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This chapter considers the effect of bearing flexibility and damping on

the precession of flexible rotors. Only single-disc rotors supported in flexible
bearings will be examined. Both isotropic and orthotropic constant parameter
bearings, as well as hydrodynamic bearings with speed-dependent spring and
damping coefficients, are considered.

3.1 Symmetric rotors in flexible bearings

This section considers single-disc rotor models, with a radially and

longitudinally symmetric shaft, supported in identical flexible bearings and/or
bearing supports. The disc rotary inertia is neglected and only the planar translatory
disc precession is analyzed.

a b
Fig. 3.1

It is supposed that the bearing flexibilities and damping are uncoupled as

in rolling bearings on flexible supports, tilting pad journal bearings and squeeze-
film supports with retaining springs designed to operate in the linear range.

3.1.1 Effect of bearing flexibility

Consider a symmetric rotor supported in two identical anisotropic flexible

bearings (Fig. 3.1, a). Such bearings have two principal directions of stiffness
along which the radial stiffness has extreme values. For orthotropic bearings only
the principal stiffnesses are considered.
The axes Oy and Oz are along the bearing principal directions of stiffness.
Let k1 and k 2 be the principal stiffnesses.
Let y B , z B be the components of the displacement of the journal centre
along the axes of the stationary reference frame Oxyz (Fig. 3.1, b). The other
notations are as for the rotors in rigid bearings (Fig. 2.3).

a b
Fig. 3.2 Equations of motion

Using d'Alembert's principle, the dynamic equilibrium of forces and

torques acting on the disc (Fig. 3.2, a) is written as [1]:

m &y&G + k ( yC y B ) = 0 ,
m &z&G + k ( zC z B ) = 0 , (3.1)
J G && + k ( yC y B ) e sin k ( zC z B ) e cos = M (t ) ,

and the equilibrium of forces acting on the shaft (Fig. 3.2, b):

2k1 y B = k ( yC y B ),
2k 2 z B = k ( zC z B ).

The coordinates of points C and G are related by

yG = yC + e cos ,
zG = zC + e sin .

In steady-state conditions, if M (t ) = 0 , then && 0, the angular speed

& = =const. and the angular position = t + 0 . By a convenient selection of
the time origin,
=t. (3.4)
Eliminating coordinates y B , z B and yG , zG between equations (3.1)-
(3.3), and taking into account (3.4), the equations of motion of point C can be

m &y&C + k y yC = m e 2cos t ,
m &z&C + k z zC = m e 2sin t ,
2k1k 2k 2 k
ky = , kz = . (3.6)
2k1 + k 2k 2 + k

Equations (3.5) differ from equations (2.5), established for rotors in rigid
bearings, only by the equivalent stiffnesses (3.6), which are different along Oy and
Because of the system symmetry, bearings are represented by springs
connected in parallel, and the flexible shaft is connected in series with the bearings.
The equivalent stiffnesses are computed from

1 1 1 1 1 1
= + , = + .
k y k 2k1 k z k 2k 2

Substituting k by k y in the first equation (2.5), and by k z in the second

equation (2.5), we obtain equations (3.5).

The complete solutions of equations (3.5) are

e 2
yC (t ) = YC cos ( y t + y ) + cos t ,
y2 2
e 2
zC (t ) = Z C sin ( z t + z ) + 2 sin t ,
z 2

ky kz
y = , z = (3.8)
m m
are the natural frequencies of the lateral vibrations along Oy, and Oz, respectively.
Generally y z and if k 2 < k1 then
z < y < n = k m.

The natural frequencies of the rotor in flexible bearings are lower than the
natural frequency of the rotor in rigid bearings. Unbalance response

The steady-state motion is described by the particular solutions of

equations (3.5)
e 2
yC ( t ) = yC cos t = 2 cos t ,
y 2
e 2
zC ( t ) = zC sin t = 2 sin t .
z 2
Figure 3.3 shows the magnitudes of the two motion components of point
C as a function of the angular speed . When = z and = y , the amplitude
grows unbounded. The Laval-Jeffcott rotor in orthotropic bearings has two critical
Because y C zC , equations (3.9) describe an ellipse. Eliminating the
time between the two equations yields
2 2
yC zC
+ = 1 . (3.10)
C zC

The orbit of point C is an ellipse whose axes are collinear with the bearing
principal stiffness axes.
Point C completes the ellipse in a time interval T = 2 , equal to the
disc rotation period, hence its motion is a synchronous precession.
At speeds < z and > y the point C moves along the ellipse in the
same direction as the disc running speed; the precession is forward. At speeds
z < < y the point C moves along the ellipse in the opposite direction; the
precession is backward.

At = * and = * * , the orbit is circular. At speeds

< * the ellipse major semiaxis is collinear with Oz and at speeds > * it
is collinear with Oy.
The bearing orthotropy doubles the number of critical speeds and
produces the synchronous precession with elliptical orbits.

Fig. 3.3

Although the precession is synchronous, the angular velocity of the point

C along the ellipse is variable, and is the angular velocity in the circular
motions that generate the ellipse.
As the rotor moves along the elliptical orbit, it speeds up or slows down
to conserve energy and angular momentum. The precession speed is not the
angular speed of the rotor along the ellipse. It is equal to the constant angular speed
of the forward and backward uniform circular motions that, compounded, generate
the elliptical motion.
Using complex representation, the radius vector of the disc centre
precession orbit can be written as
rC = yC + i zC = yC cos t + i zC sin t , (3.11)
rC =
yC i t
e ) z
( )
+ e i t + i C ei t e i t ,

yC + zC i t yC zC i t
rC = e + e = r f ei t + rb e i t , (3.11, a)
2 2
( ) ( )
rC = r f + rb cos t + i r f rb sin t , (3.11, b)

e 2 y2 + z2 2 2
rf = ,
2 ( y2 2 ) ( z2 2 )
e 2 y2 z2
rb = .
2 ( y2 2 ) ( z2 2 )

The first term in equation (3.11, a) represents (in the complex plane) a
vector of length r f which rotates in the same direction as the rotor rotation. The
second term represents a vector of length r b which rotates in the opposite
direction, with the same angular speed. Addition of the two circular counter-
rotating motions ( = const .) yields an ellipse (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4

At t = 0 , rC (0) = r f + rb = yC = a = major semiaxis. At t = /(2 ),

rC ( / 2 ) = r f rb = zC = b = minor semiaxis.

The direction of rotation of vectors rC (hence of the motion of point C

along the ellipse) depends on the relative magnitude of the two vector components.
If r f > rb , then the point C 'rotates' in the same direction as the disc;
its motion is a forward precession. If r f < rb , then the point C 'rotates' in the

opposite direction, the motion is a backward precession. If r f = rb , the ellipse

degenerates to a line and point C has a rectilinear harmonic motion.

Based on Fig. 3.3, where z < y , and on equations (3.12), the following
can be said. For speeds < z and > y , the precession is forward when
r f > rb . For speeds z < < y , the precession is backward when
r f < rb . At = z the major semiaxis becomes (theoretically) infinite and as
the running speed traverses the rotor first critical speed, the motion changes from
forward to backward precession. Analogously, at = y , when the running speed
traverses the second critical speed, the backward precession changes into a forward
The motion along elliptical orbits produces variable stresses in the shaft
even at constant running speed. During the synchronous forward precession, the
part of the cross-section in tension remains in tension, and the part in compression
remains in compression, but the bending stresses vary cyclically due to the
variation of the orbit radius. During the backward precession, the bending stresses
vary in an alternating non-symmetric cycle, having two reversals per rotation (Fig.
The motion of journal centres is defined by the variation in time of the
coordinates of point B (Fig. 3.1). Equations (3.2) yield

( 2k1 + k ) y B = k yC , ( 2 k 2 + k ) z B = k zC . (3.13)

Based on equations (3.9), the steady-speed solution is

k 2
y B (t ) = e 2 cos t ,
2k1 + k y 2
k 2
z B (t ) = e 2 sin t .
2k 2 + k z 2

Point B has an elliptic orbit, whose semiaxes are smaller than those of the
point C. Points B and C have a synchronous motion, the largest amplitudes
occurring at y and z , the rotor critical speeds.

Equations (3.3), (3.9) and (3.14) show that the points O, B, C and G are
collinear. This is due to the neglecting of damping. As will be shown in the
following, in damped rotors the lines O B , B C and C G are not collinear.

When the shaft is much stiffer than the bearings, it can be considered that
k and k y = 2k1 , k z = 2k 2 . Equations (3.13) give y B = yC , z B = zC . The disc
centre precession orbit is identical to the precession orbit of the journal centres. Natural modes of precession

Dropping the index C, the equations of the free precession, obtained for
e = 0 in (3.5), are
m &y& + k y y = 0,
m &z& + k z z = 0.
Using the complex representation
r = y+i z, r = y i z, (3.16)
equations (3.15) become

m &r& + k r + k r = 0, (3.17)
k y + kz k y kz
k= , k = >0. (3.18)
2 2
The precession behaviour can be analyzed in terms of the forward and
backward componets of the motion. Substituting

r = r f ei t + rb e i t , r = rb ei t + r f e i t (3.19)

into (3.17), we obtain the homogeneous set of equations

( k m ) r + k r
f b = 0,
k r + ( k m ) r
b = 0.

The characteristic equation is

( k m ) 2 2
( k ) 2 = 0 , (3.21)

k m k
2 = . (3.21, a)
The natural frequencies are
k k kz k + k k y
12,2 = = = z2 , 23,4 = = = y2 . (3.22)
m m m m

From the first equation (3.20) we obtain the amplitude ratio

rb k m 2
= . (3.23)
rf k

For 1,2 = z , omitting indices, we obtain

rb = r f , y = r f + rb = 0 , z = r f rb = b . (3.24, a)

The motion is a (horizontal) vibration along the z-axis, with amplitude b.

For 3,4 = y , omitting indices, we obtain

rb = + r f , y = r f + rb = a , z = r f rb = 0 . (3.24, b)

The motion is a (vertical) vibration along the y-axis, with amplitude a.

The modal orbits of the four natural modes of precession degenerate into
straight lines. They may be thought of as being made up of two circular orbits of
equal radii, where one has forward motion and the other one has backward motion.

3.1.2 Effect of external damping

In this section, the effect of external damping on the response of the

flexibly supported rotor is considered. In a first approximation, it is assumed that
the external damping is isotropic and viscous, giving rise to forces which are
proportional to the disc absolute velocity. The main effects are the finite amplitude
steady state response to unbalance and the inclination of precession elliptical orbits. Unbalance response

For the calculation of the rotor damped precession, new terms

proportional to the disc centre velocity c y& C , c z&C are added in equations (3.5).
The following equations of motion are obtained:

m &y&C + c y& C + k y yC = m e 2 cos t ,

m &z&C + c z&C + k z zC = m e 2 sin t .

In steady motion, the solutions of equations (3.25) are

yC = yC cos ( t + y ) ,
zC = zC sin ( t + z ) ,

2 2
e e
y2 z2 (3.27)
y C = , z C =
2 2 2 2
2 2

1 + 2 1 + 2 z
2 z

y z

2 y 2 z
y z
tan y = , tan z = (3.28)
2 2
1 2 1 2
y z
In equations (3.27) and (3.28), the notations (3.8) and

c c c c
y = = , z = = (3.29)
2 k y m 2m y 2 k z m 2m z

have been used.

In the following, for the simplicity of presentation, the bearing vertical
stiffness is taken four times larger than the horizontal stiffness [2]:
k1 = k , k2 = k.
This gives
2 1
ky = k, kz = k .
3 3
The system vertical total stiffness is two times the horizontal total
The external viscous damping coefficient is taken [2]
c = 0.1 2mn = 0.1 2 k m .

