Anda di halaman 1dari 17


1 Dnde est el mo? Where's mine?

2 Quin tiene el de Pepe? Who has Pepe's?
3 Los mos y los de l son muy parecidos. Mine and his are very similar.
4 Los nuestros no fueron elegidos. Ours weren't chosen.
5 Por qu son ms grandes los tuyos que los mos? Why are yours bigger than mine?
6 El de ellos es del mismo color que el de ella. Theirs is the same color as hers.
7 Los de Pepe no llegarn hasta finales de mes. Pepe's won't arrive until the end of the month.
8 Estos se parecen mucho a los de l. These Iook a Iot like his.
9 De quin son estos? Whose are these?
10 De quines eran los que vi ayer? Whose were the ones 1 saw yesterday?
11 De quin es este libro? Whose book is this?
12 Antes era mo pero ahora es de Pepe. It used to be mine but now it's Pepe's.
13 El mo es el que est en el estante. Mine is the one on the shelf.
14 El de ellos es el azul. Theirs is the blue one.
15 El verde antes era mo. The green one used to be mine.
16 El de ella es el que est en el suelo. Hers is the one on the floor.
17 El tuyo se perdi. Yours was lost.
18 Los nuestros son mucho ms brillantes que los de Ours are much brighter than his.
19 El de ella no lleg a tiempo para ser incluido. Hers didn't arrive in time to be included.
20 Por qu fue excluido el nuestro? Why was ours excluded? (left out)
21 El de ellos estaba encima del mo. Theirs was on top of mine.
22 El libro de Mara est al lado del tuyo. Mary's book is next to yours.
23 El vuestro fue rechazado. Yours was rejected.
24 El de l fue aceptado. His was accepted.
25 Pars es famoso por su arte. Paris is famous for its art.
1 Tu libro y el mo estn hechos de un material Your book and mine are made of a similar material.
2 El nuestro gan el primer premio. Ours won the frst prize.
3 El tuyo ni siquiera recibi un premio de Yours didn't even receive a consolation prize.
4 Mi libro es mo y es para m. My book is mine and it's for me.
5 Tu libro es tuyo y es para ti. Your book is yours and it's for you.
6 Su libro (de l) es suyo y es para l. His book is his and it's for him.
7 Su libro (de ella) es suyo y es para ella. Her book is hers and it's for her.
8 Nuestro libro es nuestro y es para nosotros Our book is ours and it's for us.
9 Vuestro libro es vuestro y es para vosotros. Your book is yours and it's for you.
10 Su libro (de ellos) es suyo y es para ellos. Their book is theirs and it's for them.
11 Mis libros son mos y son para m. My books are mine and they're for me.
12 Tus libros son tuyos y son para ti. Your books are yours and they're for you.
13 Sus libros (de l) son suyos y son para l. His books are his and they're for him.
14 Sus libros (de ella) son suyos y son para ella. Her books are hers and they're for her.
15 Nuestros libros son nuestros y son para nosotros. Our books are ours and they're for us.
16 Vuestros libros son vuestros y son para vosotros. Your books are yours and they're for you.
17 Sus libros (de ellos) son suyos y son para ellos. Their books are theirs and they're for them.
18 La casa de Pedro est cerca de la ma. Peter's house is near mine.
19 Las llamadas de Mara son menos importantes que Mary's calis are Iess important than yours.
las tuyas.
20 El perro del Sr. Bruno ladra ms que el nuestro. Mr. Bruno's dog barks more than ours.
21 Dame el mo. Give me mine.
22 Dale (a l) el suyo. Give him his.
23 Dale (a ella) el suyo. Give her hers.
24 Danos el nuestro. Give us ours.
25 Dales el suyo. Give them theirs.
1 Te dar el tuyo. Ill give you yours.
2 Tengo el mo porque me pertenece a m. I have mine because it belongs to me.
3 Tienes el tuyo porque te pertenece a ti. You have yours because it belongs to you.
4 l tiene el suyo porque le pertenece a l. He has his because it belongs to him.
