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a. Ask her : how are you doing today mam?

b. Introduce yourselves and your purpose
c. Tell her about the viewing of the interview for learning purposes
d. Tell her that she may refuse to answer questions whenever she feels uncomfortable

AFTER: Thank her a lot

1. Is nursing your primary choice? Why or why not?
a. Who influenced you to become a nurse?
2. How would you define your role as a head nurse?
a. What are the specific tasks of a head nurse which differs from a regular staff nurse, a
chief nurse or a supervisor?
3. How would you consider the availability or work in this type of nursing field?
4. How many years have you been in service before you were promoted as a head nurse?
a. What made you stay in this profession for a long time?
b. How did you enter in this type of profession?
c. Did you have to submit requirements and loads of paperwork to be admitted?
5. What are the possible qualifications or standards a nurse must have to be hired in this type of
6. How many hours do you render at work?
a. Do you do overtime?
b. Given this hours of workload, are you still able to function optimally during duties?
c. How does your hours of workload affect you physically and other aspects of your life?
7. Does this type of nursing profession provide opportunities for advancement (like seminars,
advanced education and skills acquisition and such)?
a. What are the hindering factors towards achieving professional advancement that you
have encountered?
b. What are the facilitating factors towards achieving professional advancement?
c. Do you have plans on advancing to a higher level of nursing managerial position in the
8. In the long run of your service in the nursing profession, are you confident in the quality of care
you are rendering to patients?
9. If its ok for you mam, may we ask about your salary? You may not answer if you dont feel
comfortable with the question.
a. How much is your monthly salary in this institution?
b. What are the deductions?
c. Do you receive any benefits free from taxation?
d. Is it just enough to sustain your daily living or do you still have spare to spend on other
e. Are you satisfied with your salary given the workload?
10. Lastly, what advice can you give to aspiring future nursing leaders, managers or future staff

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