The rotor undamped natural frequencies are

2 k 1 k
y = = 0.816 n , z = = 0.577n .
3 m 3 m

The damping ratios are

c 0.1 c 0 .1
y = = = 0.12 , z = = = 0.17.
2m y 0.816 2m z 0.577

Using the dimensionless frequency

= , (3.30)
equations (3.27) and (3.28) become

yC 2 zC 2
= , = (3.31)
e 2 e 2
2 2 2 1 2 2
+ ( 0 .2 ) + (0.2 )
3 3
0.2 0.2
tan y = , tan z = . (3.32)
2 1
2 2
3 3
Figure 3.5, a illustrates the speed-dependence of the disc unbalance
response components, based on equations (3.31). Unlike the curves from Fig. 3.3,
plotted for the undamped rotor, finite amplitudes result at the critical speeds:

yC zC
= 4.08 , = 2.885.
e = 0.816 e = 0.577

a b
Fig. 3.5

The speed-dependence of the phase angles y and z is illustrated

in Fig. 3.5, b. The speeds where the phase difference is 90o are denoted 1 and
2 . As shown in the following, the phase difference = z y yields

inclined elliptical orbits for the precession of damped rotors, in contrast with the
undamped rotors whose elliptical orbits have vertical and horizontal semiaxes. Disc precession orbit

Substitution of y C and zC by y and z in equations (3.26) yields

y = yC cos y cos t yC sin y sin t = yc cos t + ys sin t ,

z = zC cos z sin t + zC sin z cos t = zc cos t + zs sin t.

Equations (3.33) define an ellipse. Elimination of time gives the orbit


( zc2 + zs2 ) y 2 2 ( yc zc + ys zs ) y z + ( yc2 + ys2 ) z 2 = ( ys zc yc zs )2 . (3.34)

Equation (3.34) is more often expressed in terms of the major and minor
semiaxes, a and b, and the inclination angle .
In a principal coordinate frame y1Oz1 , taking the Oy1 and Oz1 axes
along the ellipse axes (Fig. 3.6), the motion is described by

y1 = a cos ( t + ) ,
z1 = b sin ( t + ) ,

where is the phase angle at t = 0 .

Fig. 3.6

The ellipse equation in principal coordinates is

2 2
y1 z1
+ = 1. (3.36)
a b

The coordinate transformation

y = y1 cos z1 sin ,
z = y1 sin + z1 cos ,
leads to parametric equations of the form (3.33).
Combining equations (3.33), (3.35) and (3.37) it is possible to obtain a, b,
and in terms of yc , y s , zc , z s . The result is

1 2
a2 = ( yc + y s2 + zc2 + z s2 ) +
, (3.38)
1 2 2 2 2 2 2
+ ( yc + y s + z c + z s ) ( yc z s y s z c )
b= ( yc z s y s z c ) , (3.39)

2 ( yc z c + y s z s )
tan 2 = . (3.40)
yc2 + y s2 ( zc2 + z s2 )

Using notations (3.33), the equations of motion (3.25) become

k y 2 m 0 c yc
0 1

0 kz 2m 0 c zc 2 0
c y = m e . (3.41)
0 ky 2m 0 0
0 c 0 k z m z s
2 1

They are two-by-two decoupled.

In the considered particular case, equations (3.41) become

(2 3) 2 0 0.2 0 yc 1

0 (1 3) 2 0 0.2 zc 2 0
= e .
0.2 (2 3) 2 ys

0 0
0.2 2 z
(1 3) s 1
0 0

The four ellipse parameters are

2 2 2

yc 3 y s 0.2 2
= , = ,
e 1 e 1

1 2 2
zc 0.2 zs 3
= , = ,
e 2 e 2

1 = (2 3 2 ) 2 + (0.2 ) 2 , 2 = (1 3 2 ) 2 + (0.2 ) 2 .

The inclination of the major axis is given by

tan 2 = .
1 2 2

The minor semiaxis is zero, b = 0 , when

z s ys
= . (3.42)
z c yc
Equation (3.33) gives
zc ys
= tan z , = tan y ,
zs yc
and condition (3.42) becomes
tan z = (3.43)
tan y

z y = .
When the phase difference = z y between the projections of

the precession motion on the axes Oy and Oz is 90 0 , the elliptic orbit degenerates
into a straight line. In fact the two motions are in phase and the 90 0 angle shows
the spatial lag between the two directions. Condition (3.43) defines the limits
between forward and backward precession. On inserting (3.28) into (3.43) we
obtain the threshold angular speeds 1 and 2 .
Figure 3.5, b shows that there are two speeds at which condition (3.43)
holds and these are different from the peak response critical speeds. For undamped
rotors (Fig. 3.3), the change from forward to backward precession and vice versa
takes place at the system undamped natural frequencies, hence at the undamped
critical speeds. For damped rotors, the precession reversal, possible only when the
orbit degenerates into a straight line, occurs at speeds which are different from the

peak response critical speeds, where the motion components have maximum

Fig. 3.7 (from [2])

In the considered particular case, substitution of (3.32) into (3.43) yields

4 0,96 2 + = 0,
with solutions

1 = 0 ,624 , 2 = 0,755.
Figure 3.7 depicts the orbits at several rotor speeds.
Figure 3.8 shows the rotor unbalance response presented as diagrams of the
ellipse semiaxes as a function of running speed.

Peak response critical speeds are located at the peaks in the major semiaxis
curve a / e . The minor semiaxis curve, b / e , crosses the speed axis at the
threshold speeds between forward and backward precession, 1 and 2 .

Fig. 3.8 Decomposition into two circular motions

If the motion along the ellipse is represented as the sum of two counter-
rotating circular motions, as in equation (3.11, a), then

a+b a b
rf = , rb = (3.44)
2 2
and, unlike the Fig. 3.4, vectors r f and rb have non-zero phase angles at t = 0.

Figure 3.9 shows the diagrams of radii r f and rb as a function of

speed for the analyzed system. Because for r f > rb the precession is forward,
and for r f < rb the precession is backward, the intersections of the two curves

locate (for r f = rb ) the threshold (dimensionless) speeds 1 and 2 .

Resuming, the unbalance response can be illustrated by three kinds of

frequency response diagrams: a) diagrams of the motion projections y and z onto
the coordinate axes (Fig. 3.5, a); b) diagrams of the semiaxes a and b of the elliptic

orbit (Fig. 3.8); and c) diagrams of the radii of circular motions which generate the
ellipse (Fig. 3.9).

Fig. 3.9

Because the maximum relative displacement between rotor and stator is

given by the major semiaxis a, the diagram from Fig. 3.8 is the most useful in
practice. It is used together with Fig. 3.7 which represents the evolution of the
precession orbit with the change of speed.

3.1.3 Effect of external and internal damping

Considering both external and internal damping, the equations of motion

of the disc centre with respect to the stationary coordinate system become

m &y&C + (ce + ci ) y& C + ci zC + k y yC = m e 2 cos ( t + 0 ) ,

m &z&C + (ce + ci ) z&C ci yC + k z zC = m e 2sin ( t + 0 ).


k y + kz k y kz k k
k= , k = , q= , n2 = ,
2 2 k m
ci ce
i = , e = , = e +i , (3.46)
2mn 2mn

equations (3.45) can be written in matrix form as


&y&C y& C n2 ( 1 + q ) 2 i n yC 2 cos ( t + 0 )

+ 2 n + = e .
&z&C z&C 2 i n n ( 1 q ) zC
sin ( t + 0 )

= , = , (3.48)
n n

the study of the motion of the perfectly balanced rotor (e = 0) , leads to the
characteristic equation

( ) (
4 + 4 3 + 2 2 2 + 1 2 + 4 + 1 + 4 i2 2 q 2 = 0 . ) (3.49)

A comparison of equation (3.49) with (2.66) shows a difference only in

the last term, due to the stiffness asymmetry coefficient q. Application of the
Routh-Hourwitz criterion [1], yields the stability condition

4 2 4 i2 2 + q 2 0 . (3.50)

The onset speed of instability is (Smith, 1933)

2 2
s = n 1 + e + . (3.51)
i 2 i
A comparison with equation (2.68) shows that the bearing support
stiffness orthotropy can be used to increase the rotor onset speed of instability. For
rotors supported in rolling bearings this is achieved with unequal support
stiffnesses in two directions, while for hydrodynamic bearings - by increasing the
eccentricity ratio.
The physical explanation of the effect of bearing stiffness orthotropy in
restraining instability due to rotating damping is that since the natural frequencies
of the rotor system are different in the two principal transverse directions, there is
no tendency to set up a whirl of the type which can be dragged forward by rotating
damping until the rotating damping forces have been so far increased by rising
speed that they are commensurate with the difference between elastic restoring
forces in the two principal directions.
Analysis of the unbalance response reveals that, with asymmetrical
bearing stiffness, the amplitude of steady motion due to unbalance is restricted by
both internal and external damping, but internal damping has smaller influence in
this respect, especially if there is only slight dissymmetry of bearing stiffness.

3.1.4 Effect of bearing damping

In order to reveal the effect of bearing damping on the dynamics of

rotors, the rotor from Fig. 3.1 is supported in damped isotropic bearings as in Fig.
3.10. The bearings are assumed to have the same stiffness constant k1 in all radial
directions. The bearing damping forces are assumed to be proportional to the
journal absolute velocity. The viscous damping coefficients c are the same in all
radial directions [3].

Fig. 3.10

At constant running speed =const., the equations of motion are written

as for undamped bearings (see 3.1) but adding the damping forces. For the shaft:

2 c y& B + 2k1 y B = k ( yC y B ),
2 c z& B + 2k1 z B = k ( zC z B )
and, for the disc
m &y&G + k ( yC y B ) = 0 ,
m &z&G + k ( zC z B ) = 0,
yG = yC + e cos t ,
zG = zC + e sin t .

Using complex notation

rB = y B + i z B , rC = yC + i zC , rG = yG + i zG , (3.55)

equations (3.52)-(3.54) produce the equations of motion of the disc centre and
journal centre
2c r&B + 2k1rB + k (rB rC ) = 0,
m &r&C + k (rC rB ) = m e 2ei t .

The natural frequency n of the rotor in rigid bearings and the ratio N
between the shaft stiffness and the support (bearings in parallel) stiffness are
k k
n = , N= . (3.57)
m 2k 1
The damping ratio
2c 2c
= = (3.58)
2 mn 2 k m

is defined with respect to the critical damping of the rigidly supported rotor.
The resulting equations of motion are

1 2
2 n r&B + n rB + n2 (rB rC ) = 0,
N (3.59)
&r&C + n2 (rC rB ) = e 2 ei t . Damped natural frequency

For zero right-hand side in (3.59) and substituting solutions of the form

rB = RB e t , rC = RC e t , (3.60)

we obtain the homogeneous algebraic set of equations

1 2 2 2
2 n + n + n RB n RC = 0 ,
N (3.61)
n2 RB + ( 2
+ n2 )R C = 0.
The requirement for non-trivial solutions is

2 n + n2 + 1 n2
N = 0.
n 2 + n2

This yields the characteristic equation

3 2
N +1 1
+ + + = 0. (3.62)
n 2 N n n 2 N

If = 0 , then =i . The critical speed of the rotor supported in
n N +1
undamped flexible bearings is
el = . (3.63)
N +1

If 0 , then equation (3.62) has positive coefficients and can be written

+ A 2 + 2 B + B 2 + C 2 = 0. (3.64)

n n n

There is a negative real root ( n )1 = A and two complex conjugate

roots with negative real part ( n ) 2 ,3 = B iC , so that the system motion is
always stable.
The free damped motion of point C is described by a solution of the form

rC (t ) = RC1 e A n t + RC 2 e B n t ei C n t + RC3 e B n t e i C n t . (3.65)

The frequency of the damped free precession (of the perfectly balanced
rotor) is
d = C n (3.66)

where C is the imaginary part of the complex roots of the characteristic equation
(3.62). Unbalance response

For the steady-state motion due to mass unbalance, the solutions are of
the form
rB (t ) = ~
rB ei t , rC (t ) = ~
rC ei t , (3.67)

where ~
rC and ~
rB are complex amplitudes.

Using the dimensionless frequency (3.30) and substituting (3.67) into

(3.59) we obtain

1 ~ ~
N + 1 + i 2 rB rC = 0,
B (
r + 1 2 ~ )
r = e 2 .