5 Ella tiene el suyo porque le pertenece a ella. She has hers because it belongs to her.
6 Tenemos el nuestro porque nos pertenece. We have ours because it belongs to us.
7 Tenis el vuestro porque os pertenece. You have yours because it belongs to you.
8 Tienen el suyo porque les pertenece. They have theirs because it belongs to them.
9 Guardo mi libro donde guardas el tuyo. I keep my book where you keep yours.
10 Guardas tu libro donde guardamos el nuestro. You keep your book where we keep ours.
11 El guarda su libro donde ella guarda el suyo. He keeps his book where she keeps hers.
12 Ella guarda su libro donde ellos guardan el suyo. She keeps her book where they keep theirs.
13 Guardamos nuestro libro donde l guarda el suyo. We keep our book where he keeps his.
14 Guardis vuestro libro donde yo antes guardaba el Your keep your book where I used to keep mine.
15 Guardan su libro donde antes guardbamos el They keep their book where we used to keep ours.
16 Me gusta el mo porque me ayuda. 1 Iike mine because it helps me.
17 Te gusta el tuyo porque te ayuda. You Iike yours because it helps you.
18 Le gusta (a l) el suyo porque le ayuda. He Iikes his because it helps him.
19 Le gusta (a ella) el suyo porque la ayuda. She Iikes hers because it helps her.
20 Nos gusta el nuestro porque nos ayuda. We Iike ours because it helps us.
21 Os gusta el vuestro porque os ayuda. You Iike yours because it helps you.
22 Les gusta el suyo porque les ayuda. They Iike theirs because it helps them.
23 Ensame el tuyo. Show me yours.
24 Te ensear el mo. Til show you mine.
25 Ensale (a l) el nuestro. Show him ours.
1 Ensale (a ella) el de ellos. Show her theirs.
2 Ensanos el de ella. Show us hers.
3 Os ensear el de l. Til show you his.
4 Ensales el vuestro. Show them yours.
5 Dmelo si es mo. Give it to me if it's mine.
6 Te lo dar si es tuyo. I'II give it to you if it's yours.
7 Dselo (a l) si es suyo. Give it to him if it's his.
8 Dselo (a ella) si es suyo. Give it to her if it's hers.
9 Dnoslo si es nuestro. Give it to us if it's ours.
10 Os lo dar si es vuestro. I'II give it to you if it's yours.
11 Dselo (a ellos) si es suyo. Give it to them if it's theirs.
12 Ella me los dio porque eran mos. She gave them to me because they were mine.
13 El te los dio porque eran tuyos. He gave them to you because they were yours.
14 Yo se los di (a l) porque eran suyos. I gave them to him because they were his.
15 Tu se los diste (a ella) porque eran suyos. You gave them to her because they were hers.
16 Se los dimos (a ellos) porque eran suyos. We gave them to them because they were theirs
17 Ellos os los dieron porque eran vuestros. They gave them to you because they were yours
18 Pdemelo Ask me for it.
19 Pdeselo a l. Ask him for it.
20 Pdeselo a ella. Ask her for it.
21 Pdeselo a ellos. Ask them for it.
22 Te lo pedir. I'II ask you for it.
23 Te los pedir I'II ask you for them.
24 Pdeselos a ella. Ask her for them.
25 Pdemelos a m. Ask me for them.
1 Hay un problema con el sistema nuevo. There's a problem with the new system.
2 Hay varios asuntos que atender. There are several matters to take care of.
3 Haba mucha gente aqu cuando llegu. There were a lot of people here when I arrived.
4 Hubo una explosin en la fbrica anoche. There was an explosin in the factory last night.
5 Haba varios faxes aqu esta maana. There were several faxes here this morning.
6 Habr una fiesta esta noche si no llueve. There will be a party tonight if it doesn't rain.
7 Va a haber una reunin esta tarde. There's going to be a meeting this afternoon.
8 Va a haber muchos problemas con esto. There are going to be a lot of problems with this.
9 Ha habido un malentendido. There's been a misunderstanding.
10 Ha habido varios casos. There have been several cases.
11 Habra menos casos si hubiera una vacuna. There would be fewer cases if there were a vaccine.
12 Debe de haber una solucin. There must be a solution.
13 Tiene que haber una forma de resolverlo. There has to be a way to solve it.
14 Tiene que haber al menos tres. There have to be at least three.
15 Debera haber ms sillas. There should be more chairs.
16 Podra haber ms de lo que piensas. There could be more than you think.
17 Me dijeron el otro da que haba habido They told me the other day that there had been
problemas con el sistema problems with the new system.

18 Siempre
ha habido problemas con el sistema. There have always been problems with the system.
19 No parece haber una solucin. There doesn't seem to be a solution.
20 Habra habido ms problemas si no There would have been more problems if we hadn't
hubiramos visto el error a seen the mistake in time.

