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5, SEPTEMBER 2000 3029

Effect of Light on the Magnetic Properties of Cobalt

Ferrite Nanoparticles
Anit K. Giri, Kelly Pellerin, Wanida Pongsaksawad, Monica Sorescu, and Sara A. Majetich

Abstract—We report variations in the coercivity of CoFe2 O4 II. EXPERIMENTAL

nanoparticles as a function of particle size, temperature and light
intensity. For 30 nm particles, this change in was 2300 Oe at 10K, Standard co-precipitation techniques [7] were used to pre-
120 Oe at 170K, for a light intensity of under 2 milliwatts. The pare cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. Aqueous solutions of iron and
remanent magnetization was nearly unchanged by illumination. A cobalt chlorides in a 2 : 1 molar ratio were made and mixed
simple model of optical absorption followed by electron transfer
between Co2+ and Fe3+ ions is proposed. with an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, and then heated
for 90 minutes at 100 C. We prepared samples with different
Index Terms—Cobalt ferrite, coercivity, photomagnetic effect, particle sizes by changing the molar ratio of metals to hydroxyl
remanent magnetization.
ions. The resulting powder was then annealed at 250 C for
24 h. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was used to
I. INTRODUCTION determine the average particle size. The phase was verified
using X-ray diffraction. A Mössbauer Spectrometer with a
T HE PHOTOMAGNETIC effect is a change in the
magnetic properties when a material is illuminated.
Photomagnetic materials include Y Fe O with various
Co source was used to determine the site occupancies of the
iron ions, and the superparamagnetic fraction.
dopants, Ga-doped CdCr Se , Co-doped Ni–Zn ferrite, Li and Dilute samples were prepared by dispersing 0.1 wt.% of
Mg–ferrites, Ru-doped Li–ferrite, FeBO [1], and the molec- cobalt ferrite nanoparticles in an optical epoxy, so that the
ular magnet K Co [Fe(CN) ].6.9H O [2]. The magnetic samples could be uniformly illuminated inside the SQUID by
ions can assume different valence states so that optical absorp- an optical fiber. The cross sectional area of the sample was
tion leads to electronic transfer. For example, light induced 0.23 cm , and the length was 1.5 cm.
increases in the coercivity of K Co [Fe(CN) ].6.9H O The magnetic properties were measured using a SQUID
have been attributed to electron transfer between the Fe and magnetometer between 10 and 300K, with a maximum field of
Co ions following light absorption [2]. Sensing and optical 50 kOe. Broad band visible light from a tungsten halogen lamp
recording require a photomagnetic effect at room temperature. was collimated and focused into the optical fiber. The unifor-
To better understand the mechanism, we have investigated the mity of illumination and the power incident on the sample were
effect of light on the coercivity and magnetization cobalt ferrite calibrated outside. The magnetization at a given temperature
nanoparticles between 10 and 300K. To stabilize the optically was stabilized prior to data collection. The light intensity
induced effect at higher temperature, CoFe O ( 520 C was varied to saturate the change in coercivity. Temperature
[3]) was selected. Since Co has a greater single ion anisotropy dependent measurements used an incident light intensity of
[4], [5] than other transition metals, charge transfer involving 1.95 mW, sufficient for saturation.
this ion should cause the largest changes in coercivity. More-
over, cobalt ferrite nanoparticles have a large surface anisotropy
X-ray diffraction indicated a single phase of cobalt ferrite.
From TEM the average particle sizes of the two samples were
Manuscript received February 14, 2000. This work was supported in part by 17 4 nm and 30 5 nm. Cobalt ferrite has an inverse spinel
the NSF under Grant CTS-9800127 and ACS Petroleum Research Fund Grant structure which at equilibrium has half of the Fe ions on tetra-
33866-AC5. The work of W. Pongsaksawad was supported by the Carnegie
Mellon Data Storage Systems Center REU program, funded by NSF Grant hedral (A) sites and half on octahedral (B) sites. The Co ions
ECD-8907068. The work of M. Sorescu was supported in part by the National are also on B sites. Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed that for
Science Foundation under Grant DMR-990550, and by the Air Force Office of both samples 49.2% of the Fe atoms exist as Fe ions at A
Scientific Research under Grant F49620-96-1-0454.
A. K. Giri and S. A. Majetich are with the Physics Department, Carnegie sites, 33.3% are Fe ions at B-sites, and 7.9% are Fe ions at
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA (e-mail: {giri; sm70}@an- B sites. Fits to the Mössbauer spectra also indicated that 9.6% of total iron particles were superparamagnetic at room temper-
K. Pellerin was with the Physics Department, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA. She is now with NEC, Princeton, NJ USA. ature for both samples.
W. Pongsaksawad was a REU student with the Carnegie Mellon Data Storage Fig. 1 shows the remanent magnetization, , as a function
Systems Center. of light intensity. is almost independent of the intensity up
M. Sorescu is with the Physics Department, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh,
PA 15282 USA (e-mail: to the highest value studied, but the coercivity decreased and
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9464(00)10999-9. then leveled off at approximately 2 mW (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows
0018–9464/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