The solutions are

~ e 2
rB = , (3.69)
1 1

+ 1 2 + i 2 1 2

( )
1 2 3
+ 1 + i 2
~ N
rC = e . (3.70)
1 1
+ 1 2 + i 2

1 2 ( )
The motion of the journal centre B in the complex plane (Fig. 3.11) is
represented by the vector O B .

Fig. 3.11

Its magnitude is

~ e 2 (3.71)
rB =
( )
1 N +1 2
+ 4 2 2 1 2

and the phase shift with respect to the unbalance vector C G is

B = tan 1
2 1 2). (3.72)
1 N +1 2


The motion of the disc centre C is represented by the vector O C , of


( N + 1)2 4
e 2
+ 4 2 6
rC = N (3.73)
( )
1 N +1 2 2
+ 4 2 2 1 2

and phase angle

2 1 2
N +1 (3.74)
C = tan 1 .


N +1 2
+ 4

2 N
N +1
2 1 2 )

The points B and C have circular orbits around the point O, but the points
O, B, C and G are not collinear. The vector O C has a phase lag C with respect to
the excitation vector C G and the vector O B has a phase lag B with respect to
C G (Fig. 3.11).
If the radii of precession orbits (3.71) and (3.73) are plotted against the
dimensionless speed n , for given values of N and , the peak values of the
displacements of points B and C occur at speeds B , and C respectively,
different from el and d (Fig. 3.12).

Differentiating with respect to 2 the expressions of these displacements,

yields two different equations.
The condition of maximum journal displacement
d ~
rB = 0
d ( )
gives the equation
1 1 1
2 2 6 2 2 1 + 2 2 = 0, (3.75)

Fig. 3.12 (from [3])

and the condition of maximum disc centre displacement

d ~
rC = 0
d ( 2 )
gives the equation

2 1 4
16 4 6 + 4 2 4 2
1 + +
2 4 2 1 1 2
1 1
+ 1 + + 2 2 1 + + 2 1 + = 0.

The physically acceptable solution of equation (3.75) is denoted

( B n ) and that of equation (3.76) is denoted ( C n ) .

Generally, the different critical speeds are in the following order

el < a < B < C < n .

If the damping in the shaft is taken into account, it is possible that
C > n .
The angular speeds C and B , at which the radial displacements of
the damped rotor have maximum values, are referred to as peak response critical
speeds. Sometimes, they considerably differ from the critical speed el of the
undamped system, being much larger. Therefore, a computation neglecting the
bearing damping can result in erroneous values of the critical speeds.

Example 3.1

Consider the rotor from Fig. 3.10, with the following characteristics: disc
mass m = 500 kg, shaft stiffness constant k = 2 10 5 N/mm, bearing stiffness
k1 = 105 N/mm, bearing viscous damping coefficient c = 316.225 Ns/mm [3].

The computations yield:

N =1, =1,

n = k m = 632.45 rad/sec,

el = n / 2 = 447.2 rad/sec.

The critical speed of the rigidly supported rotor is

nn = 6040 rpm .

The undamped critical speed of the rotor supported in flexible bearings is

nel = 4270 rpm .

Equation (3.62) is written as

( n )3 + ( n ) 2 + ( n ) + 0.5 = 0
and the roots are

1 n = 0.6478 , 2 ,3 n = 0.1761 i 0.8607.

From the imaginary part we obtain

d = 0.8607n = 544.35 rad/sec.

The rotor damped critical speed is

nd = 5198 rpm .
Equation (3.75) is written

2 ( n ) 6 1 = 0 ,
B = 0.8909 n = 563.4 rad/sec.
The peak response critical speed computed from the journal unbalance
response is
nB = 5380 rpm = 1.26 nel .
Equation (3.76) is written

8 ( n ) 6 + 3 ( n ) 2 + 2 = 0 ,
C = 0.9076 n = 574 rad/sec.
The peak response critical speed computed from the disc centre
unbalance response is
nC = 5481 rpm = 1.28 nel . Equivalent model

The dependence of critical speeds on the bearing damping can be simply

explained noticing that the rotor-bearing system can be represented by the
simplified model from Fig. 3.13.
The mass m is supported by a spring of stiffness constant k (representing
the shaft), connected in series to an element consisting of the dashpot of constant
2c and the spring 2 k1 connected in parallel (representing the bearings). The mass
is acted upon by a force F ( t ) = m e 2 ei t .

Fig. 3.13

Two limit cases are first considered. If the damping coefficient is infinite,
c = , the lower spring is blocked and the journal displacement is zero, rB = 0.
The frequency response curve of the disc centre (Fig. 3.14) has a(n infinite) peak at
the natural frequency of the system consisting of the mass and the upper spring,
n = k m . The case corresponds to the rigidly supported rotor.

Fig. 3.14

If the damping coefficient is zero, c = 0 , the springs of stiffness constants

k and 2k1 = k / N are connected in series, and the equivalent spring rate is
k ( N + 1 ).

The frequency response curve has a(n infinite) peak at the undamped
critical speed el = n N + 1 . The case corresponds to the rotor supported in
undamped flexible bearings.
For intermediary values of the bearing damping coefficient, denoted c',
and c", respectively, the frequency response curves have peaks at the peak
, and cr
response critical speeds cr , respectively, within the range [el , n ] .
They correspond to the rotor supported in damped flexible bearings.

Fig. 3.15

There is an optimum value copt of the bearing damping coefficient, for

which the maximum precession amplitude has the lower value, equal to the
ordinate of the crossing point of all frequency response curves, plotted for different
values of the bearing damping coefficient.
The model from Fig. 3.13 can be replaced by an equivalent model, having
a single spring in parallel with a dashpot (Fig. 3.15).

The equivalent stiffness constant kech and the equivalent viscous

damping coefficient cech can be expressed in terms of the parameters k, c and N of
the initial system as follows:

( N + 1) + 4 2 c 2
kech = k N , (3.77)
2 ( N + 1) 2 2
k + 4 c
2c k 2
cech = 2
. (3.78)
2 ( N + 1) 2 2
k + 4 c
Figure 3.15 shows the variation of these quantities as a function of the
damping coefficient c.
The stiffness constant kech increases with c, hence the natural frequency
kech m also increases with c, fact that explains the increase of critical speeds
with the bearing damping. The stiffness increase is higher when the natural
frequencies el and n are relatively more distanced, hence when the ratio N (of
the shaft stiffness to the bearing stiffness) is larger.
The equivalent viscous damping coefficient cech has a maximum value
for the optimal c, fact that explains the lowest value of the maximum amplitude in
this case.

Example 3.2

Consider a rigid rotor ( k ) supported by identical orthotropic

bearings with the following characteristics:

30 ky 30 kz
ny = = 600 rpm, nz = = 500 rpm,
m m
cy 1 cz 1
= , = .
2 kym 16 2 kzm 20

Plot the unbalance response diagrams and several precession orbits for an
eccentricity e = 10 m [4].
Figure 3.16, a shows the plot of major and minor semiaxes a and b, and
forward and backward circle radii r f and rb as a function of speed. Figure 3.16,
b shows the plot of the y and z displacement components and the minor semiaxis b
versus speed, as well as the precession orbit at eight different speeds.
The range with backward precession is marked by the threshold speeds
n1 and n2 , where the orbit degenerates into straight lines.

Fig. 3.16 (from [4])

3.1.5 Combined effect of bearing damping and shaft mass

In the following, the effect of bearing damping on the dynamics of rotors

is analyzed taking into account the shaft distributed mass. The analysis is
simplified lumping the shaft mass at the ends of each half. This results in a three
mass model, with a quarter of shaft mass at each bearing and half of the shaft mass
at the disc location (Fig. 3.17).
At constant running speed =const., the equations of motion are written
as for undamped bearings (see 3.1) but adding the damping forces. For the shaft:

2 c y& B + 2 k1 y B + 2 m1 &y&B = k ( yC y B ),
2 c z& B + 2 k1 z B + 2m1 &z&B = k ( zC z B )
and, for the disc
2m1 &y&C + m &y&G + k ( yC y B ) = 0 ,
2m1 &z&C + m &z&G + k ( zC z B ) = 0,
yG = yC + e cos t ,
zG = zC + e sin t .

Fig. 3.17

Using the complex notation (3.55), equations (3.79)-(3.81) yield

2m 1 &r&B + 2c r&B + 2k1rB + k ( rB rC ) = 0,
( m + 2m 1 ) &r&C + k ( rC rB ) = m e 2ei t .

Denoting the ratio of half the shaft mass to the disc mass
ms 2 m 1
= = , (3.83)
2m m
and using (3.57) and (3.58), we obtain the equations of motion
1 2
&r&B + 2 n r&B + n rB + n2 (rB rC ) = 0 ,
N (3.84)
(1 + ) &r&C + n2 ( rC rB ) = e e 2 it
. Damped natural frequency

For zero right-hand side in (3.84) and substituting solutions of the form
(3.60), we obtain the homogeneous algebraic set of equations

2 1 2 2 2
+ 2 n + n + n RB n RC = 0 ,
N (3.85)
n2 RB + [ n2 + ( 1 + ) 2
C = 0.

The requirement for non-trivial solutions yields the characteristic


4 3 2

( 1 + ) + 2 ( 1 + ) + N + 1 ( 1 + ) + + 2 + 1 = 0.
n n N n n N

We denote
= + i d , (3.87)

where is a negative attenuation factor and d is the damped natural frequency.

Two particular cases are considered: N = 1 , = 1 , and N = 2.5 , = 1 ,
respectively, both corresponding to a relatively heavy shaft. Root locus diagrams
are presented in Fig. 3.18, using dimensionless coordinates n and d n .
For the rotor with N = 1 (Fig. 3.18, a), the first damped natural
frequency d 1 increases from el 1 = 0.4682 n (for = 0 ) to rig = 0.707 n
(for = ). The second natural frequency d 2 decreases from el 2 = 1.5102 n
(for = 0 ) to zero (for 1.325 ) when the second mode becomes overdamped.

a b
Fig. 3.18 (from [5])

Fig. 3.19 (from [5])


The rotor with N = 2.5 (Fig. 3.18, b) has a different behaviour. The
second damped natural frequency, d 2 , decreases first from el 2 = 1.3372 n (for
= 0 ) to 0.676 n (for = 1 ) then increases to rig = 0.707 n (for = ). The
first damped natural frequency d 1 diminishes from el 1 = 0.3344 n (for = 0 )
to zero (for 0.98 ) when the first precession mode becomes overdamped.
Figure 3.19 shows (for = 1 ) the variation of the dimensionless damped
natural frequencies d 1 n (solid lines) and d 2 n (broken lines) as a function
of the bearing stiffness, for different values of bearing damping. Generally, the
increase of and 1 N makes the first mode overdamped for values < 1 , and the
second mode overdamped for > 1 . For N = 2 and = 1 the system has equal
eigenvalues. Unbalance response

For the steady-state motion due to mass unbalance, substituting the

solutions (3.67) into (3.84), we obtain the algebraic set of equations
1 2 2
+ i 2 n + n + n ~ rB n2 ~
rC = 0,
N (3.88)
n B [ n ]
r + 2 ( 1 + ) 2 ~
2 ~ r = e 2 .

The solutions to (3.88) are

~ n2
rB = , (3.89)
1 2 2
+ 1 + i 2 1 ( 1 + ) 1
N n2 n n2

1 2 2
e + 1 + i 2
n2 n2 n
rC = . (3.90)
1 2
+1 + i 2 1 ( 1 + ) 1
N n2 n n2

Figures 3.20 illustrate the variation of ~

rC e and ~
rB e as a function of
n , for = 1 and N = 2.5 . With increasing , the first response peak is
shifted to higher speeds, while the second response peak is shifted to lower speeds.

The peaks of the unbalance response diagrams occur at the angular

speeds B and C . The peak response speeds B are obtained from condition
d ~r d ( ) 2 = 0 . The peak response speeds are obtained from condition
B n C

d ~
rC d ( n ) = 0 .

