogene,
via the Fate-Map. (Figure 1B) Sean B. Carroll (2005) which can produce chemical substances to influ-
gave a clear metaphor for explaining the Fate-Map: ence the development of its neighbors. To get the
In the terms of our geography analog cells, tissue, ideal result, the switch of the morphogene domi-
and organs have a specific position on the globe nates and directs the information passing though
of the embryo defined by their longitude, latitude, the neighboring cells.
altitude, and depth, as well as a national identity For architecture, such embedded intelligence
(nerve cells, liver cells, etc.). The biggest difference based processes responsible for the context aware
between such inherent automation based natural performative development of form are of particular
growth processes and architectural design is the in- importance. Different stages of interactions (during
stinctive nature of organisms to adhere to the Fate- growth as opposed to maturity) and the efficient
Map and thus result in bottom-up formation of out- usage of computational processes to simulate bot-
ward form as opposed to conventional architectural tom-up formations via utilizing optimal triggers to
design processes where aesthetics based top-down appropriate computational sequences can thus be
form generation is still predominant. The HyperCell learned and applied. This will help in controlling the
research tries to explore bottom-up possibilities of computationally heavy operations, preserving en-
evolving architecture via computational simulation ergy and thus faster performance ratios within the
methodologies similar to natural growth processes soft, information-processing domain.
while establishing real-time information exchange
protocols amongst the material components consti- PROPOSED HYPERCELL PROPERTIES
tuting the formal make-up. AND THEIR BIO-INSPIRATIONS
Switch and Trigger: The gene switch plays a key In light of such ingenious natural properties and
role in the formation of an organism, and has the regulatory phenomenon, the challenging issue for
ability to control very subtle details of organic form architecture is the inherent multi-performative na-
on the basis of complex combinatorial rules. Hox ture of its most essential building block: the archi-
genes are the predominant genes, which control tectural cell/component. HyperCell, tries to seek a
the formation process. The switches inside the Hox solution to manifest multi-performative criteria by
genes tell an organism where and when to evolve means of a much needed integration of material
different body parts in time. The characteristic of the performance, real-time information communication
output (form, color, pattern etc) itself is the resultant and physical adaptation
of multiple nested sets of inputs. The idea of switch- Materials System: Material systems i n nature
es is also applied to how DNA translates to mRNA to have the ability to react, modify and adapt in order
produce proteins. (Figure 1C) The DNA will switch on to provide an appropriate response towards dynam-
when it is needed and transcript to mRNA, and the ic natural forces. The external skin and the tissue of
mRNA will be translated into a protein molecule. Cell organisms are cellular formations, where each cell

566 | eCAADe 30 - Volume 2 - New Design Concepts and Strategies

has the inherent capacity of structural support, in- tions on developing smart materials and natural
formation transmission, and environmental interac- material formations. Researchers such as; Manuel
tion. Take the skeletal system for example, there are Kretzer, PhD candidate in chair of CAAD, ETHZ, works
two kinds of cells in the skeletal system: Osteoclast on the topic of smart materials, using electroactive
and Osteoblast. Osteoclast creates the empty space polymers (EPS) to make kinetic architectural com-
in the bones for marrow to manufacture blood cell, ponents, Neri Oxman uses 3D printing techniques
nerves, and prevents the production of redundant to simulate how natural materials grow. HyperCell,
materials; Osteoblasts function is to grow bones in its material aspect, aims at going beyond purely
with protein, calcium and phosphorus to support structural issues to create a direct relationship be-
the body weight and protect the organs in our body. tween adaptive material formations and customized
Both Osteoclast and Osteoblast work perfectly to- multi-usability of space.
gether to generate optimal skeletal systems. In most Real-time information communication: Infor-
cases, artificial materials however, are developed for mation exchange in the biological world, for the
specific purposes while natural materials embody purpose of this research is categorized in two parts:
multiple functionalities. Global and Local communication. Information trans-
In the architectural domain, however, researches mission to and from the brain via nerve cells at-
are more focused on a structural point of view, such tached to various tissues in the body is considered
as Cellular Solid by Lorna J Gibson and Michael F. as a global medium of information communication.
Ashby (1999), which calculates how cells construct Parallel to this, a local level of information commu-
in an organic way to support themselves. However, nication can be found embedded within skin cells,
recently, there have been more research investiga- which adapt their pore openings autonomously in

Figure 2
Different mediums of
information communica-
tion by HyperCells: A) Global
communication from central
command with touchpad by
users. B) Local information dis-
tribution among HyperCells.
C) Reflexive and interactive
medium driven by users ac-
tions. D)Local environmental
Adaptive System.

