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Nature Environment and Pollution Technology ISSN: 0972-6268 Vol. 11 No. 3 pp.

377-380 2012
An International Quarterly Scientific Journal

Original Research Paper

Hydro-Chemical Assessment of Groundwater Considering Distillery Effluent

Bineet Singh, J. S. Chauhan* and Anuraag Mohan
Department of Chemistry, Bareilly College, M. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly-243 006, U. P., India
*Department of Environmental Science, College of Basic Science & Humanities, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and
Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, Uttarakhand, India

Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech.
Website: The objective of this study is to evaluate contamination of groundwater due to distillery effluent irrigation. The
groundwater chemistry was studied in a series of eight multi-level depth locations of Gajraula and its suburb
Received: 1/1/2012 of JP Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh. The treated distillery effluent was used twice @ 225-50 m/ha as a pre-
Accepted: 1/3/2012 sown irrigation. The study was conducted in pre-irrigation and post-irrigation phase for the year 2008-2009.
Key Words: The comparative analysis showed that private wells (shallower hand pumps) have high NO3-, BOD and Fe
Distillery effluent irrigation concentrations as compared to the public supply wells (deep boreholes) during the post irrigation. The TDS,
Groundwater contamination Cl- and Ca+2 values were found near to IS:10500 permissible limit values i.e., 500 mg/L, 250 mg/L and 75
Gajraula mg/L respectively. However, negative effect of the effluent irrigation on groundwater quality was reported at
R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 sites, which may have been influenced by industrial, local agricultural practices,
distillery lagoon and effluent irrigation as mixed sources.

INTRODUCTION et al. 2003). Therefore, study of groundwater chemistry be-

neath the effluent irrigation site is important for maintain-
Scientists working closely on issue of wastewater reuse are
ing its quality particularly in a rural settlement because of
far from having solved all concerns related to this practice.
risk to leaching of chemicals and other toxic ions from ef-
As public health concerns are normally among the main con-
straints for reuse, any scenario will need to include detailed
risk assessments. To achieve an adequate risk assessment, MATERIALS AND METHODS
data pertaining to physical and chemical factors are neces-
sary. Used water after industrial, agricultural and domestic Experimental site and groundwater monitoring: The ex-
processes is generally considered as wastewater and disposed periments were conducted at Gajraula and its suburbs of JP
into surrounding environment (Rahmani 2007). The farm- Nagar in Uttar Pradesh, India. The site falls under the Indo-
ers in the vicinity of distilleries always used the wastewater Gangetic plains at 2850N latitude, 7813E longitude and
particularly distillery effluent in an organized or unorgan- an altitude of 273 m above mean sea level. The groundwater
ized way into their fields without considering its impact on samples were collected from eight multi-level depths loca-
groundwater. Although, from an important point of view, tions i.e., R-1 Azadpur (12m), R-2 Sahbazpur (15m), R-3
the chemical nature of treated distillery spent wash is im- Sultanther (18m), R-4 Mahmoodpur (15m), R-5 Sihali
portant to crop but also sufficient to cause accumulation or (22m), R-6 Raja Farm (27m), R-7 Basti (30m) and R-8 Alipur
contamination in groundwater because of high salt and nu- (32m) surrounding Gajraula. The treated effluent was used
trients still remain due to variation in feed stocks, alcohol twice between early spring to till start of monsoon season.
manufacturing process and treatment methodologies. The water samples were collected into two phases i.e., pre-
Several researchers have shown positive effects of efflu- irrigation (February to June, 2008) and post-irrigation (Sep-
ent irrigation on soil fertility and crop yields on short term tember, 2008 to January, 2009) respectively (Table 1 & Ta-
basis (Pathak et al. 1999, Saha et al. 2005). However, on ble 2). Collected samples were analysed for physico-chemi-
long term basis such practices might increase the potential cal characteristics including pH, Cl-, NO3-, BOD, TDS, Na+,
risk to groundwater quality (Joshi et al. 2000). In addition, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Zn, Pb and Fe as per standard methods given
safe utilization of wastewater for irrigation requires the use by APHA (1995). All the chemical analysis was performed
of proper treatment and several precautionary measures in in Eco-technology laboratory, Department of Environmen-
place like dilution, as it may cause environmental and hu- tal Science, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Tech-
man health problems (Buechler & Mekala 2005, Bradford nology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India.
378 Bineet Singh et al.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION from industrial effluent. Similarly Joshi (1999) reported high
salt content and TDS in groundwater due to effluent irriga-
pH and TDS: Hydrogen ion concentration in groundwater tion. Effluent irrigation induces a groundwater cycle that
samples was alkaline in nature both in pre and post-irriga- increases the salinity in the upper aquifer through irrigation
tion period. The pH ranged from 6.6 to 7.8 in the all sam- return flow (Stigter et al. 2006), thereby increasing the con-
ples. As the pH is related to a variety of different param- centrations of all ions present in solution. Water with the
eters, it is not possible to determine whether pH has a direct higher solid residues is normally less palatable and may in-
relationship with human health but it is argued that pH has duce an unfavourable physiological reaction.
an indirect effect as it can effect water treatment processes
Nitrate: The analysis showed that concentration of nitrate
(Aramini et al. 2009).
decreased with increasing sampling depth. Concentration of
The TDS values were found to be relatively higher in NO3- was found to be maximum at the depth of 12m and
post-irrigation phase in respect to pre-irrigation phase. The minimum at 32m during both pre and post-irrigation. Among
total dissolved solids values fluctuate between 151 mg/L and all the experimental locations, R-1, R-2 and R-3 locations
642 mg/L throughout the experimental year. The higher TDS showed higher nitrate concentration i.e., 71.2, 61.1 and 46.5
values were found to be 642.3, 581.2 and 517.1 mg/L re- mg/L respectively during post-irrigation phase while at R-1
spectively at R-1, R-2 and R-3 sites during post-irrigation sites in pre-irrigation phase was maximum nitrate i.e., 45.4
as compared to pre-irrigation phase values i.e., 318, 305 and mg/L (Table 1 & Table 2). These nitrate levels were discov-
301.8 mg/L respectively. The percentage increase in dis- ered in hand pumps installed adjacent to distillery wash la-
solved solids between both phases were also represented i.e., goon that is centre-point irrigation systems located in area.
R-1 (101 %), R-2 (90.4 %), R-3 (72.2%), R-4 (50 %), R-5 This is probably due to the fact that the shallow water is
(53.4 %), R-6 (41.3 %), R-7 (35.7 %) and R-8 (33.2 %) re- more prone to leached nitrate released by lagoon, agricul-
spectively (Fig. 1). This may be due to percolation of salts tural and effluent irrigation practices.