For =1, N =1 and = 0.4 , we obtain B 1 = 0.4851 n ,

B 2 = 1.3745 n , C 1 = 0.4837 n , C 2 = 1.5589 n .
For these values of system parameters, the different critical angular
speeds can be ordered as follows
el 1 < d 1 < C 1 < B 1 < rig < B 2 < d 2 < el 2 < C 2 .

For other values of N, and , the order can be different. For = 1.3 ,
d 2 < d 1 .

a b
Fig. 3.20 (from [5])

For relatively high damping, the angular speeds d 1 and B 1 tend to

rig . This explains why the measured critical speeds are nearer those calculated
for the rigidly supported rotor than those determined for the rotor on undamped
flexible bearings.

3.2 Symmetric rotors in fluid film bearings

As mentioned earlier, the linear theory of hydrodynamic bearings allows

expressing the force exerted by the lubricant film on the rotor journal, resolved into
two components f B y , f B z along the coordinate axes, under the form [6]

f B y k y y k y z y B c y y c y z y& B
f =k + , (3.91)
B z z y k z z z B c z y c z z z& B

where y B , z B are the projections along the axes of the fixed coordinate frame of
the journal centre displacement, and y& B , z& B are the corresponding velocities.
For many types of radial bearings, the stiffness matrix is non-symmetric,
k yz k zy . It is not possible to determine stiffness principal directions, with respect
to which the off-diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix vanish. The bearings are
anisotropic, k yy k zz , and the stiffness matrix non-symmetry produces unstable
precession motions. In the following, only Laval-Jeffcott rotors are considered,
neglecting the disc rotary inertia.

The bearing damping matrix is generally symmetric, c yz = c zy .

3.2.1 Unbalance response

Consider a Laval-Jeffcott rotor as in Fig. 3.10, but supported in

hydrodynamic bearings, characterized by the eight dynamic coefficients defined by
equation (3.91). The steady-state motion produced by the disc unbalance is
The equilibrium equations for the shaft are

2 f B y = k ( yC y B ),
2 f B z = k ( z C z B ),

and the motion equations for the disc are

m &y&G + k ( yC y B ) = 0 ,
m &z&G + k ( zC z B ) = 0,

yG = yC + e cos t,
zG = zC + e sin t.

Substituting (3.94) into (3.93) and (3.91) into (3.92) we obtain

m &y&C + k ( yC y B ) = m e 2 cos t,
m &z&C + k ( zC z B ) = m e 2 sin t ,
( yC y B ) = k y y y B + k y z z B + c y y y& B + c y z z& B ,
( zC z B ) = k z y y B + k z z z B + c z y y& B + c z z z& B .

The steady-state solutions have the form

y B (t ) = A cos t + B sin t, (3.97)

z B (t ) = E cos t + F sin t , (3.98)
yC (t ) = C cos t + D sin t , (3.99)
zC (t ) = G cos t + H sin t . (3.100)

On inserting expressions (3.97) and (3.99) into the first equation (3.95)
and identifying the coefficients of the terms in cos t and sin t , we obtain a
non-homogeneous algebraic set of equations, in which C and D are expressed in
terms of A and B. Substitution into (3.99) yields

An2 + e 2 Bn2
yC = cos t + sin t , (3.101)
n2 2 n2 2
n = k m (3.102)

is the critical speed of the rigidly supported rotor.

Analogously, inserting (3.98) and (3.100) into the second equation (3.95),
identifying the coefficients and solving the algebraic equations, G and H are
expressed in terms of E and F, yielding

En2 Fn2 + e 2
zC = cos t + sin t , (3.103)
n2 2 n2 2

The solutions (3.97), (3.98), (3.101) and (3.103) are then substituted into
(3.96). Identifying the coefficients of the terms in cos t and sin t , we obtain
the algebraic set of equations

(k y y ) A + c y y B + k y z E + c y z F = e ,
c y y A + (k y y ) B c y z E + k y z F = 0,
k z y A + c z y B + (k z z ) E + c z z F = 0,
c z y A + k z y B c z z E + (k z z ) F = e ,

k 2
= . (3.105)
2 n2 2

In the following, in order to simplify the solution, the eight dynamic

bearing coefficients are reduced to four coefficients k y , k z , c y , c z , defined by the

f B y k y 0 y B c y 0 y& B
f = + (3.106)
B z 0 k z z B 0 c z z& B

The four equations (3.104) become

( k y ) A + c y B = e,
c y A + ( k y ) B = 0,
( k z ) E + cz F = 0,
c z E + ( k z ) F = e.

It is necessary now to establish the relationships between the four

equivalent bearing coefficients and the eight dynamic coefficients defined by
In (3.104) the second equation is added to the third and the fourth
equation is subtracted from the first equation. This yields

( k z y c y y ) A + ( k y y + cz y ) B =
= ( k z z c y z ) E ( k y z + c z z ) F ,
( k y y + cz y ) A ( k z y c y y ) B =
= ( k y z + c z z ) E + ( k z z c y z ) F .

Solving equations (3.108) in terms of A and B we obtain

A + B A B
E= , F= (3.109)
y y

= ( kz y cy y ) ( kz z cy z ) +
+ ( k y y + cz y ) ( k y z + cz z ), (3.110)
= ( k y y + cz y ) ( k z z c y z )
( k z y c y y ) ( k y z + cz z ),
y = ( k z z c y z )2 + ( k y z + cz z )2 .

Putting (3.109) into the first (second) equation (3.104), by identification

to the first (second) equation (3.110), we find

k y = k yy ( k yz c yz ) ,
c y = c yy ( k yz + c yz ).
Solving equations (3.108) in terms of E and F yields

F E F + E
A= , B= , (3.112)
z z

2 + 2
z = = ( k yy c zy ) 2 + ( k zy + c yy ) 2 . (3.113)

Substituting (3.112) into the third (or the fourth) equation (3.104), by
identification to the third (or the fourth) equation (3.107), we obtain

k z = k zz ( k z y + cz y ),
c z = c zz + ( k z y c z y ).
Equations (3.111) and (3.114), together with (3.110) and (3.113), allow
the reduction of the eight bearing coefficients to only four, equations (3.107) being
coupled two by two.
Solving equations (3.107), the coefficients A, B, E, F are determined as:

e ( k y ) e c y
A= 2 2
, B= , (3.115)
( k y ) + ( c y ) ( k y ) 2 + ( c y ) 2

e c z e ( k z )
E= 2 2
, F= . (3.116)
( k z ) + ( c z ) ( k z ) 2 + ( c z ) 2

The solutions (3.97) and (3.98) define the journal centre motion and can
be written as
y B (t ) = y B cos ( t + y B ) ,
z B (t ) = z B sin ( t + z B ) ,
y B = A2 + B 2 = ,
(k y ) 2 + ( c y ) 2
(3.118, a)
B cy
tan y B = = ,
A ky
z B = E 2 + F 2 = ,
(k z ) 2 + ( c z ) 2
(3.118, b)
E cz
tan z B = = .
F kz
The parametric equations (3.117) define an ellipse. Eliminating the time,
the orbit equation is obtained as (3.34)

( E 2 + F 2 ) y B2 2 ( AE + BF ) y B z B + ( A2 + B 2 ) z B2 ( AF EB ) 2 = 0.

The distance from the origin of the stationary coordinate frame O to the
journal centre B is represented in the complex plane by the vector O B = rB , which
can be written as the sum of two counter-rotating vectors

rB = y B + i z B = ( A + i E ) cos t + ( B + i F ) sin t =
A+ F E B i t A F E + B i t
= +i e + +i e = r f ei t + r b e i t .
2 2 2 2
The magnitudes of the two components are

1 1 (3.120)
rf = ( A + F )2 + (E B )2 = A2 + B 2 + F 2
+ E 2 + 2 AF 2 EB ,
2 2


1 1 (3.121)
rb = ( A F )2 + (E + B )2 = A2 + B2 + F 2
+ E 2 2 AF + 2 EB .
2 2

They rotate in opposite directions with the same speed .

As shown in sections and, the end of vector rB moves
along an elliptic orbit, of major semiaxis

a = r f + rb (3.122)
and minor semiaxis
b = r f rb (3.123)

where a and b are functions of the running speed .

The inclination of the major axis on the Oy axis is defined by (3.40)

2(AE + B F)
tan 2 = . (3.124)
( A + B2 ) (E 2 + F 2 )

If b > 0 , the journal centre has a forward precession, and if b < 0 , it has a
backward precession.
Similar conclusions are obtained from the analysis of the motion of point
C, the disc geometric centre.

The forces acting on the bearing supports have the following components

f B y = k y y B + c y y& B =

= e
( )2
k y2 + c y
cos t + yB + y , )
(3.125, a)
( k y )2 + ( cy )2
f B z = k z z B + cz z& B =

k z2 + ( c z )2 (3.125, b)
= e sin ( t + zB + z ) ,
( k z ) 2 + ( cz ) 2
cy cz
tan y = , tan z = . (3.126)
ky kz

3.2.2 Stability of precession motion

Experience has shown that the rotor synchronous precession in

hydrodynamic bearings becomes unstable at a given value s of the running
speed, when the orbit radius has a sudden increase.
Analytically, this is studied using the equations of motion (3.95) and
(3.96) for the perfectly balanced rotor (e = 0) .
For e = 0 , hence for yG = yC , equations (3.95) become
m &y&C + k yC = k y B ,
m &z&C + k zC = k z B .

The solutions have the form

yC = YC e n t , zC = Z C e n t ,
y B = YB e n t , z B = Z B e n t ,
n = (3.129)
is the critical angular speed of the rigidly supported rotor (3.102).
Substituting solutions (3.128) into equations (3.127) yields
1 1
YC = YB , ZC = ZB . (3.130)
1 + 2 1 + 2

Inserting (3.128) and (3.130) into (3.96) we obtain the homogeneous

algebraic equations
( X + k y y + c y y n ) YB + (k y z + c y z n ) Z B = 0 ,
(k z y + c z y n ) YB + ( X + k z z + c z z n ) Z B = 0 ,
k 2
X= . (3.132)
2 1 + 2

At the stability threshold, is pure imaginary. Substituting

=i (3.133)

into equations (3.131), the requirement for non-trivial solutions produces

X + k y y + i c y y n k y z + i c y z n
=0. (3.134)
k z y + i c z y n X + k z z + i c z z n

Canceling the real and the imaginary parts of the determinant (3.134)
gives the equations

X + (k y y + k z z ) X + (k y y k z z k z y k y z )
2 n2 ( c y y c z z c y z c z y ) = 0 , (3.135)
n [ X (c y y + c z z )
(c z y k y z + c y z k z y c y y k z z c z z k y y ) ] = 0 ,

which can also be written as

2 X + (k y y + k z z ) X + (k y y k z z k z y k y z )
n2 = ,
c y ycz z c y zcz y (3.136)
(c z y k y z + c y z k z y ) (c y y k z z + c z z k y y )
X = ,
c y y + cz z

k 2
X= . (3.137)
2 2 1

It is useful to use the dimensionless coefficients


2 So R 2 So R
K i j = ki j , Ci j = ci j , (3.138)
mg mg
where So is the inverse of the usual Sommerfeld number S [6], R is the bearing
clearance (difference between the bearing radius and the journal radius) and g is
the acceleration of gravity.
Equations (3.136) become
s2 = 2 n2 =
X 2 + (K y y + K z z ) X + (K y y K z z K z y K y z ) (3.139)
= 2,
C y yC z z C y zC z y

m g ( Cz y K y z + C y z K z y ) ( C y y K z z Cz z K y y )
X= . (3.140)
2 So R C y y + Cz z

The onset speed of instability s can be computed using an iterative

approach. A value is first selected. The corresponding Sommerfeld number So
and the eight bearing coefficients are then computed. They are given in tabular or
graphic form, as functions of So for given values of the bearing clearance and
length-to-diameter ratio (see Chapter 6).

Fig. 3.21

Equation (3.140) delivers X, which is inserted into (3.139), wherefrom s

is obtained. If < s , a new value is considered and the computations are
repeated until = s . The results are plotted as in Fig. 3.21 [7].