Figure 3
Experiment of controlling
the visual 3D model through
smart phone device.

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accordance with external environmental conditions. adaptations such as blood flow regulation, heart
These two modes of information transmission will beat modulation, pore opening patterns, skin color,
form an essential part of the HyperCells makeup. structure adaptations etc. result in the self suste-
User driven spatial customization wishes will be nance of the body amidst dynamic contextual sce-
communicated via global information dispersion narios. Swarm behavior as well Flocking behavior
protocols (while considering the overall spatial for- seen in bigger ecologies of birds, fish etc are also
mation and usability patterns in use) to an appropri- representative of local level adaptations which re-
ate number of HyperCells. From here on, autono- sult in global synchronization.
mous information communication amongst the HyperCells, adhering to such local information
HyperCells based on a distributed computing logic transmission and physical adaptation processes will
will be initiated. Local adaptations in terms of physi- create a novel approach in which real-time local ad-
cal alterations, ambient transitions etc will aim at aptations result in topological and functional differ-
achieving the desired spatial customization. Analo- entiation. For instance or elderly people, HyperCell
gies from the IT world such as the I Phone which at via local sensing can predict user actions and can
a global level operate on an operating system, but thus adapt its physical and ambient self as a reflex-
at a local level can be customized by downloading ive and interactive medium to ensure a safe as well
various applications is thus also in synch with the as calming environment. Spaces built up using Hy-
HyperCells information structuring protocols. (Fig- perCells can also be fully adaptable to fulfill multiple
ure 2) Adaptive System: Adaptive processes play usability of space criterion while interacting with
important roles in both growth and sustenance multiple users through time. Adaptive re-use in the
processes in nature. The adaptive process in growth literal sense of the word can thus be efficiently at-
refers to the ways in, which cell differentiation and tained via such intelligent spaces.
positioning based on specific Fate-Maps per organ-
ism, develop. After becoming a mature body, local

Figure 4
The design process diagram
from computationally opti-
mized simulation to physical

568 | eCAADe 30 - Volume 2 - New Design Concepts and Strategies

HYPERCELL EXPERIMENTS ral aspects of the proposed system before getting
HyperCell and its propositions as an ongoing re- involved with a bigger architectural scale venture.
search, has commenced with experiments in com- Four fuzzy characteristics incorporated during this
putational simulations. Currently the authors are in- experimental process; Property-ness, Design-ness,
volves with building up computationally optimized Material-ness, and Geometry-ness are further ex-
simulation interfaces and testing initial physical pro- plained: Designers will need to decide on the typol-
totyping possibilities for the HyperCell. The simula- ogy of the furniture system eg. Chair, Table, Shelf, or
tion sets and their parametric input variables will be can even combine these typologies eg. Chair + Shelf
developed as a software application, which can cor- as combined units. This typology connects with the
relate inputs based on customizable rule sets akin Property-ness of the object. (Figure 4) For instance
to a contextual set-up. The research experiments the typology of Chair would involve setting out ba-
currently in the testing phase focus on small-scale sic parameters such as the surface area of the seat,
furniture design in order to control the behavio- the number of legs, back rest etc. Such information

Figure 5
Experiment of computation-
ally optimized simulation
interfaces built by Processing
with the design formation