21 Antes haba mucha gente aqu. There used to be a lot of people here.
22 No hay tantos como antes haba. There aren't as many as there used to be.
23 No tiene que haber una solucin necesariamente. There doesn't have to be a solution necessarily.
24 No puede haber tanta gente. There can't be that many people. (so many)
25 Puede que haya una solucin. There may be a solution.
1 Puede que haya habido un malentendido. There may have been a misunderstanding.
2 Quiero que haya una azafata en la reunin. I want there to be a hostess in the meeting.
3 Treme lo que haya. Bring me whatever there is.
4 No queda nada por hacer. There's nothing left to do.
5 Parece haber varias versiones. There seem to be several versions.
6 No habr fiesta esta noche. There won't be a party tonight.
7 Cundo habr una reunin sobre esto? When will there be a meeting on this?
8 Va a haber otra fiesta como la ltima? Is there going to be another party Iike the last one?
9 Jams ha habido alguien como ella. There's never been anyone Iike her.
10 Ha habido muchas tormentas ltimamente. There have been several storms lately.
11 Por qu no haba gente cuando llegu all? Why weren't there any people when I got there?
12 Podra haber habido un accidente. There could have been an accident.
13 Debera haber habido un guardia de seguridad. There should have been a security guard.
14 Me trajeron todo lo que haba. They brought me everything there was.
15 No hay ni la mitad de lo que antes haba. There isn't even half of what there used to be.
16 Ha habido muchas quejas ltimamente? Have there been many complaints lately?
17 No habra quejas si Pepe estuviera aqu. There wouldn't be any complaints if Pepe were here.
18 No debera haber un ndice? Shouldn't there be an index?
19 Ha habido llamadas para m? Have there been any calis for me?
20 Hubo heridos? Were there any injuries?
21 Hay problemas? Are there any problems?
22 Habr alguien esperndome? Will there be anyone waiting for me?
23 Hay alguna posibilidad? Is there a possibility?
24 Ha habido algn cambio? Has there been a change?
25 Ha habido algunos cambios? Have there been any changes?
1 No llueve mucho aqu. It doesn't rain much here.
2 No vienen aqu a menudo. They don't come here often.
3 No ocurrir. It won't happen.
4 Cundo estarn aqu? When will they be here?
5 Cundo estuvieron aqu? When were they here?
6 Cuntas veces han estado aqu? How many times have they been here?
7 Iras si pudieras pagarlo? Would you go if you could pay for it?
8 Irs si puedes pagarlo? Will you go if you can pay for it?
9 Habras ido si hubieras podido pagarlo? Would you have gone if you could've paid for it?
10 No voy a ir porque no puedo pagarlo. I'm not going to go because I can't pay for it.
11 No fui porque no poda pagarlo. I didn't go because I couldn't pay for it.
12 No ir porque no podr pagarlo. I won't go because I won't be able to pay for it.
13 No ira aunque pudiera pagarlo. I wouldn't go even if I could pay for it.
14 Le viste ayer? Did you see him yesterday?
15 Le has visto hoy? Have you seen him today?
16 Le vers maana? Will you see him tomorrow?
17 Le veras si tuvieras tiempo? Would you see him if you had time?
18 Le vas a ver ms tarde? Are you going to see him later?
19 Tienes que verle? Do you have to see him?
20 No me dijiste que le ibas a ver? Didn't you tell me you were going to see him?
21 Le habras visto si hubiera estado aqu ayer? Would you have seen him if he had been here
22 No lo hice. I didn't do it.
23 No lo hago. I don't do it.
24 No lo estoy haciendo. I'm not doing it.
25 No lo har. I won't do it.
1 No lo voy a hacer. I'm not going to do it.
2 Te dije que no lo iba a hacer. I told you I wasn't going to do it.
3 Te dije que no lo hara. I told you I wouldn't do it.
4 No lo he hecho. I haven't done it.
5 Te dije que no lo haba hecho. I told you 1 hadn't done it.
6 No lo habra hecho si no hubiera sido por ti. I wouldn't have done it if it hadn't been for you.
7 No tengo que hacerlo. I don't have to do it.
8 No debo hacerlo, (forzosamente) I mustn't do it.
9 No debera hacerlo. I shouldn't do it.
10 Puede que no lo haga. I may not do it.
11 No podra haberlo hecho. I couldn't have done it.
12 No debera haberlo hecho. I shouldn't have done it.
13 Por qu no llueve aqu? Why doesn't it rain here?
14 Por qu no han llamado? Why haven't they called?
15 Por qu no est ella lista? Why isn't she ready?
16 Por qu no asistirn? Why won't they attend?
17 Por qu no fuiste? Why didn't you go?
18 Por qu no ha ocurrido? Why hasn't it happened?
19 Por qu no ocurre ms a menudo? Why doesn't it happen more often?
20 Por qu no estuviste all? Why weren't you there?
21 Por qu no estaba listo el informe? Why wasn't the report ready?
22 Por qu no pudiste hacerlo? Why couldn't you do it?
23 Por qu no debe ser as? Why shouldn't it be like that?
24 Por qu no han empezado todava? Why haven't they started yet?
25 Por qu no cambias de tema? Why don't you change the subject?
1 Soy ms alto que t. l'm taller than you.
2 No eres tan alto como yo. You aren't as tall as 1 am.
3 Hay ms camellos en Siria que aqu. There are more camels in Syria than here.
4 No hay tantos camellos aqu como en Siria. There aren't as many camels here as in Syria.
5 Esto es mejor. This is better.
6 Esto es mucho mejor. This is much better. (a lot better)
7 Aquello no es tan bueno como esto. That isn't as good as this.
8 Por qu fumas tanto? Why do you smoke so much?
9 Por qu fumas tanto como l? Why do you smoke as much as he does?
10 Por qu fumas tantos cigarros como l? Why do you smoke as many cigarettes as he does?
11 Tengo ms tiempo que t. I have more time than you do.
12 No tienes tanto tiempo como yo. You don't have as much time as I do.
13 No s porque me enfad tanto. I don't know why I got so angry.
14 No me enfad tanto como l. I didn't get as angry as he did.
15 Eres ms afortunado que yo. You're more fortnate than I am.
16 No soy tan afortunado como t. I'm not as fortnate as you are.
17 Hay ms luz solar aqu que en Suecia. There's more sunlight here than in Sweden.
18 No hay tanta luz solar en Suecia como aqu. There isn't as much sunlight in Sweden as here.
19 No hay tanta gente en Suecia como aqu. There aren't as many people in Sweden as here.
20 No hables tanto. Don't talk so much.
21 Hablas tanto que no s qu hacer. You talk so much that 1 don't know what to do.
22 Hablas tanto como tu padre. You talk as much as your father (does).
23 Incluso hablas ms que mi to. You even talk more than my nele (does).
24 Pero no dices tantas tonteras como l. But you don't say as many stupid things as he does.
25 Quiero tanto dinero como t tienes. I want as much money as you have.
1 No tengo tantas faltas como l. I don't have as many mistakes as he does.
2 l tiene muchas ms faltas que yo. He has a Iot more mistakes than 1 do.