A more detailed analysis of the stability of precession for rotors

supported in hydrodynamic bearings is presented in Chapter 7.

3.3 Asymmetric rotors in flexible bearings

The previous sections 3.1 and 3.2 examined single-disc Laval-Jeffcott

rotors, considering only the disc motion in the rotor plane of symmetry, hence
neglecting the effect of disc rotary inertia. In the following, the two single-disc
rotor models from Table 3.1 are analyzed. The bearings are orthotropic and

3.3.1 Equations of motion

Consider the asymmetric rotor from Fig. 3.22, supported in orthotropic

flexible bearings.

Fig. 3.22

In this case, the flexibility influence coefficients ij in equations (2.78)

are different from those used in (2.79).

The force-deflection equations can be written:

y 11 0 0 14 Fy

0 22 23 0 Fz
= (3.141)
0 32 33 0 My

41 0 0 44 M z C

Table 3.1

Model I Model II

l3 2 2 2 2 l3 2 2 ( 1 + )2
11 = + + 11 = (1 + ) + +
3EI k A1 k B1 3EI k A1 k B1

l 2 l 2 1+
14 = ( ) + 14 = ( 2 + 3 )
3EI k A1l k B1l 6 EI k A1l k B1l
l 1 1 l 1 1
44 = (3 + 3) + + 44 = (1 + 3 ) + 2
3EI kA1l kB1l 2
2 EI k A1l k B1l 2
l3 2 2 2 2 l3 2 2 (1 + ) 2
22 = + + 22 = (1 + ) + +
3EI k A2 k B 2 3EI k A2 kB2

l2 l2 1+
23 = ( ) + 23 = (2 + 3 ) + +
3EI k A2l k B 2 l 6 EI k A 2l k B 2l
l 1 1 l 1 1
33 = ( 3 + 3 ) + 2
+ 33 = (1 + 3 ) + +
3EI k A2 l k B 2l 2 EI k A2l 2
k B 2l 2
a b c
= , = =
l l l

The flexibility influence coefficients ij = ji of the two rotor models are

listed in Table 3.1 [7].

The inverse of the flexibility matrix is the stiffness matrix given by

44 2
k11 = , k14 = 14 , k 44 = 11 , 1 = 1144 14 ,
1 1 1
k 22 = 33 , k 23 = 23 , k33 = 22 , 2 = 22 33 23 .
2 2 2

The equations of motion (2.80) are written in the form

m &y&G + k11 yC + k14 C = F1( t ),

m &z&G + k 22 zC + k 23 C = F2 ( t ),
J T &&G J P &G + k 41 yC + k 44 C = M 1( t ),
J T &&G + J P & G + k32 zC + k33 C = M 2 ( t ).

Using expressions (3.54) and (2.123) to eliminate the coordinates of the

mass centre G, equations (3.143) are written in matrix form as

m 0 &y&C 0 0 y& C
0 J && 0 J P & C
T C + +
m 0 &z&C 0 0 z&C

0 J T &&C 0 J P &C
k11 k14 yC F1
k M
41 k 44 C = 1
k 22 k 23 zC F2

k32 k33 C M 2


[ m ] 0 { &y& } 0
[ g ] { y& } k
+ y
[ ] 0 { y } { }
[ m ] { &z& } [ g ]
0 { z& } 0

[ k z ] { z } { f z }
which in shorthand has the form

[ M ]{ &x&} + [ G ] { x& } + [ K ] { x } = { f }. (3.146)


The vector in the right-hand side has the form

{ f } = { Fc } cos t + { Fs } sin t + { F } =
m ec m es F1
(J J P ) c (J J ) M (3.147)
= 2 T cos t +

T P s
sin t + ,
m es m ec F2
( J T J P ) s ( J T J P ) c M 2

where ec , es and c , s are the projections of e and along the coordinate axes.

3.3.2 Natural frequencies of precession

The displacements y and z can be written as in (3.33)

y = yc cos t + y s sin t = y cos t + y , ( )
z = zc cos t + z s sin t = z cos ( t + z ) ,

y = e y e
i y i t
e }= e { ( y i y ) e },
c s
i t

z = e z ei z ei t = e } {( z c i z s ) e i t .}
For { f } = { 0 } , equations (3.146) describe the rotor free precession. The
solutions of these equations can be expressed in terms of complex phasors as [8]
{ y } { yc } i { ys } i t
{x }= = e = { } e it . (3.148)
{ z } c { z } i { z }

Substituting (3.148) into (3.145) with zero right-hand side, leads to the
eigenvalue problem

[ ]
k y 2 [ m ] i [ g ] { yc } i { y s }
{ 0 }
i [ g ] [ k z ] 2 [ m ] { zc } i { z s } { 0 }
which delivers the following four equations coupled two by two

( [ k ]
[ m ] ){ yc } + [ g ]{ z s } = { 0 }, (3.150)

( [ k ]
[ m ] ){ ys } [ g ]{ zc } = { 0 }, (3.151)

( [ k ]
[ m ] ){ zc } [ g ]{ ys } = { 0 }, (3.152)

( [ k ]
[ m ] ){ z s } + [ g ] { y c } = { 0 } . (3.153)

Equations (3.150) and (3.151) yield

{ yc } = ( [ k ]
[m ])
[ g ] { z s }, (3.154)

} = ( [ k ] [m ])
{ ys y
[ g ] { zc }. (3.155)

Inserting (3.154) and (3.155) into (3.152) and (3.153) we obtain

[ k ] 2 [ m ] 2 [ g ]

( [ k ] [ m ] )
2 1
[ g ] { zc } = { 0 },


[ k ] 2 [ m ] 2 [ g ]

( [ k ] [ m ] )
2 1
[ g ] { z s } = { 0 }.


Comparing equations (3.156) and (3.157) it can be noticed that the two
solutions are proportional to one another
{ zc } = { zs }, (3.158)
where is a real constant.
Substituting equation (3.158) into equation (3.154) and comparing the
result with equation (3.155) yields
{ ys } = { yc }. (3.159)

Inserting (3.158) and (3.159) into (3.148) we obtain

{ y } i { ys }
{ } = c
{ yc }
= ( 1 + i ) i ay { }
=e (3.160)
{ zc } i { z s } i { z s } i { a z }
where { a y } and { a z } are real vectors.

Equation (3.160) shows that, by proper normalization, the elements of

vectors { } become real in the xOy plane and pure imaginary in the xOz plane,
hence the precession modes are planar.
From equations (3.148) and (3.149) we obtain
y z
= s = c (3.161)
yc z s
yc zc + y s z s = 0.
According to expression (3.40), the inclination angle = 0 and the
ellipse axes are collinear with the coordinate axes.
For undamped rotors, the eigenvectors are complex quantities due to the
spatial character of the precession and the gyroscopic coupling, but the natural
modes of precession are planar.

Using the transformation to real vectors

{ }
a y [ I ] [ 0 ] a y { }
= , (3.162)
i { a z } [ 0 ] i [ I ] { a z }

] is an identity matrix, and pre-multiplying by

[I ] [0]
where [ I , equation (3.149)
[ 0 ] i [ I ]
[ k y ] 2 [ m ] [ g ] { a y } {0}
= . (3.163)
[ g ] [ k z ] 2 [ m ] { a z } {0}

The requirement for non-trivial solutions is

[ k y ] 2 [ m] [g]
=0 (3.164)
[g] [ k z ] 2 [ m]


k11 2 m k14 0 0
k 41 k 44 J T 0 JP
= 0.
0 0 k 22 m k 23
0 JP k32 k33 2 J T

The frequency equation has the form

8 ( A6 + B6 2 ) 6 + ( A4 + B4 2 ) 4 ( A2 + B2 2 ) 2 + A0 = 0. (3.165)

Figure 3.23 presents a plot of the natural frequencies of precession as

a function of the running speed , for J P > J T . The symmetry with respect to the
and axes is due to the odd powers in equation (3.165). The horizontal
asymptotes correspond to zero angular precession of the disc for .
Inserting = into (3.163), the synchronous precession critical speeds
are obtained from

[ k y ] 2 [ m ] 2 [ g ] {a y } {0}
2 = (3.166)
[ g ] [ k z ] 2 [ m ] {a z } {0}

which can be written as a generalized eigenvalue problem


[ k y ] [ 0 ] 2 [ m ] [ g ]
[ 0 ] [ k ] { r } = r [ g ] [ m ] { r }. (r = 1,..,4 ) (3.167)
The eigenvalues r give the synchronous critical speeds. The
eigenvectors { r } define the semiaxes of the disc precession orbit at the related
critical speed and the directivity of precession (forward or backward).

Fig. 3.23

Substituting = into (3.163), the off-diagonal elements of the

matrix from equation (3.166) become negative, but the same critical speeds are
obtained. Unlike the rotor supported in isotropic bearings, the unbalance will also
excite the backward critical speeds.
The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.24, b (first quadrant of Fig.
3.23). For comparison, Fig. 3.24, a depicts the Campbell diagram for the same
rotor supported in rigid bearings. The motions with angular speeds 1 and 3 are
backward precessions, while the motions with angular speeds 2 and 4 are
forward precessions. The points where the line = intersects the precession
natural frequency lines define the critical speeds.
The shape of the curves in the Campbell diagram from Fig. 3.24, b is
typical for lightly damped rotors. As will be shown in section 3.3.4, the
consideration of damping can substantially modify the shape of the diagram.

a b
Fig. 3.24

Figure 3.25 presents separately the effects of bearing flexibility, disc

diametral mass moment of inertia and gyroscopic coupling on the Campbell
diagram of single-disc asymmetric rotors, supported in isotropic bearings (Fig.
3.25, a) and in orthotropic bearings (Fig. 3.25, b) [2]. The rigid disc has J P > J T .
The horizontal asymptotes correspond to natural frequencies of pure translatory

3.3.3 Unbalance response

Considering equations (3.146), for a synchronous excitation

{ f } = {Fc } cos t + {Fs } sin t , (3.168)

the steady-state response has the form

{ x } = { X c } cos t + { X s } sin t . (3.169)

Substituting (3.168) and (3.169) into (3.146) we obtain the algebraic set
of equations

([ K ] 2
[ M ] { X c } + [ G ]{ X s } = { Fc },
[ G ]{ X c } + ([ K ] 2
[ M ] { X s } = { Fs }.
The two components of the disc translational displacements are given by
equations of the form (3.33). They are utilized for the calculation of the elliptic
orbit parameters of the unbalance response, using equations (3.38) to (3.40) and

Fig. 3.25

In order to calculate the finite amplitudes of motion at the peak response

critical speeds, some form of damping has to be taken into account. In the left-hand
side of equation (3.146), a diagonal damping matrix
[ D ] = diag [ c11 c44 c22 c33 ]
is added to the gyroscopic matrix. Its elements are calculated assuming given
values of the damping ratios
c11 c22 c33 c44
1 = , 2 = , 3 = , 4 = . (3.171)
2 k11m 2 k 22 m 2 k33 J T 2 k 44 J T

Usually, it is considered that 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = .

Example 3.2a

Consider a rotor with an overhung disc (Model II) with the following
parameters: m = 8000 kg , J P = 8520 kg m 2 , J T = 4260 kg m 2 , l = 4 m,
c = 0.8 m, E = 210 GPa , d = 0.3 m, = 0.02 , k A1 = 333 N/m ,
k A2 = 667 N/m, k B1 = 83.3 N/m, k B 2 = 167 N/m .

Fig. 3.26

Figure 3.26 presents the Campbell diagram with the running speed on the
horizontal axis. The intersections with the synchronous line determine the damped
critical speeds: n1 = 437 rpm, n2 = 761 rpm, n3 = 1282 rpm. The second critical
speed is in forward (synchronous) precession. The others are in backward
(asynchronous) precession.