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becomes an integral part of the DNA, which will be specific energy generation attributes by means of
inherited by all the generated chair variants. The generating topologies conducive to solar, water or
Fate-map principle, as an intrinsic logic for inform- wind based energy harvesting.
ing cell distribution and differentiation is currently After these parameters are set, the system will
being incorporated in the simulation interface as automate self-organization procedures and start
intuitive power lines, which can be drawn by the distributing data to HyperCell agent population.
designer as a rough indicator of desired topological Swarm logics and flocking behavior will thus be-
outcomes. The simulated/virtual HyperCell agents come vital at this stage and will result in differenti-
interpret this rough idea as a blue print for initiat- ated growth formations akin to adaptive evolution-
ing swarm based behavior and self-organization ary strategies. The physical world however, will play
patterns. The pattern formation in-turn informs the a vital role as regards setting up initial rule-sets for
agents as regards their geometric make-up in ac- maximum and minimum physical adaptations,
cordance with their location within the objects which a generic HyperCell can afford. The digital
body, thus resulting in adaptive differentiation. This, manufacturing process will thus involve manufac-
currently subjective mode of influencing the fate- turing the basic structural shell of the HyperCell
map by the designer is termed as the Design-ness which will, in accordance with pre-simulated and
fuzzy input. (Figure 5) designed deductions be embedded with actuators
The Material-ness fuzzy input is a subsequent and sensors. The basic geometry of HyperCell as of
feature, which, via the interface allows designers to now is developed as a cubic form, which can adapt
allocate materials and thus affordance properties to into different hexahedron-forms based on the loca-
the generative process. This also dictates the varia- tion, structural and functional usability pattern per
tions and the adaptive differentiations, which each HyperCell. (Figure 6)
HyperCell can incorporate. Different materials have Additional customization options can also be
different costs, which will also influence the gener- initiated via an online interface, which is currently
ated outcomes. The interface will subsequently dis- being developed as well as a touch-screen interface,
play the cost difference to give the designer a gen- which allows you to select a population of Hyper-
eral picture. Cells and ascribe a functional pattern to them. This
During the growth process, the differentiated implies a global communication to a local popula-
geometries, which the HyperCells inherit, shall be tion of the selected HyperCells and thereon this
displayed as geometric types along with the total population locally communicates information as re-
number per typology. This constitutes the Geom- gards structural, physiological and ambient adapta-
etry-ness of the system. Differentiated species can tions to attain the desired topological output.
thus further be assigned specific ambient features,
which again can be fully automated based on the CONCLUSION
adaptation and role, per HyperCell acquires during The HyperCell research thus proposes a new ap-
further interactions with its context. Alternatively proach to bottom-up design. The research does not
designers will still be able to change the configura- state that HyperCell is the ultimate answer for the
tion based on dynamic design decisions or cost is- future of adaptive re-use in architecture, but instead
sues. tries to propose an innovative, bio-inspired design
At the architectural scale, dynamic environmen- methodology for real-time adaptive architectural
tal conditions will be used as essential parametric and interior spaces. The research, via self-similar
input during the simulation phase. This, apart from componential redundancy will strive to develop
affecting the geometric make-up and differentiation variations in overall morphology based upon asso-
aspects of the HyperCell will also result in ascribing ciative (amongst components) context aware real-

570 | eCAADe 30 - Volume 2 - New Design Concepts and Strategies

Figure 6
3D simulation of HyperCells
from single component to a
set of series in architectural

time adaptation. Each component can also operate & Company, Inc., New York.
as an autonomous entity with its own sensing and Gibson, L and Ashby, M 1997, Cellular Solid, Cambridge Uni-
actuating mechanism, though each autonomous versity Press, Cambridge.
adaptation will have an associative impact on the Hanczyc, M 2011, The Structure and The Synthesis of Life,
overall morphology of the built form. The research Architectural Design AD, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 2632.
thus aims at deriving the most essential information Armstrong, R 2011, It's a Brand New Morning, Architectural
structure for optimal computing (almost like the hox Design AD, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 1425.
gene) in a regulated Oxman, N 2012, Program Matters, Architectural Design AD,
sequence which will in turn be auto propagated but vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 8895.
autonomously regulated by each cell throughout Tibbits, S 2012, Design to Self-Assembly, Architectural De-
such bio-inspired systemic spatial formations. sign AD, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 6873.
Wolfram, S 2002, A New Kind of Science, Wolfram Media,
REFERENCES Champaign, Illinois.
Benyus, JM 1997, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature,
HarperCollins Publisher Inc., New York.
Carroll, SB 2005, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, W.W. Norton

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