3 El Tajo es ms largo que el Mio. The Tajo is Ionger than the Mio.
4 El Tajo es el ro ms largo de Espaa. The Tajo is the longest river in Spain.
5 Quin es la persona ms rica de este pas? Who's the richest person in this country?
6 Esta carne es la ms dura que jams he comido. This meat is the toughest l've ever eaten.
7 Eres la persona ms alta que jams he conocido. You're the tallest person Tve ever met.
8 Eres ms alto que el rbol ms alto del mundo. You're taller than the tallest tree in the world.
9 Eres ms rpido que el corredor ms rpido del You're faster than the fastest runner in the world.
10 Esto es ms fcil. This is easier.
11 Esto es mucho ms fcil. This is much easier. (a Iot easier)
12 Esto no es tan fcil. This isn't that easy. (so easy)
13 Esto no es tan fcil como aquello. This isn't as easy as that.
14 No hay tanta agua este ao como el ao pasado. There isn't as much water this year as last year.
15 No hay tantas oportunidades como antes haba. There aren't as many opportunities as there used to
16 No tenemos tanto dinero como tenamos antes. We don't have as much money as we used to have.
17 No tienes tantos amigos como crees. You don't have as many friends as you think.
18 Es el hombre ms rico del mundo. He's the richest man in the world.
19 Es la mujer ms hermosa del mundo. She's the most beautiful woman in the world.
20 Este es el trabajo ms complicado del mundo. This is the most complicated job in the world.
21 Soy el hombre ms fuerte del mundo. I'm the strongest man in the world.
22 No eres tan fuerte como yo. You're not as strong as I am.
23 No tienes tantos msculos como yo. You don't have as many muscles as I do.
24 No eres tan paciente como yo. You're not as patient as I am.
25 No tienes tanta paciencia como yo. You don't have as much patience as 1 do.
1 Dile que venga aqu. Tell him to come here.
2 Venga aqu por favor. Come here please.
3 Pdele que venga aqu. Ask him to come here.
4 Podra venir aqu por favor? Could you come here please?
5 Le importara venir aqu por favor? Would you mind coming here please?
6 Quiere venir aqu por favor? Would you come here please?
7 Quiero que venga Vd. aqu. I want you to come here.
8 Le voy a decir (a l) que venga aqu. I'm going to tell him to come here.
9 Le dije que viniera aqu. I told him to come here.
10 Que venga aqu. Have him come here.
11 Llvame al hotel. Take me to the hotel.
12 Dile que te lleve al hotel. Tell him to take you to the hotel.
13 Que l te lleve al hotel. Have him take you to the hotel.
14 Pdele que te lleve al hotel. Ask him to take you to the hotel.
15 Te importara llevarme al hotel? Would you mind taking me to the hotel?
16 Podras llevarme al hotel? Could you take me to the hotel?
17 Quiero que me Heves al hotel. I want you to take me to the hotel.
18 Te dije que me llevaras al hotel. I told you to take me to the hotel.
19 Me gustara que me llevaras al hotel. I'd like you to take me to the hotel.
20 Estoy buscando a alguien que me lleve al hotel. I'm looking for someone to take me to the hotel.
21 Dile (a ella) que lo haga as. Tell her to do it this way. (like this)
22 Hazlo as. Do it this way. (like this)
23 Pdele (a ella) que lo haga as. Ask her to do it this way.
24 Te importara hacerlo as? Would you mind doing it this way?
25 Podras hacerlo as por favor? Could you do it this way please?
1 Que lo haga as. Have her do it this way.
2 Quieren que lo hagas as. They want you to do it this way.
3 Yo quisiera que lo hicieras as. I'd like you to do it this way.
4 Te dije que lo hicieras as. I told you to do it this way.
5 No lo hagas por favor. Don't do it please.
6 Diles que no me molesten. Tell them not to bother me.
7 Te dije que les dijeras que no me molestaran. I told you to tell them not to bother me.
8 No le molestis. Don't bother him.
9 No quiero que le molestis. I don't want you to bother him.
10 Os importara no molestarle? Would you mind not bothering him?
11 Pdeles que no me molesten. Ask them not to bother me.
12 Ya les he dicho que no te molesten. Tve already told them not to bother you.
13 Ensamelo. Show it to me.
14 No me lo ensees. Don't show it to me.
15 Dile que me lo ensee. Tell him to show it to me.
16 Dile que no me lo ensee. Tell him not to show it to me.
17 Quiero que me lo ensees. I want you to show it to me.
18 Que me llamen. Have them cali me.
19 Que nos guarden una copia. Have them keep a copy for us.
20 Que lo hagan de nuevo. Have them do it again.
21 Que lo comprueben. Have them check it.
22 Que se haga. Have it done.
23 Que se pinte. Have it painted.
24 Que se mande a esta direccin. Have it sent to this address.
25 Que se imprima. Have it printed.
1 Quiero que me escuches. I want you to listen to me.
2 Quieren que lo hagamos. They want us to do it.
3 Queremos que ella nos lo d. We want her to give it to us.
4 Quisiera que me lo ensearan. I'd Iike them to show it to me.
5 Quisiera que l estuviera incluido. I'd Iike him to be included.
6 Quiero que seas justo. I want you to be fair.
7 Quiero que se imprima ahora. I want it to be printed now.
8 Quiero que el informe est listo para maana. I want the report to be ready for tomorrow.
9 Qu quieres que haga? What do you want me to do?
10 Qu quieres que diga? What do you want me to say?
11 Cul quieres que elija? Which one do you want me to choose?
12 Adonde quieres que vaya? Where do you want me to go?
13 Cundo quieres que est aqu? When do you want me to be here?
14 Cuntos quieres que traiga? How many do you want me to bring?
15 Con qu frecuencia quieres que la llame? How often do you want me to cali her?
16 A qu hora quieres que estemos all? What time do you want us to be there?
17 Dnde quieres que lo pongamos? Where do you want us to put it?
18 Por qu quieres que lo hagamos as? Why do you want us to do it Iike this? (this way)
19 Cuntas veces quieres que les visitemos? How many times do you want us to visit them?
20 Quieres que le llame? Do you want me to cali him?
21 El jefe quiere que Pepe lo haga. The boss wants Pepe to do it.
22 El jefe quiere que todo el mundo asista. The boss wants everyone to attend. (everybody)
23 Todo el mundo quiere que te quedes. Everyone wants you to stay. (everybody)
24 Quiero que alguien me ayude. I want someone to help me. (somebody)
25 Quiero que ellos lo entiendan tambin. I want them to understand it too.
1 Quiero que me lo den en mano. I want them to give it to me in hand.
2 Quisiera que organizaran una reunin. I'd Iike them to set up a meeting.
3 Necesito que ellos me ayuden con esto. I need them to help me with this.
4 Quiero que seamos amigos. I want us to be friends.
5 Qu quieren ellos que hagamos? What do they want us to do?
6 Qu esperan que yo haga? What do they expect me to do?
7 Cundo esperan que lo terminemos? When do they expect us to finish it?
8 Por qu necesitan que les ayudemos? Why do they need us to help them?
9 Quiero que lo busques. I want you to look for it.
10 l quiere que yo lo busque. He wants me to look for it.
11 Quiero que el resto de la gente sepa la verdad. I want the rest of the people to know the truth.
12 Quiero que todos vayis juntos. I want all of you to go together.
13 No quieren que mezclemos ms de tres colores. They don't want us to mix more than three colors.
14 No quiero que lo tomes as. I don't want you to take it that way.
15 Quiero que mis hijos sean felices. I want my children to be happy. (kids)
16 Queremos que llueva. We want it to rain.
17 Quiero que se haga realidad. I want it to come true.
18 Quiero que ocurra pronto. I want it to happen soon.
19 Quiero que dure. I want it to last.
20 Quiero que se programe para maana. I want it to be scheduled for tomorrow.
21 Quiero que sta sea la ltima vez. I want this to be the last time.
22 Quiero que est listo para maana. I want it to be ready for tomorrow.
23 Quiero que el trabajo se haga. I want the job to be done.
24 Quiero que la reunin se posponga. I want the meeting to be postponed.
25 Quiero que se convoque para el prximo mes. I want it to be called for next month.
1 Dnde conseguiste ese libro? Where did you get that book?
2 Me puedes conseguir un empleo? Can you get me a job?
3 Vete a por tu libro. Go and get your book.
4 El telfono est sonando.... Yo lo coger. The telephone is ringing.... Til get it.
5 No te enfades. Don't get angry.
6 No te disgustes. Don't get upset.
7 No te pongas enfermo. Don't get sick. / (ill)
8 No te pongas triste. Don't get sad.
9 No te cases. Don't get married.
10 Me estoy cansando. I'm getting tired.
11 Me estoy aburriendo. I'm getting bored.
12 Estoy mejorando. I'm getting better.
13 Estoy empeorando. I'm getting worse.
14 Est oscureciendo. It's getting dark.
15 No te asustes. Don't get frightened. / (scared)
16 No te alarmes. Don't get alarmed.
17 No te pongas nervioso. Don't get nervous.
18 Necesitamos reunimos. We need to get together.
19 Levntate. Get up.
20 Nos llevamos bien. We get along.
21 Llegu de regreso anoche. I got back last night.
22 Me confund. I got confused.
23 Me li con esos verbos. I got mixed up with those verbs.
24 No te hars rico trabajando para otros. You won't get rich working for others.
25 No te emociones. Don't get excited.
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
5 5.
