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Attitude,Values, Morals and Ethics: Together they are mental constructs that serve as instruments for

behavior regulations. They are responsible for guiding our decision making and influence our choices
and they also direct our behavior. (Behavior regulation is why we have moral education and ethics in
syllabus) In essence the prescriptions and Prohibitions

Constructs are things that cannot be directly observed or measured.

Ques: That values morals ethics attitude simplify our interaction with environment by making our
behavioral choices parsimonious (Restrict/Make economical) :: EMVA are held by individual but carry
the influence of the society. They seek social approval, and thus get prioritized and thus save us
confusion by restricting choices. Eg: Soldier dies for his country because patriotism is highly valued.
Among choices we have, they assign a relative worth to each choice, making our decisions easier.
Eg: Service over personal ambition.

We get to know about EVMA via behavior (Anything a human does which can be observed and
measured in some way eg: Sleep is a behaviour)

They are made up of:

Beliefs or cognitions (Opinions, Ideas, factual or non factual)
Emotions and feeling
Action tendency or behavior dimension

Aptitude may be potential ability. May be innate or acquired.

Aptitude (plus EVMA/Power to differentiate between right and wrong and follow the path of
righteousness plus Integrity will ensure that this path is followed across time and space) =
Effectiveness. I.e. Aptitude/Acumen without EVMA is useless.

Static or Dynamic? No. Relatively Permanent. They affect our identity(Concept of self) and we want
our identity to be stable thus very rapid changes are ruled out. Also they require time, energy and cost
for character development, thus need to relatively permanent. Also departure from from them causes
tension and guilt, thus tendency to retain and people generally are guided by consistency. Environment
is constantly changing and to adapt and reach to stable equilibrium we exhibit few changes.

EVMA basis of identity. But we have multitude of behaviors, a set a permissible behaviors, and this set
is used to meet environmental challenges. Eg: patriotism as a value : behavior directed towards nation
building by different means eg Army, teacher, politician, Philanthropists etc. Thus a spectrum of
behaviors is allowed under value of patriotism. Thus during change, value remain same but set of
behaviors change, example now constructive criticism is also considered patriotic vs Nazi patriotism.
IF environmental changes are very dynamic then values also change eg: Buddha and Asoka

Identity= personal feedback plus societal feedback. Its gives you a frame of refernce to deal with
objects of world.

Why do sectional (eg Jat reservation) stirs take place? Because probably the section provides persons
with more identity than being an indian and is subsequently also more prestigious. And shows lack of
social capital generation by government. (Rapid politicization has made law enforcement powerless
because when a constable shoots there are human rights intervention but when the terrorist shoots there
isnt any, and shows the impunity people possess.) Catch-22 situation for government because violence
vs wrong precedent.

Absolute or relative: Context and situation independent or not

Deolotological vs Teleological : Gandhi: They are absolute because not just ends but means also matter.
Socrates they are absolute. Vs Anekantavada

Ques: is the truth a truth when nobody speaks it and is lie a lie even when everybody speaks it?
Ashvathama? Business? Pathak sirs sage example ? Relative vs Absolute? Ans: if the truth is spoken
for the sake of truth then it is moral, but if is told for pride of being honest then it is wrong. Thus
yudhistar can be justified because his half truth was not for himself or his ego.

Culture specific as well as universal: values are adhesives of a society. Since they all bind people
together they are universal eg: brotherhood, integrity etc. Eg; truth is universal but importance of truth
is different Eg: family dependence vs Individualism

Subjective or objective: very few values are objective, and thus most are subjective due to orientation,
culture, time and space based interpretation.
Value: Worth we allocate to something is our value. They are abstract, global (Everything is subsumed
under value) and are general determinants of behavior(not specific) . They are not tied to any specific
object and are intangible. [Abstracts, Global, Object free, general determinants]

When values get tied they become attitudes They are object tide, domain is narrower than values and
attitudes are specific predictors of behavior. We would want to know a persons' attitudes to predict his
behavior. Attitudes are the values that have been applied to specific objects.

Value: Has multiple attitudes: and each attitude has multiple behaviors within it. There can be
incoherence too eg: We value Peace but are Pro-War with Pakistan.

Values held by the individual and distinguishing between right and wrong are known as morals. Every
moral is a value but every value is not a moral. Conscience is thus the fundamental force driving
Morals. Thus they are the inhibitory conditioning within individual that prevent him from wrong
doings. When you don't heed the voice of conscience it led to crisis of conscience.

Ego Ideal: Goal that are cherished and therefore should be pursued.

I may have Moral with are unethical and ethics which are immoral:
Eg: Sati abolition was a moral of Ram mohan roy, though Sati was ethical during that time and
subsequently became society ethics.
Eg: moral could be Dr. will not treat criminals, vs ethic of treating every patient. But if I don't I will
lose my job, and in a cost benefit analysis I have to the criminal, and slowly moral is changed.

Values may neither be Ethical nor moral. Eg: Aesthetics: Moral police to dress a specific way. Should
that judgement be allowed or not then?

Ethics: Societal and b/w right and wrong. Represented by norms ( ie Set of behavior agreed upon by
societal members and are binding on all members )

Eg: Infidelity: Un-ethical: Because society will never encourage it

Immoral: because the SuperEgo/Character is tuned against it

Character: Socialization of Ego and Sanctions in deviation from ego ideal

Behavious: Both environment and heridity/Self, Only degrees change

Based on liking: Interest :: Transient/Shortlived, Specific
Based on Importance: Value :: Relatively permanent , Global and abstract
(Any interest when generalized and dominant will become Value and vice Vera)
Value---->Judgement -----> Right and wrong----- Ind: Moral, Societal: Ethics
Not in Right/ wrong (eg. Appreciation of Art)

Thus not all value help us choose between right or wrong, But they allow us to make judgement.
Also EVMA act as Motivation, Allow better decision making.
Value vs behaviorism inconsistency: Conflict
behavior vs attitude: dissonance
behavior vs moral: Guilt
Behavior vs Ethics: Social Isolation
But we Justify and continue with these behaviours.

Socialisation: Life long process, of shaping individual social tendencies so that he becomes a useful
and productive member of society. A nascent biological infant becomes a sharing and participative
member of his society. He is indoctrinated into his culture(Sum total of behavior patterns and values
and is transmitted among members of given society). It allows you to be your own person (So you are
selfless, in your own way)

Functions: And socialization is a process by which culture is transmitted from one generation to next.
Also Individual develops his personality by learning the contents of his culture .

We turn from self centric individual (I) to relatively selfless social being (Self) via agencies of
socialization via observations, conditioning, learning, role acting/ game play

1st leads to
lifestyle and

Will lead to
depression and
of potential

Both have elements of socialisation, but role models and socialization patterns are different
Family: Network of relationships, marked by cooperation, continuity and emotionality. Not duplicated
in any other system. (Informal agency of socialization)

Parenting: discipline and inculcate values in unsocialised child: Translating love and affection into
different styles of parenting:
Authoritarian(Restricting autonomy of their children, and impose their value system, Children
are generally over compliant or extremely hostile, less cooperative, selfish, opinionated/biased)
Democratic: Rational issue oriented manner, use threat/ withdrawal of love as tool of discipline,
Patience and tolerance needed., Positive re-enforcement , Child are objective, impartial, patent
and tolerant,empathetic and cooperative
Permissive : provide children as much freedom as consistent with child physical survival,
Neglect, non-involvement, apathy and indifference. Children are indifferent , recluse,
uninterested , but sometime are extremely creative as well

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