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Eddy S. Soedjono, Nurina Fitriani, Rifda Rahman, Intan Permata L.P, I Made Wahyu Wijaya
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Until 2013, poor sanitation is still a crucial issue for Indonesian. It impacts on the public healthy
especially disease and economic losses reach USD 6,3 billion per annum or about 2,3% from
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Various approach methods have been done, such as through
regulation. The one is contained in RPJMN 2010 2014 in the level priority of national
program about health. It saids that good sanitation access would be provided for 75% of the
population before 2014. Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang)
Development Planning Forum is one of ways to preparate that such regulation in RPJMD. It
used as basic idea for preparing the Goverment Work Plans (RKP) for each year. That work
plan consist of governance for kind of sector such as infrastructure that related to sanitation.
Thus, we are going to apply bottom-up approach through musrenbang mechanism for achieving
good sanitation access. Generally, there are four steps in this research methodology, they are
collecting data, analysis data, confirmation, evaluation and intervention. The areal of study
represents the level of sanitation access, Bali province represents the best class, East Java
province in the average class dan Middle of Kalimantan province as the worst class.
Implementation of Musrenbang in level of East Java Province become a planning system which
is held after the Musrenbang region level. It is supposed to optimize the syncornization of
bottom-up level of governance. The proposals is forwarded to Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Daerah
(SKPD) to discuss and adjust related program with SKPD planning. Generally, the group
plenary is divided into 4 main fields, they are economic (group I), infrastructure and regional
development (group II), government, social, statistic and reporting (group III), and Non
Government Financing (group IV). Bali is a province which is in second place after Jakarta in
sanitation quality. Bali Province has a working group in sanitation to implement the sanitation
programs in central or local area. Generally, Musrenbang in Bali Province held on the end of
March or first week of April. The pre-Musrenbang in Bali Province is started on 2014 which
includes several activities, such as dialogue and discussion. In this part, some proposals are
submitted to central government and the others are submitted to province level government.
The pattern of Musrenbang and Pre-Musrenbang is similar with the pattern of Bappenas.
Karangasem is one of regency in Bali Province which is become the subject of this research.
Karangasem has a lot number of poor people and lacking of decent housing. In the field of
sanitation, Karangasem has communal wastewater treatment in some areas. In collaboration
with Bapedda, local government make campaign in all districts. In other side, regular social
gathering with latrine as the subject is regularly held by some society. This agenda is belong to
the Community Based Total Sanitation (STBM) which is regulated by the rule of Health
Ministry. In this case, the local government has role as facilitator. STBM in Karangasem held
in 52 villages and the result is 180 households got ODF status. This research is occurred in 2
year and in the 2nd year will continue to Middle of Kalimantan as the representative of worst
condition for good sanitation access.
Gelora Jelang T.M, Nurina Fitriani, dan Eddy S. Soedjono
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Communal wastewater treatment plan (WWTP) with piping system has been built by
local government in Gresik to achieve sanitation strategy in Gresik District at 2012-2016.
Gresik has seven communal wastewater treatment (WWTP), there are WWTP Bedilan, WWTP
Singosari 1, WWTP Roomo, WWTP Sidorukun, WWTP Karangturi, WWTP Singosari 2, dan
WWTP Singosari 3. The total users for the WWTP in Gresik is 457 households or 1876 people.
Based on field observation, indicates that the effluent from all WWTP still smells, it is because
of the vent is not quite high. Singosari 1 WWTP, Singosari 2 WWTP, and Roomo WWTP have
3 meters vent, but it did not found in Singosari 3 WWTP. Bedilan WWTP has 1 meters vent,
Karangturi WWTP has vent in every manhole. Therefore, the evaluation of WWTP is needed
to determine whether the program is appropriate with the targets. Generally, the efficiency of
BOD removal of whole WWTP between 79-96% and it has already met the design kriteria.
Unfortunetely, in WWTP Bedilan the removal of COD is 52,7% and did not met the design
criteria and the removal of oil and grease as well (the removal efficiency only up to 13%). Ratio
of BOD to COD for Singosari 1 WWTP, Bedilan WWTP, and Roomo WWTP are 0,55; 0,29;
0,27, respectively. Therefore, the wastewater can be processed biologically. One of the reason
was the understanding form the management of KPP duties and function low because it is due
to lack of sustainable socialization in management, so that the implementation is not optimal.
Each of WWTP was maintained by the community, it was known as KPP (groups of user and
maintainer). In operations and maintenance of WWTP, the involvement of women is very
important, because they are the main users of WWTP. Therefore, in the management of KPP,
at least 40% are women (National community empowerment program, 2013). The survey
results indicate that the percentage of women personnel management in KPP Bulan Barat and
KPP Tulus Ikhlas less than 40%. However, it has some operational problems due to less of
maintenance. Actually, KPP has organizational structure and also ita has 6 members (National
Community Empowerment Program, 2013). The formation of KPP organizational structure
conducted when coomunal WWTP community users meeting, thus it was determined by the
head of urban village. The number of personil in Roomo WWTP and Bedilan WWTP still
under the KPP provisions based on required in ministry of Public Works. The division each
person in charge appropriate with the responsibility can avoid the overlap work, thus each
personnel can collaborate and make KPP work optimally.

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