6 6.
7 7.
8 8.
9 9.
10 10.
11 11.
12 12.
13 13.
14 14.
15 15.
16 16.
17 17.
18 18.
19 19.
20 20.
21 21.
22 22.
23 23.
24 24.
25 25.
1 El ingls es demasiado difcil para m. English is too difficult for me.
2 Es demasiado complicado. It's too complicated.
3 Tiene demasiadas preposiciones. It has too many prepositions.
4 Tiene demasiada gramtica compleja. It has too much complex grammar.
5 Fumas demasiado. You smoke too much.
6 Fumas demasiados puros. You smoke too many cigars.
7 Por qu fumas tanto? Why do you smoke so much?
8 El techo es demasiado alto para tocarlo. The ceiling is too high to touch.
9 No soy lo suficientemente alto. I'm not tall enough.
10 Soy demasiado bajo. I'm too short.
11 El techo no es lo suficientemente bajo. The ceiling isn't low enough.
12 El agua est demasiado fra para bebera. The water's too cold to drink.
13 Es demasiado caro. It's too expensive.
14 No tengo suficiente dinero para comprarlo. I don't have enough money to buy it.
15 No soy lo suficientemente rico para comprarlo. I'm not rich enough to buy it.
16 No es lo suficientemente barato. It's not cheap enough.
17 Es demasiado pesado para llevar. It's too heavy to carry.
18 No soy lo suficientemente fuerte para llevarlo. I'm not strong enough to carry it.
19 Soy demasiado dbil. I'm too weak.
20 Est demasiado lejos para leer. It's too far away to read.
21 No est lo suficientemente cerca para leer. It's not cise enough to read.
22 Ahora est demasiado cerca. Now it's too cise.
23 Ahora est lo suficientemente cerca. Now it's cise enough.
24 No tengo suficiente tiempo. I don't have enough time.
25 No hay suficientes sillas. There aren't enough chairs.
1 No tenemos suficientes pruebas, (de ensayo) We don't have enough tests.
2 No hay suficiente informacin. There isn't enough information.
3 Hay demasiada informacin. There's too much information.
4 Hay demasiados informes. There are too many reports.
5 Ha habido demasiados retrasos. There have been too many delays.
6 Eres demasiado bueno. You're too good.
7 No tuviste suficiente cuidado. You weren't careful enough.
8 Esto es demasiado. This is too much.
9 Sois demasiados. There are too many of you.
10 No somos suficientes. There aren't enough of us.
11 No tengo suficiente gasolina para llegar all. I don't have enough gasoline to get there.
12 Basta ya. Enough is enough.
13 A veces hay demasiado y a veces no hay Sometimes there's too much and sometimes there isn't
suficiente. enough.
14 Ests tardando demasiado. It's taking you too long.
15 No tengo suficiente apoyo. I don't have enough support.
16 Eres bastante rpido. You're quite fast.
17 No eres lo bastante rpido. You're not fast enough.
18 Eres demasiado rpido. You're too fast.
19 Trabajas demasiado. You work too much.
20 Trabajas demasiadas horas. You work too many hours.
21 Comes demasiado. You eat too much.
22 No comes lo suficiente. You don't eat enough.
23 Por qu comes tanto? Why do you eat so much?
24 Una vez es suficiente. Once is enough.
25 Estas listas son demasiado para m. These Iists are too much for me.
1 Yo antes conoca a mucha gente importante. I used to know a lot of important people.
2 Yo antes tena ms tiempo libre. I used to have more free time.
3 Antes venan por aqu ms a menudo. They used to come (around) here more often.
4 Antes haba ms das festivos. There used to be more holidays.
5 l antes era cura. He used to be a priest.
6 Yo antes era oficial del ejrcito. I used to be an army officer.
7 Yo antes era feliz. I used to be happy.
8 Antes era fcil encontrar trabajo. It used to be easy to find a job.
9 Antes nevaba mucho aqu en invierno. It used to snow a lot here in the winter.
10 Antes llova ms tambin. It used to rain more too.
11 Estoy acostumbrado a ir al trabajo en coche. l'm used to driving to work.
12 Estn acostumbrados a salirse con la suya. They're used to getting their way.
13 No estaban acostumbrados a mi acento. They weren't used to my accent.
14 Tardaron meses en acostumbrarse a ello. It took them months to get used to it.
15 Ya te acostumbrars. You'II get used to it.
16 Yo antes coma en buenos restaurantes. I used to eat in good restaurants.
17 No estoy acostumbrado a restaurantes baratos. l'm not used to cheap restaurants.
18 Pues ms vale que te acostumbres a ello. Well you'd better get used to it.
19 Ahora que estoy en prisin, tengo Now that l'm in prison, I have to get used to a
que acostumbrarme a muchas lot of new things.
cosas nuevas.

20 No estoy acostumbrado a mi cama nueva. l'm not used to my new bed.