Figure 3.27 shows the unbalance response diagrams. The peaks in the
major semiaxis diagram (Fig. 3.27, a) locate the peak response critical speeds.
Although the first and the third critical speed correspond to backward precession
modes, they are excited by the rotating unbalance. The maximum value of the
major semiaxis in the operating speed range is usually compared to admissible

a b

c d
Fig. 3.27

In figure 3.27, b the minor semiaxis diagram is added. The two ranges
with negative values define the operation speeds with backward precession
produced by the unbalance. The crossing points with the horizontal axis locate the
threshold speeds where the precession orbit degenerates to a straight line. At these
speeds the orbit changes from forward to backward precession and vice versa. Note
that the threshold speeds are different from the critical speeds.
Figure 3.27, c shows the diagrams of the y and z components of the disc
centre displacement. Figure 3.27, d presents the diagrams of the radii r f and rb
of the two circular counter-rotating motions that generate the ellipse. The ranges
where the radius rb of the circle with backward motion is larger than the radius

rf of the circle with forward precession define the speed ranges with backward
precession. It is easy to see that they correspond to ranges with negative minor
semiaxis in Fig. 3.27, b.

3.3.4 Effect of bearing damping

Including the effect of bearing damping, equations (3.146) become

[ M ]{ &x&} + [ C ]{ x& } + [ K ]{ x } = { f }. (3.172)

[ c yy ] [ c yz ] [0] [ g ]
[C ] = + [ g ] [ 0 ] (3.173)
[ c zy ] [ czz ]
is the sum of the damping and gyroscopic matrices.

For { f } = { 0 } , trying solutions of the form

{ x } = { u } e t , (3.174)

the following quadratic eigenvalue problem is obtained

( 2r [ M ] + r [C ] + [ K ] ) { ur } = { 0 } ( r = 1,..,4 ) . (3.175)

The eigenvalues r are real numbers for overdamped modes and

complex numbers for underdamped modes. The complex eigenvalues have the

r = r + i r , r = r i r (3.176)
and are functions of the running speed .
The imaginary part r is the damped natural frequency (of precession)
and the real part r is an attenuation ( or growing) constant.
Usually, the damping is expressed in terms of the modal damping ratio
r r
r = . (3.177)
r2 + r2 r

The Campbell diagram is a plot of the dependence r = r ( ).

Sometimes it is presented together with the stability diagram r = r ( ) or the
damping ratio diagram r = r ( ) .
For underdamped systems, the complex eigenvectors have the form
{ u r } = { ar } + i { br }, { ur } = { ar } i { br }. (3.178)

The solution for the free precession can be written as

{ xr (t ) } = 2 e r t ( { ar } cos r t { br } sin r t ) , (3.179)

and describes spiralling orbits. However it is agreed to represent the orbits as

incomplete (open) ellipses, considering r = 0 and approximating the expression
(3.179) by
{ xr (t ) } = { uc } cos r t + { u s } sin r t (3.180)
{ uc } = { ar } = e { u r }, { u s } = { br } = m { ur }.

Fig. 3.28

Example 3.3

Consider the cantilevered rotor from Fig. 3.28, with l = 0.4 m,

d = 0.02 m, E = 210 GPa . The end carrying a thin rigid disc with m = 16.5 kg,
J T = 0.094 kg m 2 , J P = 0.186 kg m 2 , is flexibly supported. The support has
principal stiffnesses k1 = 5 105 N/m and k 2 = 2 105 N/m, and damping
coefficients proportional to the related stiffness, c1 = k1 and c2 = k 2 .

Figures 3.29 depict the Campbell diagrams and the diagrams of the modal
damping ratio for three values of the coefficient .

a b c
Fig. 3.29

It can be seen that the curves corresponding to the first mode of

precession change significantly with the bearing damping. For large damping
levels (Fig. 3.29, c), the first precession mode becomes overdamped within a
certain speed range. This mode is not 'seen' in the unbalance response diagrams,
where the corresponding peak is missing.

3.3.5 Mixed modes of precession

The rotor precession is usually described by modal characteristics

associated with forward and backward modes. However, the directivity of
precession is a local, not a global property. A rotor can have mixed modes, with
both forward and backward precession coexistent at different stations, at a given
Hopefully, the precession of rotors in almost isotropic bearing systems
can be classified as pure forward or pure backward, the motion at all stations of
interest having the same direction. This enables a logical mode labeling. In most
cases, mixed modes are predominantly forward or backward, with limited zones of
reverse precession, so that if the number of stations in the model is small, then the
mixed character of the precession is lost.

In anisotropic rotor-bearing systems, bearing orthotropy yields different

rotor deflected shapes in two orthogonal directions, at the same rotational speed.
The coupling of two (even slightly) different rotor orthogonal eigenforms yields
mixed precession modes.
This can be easier explained for conservative rotor-bearing systems that
have planar precession modes. In this case, the deflected shapes in two orthogonal
planes correspond to mode shapes plotted at two instants with a quarter of period
time difference. At the station where only one modal form crosses the rotor
longitudinal axis, the precession orbit degenerates into a straight line, separating
portions of forward and backward motion along the rotor [9].
In a rotor with oil-lubricated bearings, the slightest asymmetry yields
small differences in load and oil temperature between the two bearings. Even with
physically identical bearings, the stiffness and damping coefficients are different at
the both ends. For reasonable amounts of dissymmetry and coupling effects, the
damped natural frequency curves in the Campbell diagram do not cross, giving rise
to curve veering, denoting modal coupling and compound modes. The abrupt
continuous change of mode shapes within the speed interval of natural frequency
curve veering yields mixed modes. Along a natural frequency curve, a mode can be
forward over a given speed interval, then mixed in the region of curve veering,
changing to backward away of that region. Simultaneous plotting of the speed
dependence of modal damping ratios helps understanding the nature of mixed
For a large class of actual rotor systems, precession modes occur in pairs,
the mode at lower frequency has backward precession and the mode at higher
frequency has forward precession. Inclusion of bearing damping can change the
sequence. Overdamped modes can transform into underdamped modes and appear
in the Campbell diagram only in limited speed regions.
The bearing cross-coupling stiffnesses increase the gap between the
natural frequencies of a backward-forward pair. This way, a forward mode from a
lower pair approaches a backward mode from a higher pair, yielding either a
crossing or a curve veering in the Campbell diagram. The compounding of two
different modes gives rise to mixed precession.
In some academic examples, the mixed nature of some precession modes
is lost if the motion is analyzed at a relatively reduced number of stations along the
As a first example, a simple rotor system is taken, consisting of a rigid
disc attached to a massless rigid shaft supported by two identical bearings at the
ends. Three cases are considered: a) a symmetric rotor with isotropic bearings; b) a
symmetric rotor with orthotropic bearings; and c) an asymmetric rotor with
orthotropic bearings. The massless rigid shaft was modeled with values of
E = 2 1015 Pa and = 1 kg m3 in the computer simulation [9].

Example 3.4 a
A rigid disc is mounted at the centre (l 1 = l 2 = 0.35m ) of a massless
rigid shaft and the shaft is supported by identical isotropic bearings at both ends.
The disc mass and mass moments of inertia are m = 30 kg, J T = 1.2 kg m 2 ,
J P = 1.8 kg m 2 . The bearing stiffness and damping coefficients are
k yy = k zz = 7 10 N/m and c yy = c zz = 200 Ns/m .

The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.30. Forward modes are labeled
F while backward modes are labeled B. The two cylindrical modes at
103.48 Hz have natural frequencies independent of the rotational speed, hence
overlaid straight lines. The disc has a translational motion not influenced by
gyroscopic effects and decoupled from the angular motion.
The third and fourth conical modes, labeled 2B and 2F, are decoupled
from the cylindrical modes. As the rotor speed increases, the natural frequency of
the backward mode decreases and crosses the line of the cylindrical modes, due to
gyroscopic effects. The natural frequency of the forward mode increases with rotor
speed. Due to bearing isotropy the two curves start from the same point at zero
rotational speed.

Fig. 3.30
The synchronous excitation line is plotted with dotted line. The critical
speeds are determined as the abscissae of the crossing points with the natural
frequency lines, at 6209 rpm and 6876 rpm. In the case of unbalance excitation, the
only one critical speed is located at the intersection with the line of mode 1F. For
rotor systems with isotropic bearings, backward modes cannot be excited by
synchronous excitation.

a b

c d
Fig. 3.31

The precession mode shapes at 10000 rpm are shown in Fig. 3.31. Due to
bearing isotropy, the orbits at any station are circles. They are plotted as
incomplete (open) orbits to help recognizing the motion directivity. The mode
shape at t = 0 is plotted with solid line and the mode shape at t = 2 is drawn
with broken line, so that the motion along the orbit takes place from the point lying
on the solid line, at t = 0 , to the point lying on the broken line, a quarter of a
period later.

Fig. 3.32

The radius of the unbalance response orbit at the disc location is plotted
in Fig. 3.32 as a function of the rotational speed, for a 30 g mm unbalance of the
disc. As expected, only one peak occurs in the diagram, at the natural frequency of
mode 1F.

Example 3.4 b

Consider the symmetric rotor of Example 3.4 a, but with orthotropic

identical bearings . The bearing vertical stiffness coefficients are k yy = 5 106 N/m ,
the horizontal stiffness coefficients are k zz = 7 106 N/m , and the damping
coefficients are c yy = c zz = 2 10 2 Ns/m [10].

Fig. 3.33
The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.33. The two cylindrical
modes 1B and 1F have different natural frequencies at 88.63 Hz and 103.48 Hz
due to the bearing anisotropy. They are independent of the rotational speed due to
system symmetry.
The third and fourth conical modes, are decoupled from the cylindrical
modes. As the rotor speed increases, the natural frequency of the mode 2B
decreases and crosses the lines of the cylindrical modes, due to gyroscopic effects.
The natural frequency of the mode 2F increases with rotor speed. Due to bearing
anisotropy the two curves in a pair start from different points at zero rotational

The synchronous excitation line intersects the natural frequency lines at

the points whose abscissae determine the damped critical speeds at 5318 rpm ,
6209 rpm and 6341 rpm.

Fig. 3.34
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.34. Backward modes are
more damped than the forward modes of the same pair. The curves for the conical
modes cross those of cylindrical modes, denoting no coupling effects.

a b

c d
Fig. 3.35

The precession mode shapes at 10000 rpm are shown in Fig. 3.35. As
before, the mode shape at t = 0 is plotted with solid line and the mode shape at
t = 2 is drawn with broken line. The motion along the orbit takes place from
the point lying on the solid line, to the point lying on the broken line.
The orbits of the two cylindrical modes 1B and 1F at 88.63 Hz and
103.48 Hz are almost straight lines due to the strong bearing anisotropy and
decoupling of the two motions. The orbits of modes 2B and 2F are elliptical.

a b
Fig. 3.36

Fig. 3.37

The unbalance response curves calculated at the disc station are shown in
Fig. 3.36, for a 30 g mm unbalance of the disc. In Fig. 3.36, a , curve a is for the
major semiaxis and curve b is for the minor semiaxis. In Fig. 3.36, b , curve r f is

for the forward circle radius and rb is for the backward circle radius. The two
peaks indicate that only two of the three possible damped critical speeds become
peak response critical speeds due to the high damping of mode 2B. Between the
two peaks there is a speed range with backward precession indicated by negative
values of the orbit minor semiaxis, or by rb > r f .

Useful information is given by the root locus diagram (Fig. 3.37). This is
a plot of the damped natural frequency versus negative damping ratio, for each
mode of precession. When the curves are distant of each other, as in Fig. 3.37,
there is no coupling between modes and no compound or mixed modes of
precession can occur.

Example 3.4 c

Consider the rotor of Example 3.4 b, but with the rigid disc mounted off
the shaft centre (l 1 = 0.3 m, l 2 = 0.4 m ) . The shaft is rigid and massless. The
bearing stiffness coefficients are k yy = 5 106 N/m , k zz = 7 106 N/m , and the
damping coefficients are c yy = c zz = 2 10 2 Ns/m [10].

