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Abstrak Guidance

1. Format penulisan:
a. Abstrak dalam bahasa Indonesia
b. Judul Times new roman 16 pt bold
c. Nama/author yaitu Nama mahasiswa , Nama dosen (diberikan garis bawah bagi yang
presentasi), institusi, e-mail, dan No-telp. Huruf Times New Roman ukuran 9 pt
d. Body text Times new roman 11 pt spasi 1
e. Abstract maksimal 300 kata, meliputi: (dlm Bahasa Indonesia)
1. Background
2. Objective
3. Methods
4. Outcome
5. Result
6. Conclusion
7. Keyword max 5 words
f. Contoh Abstrak dalam Bahasa Inggris (Untuk SR 34 sementara menggunakan Bahasa


D. Asmidawati1,I.N. Faridah1, D.A. Perwitasari 1
Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahmad Dahlan University

Correspondence :

Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia and
abnormalities in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism because of insulin insufficiency. Diabetes
mellitus is a chronic disorder which have consequencies in patients quality of life.

Objective: The research aimed to find out the description about quality of life in diabetic patients and the
influence of delivering drug information to the quality of life in diabetic patients who got oral diabetic
agents in Puskesmas Umbulharjo 1 Yogyakarta.

Methods: The research was a cohort study at Puskesmas Umbulharjo I. The inclusion criteria were all
diabetic patients who got oral diabetic agents and had been receiving the medication for at least one
month in Puskesmas Umbulharjo I, patients who are willing to be the respondents, and the living place of
the patients can be reached by the researcher. The exclusion criteria was a patient who had complicated
disorder. There were 18 patients in the research who had inclusion criteria. The data being analyzed was a
primary data to identify quality of life that was measured using SF-36 questionnaire Indonesian version.
Outcome measured : Quality of life domain in diabetic patients

Results : The result of the research indicated that 8 domains were a (1) general health perceptions (2)
physical health problem (3) physical activities (4) emotional problems, (5) social activities (6) bodily pain
(7) vitality and (8) general mental health. The result from eight domains showed that there was no
corellation between the provision of drug information and quality of life in diabetic patients (p > 0.05). In
the other results showed that there was a significant corellation between patients adherence and quality of
life in diabetic patients in three domains such as general health perceptions, vitality, and general mental
health (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: In conclusion, the provision of drug information did not affect the quality of life of patients
with diabetes mellitus (P>0.05), whereas the effect of compliance to quality of life resulted that
compliance of patients significantly influenced the quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus in 3
domains, namely physical activities, vitality, and general mental health (p <0.05).

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, quality of life, delivering drug information , SF-36 questionnare

Full Paper Guidance:

1. Naskah Full paper dalam bahasa Indonesia
2. Naskah maksimal 10 halaman (dimulai dari latar belakang), meliputi:
a. Cover (logo UAD, Nama mahasiswa dan nama pembimbing)
b. Halaman pengesahan (TTD penulis, Dosen pembimbing, Ketua Program Studi Profesi)
c. Daftar Isi
d. Daftar tabel
e. Daftar gambar
f. Abstrak
g. Latar belakang dan tujuan
h. Metode
i. Hasil
j. Kesimpulan
k. Pustaka

Format penulisan: Menggunakan kertas A4, Margin 3 (kiri, kanan, atas, bawah), Spasi 1,5

Contoh fulltext dapat dilihat pada contoh dengan judul :

Integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues: A systematic review of studies reporting
on parenting outcomes

Poster Guidance:
1. Poster ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia
2. Ukuran kertas A0 (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm) bentuk potrait (konfirmasi lagi ke koordinator sebelum
3. Format penulisan: no. identitas poster (diumumkan saat pengumuman presentasi poster/oral) di
tempatkan pada pojok kanan atas, Judul terlihat jelas, ukuran huruf bisa terbaca dari jarak 5 m
4. Content: (dalam Bahasa Indonesia)
a. Title, Authors Name, Institution Name, E-mail
b. Abstract
c. Background
d. Objective
e. Methods (skematik)
f. Outcome (flowchart)
g. Result
h. Conclusion
i. Reference

Oral Presentation Guidance:

Presentasi maksimal 10 slide dalam bahasa Indonesia, dibuat semenarik mungkin
Waktu presentasi tiap mahasiswa adalah 7 menit dan tanya jawab 3 menit
Teknis pengaturan presentasi diserahkan kepada penilai

Slides content: (Bahasa Indonesia)

1. Title, Authors Name, Institution Name, E-mail
2. Abstract
3. Background
4. Objective
5. Methods (skematik)
6. Outcome (flowchart)
7. Result
8. Conclusion
9. Reference

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