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Difficult job interview questions

Nobody said that a career in teaching would be easy, and you thought getting
qualified would be the hardest part of the journey. As many aspiring teachers soon
learn, that's just the start.

Possibly the most difficult aspect of a teaching career is actually landing a teaching
job where you get to put all your teaching skills to practice. In the long run, getting
that coveted teaching position comes down to one thing, the interview. Making a poor
impression or not being able to supply good answers could end in disaster. A little
preparation can go a long way to helping you secure that new job, and being prepared
for the toughest interview questions is vital.

The following are 10 difficult interview questions you should prepare to answer:

1. Describe your classroom management philosophy.

2. What would you do if the entire class began dropping pencils on the floor at
the same time?
3. Describe how you might assess a student's higher-order thinking skills.
4. Where do you hope to be 10 years from now
5. What would you do if you taught a concept and 60% of the class understood it
fully and the other 40% was completely lost?
6. How would you implement differentiated instruction?
7. In what ways would you communicate with the principal?
8. How would you implement differentiated instruction?
9. If you had a student who was extremely gifted, what could you do with him or
10. Do you have any questions for us?

Are you prepared to answer each of these tough teachers interview questions for that
teaching post you hope to get? What if I told you there were another 40 more equally
tough questions that teachers are often asked during job interviews? Would you know
what they are and could you answer them?

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