Table 1: Mean concentration of the groundwater characteristics during pre-irrigation period.

Sites Depth Parameter

(m) pH Cl- N03- BOD TDS Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++ Pb++ Zn++ Fe++

R-1 12 6.60.2 41.1 4.1 45.45.5 3.60.4 31822.3 31.89.2 11.61.8 40.611.2 16.43.4 0.0180.002 0.200.005 0.7710.08
R-2 15 6.60.1 37.63.0 40.06.2 3.00.2 030514.2 28.45.4 10.21.2 36.79.1 13.62.2 0.0150.001 0.140.003 0.6210.03
R-3 18 7.20.1 28.02.4 28.12.0 2.40.2 301.817.4 24.47.0 8.00.3 25.36.2 10.60.0 0.0070.0006 0.1010.003 0.4980.09
R-4 22 7.20.3 18.54.0 22.23.2 2.40.4 264.219.0 19.63.2 6.00.8 20.84.0 12.4 1.3 0.0070.0002 0.0710.002 0.3480.06
R-5 25 7.30.1 18.22.3 13.13.1 2.40.2 215.224.1 15.34.2 4.50.2 16.95.3 8.11.0 0.0040.0001 0.0630.00 0.3480.04
R-6 27 7.40.2 12.23.0 10.40.6 2.00.2 198.415.2 10.21.2 4.70.5 11.10.8 7.00.5 0.0030.0001 0.043 0.003 0.2210.03
R-7 30 7.20.1 7.51.3 6.20.3 1.80.1 15121.0 5.43.0 2.50.5 8.090.4 5.00.7 0.0040.0 0.0120.004 0.2260.04
R-8 32 7.20.2 4.90.4 5.01.0 1.80.3 15811.4 5.02.1 1.20.1 8.40.2 4.20.3 0.0030.0 0.0120.005 0.2210.04
Permissible 6.5-8.5 250 45 3 500 * * 75 30 0.05 5 0.3
Limit (IS:10500)

All parameters in mg/L except pH, *Not declared

Table 2: Mean concentration of the groundwater characteristics during post-irrigation period.

