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Post 7 Interviews

Draft 1

Vox-pop Questions and Why

Question 1 What are the consequences of getting tattoos or piercings?

Why We asked this question so we could see how society feels about the dangers of
getting tattoos or piercings and how they felt about this. People who are for tattoos or
piercings may say few or no dangers whereas people against tattoos or piercings will state
multiple dangers.

Question 2 Why do you think people get tattoos?

Why We asked this question so we could see peoples opinions on why people will get the
tattoos or piercings, answers will range from trying to fit in, artistic choice or out of an in the
moment decision on the behalf of the individual.

Question 3 Would you ever get a tattoo or piercing?

Why We asked this question so that we could get a better understanding of the persons
own views on the idea of getting a tattoo or piercing as this may have an effect on the
answers to the other questions, if they would not get one themselves they might be more
likely to disagree with them.

Question 4 Out of the two photos, who are you more likely to employ?

Why We asked this question so that we could see the impact of tattoos and piercings on
employability. The photos were of two men, one with tattoos and the other without. The
answers given will show the bias that people have for or against people with tattoos.

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