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Basic information on symptoms:Allergy

Well-balanced immune system enhances the physical resistance

Allergic predisposition is reported in one out two individuals in the U.S. and in one out of
three individuals in Japan

In 1870s, pollinotic patients accounted for one thousandth of the total population in the U.S. ("Hay fever in the
United States" by M. Weinman). The number of pollinotic patients has increased to 5% of the population. This
is a 50-fold increase. Cedar pollen has existed since the earliest times; ancient people were not allergic to it. In
the United States, a half of the individuals have been reported to have allergic predispositions, and a half of
them need to be medically treated for the allergy. In Japan, one third of the individuals have been reported to
have allergic predispositions. Almost a half of the children living urban areas, however, show allergic
symptoms ("Survey of the Trend in Health and Welfare", the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, 1991).

What is allergy?

Allergy is an abnormal reaction to certain substances that enter the body. It is a combination term of "Allos" and
"Ergon" in Greek, which mean "other" and "work", respectively.
The term of allergy is originally generated in the immunological field. Immunity is regarded as a beneficial
mechanism in the human body to escape from "epidemic diseases". By this mechanism, human body produces
antibodies against foreign substances (antigens). Antibodies once produced in the body bind to their antigens to
eliminate them. Antigen-antibody reactions are usually beneficial, but sometime hazardous to the body. Such
hazardous antigen-antibody reactions are called allergic reactions and are involved in the development of
various symptoms or diseases.
Allergy-inducing foreign substances are contained in food materials (well-knowns are eggs, milk, and
soybean), drugs, and pollen. Allergic diseases are known as rhinitis, asthma, pollinosis, and atopic

Allergy causing food materials

Milk and its products Milk (including coffee-flavored and fruit-flavored
products), butter, margarine, cheese, caramel, cake, ice
cream, pudding
Eggs and their products Eggs, chicken meat, mayonnaise, sponge cake, cake, ice
cream, pudding, deep-fried food, tempura
Grain food Buckwheat, wheat, soybean
Fish and shellfish Chub mackerel, tuna, salmon, cod, horse mackerel,
shrimp, crab
Types of allergy
Type Diseases
I Anaphylactic Asthma, rhinitis, hives, atopy, penicillin shock
II Cytotoxic Hemolytic anemia, leucopenia,
III Immune complex Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid
arthritis, serum sickness
IV Cell immunity Tuberculin reaction, lacquer and other contact
dermatitis, organ transplantation

Other than antigens truly foreign to the host body, the immune system may sometimes mistakenly recognize the
host cells or tissues or their constituents as foreign materials and may produce antibodies against them.
Reactions of such antibodies with the so-called autoantigens are involved in the development of unique
autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatism, erythematosus, and collagen diseases including scleroderma.

Recent prevalent of allergic diseases

Atopic diseases have been rarely reported In Japanese people

until 60 to 90 years ago. In fact, almost no patients with asthma
or pollinosis were reported during the World War II. Nowadays,
however, almost one third of the people have allergic symptoms
as mentioned above. What was behind the tremendous changes?
The answer must be the imbalance in the autonomic nervous
system, hormones, and/or the immune system due to the
following living environmental changes: [1] changes of the
urban environment (air pollution/exhaust fumes), [2]
changes in dwelling environment (As aluminum sash
windows became available in housing, houses became highly
airtight. This leads to increases in amounts of indoor
pollutants and allergens. Allergens are substances, against
which antibodies are produced. Mites are a typical allergen
seen in dwelling environment.), [3] westernization of dietary
life, and [4] increases in physical and mental stress. Chlorella
and Eleuthero are highly effective in making the autonomic
nerve system and the immune system well-balanced. Our
association has received hundreds and dozens of successful case
reports on allergic diseases, including 900 reports describing
recoveries from rheumatism, 700 reports from asthma, 600
reports from rhinitis, and 52 reports from pollinosis, as well as
27 reports from erythematosus that is usually referred to an
incurable disease.

Japan Chlorella Treatment Association All Rights Reserved.

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