Fig. 3.38
The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.38. Curve 2B no more crosses
the lines 1B and 1F and, near the rotational speed of 8000 rpm , veers away from
the line 1F. The rotor translational and angular motions are coupled. With
increasing rotational speed, mode 2B becomes a mixed mode and tends to change
into the first forward mode, while mode 1F becomes a mixed mode and tends to
change into the first backward mode. The synchronous excitation line intersects the

natural frequency lines at the points whose abscissae determine the damped critical
speeds 5236 rpm , 6051 rpm and 6532 rpm.
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.39. With increasing
rotational speed, curve 2B transforms into the former 1F, while 1F transforms into
the former 1B and curve 1B follows the former line 2B. These transformations take
place in the speed range with curve veering in the Campbell diagram.

Fig. 3.39
The root locus diagram is presented in Fig. 3.40. Modes are labeled as
before, according to their shapes at low rotational speeds. When the root loci are
close to each other, two modes with nearly the same natural frequency and
different mode shapes can combine to yield a compound mode which has mixed
backward and forward precession due to the coupling between modes.

Fig. 3.40

a b

c d
Fig. 3.41
The precession mode shapes at 10000 rpm are shown in Fig. 3.41. For
mixed modes, the precession along the ellipse is marked by B (backward) or F
(forward) and takes place from the point lying on the solid line, at t = 0 , to the
point lying on the broken line, a quarter of a period later.

a b
Fig. 3.42

Along the rotor, the portions of backward and forward motion are
separated by a location where the precession orbit degenerates into a straight line.
Such lines do not appear in Fig. 3.41 due to the small number of stations where
orbits have been drawn.

The unbalance response curves calculated at the disc station are shown in
Fig. 3.42, for a 30 g mm unbalance of the disc. The abscissae of the three peaks
indicate the peak response critical speeds. Again, the speed range with backward
precession is indicated by negative values of the orbit minor semiaxis or values of
rb larger than r f . When b = 0 and rb = r f the orbit degenerates into a straight

3.4 Simulation examples

Example 3.5 a
A rigid disc is mounted at the middle of a uniform shaft (Fig. 3.43) of
length 0.44 m , diameter 90 mm , Youngs modulus 2 1011 N m 2 and mass
density 7800 kg m 3 .

Fig. 3.43

The mass of the disc is 560 kg, while the diametral and polar mass
moments of inertia are 18 kgm 2 and 32 kgm 2 , respectively. The shaft is supported
at the ends by identical bearings with the following constant coefficients:
= 2.2 108 N m , k zz
k yy = k yy = 1.1 108 N m , cyy = cyy
= k zz = 2.2 10 4 Ns m , and
czz = czz = 1.11 10 4 Ns m [9].
The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.44. Due to the system
symmetry, the disc translational and angular motions are decoupled. Modes 1B and
1F have natural frequencies independent of rotational speed. As the rotor speed
increases, the natural frequency of the mode 2B decreases and crosses the lines of
the cylindrical modes, due to gyroscopic effects. Due to bearing orthotropy, the
two curves in a pair start from different points at zero rotational speed.

Fig. 3.44
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.45. As in Example 3.4 a,
backward modes are more damped than the forward modes of the same pair. The
curves for the conical modes do not cross those of cylindrical modes.

Fig. 3.45

Example 3.5 b
Consider the rotor of Example 3.5 a supported by bearings with slightly
different stiffness and damping coefficients (Fig. 3.43): k yy = 2.15 108 N m ,
= 1.15 108 N m , cyy = 2.15 10 4 Ns m , czz = 1.15 104 Ns m , k yy
k zz = 2.25 108 N m ,
= 1.05 108 N m , cyy
k zz = 2.25 10 4 Ns m and czz = 1.05 10 4 Ns m [9].

The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.46 for the first four modes of
precession. The curves in the diagram are labeled in the usual way, 1B, 1F, 2B and
2F, as for Example 3.5 a, though there are speed intervals with mixed modes.
Curve 2B crosses the line 1F at 600 rpm and veers away from line 1B at 2065 rpm.

Fig. 3.46
In Fig. 3.47 the damping ratio curves of modes 2B and 1F have a trough,
respectively a peak, at 600 rpm, not crossing each other, while curves 2B and 1B
do cross each other at about 2065 rpm.

Fig. 3.47

With increasing rotational speed, mode 2B becomes a mixed mode and

changes into the first backward mode, while mode 1B changes into 2B.
The root locus diagram (Fig. 3.48) indicates the possible coupling of
modes 1B and 2B, whose loci are close to each other. Also modes 2B and 1F have
a range of equal natural frequencies and this can also produce compound modes
with mixed precession.

Fig. 3.48

A closer look at the shape of precession modes is useful, especially at

their evolution within the speed intervals with modal interaction.

a b c

Fig. 3.49

Figure 3.49 shows the evolution of mode 1M between 1700 and 3000
rpm. Mode 1M results from the coupling of a vertical conical mode 1B with a
horizontal cylindrical mode 1F. With increasing rotational speed, the latter
becomes a conical horizontal mode.

a b c

Fig. 3.50

Figure 3.50 shows the evolution of mode 2M between 200 and 1000 rpm.
Despite the crossing of natural frequency curves (Fig. 3.46) the mode is mixed. It is
the result of the compounding of a cylindrical vertical mode and a conical
horizontal mode. Mixed modes exist even when there is no curve veering in the
Campbell diagram.

a b c

Fig. 3.51

Figure 3.51 presents the evolution of mode 3M between 250 and 1000
rpm. It is basically the second backward mode 2B, but at low speeds, the vertical
and horizontal conical components cross the rotor longitudinal axis at different
locations. At these points the precession orbit degenerates into straight lines that
mark the change from backward to forward or vice versa.

a b c
Fig. 3.52

Figure 3.52 shows the evolution of mode 3M between 1700 and 2500
rpm. At 1700 rpm the mode is apparently still backward 2B. Its mixed nature is
overlooked due to the small number of stations at which the orbit is drawn.
A closer look at Fig. 3.52, a shows that the vertical and horizontal conical
components cross the rotor longitudinal axis at different locations so that there is a
portion with forward precession not revealed with only five stations. At 2100 rpm
the horizontal mode becomes cylindrical. Because the vertical component remains
conical, the precession mode is mixed.
A similar rotor system with slightly different parameters is presented in
the following, to illustrate the above statements. Horizontal stiffnesses are larger in
this case than the vertical stiffnesses.

Example 3.6
A uniform shaft of length 0.437 m , diameter 91 mm , Youngs modulus
2 1011 N m 2 and mass density 7750 kg m 3 carries at the middle a rigid disc of
mass 566 kg , diametral and polar mass moments of inertia 18.1 kg m 2 and
36.2 kg m 2 , respectively.
The shaft is supported at the ends by orthotropic bearings with the following
constant stiffness and damping coefficients: (Fig. 3.43): k yy = 1.14 108 N m ,
= 2.14 108 N m , k yy
k zz = 2.24 108 N m , cyy = 1.14 10 4 Ns m ,
= 1.04 108 N m , k zz
czz = 2.14 10 4 Ns m , cyy
= 1.04 10 4 Ns m and czz = 2.24 104 Ns m [11].

Fig. 3.53

The Campbell diagram is shown in Fig. 3.53 for the first four modes of
In Fig. 3.54 the damping ratio curves of modes 2B and 1F have a trough,
respectively a peak, at 400 rpm, not crossing each other, while curves 2B and 1B
do cross each other at about 1800 rpm.

Fig. 3.54
With increasing rotational speed, mode 2B becomes a mixed mode and
changes into the first backward mode 1B, while mode 1B changes into 2B.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.55

Figure 3.55 shows the evolution of mode 3M between 1000 and 2000
rpm. Mode 3M is obtained from the coupling of a horizontal conical mode 2B with
a vertical cylindrical mode 1B. With increasing rotational speed, the latter becomes
a vertical cylindrical mode 1F.

a b c
Fig. 3.56
Figure 3.56 shows the evolution of mode 1M between 1900 and 2400 rpm.

Fig. 3.57

Example 3.7

Consider a rotor with two bearings and a single disc overhung at one end
(Fig. 3.57). The rigid disc, with mass 8000 kg , polar mass moment of inertia
8520 kgm 2 and diametral mass moment of inertia 4260 kgm 2 , is located at station
7, at the right end. The shaft with Youngs modulus 2.1 1011 N m 2 and mass
density 7800 kg m 3 has four different sections with the following lengths and
diameters: l 1 = 0.7 m , d1 = 0.1 m , l 2 = 2.9 m , d 2 = 0.3 m , l 3 = 0.4 m ,
d3 = 0.32 m , l 4 = 0.8 m , d 4 = 0.34 m , and is modeled by 6 beam elements. The
bearings are located at stations 1 and 6 having the following constant stiffness and
= (1 12 ) 109 N m ,
damping coefficients: at station 1, k yy = (1 6 ) 109 N m , k zz
= (1 3) 109 N m ,
= (2 3) 109 N m , k zz
cyy = czz = 105 Ns m ; at station 6, k yy
= czz = 105 Ns m [7].

The Campbell diagram is presented in Fig. 3.58 for the first six natural
modes. Modes are numbered in ascending order and labeled with their index
without mentioning the directivity.

Fig. 3.58
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.59 for the same six modes.

Fig. 3.59
The shape of the first six modes of precession at 2400 rpm is shown in
Fig. 3.60. The system has 4 mixed modes, although there is neither curve veering
nor curve crossing at 2400 rpm in figure 3.58. The natural frequencies of modes 2

and 3, as well as those of modes 4 and 5, belonging to different pairs, are

approaching each other. Mode 2 is predominantly forward (2F) and its mixed
character is the result of the different crossing points of the vertical and horizontal
component modes with the rotor axis.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.60

The unbalance response curves calculated at the bearing stations are

shown in Fig. 3.61, for a 80 g mm unbalance of the disc. The abscissae of the five
peaks indicate the peak response critical speeds. The peak due to the first mode is
barely noticeable at 413 rpm.

a b
Fig. 3.61

Example 3.8

Consider a rotor with two bearings and an overhung disc (Fig. 3.62). The
rigid disc, with mass 7.5 kg , polar mass moment of inertia 0.04 kgm 2 and
diametral mass moment of inertia 0.02 kgm 2 , is located at station 5, at the right
end. The shaft with Youngs modulus 2 1011 N m 2 and mass density
8000 kg m 3 has diameter d = 50 mm and total length l = 1 m , and is modeled by
4 equal length beam elements. The identical bearings are located at stations 1 and 3
having the following constant stiffness and damping coefficients
k yy = 2.5 107 N m , k zz = 4 107 N m , and c yy = c zz = 5 103 Ns m [12].

Fig. 3.62

Fig. 3.63

The Campbell diagram for the first six modes is presented in Fig. 3.63.
Mode 4 is mixed, due to the interaction of modes 2F and 3B. There is a curve
veering in Fig. 3.63 and a curve crossing in Fig. 3.64, around 13000 rpm.
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.64 for eight modes.

Fig. 3.64
The root locus diagram is shown in Fig. 3.65 for the first six modes and
speeds up to 30000 rpm.

Fig. 3.65

The evolution of the mixed mode with the rotor speed is shown in Fig.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.66
The first six mode shapes at 10000 rpm are presented in Fig. 3.67.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.67
The unbalance response curves at the bearing stations 1 and 3 are shown
in Fig. 3.68 for a disc unbalance of 15 g mm . Peaks occur at the eigenfrequencies
of forward modes, because backward modes are relatively highly damped.

a b
Fig. 3.68

Figure 3.69 shows the variation of the undamped natural frequencies of

modes 3 to 6, as a function of the bearing stiffness, at 12000 rpm. The vertical lines
indicate the bearing vertical and horizontal stiffness coefficients
k yy = 2.5 107 N m and k zz = 4 107 N m . Modes 4 (2F) and 5 (3B) have different
shapes but almost equal natural frequencies. They interact, giving rise to a
compounded mixed mode.