21 Antes dorma en una cama tamao rey. I used to sleep in a king-size bed.
22 Ahora tendr que acostumbrarme a sta. Now m have to get used to this one.
23 No estoy acostumbrado a la comida de la prisin. Tm not used to prison food.
24 Antes coma como un rey. I used to eat Iike a king.
25 Tendr que acostumbrarme a una nueva dieta. Ill have to get used to a new diet.
1 No estoy acostumbrado a la disciplina. I'm not used to discipline.
2 Antes haca lo que quera. I used to do whatever I wanted.
3 Supongo que me tendr que acostumbrar. I guess I'II have to get used to it.
4 No estoy acostumbrado a esta clase de gente. I'm not used to this kind of people.
5 Antes la gente me tema. People used to fear me.
6 Antes me respetaban. They used to respect me.
7 Yo antes era rico y famoso. I used to be rich and famous.
8 Ahora todo ha cambiado. Now everything has changed.
9 Tendr que acostumbrarme a vivir en la crcel. I'II have to get used to living in prison.
10 No tardars mucho en acostumbrarte al clima. It won't take you long to get used to the climate.
11 Antes vivamos en un clima ms seco. We used to Iive in a drier climate.
12 No puedo acostumbrarme a esta humedad. I can't get used to this humidity.
13 Se estn acostumbrando el uno a la otra. They're getting used to each other.
14 Yo antes haca las cosas de un modo diferente. I used to do things in a different way.
15 Pero ya me estoy acostumbrando a tu manera. But I'm already getting used to your way.
16 Se tarda bastante en acostumbrarse a mi estilo. It takes quite a while to get used to my style.
17 Antes haba un granero aqu. There used to be a barn here.
18 Antes haba muchos bares en esta calle. There used to be a Iot of bars on this street.
19 Antes iba de pesca con mi padre. I used to go fishing with my father.
20 Yo antes era misionero. I used to be a missionary.
21 No soy tan fuerte como antes. I'm not as strong as 1 used to be.
22 No tengo tanta paciencia como antes. I don't have as much patience as I used to have.
23 Ests acostumbrado al ruido? Are you used to the noise?
24 Nunca me acostumbrar a ello. I'II never get used to it.
25 Antes viva en un barrio muy tranquilo. 1 used to Iive in a very quiet neighborhood.
1 No hay agua en el vaso. There isn't any water in the glass.
2 Hay agua en el vaso. There's some water in the glass.
3 Hay un perro en esta casa. There's a dog in this house.
4 No hay ningn perro en esta casa. There isn't a dog in this house.
5 No hay perros en esta casa. There aren't any dogs in this house.
6 Tienes hijos? Do you have any children?
7 Estamos teniendo problemas. We're having some problems.
8 No recib cartas ayer. I didn't get any Ietters yesterday.
9 No hay gente all. There aren't any people there.
10 Hay gente all. There are some people there.
11 Hay mujeres en la marina? Are there any women in the navy?
12 Hay tigres en Rusia? Are there any tigers in Russia?
13 Hay correo para m? Is there any mail for me?
14 No ha habido incendios forestales este verano. There haven't been any forest fires this summer.
15 Dame agua. Give me some water.
16 No me des agua. Don't give my any water.
17 Necesito sal. I need some salt.
18 Hay manera de convencerles? Is there any way to convince them?
19 Tengo monedas. I have some coins.
20 No tengo monedas. I don't have any coins.
21 Tienes monedas? Do you have any coins?
22 No tengo ni idea. I have no idea.
23 No tengo abrigo. I don't have a coat.
24 No tengo libro. I don't have a book.
25 No tengo libros. I don't have any books.
1 Tienes libro? Do you have a book?
2 Tienes libros? Do you have any books?
3 No prestas atencin en clase. You dn't pay any attention in class.
4 No tengo mucho tiempo. I don't have much time.
5 No queda mucho. There isn't much left.
6 No quedan muchos. There aren't many left.
7 Tenemos poca agua. We have little water.
8 Tenemos un poco de agua. We have a little water.
9 Tenemos muy poco tiempo. We have very little time.
10 Tenemos menos dinero que ellos. We have less money than they do.
11 Tenemos menos oportunidades que ellos. We have fewer opportunities than they do.
12 Hay menos agua de lo que crees. There's less water than you think.
13 Hay menos gente de lo que crees. There are fewer people than you think.
14 Hay menos coches de lo que antes haba. There are fewer cars than there used to be.
15 No tengo tanto como t. I don't have as much as you do.
16 No tengo tantos como t. I don't have as many as you do.
17 No me des tanta comida. Don't give me so much food.
18 No me des tantos problemas. Don't give me so many problems.
19 Cunto haba? How much was there?
20 Cuntos haba? How many were there?
21 No haba tanto como esperaba. There wasn't as much as 1 expected.
22 No haba tantos como esperaba. There weren't as many as I expected.
23 Haba demasiado. There was too much.
24 Haba demasiados. There were too many.
25 Tengo perro pero no tengo gatos. I have a dog but 1 don't have any cats.
1 Puedo hacerlo. I can do it.
2 Te dije que poda hacerlo. I told you 1 could do it.
3 Puede que l lo haga. He may do it.
4 Te dije que l posiblemente lo hara. I told you he might do it.
5 Deberas hacerlo. You should do it. (ought to)
6 Debes hacerlo, (moralmente obligado) You must do it.
7 Tienes que hacerlo, (no hay ms remedio) You have to do it.
8 Ms vale que lo hagas, porque sino.... You'd better do it, because otherwise...
9 Ms te vale. You'd better.
10 Deberas llamarla ms a menudo. You ought to cali her more often. (should)
11 No deben de estar en casa. They must not be at home. (sin contraccin)
12 Ese seor debe de ser rico. That man must be rich.
13 Preferira estar contigo que con ella. I'd rather be with you than with her.
14 Nos vamos? Shall we go?
15 Qu hacemos? What shall we do?
16 Abro la ventana? Shall I open the window?
17 No tienes que convencerme. You don't have to convince me.
18 No debes tocar eso. You mustn't touch that.
19 No deberas estar aqu. You shouldn't be here.
20 Ms vale que te vayas, porque si no... You'd better leave, because otherwise...
21 Qu puedo hacer con esto? What can I do with this?
22 Es posible que sea demasiado tarde. It may be too late.
23 Es posible que haya un malentendido. There may be a misunderstanding.
24 Es posible que haya habido un malentendido. There may have been a misunderstanding.
25 No podra ser de otro modo. It couldn't be any other way.
1 Me dijeron que posiblemente llegaran tarde. They told me they might arrive late.
2 Puede que llueva, pero lo dudo. It might rain, but I doubt it.
3 No debes hacer eso. You mustn't do that.
4 Deberas ir al mdico. You should go to the doctor.
5 Preferira no ir. I'd rather not go.
6 Podras haberlo hecho. You could've done it.
7 Deberas haberlo hecho. You should've done it.
8 Deben de haberlo hecho, (seguramente) They must have done it.
9 No deberas haberlo hecho. You shouldn't have done it.
10 No deben de tener mucho dinero. They must not have a lot of money.
11 Ms vale que lleguen aqu pronto. They'd better get here soon.
12 Ms vale que tengas cuidado. You'd better be careful.
13 Ms vale que no te equivoques. You'd better not make a mistake.
14 Puede que haya una solucin. There may be a solution.
15 Te dije que posiblemente hubiera una solucin. I told you there might be a solution.
16 Puede que estn fuera, (de viaje) They may be away.
17 Puede que sea verdad. It may be true.
18 No deberas estar en la reunin? Shouldn't you be in the meeting?
19 Tengo que terminar un informe. I have to finish a report.
20 Debiste tener muchos problemas cuando eras ms You must've had a lot of problems when you were
joven. younger.