SitesDepth Parameter
(m) pH Cl- N03- BOD TDS Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++ Pb++ Zn++ Fe++

R-1 12 7.80.4 58.011.4 71.216.2 5.40.7 642.318.5 46.511.1 21.34.4 71.19.4 25.14.2 0.0220.004 0.480.02 1.6210.3
R-2 15 7.50.2 51.59.2 61.113.4 4.80.3 581.224.5 40.39.3 18.52.5 58.311.1 21.22.5 0.0220.004 0.3260.04 1.2200.3
R-3 18 7.50.2 35.214.2 46.510.5 3.60.1 517.135.1 35.114.0 14.43.1 40.17.4 18.84.0 0.0100.002 0.1910.07 0.8920.4
R-4 22 7.40.1 22.26.8 34.57.5 3.60.6 396.211.5 28.69.6 10.20.9 33.29.2 18.22.0 0.0120.001 0.1260.002 0.7120.2
R-5 25 7.20.2 27.46.5 20.44.5 3.00.3 330.014.1 22.13.4 8.10.5 24.44.1 14.41.8 0.0050.003 0.1180.004 0.4100.3
R-6 27 7.60.1 18.53.4 15.26.9 2.40.4 280.521.2 12.15.1 6.00.4 18.25.0 11.12.0 0.0030.0003 0.0720.002 0.3860.6
R-7 30 7.40.2 10.02.0 7.00.8 2.40.1 205.117.3 6.42.7 3.00.6 11.13.2 5.80.6 0.0040.00 0.0100.004 0.3470.4
R-8 32 7.40.2 6.11.2 5.91.2 2.40.3 210.524.0 5.81.8 2.40.3 11.41.1 6.20.8 0.0030.00 0.0170.002 0.2760.2
Permissible 6.5-8.5 250 45 3 500 * * 75 30 0.05 5 0.3
Limit (IS:10500)

All parameters in mg/L except pH, *Not declared

Vol. 11, No. 3, 2012 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


Fig. 2: Percent increase in cation concentrations during

Fig.1: Percent increase in different parameters during post-irrigation period.
post-irrigation period.

Fig. 3: Percent increase in metal concentrations during post-irrigation period.

Biochemical oxygen demand: The BOD values in post- Na+ were well within the prescribed limit but high concen-
irrigation phase were found to be higher in respect to pre- tration of sodium ion may pose a risk to persons suffering
irrigation period for all the eight sites. However, the maxi- from cardiac, renal and circulatory diseases (Reddy et al.
mum BOD values were reported at R-1 (5.4 mg/L) and mini- 2011). The K+ values ranged from 1.2 to 21.3 mg/L in pre
mum at R-7 and R-8 sites (1.8 mg/L) during both the phases and post-irrigation phases. However, sites R-1, R-2 and R-3
(Fig. 1). Higher BOD values of water samples clearly indi- showed similar trends in % increase in K+ concentrations
cate pollution and may be attributed to the percolation of i.e., 83.6%, 81.3% and 80% respectively during the post-
wastewater loaded with biodegradable compounds monsoon phase (Fig. 2). The significant change in K+ value
(Pitchammal et al. 2009). may be due to repeated application of irrigation leading to
Cations and anions: The mean concentration of Na+, K+, accumulations of said cation. Similar trends were observed
Ca+2 and Mg+2 were found to be more in water samples col- for Ca+2 and Mg+2. The Ca+2 values ranged from 8.09 to 71
lected during the post-irrigation phase compared to water mg/L, while Mg+2 values ranged from 4.0 to 25.1 mg/L re-
samples collected during pre-monsoon phase. The values of spectively. The maximum and minimum % increase were

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology Vol. 11, No. 3, 2012

380 Bineet Singh et al.

reported in K+ and Na+ concentrations followed by other Environmental Science, G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar for pro-
among the all the cations. The Cl- anions ranged between viding financial support as well as laboratory facility to carry
4.9 mg/L and 58 mg/L in all hand pumps during the study out this research. Finally, the authors also thankful to Dean
period. All the values recorded were well below the permis- (CBS&H) and Director (Experiment Station), G.B.P.U.A.
sible limits i.e., 250 mg/L issued by BIS: 10500 (1991). and T., Pantnagar and Jubilant Organosys Ltd., Gajraula for
Heavy metals: Water samples collected from both irriga- their technical assistance during this study.
tion phases showed Pb and Zn values within the prescribed REFERENCES
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ent could lead to significant leaching of inorganic compo- Pathak, H., Joshi, H.C., Chaudhary, A., Chaudhary, R., Kalra, N. and
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT groundwater quality index as an assessment and communication tool
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The authors are grateful to Professor and Head Dr. Uma 327: 578-591.
Melkaniya and Professor Dr. J. P. N. Rai, Department of

Vol. 11, No. 3, 2012 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

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