Fig. 3.69

In the following examples, the rotors are carried in oil-film journal

bearings. The Campbell diagrams of these systems have specific features. The first
two rigid body backward modes are overdamped and do not appear in the
diagram. The curves of the first two forward modes follow closely the half-
frequency excitation line. The two-node flexural forward mode interacts with the

cylindrical forward rigid body mode giving rise to compounded modes, sometimes
referred to as convex cylindrical and concave cylindrical. In some cases, even
the forward modes become overdamped and disappear from the diagram.
The stability diagrams are useful to locate the onset speed of instability.
The damping ratio diagrams help locating this threshold speed and show also when
some modes are overdamped. The root locus diagrams give an overview of the
eigenvalue variation with the rotor speed and can be used to explain the occurrence
of mixed modes of precession.
Generally, the mode labeling for these systems is more difficult than for
rotors carried by supports with constant coefficients, and the pattern of mode pairs
with backward and forward precession is either changed or difficult to recognize.

Example 3.9 a

Consider the rotor from Fig. 3.70 supported in two identical journal
bearings. The rigid disc has the mass 20 kg , the polar mass moment of inertia
1 kg m 2 and the diametral mass moment of inertia 0.7 kg m 2 . The massless flexible
shaft of diameter 25.4 mm and Youngs modulus 2.1 1011 N m 2 has lengths
l12 = 85 mm and l 23 = 255 mm [13] and is modeled with only two elements.

Fig. 3.70

The bearings have diameter D = 25.4 mm , length L = 16 mm , radial

clearance C = 35.2 m , and oil dynamic viscosity = 0.02 Ns m 2 . The static
loads on bearings are W1 = 142.4 N and W2 = 53.8 N . The speed dependence of the
stiffness and damping coefficients, calculated based on Ocvirks short bearing
assumptions [14], with a fully cavitated film, i.e. with the oil film extending only
180 0 , is shown in Fig. 3.71.

a b
Fig. 3.71

The Campbell diagram is presented in Fig. 3.72 for the first six natural
modes of precession. At the crossing points with the synchronous excitation line,
the damped critical speeds are determined as 2186, 6047 and 9442 rpm.

Fig. 3.72
Modes 1B and 2B are overdamped and do not appear in the diagram.
Modes 1F and 2F are rigid body modes controlled by the hydrodynamic bearings
and follow closely the half-frequency excitation line = 2 . If one sliding
bearing is replaced by a rigid bearing, one of these lines disappears. If both sliding
bearings are replaced by rigid bearings then both lines disappear. The curves of
modes 3F and 4B cross each other at about 12600 rpm but the two modes do not

Fig. 3.73
The damping ratio diagram is shown in Fig. 3.73 for the same 6 modes.

Fig. 3.74

The stability diagram is plotted in Fig. 3.74 for only four modes. Mode
1F becomes unstable at 10331 rpm. Looking at the associated point in the
Campbell diagram, it can be seen that the whirling takes place at a frequency of
about half the spin speed, describing the bearing instability known as the oil

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.75

The shape of the first six eigenmodes at 15000 rpm is shown in Fig. 3.75.
The forward modes, with larger relative displacements in bearings, have higher
damping ratio values.

Fig. 3.76
The root locus diagram for the first six modes and for speeds up to 15000
rpm is shown in Fig. 3.76. The curve of mode 1F crosses the vertical at zero
damping ratio, indicating the loss of stability.

Example 3.9 b
Solve the problem of Example 3.9 a using the Moes impedance model
[15] for plain cylindrical bearings.
The speed dependence of the bearing stiffness and damping coefficients
is shown in Fig. 3.77.

a b
Fig. 3.77
The Campbell diagram is presented in Fig. 3.78 and the damping ratio
diagram in Fig. 3.79. The damped critical speeds are 2179, 6047 and 9322 rpm.

Fig. 3.78
Modes 1B and 2B are overdamped and do not show up in the Campbell
diagram. Modes 1F and 2F are rigid body modes and their curves follow closely

the half-frequency excitation line = 2 . The curves of modes 3F and 4B cross

each other twice, but the modes do not interact.

Fig. 3.79
The stability diagram for only four modes is given in Fig. 3.80. Mode 1F
becomes unstable at 10016 rpm, which is lower than the onset speed of instability
calculated for Ocvirk bearings. Thus, use of the short bearing approximation is not
recommended in stability analyses.

Fig. 3.80

The shapes of the first six eigenmodes at a rotor speed of 15000 rpm are
shown in Fig. 3.81. With only three nodes in the model, their shape is approximate.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.81

The root locus diagram in presented in Fig. 3.82 for the first six modes
and speeds up to 15000 rpm.

Fig. 3.82

Example 3.9 c
Consider the rotor of Example 3.9 a supported now by two-lobe bearings
with L = 12.7 mm .
The speed dependence of the bearing stiffness and damping coefficients,
calculated based on data from Someyas book [16] for L D = 0.5 and a preload
factor m p = 3 4 , is shown in Fig. 3.83.

a b
Fig. 3.83

The Campbell diagram is presented in Fig. 3.84. The damped critical

speeds are 2182, 7638 and 9619 rpm. Modes 1F and 2F do not follow the half-
frequency line. The curves of modes 3F and 4B do not cross each other.

Fig. 3.84

The damping ratio diagram in presented in Fig. 3.85 for only two modes.
Mode 3F becomes unstable at 13854 rpm, which is much higher than the onset
speed of instability for cylindrical bearings.

Fig. 3.85

The same information is given by the stability diagram from Fig. 3.86.

Fig. 3.86

The root locus diagram in presented in Fig. 3.87 for the first six modes
and speeds up to 16000 rpm. Modes 1F and 2F are highly damped. The curve of
mode 3F intersects the zero damping line at the point marking the damped natural
frequency at the instability threshold.

Fig. 3.87
The unbalance response curves calculated at the left bearing and disc
locations are presented in Fig. 3.88 for an unbalance of 20 g mm on the disc.

a b
Fig. 3.88

Example 3.10 a

Consider the rotor of Fig. 3.43 supported in two identical plain cylindrical
bearings. The rigid disc has the mass 9.07 kg , the polar mass moment of inertia
0.0468 kg m 2 and the diametral mass moment of inertia 0.0305 kg m 2 . The

massless flexible shaft of diameter 22 mm and Youngs modulus

2.145 1011 N m 2 has the total length 0.508 m and is divided into four equal
elements [17].
The bearings have diameter 25.4 mm , length 25.4 mm , clearance
203.2 m , and oil viscosity 0.0241 Ns m 2 . The static loads on bearings are
W1 = W2 = 44.49 N . The speed dependence of the stiffness and damping
coefficients, calculated based on Moes impedance model, is shown in Fig. 3.89.

Fig. 3.89
The Campbell diagram for the first four modes is presented in Fig. 3.90.
The damped critical speeds are 384, 1141, 1739 and 2790 rpm.

Fig. 3.90

The damping ratio diagram in presented in Fig. 3.91. Mode 3F becomes

unstable at 4061 rpm.

Fig. 3.91

The same information is given by the stability diagram from Fig. 3.92.

Fig. 3.92

The root locus diagram in presented in Fig. 3.93 for speeds up to 6000
rpm. The curve of mode 3F intersects the zero damping line at the point marking
the damped natural frequency at the instability threshold.

Fig. 3.93

The first six mode shapes at 3000 rpm are presented in Fig. 3.94.

a b c

d e f
Fig. 3.94

Mode 3 ( 3F ) is a convex-cylindrical mode, while mode 2 (2F) is a

concave-cylindrical mode.

a b
Fig. 3.95

a b
Fig. 3.96

a b
Fig. 3.97

The unbalance response curves are calculated at locations 1 and 3 for an

eccentricity of 1.084 10 4 m of the disc mass. Figures 3.95 show the diagrams of
the ellipse semiaxes, Fig. 3.96 presents the diagrams of the vertical and horizontal
components, while Fig. 3.97 gives the diagrams of the radii of the forward and
backward generating circles. Around 3000 rpm, the orbits in bearings are circular,
while the disc orbit is elliptical.

Example 3.10 b

Consider the rotor of Example 3.10 a, with small modifications. The

massless flexible shaft has the diameter 22.2 mm and Youngs modulus
2.038 1011 N m 2 . The plain cylindrical bearings have diameter D = 25.4 mm ,
length L = 25.4 mm , radial clearance C = 1.8796 10 4 m , and oil dynamic
viscosity = 960 10 5 Ns m 2 , as in [18].
The speed dependence of the stiffness and damping coefficients,
calculated based on Moes impedance model, is shown in Fig. 3.98.

Fig. 3.98

The Campbell diagram for the first four modes of precession is presented
in Fig. 3.99. The damped critical speeds are 805, 876, 1778 and 2817 rpm. Mode
1F becomes overdamped beyond 1000 rpm.

Fig. 3.99
The damping ratio diagram in presented in Fig. 3.100 for only three
modes. Mode 3F becomes unstable at 5180 rpm.

Fig. 3.100
The same information is given by the stability diagram from Fig. 3.101.

Fig. 3.101

The root locus diagram in presented in Fig. 3.102 for speeds up to 6000
rpm. The curve of mode 3F intersects the zero damping line at the point marking
the damped natural frequency at the instability threshold.

Fig. 3.102
The first three mode shapes at 2500 rpm are presented in Fig. 3.103.

a b c
Fig. 3.103
The unbalance response curves are calculated at locations 1 and 3, for an
eccentricity of 1.084 10 4 m of the disc mass. Figures 3.104 show the diagrams of
the ellipse semiaxes, Figs. 3.105 present the diagrams of the vertical and horizontal
components, while Figs. 3.106 give the diagrams of the radii of the forward and
backward generating circles.

a b
Fig. 3.104

a b
Fig. 3.105

Around 3000 rpm, the orbits in bearings are circular, while the disc orbit
is elliptical.

a b
Fig. 3.106

Between about 2200 and 2800 rpm, the steady state response due to
unbalance is a mixed mode (Fig. 3.107, a), with backward precession at the disc
and forward precession at bearings. At 5200 rpm the steady state precession is
forward (Fig. 3.107, b).

a b
Fig. 3.107

Example 3.11

The rotor rig of Fig. 3.108 is carried by an Oilite (oil impregnated,

sintered bronze) bush supported on a rubber O-ring at the left inboard end, and by
an oil lubricated Lucite plain cylindrical journal bearing at the outboard end. The
rigid disc has the mass 0.81 kg , the polar mass moment of inertia
5.7835 10 4 kg m 2 , the diametral mass moment of inertia 3.3572 10 4 kg m 2 and
is located at l = 22.4 mm from the right end. The flexible shaft of diameter

9.525 mm , density 7860 kg m 3 and Youngs modulus 2.06 1011 N m 2 has total
length 0.59 m and is divided into six elements [19].

Fig. 3.108 (from [19])

The parameters of the left bearing are k yy = 4.76 105 N m ,

k zz = 4.54 105 N m , c yy = 26.87 Ns m and c zz = 23.1 Ns m . The journal bearing
parameters are D = 24.91 mm , L = 13 mm , C = 120 m , = 0.02784 Ns m 2 .
The static loads on bearings are W1 = 2.38 N and W2 = 8.8 N .

a b
Fig. 3.109

The speed dependence of the stiffness and damping coefficients,

calculated based on Moes impedance model, is shown in Fig. 3.109, b.
The Campbell diagram for the first three modes of precession is presented
in Fig. 3.110. The damped critical speeds are 2648, and 2867 rpm.

Fig. 3.110
The damping ratio diagram in presented in Fig. 3.111. Mode 3F becomes
unstable at 5070 rpm.

Fig. 3.111
The same information is given by the stability diagram from Fig. 3.112.

Fig. 3.112

The root locus diagram in presented in Fig. 3.113 for speeds up to 8000
rpm. The curve of mode 3F intersects the zero damping line at the point marking
the damped natural frequency at the instability threshold.

Fig. 3.113
The first four mode shapes at 4000 rpm are shown in Fig. 3.114.

a b

c d
Fig. 3.114

Mode 3 is a mixed mode, predominantly backward.

a b
Fig. 3.115

The unbalance response curves are calculated at the disc location 5 (Fig.
3.115, a) and at the oil-film bearing 7 (Fig. 3.115, b) for an eccentricity of
0.0305 m of the disc mass.


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