Fig. 1. Remanent magnetiation and coercivity as a function of incident light

intensity at 80K.
Fig. 3. Coercivity as a function of temperature with and without illumination.
The incident light intensity was 1.95 mW.

Fig. 2. Remanent magnetization as a function of temperature, with and without

Fig. 4. The change in coercivity, 1H between I = 0 mW and I = 1.95 mW,
as a function of temperature.
1.95 mW illumination from a tungsten–halogen lamp. Measurements were made
after saturating the samples in 50 kOe field.
even at room temperature. drops off to roughly the same
the remanent magnetization as a function of temperature. value at 170K for both samples. If this is a blocking temperature
depends strongly on temperature but is unchanged by op- for the smaller particles in each sample, the particle size can be
tical illumination. The smaller remanence for the 17 nm sample estimated from the relation ) where is
is attributed to larger surface area and hence greater surface spin the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, is the particle volume,
canting [6]. is the Boltzmann constant, is the blocking temperature, is
If the change in remanence upon illumination is entirely the typical measurement time and is the thermal attempt
due to heating, then frequency, here taken to be the Larmor frequency (10 Hz).
Using ergs/cc at the room temperature [3],
(1) 10 s and 170K, the average diameter is calculated to be
roughly 9 nm. This is consistent with a bimodal size distribution
For consistency the change in coercivity should be given by a
with the small size peak at 9 nm for both samples, and agrees
related formula,
with the Mössbauer results. However, the remanent magnetiza-
(2) tions show no kink at this temperature and we cannot prove this
is the reason for the change in . If cobalt ferrite has
with the same value of . For our data at 80K and a a metal-insulator transition analogous to Verwey transition in
light intensity of 1.95 mW, 0.12% and 0.6K. How- magnetite, with rapid charge exchange above 170K and local-
ever from Fig. 3, (80.6K, 0 mW) 10 400 Oe, while ized charges below, then the sample could relax to its original
(80K, 1.95 mW) 9265 Oe, so the effect cannot be explained state within the measurement time and should drop off.
by heating. Similar inconsistencies are found at different tem- The microscopic mechanism responsible for optically
peratures and light intensities for both samples. induced changes in is interpreted in terms of published
Fig. 4 shows that the coercivity decreases with temperature spectroscopic data for bulk CoFe O and Co Fe O thin
whether or not the sample is illuminated. The change in coer- films. In cobalt ferrite the magnetic moments of tetrahedral
civity with and without 1.95 mW illumination, , drops off (A) and octahedral (B) site ions are antiparallel. From the data
nearly linearly up to 170K, and then decreases more slowly up of polar Kerr rotation angle as a function of photon energy
to room temperature. In comparison, the largest for other and Mössbauer spectroscopy [8], [9], two peaks with energies
ferrite systems was approximately 5 Oe at 77K, and for yttrium of approximately 2 eV were assigned. One was a crystal
iron silicate was 21 Oe at 66K [1]. A small change, field transition of Co ( A T (P)) at the tetrahedral
15 2 Oe, persisted to room temperature for both samples. By site. Overlapping it was a broad peak associated with charge
similar arguments, heating was ruled out as a cause of this effect transfer between Co and Fe ions, both at octahedral (B)

sites. With tetrahedral site symmetry Co absorbs strongly, photomagnetism in CoFe O . Sample heating following light
but the same transition is much weaker for crystals where it absorption cannot explain the results. A significant decrease in
has octahedral site symmetry. It is strictly forbidden with a coercivity under illumination is observed up to 170K, above
center of inversion, but disorder in the second nearest neighbor which diminishes, though a small effect persists to room
arrangement reduces the symmetry [10], since B sites may be temperature. The temperature 170K may be associated with a
occupied by either Fe or Co . Higher energy transitions at ferromagnetic–superparamagnetic phase transition or it may
roughly 3–3.5 eV were assigned to crystal field absorption of be related to a metal-insulator transition. Further experiments
Fe [9] and there is another crystal field transition of Co at are needed to determine which mechanism dominates, and
0.86 eV [8]. Because the energy difference between Co and therefore to focus attempts to find materials with a usable
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