21 Puede que no hayan sido informados. They may not have been informed.
22 Puede que no sepan nada. They may not know anything.
23 Les llamo? Shall 1 cali them?
24 Ms vale que les llames. You'd better cali them.
25 Antes poda levantar esto sin problemas. I used to be able to Iift this without any problems.
1 Tardo media hora en preparar una lista. It takes me half an hour to prepare a Iist.
2 Estoy tardando mucho en preparar esta lista. It's taking me a long time to prepare this Iist.
3 Tard dos aos en aprender espaol. It took me two years to Iearn Spanish.
4 Tardar 20 minutos en terminar esta lista. It'II take me 20 minutes to finish this Iist.
5 Tardara ms si tomara un descanso para caf. It would take me longer if 1 took a coffee break.
6 He tardado tres das en llegar hasta esta lista. It's taken me three days to get to this Iist.
7 Te dije ayer que haba tardado tres das. I told you yesterday it had taken me three days.
8 Habra tardado ms si hubiera habido problemas. It would've taken me longer if there had been any
9 Antes tardaba menos en preparar una lista. It used to take me less time to prepare a Iist.
10 A veces puedo tardar ms de una hora. Sometimes it can take me more than an hour.
11 Debera tardar menos de 15 minutos. It should take me less than 15 minutes.
12 Puede que tarde dos horas en preparar esta lista. It may take me two hours to prepare this Iist.
13 Se tardan cinco horas en ir a Sevilla. It takes five hours to go to Seville.
14 Se tarda mucho tiempo en aprender un idioma. It takes a long time to Iearn a Ianguage.
15 Se tarda bastante tiempo. It takes quite a long time.
16 No se tarda mucho. It doesn't take long.
17 Cunto se tarda en aprender este programa? How long does it take to Iearn this program?
18 Cunto se tarda en volar a Nueva York? How long does it take to fly to New York?
19 Cunto se tarda en aprender a conducir? How long does it take to Iearn how to drive?
20 Tard mucho. It took me a long time.
21 Tardaste mucho. It took you a long time.
22 l tard mucho. It took him a long time.
