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Headache Disability.

The following questions try to assess how much the headaches are affecting day-to-day activity. Your
answers should be based on the last three months. There are no right or wrong answers so please put
down your best guess.

1. How many full school days of school were missed in the last 3 _________
months due to headaches?

2. How many partial days of school were missed in the last 3 months
due to headaches (do not include full days counted in the _________
first question)?

3. How many days in the last 3 months did you function at less than
half your ability in school because of a headache (do not
include days counted in the first two questions)? _________

4. How many days were you not able to do things at home (i.e.,
chores, homework, etc.) due to a headache? _________

5. How many days did you not participate in other activities due to
headaches (i.e., play, go out, sports, etc.)? _________

6. How many days did you participate in these activities, but

functioned at less than half your ability (do not include _________
days counted in the 5th question)?

Total PedMIDAS Score _________

Headache Frequency _________

Headache Severity _________

2001, Childrens Hospital Medical Center

All Rights Reserved

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