23 Ella tard mucho. It took her a long time.
24 Tardamos mucho. It took us a long time.
25 Tardasteis mucho. It took you a long time.
1 Tardaron mucho. It took them a Iong time.
2 Cunto habis tardado hasta ahora? How Iong has it taken you up to now? (so far)
3 Cunto tardasteis el ao pasado? How Iong did it take you last year?
4 Cunto tardaris el mes que viene? How Iong will it take you next month?
5 Cunto tardarais si tuvierais ms ayuda? How Iong would it take you if you had more help?
6 Cunto me dijiste que habas tardado? How Iong did you tell me it had taken you?
7 Cunto habras tardado de haber tenido ayuda? How Iong would it have taken you if you had had
8 Por qu ests tardando tanto? Why is it taking you so Iong? (so much time)
9 Por qu estamos tardando tanto? Why is it taking us so Iong?
10 Por qu estn tardando tanto? Why is it taking them so Iong?
11 No s por qu tardo tanto en hacer esto. I don't know why it takes me so Iong to do this.
12 No s por qu tardan tanto en hacer aquello. I don't know why it takes them so Iong to do that.
13 Se tardarn unos dos meses. It'II take about two months.
14 Por qu se tardar tanto? Why will it take so Iong?
15 Siempre se tarda mucho en preparar algo as. It always takes a Iong time to prepare something like
16 Yo no tardar mucho, ya vers. It won't take me Iong, you'II see.
17 Hemos tardado mucho en llegar a este punto. It's taken us a Iong time to get to this point.
18 Tardaron meses en llegar a un acuerdo. It took them months to reach an agreement.
19 Cualquiera tardara menos que t. It would take anyone less time than you.
20 No tard mucho. It didn't take me Iong.
21 No tardars mucho. It won't take you Iong.
22 No hemos tardado mucho. It hasn't taken us Iong.
23 Cunto se tarda? How Iong does it take?
24 Cunto se tard? How Iong did it take?
25 Cunto se tardar? How Iong will it take?
1 Ganaron la apuesta pero no ganaron el concurso. They won the bet but they didn't win the contest.
2 Le dej hacerlo pero no le dej verla. 1 Iet him do it but I didn't Iet him see her.
3 La empresa creci pero no creci rpidamente. The company grew but it didn't grow quickly.
4 Fui a la tienda pero no fui al parque. I went to the shop but 1 didn't go to the park.
5 Le la carta pero no le el informe. I read the Ietter but I didn't read the report.
6 Vend el coche pero no vend la casa. I sold the car but 1 didn't sell the house.
7 Envi la carta pero no envi las fotos. I sent the Ietter but I didn't send the pictures.
8 Rob los cuadros pero no rob las joyas. I stole the pictures but I didn't steal the jewels.
9 Ense el alfabeto pero no ense los nmeros. I taught the alphabet but I didn't teach the numbers.
10 La llev al museo pero no la llev al palacio. I took her to the museum but I didn't take her to the
11 Dorm en mi casa pero no dorm en mi cama. I slept at home but I didn't sleep in my bed.
12 Olvid el libro pero no olvid los papeles. I forgot the book but I didn't forget the papers.
13 Conoca el problema pero no saba la solucin. I knew the problem but 1 didn't know the solution.
14 O el final pero no o el principio. I heard the end but 1 didn't hear the beginning.
15 Tena el libro pero no tena el bolgrafo. I had the book but I didn't have the pen.
16 Compr la comida pero no compr las bebidas. I bought the food but I didn't buy the drinks.
17 Eleg el rojo pero no eleg el azul. I chose the red one but I didn't choose the blue one.
18 Lo hice esta maana pero no lo hice ayer. I did it this morning but I didn't do it yesterday.
19 Vine en coche pero no vine solo. I carne by car but 1 didn't come alone.
20 Me senta raro pero no me senta mal. I felt strange but I didn't feel bad.
21 Vol a Roma pero no vol a Pars. I flew to Rome but 1 didn't fly to Pars.
22 Romp el vaso pero no romp la botella. I broke the glass but I didn't break the bottle.
23 Conduje el coche pero no conduje el tractor. I drove the car but 1 didn't drive the tractor.
24 Beb del vaso pero no beb de la botella. I drank from the glass but I didn't drink frorn the
25 Lo com todo pero no lo com rpidamente. I ate it all but I didn't eat it quickly.
1 Las ventas cayeron pero no cayeron tanto. The sales fell but they didn't fall that much.
2 Encontr el libro pero no encontr el informe. I found the book but I didn't find the report.
3 Pele con l pero no pele con ella. I fought with him but I didn't fight with her.
4 Cog el tren pero no lo cog en la estacin. I caught the train but 1 didn't catch it in the station.
5 Traje el informe pero no traje el borrador. I brought the report but I didn't bring the draft.
6 Constru la piscina pero no constru la casa. I built the pool but I didn't build the house.
7 Empec el informe pero no lo empec ayer. I began the report but I didn't begin it yesterday.
8 Habl con l pero no habl con ella. I spoke to him but I didn't speak to her.
9 Le dije lo que pas pero no le dije por qu. I told him what happened but 1 didn't tell him why.
10 Lo pens pero no lo pens demasiado. I thought about it but 1 didn't think about it too
11 Recib la carta pero no recib el regalo. I got the letter but 1 didn't get the gift.
12 Le di mi reloj pero no le di mi billetera. I gave him my watch but 1 didn't give him my wallet.
13 Le vi pero no le vi en su despacho. I saw him but 1 didn't see him in his office.
14 Guard una copia pero no guard un original. I kept a copy but I didn't keep an original.
15 La abandon pero no la abandon para siempre. I left her but 1 didn't leave her for good.
16 Le conoc en Pars pero no le conoc en un bar. I met him in Paris but I didn't meet him in a bar.
17 Hice un esfuerzo pero no hice un gran esfuerzo. I made an effort but I didn't make a big effort.
18 Perd mis gafas pero no perd mis guantes. I lost my glasses but I didn't lose my gloves.
19 Yo estuve all pero ellos no estuvieron. I was there but they weren't.
20 Me hice cura pero no llegu a ser obispo. I became a priest but I didn't become a bishop.
21 Trat con el vendedor pero no trat con el I dealt with the salesman but I didn't deal with the
contable. accountant.
22 Escond el revolver pero no escond el cuchillo. I hid the revolver but I didn't hide the knife.
23 Significaba mucho pero no significaba tanto. It meant a Iot but it didn't mean that much.
24 Los precios subieron pero no subieron tanto. The prices rose but they didn't rise that much.
25 Tir la comida pero no tir la cerveza. I threw away the food but I didn't throw away the
1 l ha hecho cosas que yo no hice de joven. He's done things I didn't do when 1 was young.
2 Yo lo vi pero ella no lo ha visto todava. I saw it but she hasn't seen it yet.
3 l siempre gana pero yo nunca he ganado. He always wins but Tve never won.
4 Nunca la he dejado hacer lo que quiere. Tve never let her do what she wants.
5 No hemos crecido tanto como crecimos en mayo. We haven't grown as much as we grew in May.
6 Ha sido ms fcil hoy de lo que fue ayer. It's been easier today than it was yesterday.
7 Le el informe pero no he ledo los anexos. 1 read the report but I haven't read the annexes
8 Vend el coche pero no he vendido la casa an. 1 sold the car but I haven't sold the house yet.
9 Envi la carta pero no he enviado las fotos an. I sent the letter but I haven't sent the pictures y
10 No lo han robado. They haven't stolen it.
11 No te he enseado el condicional todava. I haven't taught you the conditional yet.
12 La llev a lugares a donde nunca te he llevado. I tole her to places where l've never taken you.
13 Durmieron en sitios donde nunca he dormido. They slept in places where l've never slept.
14 Se te ha olvidado algo? Have you forgotten anything?
15 La conozco desde hace mucho tiempo. l've known her for a long time.
16 Nunca he odo chistes como los que oste ayer. l've never heard jokes like the ones you heard
17 No he tenido mucho tiempo. I haven't had much time.
18 Hemos comprado muchas cosas ltimamente. We've bought a lot of things lately.
19 Hemos elegido quedarnos aqu. We've chosen to stay here.
20 He venido para resolver la situacin. l've come to solve the situation.
21 Nunca me he sentido as. l've never felt this way.
22 Nunca he volado en un jumbo. l've never flown in a jumbo jet.
23 Nadie ha batido esa marca. No one has broken that record.
24 No he conducido el coche que condujiste ayer. I haven't driven the car you drove yesterday.
25 Ya he bebido ms de lo que beb anoche. l've already drunk more than I drank last night
1 Ya he comido ms de lo que com anoche. Tve already eaten more than I ate last night.
2 Los precios nunca han cado como cayeron ayer. Prices have never fallen like they fell yesterday.
3 Hemos luchado por todo lo que tenemos. We've fought for everything we have.
4 Has encontrado ya el informe? Have you found the report yet?
5 Has cogido alguna vez un resfriado de verano? Have you ever caught a summer cold?
6 No han trado las sillas todava. They haven't brought the chairs yet.
7 Por qu no lo has construido? Why haven't you build it?
8 Has empezado ya? Have you begun yet?
9 No he hablado con l ltimamente. I haven't spoken to him lately.
10 Se lo has dicho ya? Have you told him yet?
11 Has pensado alguna vez en jubilarte? Have you ever thought about retiring?
12 Has recibido el mensaje? Have you got (gotten) the message?
13 Me han dado bastantes problemas ltimamente. They've given me quite a few problems lately.
14 Por qu lo has guardado tanto tiempo? Why have you kept it so long?
15 No se han marchado todava. They haven't left yet.
16 Has conocido ya a Carol? Have you met Carol yet?
17 Hemos hecho un gran esfuerzo. We've made a big effort.
18 No hemos perdido mucho todava. We haven't lost much yet.
19 Dnde has estado? Where have you been?
20 Nunca he tratado con una persona como l. I've never dealt with a person like him.
21 Nunca te he ocultado mis sentimientos. Tve never hidden my feelings from you.
22 Ha significado mucho para m. It's meant a lot to me.
23 l se ha hecho muy irritable ltimamente. He's become very irritable lately.
24 Las ventas han subido mucho este ao. Sales have risen a lot this year.
25 Nunca he tirado algo importante. I've never thrown away anything important.

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